Category Archives: Exterminator Bed Bugs

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New York Bed Bugs Extermination Online Guide Published by NYC Entrepreneur

(PRWEB) September 23, 2012

New York bed bugs can be eliminated by following the strategies, tips, and ideas published in a special online guide for New York City. Bed bugs are ant like bugs that operate like ninja warriors at night, creating panic upon the inhabitants of the dwellings that they invade. Once a bed bug colony establishes itself in a room, it can seem like a very daunting task to eliminate them.

Donny Lowy, a an entrepreneur who runs, a closeout wholesale business in New York, has published a collection of articles online to help residents, property managers, and exterminators gain the upper hand against the bed bug onslaught that is facing Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens, and Staten Island. While bed bugs were almost once eliminated, due to the main pesticide, DDT, being prohibited for use, they have made a striking come back in many metropolitan and urban locations. The main challenge with bed bugs is that if any of them remain after an extermination, they can quickly reproduce and create a new round of havoc.

The free online bed bug guide that has been published covers important techniques and tips that deal with New York bed bugs, such as:

Understanding Why Bed Sprays Might Not Stop A New York Bed Bug Infestation. Are There Bed Bugs In New York Hotels? Why You Need To Know What The Real Symptoms Of Bed Bugs Are Can You Kill Bed Bugs In New York Without An Exterminator? Knowing How To Spot Bed Bugs In New York Apartments What You Should Never Bring Into Your Home If You Want To Avoid A Bed Bug Invasion The Fastest Way To Wipe Out A Bed Bug Infestation How To Find And Destroy Bed Bug Eggs What You Should Never Do If You Discover Bed Bugs In NYC, or Anywhere Else The Favorite Hiding Places For Bed Bugs In New York

New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn understood the challenges faced by the bed bug resurgence, as reports surfaced of sightings in high end hotels like the Waldorf Astoria, the Nike flagship store in Soho, and even at a Times Square movie theater. Luckily, no bed bugs have been reported in the New York Apple retail store, which is frequented by countless international shoppers.

The challenge with dealing with bed bugs is that they are easily transported in luggage, on people's clothing, and in clothing shipments. To eradicate bed bugs you need to first exterminate any that are present, and then use products such as Diatomaceous Earth (diatomite), which is a powder made from fossilized remains of microscopic shells created by single celled plants that are known as Diatoms. You can use bed bug catchers, but if you do end up catching a bug, I would recommend that you use the services of a licensed New York exterminator, said Donny Lowy.

He continued, Bed bugs have developed resistance to many of the chemicals being used against them, so another option is to use a heating treatment known as thermal remediation, which should definitely be done by a professional exterminator. Remember, if you live in a New York apartment building, the entire building should be treated, otherwise the bed bugs will only scatter to another apartment and then return later on.

The purpose of the New York bed bug website is to provide general information, and direction, for those who are moving to, or currently living in New York, and want to win the battle against bed bugs.

Lastly, if you suspect you might be living with bed bugs, the last thing you ever want to do is panic. Do not resort to any drastic or unsafe solutions. There are plenty of remedies sold on Amazon, and even non toxic bed bug treatments available online.

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New York Bed Bugs Extermination Online Guide Published by NYC Entrepreneur

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Wayne Township calls in exterminators after students bring bed bugs to class

Wayne Township is battling a bed bug problem. The district announced Tuesday that it believes the problem has been taken care of.

Late last week, the district was notified that two siblings unknowingly brought the bugs to both Ben Davis High School and Sanders Elementary School. Both students took buses to school and those buses also service two other schools in the district-- Bridgeport Elementary and the pre-school.

Spokeswoman Mary Lang said the district sent out thousands of emails and made automated calls to parents and guardians who have children at the affected schools.

"According to the information that we've shared from the CDC, bed bugs are found all over the world so it's something that could happen at anytime and of course, we don't want our students to have to deal with that."

The exterminator company is also treating the home of the two students. They are being kept home until the bed bugs are gone. Health experts said bed bugs are not to be considered a medical or public health hazard and they are not known to spread diseases.

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Wayne Township calls in exterminators after students bring bed bugs to class

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Bed Bugs Close Down NJ Town Hall; ExterminatorForBedBugs Offers Residents Affordable Solution to Keep the Pests From …

Cincinnati, OH (PRWEB) August 13, 2012

Due to bed bug infestation, a municipal hall in New Jersey has been closed down, reported on August 2. But knowing that bed bugs are quick to spread and love to be in houses, advised the residents to learn how to effectively counter the pests' presence and to do with its non-toxic bed bug killer.

Get a Sample of the Best Non-Toxic Bed Bug Killer Today

As it was said in the report, the Brick Township municipal complex was shut down last Thursday because of the bed bug sightings. It stated that the town's police department housed in the complex had to relocate to a Mobile Commant Unit to continue its operations.

A separate report from stated that the pests were sighted in several areas in the hall. It related that they were first found in a jail cell a month ago. Last week, they were again seen in the Human Resource Office and then in the Tax Collector's Office.

The sightings of bed bugs in the different areas of Brick town hall prove that the said pests can infest any place and that they spread quick, said And given that they are sneaky too, they can hitchhike unnoticed with guests and employees, it is likely that they will extend their infestation to residences, it added.

To effectively counter the possible bed bug infestation and to clear the pests immediately after they were sighted, advised the public, especially the Brick residents, to prepare a bed bug spray. However, of the many bed bug products there are today, the website asserted that every bed bug sufferer should go for one that is non-toxic for a safe bed bug treatment.

And so among other bed bug products, the site only recommended the use of Bed Bug Bully. It said that the solution is non-toxic without dropping its effectiveness. Hence, with it, the public can implement a truly effective and safe bed bug elimination process, it added

Get to Know Bed Bug Bully. Learn Why It's Best Bed Bug Product You Can Get

Unlike most of the bed bug solutions, ExterminatorForBedBugs said that Bed Bug Bully is made with natural ingredients. Hence, negative health effects as dizziness, headache and breathing difficulties after the application of the solution are prevented. Classified as a pesticide-exempt product, the site also shared that it meets the requirements for Minimum Risk Pesticides Exemption under the FIFRA Section 25(b).

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Bed Bugs Close Down NJ Town Hall; ExterminatorForBedBugs Offers Residents Affordable Solution to Keep the Pests From ...

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Exterminator: Library-To-Home Move Of Bed Bugs Unlikely

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Central Branch of the Wichita Public Library is closed the rest of this week because of an invasion of bed bugs.

The pest problem was first discovered Wednesday by a patron at the library.

Digging Deeper

For most of the 20th Century, bed bugs were almost eradicated.

In recent years, however, they have seen a resurgence. The reasons are not yet clear.

However, experts say some factors may be complacency, increased resistance, bans on pesticides and increased international travel.

Now, library leaders are working to uncover just how widespread the problem is. Then, they will figure out how to get rid of the bed bugs.

Bed bug infestations are becoming an increasing problem across the country. While the City of Wichita is not calling the situation at the library an infestation, many people have been asking if it is possible the bed bugs hitched a ride home from the library with them.

A local exterminator, who returned to Wichita Wednesday from a two-day "bed bug boot camp" in Kansas City, says it is possible, but not likely.

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Exterminator: Library-To-Home Move Of Bed Bugs Unlikely

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Exterminators, scientists see strides in finding, killing bed bugs

Bed bugs are small but are they still dangerous?

As bed bugs increase their presence, exterminators and pesticide researchers are escalating efforts to hunt down and kill the wingless red insect.

State entomologist Dr. Jeffrey Brown says although the bugs are hitting Mississippi hard, especially its lodging sector, he sees the nation as a whole making strides in search-and-destroy efforts.

His assessment is joined by pest control managers in Mississippi and the general manager of a California company who says the companys product kills bed bugs instantly for up to a year with a single application.

On the detection side, mans best friend the dog can be trained to be an outstanding hunter of bed bugs in a hotel room or house, according to Brown and extermination experts.

They bring in dogs that sniff for bed bugs twice a year, Brown, director of the Mississippi Department of Healths Environmental Services Bureau, said of some hotels. Other hotels say hiring a dog is too expensive, he added.

A beagle in New Orleans has gained a wide reputation for finding the reclusive bugs that like to stay hidden until their human hosts are deep into sleep. The cost for the beagle: $300 an hour, according to Mark Armola, manager of the Jackson branch of Redd Pest Control.

But such a dog is going to be with a trained handler and is pretty darn accurate at being able to find bed bug infestations, said David Mayley, manager for Orkins Long Beach branch.

When Redd Pest Control confirms the presence of bed bugs, it employs an eradication strategy of applying chemical pesticides in the infested unit, and the rooms on either side and above and below the unit. Then we see how that goes and do a follow-up treatment in three or four weeks, Armola said. After that, it is pretty well hit and miss if you dont get them in the initial or follow-up visits.

In the meantime, new travelers are bringing new infestations into the rooms via their luggage.

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Exterminators, scientists see strides in finding, killing bed bugs

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