Category Archives: Toronto Bed Bugs

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Don’t Sacrifice Your Sleep to Bed Bugs As … – Just Bugs Toronto

A home is the place where the residents seek comfort and solace. They take every step required to make it habitable so that they are able to relate it to their dream house. The home owners undertake every possible measure to keep their house free of any unpleasant atmosphere. However despite everything it is quite likely that the residents have to come face to face with few unwelcomed guests in the form of bed bugs. These pests invade the house and make the residents suffer through many sleepless nights. Bed bug infestation is very troublesome as the eradication process isnt an easy task. They are often difficult to spot as they hide in dark areas such as bed frames, mattresses or headboards. They can also be found in the interior of door frames, in between the folds of the curtains, behind loose wallpaper and under chipping paint.

One can prevent bed bug infestation by avoiding activities such as purchasing of used furniture as it increases the risk for an infestation. But once they infest the home, it is essential that the residents contact some professional pest control company. These companies can easily control the problem as they are well-versed and experts in handling these pests. It is almost impossible to eradicate the bed bugs on your own as they are found in places which are inaccessible. Pest control experts have the required techniques to deal with such situation. They know exactly where to and what to look out for, hence saving time and energy.

These professionals deploy various techniques which are effective and long lasting for bed bugs control Toronto. With their acquired skills they can identify bed bugs by taking a look at the bites on your skin, the black spots on furniture and even from the smell of a bed bug infestation on entering a room. For identification in difficult areas, dogs are trained to sniff out the hiding places of bed bugs. One the problem is identified, the professional then plan regarding the right treatment plan to be implemented so that the residents get rid of these parasites. No doubt there are various do-it-yourself remedies available to eradicate bed bugs such as steam remedies, insect traps and pesticides. But these techniques are very time consuming and might not yield the desired results. With the expertise and techniques of professional pest control companies one can be assured of quick, efficient and complete bed bugs extermination from the home.

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Don't Sacrifice Your Sleep to Bed Bugs As ... - Just Bugs Toronto

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What Causes Bed Bugs? Heatsolete Provides Answers – FS Local

Bed bugs. Your skin just crawled a little, didnt it? If it did, dont worry, youre most definitely not alone. Youve never met a person who enjoyed having them, nor will you. Theyre gross. Really, really gross. You want to avoid them at all costs. But what causes the nasty little guys? We at Heatsolete are experts on bed bugs, so well fill you in on what causes them to come around, so that you can keep them out of your life. Forever.

So, just how do they get into your home? Well, there are a number of ways. Bringing home used items is a big cause. Sometimes bed bugs smuggle themselves in, making that new couch of yours seem like not such a great deal after all.

That goes double for bringing stuff into your home that you found curbside. Sure, the saying goes, One persons trash is another persons treasure, but please proceed with caution. If youve seen almost any film involving treasure in the past few decades, you know treasures can carry curses. In this case itchy, annoying little curses.

Unsurprisingly, another common cause of bed bug infestations is simply other people. They could have found their way into the home of one of your neighbors and from there crawled there way to you (especially common if you live in an apartment building), or they could have accidentally been carried in by friends or family suffering their own infestation coming to visit.

Finally, you may have unknowingly brought them into your home yourself. Its not at all out of the realm of possibility that they hitched a ride on you while traveling and staying in a hotel, or when you visited a public place such as a library. Those friends or family who potentially brought them into your home? Before you go blaming them, keep in mind that if you were recently out visiting them, you couldve just as easily carried your new little friends back yourself.

Now you have an idea of how to pick up bed bugs (and as such, how to avoid them), but what happens if you are unfortunate enough to have to play host to these unwanted visitors? Fear not, thats what were here for! Our specialty is exterminating these intruders, as we are Ontarios premiere bed bug control company. We ensure that you can sleep worry free, knowing that bed bugs have no chance against a Heatsolete heat treatment.

Tags: Family & Community, Heatsolete

Category: Family & Community, Local Experts

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Top Ten Tips For Dealing With Bed Bugs | Pest Control Toronto

1. Consult with your local health department or a professional Pest Control operator to confirm that you have bed bugs. Look on our website at the signs of bed bugs infestation. Call one of our technicians and tell them what you are noticing, seeing, and feeling.

2. If you think you have a bed bug problem, check for live bed bugs or shells in the following areas:

The undersides, seams, creases, and folds of mattresses, box springs, couches, pillows, cushions and curtains. Cracks and crevices in the bed frame and head board, the walls and the baseboards Between the cushions of couches and chairs Under area rugs and the edges of carpets In drawers and dressers Behind baseboards, around window and door casings, electrical plates and under loose wallpaper, paintings and posters In telephones, radios, and clocks

3. Toronto Health says the best method to deal with bedbugs is Integrated Pest Management. Please read more about Integrated Pest Management. Now that you know you have a problem, you should talk to a pest control company about managing and eliminating your problem. Please call our Toronto Bedbug Specialists at 416-840-4040.

4. Use a nozzle attachment on the vacuum to capture the bed bugs and their eggs. Vacuum all crevices on your mattress, bed frame, baseboards and any objects close to the bed. It is essential to vacuum daily and empty the vacuum immediately.

5. Wash all your linens in the hottest water possible and place them in a hot dryer for 20 minutes. Consider covering your pillows and mattress with mattress and pillow encasements. We carry mattress encasements, box spring encasements and pillow encasements both in store and online. Please see our online store.

6. Remove all unnecessary clutter.

7. Seal cracks and crevices between baseboards, on wood bed frames, floors and walls with caulking. Repair or remove peeling wallpaper, tighten loose light switch covers, and seal any openings where pipes, wires or other utilities come into your home (pay special attention to walls that are shared between apartments).

8. Monitor daily by setting out glue boards or sticky tape (carpet tape works well) to catch the bed bugs. Closely examine any items that you are bringing into your home.

9. Continue with any treatments every two weeks until your problem is gone. This is so you can break the life cycle of the bedbugs.

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Pest Control Toronto – Bed bugs Toronto – Removal – Video

Pest Control Toronto - Bed bugs Toronto - Removal | | http Pestico offers you the most effective, safe and reliable service in the industry. We will customize a program to your unique needs based on a detailed inspection of your facility.

By: Khalid Rana

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Bed Bugs Treatment – Video

Bed Bugs Treatment
Environmental Pest Control has been fighting the battle against bed bugs for many years! Toronto bed bugs have become a major issue for tenants, landlords, home-owners, and property investors alike. Through new age and environmentally safe techniques, we pride ourselves on our professional and expert approach to removing all Pest Control problems in your life. Whether it be your business, home, or apartment. Serving customers throughout the GTA, we have built lifelong customers and continue to please new ones on a daily basis. For more information, please visit

By: Paul Terhart

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Bed Bugs Treatment - Video

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