Category Archives: Bed Bugs United States

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5 Best Bed Bug Mattress Covers – Oct. 2022 – BestReviews

Far too many people believe that when you get bed bugs, your only solution is to get rid of your mattress and box springs. That is a false rumor fueled by panic and hysteria. The truth is simpler and cheaper.

When a pest-control company treats your house for bed bugs with modern pesticides, it can take six to eight weeks to eliminate them. During that time, you dont want to get bitten, but you dont need to throw away your mattresses, either. The solution is a mattress cover that seals the bed bugs inside and prevents them from escaping the pesticides that were put on your mattress and box springs to kill them.

Whether youre dealing with a bed bug infestation or just want to take a proactive stance against them, weve got the information you need to find a great bed bug mattress cover that will give you peace of mind.

The only mattress protection that keeps out bed bugs is a true mattress encasement that completely encloses the entire mattress top, bottom, and the four sides. Any other mattress cover is only for spills or dust mites. For bed bugs, you need six-sided protection.

The only mattress protection that keeps out bed bugs is a true mattress encasement that completely encloses the entire mattress top, bottom, and the four sides. Any other mattress cover is only for spills or dust mites. For bed bugs, you need six-sided protection.

Installing a mattress cover means putting the entire mattress inside the mattress cover and zipping it closed. This is why mattress covers are sometimes called mattress encasements. Queen, king, and California king mattresses are quite heavy. Putting a mattress cover on one of those is a two- or three-person job. Be prepared for that.

Stretchable fabrics will ensure a tighter fit that wont move or rumple beneath you when youre sleeping. Due to the plastic used in their construction, mattress covers dont always stretch. The ones that do will note that in the description.

"Bed bugs are white when they are young. They only gain their red color after feeding on blood."



There is no state or federal regulation defining what hypoallergenic is or means. According to the best medical practices, it means a fabric or substance that wont cause or trigger allergies. Mattress covers use a wide variety of fabrics and materials to meet this definition. The most common material is plastic or another synthetic material. Tightly woven fabrics, such as cotton that prevents dust mites from penetrating the weave, are considered hypoallergenic. Dust mites are smaller than bed bugs, so any mattress cover that is hypoallergenic will prevent the bed bugs from moving through the material.

The weak point in any mattress cover is the zipper specifically the endpoint of the zipper. If there is going to be any gap, that is where it will be. To compensate, manufacturers will put Velcro or some other cover over the end of the zipper when it closes.

Plastic sheets or covers make noise when you lie on them or toss and turn during the night. Because mattress covers are designed to address a wide range of issues over and above just bed bugs, many of them will be made of plastic or have plastic undercoating. Some dont have any plastic, relying instead on a fine weave to stop the bed bugs from passing through.

Any mattress cover that relies on plastic to stop bed bug movement or catch spills is going to be hotter to sleep on than non-plastic ones. Manufacturers will put terry cloth or some other fabric on top of the plastic to let it breathe and stay cool, but heat will always be an issue when plastic is involved.

Its important to be able to clean the mattress cover on a regular basis. Some old mattress covers cant be machine washed because of the plastic in them; they must be dry cleaned. Some have plastic that can be machine washed and hung out to dry or dried on very low heat. Pay close attention to the cleaning instructions in order to extend the life of your mattress cover.

Did you know?

Bed bugs can survive for six or eight months without feeding.



Inexpensive: Low-priced mattress covers between $20 and $30 usually have five-year limited warranties or highly restrictive guarantees. They are made of plastic, PVC, and other synthetic materials that are very waterproof but also make a lot of crinkling noises. There will be some heat issues to deal with, too.

Mid-range: A mattress cover in the medium price range between $30 and $45 will have less plastic and crinkle to it. Water-resistant materials, such as tightly woven polyester, are common, as are ten-year warranties. These mattress covers will make an effort to address the heat issues.

Expensive: Most mattress covers above $45 have a ten-year warranty and a high thread count to help prevent bed bug penetration. These products tend to be quiet and cool.

Pull the mattress halfway off the bed to begin putting the mattress cover on the end of it. Once the cover has been pulled all the way on, tilt the mattress up so it is standing on the floor, and pull the mattress cover over the rest of the mattress.

Dont close the zippers until the mattress cover is completely on the mattress. Check it for pulls or wrinkles. Once it is smooth and flat on the mattress, then you can close the zippers.

Use a mattress cover on the box springs as well as the mattress. Bed bugs often live in the box springs before they start living in the mattress.

Prior to installing the mattress covers, make sure the mattress and box springs have been treated with a bed bug insecticide and an IGR (insect growth regulator). Make sure your pest control company has used both. The mattress cover will then trap them inside with the pesticides.

Other mattress covers we looked at include the HOSPITOLOGY PRODUCTS Sleep Defense System, which is specifically billed as a mattress encasement. It has an extra-soft polyester knit covering a polyurethane waterproof layer. One nice feature we liked was the zippers on three sides.

Another product we appreciated was the PlushDeluxe Premium Zippered Mattress Encasement. This product is also specifically called an encasement as opposed to a cover. It is advertised as being free of vinyl, PVC, and phthalate. It has a terry cloth exterior.

Q. Do bed bugs live in the mattress?

A. This is a common misunderstanding. Bed bugs will live or nest in mattresses mainly in the later stages of an infestation when population pressure begins forcing them out of their normal habitat. They like to live within 10 to 15 feet of their food source (you), so they will nest behind the baseboards at the head of the bed, around the cracks and crevices near the foot of the bed, or within bedside tables. They also frequent windows and window shades and headboards, footboards, and box springs. Only after their population grows will they begin living in the seams of the mattress.

Q. Can mattress encasements be dried in the dryer?

A. The only good answer is, Yes, but ... Yes, you can dry them in the dryer, but you should only dry them on low heat or the gentle cycle. The tumbling action is hard on them regardless of which cycle you use, so the best solution is to hang them from a clothesline outside.

Q. What is the difference between a mattress cover and a mattress encasement?

A. That depends on the manufacturer. A mattress encasement always means a zippered bag that covers the entire mattress on the top, bottom, and sides. When the zipper is closed, it completely seals off the mattress. A mattress cover can be the same thing, or it can simply be a covering for the top of the mattress to prevent leaks or spills from soaking the mattress. Read the fine print to be sure.

Q. What diseases do bed bugs carry?

A. Bed bugs arent known to be vectors for any diseases at all. Their bites are painless when they bite you, but after you wake up, they may begin itching. Bed bugs are unpleasant and icky, but they are not a direct danger to human health.

Original post:
5 Best Bed Bug Mattress Covers - Oct. 2022 - BestReviews

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What Attracts Bed Bugs Into Your Home? | Food, Perfume, Urine?

Many people believe that bed bugs can only infest a dirty, unkempt household

but this is NOT the case.

Bed bugs can infest any environment.

It doesnt make a difference whether the residence is state of the art or in a state of decay, bed bugs will come as long as theres sufficient food available.

We know this because there are plenty of cases of bed bugs infesting run-down apartments along with 5-star hotels.

The reason infestations are more common in dirtier residences is because clutter and neglect can cause property owners or tenants to identify an infestation less quickly.

Allowing it to spread rapidly and easily.

Bed bugs are attracted to human blood like mosquitoes and other similar insects.

But unlike other insects

They cannot fly or jump.

They are also unable to live 24/7 on their hosts to get a full meal (unlike ticks).

Because of this bed bugs only feed strategically while their hosts are asleep.

When bed bugs are young, its hard to see them because of their small size and pale color.

But when they become adults you should be able to spot them more easily

In fact, to those who are observant..

Bed bugs are visible to the naked eye.

Unless theyre in a cluttered environment that makes them difficult to locate.

Keep in mind that it isnt the clutter itself that will attract bed bugs, but certain other factors.

The main cause of bed bugs is an overall lack of awareness.

So its important to educate yourself and know what to look for. This includes:

How to spot bed bugs before they can spread

The right steps to prevent the specific causes of bed bugs

And how to kill bed bugs

Because if youre stuck with a severe bed bug problem:

It will turn your life upside down.

So dont sit there and let bed bugs take over your home. If you spot even one bed bug, its critical that you take immediate action.

We are bed bugs primary hosts.

(and main source of food)

So its no surprise that bed bugs appear all over the world, with reported cases in every state in America.

Although many believe that bed bugs mainly come from motels and hotels because of the volume of foot traffic in these locations..

(Note: If you have experienced bed bugs at a hotel. You may be eligible for financial compensation).

The fact is bed bugs can appear almost anywhere as they hitchhike from one place to another.

Some of the lesser talked about places where bed bugs are found include:

Wherever bed bugs are found, its likely you will unknowingly bring them home with you.

Its important to be mindful of the fact that certain foods attract common rodents and pests.

Mice and rats for example:

Are attracted by foods such as peanut butter, hot dogs, nuts, or dried fruit.

Insects like bed bugs on the other hand

Need ONLY warm-blooded creatures to survive.

Though there are cases where bed bugs feed on animals, for the most part, they stay strictly with humans.

This is why bed bugs are labeled as parasites. Which is an organism that depends on another species (a host) to survive.

So to answer this question.

Bed bugs are attracted by humans.

Specifically, by their body heat and from the carbon dioxide that humans exhale.

Blood makes up around 7% of the overall weight of a human being. So, if the average weight of an adult male is 180 pounds:

Thats just over 12 pounds of blood.

In other words

Humans are essentially an unlimited food source for these creatures.

There is a lot of talk out there about whether bed bugs are more attracted to certain types of blood.

Humans can have varying blood types like the following:

(A+ | A- | B+ | B- | O+ | O- | AB+ | AB-)

Currently, there are no credible scientific studies that indicate whether your blood type affects your propensity to be bitten by bed bugs.

Though there is talk out there about whether having a noticeable blood-alcohol level can deter bed bugs from biting you. According to a University of Nebraska-Lincoln study, bed bugs do prefer alcohol-free blood.

(Though we wouldnt recommend drinking consistently to avoid being bitten).

At the end of the day You shouldnt worry about how your blood type will affect your likelihood of being bitten and experiencing symptoms.

Though it is true that bed bugs might be attracted to certain people over others.

Even if its not likely due to blood type

But instead bed bugs might be more attracted to you because of the following:

First of all, we should note that cleaning chemicals do not attract or deter bed bugs.

From what we know, there is NO evidence that suggests products you use regularly in your home.

Such as:

Would have any real effect in attracting these pests.

Bed bugs, however, are attracted to a chemical called histamine, according to Dr. Regine Greis (who is famous for letting bed bugs bite her over 180,000 times).

Histamine, will build up on the skin and feces of bed bugs to alert their friends of safe locations to come feed.

Researchers discovered that this is a common way that these insects communicate.

(Through the build-up of Histamine)

This pheromone causes issue with infestations that are facing neglect. When not dealt with, the build up of Histamine will cause the infestation to snowball.

Do Bed Bugs Like Perfume?

As mentioned above, there are no household products that will specifically attract bed bugs.

Therefore, strong scents such as perfume will have no effect on an existing or future bed bug infestation.

Below are 5 things that people say attract bed bugs, and we will debunk whether they indeed attract bed bugs or not.

This is a myth.

Bed bugs are famous for their ability to go unseen for long periods of time.

So, you might be concerned whether bed bugs like to hide in wood.

Though these insects like to hide in cracks/crevices

(Which could exist in wood)

Theyre not going to especially seek it out.

Therefore, discarding wood furniture will have no effect on your homes vulnerability to an infestation.

This is a myth.

Its embarrassing to think about this, but its common sense.

If bed bugs feed on blood

Are you at greater risk to being bitten when on your period?

The key here is that its not the scent of blood that attracts bed bugs. Its the CO2 and body heat from the host.

So the answer to this is NO.

Bed bugs are not more attracted to someone on their period and they have no way to even sense that.

This is a myth.

There is little evidence showing that urine will attract bed bugs.

Yet why is this a common misconception?

Here is the thought process:

This is a myth.

Though certain scents will attract bed bugs, those smells do not come from the cleaning chemicals in your closet.

Products like ammonia, bleach, laundry detergent, Windex, dishwasher detergent, etc. will not attract bed bugs.

There is one chemical, histamine, that does in fact attract bed bugs, though it is not found in common household products.

This is a fact.

According to the Journal of Medical Entomology, researchers found that bed bugs are actually attracted to certain colors more than others.

In this study it concludes that the following colors can trigger bed bugs:

Top colors that attract bed bugs = Black, Brown, Red

Top colors that deter bed bugs = Yellow, White, Green

So when it comes to bedsheets, there are certain darker colors that may attract bed bugs.

Though keep in mind that simply changing the color of your sheets is not going to remove or prevent an infestation from happening.

Read more from the original source:
What Attracts Bed Bugs Into Your Home? | Food, Perfume, Urine?

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How Fast Do Bed Bugs Spread | Terminix

Contrary to what you may think, bed bugs dont have a preference between a spotless space or a filthy environment. As long as they have access to a food source, they can live anywhere, so claims that bed bugs are attracted to dirt and debris are simply unfounded. That being said, clutter does make it easier for these insects to hide, which may fuel the misconceptions. Their ideal environment is warm and provides access to a blood meal. Given those conditions, you may be wondering how fast bed bugs spread? Lets look at some of their travel habits and what you need to know about how quickly they can make themselves at home.

There's no escaping them. Bed bugs can be found in all 50 states, warns Oregon State University. And the news gets worse: Not only are bed bugs present everywhere, but the university's researchers warn that these pests "are on the rise...and not just in unsanitary locations."

Contrary to what you may think, bed bugs don't have a preference between a spotless space or a filthy environment. As long as they have access to a food source, they can live anywhere! Claims that bed bugs are attracted to dirt and debris are simply unfounded and misleading. That being said, clutter does make it easier for these insects to hide, which may fuel such misconceptions. Their ideal environment is warm and provides them with access to a human blood meal.

Given those conditions, you may be wondering how fast bed bugs spread? Let's look at some of their travel habits and what you need to know about how quickly they can make themselves at home.

Bed bugs spread so easily and so quickly, that the University of Kentucky's entomology department notes that "it often seems that bed bugs arise from nowhere."

Bed bugs don't have wings, but they spread quickly by hitchhiking and are agile and fast-moving once they're in your home. Typically, you pick up one or more of these unwanted hitchhikers when you visit a home or hotel that already has a bed bug infestation. The bed bugs hide themselves in your clothing, luggage, furniture and other items, and you inadvertently introduce them to your own house when you return home.

"Once bed bugs are introduced, they can crawl from room to room, or floor to floor via cracks and openings in walls, floors and ceilings," warns researchers at the University of Kentucky.

Bedare typically only found within about 8 feet of a person's resting space. However, what's more concerning is the distance that bed bugs spread from one infestation site to another. This distance is almost limitless due to the ability of bed bugs to survive without food for extended periods of time.

Research shows that adult bed bugs can survive for over a year without food. This means that the pests can hide on furniture, used items, clothing, footwear, luggage and other materials you've brought. They can then wait until they've traveled great distances, only to be unpacked and brought into a new home with a fresh supply of food (i.e., you and your family).

Ultimately, it can take mere minutes to travel from room-to-room, with infestations growing in a matter of weeks or months. Every day, bed bugs can lay between one and 12 eggs, and anywhere from 200 to 500 eggs in a lifetime. Those numbers should speak for themselves if you're wondering how long it takes to get an infestation of bed bugs and how quickly those bed bugs can spread. It doesn't take long for a problem to grow out of control, so the sooner you contact a pest control professional for inspection and treatment, the better off you'll be.

Bed bugs need to take blood meals from warm-blooded hosts preferably humans to survive, and they'll hide near their sources until ready to feed. How fast bed bugs spread from room to room depends partly on how long it takes to move an infested piece of furniture, clothing, luggage and/or another household item from one room to another. They can also move throughout the house in search of other hosts. If the conditions are favorable, they'll continue breeding wherever the item (or items) is moved.

The rate of how quickly bed bugs spread from house-to-house increases the more time you spend traveling or inviting people over to your home. Bed bugs are great hitchhikers, and hotels, hostels, airplanes, cruise ships and public transportation are ideal places to pick up these uninvited guests.

Bed bugs need blood meals to survive as well as to breed, but they don't physically live on human hosts. In fact, how bed bugs spread from person-to-person really doesn't have anything to do with people themselves but rather, the movement of infested items. For example, house guests could unknowingly bring them into your home from their travels and kids could bring them back on their backpacks after attending school.

Bed bugs are opportunistic, hiding and waiting until it's convenient to feed. And if their areas are disturbed, they'll find a way to move to a neighboring location, which can make the situation much more difficult to inspect and treat. Contact a Terminix bed bug control professional to get professional help in stopping the spread of bed bugs in your home.

Stopping the spread of bed bugs is all about slowing and preventing the transmission of these pests as they migrate from location to location.

First, always inspect anything that you're bringing into your home, especially if it's items from another household (e.g., used books, used clothing, used furniture, used children's toys, etc.) or if it's your own items that you used and stored in a hotel room, airplane, train, cruise ship, etc. Signs of bed bugs you should look for include:

If you notice any signs of bed bugs on your possessions, isolate the items and treat them for bed bugs before you bring them into your house.

If you're trying to stop the spread of bed bugs in the midst of an ongoing, current bed bug infestation, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says the following strategies are the most effective for keeping an infestation from spreading:

A bed bug infestation needs immediate professional treatment and control to keep these resilient pests from spreading throughout your entire home. Even one single missed bed bug can lead to a re-infestation if you are not careful.

At Terminix, we can help provide on-site inspections and put together a bed bug treatment plan tailored to the severity of your problem, the layout of your home and your personal lifestyle needs and preferences. Contact Terminix's bed bug professionals today!

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How Fast Do Bed Bugs Spread | Terminix

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Free Bed Bug Lease Addendum Template – PDF eForms

Updated August 01, 2022

A bedbug lease addendum is a form that informs a tenant that there is not a bed bug infestation on the premises of a dwelling. Due to the difficulty in exterminating this type of bug, the states of Arizona, California, and Maine have made it a requirement that the landlord has to provide a history of any bed bug infestation. The only full-proof way the tenant can ensure that bed bugs do not exist on the property is to have an exterminator visit the property and conduct any necessary tests.

Required Arizona, California, Maine, and New York City.

1 Obtain A Copy Of The Arizona Bed Bug Lease Addendum

You may view and save a copy of this information packet by clicking this link then saving it to your machine: Arizona Bed Bug Lease Addendum.

2 Provide A Copy To Each Signature Party

Once you have saved this file to your machine, open it. You will need to print it then attach it to the lease. Make sure to print enough copies so that each signed Lease Agreement being dispensed has its own pamphlet. Allow ample time for each Signature Party (Owner/Landlord/Agent and Tenant) to review the information on this attachment thoroughly before signing the attached Lease Agreement.

1 Gain A Copy Of This Template To Provide A Bedbug Addendum

The paperwork on this page can be downloaded through the link here: California Bed Bug Lease Addendum. You may download any file version you wish at your discretion, then open it to fill in the information relevant to the

2 The Parties And The Concerned Rental Unit SHould Be Identified

The paragraph opening this document will seek to positively identify the Owner, Landlord, or Agent and the Tenant. It will also seek to attach each of these entities to the Rental Property. Start by recording the Execution Date of the Lease Agreement this paperwork will be attached to on the blank space after the words Part Of The Rental Agreement Dated. The next blank line in this paragraph requires the Full Name of the Owner, Landlord, or Agent supplied to the second blank line. Supply the Tenant or Residents Full Name to the third blank space. The next few spaces following the terms For The Premises Located At, Unit Number, and City Of to present the Full Street Address where the Rental Property being leased can be physically found.

3 The Resident Must Verify This Document By Initialing It

The next two bullet statements will need to be initialed by each Tenant or Resident that has signed the lease. These statements will verify that no bedbugs have been found during the Tenants inspection of the Premises and Tenant Possessions. Each Tenant/Resident must initial one of the blank lines labeled Resident Initials. Three such areas have been presented however if there are more than three Tenants make sure they initial this section as well.

4 The Parties Involved With This Addendum Must Sign This Document

The end of this document will contain the statement beginning with the words By Signing Below Here, each Resident and the Owner, Landlord, or Agent must furnish a Dated Signature after reading this document. Two blank lines labeled Resident have been presented so the Tenant or Resident may supply this required signature. After signing his or her Name, each Tenant or Resident will also need to enter the Date when he or she signs it. If there are more than two Tenants on this lease you may use a compatible program to add more Signature Lines or attach a clearly labeled document with the rest of the Tenant Signature. Once all the Tenants have signed this document, it should be surrendered to the Landlord, Owner, or Agent. He or she must sign the blank space labeled Owner/Agent then fill in the Date this signature was produced.

1 Download And Fill Out This Template To Supply A Bedbug Disclosure In Maine

The Disclosure Template can be opened then saved to your computer by clicking this link: Maine Bedbug Infestation Disclosure. If you have an editing program compatible with this file version, you may use it to enter information directly onscreen Otherwise you may fill out this form manually so long as it is legible and in blue or black ink.

2 Several Facts Relevant To This Disclosure Must Be Set

The first few blank lines of this template will require some specific information that should be easily located on the lease. Make sure to transcribe this information so that it is identical to that reported on the lease this document will accompany. Fill in the Landlords Full Name in the first blank space. The second blank line, labeled Tenants Name, must have the Name of the Tenant displayed on it. Finally, present the Street Address of the leased property on the two blank lines after the words Address Of Rental Unit. This should be where the leased unit can be physically accessed.

3 Some Tenant Information Must Be Presented

This disclosure will serve to document the lack of any bedbug infestations in the leased unit and adjacent units. In addition, it will serve as proof that the Tenant has not had or dealt with an infestation in his or her last residence in the last 12 months. Use the blank lines after the phrase All Places Where Tenant Has Resided to record the Physical Address of each place the Tenant has lived in the past 12 months.

4 A Signature Verification From The Property Manager And Tenant Is Required

The Property Manager (or Landlord) must supply the Date he or she is signing this document on the blank line labeled Date. Then, he or she must sign the blank line labeled Property Manager/Landlord to show that the contents of this document are true. Each Tenant signing the lease agreement must also read and sign this form. First, he or she must locate the Tenant Signature area below the Landlords Signature then report the Date he or she will sign this paperwork. Once this Date has been supplied, the Tenant must sign his or her Name on the line labeled Tenant. Enough space for two tenants has been supplied here however if there are more than two Signature Tenants on the list each one will have to sign this document. This can either be done on a labeled attachment or by simply adding an extra line on this form for the additional Tenant(s) to Date and Sign.

1 The New York Bedbug Disclosure Is Accessible Here

The required disclosure notice should be saved to your machine by clicking here: New York City Bed Bug Lease Addendum. When you are ready to fill it out, open it on your machine and simply enter the information requested on screen or, if you do not have a compatible editing program, you may print this file then fill it out on paper.

2 Identify Several Facts Regarding The Lease Agreement

Locate the line labeled Name Of Tenant(s) then present the Full Name of each Tenant who has signed the Lease. The Street Address of the leased property should be furnished to the line Subject Premises. If this property has a Unit or Apartment Number, supply this to the blank line Apt. #. The Lease Date should be produced on the blank space labeled Date Of Vacancy Lease.

3 The Landlord Must Disclose The Bedbug Status Of The Premises

Next, at least one of the checkbox statements in the Bedbug Infestation History. Read through each statement on this list and mark the checkbox to the left of any sentence that is accurate. If it requires more information, you must supply it. If There Is No History Of Any Bedbug Infestation in any part of the building where the rental property is located then mark the first checkbox. Mark the second checkbox if there has been a Bedbug Infestation in the building and report what floor or floors this infestation was found on the blank line provided. This statement should only be marked if this is the case and Eradication Measures have been taken. The third check box statement should be marked if a Bedbug Infestation has been found in the building and no effort to eradicate the infestation has been taken. If this statement has been selected then report the Floor where this infestation was found on the blank line preceding the word Floor(s) If the rental has had a Bedbug Infestation in the past year and measures to exterminate the infestation have been taken, this must be disclosed to the Tenant by marking the fourth check box. In the event, the Rental Unit has had a Bedbug Infestation in the past year and no attempt of extermination has been taken then mark the fifth check box. If information regarding a Bedbug Infestation must be provided to the Tenant and has not been described in the previous statements, then mark the Other check box then, present a report with this information on the blank line provided.

4 The Tenant And Landlord Must Each Present A Signature To Authenticate This Document

This disclosure must be signed by the Tenant and Owner/Agent so that it may be verified as delivered and its contents accurate. Each Tenant should sign the Signature Of Tenant(s) then fill in the Date of his or her Signing on the Dated line. The Owner or Agent must also sign this disclosure once it has been completed. He or she should sign the line Signature Of Owner/Agent then present the Date of Signature on the Dated line.

See the original post here:
Free Bed Bug Lease Addendum Template - PDF eForms

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Bed Bugs: Facts, Information and Pictures | Terminix

Bed bugs get their name from their favorite feeding ground: You, in your own bed. These blood-suckers live in or near beds or other textiles, crawling up to bite you as you sleep, sometimes leaving you with itchy red marks or welts. Under optimal conditions, bed bugs can double their population every 16 days. But what exactly are bed bugs? How do you identify them, where do they live, and what should you do if you suspect your home might be infested? Read on to learn more.

Bed bugs are small, parasitic insects that feed on human blood, usually at night. They can be found in nearly every corner of the world. The common bed bug is the most widespread species, though there are a few other species that can be found in certain parts of the world. The common bed bug is the one you would most likely find in your home if you live in the United States.

Reports of these pests have been on the rise in recent decades. Bed bugs also tend to spread quickly from place to place, which makes them bad news for just about everybody. Schools, hotels, movie theaters and other structures have been shut down because of bed bug infestations.

If you think you may have bed bugs in your home, it's important to be able to identify them. Bed bugs look different at different stages of their life cycle, but they tend to be from one to three millimeters long. Adult bed bugs are oval shaped and brown or reddish brown in color. They are also very thin and flat, which makes it easy for them to squeeze in tight places. After feeding, however, their bodies get longer and more red in color.

In their nymph stage, bed bugs may be tan, white, yellowish or nearly transparent, and will be much smaller than adults. Bed bugs feed on blood at all stages of their life.

If you wake up in the morning with itchy, red bites on your body, this may be one of the signs that you've been bitten by bed bugs. It's important to note, though, that not all people react to bed bug bites, so you may have bed bugs even if you don't notice you've been bitten. However, there are some telltale signs of bed bug bites that may tip you off to having been bitten.

For many people, though, bed bug bites look like small, raised, red welts, and they often appear in lines or clusters. They are much smaller than mosquito bites, but are often quite itchy.

Are bed bugs dangerous? Bed bug bites are annoying, but luckily, these pests aren't known to carry disease like mosquitoes and other parasites do. However, some people may have severe allergic reactions to bites, or scratching bed bug bites may lead to skin infections, according to the CDC.

Knowing more about bed bug behavior and these creatures' habits can help you learn more about how to prevent them and protect yourself from an infestation. In this section, we'll look at how and when they feed, and their life cycle.

Bed bugs will feed on any warm-blooded mammal. It's easier for them to bite humans, though, as we are not covered in thick fur like pets. Bed bugs tend to feed while we are asleep and are attracted to bodily warmth and the carbon dioxide humans exhale. This attracts them to a reliable source of blood so they can feed.

Bed bugs can feed as often as once a day and need to feed before molting. It only takes them a few minutes to feed before they go back into hiding for the rest of the night.

Nymph and adult bed bugs derive their food source from the blood of animals, including humans. A bed bug's life begins with a five-stage growth cycle to adulthood over about 37 days.

As adults, they can live for about a year, depending on their access to food and the ambient temperature. An adult female bed bug can lay roughly 113 eggs in her lifetime. At this rate, bed bug populations can double every 16 days. With thousands of bed bugs in one location, infestations take hold quickly.

Here's a little more about the life cycle of a bed bug:

Bed bug nymphs are tiny -- only around a millimeter long. They are usually whitish in color, but are ready to feed as soon as they hatch.

In this stage, the bug grows a little and starts to darken in color. While they're still tiny, they are about to shed their skin and grow again.

In this stage, just as in previous stages, the bug has grown a little more, reaching about three millimeters in length.

The bug continues to grow, feed and shed its skin. It has nearly reached maturity.

In this stage, the bug is nearly full grown and must feed and shed its skin once more before adulthood.

In just over a month, the bug has gone from an egg to an adult. It is now ready to mate and create potentially hundreds more bugs in your home.

After the male and female bed bugs mate, the female requires a blood meal to produce eggs. The female bed bug typically produces between 5 and 20 eggs per blood meal. Most of the eggs hatch and mature in 37 days. Because they can store fertilized eggs for some time, female bed bugs can reproduce even when apart from males.

Because they reproduce so quickly, bed bug infestations can spread rapidly, especially in homes with shared walls like apartments or townhomes. They can climb through tiny cracks and will stay hidden until they're ready to feed.

Bed bugs are also notorious hitchhikers. They will cling onto your clothes, shoes or luggage when you travel, and will set up a nest wherever they happen to land. This is why they can be such a problem in hotels, office buildings, schools and other public places.

Bed bugs are attracted to humans due to the carbon dioxide they exhale, along with other chemical cues released while we are sleeping. These pests have one mission - to feed on your blood. Bed bugs do not prefer dirty homes over clean homes. They don't care about where they nest, as long as they have access to a regular supply of blood.

If you live in an apartment or in a housing unit that shares walls with another unit, you may be more at risk for bed bugs. Because bed bugs will crawl to find more human hosts when their nest grows, high density residences and frequently traveled places like hotels and taxis become bed bug transportation stations. Buying used furniture is another way to acquire bed bugs at home.

The best way to reduce your bed bug risk is to carefully check for them when you are changing your bed, returning home with luggage and buying used items. Examine these items outside before bringing them into your home.

Bed bugs like to cluster together near their human host's bed, so they don't have to travel far to their next feeding. It can get crowded quickly there, so bed bugs may hide in extremely tight places nearby, which makes them difficult to get rid of.

If you miss the bugs hiding in nearby furnishings, carpet edges, or even wallpaper, these outliers can reestablish their home in your bed in a matter of weeks. Bed bugs can be a nightmare to treat, especially if you try to do it yourself.

Common places bed bugs hide include electrical sockets, bed frames, mattresses, between couch cushions, in the zippers of pillows and anywhere they aren't often disturbed. They quickly scurry out of that hiding place once every few days to feed, and then they hide away until they're hungry again.

There are a few common signs that you may have bed bugs in your home. Of course, as mentioned above, bites are a big warning that you may be housing an infestation.

You can also look for dark stains on your bedsheets, which may be bed bug feces. You can also be on the lookout for bloodstains on your sheets or clothing. Bed bug eggs, shells, and live bed bugs are less commonly seen, but can also be sure signs that you have a problem.

Because they are so small and difficult to spot, bed bugs can be difficult to get rid of. If you think you have bed bugs in your home, it's important to call a bed bug control professional. When you call Terminix for a free inspection, a pro will first confirm whether you have bed bugs by identifying a sample. Then they'll be able to discover the extent of the infestation, and provide you with customized treatment options to help take care of your bed bug problem. Call Terminix today for a free inspection.

Probably not, but these facts about bed bugs will dispel common myths and might actually give you some comfort while you sleep tonight. At the very least, youll learn that there wont be any bed bugs flying over your pillow. Unfortunately, that doesnt mean they cant crawl.

If youve ever thought you might be able to starve bed bugs to death by not sleeping in an infested room for a while, you are out of luck. In some cases, bed bugs have been known to survive more than a year without a blood meal.

Bed bugs might be just as lazy as their name suggests. While they dont limit themselves to hiding in beds, they do limit the amount of exercise they are willing to commit to for the sake of a meal. Some bed bugs will travel up to 100 feet in search of a host, but on average, most bed bugs wont travel more than 30 feet.

Perhaps part of the reason that bed bugs prefer not to travel has to do with their speed. Bed bugs can only move about 3 to 4 feet per minute. On a flat surface without any obstacles in the way, it would take a bed bug almost an entire day to move just 1 mile.

Among all of these other facts about bed bugs, this one might be especially comforting. Bed bugs dont have any hind wings and their front wings are no more than wing-like pads. As such, they are unable to fly. They also dont jump.

If you are suspicious about a small piece of furniture in your home containing bed bugs, place it in the bathtub until you have a chance to inspect and clean it. Just make sure the bathtub is clean. While bed bugs are hopeless against a perfectly smooth surface, they can sometimes use the dirt on an otherwise slippery side, in order to escape.

The idea of basking in the hot sand all day would not be particularly attractive to a bed bug. In fact, in temperatures over 110 degrees Fahrenheit, bed bugs cant live for more than three or four hours.

You are likely to be haunted by any insect that sneaks up on you at night, but bed bugs can have a particularly ghost-like appearance. A newly matured, nymph bed bug, or one that hasnt fed for a very long time, will appear translucent. Bed bugs only gain color after they have had a blood meal. After its very first meal, a nymph bed bug will turn bright red.

After taking a break from tormenting the human population, bed bugs have made a major resurgence over that past few years. This has led to a number of lawsuits regarding bed bugs. One of the biggest payouts as a result of a bed bug lawsuit was more than $600,000.

If these facts about bed bugs havent exactly brought on the comfort of counting sheep, consider calling a pest management professional. Call Terminix today and you can schedule a free bed bug inspection. Or, you could just count the bed bugs until they put you to sleep. Sounds soothing, right?

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Bed Bugs: Facts, Information and Pictures | Terminix

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