Category Archives: Bed Bugs World

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  Saturday 28th of September 2024 17:30 PM

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Owners of BC care home in damage control after 94-year-old left with bed bugs for days – Coast Mountain News

The Ontario-based corporate owners of a Chilliwack seniors home are in damage control and are in town investigating after an expos uncovered a 94-year-old blind woman was left in a bed-bug infested room for days on end.

Rita Bedford was the focus of a CBC Go Public story from Nov. 3 that stemmed from distraught employees of The Cascades filming the bed bugs on the elderly womans mattress.

The bed bug incident dates back to December 2018, but the story spurred other employees, residents and relatives of residents to express concern about care at the home, and the companys response.

Representatives for Sienna Living came to The Cascades on Nov. 5 to hold a meeting with residents and family members.

Esther Esaus mother lives at The Cascades and she addressed the company owners with strong words about the billion-dollar company that runs dozens of senior living homes across Canada.

RELATED: B.C. introduces more efficient waitlists, choices for seniors care homes

RELATED: B.C. senior care improving, but most far below staffing target

Given that many of the residents suffer from serious health conditions, and many have dementia, Esau expressed concern that complaints about care at the home had to be leaked to the media by anonymous employees.

The employees that work here are the eyes and ears and voices for the vulnerable tenants who may be blind, deaf or have dementia and so it is of most importance that employees have the right and freedom to make it their duty to report any complaint and not have the threat of losing their jobs if they do so, Esau said at the meeting.

In response to questions about changes, Sienna Living director of communications Natalie Gokchenian issued a statement to The Progress.

In response to the CBC Go Public piece, I can confirm that representatives from our team were at The Cascades [Nov. 5] to commence an investigation into the allegations that were new to us regarding transparency, accountability and openness within the team, Gokchenian said via email. We are deeply disturbed by these allegations and wanted to immediately investigate to ensure our core values were being reflected in our day-to-day operations.

A resident of The Cascades who spoke to The Progress, but did not want his name used, said he sometimes eats with the 94-year-old Bedford and has to help her because they are currently using plastic cutlery and paper plates.

Esau, too, pointed to the dining situation because of an apparent sewage pipe leak that has affected all dining at the facility for weeks.

The plastic cutlery and paper plates are being used temporarily because the kitchen is being repaired, Gokchenian explained. During this temporary interruption in the meal service, plastic and paper cutlery is being used for sanitary purposes and we anticipate full service to resume sometime late next week.

Esau said after she spoke at the meeting, she was told by Lisa Kelly, the regional vice-president for long-term care for Sienna Living, that she would be in town for a couple of days to give employees a chance to come forward with information about operations at the facility.

Hopefully Sienna will be able to resolve this issue and prevent any more neglect and abuse, Esau wrote in an email.

Asked about inspections at the facility, a spokesperson for Fraser Health explained that assisted living sites are not licensed by Fraser Health but are done so through the Ministry of Health via the assisted living registry. The Ministry is responsible for inspection.

Fraser Health funds The Cascades for healthcare services only, and bed bugs are not a health issue.

While a considerable nuisance, bed bugs are not considered a health concern and theres no evidence they spread disease to people, according to senior public affairs consultant Tasleem Juma. However, there is the possibility of secondary infection if bites are scratched.

We investigate all healthcare-related complaints and if they are substantiated, we work closely with the site to resolve the concern and ensure they are in compliance with the requirements of the contract we have with them.

Sienna Living said the company continues to work with Fraser Health and the Ministry of Health to ensure safety and quality standards are met.

The Cascades Lodge and Manor is well respected in the Chilliwack community and I am delighted to share that The Cascades has an Exemplary rating by Accreditation Canada and quality indicators are consistent with the provincial average in B.C., Gokchenian said. Our recent resident satisfaction survey had a 97 per cent response rate from residents at The Cascades who rated the care at the residence higher than in past years with an increase in resident satisfaction.

@PeeJayAitchpaul.henderson@theprogress.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

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Owners of BC care home in damage control after 94-year-old left with bed bugs for days - Coast Mountain News

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Cuyahoga County health officials share tips on how to deal with bed bugs –

MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS, Ohio On Friday, the Cuyahoga County Bed Bug Task Force met for its annual conference to discuss the dangers of the tiny insects.

According to the task force, bed bugs have made a resurgence in recent years in Northeast Ohio and around the country. While they commonly pop up at night while we are sleeping, they can be spotted anywhere, and the CDC and the USEPA have even declared that the bed bug is now a "pest of significant public health importance."

"Anytime you bring people together, you have the potential of those people bringing bed bugs with them," Director of Environmental Public Health Rick Novickis said. "Kids come to school, they may accidentally bring a bug from an infested home with them. They now hang their coats up next to each other, [and] there's nothing to stop that bed bug from either falling off the clothing or the backpack or the lunch bag [and] crawling into the classroom."

RELATED: Towslee Elementary School in Brunswick to close on Thursday and Friday after possible bed bug found in student's folder

While they are not necessarily carriers of diseases, bed bugs can still cause significant physical (biting) and mental (stress) health concerns, and can pop up even in quite sanitary living conditions. The county says it is important to know what you're dealing with before deciding the next steps.

"Pesticides are species-specific these days," sanitarian Tom Barsa said, adding he recommends people take pictures of the bugs or even keep them in bags to show experts. "You really have to know what you're going after in order to get rid of the pest that you're trying to get rid of."

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RELATED: Cleveland drops from first to 7th in national rankings for bed bug infestations

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California Renter Bed Bug Rights | Debedbug

It happens all too often: A tenant wakes up one day with a row of mysterious bites. They check online and start to suspect bed bugs but face a hard decision.

Should you tell your landlord and risk retaliation? Will the landlord accuse you of bringing the bed bugs in yourself and force you to pay for treatment out of pocket?

This post will help you navigate through the important questions and answer them.

Disclaimer: Information found on this page is informational, not legal advice. Consult a licensed attorney at law before considering taking any action.

Many a landlord has claimed that they should not be held responsible for infestations. Many try to pass the cost of professional treatment off to tenants.

It is impossible to isolate where bed bugs came from once theyve settled in.

We cover the most common causes of bed bugs so you know what situations to avoid.

Finding them in your own home is already a task. Expecting every tenant to check periodically is unrealistic.

By the time symptoms are noticeable, bed bugs have likely spread to other rooms and units.

With this reality in mind, the legal responsibility to pay and fix the issue falls upon the landlord.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has issued rules and guidelines prohibiting landlords from charging or subsidizing the cost of bed bug treatment.

Well explain those rules shortly. It is also good to know what landlords and tenants must do at the least in California.

The Landlord Obligations Law of California Civil Code Section 1941.1, stipulates thatlandlords must provide and maintain:

The Tenant Obligations Law of California Civil Code Section 1941.2, requires that the tenant:

Retaliation by the landlord is illegal when a tenant must take matters into their own hands.

California Civil Code Section 1942.5 prohibits a landlord from retaliating against a tenant if the tenant:

Landlords who try to pass the cost of bed bug treatment on to tenants are violating their legal obligation to maintain the property.

California Civil Code Section 1941.1 protects tenants from landlords turning a blind eye on vermin, which includes bed bugs.

California offers protections specifically from bed bugs to renters in several forms. Knowing them is important as they are your rights as a renter.

Bed bugs should be reported as soon as they are suspected to safeguard the entire building and even neighboring buildings.

To encourage reporting the State ensures that landlords cant use scare tactics to avoid dealing with bed bugs.

In the big picture, reporting bed bugs early saves everyone money and stress. That includes the landlord.

Tenants have the legal right to withhold rent when the landlord fails to maintain habitable conditions.

This is called an Affirmative Defense to an unlawful detainer.

Tenants can file suit against landlords who fail to maintain rental units in a habitable condition.

Disclaimer: Consult a licensed attorney at law before considering taking any action.

Californias Landlord Obligations Law and the case of Knight v. Hallsthammar establish that a landlord is obligated to provide and maintain residential rental premises in a habitable condition, regardless of the landlords financial ability, financial condition, or the availability of funds for necessary repairs and maintenance.

This means that a landlord saying, I dont have the money, is not a valid excuse.

Sometimes landlords engage in willful negligence. They may claim that the tenant never provided notice of an infestation.

Peterson v. Superior Court held that a landlord has constructive notice if a reasonable inspection would have revealed the defect.

Constructive notice represents the idea that whether or not a person or entity actually knows something, they are liable for its consequences if they reasonablyshouldhave known.

The act of not knowing is negligence in itself on the part of the property owner.

In most cases, the landlord is legally required to pay for bed bug treatment in California.

For example:

I recently wrote about a newly enacted amendment toSection 1942.5.

You can read about it here:Californias New Bed Bug Laws.

Or, you can get the skinny on the update with this infographic:

For more useful guides and graphics like the above, give the free ebook a look!

As always, congratulations on investing in your own health and learning your rights. Best of luck in your fight towards getting and staying Debedbugged!

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Bed Bugs Have Found a New Home: Airplanes. Here’s How to Spot Them – Mental Floss

Few people expect intercontinental air travel to be terribly comfortable, but for the most part, we do expect it to be clean. So it's particularly horrifying to hear that in addition to worrying about things like making it through security, fighting fellow passengers for overhead bin space, and praying you aren't sitting in front of someone who will kick the back of your seat for the whole flight, you also have to worry about insect infestation when you fly. According to Thrillist and Fox5NY, Air India has had multiple reports of bed bugs in its business-class seats. It's not the first airline to receive bed bug complaints, either, so if you travel frequently, you should probably learn how to spot these pests.

On July 17 and July 19, two separate Air India passengers tweeted about seeingand being bitten bybed bugs on flights from the New York City area to India. And it wasn't in economyone of the passengers said he paid $10,000 for business-class tickets for his wife and three children. After 17 hours in the air with bed bugs as seat mates, the passengers disembarked bloody and covered in bites. The Times of India reported that the airline had received reports of bed bugs on another flight on a different aircraft, but "appears to have ignored them."

But you can't just swear off Air India and assume you'll be safe from bugs on your next flight with another carrier. In 2017, a passenger flying from Canada to the UK on British Airways said that she and her daughter were bitten during their flight, too. In 2010 and 2011, British Airways and United Airlines both had bed bug infestations that left passengers riddled with bite marks. Travelers can easily carry bed bugs from their hotel onto a plane and then into their homes, and short of delaying every flight while the crew inspects and treats every seat, there's not much airlines can do to stop it.

The best you can do is be vigilant, and if you do see bed bugs (first, make sure you know what one looks like) tell a crew member immediately. To minimize your own exposure, cover yourself upbed bugs can't bite through your clothesand bring your own pillow and blanket. To really ensure you and your clothes stay bug-free, bring your own protective seat cover to put over your plane seat. Youll look pretty wacky to your fellow passengers, but you'll have an extra layer of protection.

And before you attack your airline for exposing you to an infestation, consider your own role. Since bed bug bites might not become apparent until a day or two after you're bitten, it's possible that you might not notice them if you've only been at your hotel a short time. If bugs are biting you in your airplane seat, it's very possible that you're actually the one who brought them on the plane in the first place. That's why one expert, Joe Ballenger of Ask an Entomologist, told Lifehacker that he recommends alerting both your airline and all the hotels you stayed in if you find bed bugs after your trip.

[h/t Thrillist]

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Bed Bugs Have Found a New Home: Airplanes. Here's How to Spot Them - Mental Floss

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Gross! What you need to know and do if your hotel room has bedbugs – USA TODAY

Here are eight travel-ready products will protect you and your belongings from bedbugs. Wibbitz - Smarter Travel

One of the last things anyone wants to see after entering a hotel room is a creepy, crawly bedbug or to wake up with bedbug bites.

Bedbugs are tiny insects approximately the size of an apple seed. Adult bedbugs are oval, reddish-brown and flat. Younger ones canbe difficult to see because they're so small.

And there's a reason they're called bedbugs: They like to lurk during the daytime where people sleep and feed onthemat night (bed bugs feed on both human and animal blood).The insects can be found in a host of places from mattresses to bedding to cracks in furniture to under carpeting and more.

Bedbugs can be found worldwide, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and are not a reflection on the cleanliness of any accommodation (so, yes, even a five-star hotel can have bedbugs). They don't spread disease nor are they seen as dangerous, but allergic reactions to bites could require a doctor visit.

The bites look like mosquito or flea bites, with a swollen, red spot that could itch or hurt. They could present randomly as well as in a straight line. Some people might not have any adverse reaction to the bites, but others could see swelling.

One of the last things anyone wants to see after entering a hotel room is a creepy, crawly bedbug or to wake up with bedbug bites.(Photo: Carolyn Kaster, AP)

Make this a priority.

The University of Minnesotarecommends looking at the edging andseamsof mattressesand box springs, as well as a bed's headboard. You should also check out the furniture near the bed, cracks in night standsas well as behind picture frames, where bedbugs can hide.

"If you think your hotel bed has bedbugs, you can either check your bed yourself, looking for small blood spots or small blood smears on the sheets and strip the bed and check under the mattress seams or ask the manager to organize for the housekeeper to do it for you," Maureen Spencer, travel blogger, told USA TODAY. "Take photos of any evidence you find and ask for a room change."

There's no federal bedbug law,but 21 states do have bedbug-related legislation, according to theEnvironmental Protection Agency, like ensuring hotels are maintaining cleanliness and that hotels must exterminate bedbugs before housing different guests.

Step one: Panic! (Just kidding.)

"The very first thing that you should do if you encounter bedbugs in your hotel room, or even if you have a suspicion that there might be bedbugs in your room, is to pack up your stuff and place it as far away from the bedbug-infested places as possible," Kristiana Kripena, digital and content marketing director for, tellsUSA TODAY. You want to avoid the bugs coming with you to your own house, she says.

You should also obviously notify hotel staff, but do your best to stay calm.

"Remember this is never going to be something that hotel staff wants to hear," Becca Siegelof travel blog and Instagram @halfhalftravel tells USA TODAY."Actually, it's the last thing they want to hear because it's going to affect everyone staying in the hotel, their staff, their efforts in eradicating bedbugs and also their ratings online. Try to remain calm and empathetic."

Also remember that what you think is a bedbug might not be one at all.

"I cant tell you the number of times that a guest just sees a bug near a bed or on a bed and makes an assumption," Victoria Agredo, a hospitality industry veteran, tells USA TODAY. "An untrained eye checking a room for themselves really isnt that helpful. They may find something or they may create a panic over nothing."

If they are indeed bedbugs, make sure you ask to be moved to a different room (and not one next to the one where you stayed).

Jordan Bishop, founder of consumer watchdog and travel website Yore Oyster, recommends sealing your clothes and other belongings in plastic bagsand running them through a hot laundry cycle ASAP.

You can also use a garbage bag, and place that in a freezer overnight to get rid of bedbugs. For non-washable items, enlist a pest-management professional.

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Gross! What you need to know and do if your hotel room has bedbugs - USA TODAY

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