Category Archives: Bed Bugs United States

  United States, Bed Bug Registry Map
  Monday 30th of September 2024 20:52 PM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Sample Bed Bug Notification Letter For Tenants

In collaboration with community partners, LCBH staff attorneys have prepared a sample bed bug infestation notice and instructions for use. Please read and understand the instructions prior to using this sample letter.

Under the Chicago Bed Bug Ordinance, a tenant who sees or suspects bed bugs in their unit must notify the landlord in writing, within 5 days.

The bed bug ordinance applies to all rental units.

You should copy/paste or re-type the letter and include the date, your name, the landlords name, etc. where indicated.

You should use the rent deduction section of this letter only if you live in a unit that is NOT excluded from the Chicago Residential Landlord and Tenant Ordinance (RLTO). Exclusions include:

If your unit is excluded from the RLTO, you cannot use the rent reduction section of the letter and may only use the bed bug portion of the letter. If you live in a unit that is funded by a subsidy you should consult with the subsidy provider before including the rent reduction portion of the letter.

If you are not sure whether you can reduce your rent contact an attorney at the Lawyers Committee for Better Housing, other legal aid agency, or the Metropolitan Tenants Organization.

You should consult with an attorney or an expert on rent reductions before deciding what amount to deduct. It is important to be conservative when deducting money from your rent because you may have to justify this amount before a judge in an eviction court case, and the outcome in any case is uncertain.

Additionally, it is a good idea that if you choose to deduct that you keep the money in an escrow account in the event that a judge orders you to pay the amount because you have deducted too much or cannot justify deduction.

The Bed Bug Ordinance also provides that tenants have an obligation to cooperate with the landlord to eradicate the bed bugs. This means you cannot interfere with any inspections. You must grant access, make necessary preparations, and dispose of any personal property that is untreatable (unless you live in an assisted living or shared housing establishment).

Once the letter is complete, deliver it to your landlord in person or mail it to the proper address.

Keep a dated copy of the letter for your records.

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Sample Bed Bug Notification Letter For Tenants

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How to Identify a Bed Bug Infestation (with Pictures) – wikiHow Life

Co-authored by:

MMPC, Pest Control Specialist

This article was co-authored by Kevin Carrillo. Kevin Carrillo is a Pest Control Specialist and the Senior Project Manager for MMPC, a pest control service and certified Minority-owned Business Enterprise (MBE) based in the New York City area. MMPC is certified by the industrys leading codes and practices, including the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), QualityPro, GreenPro, and The New York Pest Management Association (NYPMA). MMPC's work has been featured in CNN, NPR, and ABC News. This article has been viewed 637,762 times.

Co-authors: 27

Updated: November 6, 2019


If you can't find any bed bugs but you think you have an infestation, check for bite marks around your feet or ankles. Look for yellow egg shells and clear case skins near your mattress edges, and try to spot blood spots or dark fecal matter on your sheets or headboard. If you cant find these signs, but still think you might have an infestation, read on for more ways to identify bedbugs.

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How to Identify a Bed Bug Infestation (with Pictures) - wikiHow Life

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How To Get Rid of Bed Bugs – The Ultimate Guide for 2022

So, youve got bed bugs. Its OK. Bed bugs have been part of human society from the beginning.They have been found in Egyptian tombs and were mentioned in texts dating back to the time of Aristotle. However, in the fight against bed bugs, you have something that Aristotle didnt have the internet!Today, you can learn about bed bugs and the most effective treatment methods from experts in the pest management industry.Lets dive right inBed bugs have enjoyed a resurgence in recent years. Bed bugs were nearly eradicated in the United States due to the widespread use of pesticides such as DDT.Besides, general pest management practices have shifted to only using pesticides indoors only when necessary. In the past hotels would routinely treat guest rooms with pesticides, and this would prevent a bed bug infestation.Bed bugs have also become resistant to many of the pesticides they encounter in their travels. However, using scientific advancements and a biological understanding of bed bugs, it is possible to get rid of bed bugs and sleep peacefully again.In this guide, we will explore the best methods for getting rid of bed bugs. We will discuss why they are notoriously hard to get rid of and how long you should expect the extermination process to take.Now:There are many different treatment methods utilized to kill bed bugs and you can weigh the benefits and negatives of each method.We all want a healthy home for our family; with a little boost of knowledge, you can feel confident in the bed bug elimination method that you choose. Whether you are trying to get rid of bed bugs from a single-family residence, an apartment, or even a hotel or nursing home, with the treatment options available today, it is possible to get rid of bed bugs.How to Check for Bed Bugs

Do you wake up to mysterious bites on your shoulder or legs? Do you suddenly see reddish-brown spots on your sheets? If you suspect that bed bugs may be the cause, a thorough inspection and prompt treatment can be the difference between an introduction and a full-blown infestation. Finding and treating a minor bed bug infestation is less costly and simpler than dealing with a bed bug in every nook and cranny of your bedroom. However, a minor bed bug infestation can be hard to find. You need to know how to check for bedbugs.

Bed bugs are small, flat, oval-shaped insects. Adults are about the size and shape of an apple seed. Although they are not known to spread diseases, they crawl from their daytime hiding places to feed on resting humans. Bed bugs are small, but visible with the naked eye; an adult bed bug measures between 6 to 9.5mm. Bed bugs are usually brown in color, but after a fresh feeding, their body becomes swollen and more red. Like other insects, they have 6 legs and 2 antennae.

Bed bugs are excellent hitchhikers. They are often brought into your home in a purse, a bag, a backpack, or a suitcase. Bed bugs are most commonly found on and around the bed, but they can be located anywhere that has human contact for prolonged periods of time. Bed bugs can crawl into your bag on an airplane or train, while at the movie theater, or during a ride with a friend or rideshare service. You then bring your bed bug contaminated bag into your bedroom, and voila, the bed bug nightmare has begun.

Although they cannot fly or jump, bed bugs are capable walkers and climbers. They can easily climb the metal or wooden legs of furniture to access a blood meal if there is even a slight texture to the finish. Bed bugs have been observed to walk 3-4 feet per minute! They hide in tight harborages during the day, and happily travel between 5-20 feet from their hiding place to feed upon their host. They locate a potential host by homing in on the carbon dioxide exhaled when we breath and the heat that emanates from our bodies. Once they locate a potential host, bed bugs pierce the skin and feed for between 3-12 minutes.Most people do not wake up when bed bugs are in the act of feeding, and every person responds differently to a bite.

Bed bugs are so small and flat that they can hide anywhere that a credit card can fit. They are generally found close to the bed, where their food source is located, but as an infestation grows the prime hiding places become overcrowded and they expand their reach. When checking a room for bed bugs, carefully inspect cracks and crevices on or near the bed. Have a strong flashlight, a flat edged object like a paint scraper or credit card and perhaps a magnifying glass as well. To adequately check for bed bugs you may have to take apart the headboard or the bed frame.

When checking for bed bugs, look for every life stage. By locating and acknowledging the presence of eggs, immature bed bugs, and adults, you can gauge the severity of the infestation.

Some common bed bug hiding places include:

While checking your home for bed bugs it is important to determine the breadth of the infestation. Continue to check areas further away from the source of the infestation until you find no evidence of bed bugs. As you check your home for bed bugs, be sure not to cross-contaminate rooms and actually introduce bedbugs where they did not exist before. As you check your home for bed bugs, make notes of where and what you find. Save samples too. Larger specimens can be scooped up and placed in a ziplock bag. For smaller eggs and nymphs a piece of packing tape is great to stick it to the insects. Then place the tape in a ziplock bag to secure.

Now that you know how to check for bed bugs, test your skills the next time you check into a hotel room. Do this before you unpack any clothing and situate into the room. Lift the sheets and perform a cursory check of the mattress and bed frame. If you find any evidence of bed bugs, capture them and report the incident to management immediately.

If you think you may have bed bugs, call Nextgen Pest Solutions. Our professionals can thoroughly inspect your home for bed bugs and our treatments give you the peace of mind to rest easy again.

Cryonite is the brand name of the newest bed bug treatment. It uses special equipment to turn liquid carbon dioxide (CO2, one of the same elements we breathe in and out) into dry ice particles, similar to snow.

All of these benefits make bed bug freezing treatments better for residential properties, as well as many commercial properties. Only when a bed bug infestation is severe and in a small space that can be heated like a hotel room does a heat treatment make more sense.

Pay special attention to the legs, posts, any casters or wheels, and where these pieces connect. You may have to disassemble some pieces of furniture to thoroughly treat for bed bugs. Apply insecticide dust if you are able and place traps or monitors under the feet of any furniture.

Why is Cryonite is Better Than Heat for Your Bed Bug Treatment?Bed bugs are survivors. Once you have bed bugs, they are not easily removed, and cannot be eliminated with DIY methods alone.Even insecticides from professional pest control companies are not always enough to eliminate them. Bed bugs can build up a chemical resistance, making them immune to some of the common treatments. If bed bugs are well hidden, traditional treatments may not be able to reach them at all.Because bed bugs are do difficult to eliminate, pest control companies like Nextgen may choose to use treatments that involve temperature. Bed bugs cannot develop a resistance to heat or cold, making it an effective solution for both bed bugs and their eggs.At Nextgen Pest Solutions, we offer two types of temperature-based treatments for bed bugs:

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How To Get Rid of Bed Bugs - The Ultimate Guide for 2022

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How Long Can Bed Bugs Live In An Empty House? – Dominion Pest Control

When bed bugs infest your one and only home where you live, there is clearly an urgent need to get them removed right away. But what if they infest a property you own that youre not living in? Tempted to let the bed bugs die off on their own, you might be wondering, how long can bed bugs live in an empty house?

Bed bugs can live for as long as 4.5 months or more in an empty house before completely dying off. The two primary factors that determine how quickly or slowly the bed bugs could die off are the existence of a blood meal host, and the temperature of the house.

In most situations, even situations where a house is left unoccupied for extended periods of time, we still recommend exterminating bed bugs as quickly as possible to prevent a larger infestation and damage to furniture, and to ensure that they are gone for good.

Click below to request a bed bug consultation now. Or if youre daring enough to see if bed bugs will die off by themselves, keep reading to learn about this possibility.

If youve seen the damage that bed bugs can cause to bedding and furniture, you may be thinking that bed bugs feed on furniture, but thats not the case. Bed bugs survive on blood, and without access to a blood meal, they will eventually die.

If there was absolutely no host available from which to feed on their blood, a young bed bug could die as quickly as within several weeks, while an adult bed bug could survive as long as 4.5 months under optimal conditions of heat and humidity before dying of starvation1. They need humidity supplied by their blood meal in order to survive, and once that is utilized they will dry out and die.

Its also important to note that humans are not a bed bugs only source of food; bed bugs can also feed on rodents, pets, and other animals that may be living in the house too. So even if humans arent around, if there are animals in the house that the bed bugs can feed on, they could end up surviving well beyond the expected 4.5 months.

Another factor to consider is the temperature of the house. Bed bugs cannot survive for more than 3 weeks if the temperature is consistently below 25 degrees F, and theyll also die if exposed to temperatures above 113F for more than a week. So if the house coincidentally maintains those temperatures for long enough, it will kill the bed bugs. But keep in mind that if the temperature drops below 25 degrees at night but then rises above 30 degrees during the day (for example), bed bugs can still survive.

What all of this means is that if you simply vacate a home for a long period of time (even a year or more), you might still return to a bed bug infestation. The best course of action is to exterminate the bugs as quickly as possible. Click below to get started.

The most common places for bed bugs to hide are places where humans spend considerable amounts of time, such as couches, beds, and other furniture. So if there are any furniture items still remaining in the house, this would be the most likely place to check first.

If the house is completely empty, bed bugs could be hiding between cracks in the wall, they could be sneaking into small hideout areas in the gaps between light switch sockets and the wall, or they could be hiding behind loose trim or molding. If theres hardwood flooring in the house, the bugs could be hibernating between the cracks and possibly under the floorboards if theyre loose enough.

This is why its very important to use traps and lures to draw out bed bugs in vacant buildings. Without traps, bed bugs will likely find a good hiding spot and the treatment will be ineffective.

What this means is that its important to hire an experienced professional to remove bed bugs from an empty house instead of attempting treatment yourself.

The process of getting rid of bed bugs in an empty house is similar to getting rid of them in an occupied house, although it is a bit simpler and faster.

If theres any bedding, couches, or other furniture, remove any sheets, blankets, pillows, etc, and put them in large airtight bags or containers to transport them to the washer (so that the bed bugs dont spread through the hallways on your way to the washing machine). Then wash with hot water and dry with high heat.

Then follow our other recommendations for getting rid of bed bugs, including hiring a professional exterminator to ensure the bed bugs are eradicated as quickly as possible, and to make sure no bed bugs are left hiding in cracks or crevices in walls or flooring.

If youre in southern Pennsylvania, call us today at 717-393-7879 to get a free quote on bed bug removal. Were based in Lancaster PA and serve the surrounding areas including York, Harrisburg, Lebanon, and Hershey.

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How Long Can Bed Bugs Live In An Empty House? - Dominion Pest Control

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What to Do If You Find Bed Bugs In Your Hotel Room – Lifehacker

Photo: Akos Nagy (Shutterstock)

Nobody wants bed bugs. You do not want bed bugs. The hotel youre staying in does not want bed bugs, but its entirely possible that it has them. We have tips on how to check your hotel room for bed bugs, but what do you do if you actually find some? You do not want to risk bringing these guys home.

When you first enter your hotel room, do not flop your suitcase or yourself down on the bed. The same goes for the couch, or anything else upholstered. Roll your suitcase into the bathroom, and leave it there for now. You can set your purse down on the countertop or even a table, but to be totally honest, the safest place for all your stuff right now is the bathtub.

Bed bugs could be in any type of hotel, so dont assume that the hotel youre in is so nice or so clean that you dont need to check. The details on where to look, and what to look for, are here. In brief: pull up the bedsheets and mattress covers at the corners, and inspect for stains or gritty black or brown stuff.

Bed bugs live in dark crevices, out of sight, but they come out each night for blood meals (aka, you). They can hide in and around beds, so that includes headboards and picture frames; check around the edges of those, too. And despite the name, they can also live in non-bed furnishings, like couches. So check those places.

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If you find bed bug evidence on the mattress or elsewhere, take a minute to verify your suspicions. There are plenty of websites that will show you all the gory details of what a bed bug infestation looks like, so Ill spare you the visuals here. This FAQ from Reddits bedbug forum provides a good rundown of what youre looking for, and it also includes information on several lookalike species that are not bed bugs.

Because, honestly: a lot of people dont know what bed bugs look like. If you see a bug in your hotel room, its fair to suspect bed bugs, but make sure to verify your observation in case youve just happened upon an ant, a carpet beetle, or a roach. These guys may not be the best roommates, but they are nothing compared to the horror of possibly bringing home a bed bug infestation.

Now, just because you found ants or roaches, that does not mean that youre in the clear. You could have roaches and bedbugs. Just saying.

Alright, so youve found what youre pretty sure is bed bug evidence. The first thing I would do, after (or in the process of) identifying what Ive found, is to take clear photos, just in case these come in handy when making your complaint or asking corporate headquarters for a refund.

Next, your luggage! Is it in the bathtub? If so, its safe for now. If not, put it in the bathtub. Its possible for bed bugs to crawl into your bags and thereby hitch a ride home. If theres any chance that they snuck in while you werent looking (for example, if you dont find the bugs until after youve spent a few nights in the room), treat your suitcase as potentially contaminated until you can thoroughly clean it and everything in it. But thats for later.

Now, you have to figure out where youre spending the night, because ideally it will not be this bed bug-infested hotel room. Contact the front desk and explain the issue. Some states have laws requiring that any room with bed bugs have them exterminated before anybody can use the room again. You can reasonably expect the hotel to try to move you to a different room, or to let you cancel the reservation and go elsewhere.

If they do want to move you to a different room, ask for it to be as far away from the infested room as possible. A room right next door, or directly above or below, may be infested as well. Insist on inspecting the new room before you agree to stay there.

One more thing to do while youve got a hotel employee apologizing at you: Ask for garbage bags. If you did get some bed bugs in your suitcase, you dont want to bring them to your next accommodations. And if you didnt, you might be, understandably, extra paranoid about the possibility. Wrap your bags in plastic for the rest of your trip.

What if you have no other option, or you discovered the bugs after already spending a night in the cursed room? How bad is it to wake up with bed bug bites?

The good news is that bed bugs dont transmit diseases with their bites. They may be able to transmit Chagas disease through their feces, although the normal vector for that disease is bed bugs relative the kissing bug. What that means, for you: Dont scratch your bed bug bites until after youve washed the skin around them.

Okay, now time for the bad news. Bed bug bites are no fun. Most commonly, there will be several bites in clusters or in a row. They look a bit like mosquito bites, and they itch. You wont notice anything while youre being bitten, but you may find yourself itching the next day, or even a few days later.

If youve been bitten by a lot of bed bugs, you may be desensitized to them. Or maybe youre just luckypeoples reactions vary, and some people do not react at all.

If you need to stay in a place that may have bed bugs, get some plastic sheeting and place it on top of the bed, and dont allow it to touch the floor or any surroundings (pull the bed away from the headboard). You can put clean sheets on top of the plastic, but make sure your bedding doesnt touch the floor. Its relatively safe to sleep on a plastic-encased bed like this.

Alright, lets talk about that suitcase. Bed bugs may climb in it because theyre looking for a hiding place, but they may also be following the scent of your dirty laundry. If you cant manage to wrap your whole suitcase in plastic, at the very least bag up your laundry.

While youre still in the infested area, sort your laundry. Anything labeled dry clean only should skip the washer but is usually safe to go in the dryer. Sort the rest of your laundry the usual way, and plan to wash it using the hottest and harshest settings that wont destroy your clothes. If something can be washed in hot water, by golly, you will wash it in hot water. Seal up the laundry before you take it home or to the laundromat; if there are bugs in the bags, you dont want them crawling out.

At home, or at the next place you get the opportunity, empty everything out of your suitcase and vacuum the entire suitcase, inside and out, including all the pockets and nooks and crannies. Do this outdoors if you can, and seal up the debris when you take it out of the vacuum.

The University of Minnesota has a guide to laundering clothes to kill bed bugs. Pro tip: 30 minutes in the dryer, on high heat, will kill the bugs. You can use this treatment on clothes that dont need to be washed or that shouldnt get wet (like the dry-clean-only stuff).

Be careful about those bags, by the way. The guide has instructions on sealing up the empty, used bag so that any bugs inside wont be able to escape from the trash. And youll want to put your clothes immediately into clean bags (dont trust the folding table at the laundromat) and keep them sealed up until youre in a place that you know is bed bug-free.

Heres another small piece of good news: While it may be hard to find bed bugs, its pretty easy to kill them. They dont do well with extremes of temperature, so one way to kill them is to leave your belongings in a hot car or a garbage bag for a few days and let the summer sun bake them to death. (The University of Minnesota says the heat isnt reliable enough; the Texas A&M extension endorses the technique as long as you can get the contents of the bag up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit for an hour. I suspect this approach works better in Texas than in Minnesota.)

Freezing is also an option. To kill bed bugs, they must be below freezing temperatures for four days; consider using a thermometer to monitor the process, especially for large items where the surface might be cold but the inside may not be. The University of Minnesota warns that outdoor temperatures arent usually consistent enough to be able to freeze things just by leaving them outside in the winter; an actual freezer will do the job better.

Objects with hard surfaces, like wooden or plastic toys, can be wiped clean. Watch out for cracks and crevices, though; the little buggers like to hide. Its possible to fumigate small objects with kits you can buy, if you cant find another way to kill the bugs.

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What to Do If You Find Bed Bugs In Your Hotel Room - Lifehacker

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