Bronx Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential and Hotel

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  Monday 3rd of March 2025 16:24 PM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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New York City Bed Bug Registry Maps & Database

August 21st, 2015 by admin

The staircase that leads up to Pedro Acevedos apartment smells of urine and marihuana. The building is located in the Longwood neighborhood of the South Bronx. Almost half of the population here lives below the federal poverty line. The front door of the building is unlocked.

Acevedo, 41, lives in a one-bedroom apartment with his wife and his 9- and 7-years old daughters. The girls share a bunk bed in the bedroom; he and his wife sleep on folding beds in the living room. Technically, this apartment is not Acevedos apartment. It is a homeless shelter, paid for by the City of New York; one of approximately 3,000 so-called cluster shelters the city provides to homeless families. Now, a controversy has broken out over them. The dispute involves three parties: The homeless of the city and their advocates, who complain about bad conditions; for-profit operators, who make millions renting out the apartments; and the city of New York, which seems overwhelmed with dealing with its homeless population and pays exorbitant rates for the cluster shelters.

The worst maintained, the most poorly monitored

On March 12, 2015, the City of New Yorks Department of Investigation (DOI), released a report based on a yearlong investigation, which described serious deficiencies in homeless shelters. The report concluded that cluster shelters are the worst maintained, the most poorly monitored, and provide the least adequate social services to families, amongst all shelters in New York. Pedro Acevedo says he and his families have had problems with bed bugs; in the girls bedroom, a leaking radiator made the floor sodden.

Standing inside his apartment, it is hard to imagine that places like this have become cash cows for their landlords. According to the DOI report, the city pays two to three times the market rate to rent cluster shelters: The average monthly rate for an apartment in a cluster program is approximately $2,451 (2,281 euros), while the market rate for non-DHS buildings in the same neighborhoods range from $528 a month to $1,200 a month. Even in a city with exorbitant rents, no tenant in a low-income neighborhood, where almost all cluster shelters are located, would pay these amounts.

Exploding rents, growing number of the homeless

The origin of those cluster sites can be traced back to the early 2000s, to a program called scatter-site housing. Around the turn of the millennium, the New York City Department of Homeless Services (DHS) was faced with the problem that the number of homeless families kept on growing. Even though the DHS contracted new conventional shelters, it couldnt keep up with demand. To find alternative spaces, they got in touch with private landlords.

Most landlords were paid per-months rates that far exceeded market-rate prices, according to a study by the Institute for Children, Poverty and Homelessness (ICPH,) the research branch of the homeless outreach organization Homes for the Homeless. The high prices were an incentive for the landlords to agree to the deal. According to the ICPH study, the program began small, with only 50 units in August 2000, and then virtually exploded. Around two years later, 21 percent of all homeless families lived in more than 2,000 apartments all over the city.

From the beginning, there were reports about insecure conditions inside the buildings, about the lack of social services and about former tenants, who were being pushed out of their apartments to make space for the more profitable scatter-sites. In 2007, the Bloomberg administration eventually ended the program. The cluster shelters took its place. Now, the providers had to offer social services to residents, similar to other shelters of the city. However, according to the DOS report, these services have often been insufficient and poorly performed, if at all.

A lucrative business model

Read the original: New York milks the homeless for cash

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New York City Bed Bug Registry Maps & Database

Exterminator NYC-Bed Bug Treatment-Pest Control New York

August 14th, 2015 by admin

Low Cost, High Quality, Friendly Professional Pest Control Services

Same Day Appointments are Available

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If someone in your building has them, Guess what? So do you. Some female cockroaches mate once and are pregnant for the rest of their lives.

Bed Bugs live everywhere, not just in your mattress, Bed bugs can hide in furniture and behind wall coverings... and you are on the menu.

They love to snack on mammals. That means cats dogs AND people!

Not all Rats are created equal, but we can get rid of ALL of them.

If you think you saw one but aren't sure... then you DID see one.

They cause more damage in U.S. homes than fires. they can live for 15 years. they can lay an egg every 15 seconds

They're the Butterfly's ugly cousin and They'll eat the shirt off your back

Our pest control specialist services NYC & NJ and all boroughs including Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, Long Island, Suffolk County, Nassau Country & Staten Island, Westchester County & Rockland County, Hudson County in New Jersey including Jersey City, West New York, Union City, Hoboken, Bayonne

"Bed Bugs" Mayor Bloomberg signed New York City Council Int.57-A, a bill which establishes a Bed Bug Advisory Board to, we hope, develop a strategic plan to address and control the spread of bed bug infestations in New York City. According to the New York Times CityRoom: The advisory board is to produce a report within that includes recommendations on dealing with bedbugs in homes, hotels and institutions; tracking infestations citywide; disposing of infested items; and creating lists of rights and responsibilities of landlords, and tenants.

Renee Corea, co-founder of New York vs. Bed Bugs, testified at the February 24th NYC Council hearing held by the Consumer Affairs, Health, and Sanitation committees to review all three bed bug bills in legislation: Intro 57 (recently amended and renamed Int.57-A), Intro 872, and Intro 873.

Other city boards have come up with a variety of policy proposals: the creation of a single bedbug hot line; a requirement that a landlord must disclose whether an apartment had been at anytime infested with these Bugs; software to map all complaints; information sheets in several languages; mandatory treatment protocols and inspections for the sale of used furniture; and the establishment of a centralized database for exterminators. Overall, there were more than 9,200 bedbug calls to the city's 311 line last year, a 34 percent jump over the year before, according to the numbers from the Department of Housing Preservation and Development, compiled by the group New York vs. Bedbugs. For a Bed bug Inspections NY Pest Pro

Some quick Bed Bug Facts : Bed bugs are crack and crevice creatures that reside in beds, dressers, night tables closets, couches, walls, clothing and moldings. They are sneaky creatures and will hide in almost anything. They are real headache and eliminating them can be difficult if not done right. Bed bugs are small, reddish insects, which are about 4-5mm long. Bed bugs are invasive insects that can be hard to detect. Bed bugs are tiny insects that drink the blood of humans. Bed bugs are not avoidable even if we take preventative measures. They are like little vampires that take up residence in your home. They are small, nocturnal parasites that call many places their homes. Bed bugs are more resilient and resistant than any other pest, including rats and cockroaches. Bedbugs are a small wingless insect that feed upon the blood of animals including humans. Bed bugs are small, brownish, flattened insects that feed solely on the blood of animals. Bed bugs are small brown insects that feed on the blood of warm blooded mammals. They are tiny, blood-sucking insects. They are fast moving insects that are nocturnal blood-feeders. Bed bugs are often mistaken for fleas, ticks and or baby cockroaches. Bed bugs are elusive and usually nocturnal, which can make them hard to spot. They are not known to transmit disease. Bed bugs can wander between adjoining apartments through voids in walls and holes though which wires and pipes pass Bed bugs can live up to a year without feasting on blood. Bed bugs are negatively affect our physical, mental, and social wellbeing. Bedbugs have a stigma that the person who got them is a dirty person which is far from true. Bed bugs spread readily from infested units to surrounding units in multi-occupancy settings. Bed bugs travel in your clothing and luggage easily. Bed bugs can attach themselves to you without you even knowing. Bed bugs can survive for 9-12 months without eating. Bedbugs are most active when people are sleeping. Bed bugs are clearly a problem that is far more serious than people realize. Bed bugs were once nearly eliminated as a pest in civilized society. if you want more information check out the rest of our site and You can also from time to time find helpful hints on

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Exterminator NYC-Bed Bug Treatment-Pest Control New York

Bed Bug Exterminator Brooklyn Services – NYC 718.841.9983

August 9th, 2015 by admin

Not Sure If You Have Bed Bugs

Doctors are often consulted when skin rash is suspected. It can take along time for cultures to be made to identify the source of the rash/bites. The best thing to do is have a professional bed bug inspection performed to determine if bed bugs are present.

Please NOTE: Even the best inspectors may have great difficulty in finding bed bugs or their eggs or other signs of infestation.This is because bed bugs hide during the day and if the infestation is recent, there may not be other signs present yet.

We also have highly trained Bed Bug Sniffing Dogs, whose keen sense of smell can make positive detections that humans cant match. Our Bed bug dogs identify and confirm an infestation quickly and conveniently and allow us to take action immediately to eliminate your problem.

We will recommend the best ways to rid you of these pests so you can get back to normal living again, without having to discard your current bedding. In addition to chemical pest control we can also offer you Eco-friendly methods of pest control like: Cryonite which is a freezing method, or Heat which will actually kill all bed bugs when applied properly.

Brooklyn Bed Bug Control will offer your the best ways to handle your problems and within your budget. Call us right now to get a quote, we are waiting to help you in Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Bronx and Staten Island.

The rest is here:
Bed Bug Exterminator Brooklyn Services - NYC 718.841.9983

The most trusted name in Bronx Pest Prevention, Bedbugs …

February 15th, 2015 by admin

We are honored that youve visited our Pest Management Website. Our corporation, Bedbugs Exterminator Bronx, offers Pest Eradication and Prevention services for the borough of the Bronx. If you live elsewhere in New York City, dont worry, we provide affiliate services all throughout the city!

Over the last generation, the entire NYC area has been in the grips of a Bedbug Epidemic. No matter which neighborhood of the Bronx you live in, and no matter how immaculate you maintain your home, you can become the victim of a Bedbug Infestation.

Bedbugs flourish in areas like the Bronx, where population density is high, and there are large numbers of travelers entering and leaving the city on a daily basis. It only takes a single Bedbug to convert the most precious home into the epicenter of a Bedbug Infestation. Bedbugs Exterminator Bronx was incorporated because we recognized that the residents of the Bronx needed a brand that they could trust in order to protect them from the continuing Bedbug Epidemic.

At Bedbugs Bronx, we have an ample staff of highly-trained and respectful Pest Extermination Specialists that have years of experience battling a variety of Pest Control Issues, including Bedbug Infestation.

Bedbugs are one of the most persistently exasperating pests in the Bronx. Luckily, Bedbugs are not known to carry any diseases, but that doesnt make them any less of a headache. Bedbugs are one form of infestation which is nearly completely resistant to amateur attempts to eradicate the problem. In order to eliminate Bedbugs, it takes a professional touch.

These pests are almost completely resistant to traps, because their diets consist solely of the blood of their hosts. Roaches and rodents can be treated with traps and baits very effectively, because they feed on the organic droppings that humans leave behind.

Bedbugs are a huge hassle for a few other reasons. The most noticeable is that they are hungry creatures that feed on the blood of humans and their pets. The bites are persistent, and almost unimaginably itchy. Even though Bedbugs dont carry diseases, their bites are so itchy that they commonly cause victims to scratch vigorously, leading directly to open wounds on the skin.

These tiny beasts are also a pain because they can leave stains and refuse all over your home. When they defecate, they leave rusty brown marks on your walls, and when they are crushed, they leave bright-red stains in your sheets. Their hatched eggs and moltings also litter the areas where they hide. There is no denying that Bedbugs are an incredibly complex issue which can be resoundingly difficult to resolve without the assistance of trusted and knowledgeable Extermination Pros like those at Bedbugs Exterminator Bronx.

There are a lot of hypotheses regarding why Bedbug Cases rose so dramatically in the United States, but one reason for the epidemic is that Pest Management Strategies changed significantly in the 80s and 90s in America.

Pest Removal Specialists used to primarily use insecticide sprays and fumigation to treat pest infestation, but as effective means such as baiting and trapping became more popular, Bedbugs started to thrive because common methods were no longer effective in eliminating them.

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The most trusted name in Bronx Pest Prevention, Bedbugs ...

Bed Bugs Wakefield Bronx NY

February 9th, 2015 by admin

We all have to endure the problem created by rodents, rats, mice and small insects like termites, ants, roaches, bed bugs; they not only irritate us, but they make our life living hell. They cause food infections; they destroy our important documents, furniture and cause many a diseases. It is time for you to make them run away from your home. All you need to do is call a trained professional from Wakefield exterminator and soon enough your home, business or building will be pest free.

Bed Bugs Exterminator Wakefield is not only committed to pest control and management, but we are also committed to the environment as well. We are the front runners in using environment friendly pest controls and pest management techniques and chemicals. We have been recipient of several awards in appreciation of our commitment to the environment.

exterminator that is convenient for you!

Homes can have a wide variety of unwanted guests that can cause havoc to your life, health and valuables. They can range from roaches, bed bugs, lice, and many other insects. Termites, rats, and mice are considered to the most harmful of them all. Termites pest control is a speciality and expert services of Exterminator Wakefield can and does exterminate these creatures once and for all from your establishments. We do that happily for you and for the society as a whole.

Exterminator Wakefield cleans your home of those unwanted pests, which transmits germs and disease and specialize in termite pest control. Our emergency 24 hour service is just a call away, waiting to eradicate you home, office, business establishment from termites, rodents and pests. We specialize in termites and pest extermination, and are considered as one of the best in the industry. We live up to our reputation and constantly thrive for excellence.

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Bed Bugs Wakefield Bronx NY

Bed Bugs Williamsbridge Bronx NY

February 6th, 2015 by admin

Ants were a huge domestic nuisance in the 17th century. It was brought and spread by early colonists. In the time of World War II bed bugs were a common phenomenon in every household of United States. On early 1900 the wide spread attitude of cleanliness among people and invention of ant controlling equipment such as sprays and DDT made the ants part of the history. But in the past decades the ants made a huge comeback in the United States of America, especially in New York. As because ants are really good hitch hikers these pests can travel from one place to another easily with household belongings. Exterminator Williamsbridge will help you in ants exterminator Williamsbridge.

Homes can have a wide variety of unwanted guests that can cause havoc to your life, health and valuables. They can range from roaches, bed bugs, lice, and many other insects. Termites, rats, and mice are considered to the most harmful of them all. Termites pest control is a speciality and expert services of Exterminator Williamsbridge can and does exterminate these creatures once and for all from your establishments. We do that happily for you and for the society as a whole.

exterminator that is convenient for you!

Our company Exterminator Williamsbridge offers our services to exterminate several types of pests and insects which include termites, rats, mice, fleas, ants, moths, crickets and other tiny intruders too. Some of other pests or insects which are treated by our exterminators are: bed bugs, spiders, roaches, rodents etc. Other insects or pests can also be examined and exterminated if required.

Our professional staff at Exterminator Williamsbridge has been providing best services to the household regarding extermination of ants from the local households. Our clients praise highly of our services as a result we have become the best ants exterminator Williamsbridge company. Our Williamsbridge Exterminators are trained to take care of your entire home and business ants extermination needs involving extermination of mice, roaches, water bugs, etc.

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Bed Bugs Williamsbridge Bronx NY

Bed Bugs Soundview Bronx NY

February 4th, 2015 by admin

We all have to endure the problem created by rodents, rats, mice and small insects like termites, ants, roaches, bed bugs; they not only irritate us, but they make our life living hell. They cause food infections; they destroy our important documents, furniture and cause many a diseases. It is time for you to make them run away from your home. All you need to do is call a trained professional from Soundview exterminator and soon enough your home, business or building will be pest free.

When you are with the experts of Bed Bugs Exterminator Soundview, be rest assured that you are in good and responsible hands. Once they have controlled the pests and exterminated them from your establishment, the third phase begins. This is the most crucial phase, as it involves the preventive measures. This phase makes sure that your establishment remains free from the pests for a longer time than most pest control companies can think of. The experts will hand you over a certificate, and a detailed report of all the control measures done and those taken. We only leave after you are happy of the outcome.

exterminator that is convenient for you!

Homes can have a wide variety of unwanted guests that can cause havoc to your life, health and valuables. They can range from roaches, bed bugs, lice, and many other insects. Termites, rats, and mice are considered to the most harmful of them all. Termites pest control is a speciality and expert services of Exterminator Soundview can and does exterminate these creatures once and for all from your establishments. We do that happily for you and for the society as a whole.

However for some rats are not the only problems, they also have to deal with insects such as termites. The termites relish eating wood, our furniture becomes weak and our wooden shelves are rendered hollow by these small creatures. Our trained professionals with the help of modern aids like vacuum cleaners, harmless pesticides attack at the root of the problem and eradicate them completely. If you are suffering from a similar problem you are advised to take rat exterminator pest control which helps in control and eradication of rats as well as annoying bugs and insects.

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Bed Bugs Soundview Bronx NY

Bed Bugs Pelham Bay Bronx NY

February 4th, 2015 by admin

Ants were a huge domestic nuisance in the 17th century. It was brought and spread by early colonists. In the time of World War II bed bugs were a common phenomenon in every household of United States. On early 1900 the wide spread attitude of cleanliness among people and invention of ant controlling equipment such as sprays and DDT made the ants part of the history. But in the past decades the ants made a huge comeback in the United States of America, especially in New York. As because ants are really good hitch hikers these pests can travel from one place to another easily with household belongings. Exterminator Pelham Bay will help you in ants exterminator Pelham Bay.

Homes can have a wide variety of unwanted guests that can cause havoc to your life, health and valuables. They can range from roaches, bed bugs, lice, and many other insects. Termites, rats, and mice are considered to the most harmful of them all. Termites pest control is a speciality and expert services of Exterminator Pelham Bay can and does exterminate these creatures once and for all from your establishments. We do that happily for you and for the society as a whole.

exterminator that is convenient for you!

Our company Exterminator Pelham Bay offers our services to exterminate several types of pests and insects which include termites, rats, mice, fleas, ants, moths, crickets and other tiny intruders too. Some of other pests or insects which are treated by our exterminators are: bed bugs, spiders, roaches, rodents etc. Other insects or pests can also be examined and exterminated if required.

Spiders are highly dangerous creatures if not taken care of early on. At Exterminator Pelham Bay, we have highly trained professionals who will explore every cranny of your house to get rid of these pests safely for you. Spiders do not occur alone in any house. If you have spiders it is most likely you have a variety of other pest infestations. This is primarily because spiders feed on other insects lower in the food chain. Let our trained staff take a look at your household premises and we can offer you advices on how to tackle various other pests including roaches, waterbugs or even common ants.

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Bed Bugs Pelham Bay Bronx NY

Bed Bugs Parkchester Bronx NY

February 4th, 2015 by admin

We all have to endure the problem created by rodents, rats, mice and small insects like termites, ants, roaches, bed bugs; they not only irritate us, but they make our life living hell. They cause food infections; they destroy our important documents, furniture and cause many a diseases. It is time for you to make them run away from your home. All you need to do is call a trained professional from Parkchester exterminator and soon enough your home, business or building will be pest free.

Bed Bugs Exterminator Parkchester is not only committed to pest control and management, but we are also committed to the environment as well. We are the front runners in using environment friendly pest controls and pest management techniques and chemicals. We have been recipient of several awards in appreciation of our commitment to the environment.

exterminator that is convenient for you!

Homes can have a wide variety of unwanted guests that can cause havoc to your life, health and valuables. They can range from roaches, bed bugs, lice, and many other insects. Termites, rats, and mice are considered to the most harmful of them all. Termites pest control is a speciality and expert services of Exterminator Parkchester can and does exterminate these creatures once and for all from your establishments. We do that happily for you and for the society as a whole.

Pest infestation can prove to be nuisance. They not only destroy your property, but it also affects you well being. It can affect your health negatively along with your mental peace. Our experts are worth their names, and can clean your establishment of the toughest of pests. Our experts are highly trained and certified by the authorities. They undergo classroom instructions from reputed experts and entomologists. They also undergo rigorous in-field training, which includes pest identification, or identifying signs of pests, and pest control methods. They also are trained about the latest methods of pest control and pest behavioral patterns. All these give them a real edge over other experts and companies. And all this results in delivering the best when it comes to pest control and its management by Exterminator Parkchester!

Bed Bugs Parkchester Bronx NY

Bed Bugs Harding Park Bronx NY

February 2nd, 2015 by admin

Ants were a huge domestic nuisance in the 17th century. It was brought and spread by early colonists. In the time of World War II bed bugs were a common phenomenon in every household of United States. On early 1900 the wide spread attitude of cleanliness among people and invention of ant controlling equipment such as sprays and DDT made the ants part of the history. But in the past decades the ants made a huge comeback in the United States of America, especially in New York. As because ants are really good hitch hikers these pests can travel from one place to another easily with household belongings. Exterminator Harding Park will help you in ants exterminator Harding Park.

Homes can have a wide variety of unwanted guests that can cause havoc to your life, health and valuables. They can range from roaches, bed bugs, lice, and many other insects. Termites, rats, and mice are considered to the most harmful of them all. Termites pest control is a speciality and expert services of Exterminator Harding Park can and does exterminate these creatures once and for all from your establishments. We do that happily for you and for the society as a whole.

exterminator that is convenient for you!

Exterminator Harding Park takes all cases seriously and we have partnership with the other professionals such as entomologist to further understand the pests in your home. Bedbugs is not consider by most of the experts as a health risk however bedbug bites causes skin rushes and itch. For some cases the itches are so severe that it causes irritation to the skin that can lead to infection. It was belief that twenty-seven agents of human disease can be found in bedbugs, it includes: protozoa, parasitic worms, viruses and bacteria. But these agents have not been found to multiply and differentiate inside the body of bed bugs. Myths will tell that bedbugs transmit diseases such as Hepatitis B and HIV which can lead to AIDS. However, no evidence has proven such myths.

We are not only providing our services for homes or offices but we are also offering our services to exterminate the any type of building which is under the attack of pests or insects of several types. Our professional exterminators are so trained that they examine the whole building in such a way that pests or insects are killed from their source level. Our exterminators not only exterminate the intruders but also they identify those places of your homes, offices or other buildings from where these invaders can come in to the buildings. These places must be filled out to prevent your buildings from the further attack of pests or insects. If it is not done then there is no use of exterminating the pests or insects because they can again enter in to the buildings.

Bed Bugs Harding Park Bronx NY

Bronx Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Brooklyn Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Manhattan Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Nyc Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Queens Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Staten Island Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel

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