Category Archives: Canada Bed Bugs

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Bedbug Checklist: FInd and Prevent Bed Bugs Home and Hotel

Here are some quick tips to make sure your room (hotel rooms, bedrooms, living areas, etc) isnt infested with bedbugs! Most people who end up having their home infested with bedbugs could have prevented it by looking for the signs below. If you know you have bedbugs, then check out our Bed Bug Treatment page for ways in which you can do it yourself.

Staying at a hotel? If so, the first thing you should do is check your hotel for bed bug complaints this is a completely free service we provide and could possibly help you prevent infesting your own home!

Keep in mind that a report about one hotel does not mean the issue wasnt isolated to one room, or that hotel management hasnt taken the necessary steps to exterminate the bugs, but it is a great way to get management to promise youll sleep bedbug free!

When staying at a hotel, hang clothing in the closet that is farthest from your bed, place luggage on the folding rack usually found at hotels and always place your luggage in a plastic bag (hotel provided dry cleaning bags work great).

When you inspect a room for bedbugs, make sure you wear disposable medical gloves! Bedbugs gorge on the blood of humans, so much so that they can easily pop with very little pressure. When a bedbug pops, it will splatter blood and you may be exposed!

Picture of Bed Bugs, their eggs, shells and feces! This is a high resolution photo of what a bed bug infested mattress looks like including their shells, eggs and feces. You can zoom in on the picture if you need to.

Use this bedbug checklist to make sure your hotel room is bedbug free BEFORE you unpack it should be the first thing you do!

HOTEL ROOM This is not an exhaustive list by any means, but it covers the basics and should help you sleep bedbug free.


Can anyone let me know where to buy bedding to help to prevent bed bugs coming back as I have been to hell with the little buggers since August! Im getting a new bed and I would like to buy some mattress covers to help me as I have very bad condition when they bite.

I have now found out there are coming from the flat above me and its now getting sorted as I have had pest control companies out and they still come back; I pray that this time will be the last!

I have not slept in a bed since august only a couple nights last month when I went away for a break but its has turned my life up side down as I a clothes junkie and all my clothes had to go into deep freeze and the rest I just burned them which has cost a fortune. I also lost my business this year the bed bug saga has put me in hospital 3 times this year as it looked like I was in a fire with huge blisters and they treated me like I was in a fire and gave me burn pads and lots of pills.

I feel like a expert in these little bugs and London at the moment is alive with them I hear.


Hello Maura,

Im sorry to hear about your bed bug infestation! Know that you are not alone! There are a ton of people going through the exact same thing (check out my Bed Bug Bite section).

You can buy the mattress covers from Walmart, check out this mattress cover for bed bugs.

Also, you can use Diatomaceous Earth to kill your bed bugs its non toxic, natural and available at just about any pet supply store (used to kill fleas). I have a good explanation about this dust here: (see the last comment by Joyce)

Did the pest control company ever suggest using Diatomaceous Earth? You may have been able to save the expense of buying new furniture by dusting rather than tossing.

Keep us informed there are a lot of people that would like to know how this works out for you Maura.

Best regards,



Hi Jim, thank you for being there on this great bed bug web site. Im new to all this new tech and just getting use to using to a computer. Im in London UK and we have no Walmart here to buy a mattress cover for beg bugs but I will try a pet food store for diatomaceous earth. I have never heard of this stuff before so I do hope they sell it here in the UK.

Many thanks for all your help and it is nice to know Im not alone with the bed bug saga! I will get onto the housing again regarding the flat above me as the old lady has been taken into a home and the flat is alive with them. I just hope when the pest control go in they dont start running down to me again as all my new furniture is coming next week. I will keep in touch and thanks again for this wonderful web site!


Lisa Temple::

My ex husband and I have noticed small bites on my 5 yr old in the last month. We thought they were fire ants or spider bites, but reading about bed bugs, I think I have found the answer. They started small, but a few of them have gotten infected because my son will scratch them so much until they bleed.

I am so glad to have so much information available thru this site that now I know what to do next. Is there any particular season for bed bugs or is it generally year round? Is there a certain climate they like because I live in south central Oklahoma?


When a bedbug pops, it will splatter blood and you may be exposed!

When you say exposed what does that mean exactly? What can happen to you if you are exposed?

Thanks great website, I really enjoy reading the articles very informative!


Hi Ann,

Im not sure exactly what will happen, if anything, but I do know its a BIG concern. If you search Google for exposed to human blood., youll find a ton of information. For example, one page at MSU suggests washing and going straight to the hospital. Im not a doctor, so I cant explain all the risks associated with being exposed to human blood from a bed bug, but I know its something you want to avoid!

Best regards,



Ive been suffering with bed bugs for almost 2 years .. Now .. I hope that bed bug powder will help .. Or else im going to have to burn down my house


Is there anything I can spray on my clothes that will insure that they are not on my clothes anymore? Will simply washing my clothes in the washing machine and drying them in a regular dryer eliminate them from my clothes. I feel like throwing them all out. What can I do?

Helen white::

Hello, anyone ever stay at the Tavistock Hotel, Tavistock Sq, Bloomsbury London? Ive booked in but Im worried about staying anywhere since friends picked up bed bugs in a London hotel


Hello Helen,

If you are talking about the Tavistock Hotel London at Tavistock Sq, London, WC1H, 9EU, United Kingdom at +44 20 76368383, then it appears they are clean. I have checked the internet for any reference to bed bugs at Tavistock and didnt find a thing.

Let us know how the stay goes!




Hello Lisa,

I dont know of anything that works as a repellent to prevent bedbugs from getting into your clothing. Youre best bet to make sure your cloths are free from bugs is to dry them on high heat (assuming that the fabric can handle high heat).



Helen white::

Hi Jim,

Many thanks for that reassurance. I didnt stay there last night as my trip was cancelled but it means Ill stay there when I go in three weeks, and Ill let you know how I got on.




I have just been to Honduras and picked up bed bugs in a hotel. At least I think its bed bugs because I woke up covered in loads of really itchy bites. Ive now back in London 5 days and I still feel that Im waking up with fresh bites every morning.

My boyfriend believes Im just discovering old bites that were there all along, but I fear I may have bought one home with me. The weird thing is is that my boyfriend never gets bitten even though we share a bed. Could it be something else I have? Or is there a reason why they wouldnt bite us both? Please help this is all so new to me.


Hi Rachel,

If you check out this site, youll see a number of cases where one partner is bitten at night and not the other. In some cases, one partner simply does not react as strongly to the bed bug bite as the other.

Best regards,



I just moved into an apartment 3 days ago, and just now a small bug that looks very similar to a bedbug climbed up next to my mouse. It is not as round as all the pictures on the net, and it has two little bumps on its end, as well its antennae dont look segregated like the pictures, but other than that it looks like a 4th stage nymph. Are there different varieties of bedbugs? Thanks.


I recently found some small shells approximately 1/16 on my bed sheets, no bites or spots or blood stains.

Can this be an early sign of bed bugs?


I work in a school. There is a child in my class that has a very bad case of bedbugs We have collected 13 bed bugs already. We put everything in bags and it drives us crazy.

His coat has a very bad infestation of bed bugs. The parents need this bedbug checklist and the school needs to make a rule that parents must take measures when a child has been reported as bringing in bugs!


All your information on bedbugs is about hotels, what about just plain houses. They are hard to deal with and how can I get rid of them? Where do they come from in the first place? I have never had anything like this before. If spray and the people downstairs dont spray will come back upstairs.

Please answer my question soon.



You have not looked around and I dont just cover hotels as is clear in my responses and content.

I know youre excited about what is happening to you now, but take the time to read the information on my site and youll find all the answers to your questions. I cover it all, from how you end up getting them to how to do pest control yourself. For example, this bedbug checklist can be used anywhere (home, hotel, shelter, etc), the treatment page covers bedbug DIY solutions, etc.

Its all here, all free, just look around. And yes, if the neighbors below you dont treat their infestation, you can get them as well (on the treatment page I cover what the powder that you should spread around).

Best regards,



My mattress is tufted. At the tufts there is what appears to be dust balls- could this be bed bug residue?


I had a problem with bed bugs so I had a professional come in and spray. I was so terrified i threw out my bed my sofa. Im moving and turned over one of my small tables and there were sooo many balls of dust is that bed bugs????

Thank you

Hi Jan,

No, Im guessing it may be egg sacks not from bed bugs, but from spiders. Check out for more information on that.

It could also be dust, but doesnt sound like anything to do with bed bugs.

Best regards,



I have stayed at a hotel this weekend. My husband woke up with a horrible rash and little boils all over his body. It itches very badly. I can only imagine its bedbugs. He did not eat anything different so I do not think its a food reaction.

I am washing and drying all the clothes that we had with us, as well as the ones we are wearing. Is there anything else I need to do to make sure I am not bringing any home with us?


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Bedbug Checklist: FInd and Prevent Bed Bugs Home and Hotel

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Manitoba, Canada Bed Bug Registry Map Bed Bug …

Dear Bed Bug: We recognize that this issue is a potential problem every day, and do take it very serious. We as consumers have to remember that a Hotel itself does not have bedbugs; it unfortunately is brought to the hotel by a guest, either through their luggage or cloths Continue reading

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BED BUGS - Review of Victoria Inn, Winnipeg, Manitoba ...

WINNIPEG The sniffing service dogs that were stolen Monday in Winnipeg are back at work Tuesday. Continue reading

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Bed bug detecting dogs back at work

CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). 2011 Acute illnesses associated with insecticides used to control bed bugsseven states, 20032010. Continue reading

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Human Health Considerations: General Information, Multiple ...

If you think you may have bed bugs, these are the essential dos and donts. Make sure you also look at the photos of bed bugs (and signs of bed bugs) and photos of bed bug bites, and the FAQ on detecting whether your problem is bed bugs, or something else Continue reading

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Bed bugs: dos and donts Got bed bugs?

By Matea Tuhtar With bed bug wars being waged elsewhere, Manitoba schools are turning their attention to remaining bug-free. Even though classroom infestations are rate, schools in the U.S. and Canada have reported finding bed bugs on school properties and some Manitoba schools have had close calls. Continue reading

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bed bugs - The Manitoba Teachers' Society

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Manitoba, Canada Bed Bug Registry Map Bed Bug ...

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"Dragnet" to kill bed bugs. – PEST CONTROL CANADA

Our neighbors have admitted to having bed bugs and told our landlord they took care of it NOW COUPLE MONTHS LATER we found a couple on one of our beds! Please know me or my husband have NEVER had bed bugs before we told our landlord and she is getting a pest control company to come treat both places and they are using Dragnet i was wondering can this being in our place pose a risk to my 5 year old! I read permethrin can be toxic to children Im worried

A certified pest professional should follow strict regulations and apply the insecticide according to label directions. If you vacate the premises as directed there should be no risk to your family. Dragnet is a product being used to control thousands of bed bug infestations and there are no problems when the product is used by a professional as directed. You may view a copy of the label here:

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"Dragnet" to kill bed bugs. - PEST CONTROL CANADA

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Bed Bug Treatment: Get Rid of Bed Bugs in Home – Orkin Canada


Pest threat

Ants and mice are moving inside and wildlife may be looking for potential harbourage areas. Spiders are constructing egg sacs and mosquito activity is increasing. House fly activity can be expected. Commercial accounts will need to be aware of increased small fly activity. Nuisance wildlife, such as squirrels and chipmunks, will be much more noticeable.

Home Bed Bugs Bed Bug Treatment & Control

Although bed bugs dont pose any serious health concerns they do live and hide in the areas where we sleep. They are mostly found in bedding, mattresses, on headboards and in bed frames and box springs. Due to their size and nocturnal nature bed bugs can easily go undetected. Dark spots and small blood stains may indicate the presence of bed bugs. Bed bugs also give off a sweet musty odour and will often leave their eggs and molted skins near areas they have infested. Good housekeeping may not eliminate the problem. Even upscale hotels are not immune bed bugs can thrive in a spotlessly clean room. Bed Bug infestations are difficult to deal with, and success depends on the thoroughness of the preparation, treatment and the follow-up. One of the most important steps in effective bed bug control is the accurate identification of bed bugs presence before starting any treatments. Home remedies, available in stores, are not very effective getting rid of a bed bug infestation. If you do choose to use an over-the-counter insecticide, make sure to read the label closely and follow directions. Your best course of action is to immediately contact your local Orkin Canada branch as we have extensive experience dealing with bed bugs. Pest control professionals administer the most effective treatments. It is advised that anyone with a suspected bed bug infestation contact their local expert to arrange an inspection and consultation.

There is no way to prevent bed bugs entirely; however, experts agree that early detection is the best way to prevent them from establishing themselves. A bed bug dog is your best tool for early detection. To prevent bed bug infestations you need to be vigilant in examining your surroundings. When returning from a trip, or a night out check both your clothing and luggage. If you think you may have a bed bug infestation, contact a pest control professional. This is not a pest that can be controlled with do-it-yourself measures.

Bed bugs are small, nocturnal and very difficult to detect. They are also very rugged insects and that can live for up to a year without feeding. They can hide in cracks and crevices and in hard to find spots and can withstand a temperature from almost freezing up to 122 degrees Fahrenheit. All of these facts make treating bed bugs very difficult and should always be done by a professional pest control technician such as your local highly trained Orkin Canada Technician.

Short of inspecting your own or a guests luggage and belongings as they come in, there is no known way to completely prevent bed bugs from entering a property. And once they are inside, two bed bugs can lay up to ten eggs in one day. Thats why it is important to have any rooms with a bed bug problem treated immediately to prevent them from becoming a widespread infestation.

To address current infestations, Orkin Canada will provide an aggressive treatment strategy that includes a thorough inspection of areas of concern to locate harbourage sites, as well as treatment of both infested and potentially infested areas. Orkin Canada will also conduct a follow-up inspection to ensure that the treatment was effective.

The threat of bed bugs is always present but Orkin Canada is always ready. Armed with the best training in the industry plus over 100 years of experience and success Orkin professionals will provide training for your housekeeping and engineering staff on proactive bed bug measures. A favourite spot for bed bugs to hide is under the seams of box springs andmattresses. Orkin Canada will teach the housekeeping staff to inspect for bed bugs while servicing rooms and thus helping identifiy bed bugs in hotels rooms.

An effective bed bug control strategy must start with an inspection. A highly trained pest control professional, such as your local Orkin Canada technician, would start with a thorough inspection of all known and suspected spots where bed bugs might be hiding. Bed bugs are not pests that can be effectively controlled by do-it-yourself means. If bed bugs are detected your pest control professional will develop a customized treatment and control strategy with you that depends on the size of the infestation.

Rising complaints about these unwelcome guests are leading to red faces at the reception desks of hotels and an increase in the number of help calls. Even though they dont pose a health threat, bed bugs, which live off human blood, can take a nasty bite out of a hotels reputation and business.

Orkin Canada recommends that you follow A.I.M. for the best results, when dealing with bed bug infestations. Assess the Situation:Your Orkin Canada Technician performs a thorough inspection of your home to locate any current bed bug infestations. Implement a customized treatment plan: Every bed bug problem is different; so is every treatment. Your Orkin Canada Technician is an expert on the entomology and life cycle of bed bugs and uses the appropriate treatment to match the extent of your problem. To protect your family and pets, your technician uses integrated pest control methods safely applying products only when needed. Monitor Results: With our established Quality Assurance regimens we will document everything & follow-up. Bed bugs are extremely hardy. A return visit from your technician helps ensure the maximum effectiveness of your program. In addition, we offer protective mattress covers to help prevent future infestations. Schedule a Bed Bug Inspection Today! Want to learn more about bed bugs? Click one of the links below:

If you suspect a bed bug problem, for best results, you should immediately contact a professional pest control company such as Orkin Canada and our highly trained technicians.

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Bed Bug Treatment: Get Rid of Bed Bugs in Home - Orkin Canada

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Identify Bed Bugs: Pictures and Descriptions

Learning how to identify bed bugs will help any home owner or apartment tenant avoid an infestation. All it takes is one pregnant female to produce a population. Bed Bugs do resemble other bugs, so a close inspection is required.

Bed bug appearance will change based on where they are in their life cycle, as they pass through 5 nymph and 1 adult stage. Color and shape can also vary if the bedbug has just had a blood meal and if that meal has been digested. They will appear flat and light brownish if they haven't just eaten and will become reddish after feeding.

Bed bug infestations are increasing across the globe. Reports in many U.S. cities show a 2x increase in complaints over a 2 year period. Reports in Ontario Canada have increased 100%, while Germany has seen a year to year increase of 5 reports to 76 reports.

In its earliest stages bed bugs may be difficult to detect since red bumps on the skin and skin itch, the typical symptom, can have multiple causes. As an infestation grows, repeated bites and stains on the mattress make it obvious that bed bugs are the problem and indicates that you should bring in an expert to identify bed bugs in your home or apartment.

Bed bugs change in appearance depending on where they are in the bed bugs life cycle. A bed bug will pass through five stages before reaching the sixth stage which is adulthood. Baby bed bugs are referred to as nymphs.

The bugs are also difficult to detect since they tend to only leave their hiding places at night, with the only sign being mattress or furniture stains. When an infestation is small, must bugs can be found on or near a bed, hiding on a box spring, backboard on in cracks on a bed frame, particularly wood frames. Always look for light to dark spots which can be shed skins and feces .

At birth they are about 1/16 of an inch and have a light straw color appearance. After a blood meal they will redden in color and appear to be larger. As they get older they become darker in color, taking on a reddish/brown appearance and grow to 1/4 inch.

If you think you have bed bugs, but want to be sure, then you can send a bug you capture to the Cornell Insect Diagnostic Laboratory. The service costs $25.

Bed bugs tend to hide in many places around a room, with most hiding near or around the mattress. The following diagram shows common bed bug hiding places. It is possible to see a solitary bed bug that isn't near the location of the larger infestation.

When trying to identify bed bugs, look in the following places in the typical room:

Here are some bed bug identification tips:

1. Bed Bug Bites: The most telling way to determine if you have bed bugs is if you experience bites while sleeping. Bites can vary from just puncture marks on the skin to large red bumps. The bites themselves are an allergic reaction and vary from person to person. It is possible for the allergic reaction to worsen after each biting episode. When a person is being bitten they may only feel a slight tickle. Bed bugs tend not to bite the face or bottom of the feet.

2. Spots on the Mattress: Red blood smears, brown spots, or pale colored spots (fecal spots) on the mattress along the seams or on sheets, bed sheets or the head board. Look for clusters of spots, particularly on the head board, where the bugs might hide or rest.

3. Look for Bed Bug Eggs; A female will lay clusters of Bed bug eggs along the seams of the mattress and in other parts of the room. These are white pin sized specs that will be glued on to the mattress as the eggs are sticky when laid by a female bed bugs. When looking for a bed bug egg, use a magnifying glass and a bed bug detection flashlight.

4. Bed Bug Odor: Bed bugs sometimes, but not always give off a distinct odor that smells like coriander. The alarm pheromone is not always produced so bugs or rooms infested by them don't always smell like this. However, bed bug dogs can pick up odors that humans cannot.

5. Seeing the bugs themselves on the mattress: 90% will be near or around the bed.

6. Create Your Own Bed Bug Trap: Rutgers University Scientists have devised a simple make at home trap that can help you identify bed bugs (Science News, Jan. 16, 2010).

Start by putting 2.5 lbs. or dry eyes in a 1/3 gallon jug. A cooler (eg; Coleman type) with a flip top will be best. Leave the spout open a bit, so that as carbon dioxide is released, it leaves the container. Put the cooler in the center of a bowl such as a pet food dish. Tape a piece of paper to the outside of the dish.

The bed bugs will be attracted to the carbon dioxide, climb up the side of the dish or bowl and then get trapped inside. Place some talcum powder into the dish, which will kill the bed bugs when it sticks to the insect's back. This home made bed bugs trap should work within 12 hours if you have bed bugs.

As an alternative, you can buy a Climbup Interceptor (pictured below), and place one under each leg of the bed. This will work the same way, and trap any bed bugs heading toward the bed and the human host.

Bed bugs are oval in appearance and can look like a tick or small cockroach. They follow a life cycle where they change in appearance. They appear to be flat if unfed or far on in digesting a blood meal. Atfirst, Instars are whitish and yellowish or straw-colored and nymphs (young bed bugs) will be plump and red if they have taken a blood meal. They are not so red in color if digesting the meal.

After a meal a bed bug will become enlarged by approximately 30%.

There are 92 species of bed bugs in the world, with 16 of the 92 found in the United States. Sometimes it is very difficult to identify bed bugs vs. other bugs. These include:

Bugs vary by their natural host and where they are found. Several bugs need to be collected and examined by a pest control specialist in order to confirm that an infestation exists.

A pest control expert will have the experience for how to identify bed bugs. We suggest starting with a call to Home Advisor (1.877-233-1145), which is a network of local pest control experts that are pre-screened by the network before being accepted as members. They will provide up to 4 free quotes and certify that each member is licensed and insured.

You can also search our database of local bed bug experts here. If you'd like to read consumer reviews of bedbug exterminators in your area, a helpful service is Angie's List.

Someone that frequently treats bed bugs infestations will know where in a home or apartment to look for hiding bugs. Expect to pay $50 to $500 for an on site inspection ($500 is a dog is used) plus the cost of the treatment which can cost $750 or more.

As an alternative, a do it yourself kit, containing the multiple products you need, such as the one offered by Naturasil for Bed Bugs (uses organic methods) or Bed Bug Supply (insecticide based) will cost $160 for everything you need (spray, steamer, fossil dust, mattress covers).

Each of these free brochures provide additional information on how to identify bed bugs in your home or apartment.

How to Identify Bed Bugs

Tips on how to identify bed bugs in your home, office or when traveling..

Written by: Dini M. Miller, Ph.D.

Available in a free Ebook

Bed Bug Identification and Inspection

One page summary of how to identify bed bugs and inspect your home, apartment, office or hotel room.

Written by: Illinois Department of Public Health

Available in a free Ebook

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Identify Bed Bugs: Pictures and Descriptions

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