Category Archives: Bed Bugs World

  World, Bed Bug Registry Map
  Wednesday 9th of October 2024 11:02 AM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Tucson City Hall hit by bedbug infestation – FOX 10 News Phoenix

Bed bug feeding on human skin. (Photo by: Edwin Remsburg/VW Pics via Getty Images)

TUCSON, Ariz. - Officials say Tucson City Hall had been bugged for several months with bedbugs that is.

The Arizona Daily Starreportsofficials said it took nearly three months to remove the small insects from the Arizona municipal building.

The first report of bed bugs came in late September, with an employee reporting finding a dead bedbug in a file folder on the third floor.

A week later, the second report surfaced with a sighting a live bedbug on the fourth floor.

As a precaution, exterminators sprayed every floor of City Hall to get rid of the little bloodsuckers.

Officials believe the bedbugs were brought in accidentally from an outside source.

Tucson spokesman Andy Squire after the three-month removal, the city also had to hire a Phoenix company earlier this month to bring in a specially-trained dog to sniff the remaining bugs out.

City officials estimated it cost about $7,853 to get rid of the bedbug infestation, nearly half went to pay for the bedbug sniffing dog.

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Tucson City Hall hit by bedbug infestation - FOX 10 News Phoenix

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Bed Bugs | Health & Senior Services – Missouri

Bed bugs are a common pest throughout Missouri, the United States, and many parts of the world. They are excellent hitchhikers and can easily be moved from place to place on personal belongings such as bags, coats, and other items.

Because bed bugs can be picked up so easily, they can be found anywhere that people can be found! This includes private homes, hotels or motels, movie theaters, schools, and many other places around the community.

Bed bugs are not a new pest, although reports and complaints of bed bugs have been increasing in the last several years. The increase is likely the result of many things including more frequent travel, lack of knowledge about bed bugs and prevention steps, resistance of bed bugs to widely available pesticide products, and other factors. While bed bugs are an inconvenient pest to encounter, the good news is that they do not transmit diseases!

To learn more about bed bugs, click through the resources above. Please note that some of the information was developed by other states. Those materials are very informative but may reference programs or services that are not available in Missouri.

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Bed Bugs | Health & Senior Services - Missouri

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How To Identify If Your House Has Bed Bugs? – The Hear UP

Bedbugs are pests that not just invade your home furniture but also feed on your blood. They are flat and oval in shape and generally do not harm or carry any diseases. Bedbug bites are small and itchy which can be really irritating and uncomfortable. Moreover, once they infest your home spotting them and getting rid of them can be quite tricky. The bedbugs leave a trail behind which can be found through careful inspection. Here are some of the signs and symptoms of a bed bug infestation:

You wake up with red spots on your skin: One of the most common and noticeable signs due to bed bugs are red spots on the skin. If you are bitten by bed bugs the skin gets inflamed and red itchy spots appear. You may be surprised to note that a small percentage of people do not react to bedbug bite. Hence it is essential to regularly inspect the bed for their presence.

Dark stains on your pillows or bedsheets: Bed bugs leave behind stains in the places they occupy. These stains are dark spots and reddish in color and look like a marker stain on your bed sheets or pillows. If you want to get a better insight regarding different signs, check out this post about bedbugs. Once you realize that your mattress is infested it is essential to check out how to get rid of them altogether and stop them from spreading to other parts of your home too.

Space smells musty: If you feel that there is an unfamiliar odor in your home it could be a sign of infestation. The National Health Service, NHS in its advisory on the growing bed bug infestation states that the presence of these pests causes an unpleasant and musty smell as they release pheromones (a chemical released by pests or animals into the environment). Stronger smell indicates that the infestation is more, and needs to be dealt with immediately.

Fecal spots: Bed bugs release liquid waste where they live and these can cause fecal spots. These are much different from bloodstains. Bed bugs creep out of their hideouts during the night and suck blood from humans. The blood sucked from humans is digested and released as a fecal matter which leaves trails of black or dark brown spots when they move around on the mattress or sheets. If you find such fecal spots on your furniture, floor or wall, it means your house is infested.

If you find bed bug shells: The bed bug shells are white specks and can also be mottled. These shells are also released when they shed their skin. You are likely to find such specks in your mattress, on a headboard, between the sofa cushions and beneath the furniture. Inspect every fabric and wood pieces as they prefer these materials over metal or plastic.

Getting rid of bed bugs is very difficult and takes both time and patience. Many methods and processes need to be followed to remove the infestation and hence taking help from professionals are essential. They ensure the quick and safe removal of these pests by determining the best treatment option.

The rest is here:
How To Identify If Your House Has Bed Bugs? - The Hear UP

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Hamilton-based Pest Control Service Introduces Innovative Heat Treatment for Bedbugs – Canada NewsWire

HAMILTON, ON, Dec. 9, 2019 /CNW/ -Petty Pest Control Services, home and commercial pest control professionals has announced the addition of a new heat treatment technology to their wide range of bed bug control solutions. This is in response to the numerous requests from their customers to make bed bug heat treatment services available in the community.

Jim Petty, the owner of PPC Services, says it took a while to have the service accessible on the market. "A lot of different ways to deliver heat to a bed bug infested home have been used in the past, and unfortunately some have destroyed more than just the bed bugs."

"I wanted a safe, reliable method that delivers heat quickly and safely to the home," says Jim. The PPC Heat Assault Insect Eradication System is the most effective treatment for bed bugs on the market today.

Bed bugs can be hard to kill. They hide inside cracks and crevices, in keyholes and light switches, in between mattresses and baseboards, in picture frames and under carpets and rugs. They can be anywhere, and these places are difficult to reach with household insecticides and even powerful chemical pesticides. Chemical fumes may breakdown before it can reach the nesting places where bed bugs hide.

Bed bug heat treatment is far more effective than chemical treatments. The PPC Heat Assault bed bug heat treatment is a specially designed equipment used to raise the temperature in a home or building to kill the bed bugs. It can reach very high temperatures of up to 145F or more and kill all bed bugs, larvae and eggs in just a matter of hours.

"It's like turning your home into a hot box," Jim explains. "We need to maintain a high temperature for several hours, to ensure that the heat penetrates into hard to reach places like tiny cracks and crevices, mattresses, box springs, furniture, carpeting and baseboards."

The heat system is ideal for homes, businesses and high-rises up to 30 floors.

PPC's heat treatment solution uses propylene glycol. "It's basically a water solution, so it's chemical-free, non-toxic and environmentally safe.

PPC Servicesoffers a non-toxic, chemical-free technology that is the most effective and safest heating treatment for bed bugs on the market today. The service is available in Kitchener, Guelph, Waterloo, Toronto, Hamilton, Mississauga, Burlington, St. Catharines areas andnearby communities.

SOURCE Petty Pest Control Services

For further information: Jim Petty, (289) 439 -4343

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Hamilton-based Pest Control Service Introduces Innovative Heat Treatment for Bedbugs - Canada NewsWire

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You and the Law: Father bugged by school’s handling of son’s bed bug issue – Hanford Sentinel

It might be cute to hear a three-year old sing, As snug as a bug in a rug, but theres nothing cute at all about having your home infested with bed bugs. But thats what Rudy and his family dealt with in July, 2019 when their home became bed bug central.

A pest control service got the infestation under control, but it was an expensive nightmare, he explained during our telephone conversation. He had been on the phone to a number of attorneys wanting someone to file suit against the school district for the way a teacher and administrators dealt with his nine year old son who showed up at school with a bed bug on his jacket, the morning of October 8th.

After an absence of about 40 years, bed bugs have made a stunning worldwide return, and while it is rare for schools to become infested, still, in many parts of the country, finding even one bed bug on a student is considered as a public health emergency. All schools that receive federal funds must have extensive What to do if contingency plans in effect.

Taken to the Nurses Office

From what my son, David, explained, as he walked into his classroom by the teacher, she spotted a bed bug on his jacket and immediately walked with him to the nurses office. While there, his jacket was removed, they lifted his shirt, examined his back and legs for evidence of bites or bugs themselves, but found none. Then, he was brought back to his classroom.

You are probably thinking, Thank goodness! Thats what they should have done! Why is the boys father upset? Thats what I thought as well, and asked to speak with his son who also confirmed that everyone was nice to him.

They all knew that we had bedbugs because I told my friends about the problem at home. It was really exciting! this very polite, well-spoken nine year-old happily explained.

I Am going to Post the Schools Illegal Behavior!

However dad was furious, threatening to post what he felt was illegal conduct by all the people involved with David and the bed bug. But why? As the boy wasnt harmed in the least, what had they done that was so wrong?

They legally had the obligation of calling me first for permission to remove Davids coat or examine him! Thats what! I want a lawyer to sue them, and Im going to post this on Facebook and other social media sites, listing all the names of those people.

Well, not so fast, Rudy. In researching his schools policy for dealing with bedbug issues, while it is required for a parent to be notified at some time, procedure calls for just what happened. They did the right thing. It is a public health concern where time is critical - so these little vampires dont go looking for a human blood bank.

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I asked Rudy if he thought about the consequences of posting what would amount to defamatory statements about these people. What do you mean, consequences? Like getting them fired?

No, I replied, like getting yourself sued, creating a problem for your son down the road, and as such a suit would most likely be thrown out of court, still your names would remain out there forever, seen as troublemakers. Want to guess what I am thinking of?

Think Over Carefully Before Posting Anything Negative Online

I ran this all too common fact situation by two of our consultants for their evaluations:

--San Francisco-based attorney Richard Lutkus who is among a handful of lawyers in the country whose law practice concentrates on cyber-security preparedness, data breach response, and data privacy.

California licensed private investigators, Riley and Jane Parker, who are the founders of Pre-Employment Profiles, LLC, a service for employers who need to vet would-be applicants.

By posting false remarks online you are open to being sued for defamation, so assume that you cannot delete them ever. It is out there. Understand that whatever your write can be developed into a profile of who you are, Lutkus points out, adding, Just ask yourselfbetter yet, ask a friend--before posting something when you are angryespecially if it could be falseHow could this come back and harm me?

Both Riley and Jane Parker want Rudy to stop and ask, By posting defamatory comments, or, if you find a lawyer who sues the school, just count on a background search that will have you and your son labeled as trouble. This will impact an employers decision to hire you, and could adversely affect your sons future.

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Dennis Beaver Practices law in Bakersfield and welcomes comments and questions from readers, which may be faxed to (661) 323-7993, or e-mailed to And be sure to visit

Read the original here:
You and the Law: Father bugged by school's handling of son's bed bug issue - Hanford Sentinel

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