Category Archives: Canada Bed Bugs

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Don't let them bite: Why bed bugs are worse than ever

Canada's bed bug problem is worse than ever, as experts say the pesky little bloodsuckers are multiplying in record numbers in cities and smaller communities across the country.

Pest control experts say the frequency of bed bug reports has shot up 20 per cent since last year, as the blood-sucking, rapidly-reproducing insects have continued to spread. Mike Heimbach of Abell Pest Control says that increase has been a steady, "compounding growth" in the last six years. And it shows no sign of letting up.

"They've really got a good foothold in Canada and the United States, and we don't see that changing any time soon," Heimbach told CTV's Canada AM on Monday morning. He added that while the bugs were initially an urban problem, they've spread to rural and less-populated areas in recent years.

Heimbach also stressed that bed bug infestations have no link to socioeconomic status.

"Anyone can get bed bugs," he said. "The challenge that we see is that certain people can't afford to get rid of them."

A bed bug is about the size, shape and colour of an apple seed, three millimetres long and oval-shaped, with reddish-brown colouring. When found hiding in the seams of mattresses, the insects are visible to the naked eye. They only emerge to feed late at night. Their bite is similar to a mosquito bite, Heimbach said, leaving behind an itchy welt in the spot where they draw blood from the skin.

The insects spread by hitchhiking in bags and on clothes, but they can also be hiding in discarded furniture and electronics that people unwittingly bring into their homes.

Aside from the small, red bites, there are other identifiable signs of a bed bug infestation. Heimbach said a quick check of your mattress seams and headboard can reveal many telling signs, from leftover insect husks and little black droppings, to blood spots on the mattress.

"They know how to live unseen," Heimbach said. Spotting one of the bugs is, of course, another sign of infestation, he said.

"The key is to learn to identify them and to act quickly if you get them."

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Don't let them bite: Why bed bugs are worse than ever

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Bedbug Bites | Canada Bedbugs

Below is an article taken from our sister site,

It discusses what bed bug bites look like and what to do if you find them.

Have you noticed marks on your body that you suspect may be bedbug bites?

The first and most important thing to remember is do not panic. Bedbugs may be expensive and a pain to deal with, but they are not dangerous to you. Bedbug bites do not transmit disease. The main risk of bedbug bites is itching and infection caused by scratches.

Here is what to do if you suspect you have bedbugs:

(1) Observe the Nature of the Bites Bedbug bites typically appear in clusters of 3. You may hear this referred to as the breakfast, lunch & dinner pattern.

(2) Appropriately Treat Bite Locations Wash the bedbug bite locations with mild soap and water. Pat dry and do your best not to scratch. If necessary, use anti-itch cream. If you are the sort of person that has significant reactions to insect bites, consider taking an oral allergy pill such as Claritin or Benadryl to reduce your bodys reaction to the bites. When in doubt, consult with your doctor.

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Bedbug Bites | Canada Bedbugs

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Bed bugs strike P.E.I. – Prince Edward Island – CBC News

They arethe subject of a lawsuit in California, and Prince Edward Island has not been immune to the return of bed bugs as a serious problem in North America.

The tiny, blood-sucking insects were all but wiped out in North America in the 1950s, largely through the use of DDT, but the pest continued to thrive in other parts of the world. In the last few years, an increase in international travel and more cautious use of chemical pesticides have led to a resurgence of the bug.

Charlottetown's 4-star Delta Hotel was victim to an infestation last year.

Hotel manager Michael Bird found bed bugs are hard to get rid of. ((Bill van Asperen/CBC))

"We discovered them unfortunately, it was reactive because a customer complained about having itch and bites," said hotel manager Michael Bird.

"We reacted to that and it was a first for us. We immediately called in our pest control services and began to take some action."

Bird discovered getting rid of bed bugs is not as easy as calling pest control. Before declaring the room free of pests, they threw out the mattress and box spring not just once, but twice.

"We did do it twice. Our problem was limited to one room, but we took all the precautions and we couldn't kill them," said Bird.

"Even though it wasn't recommended, we felt we had to go to the nth degree to make sure they didn't come back."

Cleaning no help with bed bugs

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Bed bugs strike P.E.I. - Prince Edward Island - CBC News

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Bed bug company says calls are up 20 per cent

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VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) The number of cases of bed bugs is increasing across Canada, and especially here in BC.

A COMPAS Research survey of Canadian Health Inspectors shows that reports of bed bug infestations have risen anywhere from 20 to 50 per cent over the past three years, with an average annual increase of eight per cent.

The research was conducted on behalf of Abell Pest Control, which itself has found there has already been a 20 per cent increase in bed bug inquires compared to the same period last year, with most calls from major cities including Toronto, Winnipeg, Montreal, Halifax, Calgary and Vancouver.

A few years ago, we used to do three or four a week bed bug calls a week, and now we do five or six a day, so its increasing, says James Roach, a branch manager at Abell.

He thinks the numbers are up because more people are calling pest control when they see any type of bug, and because its travel season.

More people are travelling. Bed bugs are a transferrable pest. They are little hitchhikers. They jump on peoples luggage when they travel around. They get onto used furniture when you bring them into your place or mattresses. People visit each other and bring them along, he explains.

June to October is traditionally prime season for bed bugs.

Roach doesnt believe the situation is out of control.

They are solvable issue, as long as you work together with people. Tenants have to follow certain instructions, like how to prepare the home before treatment. As a company, we can get bed bugs under control. We havent had any issues where we couldnt get the issue under control.

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Bed bug company says calls are up 20 per cent

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Reports of Bed Bugs in Vancouver Hotels – Vancouver …

Reports of bed bugs in Vancouver, and the rest of Canada are increasing. We are currently monitoring the internet for reports of bed bugs in Vancouver hotels to help you identify which Vancouver hotels have bedbugs. Each Vancouver hotel has at least one mention of bedbugs in the last 12 months. Please take into account that individual reports of bedbugs in Vancouver hotels have not been confirmed by an independent third party. Below is the bed bugs hotel list for the city of Vancouver.

We bring you up to the minute information and reports about bed bug incidents in Vancouver hotels & motels from all over the web. If you had any recent bed bug encounters, please share it with the rest of raveable community by submitting a bed bug report.

Century Plaza Hotel and Spa

Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel

However, my partner and I both left with numerous bed bug bites.

Budget Inn Patricia Hotel

I have about 30 bed bug bites and probably plague or something.

I googled what it was as as I said previously I had no idea what a bed bug even looked like and to my horror my research confirmed.

City Centre Motor Hotel

Well he acted like he had never seen bed bug bites in his life.

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Reports of Bed Bugs in Vancouver Hotels - Vancouver ...

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