Category Archives: Canada Bed Bugs

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The Allergy Guy: Allergy Relief & Bed Bug Prevention.

Welcome the & Bed Bug Canada

The Allergy Guy is Canada's leader in bed bug and allergy products. Buy from When you buy bed bug mattress covers from The Allergy Guy you're buying direct from the manufacture.We specialize in making bed bug mattress cover that are 100% certified. Mattress covers Canada and mattress covers Toronto sell the best and lowest prices for certified bed bug proof encasements and bed bug control products, dry steam cleaners and air purifiers for protection from allergy relief and bed bugs.We also have Indoor Allergy Relief Control products. Allergy Bedding, Anti-allergen supplies, Furnace Filters and Air Purifiers.The Allergy Guy is Canada's bed bug control store.For any bed bug mattress cover for Montreal,Ottawa,Windsor,Calgary,Vancouver or anywhere in Canada mattress covers Canada and bed bug mattress covers Canada.

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BEDBUGS – Pest Control Canada

Long considered eradicated in most metropolitan areas, bed bugs are making a comeback. They are being found in cities across the country, everywhere from homeless shelters to five-star hotels. Contrary to popular belief, the presence of bed bugs does not indicate a lack of cleanliness.

Why Have Bed Bugs Returned?

In the past, insecticides such as DDT helped to keep the bed bug population at bay with residues that continued working after the product was sprayed. Now, with the increase in use of bait traps instead of broad spectrum sprays, specific pests such as ants and cockroaches are being targeted, and bed bugs are no longer being eliminated.

In addition, people now travel more than ever before. Places that see a great deal of turnover such as hotels give bed bugs the opportunity to travel to new locations on luggage or clothing.

Why Are Bed Bugs a Problem?

Bed bugs are nuisances and are generally off-putting to people, but they do not pose any major health risks. As with mosquitoes, people can be allergic to their bites, which can cause swelling, itchy welts and in some cases infections. However, they are not known to carry any blood-borne diseases. Bed bugs are mainly active at night. As they typically feed when people are sound asleep, their bites may not be detected immediately. One species of bed bug feeds primarily on humans, but there are other species that feed on other mammals and on birds. Bed bugs are moved into and around a dwelling through infested furniture and bedding. They can also enter a home or hotel by being carried in on clothing or luggage.

Identifying Bed Bugs

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BEDBUGS - Pest Control Canada

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Fighting the bedbug bite

Southwest Ohio is known as a bedbug hotspot Cincinnati is the most bedbug-infested city in the nation and Yellow Springs is not immune.

Theres no shortage of bedbugs here, according to Brian Magee of bed bug exterminators Eco-Therm, which receives 60 to 70 requests every day to treat bed bug infestations in Miami Valley homes.About three to four calls come in each month for Yellow Springs, on par with the region, added Magee. One outbreak locally is taking place at the Lawson Place public housing complex.

While a full story onthe local bedbug situation appears in the Oct. 17 issue of the News, everyone should be on the lookout for signs of bedbugs. See photos, a video and FAQ below for more information.

Photos courtesy of Eco-Therm

Click here for a video of a severe bedbug infestation

Bedbug FAQ from the The Centers for Disease Control:

Bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) are small, flat, parasitic insects that feed solely on the blood of people and animals while they sleep. Bed bugs are reddish-brown in color, wingless, range from 1mm to 7mm (roughly the size of Lincolns head on a penny), and can live several months without a blood meal.

Bed bugs are found across the globe from North and South America, to Africa, Asia and Europe. Although the presence of bed bugs has traditionally been seen as a problem in developing countries, it has recently been spreading rapidly in parts of the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and other parts of Europe. Bed bugs have been found in five-star hotels and resorts and their presence is not determined by the cleanliness of the living conditions where they are found.

Bed bug infestations usually occur around or near the areas where people sleep. These areas include apartments, shelters, rooming houses, hotels, cruise ships, buses, trains, and dorm rooms. They hide during the day in places such as seams of mattresses, box springs, bed frames, headboards, dresser tables, inside cracks or crevices, behind wallpaper, or any other clutter or objects around a bed. Bed bugs have been shown to be able to travel over 100 feet in a night but tend to live within 8 feet of where people sleep.

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Fighting the bedbug bite

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Commissioners pass bedbug ordinance

The spread of bedbugs has become a serious problem within the city, and officials gave final approval to an ordinance to deal with the situation during a regular meeting of the Maysville Board of Commissioners on Thursday.

The ordinance makes it the property owners' responsibility to remove infested furnishings that have been placed on the curb by themselves or tenants and to also treat the structure for bed bugs before the property can be rented again.

During last month's city commission meeting, City Manager Ray Young said there has been a drastic increase of bed bugs in recent months and he's worked with the Buffalo Trace Health District to find some solution to the problem. He said BTHD Executive Director Allison Adams found an ordinance adopted by Chicago officials addressing the issue and the ordinance has been revised for adoption in Maysville.

The ordinance makes it the property owners' responsibility to remove infested items and allows the property owner to be fined $100 per day plus court costs for furniture and bedding that isn't removed after three days of being set on the curb. The problem has been related primarily to rental properties.

The ordinance will be enforced by the city's Codes Enforcement and Police departments. A citation will be issued to the property owner by the police, who will in turn have three days to remove the discarded items from the curb. The property owner will also be required to file paperwork with the city and health department proving the property has been treated for bed bugs.

Young said employees of the Codes Enforcement office will monitor the property on a daily basis to make sure a new tenant doesn't move into the house or apartment before it has been treated and the paperwork filed.

The ordinance was questioned by two property owners and an owner of a second-hand shop during the meeting. One property owner said he didn't feel it was fair to make the property owner responsible for the tenant. City officials stressed the $100 per day fine will not be imposed if the property owner removes the infested item within the three day time frame. Property owners were told they must take the item to the landfill, instead of the item being removed city employees.

Officials were asked if the ordinance was meant to penalized the owners and tenants or if it was really an effort to stop the spread of the bugs. Young said the ordinance is designed to stop the spread of bed bugs and it's a first step in addressing the problem, which is occurring all over town.

At last month's meeting, Young said the problem is so bad, police, firefighters, EMTs and public works employees are coming back into the station or garage with bed bugs on them. Police officers now carry a 99 percent alcohol spray with them to use after being in a building suspected of having an infestation, said MPD Chief Ron Rice. Rice also said property that has been taken in as evidence that may be infested, is now stored in metal containers in a separate area of the department's property room to keep them from spreading.

For more information about the proposed ordinance, contact Young or the Codes Enforcement office at 564-9091.

Commissioners pass bedbug ordinance

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Reports of bedbugs double in Vancouver

A pest control agency is reporting a two-fold increase in Vancouver bedbug infestation in the past three years, following a trend happening right across Canada.

In 2010, we were getting about 20 to 25 calls a week (in Vancouver), said Abell Pest Control regional manager Bola Fagbamiye, Now were at the point where were getting over 50 calls a week.

According to a survey commissioned by the Toronto-based pest control company in late June involving 67 public health inspectors, 57% said reports of bedbug infestations have risen over the past three years.

The study found 81% of the inspectors agreed apartment buildings had experienced the largest jump in bedbug populations.

Glen Embree, manager of health protection programs for Fraser Health in Surrey, confirmed the increase in bedbug calls.

If youre looking at last year compared to 10 years ago, yeah, there has been a lot more calls about bedbugs, he said Thursday.

With several self-help options available, Embree said putting clothes or sensitive silks into the freezer is one option to kill the bugs. Another is using hot water 57 degrees Celsius is recommended to scrub linens. Carpet steaming and frequent vacuuming can also work.

Sprays containing the insecticide pyrethrum are also available at gardening stores or hardware businesses. They are considered a gentler chemical treatment process than industry products.

A natural option is diatomaceous earth, also available at gardening stores, which literally sucks the blood out of the bug.

Its the crushed up exoskeletons of little aquatic organisms called diatoms, hence the term diatomaceous earth, said Brett Johnston, president of pest control firm Assured Thermal Solutions.

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Reports of bedbugs double in Vancouver

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