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  59 Gelston Avenue, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, 11209 Bed Bug Registry Maps & Database
  Monday 3rd of March 2025 06:49 AM

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Address : 59 Gelston Avenue, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, United States, 11209

Details: Bed Bug Infestation 3rd, 4th & 5th Floors

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What are bedbugs? Are they dangerous? – Scientific American

May 27th, 2018 by admin

NEW YORKSleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite? If only. The creepy critters have become such a nuisance here that the city council is mulling legislation that would establish a bedbug task force, ban the sale of used mattresses, train exterminators, and regulate mattress disposal. Just how infested is Gotham? According to the New York Daily News, there were 22,218 complaints to the city's 311 hotline about infestations of the blood-sucking hemipterans, a 34 percent jump since this time last year.

And the Big Apple is not alone in its battle against the bugs. In Chicago, the number of official complaints doubled from 900 to 1,650 during that same period, according to the Tribune. Boston already slaps warning stickers on discarded furniture and Cincinnati has its own bedbug task force. The bugs, which originally hailed from Europe, were nearly wiped out by DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) in the 1950s. But they have been making a comeback since the insecticide was banned in the U.S. in 1972, a decade after journalist Rachel Carson documented the chemical's damaging effects on humans and wildlife in her book Silent Spring.

"I'm petrified to turn the lights off at night," one discouraged New Yorker told Newsday this week. "I'm not getting proper sleep, I can't concentrate on work."

Contrary to their name, bedbugs do not only hang out in beds. They can be found in just about in nook and cranny and can survive for several months without a warm blood meal. The adults are reddish-brown, as about 0.2 inch (five millimeters) long, roughly the height of the numbers on a credit card, and resemble tiny cockroaches; when young, they're pale and about the size of a pinhead. They leave itchy red skin welts and cause endless grief for their victims.

So what's the story on these pesky ectoparasites? Is there any surefire way to avoid themor to get rid of them if they grace you with their vampiric presence?

To find out, we spoke with Louis Sorkin, an entomologist at the American Museum of Natural History here, who sustains a personal colony of the bugs with his own blood.

[An edited transcript of the interview follows.]

What are bedbugs?The common bedbug is Cimex lectularius. They are true bugs [of the order Hemiptera] in that they possess a hinged beak in the front of the head and have a stylet. The stylet is what is pushed through the skin to find a blood vessel inside. The bug sucks until it's full, and when it's finished it will go and hide and digest the blood. The body swells up to six times its normal sizefrom a flat insect to football-shaped.

So are they really just found in beds?By virtue of its name, people always think bedbugs are found only in beds when, in fact, they fit anywhere their bodies can be hidden and they are as thin as a sheet of paper. They are found in all kinds of furniture, electric appliances, clock radios, computers, printers, behind pictures, books and, of course, bookcases. They are found in cracks and crevices in the wall and within walls as well as in electric outlets, wiring, pipes, plastic and metal conduits.

The problem with calling them a "bedbug" is people have an infestation and they throw out the mattress, but then the critters come back. It's really a nest or roost-inhabiting insect, and our homes are our roosts.

How do you get bedbugs?They are good hitchhikers. Often people carry them unknowingly in their luggage. This can be baggage when you are traveling, a briefcase, a backpack or just clothing. They can be picked up in public transportation sometimes or in theaters. They will travel on pipes and wiring and conduits from one apartment to another.

Are they dangerous?As far as the research shows, they don't transmit diseases, but they do bite and take blood. People can get secondary infections if they scratch their wounds. In some people, the itching is unbearable. There's some disagreement as to how many people don't itch at all. That's one reason why infestations can be so bad, because people don't realize they have them

In a few cases, there may be an anaphylactic reaction. It is also possible to have an asthmatic reaction because of the shed skin the bugs leave behind as they grow and die.How do you know if you have bedbugs?If you have unexplained bites, that's a good way to know. You can also look for their blood droppings. The excrement is a liquid that varies from either light brown to black and can either bead up or be absorbed by the surface.

In some cases, we use dogs who are trained to sniff out live bedbugs or past infestations. They'll pick up on the odor of even one bedbug. We can't typically smell bed bugs, but we do pick up their alarm pheromone when they are disturbed, which smells like coriander. If there are a lot of live bugs, there may be a smell of blood, like rusty iron.

If you are traveling, you should examine the headboard in your hotel room. The headboard should be taken off and looked into. Massive headboards would be a great condominium complex for bedbugs.

How do you get rid of them?Often you have to seek the services of a pest control expert who has had a lot of experience. You don't have to get rid of your furniture. Insecticides can be sprayed on furniture or furniture can be taken apart and sprayed with orange oil or Murphy's oil, both of which have an insecticidal quality. There are special preparations labeled for mattresses.

The nonchemical ways to remove bedbugs include low-vapor steam treatments, which are done for mattresses and furniture. There are also encasements that you put the mattress box spring in. You starve them to death, but it will take months.

In medieval times, when people would travel to inns with bedbug problems, they would send a pig into the room first so the bedbugs would feed and be satiated.

Don't you have a colony of bedbugs at the museum?I've only had them for three years, but the original population had been collected from Fort Dix in New Jersey by an Army entomologist in 1971.

I have two eight-ounce jars with about a thousand bugs. There's a fine screen and I have duct tape around the base of the screw-on lid. Inside, there is just cardboard and paper, because they like to hide between the pieces.

Once a month, I just have to invert them on my arm in order to feed them. I get a bump on my arm for an hour or two and then it goes away. It doesn't itch.And why is it that you keep these vile creatures?They're mostly for educational purposes. I can show people and reporters all sizes of bedbugs. I also supply bedbugs to the companies that train the bedbug-sniffing dogs.

What are bedbugs? Are they dangerous? - Scientific American

Bedbugs, muggers, and unemployment plague Broad City, but …

December 29th, 2017 by admin

Broad City has consistently strong cold opens. Bedbugs opens with Abbi and Ilana driving around in the convertible Ilana got out of their trip to Florida earlier in the season. At first, theyre riding the high of having a car in New York...until its time to park. Anyone who has ever had to deal with street parking in New York knows its a hellscape. Broad City is brilliant in these moments that take a specific aspect of New York life and mine it for relatable and organic comedy. The sequence is barely even exaggerated for comedic effect. Abbi directs Ilana into a tight spot only to then realize its in front of a driveway. After a long search, they think they see a spot, become excited and relieved, and then come crashing back down when they realize theres a fire hydrant. Eventually, they give up entirely. Its a tragic play. Its a slice of New York life. Its a great cold open that doesnt have to try too hard to be funny. Broad City shows the extreme highs and lows of living in New York, and Bedbugs is full of that emotional whiplash.

And that easy, understated humor permeates Bedbugs, the second episode of the season to be directed by Ilana Glazer. I liked her directorial debut Florida, but theres something more confident and cohesive about Bedbugs, which sees both Ilana and Abbi through two personal lows. Still out of a job and forced to turn in cans and bottles for a few bucks, Abbis luck turns around after Ilana bestows her with an absurdly expensive bag. Suddenly, Abbis living in a romcom version of New York or, more accurately, a romcom version of New York filtered through the wacky lens of Broad City. Glazers direction plays up the romance with sweeping camerawork, but a masturbating guy on the street reminds that the romanticized Hollywood version of New York isnt real. Even artists with successful work showing around the world are broke.

Abbis bag confidence peaks when she goes into Anthropologie, a store so ridiculously overpriced that it seems to exist on a different plane. Sure enough, Abbis little voyage into Anthropologie has an almost fantastical vibe to it as she sniffs the perfect display of candles and wanders the stores sacred halls. The bags magic is short-lived. Abbi comes crashing back to reality when a mugger, played by Steve Buscemi, holds her up and takes her to her local bodega to take out money. When he sees her bank account, hes appalled and starts lecturing her on the importance of having money for emergencies and being more proactive about her equity. A mugger lecturing Abbi on her finances is just the right amount of absurd, heightened but still grounded, underscoring just how dire her financial situation is.

Its not Buscemi with the best guest performance of the episode but rather Zephyr Ingle as Massouma, the girl who works at the bodega. Abbi comes to the bodega enough for Massouma to know her by name but Abbi doesnt know hers. Ingle plays Massoumas annoyance at Abbi with a perfectly straight-face. Broad City sprinkles its universe with fun and specific one-off characters, and Massouma is a great example. Shes funny, but shes also more than just a bit character. And the episode places her in the larger context of the shows universe: She and Ilana are tight enough to have each others phone numbers. Abbi comes off looking like a dumb white bitch, as she puts it herself. If you dont know the names of the people who ring you up at the bodega on a near daily basis, youre kind of a shitty person, and Broad City acknowledges that.

Given Ilanas excessive spending all season, her comeuppance was inevitable. Abbi isnt the only one to face one of New Yorks monsters when she gets mugged. Ilana and Jaime get bedbugs. The ruthless way Ilanas family and boyfriend treat her after finding out she has bedbugs is all too real. People in New York treat bedbugs like the actual plague. Lea Delaria has a fun cameo as the exterminator who finds the source of their bedbugs: all the cash Ilana was stuffing into her comforter. It all has to be burned. Ilanas financial irresponsibility has severe consequences, and she cant recoup the lost money because, as it turns out, Sushi Mambeaux was the source of the infestation and is closing down.

Now Abbis the one with a job (as security at Anthropologie, which wasnt really the glam vision she had in mind...expectations versus reality have been extremely divergent for Abbi as of late) and Ilanas the one whos unemployed. More so than in past seasons, this season of Broad City has been showing Abbi and Ilana genuinely struggle financially and experience how tough it can be to find steady employment in New York. Their lack of steady employment has significantly affected the seasonas it should. Bedbugs isnt necessarily cynical, but its a realistically dark episode that puts Abbi and Ilana through some shit. In the end, they still have each other (and the real hero of the episode: Massouma). Sometimes the only thing you can do after an exceptionally shitty day is just be with your best friend.

The rest is here:
Bedbugs, muggers, and unemployment plague Broad City, but ...

Bed Bug Laws New York | NY Bed Bug Laws | Beyond Pest …

December 13th, 2017 by admin

Renee Coreas interesting article, New York vs. Bedbugs, reveals relevant references which are very tough to come across regarding the infestation of bedbugs within New York and the laws that surround them. This article is mainly directed to rental residential properties, co-op homes and steps that the renters themselves may take regarding an infestation. It also mentions laws concerning the landlords and their responsibilities when dealing with bed bugs as well as their responsibilities in general under the New York State Multiple Dwelling Law, the New York City Housing Maintenance Code, New York Real Property Law and the New York City Health Code.

The landlords are the ones who are pretty much responsible for the removal of bed bugs, am I wrong? This article also states all the possible remedies for when a landlord refuses to pay for the eradication of bedbug infestation. It reflects back to one major, agonizing time from which is almost impossible to figure out where exactly this bedbug source came from. It also mentions how it is absolutely impossible to ensure that the bed bugs will never return into your homes again. It discusses co-ops and condo rules and regulations and responsibilities of both tenants and landlords. The warranty of habitability is also listed for reference which is very informative for tenants. You can find the warranty of habitability under the Real Property Law.

Remedial steps to take under the warranty includes a precedent case for reference. It also talks about the New York State Multiple Dwelling Law, which includes tenant rights to repairs and up-keep of a clean premise. That will in part talk about vermin present in your home and how to handle the situation at hand. It mentions the New York City Housing Maintenance Code which deals with all types of residences. It also mentions the sections and codes that specifically discuss the extermination of pests and insects as well as rodents. It mentions the New York City Health Code that discusses preventative measure to take when dealing with bed bugs. It also includes a question and answer section where questions are answered by none other than Renee Corea.

If you are in need of a public advocate in the city of New York, you should contact Bill De Blasio. He has been a public advocate for the last eight years. He was the manager for Hilary Clintons successful campaign for U.S. Senate. The role of a public advocate is to watch, help, regulate and ensure residents of New York receive the services they should from their City. They deal with issues between tenants and landlords and ensure that they both act lawfully in every situation, including the extermination and prevention of all pests, such as bed bugs, cockroaches, insects and rodents.

We came across yet another interesting article regarding Bedbugs. Must be our lucky day! Richard Siegler and Eva Talels, Dealing With Bedbugs discuss the impact that bed bugs have had on New York residents and how they deal with the massive infestation weve been hit by. They educate Condominium owners what steps to take when dealing with infestations in the unit. They set the limitations for the owner and for the occupant alike. They also discuss the precautions we need to take to prevent a bed bug infestation from occurring. However even the most cautious are still at high risk of getting a bed bug as their roommate. This article also discusses steps to take regarding damage to your furniture due to an infestation of bed bugs, rodents, cockroaches, and/or insects.

This article is extremely informative in regards to bed bugs, what they are, what they look like, and what the bites they leave behind look and feel like. It describes step by step how Hotels can now prevent the spread of bed bugs. It states that bed bugs are not causing any spread of diseases, at least theres one up-side to this whole craze. They show images of bed bugs in its actual size and an enlarged view of the bed bug. It is also informative for the frequent traveler that stays at hotels a lot. The measures the traveler needs to take to prevent them from entering your luggage which then in turn will infest your homes.

The law that surrounds bed bugs is almost three years old according to Michael Wolfe. This article he wrote states how just how new this bed bug craze is. Now it is known that the landlords of the property are primarily responsible for the exterminating as they are supposed to keep the premise habitable. This article discusses the difference in laws in New Jersey and New York. It states who can sue for any damages caused by the bed bugs and the exterminating itself. It states that if the landlord denies or omits that fact that there are bed bugs in the unit he may be charged with fraud.

There is a bed bug registry where you can check out any hotel or motel where you are planning to stay. The Bed Bug Registry is a no fee, public database of user-submitted bed bug reports from across the United States and Canada. Founded in 2006, the site has collected about 20,000 reports covering 12,000 locations. While you wont find any legal info on this site you can see if your building has been added to this growing database of apartments and buildings in NYC that have bedbug infections.

The NYC Rent Guidelines Board (RGB) is mandated to establish rent adjustments for the approximately one million dwelling units subject to the Rent Stabilization Law in New York City. The Board holds an annual series of public meetings and hearings to consider research from staff, and testimony from owners, tenants, advocacy groups and industry experts.

The RGB staff is responsible for providing administrative support to the Board and prepares research regarding the economic condition of the stabilized residential real estate industry including operating and maintenance costs, the cost of financing, housing supply and cost of living indices. The RGB staff engages in year-round research efforts, publishes its reports for use by the public, other governmental agencies and private organizations, and provides information to the public on housing questions.

If you need legal help this is a great place to start. LawHelp/NY is an on-line tool for helping low-income New Yorkers solve their legal problems. The LawHelp/NY mission is as follows:

LawHelp/NY provides, and promotes access to, high-quality online information about free legal services throughout New York, about legal rights in a broad range of substantive areas, about the court system, and about related advocacy, government and social service organizations. We are committed to providing information that is user-friendly, in English, Spanish, and other languages, in order to help low-income and other vulnerable New Yorkers achieve equal access to justice.

The Legal Aid Society is a private, not-for-profit legal services organization, the oldest and largest in the nation, dedicated since 1876 to providing quality legal representation to low-income New Yorkers. It is dedicated to one simple but powerful belief: that no New Yorker should be denied access to justice because of poverty.

The Society handles 300,000 individual cases and matters annually and provides a comprehensive range of legal services in three areas: the Civil, Criminal and Juvenile Rights Practices. Unlike the Societys Criminal and Juvenile Rights Practices, which are constitutionally mandated and supported by government, the Civil Practice relies heavily on private contributions.

An Article written by Melanie West for the Wall Street Journal states that there is a new bed bug disclosure policy in play now for new leases on apartments. It says that when a lease is prepared, both landlord and tenant must sign a state form listing any bedbug infestations in the past year. Would-be renters then have a chance to back out of the lease agreement. Gov. David Patterson signed the policy in to law last month. According to this great article it says that 49% of people surveyed said they had or have a bed bug problem. According to this article bed bug infestation are everywhere these days. Many ways to prevent these little buggers from become a part of your life. Seal the holes in your homes as much as possible, pay close attention to any form of bites you may get thru ought the night, check your bed sheets for tiny little blood stains, and prayer always helps.

Jessica Presslerarticle is quite interesting and pretty much states that the bed bug disputes are filling up the docket in the New York City courts because of a decision made by a tenant refusing to pay rent because of a bed bug infestation in the unit. Also yet another similar article that goes on about the same issues. This article written by E.B. Solomont a staff reporter of The Sun says that a back in 2008 the Brooklyn court located had spotted some bed bugs. It sent the court room into a frenzy. Even though a spokeswoman says that the courts were bug free.

In 2008 there were almost ten thousand bed bug complaints, Im sure that number are probably quadrupled by now. It also goes to say what is pretty well known to us by now, that it is the responsibility of the landlord to cover all costs for the extermination of the buildings and units. It also talks about different cases that dealt with bed bugs and the results of the judgments in each instance. These cases set precedents to the judgments we deal with now in our courts. According to E.B. Solomon the reason there are all of these bed bug disputes is because its difficult to prove where the bed bugs came from.

Another interesting little article that we found written by Nobugsonme. This one says that there is a legislation being proposed to the insurance companies making them give back the money to renters and owners that were forced to throw out their furniture and/or clothes because of their bed bug infestation. Some bed bug infestations could end up to be very pricey, it could burn big holes in the individual wallet.

Bed bug insurance legislation proposed in New York State

We found this very informative site It is very detailed describing bed bugs, what they are, where they live, and what they feed on, you. It states how bed bugs come out at night and invade your furniture such as your bed frame, couches and mattresses to name a few. The article also reminisces how bed bugs were almost extinct after DDT. However due to health and environmental concerns DDT was banned. Now we are dealing with a bed bug crises yet again. The question we all have now is how does one get them? and how does one get rid of bed bugs? also how does one prevent them from appearing and affecting our lives? All very important questions and answers seem scarce.

This article is pretty thorough and answers all of the above questions as much as possible, as well as other legal questions regarding bed bugs that need some answers. As for how they became famous again here in the U.S. it says that we should be extra careful when we travel, as bed bugs attach themselves on to your clothing and things you may have in your luggage. They may come in with visitors we have in our homes or places of work. Also we should be very careful when we travel as hotels and other accommodations may have a bed bug infestation. This article also describes how bed bugs may travel into our homes.

It says bed bugs can travel thru duct-works and cracks in between units, also when tenants are moving in and out of the building may cause for transfer of bed bugs. This article goes on to describe what bed bugs look like, how they live. It also recommends ways in which to keep your home clean and free of clutter. Regardless of how clean and tidy you are you may still get them. This article also has a section on important bed bug laws between landlords and tenants. It states that in New York State landlords are liable for the cost of treating a bed bug problem. This is good news for the tenants.

Another great article written by Douglas Stern Landlords vs. Tenants: Who pays when bed bugs invade?. This article is full of great information. It says that in New Jersey a legislation was introduced stating that landlords are to cover all cost for the extermination of bed bugs, annual inspections and distributing educational material created by the state. The article says that landlords are to immediately treat reported infestations and to maintain a bed bug free environment in the entire complex. It also states that all landlords that do not comply will be fined $300 for each infested apartment and $1000 for each infested common area. Its a pretty penny for landlords.

They can also do regular maintenance of the common elements to help alleviate one of the reasons that vermin might infest a property. But unfortunately no matter how clean the property may be it still may get a bed bug infestation. This is because bed bugs are a creature of convenience, similar to louse. Bed bugs go from one affected person to another. They set up tent in bedrooms and couches. During the day they hide in the cracks and crevices in your home and they come out and feed at night. This article says that bed bugs resemble small little apple seeds. But as small as they are they multiply quickly and could turn into a difficult problem.

The article goes into detail of how bed bugs are brought in to an apartment and what attracts them to these apartments. This interesting read also states how they travel from unit to unit and room to room. It says how bed bug bites are often mistaken for mosquito bites, due to the fact that they itch and turn into little red bumps. This great little article also shows that there was a 500 percent increase of reported bed bug infestations. Its such a nuisance to have but for the landlord its a nuisance to pay for something you did not do and something you cannot control. There is never any guarantee that once youve exterminated bed bugs that they will never come back.

According to this article written by Grace West, two bills that are under consideration will provide renters with protection and compensation regarding the bed bug craze we are now facing. It says that one State Assembly member Linda B. Rosenthal from the Upper West Side and parts of Hells Kitchen is pushing a legislation that would require landlords to divulge any history of bed bug infestation. It states that the first bill would require disclosure of any instance of bed bug infestation dating back five years. The second bill provides a tax credit of up to $750 to help with the cost of replacing property lost due to a bed bug infestation.

It also goes into more detail as to what furniture and clothing can be included in the price. I know $750 seems miniscule compared to the real amount of what may have been spent on the items, but it is a start. Rosenthal also states if the state were in better economic condition perhaps the tax credit could be higher. The article also states that its not sure of when the two bills will be voted on.

This article is full of useful information as it focuses on the legal end of the issues surrounding bed bugs. It says that New York city is vulnerable to bed bug infestations due to the fact that there is such a concentration of people living in such close quarters which makes it easy for them to migrate from one place to another. The article goes through series of questions and answers. From who is responsible for the cost of the extermination of bed bugs, to actions renters need to take when dealing with landlords whether legal or on your own. If legal action needs to be taken it describes the type of court you have access to in regards to bed bug and landlord issues. You can use a lawyer if you choose or you may represent yourself. It is important to know your laws, this article is very informative.

Found a great article dating back to 2009. This article written by Lindsey Christ for NY 1 is quite an interesting read when compared to the rise in bed bugs now in 2010. We thought bed bug infestations were bad then, now theyve almost quadrupled. The Department of Education describes how bed bugs are brought into our schools and into our lives. They are brought on student or teachers clothing, book bags and lunch bags.

The Department of Education refused to send exterminators into the schools affected until the specimens of what was found were sent to a lab. This just gave these bed bugs more time to populate those schools and create a major infestation. I guess they werent thinking ahead. It also states how the Museum of Natural History was affected by bed bugs. It says that the children in these affected schools should be given large sealed bags and they are to put their clothing and their book bags in them.

So if students have bed bugs the parents are told and asked to take action. Students and teachers were asked to do this, this way they can avoid a major infestation. It also states that the Department of Education could not completely control the bed bug problem, which is true. But they can however take preventative measures to keep the bed bug issue under control.

An article written by Natalie Gee for the Epoch Times, recites all of the legal measures our government has taken and will take in regards to bed bugs. Bed bugs have become such a big part of our lives that we have created laws specifically for them. They haunt us and it needs to be at least toned down if they refuse to go into extinction. Several laws have been brought to the attention of government. Most are still in question and some have passed as laws.

A bed bug infestation can and possibly will create a substantial hole in our wallets, and depending on the infestation of these critters mental issues have also surfaced. This article goes into detail of certain laws that are yet to be passed, and one that did not pass. The one that did not pass was a tax credit law that would reimburse the person affect by a bed bug infestation for up to $750. This helps out with the cost for some of the furniture, clothes and other items that needed to be replaced due to bed bugs. But unfortunately it did not pass. It also discusses one that did pass.

This bill that passed grants prospective tenants and homeowners the right to a record of any bed bug infestation on the property. This gives the renters or buyers a more in depth look on the history of bed bug infestation, if any. It allows you to make an informed decision when renting a new place. It has been an emerging issue due to the fact that renters were being bitten almost immediately as they moved into their new place. Now stuck in a predicament with bed bugs and a lease they cant get out of, only because they werent properly informed.

If you ever have any bug related issues in New York City, feel free to call us either at Beyond Pest Control. Once again, and I cant stress this enough we are on call twenty-four hours a day seven days a week to kill those bugs, we arent kidding whether you call us at 9 am or midnight we will be available to take your call and either get rid of the bug infestation, or answer any questions you may have concerning the bug issue. I can honestly guarantee that there will be someone to answer that call. We make it our business to make you bug free!

For more information, check out the rest of our site and You can also from time to time find helpful hints on our blog.

Our pest control specialists service all NYC boroughs, including Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, Long Island (both Nassau & Suffolk counties), Staten Island and even both Westchester & Rockland counties.

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Bed Bug Laws New York | NY Bed Bug Laws | Beyond Pest ...

Think you have bed bugs? Some dos and donts

December 7th, 2017 by admin

If you think you may have bed bugs, these are the essential dos and donts. Make sure you also look at the photos of bed bugs (and signs of bed bugs) and photos of bed bug bites, and the FAQ on detecting whether your problem is bed bugs, or something else.If you suspect there are bed bugs where you sleep, dont begin sleeping in another bed, on the sofa. Do not go to stay with someone else. The bugs may follow you to your guest room or sofa, and then it will be much harder to get rid of them. They may hitch a ride to your relatives home, and you can cause them to become infested. (All of these situations have happened to Bedbuggers we know.) Also, staying outside of your home means the bugs may become dormant. Were told they may live without feeding for up to 18 months. When you come back, they can begin biting you again. So staying in your home during treatment, and sleeping in your usual bed, is the way to kill bed bugs. Read our FAQs and sleep there while youre getting a Pest Control Operator (PCO) to treat your home. Once you are being treated, you must remain in the bedyou are the bait, attracting bugs to the poison and their deaths. If you isolate the bed, they need not bite you. (The FAQ on isolating the bed talks about the pros and cons of doing that).

Do save any bed bugs you find. Do not part with these you may need to show them to landlords, pest control professionals, and so on. Entomologists at colleges or science museums in your town may identify these, and a pest control company can too. Pick it up with clear packing tape, and tape it to an index card. Or put it in a clear sealed ziplock or jar in the freezer. Dont assume youll see lots of them, some people dont.

Do rule out other possible conditions, like folliculitis, scabies, and bites from other insects. Suspected bed bug bites sometimes turn out to be one of these other conditions. Doctors cannot diagnose bed bug bites with any certainty. The FAQs may help. Be warned, though, that many of us are told by doctors that we do or do not have bed bugs, and later find they are wrong.

Dont assume you are the only one being bitten. Remember that some people do not react to bed bug bites at all. Bed bug bites are an allergic reaction, and reactions vary from nothing to serious allergic reactions. Research released in 2010 by Dr. Michael Potter suggests 70% of people do react, and 30% of people do not react to bed bug bites.

Dont start throwing your bed and other furniture out. As per the FAQs, you can cover and isolate the bed. (You may wish to wait until a PCO has started treating before covering the mattress in an encasement.) Most furniture, including mattresses and sofas, can be treated by a PCO, and you can ask the PCO if throwing them out is necessary. It usually isnt necessary or recommended because tossing furniture and other items out can just lead to spreading bed bugs as well as emptying your home of furnishings. If there is a good reason to get rid of something, your pest management professional can help you do it safely, so as not to spread the bugs around your home or building, and so that others do not pick up infested items.

Dont start buying a load of chemicals and treating yourself. We have FAQs about choosing a good pest control firm and about why doing your own pest control in lieu of a PCO is not a good idea. Yes, sometimes supplementing a PCOs work makes sense, but only if they are fully on board with what youre doing. Remember, pesticides have different qualities (repellents, contact killers, residual killers, growth regulators, etc.) Bed bugs are probably the most complicated pests youve ever encountered at home. If you start spraying pesticides, you may disperse the bugs, and the professionals may have trouble treating them. You may spread them around your home. Get good professional help and follow instructions. Some pros wont treat a home if you have already done so.

Do not, absolutely do not release a fogger or bug bomb. Do not allow your landlord to do so. Do not allow a so-called exterminator to do so. Bug bombs / foggers do not work for bed bugs, and in fact, will spread them. Your problem will be magnified. Trust me!

Dont start bagging everything you own. With the exception of washed and dried clothing (according to specific instructions your PCO gives you), do not seal up everything you own in bags. Some PCOs will want you to inspect, vacuum, and seal all your possessions in bags. Most wont. Following their advice is crucial, since they know what theyre using on your problem. If you decide to bag things, you may be sealing away bed bugs and this is only a way of dealing with the problem if you put these items in storage for 18 months, unopened. Instead, most PCOs will vigorously fight your problem, and bed bugs will be attracted out of your possessions and towards poisons which will kill them. We have a FAQ on this also: How do I prepare for pest control treatment? Should I put everything in bags?

Do start dealing with your clothing and linens if the PCO requires this. Though you should not simply seal your possessions in bags (as above), it is probably a good idea to start working on clothing and bedding, if the PCO instructs you to do this. Note that some reputable pest control operators do not require most clients to treat all their clothing and linens. If your PCO does not require it, then I would skip it. You should take clothing and other items, wash on hot and and dry them on hot. Remember, driers vary as to their strength and how long they take with what size of load. Dont stuff the machines. My personal method is that items should at least be dried on hot for 20 minutes after they appear to be fully dry and very hot. Note that if you start with clean items, you only need to dry them on hot: this is a huge savings to time and energy. Starting with clean, dry items, running the hot dryer for 20 minutes should suffice. (You PCO may not be aware of research proving that a hot dryer alone is enough.) Keep in mind that pillows, comforters, down coats, and other thick items may take longer to dry. Heres the key: after washing and drying, bag items in sealed, airtight bags, and do not remove them until use. Our FAQs give more explicit suggestions. Dry cleaning is theoretically a bed bug killer, but impractical since most dry cleaners may not be equipped to deal with bed bugs, and you have to disclose that the items have been exposed to bed bugs.

Dont assume bed bugs are only in your bed. While bed frames and mattresses and headboards are the most likely location for bed bugs, they can and do often hide out in sofas and other soft furniture, electrical sockets (behind plates), light fixtures, baseboards, floor crevices, and other crevices in the bedroom and living room. Bed bugs are occasionally found in kitchens and bathrooms. This should not make you panic: most cases, especially smaller ones, are quite concentrated, usually 10-20 feet from where people sleep (or where they sit for extended periods). However, if a PCO tells you bed bugs are not found in living rooms, realize that many Bedbuggers have infested sofas, computer chairs, and so on. Dont believe that bed bugs only bite at night. They prefer a sleeping, stationary host who is fast asleep. But if theyre hungry, theyll take what they can get. You can be bitten while in a chair, awake.

Once you get a PCO treating your place, dont assume this will be solved overnight. If your PCO treats and you are still being bitten, this is normal. The bites should decrease and eventually disappear. If you see bed bugs or are bitten, do have another treatment about two weeks after the first. Do insist the PCO repeat treatment every two weeks until you see no new signs of bed bugs (like bed bug feces stains in the bed). Do not assume youve got a bad PCO because it takes three treatments to solve your problem. This, unfortunately, is common, even if you follow all the advice. However, do ask questions, from the first treatment on, and take notes: what is the PCO using? What does each substance do? Make a note of where each substance is applied, and how long the process takes. If a few treatments go by and you are suspicious, post a question in our forums with these details experienced Bedbuggers and reputable PCOs read this site and may be able to offer advice as to whether youre getting good service or not. Stay on top of whats happening, but be honest with the PCO about what youre doing, and ask what you can do to support treatment. If they are good, they will welcome your involvement. Vacuuming every day in some cases is a good idea, in others, it may sabotage the work of certain substances left down to kill bed bugs. The same is true of bagging everything you own, as above. Never assume that you should do what someone online is doing, since they may be working with a different pest control protocol.

Do use bed bug monitors to try and determine if bed bugs are present initially and after treatment. We have a FAQ on bed bug monitors. The beenfit to monitors is that youre more likely to catch a sample or see signs if you are using monitors.

Last updated 3/16/2015.

Comments for this page are now closed. Please post a message on our Bedbugger Forums if you have questions or need support. If you have suggestions for improving this FAQ, or other comments, please contact me.

See the rest here:
Think you have bed bugs? Some dos and donts

Guaranteed Bed Bug Exterminator in Brooklyn, NYC …

November 16th, 2017 by admin

If there is one thing that is true about bed bugs, it is that theyre annoying pests! These monstrous little critters will hide deep within your mattress and sneak out at night to bite you all over your body. Unfortunately, it is tremendously difficult to pinpoint the originating source of these bugs. No matter how you react these bugs are going to wreck your sleeping schedule.

Before reaching out to the best bed bug exterminator in Brooklyn, you should step back, analyze your situation and confirm your infestation. First and foremost though, youll need to figure out exactly where these critter come from. By giving the most professional Brooklyn bed bug exterminator a call, theyll be able to help you, during this tremendously difficult time. Below, you will find a list of ways that these bugs can infiltrate your home.

When it comes down to it, identifying a bed bug infestation can be somewhat difficult. Most individuals will not know it, until theyve been bitten all over their bodies! The top bed bug exterminator in Brooklyn will be able to help you trap these bugs. However, if you wish to identify the infestation on your own, you will want to look at the list below and take note of these warning signs.

If youre looking for the most reputable and experienced bed bug extermination company in Brooklyn, youve come to the right place! Over the years, our company has successfully eliminated a massive number of bed bug infestations and well be able to do the same for you! Bed bugs are unlike any other pests and they require a knowledgeable technician to eliminate them on the first attempt. Our technicians are properly trained and educated to get rid these critters, with a single treatment!

There is no denying that were the best bed bug exterminators in Brooklyn, New York and well be able to rapidly return your home to normal! Below, you will find the benefits of engaging in business with our company.

Why Shouldnt You Hire The Top Bed Bug Exterminator Brooklyn New York Has To Offer?

If you have any concerns or questions, you should contact us immediately. We guarantee that well respond as quickly as possible and will provide you with a professional, effective and kind technician to answer any questions you may have! Our company is open every day of the week and we can eliminate any type of pest, including bed bugs, roaches, mosquitoes, ants, rats and even wild creatures. When youre ready to reclaim your home, you will want to give us a call immediately!

EZ Bed Bug Exterminator Brooklyn

If you're in Brooklyn and looking for a quick and painless solution to your bed bug problem, we are the extermination team to call. We provide various solutions such as heat treatment, chemical and freezing methods. Lets get full control of that bed bug problem - call us now - we are the top exterminators in all of Brooklyn NY!

1681 83rd St

Brooklyn, NY



Phone: (646) 760-5999

Guaranteed Bed Bug Exterminator in Brooklyn, NYC ...

Bedbugs a Worry for Scouring Shoppers at Secondhand Stores …

November 2nd, 2017 by admin

One girl in particular in the class had an issue, said the instructor, Bridgett Artise, a fashion designer and an author of 25 Ways to Deconstruct, Reinvent and Recycle Your Wardrobe. She said, I had a problem with a jacket. She said they were in the lining, so it was hard to know they were even there.

They might find a funky 1950s housedress as appetizing as a so-last-year strapless number. Obviously, these bugs do not respect economic level or social status or neighborhood they found them in Abercrombie & Fitch, said Jose Medellin, a spokesman for Goodwill Industries of Greater New York and Northern New Jersey.

And so secondhand-store buyers worry about something the size of a lentil that could have been on a pipe near the ceiling or in a book on a shelf before it made the jump to clothing or furniture that was consigned or given away. Ms. Born, a nursing student, said she had looked at pictures of bedbug bites online to see how they differed from spider bites and mosquito bites, just in case she ever needed to know.

Ms. Artise said: I only worry about newbies, new vintage shoppers. People like myself already know the telltale signs, and what to do.

The first thing I always tell people who buy vintage clothing is if they see any type of anything that looks like it might have remnants of bedbugs, put it in a plastic bag and freeze it. You keep it in there, I would say, for at least three days. It cant survive freezing. And after it thaws out, I would take it to a dry cleaner.

Lisa Slocum, a lawyer who bought a velvet coat for $33 at the City Opera Thrift Shop I just cant resist a bargain, she said lived through bedbugs a couple of years ago.

I swore if I ever bought anything in a thrift shop again, Id wrap it in plastic and take it right to the dry cleaner, Ms. Slocum said. You really do believe youll never get rid of them.

The infestation was enough for her to stop making the rounds of vintage shops for a while, even though she had no evidence they came from the stores she had frequented. Im a hard person to stop from secondhand shopping, she said as she left the City Opera shop on East 23rd Street.

Managers and clerks at vintage stores said that they were getting a lot of questions from customers but that the bedbug epidemic did not seem to be putting a dent in their business.

Ive never seen a bedbug, said Tiffany Collings, the manager at Beacons Closet, on Fifth Avenue in Park Slope, Brooklyn, where party dresses sell for as little as $10. Weve never knock on wood had a problem with bedbugs, but its absolute and utter sheer luck.

Ms. Collings said some customers asked what precautions the store took. I tell them, If youre worried about bedbugs, Ive read about bedbugs. If you put clothes in a dryer under high, high heat, its supposed to kill the bugs and eggs, she said. Were looking, physically looking at clothes when a customer brings in clothing to sell, and if she saw a bedbug, she said, she would hand the item back.

Housing Works said it fumigated its stores and its processing and distribution center in Long Island City. For furniture, said Matthew Bernardo, the senior vice president for business service, Housing Works has a screening policy: someone from Housing Works inspects it at the prospective donors apartment first.

We always say when people set up for us to pick up furniture that we have the right to refuse, Mr. Bernardo said.

Mr. Medellin, the Goodwill spokesman, said Goodwill Industries sprayed all its 39 stores and its processing center.

We do not take home pickups, and we have not received any reports of bedbugs, he said. We have an ongoing contract with an exterminator. We asked them, Please, make sure that were covered for bedbugs as well.Mattresses are a particular concern, because many consider them the passport for bedbugs through the city. Gale A. Brewer, a city councilwoman who represents the Upper West Side, pressed for a ban on used and reconditioned mattresses. It turned out used mattresses were already covered under a state law passed years ago requiring that they be sanitized, thus killing any bedbugs, before they can be resold. But state regulators have yet to publish standards for accomplishing that.

I tell people given the fact that the Centers for Disease Control has declared bedbugs a pretty big menace, an epidemic, actually, and when you have an epidemic you take precautions that I dont shop in secondhand stores, Ms. Brewer said. Thats everything from the Salvation Army stores to fancy vintage-clothing stores.

And Ms. Born and the sofa at the Housing Works shop? Im not sold on it, she said.

But she did buy a $20 Zara dress.

A dress, she said, you can wash.

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Bedbugs a Worry for Scouring Shoppers at Secondhand Stores ...

Bedbugs (Itch, Itch, Scratch, Scratch)! – The New York Times

October 2nd, 2017 by admin

Youve heard the horror stories. The unsuspecting tourist whose souvenir of his trip came in the form of small red welts up and down his leg. The mom from the playground who tells a trusted friend about her problem and how she had to toss out her daughters entire collection of American Girl dolls (she whispers, fearful the other moms will hear and forbid their children to play with hers). The young couple excited to close on their first apartment only to find out that their neighbors had an infestation.

The culprit: bedbugs.

These parasitic insects have emerged as a serious issue, not just in big cities like New York but in small towns across the country. What can be done about them? Are they really a problem or are we all just overreacting?

Louis N. Sorkin, an entomologist and arachnologist, has worked at the American Museum of Natural History since 1978.

Extensive infestations of bedbugs in homes, especially city dwellings like apartments, condos and co-ops, can easily spread throughout an entire building, especially when infested apartments are treated in isolation. Thats why its crucial for people and government agencies to understand the issues and work together.

Bedbugs are adept hitchhikers and harbor on and in furniture and other objects. They also live within walls, floors and ceilings where pipes and wiring become their highways. Health care workers, home care personnel, cable TV installers, plumbers and electricians, to name a few, can easily and unknowingly provide easy access to crawling bugs or transfer bedbugs from one client to another. People living in infested homes can unwittingly infest their workplaces. Unfortunately, most people are misinformed about this bugs basic characteristics.

For one, bedbug is a misleading name: the common bedbug, Cimex lectularius, is not restricted to beds. The typical description wingless, reddish brown, and up to quarter-inch long is also inaccurate, and youll easily overlook infestations if youre looking for insects that fit that bill. Immature bedbugs are much smaller and pale, though theyll become plump, turn red and then darker after feasting on and digesting blood. Adults have vestigial wings.

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The females lay tiny, pale eggs in crevices, and not just in furniture, box springs, and mattresses. Electric clocks, stereos, window encasements, curtains the list for possible bedbug harborages goes on and on. Females produce hundreds of eggs during their lifetime, and they must feed on blood to stay fertile and reproduce. Tiny, pale nymphs 1/32 inch or about as long as a credit card is thick hatch from these eggs. In order to grow to adulthood, they go through five immature stages each requiring at least one meal of blood.

Since many people confuse the bugs with other insects like cockroaches, and because bite reactions are sometimes misdiagnosed, infestations arent always reported. Others become used to living with bedbugs. Then there are people who are reluctant to report infestations because they incorrectly equate bedbug infestation with unclean conditions. But recognizing bedbugs is the first step in effective pest control for you, and your neighbors.

Susan C. Jones is an associate professor in the department of entomology at Ohio State University. She is the O.S.U. Extension state specialist on household and structural insect pests and serves on two bedbug task forces in Ohio.

An increase in bedbug infestations is not just a problem in New York City, it is an unfortunate phenomenon occurring all over the U.S. and the world. Many factors are involved in the increased incidence of bedbugs. A major factor is the publics lack of knowledge about them and how these parasitic insects are spread and how they should be controlled.

People simply dont take measures to protect themselves from these tiny hitchhikers, especially when they travel. People often do not recognize that they have bedbugs in their homes until an infestation is well entrenched, and the bugs become much more difficult to control.

A related factor is the unnecessary social stigma connected to bedbugs: They are NOT associated with filth or economic status. The failure to acknowledge and discuss bedbug problems furthers the spread of them. Indeed, it is unwise to place infested items on the curb as others often scavenge these items and spread the bedbugs to new households.

People typically dont understand that bedbug control requires considerable effort, attention to detail and coordination by multiple parties including residents, pest management personnel and property managers. In multifamily dwellings, the practice of treating an infested unit in isolation rather than inspecting (and potentially treating) all interconnected units is a practice that allows bedbugs to spread quickly to adjacent units and is not cost-effective.

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Bedbugs require multiple control tactics and there is no magic bullet pesticides alone are not the solution. For example, reducing clutter is very important.

Bedbug control is expensive and time-consuming, and with the current recession, many people lack the financial resources to hire an experienced professional. Do-it-yourself insecticide sprays tend to work on contact and, therefore, seldom provide control of bedbugs since the insects hide in many inaccessible locations. Bedbugs also have developed resistance to many commonly available pesticides.

Unfortunately, many public health officials have failed to recognize or to address, in a timely manner, the significance of bedbugs as a public health threat. Thats a huge problem.

Michael F. Potter is a professor of entomology at the University of Kentucky, where he specializes in pests infesting buildings, people and property.

On the matter of bed bugs, history is repeating itself. Just as we saw in the 1920s, 30s, and 40s, bedbugs are moving beyond urban centers and seaport towns into less populated areas.

Its safe to say that probably every state has a bedbug problem. And as history has shown, were not talking only about infestations among the poor, were talking about the middle class and the wealthy. Youll find bedbugs not just in hotels, but in apartment buildings, offices, summer camps, movie theaters, college dormitories, buses, even waiting rooms in major hospitals.

So what should we do? For starters, we need to improve public awareness. People dont tend to think about bed bugs until theyve been affected by them even doctors have been known to misdiagnose the bites. People should inspect their beds (especially near the headboard area), not just at home, but wherever they sleep on vacation or at college. Dont even think of picking up used items left on the curb. The public needs to put the prospect of bed bugs on their radar screen.

Landlords should inform tenants about the growing problem with bed bugs and also put up information sheets in their buildings. Preventive inspection by tenants and pest control firms would go a long way toward curbing the problem and isolating a possible infestation.

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Second, public health departments and other government agencies need to take the problem seriously. Because bed bugs are not deemed disease transmitters like cockroaches, rodents or flies, they tend to be ignored in health budgets. This needs to change. While they might not carry disease, they are a huge emotional and economic nuisance and can lead to allergic reactions and infections.

And finally, we may need the Environmental Protection Agency and state regulatory groups to allow emergency use of certain older insecticides and, more important, we need to encourage chemical companies to invest in research and development of new insecticides. Almost everyone in the pest control industry will tell you that better insecticides are needed to effectively and economically combat the global resurgence of this pest, used in concert with other non-chemical approaches.

In the 1940s 50s and 6OS, DDT was responsible for the virtual eradication of bed bugs. Im not advocating for DDT research indicates that todays bed bugs have developed a resistance to it anyway but I do think chemical companies, if there were incentives, could develop affordable, 21st century versions to help win this battle. Otherwise, we are in for quite a ride.

Bonnie Friedman is the author of Writing Past Dark: Envy, Fear, Distraction and Other Dilemmas in the Writers Life and The Thief of Happiness. She is a professor of creative writing at The University of North Texas.

When I lived in New York, bedbugs invaded my Brooklyn brownstone apartment and I became obsessed with them. Every crack in the plaster, every split in the ancient floorboards, every infinitesimal gap around light switches and radiator pipes became the object of anxiety. Insecticide and caulk never sated my suspicion that bedbugs were still lurking.

A little O.C.D. is good for beating the bedbugs, advised the president of the extermination company.

Compulsive? The effective approach is to be compulsive? I can do that! For months, I sprayed, laundered, vacuumed, hauled to the curb and lived on the verge of tears.

To go to sleep knowing that bugs might emerge and bloat themselves on your blood or your partners blood during the night, to know from the online photos that the bugs release tiny revolting versions of themselves, to understand that you arent safe despite the Vaseline gobbed on the bedlegs, the special clothes you sleep in, coaxes you to the verge of a kind of madness. One feels kootified, horrified, nostalgic for the days of DDT, Ill choose cancer over bedbugs is the crazed idea and yet.

One day, given enough labor and money, it is over. You are one of the regular, normal people again. You feel oceans of wellbeing without ever feeling quite as you did before.

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Now there is a new awareness and avoidance of secondhand clothes, tag sales, the odiferous man on the subway scratching his ankle. Post affliction, you are with all itchy humanity, your awareness and compassion heightened. For better or worse you know, in the end, that the mind itself will never quite be free of bedbugs.

Richard J. Pollack, a public health entomologist at the Harvard School of Public Health, is the author of the educational resource on the biology and management of bedbugs.

Whether country manors or urban efficiencies, our homes are our castles, and few folks are willing to share their abodes with vermin of any kind. Despite this, bedbugs have become resurgent in communities throughout the nation, but they have not spread as quickly as misinformation and hysteria about these reviled pests.

Bedbugs may not be as prevalent as is generally perceived. Every home is endowed with fairly innocuous insects, and these are often misconstrued to be bedbugs. The discovery of a bug on or near the bed doesnt qualify it as a bedbug. The mere presence of bites or a positive response from a bug-sniffing dog may be suggestive, but these are far less useful in solving the mystery than is capturing and identifying the real culprit. Treating the home without such an objective basis is unjustified, wastes money and may constitute a gross misuse of insecticide.

Nary a day passes without tearful homeowners, tenants or building owners complaining they have, or believe they have, bedbugs. At best, the elimination of bedbugs may command a tidy sum and considerable time and effort in fighting them. At worst, reactions to their bites will cause a few people to seek care in the emergency room. For most, the reactions to the bites are mildly or incredibly irritating, and they may continue to offer insult long after the actual injury. Bedbugs are a medical problem for those who are affected, but the level of concern is generally far less than that of a serious illness.

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Few people complain as much when a mosquito is singing in their ear, yet mosquitoes feed on blood, leave similarly itchy reminders behind and sometimes transmit agents of disease and death. On the bright side, bedbugs are not known to spread disease-causing microbes to people. In an odd twist of logic, many residents readily spread insecticides throughout their homes to battle bedbugs, but then eschew the use of similar products aimed to reduce a mosquito borne public health threat in the community.

Last, but not least, the finding of bedbugs stimulates the blame game. Tenants accuse the landlord or previous tenants, and landlords impugn the tenants. Only the bugs know for sure from whence they came, and it generally doesnt matter in the grand scheme of things. Rather than targeting the bugs, hostilities tend to escalate and lawyers are retained. Regardless of which side prevails in court, the lawyers profit from the proceedings, and the injured parties continue to suffer from the bugs.

In the challenge against bedbugs, emotion and fear tend to prevail over rationality and caution. Until new effective products and methods become available, the bedbugs will remain uninvited guests in many of our homes.

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Bedbugs (Itch, Itch, Scratch, Scratch)! - The New York Times

Check your Hotel Apartment for complaints of Bed Bugs pg2

September 20th, 2017 by admin

Discussion Navigation: Hotel Bed Bugs (pg 1) Hotel Bed Bugs (pg 2) Hotel Bed Bugs (pg 3) Hotel Bed Bugs (pg 4)


My husband and I and 2 other couples are staying in the Bellagio hotel in Las Vegas at the end of this month. I am getting nervous about going away with all this bed bug talk. Any talk of bed bugs there?


We are headed to 4 Queens in Vegas just a week out. I called to see if I should come armed, the hotel desk put me though to CS to Guest services, to Guest Services manager and at that point I was informed it was a nationwide problem. That says a BIG YES, WE HAVE THEM AT 4 QUEENS LV without admitting. Does anyone know? Im ready to cancel vacation! H>>E>>L>>P!


I canceled my reservation at the Days Inn Hershey due to bed bug report. Now I have reservations at the Comfort Inn, 7744 Linglestown Road, Harrisburg, PA, US, 17112. I havent seen any reports of bed bugs here but that doesnt mean they dont have them. Any information/help is greatly appreciated.Thank you.


HI. We are going to Myrtle Beach next week. 9/5. Have there been any reports atCheck-In Address: ADVANTAGE SERVICES 1784 HIGHWAY 17 BUSINESS N., SURFSIDE BEACH, SC 29575, United StatesUnit address: 5905 S. KINGS HIGHWAY, Room 4313 , MYRTLE BEACH, SC 29575,Thanks!


I am interested in the Best Western in Napoleon Ohio. I will be sending a crew of men there next week and I would like to know if this hotel has had any problems with bed bugs.1290 Independence Dr. Napoleon Ohio 43545

Tim Paretti:

Staying in Washington,DC at the Hilton Garden Inn on 14th St. I am a little concerned.


Can you please check to see if bed bugs exist at the Westin Hotel, 50 South Capitol Avenue, IndianapolisIN ? Thanks


Please let me know whether there are bed bug complaints forDoubletree Metropolitan Hotel New York City

569 Lexington AvenueNew York, NYUnited States, 10022

Gerry Farkas:

Planning on staying at the Grand Hyatt 42nd at Park Ave. New York in early October. Any reports of bugs at that Hotel?


Going to Branson, Mo in the muddle of sept staying at the Surry Inn, are there any reports of Bed Bugsthere?

Pam Burk:

My parents suffered bedbug bites at the Courtyard by Marriott Cincinnati Covington. My mother was bitten while there, but did not know what they were. After arriving home, her bites became infected and she went to the Dr. who told her he suspected bed bugs. They called an exterminator and he is quoting them $800 for treatment. Now my dad is being bitten. Have you had any other complaints from this location? My parents were there the weekend of July 2, 2010 for my daughters wedding.

pat klingenbeck:

Will be staying in las vegas in september, at treasure island and was wondering if there have been complaints of bed bugs.Any info on las vegas hotels would be appreciated.


We will be staying at Disneys Caribbean Beach Resort in Lake Buena Vista, FL (900 Cayman WayLake Buena Vista, FL 32830.) Do you have a way of finding out official health reports or history and remedy of this?


Please check the Knights Inn at 2395 Scott st., Napoleon OhioPlease let me know as soon as you can Thank you

cheryl beckmann:

i will be going to san diego next month and i wondered if the town and country resort and convention center has any bedbug complaints. thanks.


Hi ,I am planning on staying in Columbus, Ohio this weekend any information onHyatt on Capitol Square75 East State Street,Columbus, Ohio, USA 43215Doubletree Guest Suites Columbus50 South Front Street, Columbus, OH 43215-4145Courtyard by Marriott Columbus Downtown Hotel35 West Spring Street, Columbus, OH 43215Thanks


Hi there, we are planning to stay at Cedar Lodge Condos in Pigeon Forge, TN the 2nd weekend in September. Just wondering if you have any info on this location to see if they might have bedbugs? Love this site!Thanks a bunch,Chris


Hi,Ive planned a trip to NYC and realized after the fact that they are having issues with bed bugs (which I suppose is pretty much the case everywhere). So now Im panicking. Could you please tell me if you have heard of any bed bug problems at the St James Hotel at 109 W 45th Street. Is there a way to find out about reported cases at hotels and if the hotel has done anything to rectify it?Thanks!!

Fred Halfen:

We have future stays at the Ramda Inn North Platte, NE ; Super 8 Rifle, CO; and the Ramada Select Green River, UT. Are there any reports from these locations?

Colleen Edwards:

Anything on bugs at the Embassy Suites Rockside in Independance, OH. I hear Ohio has a big problem and Im heading there on Sunday.thanks!Colleen Edwards


well be staying at the Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge, NY. ive heard some bad reports concerning NYC. any news about the Marriott?thanks


Hi,We will be traveling for me to have surgery with a specialist. Would make for a miserable recovery to end up with BBs! Please let me know if you find any problems with:Howard Johnson, Murfreesboro, TNComfort suites perimeter center, Atlanta, GAThanks!


Any bedbug reports here?Embassy Suites Atlanta Galleria2815 Akers Mill Road, Atlanta, Georgia, United States 30339THANKS SOOOO MUCH

mary beth:

i will be staying at a marriot hotel near chelsea pier? i believe it is the fairfield inn manhatten/chelsea. anyone know about bedbugs at this hotel?


What is the latest on Hilton Hotel on 6th Avenue in New York City? Thank you!


planning a trip to Branson, Mo. what Motels are safe.looking at Angel inn, Grand Oaks, Quality Inn?Branson landing


Hello,I am stying at the Embassy Suites and Conference Center Murfreesboro TN this weekend. Any bed bug reports on this hotel? 1200 Conference Center Boulevard, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, United States 37129ThanksSandy


Has there been a bed bug issue at the Wingate by Wyndham hotel in West Chester, Ohio?Orthe Animal Kingdom Lodge at Walt Disney World?


Will be going to Las Vegas soon. Any problems with bed bugs and The Monte Carlo?

Pat Perkins:

I am going to Branson the week of Oct 15-18 and am wondering if there are any hotels or motels with reports of bed bugs


We are staying at the Days Inn on The Days Inn Gatlinburg On The River, 304 Hemlock St.,Gatlinburg, TN 37738, in early October. Have they have any reports of bed bugs??Thanks!


Planning to stay at Holiday inn Express 2300 North Main Street Roswell NM 88201 and Holiday Inn Express Balloon Fiesta Park 5401 Alameda Blvd NE Albuquerque NM 87113 wondering if there are any bed bug issues. Thanks! Jim

Cathy McDowell:

Wondering if there have been any reports on Intercontinental at Times Square


Hows the New york Palace for bedbugs?thanks


I have a trip scheduled in Vegas the last week in October. I getting increasingly uneasy as I am staying at the Bellagio. Is there any hotels in vegas that have the least reports for bed bugs????

ashley farmer:

has the Quality Suites The Royal Parc Suites the address is 5876 W. Irlo Bronson Memorial HwyKissimmee Florida 34746 please call me at 859-437-0773

judy meridith:

Would you check to see if the Club Quarters hotel at Wall-street has any reports of bed bugs. Thank you so much.

Lisa A. Gaus:

Im going to a conference at The Park Vista Doubletree Hotel in Gatlinburg, TN later this month. Have you had any complaints of bed bugs there? The street address is 705 Cherokee Orchard Road. Thanks!

Susanders Sanders:

Destination is Old Town Hotel in Wichita, Kansas. Anyone know of reports of bedbugs? Thanks so much!


Hi there,Urgent request! We have reserverations at the Borgata in Atlantic City, NJ, for tomorrow and Friday nights, September 2 and 3. I just read on TripAdvisor that there have been recent reports of bed bugs! To make matters worse, hotel management has not bothered to respond to the Tripadvisor complaints. Can you find out if the hotel is addressin the problem? Im thinking I need to cancel my reservation!

Bed Bug Girl:

Hi Barbara sweet,I searched a number of online databases and could not find any reports of bed bugs at Ballys in Atlantic City Ballys tower specifically.

Thanks,Bed Bug Girl


Have any complaints been made about:Embassy Suites New York102 NORTH END AVENUENew York, NY 10281Embassy Suites

Bed Bug Girl:

Hi Cindi Luther,

I have searched a number of online databases and could not find any reports of bed bugs at the Hilton Airport in Indianapolis, IN.

ThanksBed Bug Girl

Bed Bug Girl:

Hi Claudine,

I have searched a number of databases and could not find any reports of bed bugs at Courtyard by Marriott, Hutchinson Island Oceanside, 10978 S. Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach, FL, nor at Clarion Hotel, 260 E. Merritt Island, Causeway SR520, Merritt Island, FL.

Thanks,Bed Bug Girl


Can you tell me if there have been any reports of bed bugs at the Radisson Hotel- Pittsburgh Green Tree address is: 101 Radisson Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15205

Scott Kirkpatrick:

I have a friend who will be staying at the Holiday Inn in Kearney, Nebraska on the night of August 19th. Are there any reports of bed bugs?

Nicola Guesken:

Continue reading here:
Check your Hotel Apartment for complaints of Bed Bugs pg2

Bed Bug and Extermination Services in New York City …

July 31st, 2017 by admin

Pest Extermination Services

20 Years of Professional Licensed Bedbug Control and Pest Exterminating Services for Home Residents and Commercial Owners

Hill's Pest Management has over 19 years of experience in exterminating and controlling bedbugs and other pests in homes, motels, hotels, restaurants, offices, and more. Our licensed and certified bedbug and pest extermination professionals guarantee immediate results in controlling pests and are in full compliance with state health regulations.

Hill's Pest Management Offers:

Individual service plans are also available since every business is different in its layout and bedbug/ pest situation. Hill's Pest Management can create an unique program of product and methodology to most effectively prevent and control your problem with bedbugs and other pests.

Bedbug Control and Pest Extermination Services Available for: New York City: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, Staten Island.

The Bed Bug Detectives Hill's Pest Management recommends with Bed Bug Detectives, an independent NESDCA Certified Bed Bug Dog Inspection Company, to provide you the most comprehensive and thorough bed bug inspection and remedial services.

Bed Bug Detectives' dogs have a keen sense of smell that can pick up the scent of live bedbugs and viable bedbug eggs with up to 95% accuracy! This eliminates the need for invasive searches or tearing up your home or office. For more information, please call Bed Bug Detectives at (347) 252-6677, or visit:

Hill's Pest Management has no professional affiliation with Bed Bug Detectives, we only recommend them for their work.

Call Now - Problem Solved!


Originally posted here:
Bed Bug and Extermination Services in New York City ...

Bedbugs Information for Homeowners & Tenants

July 2nd, 2017 by admin

Bed bugs can enter homes by latching onto used furniture, luggage and clothing, and by traveling along connecting pipes and wiring. The resources on this page can help home owners, renters,and tenants prevent bed bug infestations and safely control them when they occur.

Right to a bed bug free environment : For tenants in New York, the right to a bedbug-free environment is included in New York City's Housing and Maintenance Code, Subchapter 2, Article 4 , which specifically names bedbugs in the list of insects the landlord is legally obligated to eradicate.

The New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) lists bedbugs as a Class B violation, which means that they are considered hazardous and that the landlord has 30 days to correct the problem. The landlord must eradicate the infestation and keep the affected units from getting reinfested. Learn more by reading the Metropolitan Council on Housing Fact Sheet on Bed Bugs .

Notice of Bed Bug Infestation History : New York City Administrative Code 27-2018.1 , which the Governor signed into law on August 31, 2010, mandates that new residential tenants in New York City be given a one-year bed bug infestation history. All State supervised rental and mutual housing companies in New York City are required to provide new residential tenants with a completed copy of this notice, which is also available on the agency's website . Learn more by visitingthe Metropolitan Council on Housingpage on Bed Bugs .

If a landlord fails to disclose bed bug history : Tenants can use the form DBB-N Tenants Complaint of Owners Failure to Disclose Bed Bug Infestation History/Notice and Order: Tenants have to call 1-866-275-3427 or call/visit one of the borough offices to request a copy of the form; the form will be mailed to the tenants address.

Read the original here:
Bedbugs Information for Homeowners & Tenants

Bronx Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Brooklyn Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Manhattan Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Nyc Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Queens Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Staten Island Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel

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