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Removing Bed Bugs from Clothing and Other Items – Bon …
Getting Bed Bugs Out of Your Clothes
If youve been on vacation, only to discover that you stayed in a hotel room or hostel infested with bed bugs, you need to get rid of the bed bugs before you get home and curl up in your own bed that youve missed so much. And if its your home that has become infested, you need to find a way to kill bed bugs in your clothing and personal items, and then keep them clean.
If you arent going to be going home for a while, find a laundromat. Otherwise, head home and place all of the affected items in your garage or driveway. If you dont have either of those, use your porch (move welcome mats and anything else out of the way). Get some trash bags, and bag up everything. Toiletries, electronics, and other items that cant be washed will have to wait. If youre away from home and are going to have to get back in your car, carefully check over the interior of the car, carefully. Use a flashlight.
First of all, deal with your clothes. If youre at a laundromat, keep your items as far away from the belongings of others. You dont want to spread the love to others. Wash all of your clothes on hot. After theyre washed, transfer them to a dryer, and dry them on the highest heat available. Every time you empty a bag of dirty, contaminated clothes, knot the bag up and throw it away. Once clothes come out of the dryer, you need to avoid having them come in contact with anything that hasnt yet been cleaned. If your house is not contaminated, take the clean clothes into your house. If youre away from home, or your house is infested, bag them up in a fresh trash bag. Tie it shut, and label the bag as being clean (or use trash bags of a different color than the ones holding the contaminated laundry). If your home is infested, then youre going to be living out of trash bags for a while. It isnt fun, but you dont want to rid your home of bed bugs, only to find out that they used your dresser as a bomb shelter to hole up in.
If you have clothes that are fragile, well hope and pray that they can tolerate a bit of abuse. Some people have reported success with washing and drying them according to the label, while carefully avoiding contaminating other items, and only then throwing them on the dryer for 30 minutes on high heat. Ultimately, its up to you. You can also try dry cleaning your fragile clothes, use the method for unwashable items described below, or just throw them away. Please note, if you throw away any clothing, bag it up first. You may want to write BED BUGS on the side of the bag, if its common for people in your neighborhood to go through trash cans. Please dont donate your clothing to a Salvation Army, Goodwill, or other donation center. They dont have the means to deal with bed bug-infected clothing, and you will only cause the problem to spread.
Now, its time to deal with your other, unwashable belongings. Simply doing a visual inspection isnt adequate, as bed bugs can hide in laptops, electric razors, and alarm clocks. When youve gone to all the trouble of dealing with your clothing, you dont want to chance it and end up with thousands of hungry little six-legged friends. If you live in a sunny area, you can place all of the infected items into sealed plastic containers, and set them out in the sun for the day. Bed bugs cant tolerate temperatures of more than 115 degrees for more than a few minutes. Leaving the container in the sun for several hours will ensure that no cool pockets exist that can harbor survivors.
If you have a chest freezer, you have the option of freezing your items instead (please dont do this with electronics that have LCD screens, and other similarly fragile products that can be damaged by moisture or cold). Bed bugs can survive temperatures of 0 degrees Fahrenheit for more than three days. Use a thermometer to make sure that your freezer can reach temperatures equal to or below 0F, otherwise bed bugs or their eggs may survive. If you go the freezing route, youre going to want to leave your items in the freezer for about five days, if not longer. You want to give yourself some wiggle room, as some items may take several hours to drop to the freezers temperature. Try not to open the freezer while your bed bugged items are in it, as this may raise temperatures just enough for bed bugs to recover, and thus be able to ride out the last couple days of their winter vacation.
Once your debugged items are removed from the freezer, make sure that they are not placed anywhere near contaminated items. If your household is infested with bed bugs and is currently being treated, store the cleaned items at a friends or relatives house, or keep them in sealed containers or knotted trash bags placed in a clear, uncluttered space.
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Bed Bugs Middlesex-London Health Unit
Bed bugs are small biting insects that multiply quickly. Bed bugs range in size from approximately 1.5 mm to 10 mm long. They are tiny, oval-shaped insects that do not have wings, and may have an appearance similar to an apple seed. Bed bugs typically bite at night, and often bite around a persons face, neck, upper torso, arms, and hands.View the fact sheet below or this web page for more information on bed bugs.
At this time, there have been no known cases of bed bugs spreading disease to humans. Although bed bugs do not affect physical health, having bed bugs can be a source of stress and impact mental health and wellness.
Bed bugs feed on human blood, and usually bite the face, neck, body, or arms. Although bed bugs are not known to transmit any disease, they may leave small red bite marks, often lasting 3-4 days. Bed bugs can typically be found in the following areas:
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Queens Printer for Ontario, 2011
Queens Printer for Ontario, 2011
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Take the following steps:
The Middlesex-London Health Unit works with the City of London to follow up bed bug infestations in rental units. The City of London Property Standards By-law CP-16 (PDF 191KB) says that all buildings must be kept free from pests,1 and this is supported through by-law enforcement. However, the Health Unit can play an important role in the first stages of a bed bug infestation. When a bed bug infestation is discovered, the Health Unit can work with a tenant and landlord to fix the problem before enforcement by the City of London is needed.In Middlesex County, residents should contact their municipal office to inquire about local by-laws.
To speak to a Public Health Inspector on the Environmental Health Team about bed bugs, to request information in other languages, or to ask for help with a bed bug infestation, please call:
Date of creation: January 4, 2013Last modified on: October 10, 2017
2Government of Ontario. (2011, March). Bed bugs fact sheet. Toronto, ON: Queens Printer for Ontario.
3Government of Ontario. (2011, March). Myths. Toronto, ON: Queens Printer for Ontario.
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Bed Bugs Middlesex-London Health Unit
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Home | Bed Bugs Toronto Heat Treatment GTA Canine
About Toronto Bugs
Cary Title, the owner of Toronto Bugs, is a master of Toronto Bed Bug Heat Treatment. Furthermore, Cary has been thermally heating houses, apartments & businesses with great success in Toronto for over 10 years. Until the beginning of his career in the pest control industry, he was unaware of the prevalence of bed bugs in our city. When Cary had his own Bed Bug infestation he realized action must be taken. Cary made the decision to apply his innate talent for innovation & engineering to the industry by creating:
Highly Successful, Eco-Friendly andEfficient Heat-Treatment methods used throughout Toronto today.
Toronto Bugs kills Bed Bugs, period. Our One Day, Bed Bug Heat Treatment covers Toronto and the GTA or Greater Toronto Area. Furthermore, a Toronto Bugs specialist will walk you through every step of the process. In addition, Toronto Bugs provides unmatched Heat Treatments specializing in the extermination of Bed Bugs and other insects. Also, the same Bed Bugs Heat Treatment will be used to kill roaches, ants and other pests. Our Site Manager will guide you the whole way.
Bed Bugs Toronto Heat Treatment is considered the foremost form of killing Bed Bugs. Bed Bugs have built chemical resistance over a long period of time. Therefore many service companies have recently turned to Bed Bug Heat Treatment. Toronto Bugs is one of the founders of Bed Bugs Toronto Heat Treatment. Chemicals are known to take many treatments and are still often not effective. Furthermore the treatments will be harmful to your health. Toronto Bed Bugs Heat Treatment is non-harmful and Environmentally Friendly. Heat treatments will kill bugs at any stage of their life cycle. Toronto Bugs knows how to deal with Bed Bugs and Guarantees it.
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What Are Bed Bugs & What Makes Them Unique
Bed bugs are tiny and oval shaped and they are generally flat. They are insects that suck blood and infest areas where humans and other animals sleep. Bed bug infestations are not always the result of having a dirty home because bed bugs can find their way into your home even if all the necessary precautions have been taken. Once they do get in, they can multiply quickly and become a problem to the lives and welfare of everyone inside the residence or workplace. Although Canada generally only has an issue with one species of bed bugs, they like to live in a variety of places like houses, condos, apartments, motels and hotels as well as barns and in a variety of other buildings where warm-blooded animals live.
Although bed bugs are rare in Ontario, there have been cases where bedbugs associated with bats and swallows have been discovered. These insects are nocturnal feeders that suck on blood when the victim is tight asleep. In dim lighting conditions, they will feed during the day only if they are extremely hungry, which is very unlikely since they get enough blood while humans sleep. An anticoagulant is injected by these pests to prevent clotting. This makes the skin inflamed with welts developing and itching as a result. These insects molt at various stages in their lives. The discarded exoskeletons are clear. Bedbugs molt five times before reaching adulthood.
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Bed bug resources – Bed bugs: news …
Bed Bug Resources: Table of Contents
University and Government Fact SheetsComprehensive Guides to Bed Bugs and TreatmentGet a suspected bed bug sample identifiedBed Bug Policy Advocacy Groups, Local Task ForcesBed Bug Blogs and Personal AccountsOther Sources of Information and SupportFrenchSpanishInformation on PesticidesInformation and Help for Landlords and TenantsInformation for the Hospitality IndustryInformation for Shelter OperatorsInformation for Home Visitors, Health Care and Social Workers, and others who work in peoples homesSelected Articles (trade and popular)Selected Research Studies (academic)Sources of Legal AdviceRegister Infested AddressesAudio, Video, Photos of Bed BugsInformation on Biting Mites, Bird Mites, etc.
Fact Sheets and Bed Bug Information Pages (university, government)
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Comprehensive Guides to Bed Bugs and Treatment
go back to Bed Bug Resources: Table of ContentsGet a suspected bed bug sample identified
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Policy Advocacy and Local Task Forces
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Bed Bug Blogs and Personal Accounts (and years actively discussing bed bugs)
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Is your story missing? Post it on our forums, or share a link to your bed bug blog with us (contact form). Other Sources of Information and Support
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About Pesticides
You can find your states pesticide regulatory agency here.
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For Landlords and Tenants
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For Hospitality Industry
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For Shelter Operators
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For Home Visitors (and others who work in potentially infested homes)
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Selected Articles (popular/trade)
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Selected Research Studies (academic)
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Sources of Legal Advice Note: if you have questions about your legal rights as a tenant, try calling the tenant organizations listed in the Information for Landlords and Tenants above. If your local organization is not listed (most arent), try Googling the name of your city (or the nearest city) and tenants organization. If you locate one in your region, they should be able to direct you to a local group. Please let us know if your local tenants organization should be added to our list please email me using this contact form.
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Register Infested Addresses
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Audio, Video, Photos
CBCs wonderful in-depth segment on bed bugs (Bed Dread and Great Eggspectations, 2007) unfortunately, no longer online as of 2014
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Bird (and other) Mites (a completely different problem)
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Last updated 29 May 2015.
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