Category Archives: Bed Bugs World

  World, Bed Bug Registry Map
  Sunday 6th of October 2024 15:28 PM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Ottawa the 5th worst city for bed bugs: Orkin Canada – CTV News

OTTAWA -- Ottawa is one of the worst cities in Canada for bed bugs.

Orkin Canada ranks Ottawa 5th on its list of top ten bed bug cities in Canada.

The rankings are based on the number of commercial and residential bed bug treatments carried out by Orkin Canada between January 1 and December 31, 2019.

Toronto tops the list of bed bug cities, followed by Winnipeg, Vancouver and St. Johns.

In a statement, Orkin Canada says this past year saw significant bed bug sightings across the country, from infestations in federal buildings to private homes.

In October, the Federal Government partially closed an Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada building on Rue Cremazie in Gatineau due to bed bugs in the building. Bed bugs were also discovered on three floors of a government building on King Edward Avenue.

Bed bugs can be identified by noticing tiny dark coloured stains, cast skins or live bugs. Orkin says the most effective places to look for bed bugs in are mattress tags and seams, under seat cushions, behind headboards, creases of drawers and carpets.

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Ottawa the 5th worst city for bed bugs: Orkin Canada - CTV News

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Some Monster Released A Bottle Of Live Bed Bugs Inside A Walmart Which Means Im Never Stepping Foot In There Again – BroBible

Thinking back to childhood, Im pretty sure I lived with a constant fear of accidentally ingesting mind-altering drugs that would leave me comatose. From the time my school started us on the D.A.R.E. program in 4th or 5th grade I was convinced that some evil drug lord was going to rub LSD all over a handrail at a theme park, or on food at the grocery store.

Then I grew up, actually tried those drugs, and realized that nobody in possession of large quantities of psychedelics would ever waste them on complete strangers because that shits hard to find these days.

But the same fear applies here. Of stepping into an otherwise safe situation only to discover that youve wandered into Dantes 7th Ring of Hell. Sure, you always have to be a little bit on guard when you enter a Walmart. Even more so here in Florida where a dude on bath salts could try and eat your face at any point. But this shit should be considered an act of war under the Geneva Convention.

According to CNN, a man entered a Walmart in Edinboro, Pennsylvania armed with a bottle full of live bedbugs and released the blood-sucking monsters inside of the mens changing room to wreak havoc on shoppers. Living in NYC for nearly a decade, the fear of a bed bugs attack always outweighed a terrorist attack or getting stabbed by a bum on the subway.

In fact, those latter two pretty much never crossed my mind aside from the times there were terror alerts or I accidentally stepped into an almost-empty subway cart to find a passed out bum with his manhood hanging out and pants around his ankles. It was always the bed bugs that scared me because it meant you had to pretty much uproot your life. Sanitize everything you own. Get your shitty ass landlord to comply and bring in special exterminators. A total nightmare.

Heres the story from CNN:

A manager at the store in Edinboro found a closed pill bottle with live bugs crawling inside and reported it to authorities Thursday, police said in a release. The bottle was found inside a boys jacket which was for sale. We take this seriously and are looking into this, a Walmart spokesperson told CNN. We are fully cooperating with law enforcement on their investigation. On Friday, health safety company Ecolab confirmed that the insects were bedbugs. An Ecolab employee also reported seeing bedbugs crawling around the mens changing rooms the same day, according to police. A Walmart employee later found a second closed pill bottle containing dead bedbugs in the mens department, police said. Edinboro is in the northwest corner of the state, near Erie. A third-party pest management service has visited the store and we are working with them to assess next steps, the Walmart spokesperson said. In the meantime, we have blocked off the impacted area. (via)

As if I needed another reason to stay away from Walmart Im getting itchy just reading that story. Im pretty certain that anything I need from Walmart I can buy online at this point and my house is closer to Lowes anyway.

I simply will not be able to ever step foot inside a Walmart again without thinking about some asshole somewhere releasing multiple bottles of blood-sucking bedbugs inside of the store just to be an asshole.

For more on this story, you can click here to visit

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Some Monster Released A Bottle Of Live Bed Bugs Inside A Walmart Which Means Im Never Stepping Foot In There Again - BroBible

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Police probe release of bed bugs in Edinboro Walmart – TribLIVE

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Police probe release of bed bugs in Edinboro Walmart - TribLIVE

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Someone released bedbugs in a Walmart changing room in PA and now its infested –

Pennsylvania State Police are investigating after someone reportedly released bed bugs inside a Walmart store in Washington Township in Erie County.

A manager at the Walmart, located at 108 Washington Towne Boulevard, found a closed pill bottle that had live bugs inside tucked in a boys jacket, according to WENY News. The manager called police Thursday to report the incident.

Store officials contacted Ecolab, according to An Ecolab employee on Friday observed bed bugs actively crawling around in the mens fitting rooms, police reported to the media outlet.

A second closed pill bottle containing several dead bugs was found by a store employee on the floor in the mens department near belts, police reported, according to GoErie.

Bed bugs are small, flat, parasitic insects that feed solely on the blood of people and animals while they sleep, according to the CDC. They are reddish brown and roughly the size of an apple seed.

Most bedbug bites are painless at first, but later turn into itchy welts, according to WebMd.

Bed bugs do not carry disease and are not considered to be dangerous; however, an allergic reaction to several bites could require medical attention. Getting rid of bed bugs from a home or business can be complicated and expensive.

State Police in Girard are in charge of the investigation. The Walmart store said they were working with a pest control company.

This isnt the first report of bed bugs inside a Walmart store. Last February, a woman in Sand Springs, Oklahoma reported finding a bed bug in a store. There also was a similar report in Phoenix in 2016.

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Someone released bedbugs in a Walmart changing room in PA and now its infested -

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Maryland Residents Mini Guide To Avoiding Bed Bugs

Are you concerned about getting a bed bug infestation in your Maryland home? We understand why. Bed bugs are disturbing pests. There is something unsettling about bugs that wait for you to go to sleep and then come out to feed on you while you're unconscious and defenseless. But that isn't where they're creepiness ends. Bed bugs have a preference for human blood. You're not just one of many warm-blooded mammals to feed on; you are the preferred meal choice. Bed bugs prefer human blood so much, they have chosen to dwell with us almost exclusively since the dawn of human history. This makes them frustrating to prevent. Why? Because they don't come into your Maryland home in a way that is preventablelike most other pests do. You can't invest in a residential pest control program for the exterior of your home and call it a day. Bed bugs hitchhike into your home, bypassing any exterior pest control barrier you have in place. This requires a different kind of pest prevention. Here's what you need to know.

Would you know a bed bug if you saw one? You might not. When bed bugs first hatch, they don't look like adult bed bugs. They aren't a rusty brown color, they're pale or tan in coloration. This is what stage they're likely to be in when you see them because immature nymphs can feed any time of day. Adult bed bugs prefer to wait for CO2 levels to climb before they come out to feed, which is usually at night. If you see a pale, mostly transparent insects with six legs and a bright red abdomen feeding on your skin, it is important that you recognize it as a bed bug. Proper identification could prevent you from bringing an infestation home with you.

No matter where you go, always keep an eye out for bed bug warning signs. Bed bugs can be anywhere. They've been found infestating all forms of public transportation, movie theaters, libraries, daycares, schools, police lockups, retail stores, and many more. If they can find people sitting, lounging, or sleeping in a dark room, they can find a blood meal. Look for these signs:

If anyone in your home spends the night somewhere, consider taking these precautions to keep from bringing an infestation home:

When you get home from a trip, run all of your laundry items through a hot dryer cycle for 30 minutes. It is a good idea to put duffle bags, sleeping bags, and other items that won't be damaged, through a 30-minute dryer cycle as well. Your dryer is a powerful weapon in the war on bed bugs. Sustained high temperatures kill bed bugs in all stages of development.

There are two ways to deal with bed bugs when you see them. Your dryer is the first and most powerful tool for killing bed bugs but, when you can't dry an item, you'll need to do something else. If the bed bugs or bed bug eggs are in a place you can directly treat, you can use rubbing alcohol. If they are inside an item, it is a more complicated issue and we suggest that you let a professional treat the specific item.

If you live in Maryland, remember that American Pest is always standing by to assist you with any pest control issue you're dealing with, including bed bugs. We offer comprehensive bed bug treatment options for residents and businesses throughout Maryland and fast relief from these tormenting pests. Reach out to us. We're here to help.

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Maryland Residents Mini Guide To Avoiding Bed Bugs

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