Bronx Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential and Hotel

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  Monday 3rd of March 2025 21:10 PM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Bed Bugs – New York City

May 17th, 2016 by admin

Information for New York City Residents

Bed bug infestations are increasingly common, but there are steps that can be taken to prevent bed bugs from infesting your home. When bed bugs are present, they can be safely controlled. This web site will help you learn more about how they thrive, how to recognize and inspect for their presence, steps to take to prevent them from infesting your home, how to safely rid your home of bed bugs if they do occur, and also how to select and work with a pest management professional.

Read the guide, Preventing and Getting Rid of Bed Bugs Safely (PDF)

Bed bugs are small insects that are usually active at night when people are sleeping. Adult bed bugs have flat, brown oval bodies and are about the size of an apple seed.

The New York City area has more than 1,000 pest control companies and thousands of licensed pest management professionals. To get rid of bed bugs, you need to choose the right company, be clear about what you want done, and monitor the service you get.

Continued here:
Bed Bugs - New York City

Bed bugs life cycle

April 9th, 2016 by admin

A parasite is an animal or plant that lives in or on another living animal or plant. The parasite obtains nourishment from the host without either benefiting or, at least in the short term, killing the host. An ectoparasite is just a parasite that lives primarily on the outer surface of its host.

The Bed Bug (scientific name Cimex lectularius) is one of several closely related species of parasitic bugs that feed on blood. All of these species are relatively host specific (that is, they feed from only one species of host), and the Bed Bug shows a strong preference for feeding on humans.

Bed Bugs are widely distributed, and have been found in association with man worldwide. They are believed to have evolved from a bug that preyed on cave dwelling bats or pigeons, and their association with man to be (relatively) recent.

The adult Bed Bug is brown, oval, flattened, and about 4-5 mm in length when unfed. Newly hatched nymphs are paler and somewhat translucent. After feeding the body becomes swollen and elongated, and the color becomes darker (a red or rusty brown). All stages are wingless.

The Bed Bugs life cycle is similar to that of cockroaches. Female Bed Bugs lay a single small, ovoid, milky white egg (under one mm in length) that has a cap at one end. The eggs are cemented to surfaces by the female (making them very difficult to dislodge by simple cleaning techniques). Females may lay up to five eggs per day, with a total production of about 500 during their lifetime. The eggs hatch after about ten days, with the nymph Bed Bug pushing open the cap.

Nymph Bed Bugs look like small versions of the adult, and progress through five molts before reaching the sexually mature adult stage. Development to adult takes about five weeks under average conditions. The nymphs require a blood meal prior to each molt, and the adult females require a blood meal in order to produce each batch of eggs.

Bed Bugs are nocturnal and cryptic, excellent survival characteristics for a parasite. They prefer to live in narrow cracks close to the hosts resting site (seeming to prefer horizontal cracks over vertical), and will rarely leave the protection of their harborage until the environment is both dark and quiet. They are gregarious, and like to be in contact with other Bed Bugs when resting.

Feeding usually takes place in the early hours of the morning when the host is immobile, with adults feeding on average about every three to five nights. They locate the host by using environmental clues such as warmth and respiratory signs, and exposed areas of the host are most likely to be selected as feeding sites. Feeding is usually completed within a few minutes.

Bed Bugs produce a sweet sickly odor from glands at their anal end as soon as they start to feed. This acts as a stimulant to other Bed Bugs, and causes them to increase their activity in search of food. Feeding causes considerable abdominal swelling of the insect in order to accommodate the blood. This increase in size would prevent the Bed Bug from returning to its harborage, and so it excretes the excess water, retaining only the nutrients and solids. This excreta causes black sticky marks to be left on surfaces near the resting sites.

Adult Bed Bugs usually have a lifespan of about nine months, but have been known to survive much longer during adverse conditions (they may enter a form of inactivity or hibernation if the temperature drops below 13 degrees Celsius for extended periods). Additionally, Bed Bug colonies have been shown to survive for very long periods without feeding, over a year in some cases. This is believed to be linked to certain altruistic feeding behaviors, and possibly an evolutionary development for exoparasites of migratory hosts such as birds.

The damage caused to the host by feeding is negligible, and the quantity of blood lost to feeding is not normally significant to well fed adults from developed countries (although this may not be the case for under-nourished hosts or young children).

(Video Credits: David Cain,

Bed Bugs are insects in the order Hemiptera (referred to as true bugs by scientists). All the members of this order have beak like piercing mouthparts which are used to suck a liquid diet. In most of the Hemiptera this is obtained from plants (they suck the plant sap), but in the parasitic bugs it is obtained from warm blooded animals (the blood of mammals and birds).

The saliva contains a number of important ingredients. They include an anticoagulant to ease feeding and ensure the hosts blood does not clot and block the mouthparts, an anesthetic to reduce the chances of a potentially fatal retaliation from the host, and enzymes to start the digestive process. This is significant, as these materials are all detected as foreign proteins by the host, and it is the hosts own immune reaction to these invading materials that causes the development of the itches and lumps associated with insect bites.

Bed Bugs, in common with many Hemiptera, possess a venomous bite that is quite distinct from their feeding bite. Bed Bugs are not normally aggressive and will not bite venomously unless seriously disturbed, but they have been known to do so when irritated by treatment with control chemicals. While rarely significant, the Bed Bugs venomous bite is described as very painful, and usually results in considerable swelling.

The common Bed Bug is not the only parasitic true bug that may be encountered. There are a few other relatives of the Bed Bug that have been described commonly biting man, and several others that do not feed on man but are found occasionally in human dwellings and may be confused with Bed Bugs.

Cimex hemipterus is very similar to the Bed Bug. C. hemipterus is confined to tropical regions (including Florida), but otherwise retains as much pest potential.

Cimex pilosellus and Cimex pipistrella are primarily parasites of bats. These species are sometimes found in structures where the host has taken residence (usually the roof space or a structural void), and may even be found entering the human areas of the structure if the host has vacated their roost. These species will not normally bite people, and the site of infestation is often a strong clue to the species.

Continue reading here: Biology & Life Cycle of a Bed Bug- BB ALERT

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Bed bugs life cycle

Bed Bug Infestation | Knowledge Base |

March 27th, 2016 by admin

Bed Bug Detection

How do I know if I’ve got bed bugs? I see a bugIf possible, capture the insect. Take a piece of scotch tape and gentle place on top of the insect. Then place the scotch tape with insect onto a piece of paper. You can then put this in a envelope and give to your P...

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Control and Eliminate Bed Bugs

What is the impact of DDT and other Insecticides on bed bugs? By 1950’s bed bugs were a seldom heard of problem, due to strong pesticides such as DDT. However, resistance appeared within a few years but, control remained effective due to other chlorinated hydro...

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Bed Bug Dos and Don'ts

What To Do and What Not To Do About Bedbugs First you need to know what a bedbug looks like and how to recognize a bed bug infestation.To recognize a bed bug or a bed bug infestation, see Bed Bug Life Cycle and Bed Bug Infestation in the Bed Bug...

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International Bed Bugs

New York. London. Toronto. Los Angeles. Top business cities? Hot vacation spots? Definitely – but they are also the sites of recent, major bed bug infestations. Experts state that there is currently an explosion of bedbug populations that defies explanation, and...

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Tips to Avoid Bed Bug

With the rapid rise in bed bug infestations, bed time is now fraught with anxious thoughts. People even suffer sleep-loss and anxiety long after the bed bug infestation has been dealt with. In 2012, a good night's rest can no longer be taken for granted! Things y...

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2010 - The Year of the Bed Bug

Fall is upon us and the New Year is around the corner. Our children are going back to school. We will soon be enjoying some of our favorite holidays. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Kwanza and Hanukkah are all times of year we enjoy spending with family and friends, inviting o...

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Bed Bug Phobia? Youre Not Alone!

Have you ever gotten that itchy feeling that you may not be alone in your bed? That there may be not one or two, but hundreds of bed bugs waiting anxiously to suck your blood! It sounds like a horror movie, with bed bugs bites leaving you red, swollen and horribly itchy...

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Bed Bugs and Their Habits

What are bed bugs? Scientific naming and distribution Scientific name: Cimex lectularius Common name: Bed bug Family: Cimicidae Order: Hemiptera (true bugs) U.S. Distribution: all states World Distribution: All temperate areas   What do bed bugs lo...

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About Bed Bug Encasement

Why would I want to consider purchasing/using bedding encasements? Preventative Measure - You do not have bed bugs now  Encasements are proving to be a valuable preventative tool in dwellings that have not experienced a problem. Encasements restrict th...

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Pennsylvania has Bed Bugs

It was probably inevitable that bed bugs would begin to infiltrate other areas besides New York and New Jersey. And, after several years of being at the epicenter of the battle against these blood sucking creatures, it appears New York is no longer alone...

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Bed Bug Infestation | Knowledge Base |

Bed Bug King | Guaranteed Removal of Bed Bugs in New York …

March 27th, 2016 by admin

You just discovered you have bedbugs... You want them out NOW.

Call Now - Problem Solved!


Don't panic we'll fix it. Bedbug King will be there fast and we'll get rid of them immediately! We're bedbug specialists. Our family business has been treating pests for three generations. Nobody offers the experience, the understanding, the total commitment and readiness of Bedbug King. Count on us.

Call Now - Problem Solved!


We treat your premises not just once (like many companies), we follow up with a second treatment (or more, depending on the size of the premises). This makes sure we get rid of any eggs that may emerge after the first treatment. We don't want you to see a bedbug ever again!

Call Now - Problem Solved!


Bedbug King has the ONLY full year warranty in the business. Here's our promise:

We are the ONLY company that will be there for you and stand by our work for a full year, even if the cause of a return infestation is due to outside sources.

Bedbugs have increased by 500% in the past few years. They affect all neighborhoods. The cause is related to international travel and the use of exterminating methods that do not work against bedbugs. If you've been affected, know that you're one of thousands, and it's not your fault!

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Bed Bug King | Guaranteed Removal of Bed Bugs in New York ...

Where Do Bed Bugs Hide

March 27th, 2016 by admin

The bedbug invasion is causing problems of epidemic proportion because bedbugs spread so quickly and are hitchhiking everywhere. We now have reports that they are even found in library books. Cities like New York are especially hard hit due to population density and a flourishing tourist trade. These brownish-red bugs are wingless and usually come out in the dark to feed on your blood. Bed bugs use their host as a taxi, by latching onto your clothes and travelling on your person or in your suitcase. Once they arrive the bugs will feed and reproduce. An interesting fact is that bed bugs cannot reproduce without a blood meal. Adult bed bugs are flat, brown colored, wingless insects. The off-white colored youngsters (nymphs) can actually detect the breath of people up to 160 feet away and go to to the new food! After the nymph reaches its dinner it will spend a few minutes feeding and then scurry away to a safe dark hiding place. Your new parasite needs four more blood meals to complete a 5-stage growth cycle so it will be back again and again over the next few weeks. So will all the other bed bugs! Now here is the incredible information about how fast these bugs can multiply. A single adult female lays around 70 eggs/week. Assuming all nymphs can get blood meals as needed here is what results. Two tiny eggs that find their way into your home can produce over 10,000 bed bugs in 3-1/2 months, with hundreds of thousands eggs ready to hatch. That is just plain scary!

Original post:
Where Do Bed Bugs Hide

Are Bed Bugs Visible ? – Public Awareness Information

March 25th, 2016 by admin

The bed bug invasion has reached epidemic proportion because they breed so quickly and are hitchhiking everywhere. Cities like New York are especially hard hit due to population density and a flourishing tourist trade. These brownish-red bugs are wingless and prefer to come out in the dark to feed on your blood. They use their host as a taxi, often meaning they latch onto your clothes and travel on your person or in your suitcase. Once they arrive the bugs will feed and reproduce, an interesting fact is that bed bugs cannot reproduce without a blood meal. Adult bed bugs are flat, brown colored insects that are wingless. The off-white colored youngsters (nymphs) can actually detect the breath of people up to 160 feet away and crawl to that new food source. After the nymph reaches its dinner (you) it will spend three minutes feeding and then scurry away to a safe dark hiding place. Your new parasite needs four more blood meals to complete its 5-stage growth cycleso it will be back again and again over the next three weeks. So will all the other bed bugs! Now here is the scary information about how fast these bugs can multiply. A single adult female lays around 70 eggs/week (1/2 male. female). Assuming all nymphs can get blood meals as needed here is what we get. Two tiny eggs that find their way into your home can produce over 10,000 bed bugs in 3-1/2 months, with hundreds of thousands eggs ready to hatch. That is just plain scary!

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Are Bed Bugs Visible ? - Public Awareness Information

Bronx BED Bugs in Bronx, NY – (646) 963-6…

March 24th, 2016 by admin

2633 E Tremont Ave Bronx, NY 10461 (646) 963-6097

Related Businesses in category: Pest Control

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Bronx BED Bugs in Bronx, NY - (646) 963-6...

Joeblue Pest Control, Exterminator Ants Bed Bugs Bedbugs …

March 24th, 2016 by admin

Joeblue is regarded as the best exterminating company because we offer a five star comprehensive inspection and use the safest and most efficient products to get rid of our customers pests. Most of our customers are referrals because we make sure our customers are 100% satisfied without fine prints in our services. Joeblue rids the pest infestation from the origin to ensure long lasting solution.

Our licensed, insured and well trained technicians brings Joeblue to the highest ranking of pest control companies. We offer the most affordable price in the industry.

Termites in all five boroughs Brooklyn, Bronx, Staten Island Queens and Manhattan as well as in Nassau and Suffolk Counties have been causing property owners thousands of dollars of damage for years.

Mice and Rats in New York City Brooklyn, Bronx, Staten Island Queens and Manhattan as well as in Nassau and Suffolk Counties have been a health issue that if not taken care of immediately can cause health issues...

We're available to remove insects, rodents, and etc all over New York City and Long Island. Our pest control exterminator services are the best and we have happy customers to prove it. Please give us a call to start...

Pest Control in Queens NY offers pest control in the following areas: Far Rockaway, Jamaica, St Albans, Floral Park, Forest Hills, and much more..

Pest Control in Brooklyn NY - JoeBlue offers pest control and exterminator services to the following areas in Brooklyn NY Park Slope, Dumbo Crown Heights and etc...

Pest Control in Bronx NY: We have many years of experience in removing pest of all kinds in Pelham, Scarsdale, Soundview, Gunhill, Fordham and etc...

New York NY Pest Control - We offer all exterminator services in the following areas in Manhattan: Battery Park, Midtown, Harlem, Chinatown and etc...

Staten Island Pest Control - We provided great exterminator services in Staten Island in Manor Heights, Richmond Valley, Stapleton, Sunnyside and etc...

Nassau County Long Island NY Pest Control: We're responsible for removing all types of pest from the following areas: Long Beach, Hempstead, Baldwin, and etc...

Suffolk County Long Island NY Pest Conrol - JoeBlue Pest Control Specializes in Exterminator Services in Huntington Station, Smithtown, Seaview and etc...

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Joeblue Pest Control, Exterminator Ants Bed Bugs Bedbugs ...

Bed Bug Exterminator Services in Staten Island, NY, NYC

October 23rd, 2015 by admin

We provide pest control and extermination services for Staten Island, NY.

Bed Bugs in Staten Island is a fully licensed and insuredbed bug exterminator and full service pest control company., Bed Bugs in Staten Island has become a leader in bed bug control, prevention, and bed bug control services. we understand the nuisance, anxiety, and hassle bed bugs bring to your establishment and home. We understand how their presence can adversely impact your business or totally disrupt your peace of mind. With our professional team of experienced bed bug extermination technicians and the latest bed bug control technology available, we solve your bed bug problem fast!

The Control of Bed Bug Exterminator provides many different types of services for clients like NYC commercial exterminator services and NYC residential pest control services in all five boroughs of Staten Island, NY (Including Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx and Staten Island).We are ready to serve you. Call us today for a free quote!!!.

See the rest here:
Bed Bug Exterminator Services in Staten Island, NY, NYC

Bed Bugs Pest Control & Exterminator Service In NYC, New …

September 21st, 2015 by admin

Bed bugs are nocturnal, blood-sucking parasites that can be especially difficult to exterminate because they are tiny, flat insects that retreat into hard-to-reach hiding places. They are referred to as bed bugs because they are usually found in the mattresses, box springs, and corners of beds. However, they can also often be found in the cracks and crevices of any type of wooden furniture, as well as on paper surfaces.

The adult bed bug is oval, flat, rusty-red or mahogany in color, and measures 3/16 of an inch long. The bed bug is flat and thin when unfed, but becomes more elongated, plump, and red when it is engorged with blood. Four-segmented antennae are attached to the head between prominent compound eyes. The three-segmented beak, or proboscis, is located beneath the head, and passes back and forth between the front legs. The bed bug cannot fly as its wings are reduced to short wing pads.

Bed bugs generally leave their areas at night to feed on their hosts, and although they prefer to target humans, they often seek out pets as well. The duration of their meal can last anywhere between 3-10 minutes. While one may not feel any sensation while the bed bug is actually feeding, the subsequent bite may cause a skin rash, a severe itching reaction, and/or allergies.

Bed bugs are blood-sucking parasites that are nocturnal pests. They hide during the day and come out at night. What makes the extermination of these pests very difficult is the fact that they are very small, flat insects and secondly, they are very difficult to trace due to their hiding places, which are not easily reachable. Termed as bedbugs, since they are mostly found hiding on the corners of bed, where people sleep. They also prefer to hide in cracks or to rest on wood and paper surfaces. They may hide in bedside furniture or dressers. The presence of bedbugs cannot be noticed therefore the need for a pest control technician who personally inspects the area to identify the main problem is much needed.

It is a usual notion that pests appear in areas with poor sanitation. But this is not the case with bed bugs, they can make their home anywhere they like. The only way to prevent them is to keep things less cluttered.

Bedbugs leave their areas at night time to feed on humans. They prefer to feed on humans but don't mind feeding on birds or family pets. The time duration of the blood meal is between three to ten minutes. The disadvantage of the host is that they don't feel any sensation but the bite can cause a severe itch.

We have a huge bed bug registry and employ a team of exterminators in New York and NJ who use organic substances that are more effective than chemical pesticides. Over the years bed bugs have developed resistance to many chemical pesticides. However, the organic methods that we use for bed bug extermination are such that bed bugs cannot develop resistance to them. The other advantage of using organic substances is that it is highly effective on bedbugs and does not have any side effects on humans or the environment. By using organic materials for killing bed bugs, we are not only protecting ourselves but also making the environment around New York safe. The emphasis is on the green way of life in NYC, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, and Nassau County, which is the only way of protecting our environment from these harmful chemical pesticides.

We do treatment in hotel rooms, homes, offices and other complexes in NY, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, and Nassau County and provide the best extermination services for bed bug NYC.

The adult bed bug is 3/16 inch long, oval, flat, and rusty-red or mahogany in color. The bed bug is flat and thin when unfed but becomes more elongate, plump, and red when it is full of blood. Four-segmented antennae are attached to the head between the prominent compound eyes. The three-segmented beak, or proboscis, is located beneath the head and passes back between the front legs. The bed bug cannot fly as its wings are reduced to short wing pads.

As the female bed bug lays her eggs (i.e., one to five per day and 200-500 within her lifetime); she uses a clear substance to attach them in cracks and on rough surfaces. Under ideal conditions, eggs hatch in about seven days and the nymphs molt five times, taking a blood meal between each molt. Development time from egg to adult is 21 days. The adult can live for almost one year.

The bed bug hides in cracks and crevices during the day, preferring to rest on wood and paper surfaces instead of stone and plaster. It leaves these harborage areas at night to feed on its host, which include humans, birds, hogs, and family pets. The blood meal requires three to ten minutes and usually goes unnoticed by the victim. After feeding, the bite site may become inflamed and itch severely in sensitive people. Although the bed bug has been associated with over 25 diseases, transmission has not been conclusively proven. Over time, the harborage areas become filled with the molted skins, feces, and old egg shells of the resident bed bugs. These areas have a characteristic "stick bug" smell caused by secretion emitted by the bed bug.

We provide Commercial as well as Residential NYC Bed Bug Extermination services.

Our team of professionals does a thorough inspection of the area of infestation along with trained dogs. We then make a full-fledged plan to provide Permanent Solution to the problem. We use specialized equipment with a variety of eco-friendly insecticide formulations to treat your hotel, office or residence and keep your facility out of bedbug registry list for New York City. For the best bed bug exterminator, New York residents and hotel managers can call us.

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Bed Bugs Pest Control & Exterminator Service In NYC, New ...

Bronx Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Brooklyn Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Manhattan Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Nyc Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Queens Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Staten Island Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel

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