Category Archives: Toronto Bed Bugs

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Woman eaten to death by bedbugs; caretaker charged – Toronto Sun

Toronto Sun
Woman eaten to death by bedbugs; caretaker charged
Toronto Sun
The caretaker for a 96-year-old woman who died after being bitten to death by bedbugs has been charged with involuntary manslaughter. Pennsylvania's York Daily Record reports that Mary Stoner, 96, died two weeks after cops visited the home where she ...
Hanover-area caretaker charged in bed bug deathThe Evening Sun

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Woman eaten to death by bedbugs; caretaker charged - Toronto Sun

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Bed Bug Removal How To Remove Bed Bugs

This article will give you some tips on how to get rid of bed bugs. Here are some simple tips you can follow to make sure that you decrease the chances of having your bedroom become a bed bug haven.

Vacuum regularly

When you vacuum your bed you remove all the dirt on it. Dirt is a suitable habitat of bed bugs. Vacuum all areas of your house. Remove all stuff you have on your bed or sofa including the linen. This will remove all the dirt from corners of your house. Clean your belongings as well especially your travel bags.Sometimes you get the dirt outside of the house.To ensure that bed bugs will have no spot on your bed remove all the dirt on it.Bed bugs feed themselves on dirt, as well.

Use clean linen every day

Make sure that your linen is clean. Stinky linen will invite bed bugs to your bed. Change your linen on a daily basis.Further, when you clean your linen, soak it in soapy hot water. Hot water will kill these bed bugs.

Prefer synthetic linen rather than wool

Wool is bed bugs habitat. To refrain bed bugs from staying away from your bed, do not use wool as your linen. Bed bugs do not only cling on your bed they also live your sala and also present in other areas of the house. To make sure that you do away from them never install their habitat in your house.

Do not swamp your house or room with furniture

Bed bugs usually live on the dark corners of furniture. Simply minimize your use of furniture in your house or room. If you prefer to decorate your house with furniture, make sure that clean them regularly.

Use exterminators

You may hire exterminators to remove bugs from your house. Follow the instructions of exterminators prior to their cleaning activity to ensure that they cover all corners of the house in their exterminating work.

Apparently, the above measures do prevent bed bugs from building inside your house. However, it is highly recommended that you hire a professional to check your house premises regularly. In looking for exterminators, consider the following: (more)

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Bed Bug Removal How To Remove Bed Bugs

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This is an update from our story last night on the bed bug treatment-related fire in Detroit.

The tenant who accidentally started the fire in Detroit on Tuesday has now spoken to journalists, offering a heartbreaking apology for her actions:

According to Fox 2 News, the tenant had bed bugs for a whole year, and desperation when the bed bug problem persisted after professionals treated the home led her to take matters into her own hands:

They had sent exterminators over, but it didnt work, and these things just kept at me, they just kept at me, she says. I went in there with clear skin, now my skin is all bitten up and looking like leather. I just want to get rid of these bed bug tormentors.

The woman, who wished to remain anonymous, says she killed some of the bedbugs a few weeks ago by turning up the heat in her west side apartment, which is near Outer Drive and Rouge Park. So, she says she did the same Tuesday and doused her floors with alcohol, which is often used to kill bedbugs. But, she also had her oven on and she did not know the fumes are flammable.

When I was standing in the front room, the whole floor just ignited. The whole floor just ignited! I couldnt get the fire extinguisher, she says.

As we noted in our previous post, Fox 2 reported yesterday that officials had confirmed the fire was started after the tenant used a smoke bomb and then tried to put it out with a pillow.

Its not clear from this report whether that is correct, but the tenant here reports that a floor sprayed with alcohol ignited from the lit oven.

Alcohol is a contact killer for bed bugs but is highly flammable and if used at all, should be used with great caution.

This is a tragic situation and the womans story of living with bed bugs for a year makes the desperate nature of her actions more understandable.

Her phone call on the news report is quite heartbreaking. I really hope she can forgive herself and move on.

No one should be in the position of living with bed bugs for so long. This story highlights the need both for education about how to kill bed bugs safely, what to expect during treatment, and how to resolve bed bug problems in apartment buildings.

If bed bug treatments fail, there will be reasons why (which might include attached neighbors with untreated infestations, or the methods being used, among other things).

If you are in this situation, there are safer options. Ask landlord to provide more treatment, and ask if they have professionally inspected attached units.

Dont assume treatments cant work. In this case, it isnt clear whether the tenant had given up on professional treatments too soon, whether the landlord stopped providing them, or what other factors were involved.

Self-treatment can be done if professional treatment truly isnt an option, but you need to educate yourself about safe and effective methods.

If you must self-treat, seek out good information from sources like the Comprehensive Guides to Bed Bugs and Treatment in our resources page, which offer treatment advice.

Above all else, please be careful.

Alcohol is flammable, smoke bombs and other bug bombs and foggers have their own dangers and dont work well on bed bugs anyway, and heating your home to treat bed bugs isnt a do it yourself job and can be dangerous.

Read more here: Bed bugs: news, information, support

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Bed Bugs Turn a Womans Life Upside Down

For over the past month Ive been dealing with bed bugs, when I realized I couldnt deal with it alone, I took it to my manager. Waited two weeks on just a response of when the company could come out and exterminate. They were trying to have me wait for 2 weeks longer. With demanding emails, I had them come within 6 days.

my boyfriend had to go out of town on tour to make a little extra cash. I had to prep for the extermination BY MYSELF.. put all my clothes and curtains and towels in the dryer, had to discard of any cardboard boxes or clutter. That took 9 hrs, up and down stairs with loads of clothing, was hallucinating seeing bugs out of the corner of my eye.. all this work top of little sleep due to bed bugs, I felt like I was gong t o have a nervous break down. The following day they came and sprayed, thought they said it was freezing spray, not sure.

Im still getting bit, they are suppose to do a second treatment, but I need it done sooner than that, and knowing the way management takes their sweet time, itll probably be longer. I dont know why they had me wait so long to spray, I dont know why they were so adamant on using that company, if they were booked, they should call another company. The stress has caused me another rash. I am unable to work, I model, HOW am I suppose to work when I look like I have a disease? I cant. I used my last bit of cash for dr apt and meds, gotta say this itching cream isnt helping the way the dr said it would.

I am at my wits end, I cry just about every other day, Ive thought about suicide. Just because I feel like I am beside myself, my bfs out of town, I have to wait for exterminators, dont think I can crash with friends. THEY DONT WANT IT. I cant afford a hotel, I woulda have my own exterminator come in, but they needed management confirmation. Im so screwed.

A friend of mine who has dealt with this says only a heating treatment works.. so I guess there is some thing where exterminators come in with a heating device?? I DUNNO, this is a problem nearly impossible to get rid of.. Im actually getting bit more now AFTER THEY SPRAYED, in the prep sheet, they said I may see more activity from the bugs, and pretty much dont complain until after the 2nd treatment. DOUBT THAT WILL KILL THEM.. Ive only seen a few bugs, they arent hiding on the bed. I have no idea where they are hiding.

Half my stuff is still in plastic bags my home is upside down. I think they may be hiding in between the cracks of the wooden floor? I am so so so tired. Im very fatigue, and thats a side effect, very depressed, very emotional. Right now I am contemplating wrapping trashing bags around me, so I can avoid getting bit. I know they go for the face and mouth, so also depending covering that with some material. HOW CRAZY IS THAT? but when your desperate what are you going to do?

today Ive called the department of health and left them a vm I need this taken care of asap.. Its ruining my life. This is no joke, this is a serious situation. NOT TO BE TAKEN LIGHTLY.. If you dont solve the problem while its small, it can become a huge deal.. and these blood sucking bed bugs the hardest to get rid of. This infestation had caused me and my bf to fight, lose of work.. my sanity, my photo shoot gigs and importunity, Spent so much money on washing clothes And the bb sprays from the walgreens and rite aid stores THAT DO NOT WORK, but I hada try some thing while waiting for professionals to come in.

Today I sent a email to management, I want them to reduce my rent. After spending money and not being able to make money, or sleep or do any thing but sit here and sulk (been to weak to do anything) many people and drs say That I do not have to pay rent, this is a health code violation, and I am damn well going to try to get rent knocked off or I heard some thing about rights to breaking the lease? I dunno, gonna get my boyfriend entertainment lawyer and see what he can do hopefully the department of health can get them to solve this.

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Bed Bugs Turn a Womans Life Upside Down

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Bed Bugs FAQs – Toronto Bed Bug Exterminators –

What is a Bed Bugs? What do they look like?

An adult Bed Bug is about quarter of an inch in length, oval in shape (some are more elongated than others), with 6 legs, quite flat in height and reddish-brown in varying degrees of color.

A bed Bugs head is broadly attached to its wingless body. A Bed Bugs color ranges between shades of red and brown depending upon the timing and amount of its blood meal. The size, in terms of fatness or height, depends upon the size of the last feeding. A hungry Bed Bug looks almost paper thin while a fully fed Bed Bug would appear to have gained some height.

Size: You can see the adults the largest one approach to be nearly inches in length.

Behavior: Bed bugs crawl scurrying into dark, tight spaces to hide they move as fast as an ant. They cant jump or fly and you will never find them burrowing into your skin. If the insect you have found came out on its own accord at night when the lights were out, near the bed or a couch, it was probably a bed bug looking for a meal.

Bed bugs are not social insects like ants, so they dont need a colony. But while they group together in good hiding spots, loners could be hiding elsewhere.

A picture is worth a thousand words so click and enlarge this image to see Red-Brown Bed Bugs, Black feces and white eggs. Notice difference in sizes as they are at varying life stages.

Now you can imagine a small and transparent looking baby Bed Bug being born from among hundreds of these white long eggs that have been cemented onto the surfaces. This is a very high level of infestation that was not treated in time.

Temperature: Bed Bugs prefer warmer temperature like most other bugs. Adults Bed Bugs, nymphs and eggs can survive sustained hot and cold temperatures, as they will adjust in time.

Baby Bed Bugs are called Nymphs. These will grow to become adults in about 5 weeks. They are ready to feed on your blood soon after birth. The more they feed the better their chances of becoming adults and laying more eggs.

You see their black feces ! It is dark color fluid in the beginning. If excreted onto a fabric, it would sometimes burst out into the fibers and would get absorbed and would leave a dark mark. If it is left onto a non-absorbent surface, with time, it will loose moisture and become solid An extruding dot like mark. If smudged hard, it will leave a black streak. Skin sheds: Like many other insects, Bed Bugs go through five stages of growing up called molting.

They do not change their appearance (like butterfly does) when they complete each one of the 5 stages to adulthood.

They only loose their skin when they grow a new one. Hence, finding skin sheds is also a sign of having bed bugs.

Egg laying: The female Bed Bug can lay 5-7 eggs in one week.

Bed Bugs feed when people are sleeping or dozing off in couch and usually when it is dark. Bed Bugs would remain in cracks and crevices of the bed when they are not feeling hungry enough to venture out of these safe quarters.

Adults Bed Bugs, nymphs and eggs can survive sustained hot and cold temperatures, as they will adjust in time.

Bed Bugs can be brought into the cleanest of homes. But the clutter and mess near a bed and around a bedroom would make it harder from all of them to be found at the same time.

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Bed Bugs FAQs - Toronto Bed Bug Exterminators -

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