Category Archives: Bed Bugs World

  World, Bed Bug Registry Map
  Friday 27th of September 2024 14:30 PM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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State-Specific Bed Bug Laws – Bed Bug Law by State – PestWorld

NPMA has compiled state specific bed bug laws and rules into one document.Click here to review the information.In a nutshell, twenty three states have passed or enacted bed bug specific legislation orrule making, including Alabama, Arizona, California,Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Texas, West Virginia and Wisconsin.

Many of the bed bug laws or rules are "legacy" statutes or regulations, ranging from 30 to 90 plus years old. The laws and rules focus on bed bug infestations in a variety of specific settings such as multifamily housing (Arizona, Florida, Maine, New York) vacation homes (South Dakota), trains (Illinois), hotels (Kansas, Nevada, Minnesota, Ohio, West Virginia), schools (New York) and migrant labor camps (Iowa). Laws in Arizona and Texas deem bed bugs a public health nuisance.

Arizona, Illinois, Maine, and New York bed bug laws (particularly vital to NYC) were passed or enacted since bed bug populations rebounded 10 plus years ago. Legislation on bed bugs is pending by state, with California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and North Carolina considering additional legislation.

This compilation of bed bug laws in the 50 states only includes those states that specifically include bed bug in their statutory or regulatory scheme. Liability imposed on landlords and tenants concerning bed bugs continue to vary from state to state regardless of whether bed bug laws have been implemented, this is due to the implied warranty of habitability. Inn keepers may also have a heightened duty depending on state law. Therefore this list is a reference point but not an exhaustive nor definitive list of how each state may handle a bed bug incident.

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State-Specific Bed Bug Laws - Bed Bug Law by State - PestWorld

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The Essential Guide to Bed Bugs | Ehrlich Pest Control

Bed bugs: two words that can create psychological havoc with most people. Although bed bugs were nearly wiped out in the developed world by the 1950s, these tiny parasitic insects have made a tremendous comeback in recent years.

Bed bugs are insects in the family Cimicidae. The most common species of bed bug is cimex lectularius. They feed entirely on the blood of vertebrates, however, they have a preference for human blood. Bed bugs are sneaky, hiding in places where they can have rapid access to a blood meal and with as little disturbance as possible. Once they have fed, bed bugs will quickly abandon their host and hide.

Potential hiding spots include beds, sofas, chairs and near any other location where humans are sedentary for extended periods of time. You should learn how to find bed bugs in your home or how to check for them in a hotel room.

Bed bugs are found almost everywhere humans inhabit, and according to the National Pest Management Association and the University of Kentucky, almost 100% of pest management professionals have treated for bed bugs in the past year. Bed bugs are regularly found in places such as single family homes, condos, apartments, hotels and motels. Additionally, there are increasing incidents of bed bugs infesting places such as retail stores, movie theaters, public transportation and restaurants. In fact, bed bug pest control services are one of the most requested services Ehrlich offers and the demand seems to be growing.

People who have been bitten by bed bugs often suffer more psychological harm than physical harm. The thought of being fed upon as you sleep is extremely disturbing to most people. Bed bugs do not transmit disease to humans, and skin reactions to bed bug bites will vary, but most reactions are similar to those of mosquito bites.

We have created The Essential Guide to Bed Bugs to try and answer all of your questions about bed bugs. This resource will also provide guidance when you have an infestation. You can also find our frequently asked bed bugs questions page for more information. Click below to see the answers.

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The Essential Guide to Bed Bugs | Ehrlich Pest Control

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Bed Bug Control: Inspection, Removal & Extermination of …

The resurgence of bed bugs in recent years has brought renewed relevance to the old saying, "Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite." Almost unheard of after World War II, the ban on DDT and the increase in international travel are largely to blame for their reemergence, and while beds may be ground zero for these pesky bugs, they can be found almost anywhere, including hospitals, airplanes, movie theaters and even department stores.

Bed Bug Control from Arrow Exterminators

If you suspect a bed bug infestation, you should contact a licensed bed bug exterminator immediately. Arrow will conduct a thorough bed bug inspection for your home or business for a fee of $250. If an infestation is found, well design a comprehensive plan for complete bed bug removal and control, and $200 of your initial inspection fee will be applied to the cost of treatment. Effective bed bug control is crucial, and our professional exterminators get the job done right. Contact us to learn more.

Order a Free Whole Home Evaluation

Unless a person has an allergic reaction to a bed bug bite, the physical health effects consist of "itchy" and "annoying" unsightly red welts. These can be treated with an oral antibiotic or hydrocortisone cream. While there is no evidence that bed bugs spread any diseases, there can be lasting emotional and psychological effects from an infestation.

Bed bugs are prolific little pests. An adult female can lay up to 5 eggs a day, which, under the right circumstances, can cause a small infestation to become a large problem very quickly. Bed bugs will hitch a ride in luggage, backpacks, on clothing or in shoes to travel from place to place. They are impartial snackers, feeding on any warm body regardless of status or cleanliness. Even the most expensive hotels are reporting bed bug problems these days.

Red, itchy welts on your skin (a red dot with a lighter red ring around it) are the most obvious sign that you have been bitten by a bed bug.

Look for small reddish brown dots (droppings and blood spots) on bed linens.

You may find eggs or molted skin on bed linens or the mattress.

Bed bugs themselves are often hard to spot, since they typically come out at night. Look for a small reddish brown oval-shaped bug about the size of an apple seed.

In severe cases with heavy infestation, a sweet smelling "buggy" odor may be noticeable.

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10 Worst Bed Bug Cities in America – Did Your City Make …

Worst Bed Bug City is an award that nobody will show up to receive. Its not pleasant to think of your hometown as a bed bug hot spot. But while bed bugs are active in all 50 states, some urban and metro centers see more infestations per year than others. Lets go through the list and discuss why these bed bug cities are the unlucky winners:

The capital of Arizona is the only state capital with more than a million residents, making it easily the most populous capital city in the country. Its sprawling suburbs give Phoenician bed bugs ample opportunity to find new homes to infest. On top of that, Arizonas famously hot and dry climate leads to long summers with residential air conditioning running day and night. This mild indoor climate is ideal for temperature-sensitive pests like bed bugs.

Phoenix has been one of the top 10 bed bug cities for a few years in a row now. Public sightings of bed bugs have been reported by the local news over that time, with bed bugs spotted in hotels, airports, restaurants, schools, and even libraries.

The 9th worst bed bug city is also the 9th largest metropolitan area in the US. As the home to the worlds busiest airport, it makes sense that Atlanta would struggle with bed bug infestations. These creepy critters have lots of commuters and travelers to hitch rides with, allowing them to easily move from one infestation to the next.

But its not just about population and travel. Atlanta also has a warm, humid climate, with long summers and generally mild winters. These conditions are ideal for bed bugs to thrive and reproduce, since their activity level is tied to the overall temperature of their surroundings. In places where its warm most of the year, bed bugs will spend less time hibernating and more time feeding and breeding.

The nations capital is one of the most visited cities in the world, with over 20 million tourists flying in annually. While the city itself is not exceptionally populous, commuters from nearby Maryland and Virginia suburbs raise the citys daytime population significantly during the week. Unfortunately, many of those commuters will take home more than a paycheck.

A recurring theme of our lists of bed bug cities is weather. Like Atlanta and Phoenix above, DC is also home to a toasty, humid climate. With warm springs, hot summers, and mild falls, bed bugs have a long season every year to feed and reproduce without any temperature fluctuations interrupting them.

Continuing the trend of bed bug cities in subtropical climate zones is Baltimore. This independent city features warm springs and autumns most years, while only three months out of the year have daily average highs below 50F.

But Baltimore offers more perks to its native bed bugs than just sunny days and air conditioning. Its a large metro area on its own, and is within commuting distance of Washington, DC, a major travel hub and fellow bed bug cities finalist. Add on the citys thriving tourism and shipping industries, and you have a recipe that allows bed bugs to travel into Baltimore and stay put.

The five boroughs of NYC used to be one of the five worst bed bug cities, but The Big Apple seems to have turned things around in recent years. While there are still hundreds of thousands of infestations treated every year, New York has slipped down the ranks of bed bug cities.

The decline in infestations may be due to government efforts by the city and state. The City of New York offers a bed bug hotline to report infestations, and the Department of Housing Preservation and Development conducts urgent inspections after reports are received. Under the NYC Bed Bug Disclosure Act, landlords are required by law to notify prospective tenants about any bed bug infestations that have occurred on their property within the last year.

For various reasons, the state of Ohio has faced some of the worst of this bed bug epidemic over the years. Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati have all been frequent flyers on our lists of bed bug cities, and this year is no different. For 2019, the third-largest city in Ohio is the fifth worst of the big bed bug cities.

Cincinnati has three major sports teams, a huge university, a modern streetcar system, and a nearby airport that acts as a major travel and shipping hub. Theres a lot in the city to attract visitors and residents, and a lot of opportunities for those newcomers to bring bed bugs with them. While winters are colder in Ohio than in the subtropic states, summers in Cincinnati are long and warm enough to give bed bugs plenty of time to mature and reproduce.

While the city itself has seen major population decline over the last several years, Detroits metro area is second only to Chicagos in the American Midwest. With its busy airport and riverport, as well as the busiest crossing between the US and Canada, Detroit welcomes visitors for business and pleasure every day. That means bed bugs have ample opportunity to get around town to their next infestation.

While their rank as one of the worst bed bug cities may seem bleak, its actually a nice improvement for a city that once topped our list. Due to active efforts by both government agencies and pest management professionals, reports of infestations are down by about 15% this year compared to 2017 and 2018.

The third most populous city in the country is also the third most popular city for bed bugs. The metro area thats affectionately referred to as Chicagoland is an absolutely enormous array of cities and suburbs that is home to 10 million people. This gives bed bugs plenty of options to hitchhike from one of Chicagos airports or public venues to one of so many nearby residences.

As an international hub for finance, industry, and transportation, Chicago has heaps of planes, trains, and cars moving in and out all day, every day. Bed bugs love hiding in clothes, luggage, and personal belongings to travel from their birthplace to a new home, where they can settle down and start a new infestation of their own.

Continuing the trend of bed bug cities in the Northeast and Midwest is Philadelphia, the second top travel destination for American bed bugs. Sitting at the center of the densely populated Boston-Washington corridor, Philadelphia welcomes travelers from Boston, New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, and DC, along with other visitors from around the world.

Much like neighboring Baltimore, Philadelphia features a humid subtropical climate. This means hot and muggy summers with short winters, a favorite arrangement for bed bugs looking to start a family.

Back to defend its title, Columbus has retaken the rank of one of the worst bed bug cities in America. But with less population, less travel, and colder winters than many other cities on the list, how does Columbus keep coming up as number 1?

Like with other cities, the popularity of Columbus is definitely a factor. As one of the fastest-growing cities in North America, Columbus features both a bustling urban populace and a rapidly expanding metro area made up of suburban communities. This means that both urban pedestrians and local commuters face a risk of crossing paths with bed bugs in the citys many public places.

While not as warm year-round as the southern bed bug cities on this list, Ohios capital still has long, hot, and muggy summers thanks to its humid continental climate. The average daily high is over 60 degrees Fahrenheit for more than half of the year, and the cold and dry winter period tends to come on gradually rather than snap in overnight. This works out favorably for bed bugs that have grown accustomed to the same temperatures that humans are comfortable in.

Did your city make the list? Do your part by reducing the risk of infestation! Early prevention is key, so check out our guide on how to prevent bed bugs, both at home and on the go.

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Californias New Bed Bug Laws, 2018 | Debedbug

Protecting Californias Renters Against Bed Bugs

A new state legal amendmentrequiring CA landlords to provide tenants with written information about bed bugs and how to report possible infestations to their landlords has been enacted.

The law from which the amendment stems from is unique in that it is aimed specifically at bed bugs.

This is due to the serious expenses associated with them, and the difficulty professionals have with containing them. If youre on this site, youre likely no stranger to this reality.

That difficulty is magnified in multifamily housing where people live in close proximity such as in apartments.

Curious about the entire extent of protections you have as a tenant in California? Give theCalifornia Renters Bed Bug Protections post a read.

You can skip to the bottom of this section for an infographic on the changes.

The amendment to Section 1942.5 has put into place a number of protections for renters that were glaringly missing in the past.

For example, landlords can no longer show, lease, or rent out units with active infestations.

It also disallows landlords from retaliating against tenants who report their bed bug problems.

Landlords cannot raise rent, reduce services, or otherwise retaliate against a tenant who notified or complains property owners about a suspected bed bug problem.

These two rules alone are a big deal in terms of promoting human decency and a basic standards of living.

That being said, I think that we can agree that its amazing that these protections werent already in place.

Landlords will now also be required to provide written disclosure of a units bed bug infestation history from the past two years should prospecting tenants ask for it.

Also new is a requirement that landlords must hire a licensed pest control operator (PCO) within two days of receiving notice.

The professional must inspect the complaining unit, as well as its immediate next-door neighbors, units across the hall, above, and below the affected unit.

Finally, one should note that property owners are not yet required to inspect units for bed bugs without a complaint or notice on the books.

If, however, the landlord has received notice, or if an infestation is apparent through visual inspection, the landlord is presumed to know about the infestation, therefore making them liable.

Feel free to use this graphic so long as you attribute it back to this site. For a full-resolution copy, click the image or see this link.

The Amendment is already in effect for new Californian tenants as of July 1st, 2017, existing tenants will be included come January 1st, 2018.

All of these protections have their value and will serve Californians well. In reality, the amendment does not broadly solve the growing issue of bed bugs.

Bed bugs are maintaining their upward trend throughout America, with California being something of a hotbed.

In August of 2017, Terminix published a bed bug report sharing that San Diego ranked 20th of the countrys most infested cities, while San Francisco came in at 15th.

Meanwhile, pest control professionals at Orkin published a study based on bed bug treatment data from the areas where they performed the most bed bug treatments from December 1, 2015 November 30, 2016.

They ranked Los Angeles at 6th and San Francisco at 10th.

It is still important to take preemptive measures if you plan on renting or living in multi-family housing.

Debedbug as a site is a huge advocate of preventing bed bugs. The easiest way to not get seriously infested is to catch them as early as possible. Infestations caught early on help tenants and landlords alike.

The earlier you catch on, the easier to treat and manage they are; they process is far more affordable as a consequence.

Proactively placing bed bug traps, communicating with neighbors, traveling with bed bugs in mind, being careful around used goods (furniture especially), and being privy to bed bug signs could save you more grief than these amendments ever could.

There are resources like the traveling checklist all over this site that will help you be more prepared should bed bugs make an appearance in your life. For the complete package, see the free Debedbug Ebook.

I hope that some of what you learn here makes it a supremely short appearance!

Its great that the State of California has made a choice to further protect tenants, but you are most powerful when you take control of your dwelling by educating yourself and taking preventative measures.

As always, congratulations on investing in your own health, and best of luck in your fight to get Debedbugged!

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Californias New Bed Bug Laws, 2018 | Debedbug

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