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  Friday 18th of October 2024 09:01 AM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Bed Bugs in New York City – The Web’s #1 Bed Bug Resource

May 8th, 2020 by admin

Before a person can prevent an infestation, it is important to know what they are, how they live and what they look like. Once you know what they look like, hopefully, before you bring them home, you can avoid staying in hotels that have them.

Simply, they are small parasites that live in mattresses and other types of soft furniture. They are nocturnal and are hard to spot during the day. They are oval-shaped, and once they have fed on blood are reddish brown in color. If you ever see an insect in your home or hotel room that is flattish, oval-shaped and reddish brown, you should catch it and try to identify it.

These parasites feed on blood, primarily human blood. This is a major creep factor is associated with them beyond simply having a home pest. They come out at night, crawl on your sleeping body and make a meal of you. Some people may find the vampire myth sexy but nobody, except maybe an entomologist, can say the same about these insects.

For most people the idea of having them is completely repulsive. They are sneaky, gross and hated around the world. They attack people when they are at their most vulnerable and leave few signs behind.

New York City is #1 in many things, but it was not prepared to become the American city with the heaviest infestation. There is a simple reason for this resurgence. International travel gives these bugs new homes quickly. New York City is certainly a major travel hub. Vacationers head to NYC but the main culprit of the outbreak is people who travel for business.

Vacationers simply go from their home to a hotel and back. They are much less likely to drop these parasites in enough hotels to cause a major problem; although vacationers are often a victim, and bring them home unknowingly. People in business spend weeks or months hotel hopping. As our society has become global these bugs have staged a comeback.

The U.S. almost got rid of them early in the last century. Then international travel became more common and people were staying in hotels in countries that were still dealing with them. People would go to different countries and bring home a little something extra in their luggage and clothing. The U.S. now has a new booming industry eradication of these pests.

New York City may have them but how does one avoid staying in a hotel that has an active infestation. The insidious thing about these pests is that they do not always live in the flea-bag motels. It would be easy to stay in a slightly more expensive hotel but that is no guarantee of an infestation-free accommodation. Actually, the more expensive hotels are just as likely to have infestations.

With the Internet age in full force there is a website that is devoted to the places with reported infestations. The Bed Bug Registry is a website where people can report their sightings and experiences. People can use this free resource to avoid bringing home an unwanted souvenir.

These insects are sneaky little devils. They only come out in the dark unless the infestation is extreme. When you turn on the lights of your hotel room, they will quickly scurry away. Although it is hard to spot them, they do leave visible signs behind.

The most prevalent signs are blood smears on the sheets and waste along the bedrails. They hide behind the headboard, along the railings of the bed and between the mattress and bedsprings. If you cannot spot the little beasties, you should become accustomed to the other signs. These pests shed skin and leave fecal matter behind. This looks like a pile of pepper or coarse ash in areas where they nest.

People may not want to spend their evenings hunting for these bugs but that is better than bringing them home. Just strip the bed, check under the box springs and glance behind the headboard. If you see any signs, ask for a new room or find a new hotel.

Normally the vehicles that you ride in are not a problem when it comes to these insects. Places where people sleep or gather cause problems. There are things that you can do to keep the bugs from coming home with you. The use of a hard suitcase is one of the best things that one can do to keep them from hitching a ride home with you. Putting your clothing into a re-sealable plastic bag before putting them into the suitcase keeps them out of your clothing.

Remember that the hotels are there to serve you. You can ask them about their policy. How often do they inspect? Do they have an exterminator come in on a regular basis? Is the housekeeping staff knowledgeable? Asking these questions will not offend the staff at a quality hotel.

Once you are in the room, you want to keep your suitcase on top of a table or dresser. You should keep your clothes packed for a brief stay. You do not have to put your clothes in the bureau or closet.

When you come home unpack in a room that plenty of hard light-colored surfaces. Shake out and wash your clothing before putting them away. Inspect your luggage. Pay close attention to the handle and wheel area of the suitcase.

Even if you accidentally stay overnight in a hotel that has an active infestation there are ways to prevent bringing them home. Wash everything that is washable prior to re-entering your home. This includes clothing, linens and bags that contain clothes. If you cannot wash it, wipe it down. If you cannot wipe it down, put it in a bag for a year. That may sound extreme but these insects can survive for an entire year without feeding again.

Hotels are not the only place that one can pick up these bugs. Guests to your home can bring them in; children can get them at sleepovers or at camp and you can even get them by picking up a castoff piece of furniture that someone left at the side of the street. The owner of that free couch or mattress may have thrown it away because of bugs. Clean every previously owned item that comes into your home.

Even the most cautious people may still end up with a hitchhiker in their suitcase. Anyone can get them but you need to get rid of them as quickly as possible. The easiest way to rid your home of these pests is to contact a pest control company and let them deal with it. You can try DIY extermination but they are very hard to kill. Only a few chemicals will work on them. If you use the right pest killer but miss a few bugs, you will be right back where you started.

Talk to your neighbors. One of the best ways to find the best service is to find out whom your neighbor uses. Sure, it may be a little embarrassing but you do not have to be too specific about why you need a pest company.

Check the ads of the company. If they do not specifically mention these bugs, they may not be experienced their eradication. Ask questions of your pest control company. Make full use of your free consultation and inspection prior to making a decision. Do not listen to grandiose claims. It is difficult to get rid of these bugs. A reputable company will not claim that they can get rid of your problem with one visit.

When the pest company comes to treat your home, they will give you some homework. All homeowners need to do their part by following the instructions that the pest control company suggests. Remember, they are the professionals and you are paying for that knowledge. Follow their advice.

Although they bite, they do not transmit any diseases. However, some people are allergic to the bites. This can cause red and itchy circles to appear on the body. A little cortisone cream will control the itching but the only way to avoid bites is to rid your home of the infestation. Severe scratching of the bites may potentially lead to an infection but this is unrelated to the bugs themselves. If you itch until you break the skin, wash the sore area with soap and water to avoid infection.

The bites normally occur in clusters. There will be a line or collection of little circles on a part of the body. If you notice an unexplainable rash on your body that presents itself as itchy circles, check for an infestation. The inner arms, face and neck are prime feeding spots. These areas are often left uncovered during sleep and are easy places for the bugs to feed.

With the high number of infestations occurring in New York City the city has had to put a few recommendations into place to help combat the problem. Disposing of infected material is a major problem. When people put household items at the curb for the New York City sanitation department to pick up, people who may need the items salvage them for their own use. This spreads the infestation from home to home.

When disposing of a household item that has an active bug population New York City recommends the owner put a sign on the item that announces that it contains bed bugs. This gives the potential new owner a heads up as to what they may be bringing home with their new treasure. If the person disposing of the item can place it into a trash bag, they should do so. This keeps the bugs from leaving and keeps people from knowing what you are throwing away.

People should cut or damage larger items prior to placing them at the curb. A large slice in a mattress, box springs or couch will make it less attractive to scavengers. Do not bring new items into the home until the infestation has been eradicated. Failure to do so just gives them new places to hide and breed. An infested item is not something that one should donate. Giving to charity is great but giving something that will simply cause additional problems to the person you are trying to help is not very nice.

Apartment owners in New York City have the additional problem of keeping them from moving from apartment to apartment. Ask all tenants to report an infestation to the building management immediately. The owner or manager of the building will then be able to call an exterminator in to handle the problem. One should inspect all vacant apartments prior to finding a new tenant. It is easier to treat an empty apartment instead of one that is occupied.

Places where people come to stay for short durations are typically hit hard. The homeless, elderly and medically vulnerable do not need the additional stress of suddenly discovering that their sanctuary is also a haven for these parasites. This is a sensitive issue but one that does need to be addressed.

It is much easier to prevent an infestation than it is to treat one. All staff in any group living situation should be trained to interview new guests. The home should develop a regular set of questions that pinpoint possible carriers while allowing the person answering the questions to maintain their dignity and self-respect. Staff should ask the questions in a respectful and compassionate manner. When one feels as though someone is interrogating them, they may not give truthful answers.

Keeping bugs out can mean getting rid of plush and upholstered furniture. Bed frames should be metal, plastic and metal furnishing and no headboards are the best defense against them finding a hiding place. Linens and anything made of wood should be white. It is easier to spot them on a light colored surface. Box springs should be in a plastic sleeve. Do not use anything made of wicker. The open weave of wicker gives them too many places to hide.

Make eradication part of the culture of the home. Talk openly about them and encourage all residents to report any that they see. Getting rid of the taboo and shame associated will go far toward an open discourse within the home.

Have an exterminator on contract. If you have, or have had a problem, keep your exterminators coming by. They can check for pests and correct any problems early.

Reports of bugs being spotted in New York City public schools have parents concerned. The schools are required by law to report any instances. The infestations are not severe but do show just how prevalent they are. The schools claim that there are just a few bugs here and there but people should still be on the lookout.

Nobody expects to get these bugs from their movers. The surprising fact that movers are spreading them shocks people moving to a new home. The bugs hitch a ride in the moving truck and just wait for a comfy sofa to come in. This is the type of housewarming gift nobody wants or needs. It is important to ensure that you use a quality moving company. Many small unreliable companies out there are more than willing to take your money without offering a great service. Check the references of any moving company that you may be thinking of hiring.

According to ABC News, tourism is being adversely affected by these bugs. The Empire State Building and Bloomingdales, both top tourist attractions, have had recorded these bugs being spotted. When people read about this, they sometimes choose to take their vacation dollars elsewhere. People simply do not want to vacation is an area that has such creepy crawlies creeping around. A city that gets a reputation for being unclean or buggy quickly drops on the list of potential places to visit.

They do not bite if the lights are on. This is a myth. While they are most active at night, they will bite if the lights are on and there is a tasty body part handy.

Using pesticides will eradicate an infestation. This is a myth. The chemicals will not get into all the areas where they reside. You need to do a careful visual inspection and properly clean all infested rooms and items.

If an item is infested, the only option is to throw it away. This is a myth. If you can clean it, you can get rid of the bugs. If you cannot clean it, bag and store it for one year to control a new outbreak.

They are not known to spread disease. This is a fact. This was previously mentioned as a fact but bears repeating. While they are annoying and gross most experts believe that they do not carry illness.

Their bites give you itchy welts. This is both true and a myth. People that are allergic to bug bites will have a strong reaction, while those that are not allergic often times will have no reaction to the bite.

You cannot see one. This is a myth. This bug is small but is not microscopic. They are difficult to see only because of their color and that they are nocturnal creatures.

One visit from an exterminator is all you need for eradication of an infestation. This is a myth. Eradication and control requires a minimum of two visits. The exterminator should return to ensure that all bugs and their eggs are dead.

You can get a quote from a qualified exterminator over the phone. This is a myth. The price of a visit will be determined by the extent of the infestation and the size of your property. A good pest control company should offer a free consultation and then give a price estimate.

Only dirty people get them. This is a myth. Anyone can get them. The test of the sanitation of a home is how long they remain.

If you find them in your home, you are in good company. When you discover them and the owner of the property does nothing about it, call the NYC 311 line and report them. Everyone needs to do as much as they can to help combat the epidemic in New York City. It is everyones responsibility to help. Remember to be on the lookout for these pests, check your home and always use common sense in your travels.

Original post:
Bed Bugs in New York City - The Web's #1 Bed Bug Resource

Planning a Vacation? Here’s How to Make Sure You Don’t Bring Any Bed Bugs Home With You – Mental Floss

March 4th, 2020 by admin

Many places have undergone name changes at some point in their past, often because the land came under new rule or because the settlement outgrew its old designation. But some towns and cities had more unique reasons to transform their titles. Scandal, shame, or a desire to honor their history can spur a community to present a fresh identity to the world. Here are five places whose name changes arent your average rebranding.

A lot of German immigrants settled in Southern Ontario in the 19th century, and the city of Berlin was named as an homage to their motherland. This was fineuntil the 20th century, when said motherland started bombing Canadas allies during World War I. That, combined with the large population of pacifist Mennonites in Berlin, spelled trouble for the city. All the pacifists meant a large number of local men werent signing up for the war effort, which caused people from other towns to look at the heavily German-populated Berlin with suspicion.

Soon, there was a referendum (not supported by the majority) to change the citys name. Citizens were given a variety of new names to vote on, but there was no space on the ballot to keep Berlin Berlin. Anyone who supported the status quo was, according to the National Archives of Canada, immediately perceived, by those who wanted change, as being unpatriotic and sympathizers with the enemy.

Violence, riots, and intimidation followed. Only 892 people out of a pool of about 5000 eligible voters voted on the referendum. A meager 346 votes were enough to change Berlin to Kitchener, named after Britains Minister of War.

Today, Regina is a city more than 220,000 people strong. But in the 1880s, it was a barren grassland frequented mainly by buffalo and the Cree Indians who hunted them. Its original name, oskana k-asastki, means where the bones are piled. The macabre moniker references the enormous piles of bones the Cree would construct in the hopes that living buffalo would return to visit their dead ancestors. Later settlers shortened the name to Pile O Bones. In 1882, the wife of Canadas governor general, Princess Louise, suggested they change the name to honor her own mother, Queen Victoria. Regina is Latin for Queen, and all female monarchs sign their name using it. Thus the Saskatchewan settlement was elevated out of the boneyard to royal heights.

Clint Eastwood and Angelina Jolie made a movie called Changeling, about a mother who is sure the kidnapped son returned to her is not actually her boy. The film was based on true events, and those events are why the town of Wineville, California, became Mira Loma (its since been incorporated into Jurupa Valley). The real-life kidnapped boy, Walter Collins, was likely murdered in Wineville along with at least three other boys by Gordon Stewart Northcott. The case became known as The Wineville Chicken Coop Murders, as the partial remains of Northcotts victims were recovered around the criminals chicken coop. Northcott was hanged in 1930, and the town sought to escape its appalling notoriety by changing its name in 1931.

Americans have come to loathe or love Sacha Baron Cohen as Borat or Bruno. In his native Britain, he was first known as the character Ali G, an obnoxious wanna-be white boy rapper. Part of Ali Gs background is that he grew up in the mean ghettos of Staineswhich is actually a lovely middle-class town in Surrey. His fame was such in the UK that the people of Staines didnt appreciate being associated with his image. The borough council opted to change the towns name to the more elegant Staines-upon-Thames, partly to distance themselves from Ali Gs obnoxious antics, and partly to advertise their proximity to the River Thames to encourage tourism. Though Ali G may have put the town on the map, as Alex Tribick of the Spelthorne Business Forum said, he also put the stain in Staines.

On the western edge of the island of Marthas Vineyard, there is an outcropping of craggy, brightly tinted rock. The white settlers who arrived there in the 1600s described them as the gaily colored cliffs. The association stuck to the settlement that grew nearby, and thus, the town of Gay Head was born. In 1997, the people of Gay Head voted to change their towns name to Aquinnah, to honor some of the residents ties to the Wamponoag tribe, who were the original holders of the land. As Carl Widdis, the tribesman who started the petition in 1991, said, I guess it's simple. An Indian place should have an Indian name."

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Planning a Vacation? Here's How to Make Sure You Don't Bring Any Bed Bugs Home With You - Mental Floss

New Yorks Worst Bedbug Neighborhoods – The New York Times

February 19th, 2020 by admin

As some of us know from personal experience, finding bedbugs in your apartment is jarring. While they dont carry diseases to humans (that we know of), their bites are itchy and can get infected.

Bedbugs are adept hitchhikers, easily picked up in hotel rooms, car shares, movie theaters and other public spaces. And once they settle into your home, they are difficult and expensive to get rid of and notorious for spreading to the neighbors apartments.

We asked Localize, a website that can provide information on any address in New York City, to analyze the last five years worth of bedbug violations (through August 2018) for rentals in the five boroughs, to find out where the problem has been the worst and if it is getting any better. (Violations are issued by the city to landlords who fail to properly address an infestation.)

The Bronx, it turns out, has consistently had the most violations per rental household, followed by Brooklyn and Staten Island.

Overall, violations are on the decline, but bedbugs are far from being under control, according to the Localize report. Any improvement, experts say, may be the result of new laws that have spurred landlords to take infestations more seriously and address them sooner.

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New Yorks Worst Bedbug Neighborhoods - The New York Times

Worried About Bed Bugs in NYC? Treatment & Signs in New …

February 12th, 2020 by admin

Sleep tight, dont let the bed bugs bite is a common -- if not totally gross -- thing many parents tell their children at night. But chances are, you never gave those creepy crawlers a second thought until you moved to New York City.

Unfortunately, the horror of a bed bug infestation is a pretty common experience in NYC. According to pest control company Orkins annual Top 50 Bed Bugs List, confirmed cases of bed bugs increased during 2015, making New York City the fourth-worst urban regionin the nation for these pests.Local exterminators at M&M Pest Controlagree.

The bedbug threat has definitely gotten worse over the years, confirmed client service representatives at M&M Stephanie Kollgaard and Hunter Konkle, as well as directors Kevin Carrillo and Timothy Wong. Incoming requests for bedbug treatment or inspections have grown consistently by 20% annually for the past several years.

But lets back up a little bit. If you dont already know, bed bugs are parasitic insects that have a particular penchant for human blood. While they have not been known to transmit diseases, they are literal ankle biters and will turn your mattress into a colony. And its not something a New Yorker should take lightly: Bed bugs can be picked up everywhere from the R train to a swanky hotel.

Despite common misconceptions, bed bugs do not target messy or dirty apartments (though that certainly makes it easier for the insects to go unnoticed). Everyone is at risk, and the chances of picking up a bed bug are infinitely greater in metropolitan areas, where people move often and quickly.Increased travel and foot traffic brings a spike during the summer months.

More than anything, bed bugs will screw with your head. After my own traumatic bed bug experience, I slipped into what can only be described as post-traumatic infestation disorder. I had nightmares about them, thought every piece of fuzz on my comforter was a nag, and scoured my sheets obsessively before bed.

Whether you think you have an infestation or want to protect yourself against the enemy, this step-by-step guide will tell you everything you need to know (and hopefully never have to use) about dealing with bed bugs.

View original post here:
Worried About Bed Bugs in NYC? Treatment & Signs in New ...

Dead homeless man found covered in bed bugs on subway train – New York Post

January 23rd, 2020 by admin

Its enough to make your skin crawl.

A dead homeless man was found covered in bed bugs on an uptown D train Tuesday night, according to police sources.

Straphangers reported the grisly discovery and alerted police when the train pulled into Manhattans 59th Street-Columbus Circle station around 8:40 p.m., sources said.

The man was pronounced dead on the scene, sources said. It was unclear how long he had been dead.

Police are trying to identify the man, who is believed to be in his 40s, and they did not expect foul play.

The medical examiner will determine the cause of death.

The death was reported the same day the city released data on its six-month-old program aimed at getting homeless subway dwellers into shelters. The project has only experienced a 36.8 percent take-up rate, according to the city.

Reports of dead bodies on the trains typically increase during the winter when more homeless New Yorkers head underground, the union representing transit workers told the Post.

Nelson Rivera, administrative vice president for the union, Transport Workers Union Local 100, said the city has been failing to adequately address the homeless crisis, leaving workers and riders to deal with occasionally traumatizing discoveries.

Its a sad situation every winter this is prevalent because you have people seeking shelter on the trains, Rivera said. But the police come to take these people and there are no resources and nowhere to take them. They get bounced around.

A rider had first flagged the D trains conductor about the body, who then called in the corpse to the MTAs Rail Control Center, according to a union source.

At that point, it wasnt clear if the person was still alive.

The conductor said he couldnt tell and he wasnt going to touch him, the source said.

See the rest here:
Dead homeless man found covered in bed bugs on subway train - New York Post

Your daily 6: Iranians vow revenge, bedbugs freed in Walmart and Golden Globe awards and red carpet –

January 6th, 2020 by admin

This image released by NBC shows Tom Hanks accepting the Cecil B. DeMille Award at the 77th Annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, Calif., on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020. (Paul Drinkwater/NBC via AP)

The 77th Golden Globes were meant to be a coronation for Netflix. Instead, a pair of big-screen epics took top honors Sunday, as Sam Mendes' technically dazzling World War I tale "1917" won best picture, drama, and Quentin Tarantino's radiant Los Angeles fable "Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood" won best film, comedy or musical.

The wins for "1917" were a surprise, besting such favorites as Noah Baumbach's "Marriage Story," the leading nominee with six nods, and Martin Scorsese's "The Irishman." Both are acclaimed Netflix releases but collectively took home just one award, for Laura Dern's supporting performance as a divorce attorney in "Marriage Story." "The Irishman" was shut out.

"1917" also won best director for Mendes. The film was made in sinuous long takes, giving the impression that the movie unfolds in one lengthy shot.

"I hope this means that people will turn up and see this on the big screen, the way it was intended," said Mendes, whose film expands nationwide Friday.

Though set around the 1969 Manson murders "Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood" was classified a comedy and had an easier path to victory than the more competitive drama category. Brad Pitt won for best supporting actor, his first acting Globe since winning in 1996 for "12 Monkeys," padding his front-runner status for the Oscars. Tarantino also won best screenplay.

"I wanted to bring my mom, but I couldn't because any woman I stand next to they say I am dating so it'd just be awkward," Pitt said.

Ricky Gervais, hosting the NBC-telecast ceremony for the fifth time, began the evening with an expletive-laden plea against hypocrisy, telling winners to stick to thanking their agent and their god. But throughout the night, winners seized their moment to speak about current events including the wildfires in Australia, rising tensions with Iran, women's rights and the importance of LGBT trailblazers.

Patricia Arquette, a winner for her performance in Hulu's "The Act," referenced the United States' targeted killing of Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani, saying history wouldn't remember the day for the Globes but will see "a country on the brink of war." She urged all to vote in November's presidential election.

Gervais opened the show by stating that Netflix had taken over Hollywood. given its commanding 34 nominations coming into the Globes. "This show should just be me coming out going: 'Well done, Netflix. You win everything tonight," he said.

As it turned out, he was wrong. Netflix won only two awards: Dern's win plus one for Olivia Colman's performance in "The Crown." It was a definite hiccup for the streaming service, which is aiming for its first best-picture win at the Academy Awards next month.

Instead, the awards were widely spread out among traditional Hollywood studios, indie labels like A24, cable heavyweights like HBO and relative newcomers like Hulu.

And plenty of viewers tuned in to see who wore what:

Billy Porter arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Roman Griffin Davis arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Margot Robbie arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Lauren Graham arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Winnie Harlow arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Kaitlyn Dever arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Portia de Rossi, left, and Ellen DeGeneres arrive at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Jane Hajduk, left, and Tim Allen arrive at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Tiffany Haddish arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Christina Applegate arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Lee Jeong-eun, from left, Cho Yeo-jeong and Kang-Ho Song arrive at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Joey King arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Kirsten Dunst, right, and Jesse Plemons arrive at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Stephen Moyer, left, and Anna Paquin arrive at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Ana de Armas arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Wesley Snipes arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Dakota Fanning arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Lorene Scafaria arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Greta Gerwig arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Pierce Brosnan, center right, Keely Shaye Smith, center left, and their sons Golden Globe Ambassadors Dylan Brosnan, left, and Paris Brosnan, right, arrive at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Ricky Gervais, left, and Jane Fallon arrive at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Bel Powley arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Ryan Seacrest arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Cynthia Erivo arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Kristin Cavallari arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Christina Applegate arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Rose Leslie, left, and Kit Harington arrive at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Olivia Colman arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Elton John, left, and David Furnish arrive at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Beanie Feldstein arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Joe Manganiello, left, and Sofia Vergara arrive at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Jennifer Aniston arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Sian Clifford arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Merritt Wever arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Marin Hinkle, left, and Tony Shalhoub arrive at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Michelle Pfeiffer arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Helen Mirren arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Zoe Kravitz arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Molly Sims arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Phoebe Waller-Bridge arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Jodie Comer arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Amy Poehler arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Lucy Boynton, left, and Rami Malek arrive at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Da'Vine Joy Randolph arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Jason Bateman, left, and Amanda Anka arrive at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Joaquin Phoenix, left, and Taron Egerton arrive at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Natasha Lyonne arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Shailene Woodley arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Adam Driver, right, and Joanne Tucker arrive at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Rooney Mara arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Antonio Banderas, right, and Nicole Kimpel arrive at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Cate Blanchett arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Kerry Washington arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Jason Ralph, left, and Rachel Brosnahan arrive at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Alex Rodriguez, left, and Jennifer Lopez arrive at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Sacha Baron Cohen, left, and Isla Fisher arrive at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Glenn Close arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Quentin Tarantino arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Kerry Washington arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Keegan-Michael Key, left, and Elisa Key arrive at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Taylor Swift arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Gwyneth Paltrow arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Charlize Theron arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Awkwafina arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Lisa Bonet, left, and Jason Momoa arrive at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Michelle Williams, left, and Thomas Kail arrive at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Brad Pitt arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Sienna Miller arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Leonardo DiCaprio arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Daniel Craig arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Taika Waititi arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Julie Yaeger, left, and Paul Rudda arrive at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Saoirse Ronan, left, and Reese Witherspoon arrive at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Salma Hayek arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Priyanka Chopra, left, and Nick Jonas arrive at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Laura Dern arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Renee Zellweger arrives at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Scarlett Johansson, left, and Colin Jost arrive at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Aaron Lohr, left, and Idina Menzel arrive at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Fred Armisen, left, and Natasha Lyonne arrive at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Rita Wilson, left, and Tom Hanks arrive at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Read more from the original source:
Your daily 6: Iranians vow revenge, bedbugs freed in Walmart and Golden Globe awards and red carpet -

New York, United States Bed Bug Registry Map Bed Bug …

December 13th, 2019 by admin

It is with the utmost disrespect that my heart can muster that I say this: Jeff Sessions has the tenacity of the worlds most stalwart, racist cockroach. The 72-year-old former attorney general, who Coretta Scott King famously argued was too racist to be a federal judge, is expected to announce today that he is running for his old Alabama senate seat. Donald Trump, apparently, is not a fan of this news, though not for any ideological or moral reasoning, but because Trump never forgave Sessions for recusing himself from the Russia collusion investigation (pettinessits a hell of a drug!) Continue reading

A man in China suffering from an earache discovered his ear was filled with almost a dozen cockroaches. The 24-year-old man identified only as Mr. Lv visited a hospital in Guangdong Province, southeast China, in October, the New York Port reported citing the AsiaWire news agency Continue reading

What Are Bed Bugs & What Makes Them Unique Bed bugs are tiny and oval shaped and they are generally flat. They are insects that suck blood and infest areas where humans and other animals sleep. Bed bug infestations are not always the result of having a dirty home because bed bugs can find their way into your home even if all the necessary precautions have been taken Continue reading

As your Buffalo bed bugs expert, we use an array of treatments to attack your infestation, adapting which techniques we utilize depending on your specific circumstances. We know the safety and wellbeing of your family is your main priority, and, therefore, we will talk through our various approaches with you to ensure you are comfortable with our treatment plan. In most instances, we will use various methods on a single property to eliminate 100% of your bed bugs Continue reading

Recent Bed Bug Reports for New York City April 16 The Franklin Hotel Horrible seeping bedbug mess through bedbug cover. S February 01 150 Corbin Pl This building is infested with bed bugs i was bitten all January 29 Avenue Plaza LLC Room 206 had bedbugs on January 28th, 2016. Continue reading

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New York, United States Bed Bug Registry Map Bed Bug ...

Making Proactive Bed Bug Control Programs Work – PCT – PCT Magazine

November 29th, 2019 by admin

Its hard to believe its been more than 15 years since bed bugs made a comeback in North America. The cryptic pests were virtually wiped out by improved sanitation and use of pesticides like DDT in the 1940s and 50s. They began reappearing in the late 1990s and early 2000s at popular tourist destinations and hotels catering to business travelers in major cities.

Within a decade, bed bugs were a widespread problem afflicting multi- and single-family housing, college dormitories, health-care facilities, public transportation, office buildings even laundromats.

And while their reintroduction likely was due in part to increased international travel, immigration, changes in pest management practices and resistance to existing pesticides, people also were to blame.

A general lack of public awareness is largely responsible for the unbridled spread of bed bugs throughout the United States, writes Dr. Richard Cooper in the Mallis Handbook of Pest Control, 10th edition. Cooper, who is vice president of BedBug Central and technical director of Cooper Pest Solutions, a Terminix company, says the pests secretive behavior and public ignorance meant infestations werent detected for months, which gave bed bugs an opportunity to spread.

And it wasnt just the general public who was caught unawares. Most pest management professionals had never seen bed bugs before either. The industry pretty much had to learn from scratch how to control the pests, starting with how they behave and why.

Biology and Behavior Matters. Bed bugs are nocturnal insects that feed primarily on human blood, which is required for them to develop and reproduce. A bed bug needs a blood meal in each of its five instars, or immature stages, during which it molts and eventually becomes an adult. Males even seek out recently fed females with whom to mate.

Mated females lay two to five small, cream-colored eggs at a time and will deposit 200 to 500 eggs in their lifetimes. The eggs hatch in six to 10 days. Up to four generations may occur in a year. The pests tend to live in aggregations near the bed, as well as in upholstered furniture where people rest. With large infestations, bed bugs may be found in less predictable areas, such as in books and electronic equipment.

From egg to egg, the bed bug life cycle takes four to five weeks when relative humidity is 75 to 80 percent and the temperature is 83 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit (28 to 30 degrees Celsius). The life cycle timeframe may lengthen when temperatures are reduced or blood meals are limited.

Getting More Strategic. Ongoing research and development have helped PMPs become much more successful in controlling bed bugs.

Bed bugs jumped on the scene and it took us a while to figure out what to do about that, says Chelle Hartzer, technical services manager at Rollins in Atlanta. Now after 20 years we know that this is going to be an ongoing issue and we have the research and the information to really provide some great services, she said.

More effective tools also have helped PMPs gain the upper hand. I think the materials are much, much better now, says Bart Foster, technical and training manager at Bill Clark Pest Control in Beaumont, Texas. Early bed bug treatments relied on tools available at the time. We had some success but there was room for a lot of improvement, he says.

Since then manufacturers have introduced products specifically for bed bug control and that reduce the risk of the pests developing insecticide resistance, a very real threat.


Bed Bugs by the Numbers

1 mm the size of a bed bug egg

2-5 number of eggs laid at a time by a mated female

200-500 number of eggs laid by a mated female during her lifetime

6-10 number of days it takes a bed bug egg to hatch

4-5 weeks typical bed bug life cycle from egg to egg

75-80% - optimal relative humidity for bed bug development

83-90 degrees F optimal temperature for bed bug development

1 minimum number of blood meals needed during each instar

5 number of instars, or immature stages, before becoming an adult

316 days typical life of a bed bug

Source: Mallis Handbook of Pest Control, 10th edition; University of Tennessee

Read more:
Making Proactive Bed Bug Control Programs Work - PCT - PCT Magazine

Hotel Bedbugs: Check Registry of Hotels for Bed Bugs

March 4th, 2019 by admin

Hotel Complaint Examples


Ive just returned from a short trip to London, and was bitten by bed bugs at a hotel in Paddington.

About 80 bed bug bites on my hands and arm that are getting worse day by day.

Im asking for refunding of the nights, the doctor and chemistry fees at the very least!


PS : you can see the damage from photographs of my bed bug bites by clicking on the image above.

My Letter to the hotel:

From: FredricTo: managerSubject: Prosecuting Hotel for Insanitary

Mr Manager,

I stayed 4 nights at your Hotel in paddington and I went through a very bad experience of your Hotel.

I have been bitten by several insects (flea, ticks) during the two first night, and asked to the desk to change room for our last night.

I got more than 80 bites on my arms, neck, and some over my face, which are getting worse day after day.

Im going to the doctor tomorrow in order to identify the exact nature of my sickness, and cant go to work no more because of the itch, and as the result of the lack of hygiene from your hotel.

I inform you that Im going to complain officially by a lawyer in order to prosecute your Hotel.

The cheap offer means really unhealthy, insalubrious, insanitary, unhygienic place to stay in London. Its a shame and I am really shocked about this.

For further information, here are some photographs taken inside your Hotel (see photo above) :

Here is the response from the General Manager at the Hotel:

De : Hotel (Manager): FrrdricObjet : Re: Prosecuting Hotel for Insanitary

Dear Fredric COMBES,

I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge your email.

We have called an independent company to come and investigate this further and within next 24 hours I will come back to you with the result of the investigation.

In the mean time I would just like to confirm with you that you had problem and once again I apologies for any inconvenience incurred.


General Manager

By Anonymous:

Just experienced bed bugs at a hotel near the Chicago OHare Airport for the first time in my life. There were adult and babie bed bug skins all over the bed next to mine. There were fecal spots on the bed skirt near the headboard. They were crawling on the wall. They were everywhere and every size except for full adult bugs. (I did some research as soon as I got into my new room.)

Im so glad that I did not go to bed early and that I was up to see them come out. Im sure they would have made it over to my bed to feast. I switched rooms and the hotel offered to reduce my room rate from $189 to $119. They ended up reducing it to $99 (for now.) They did call housekeeping and maintenance to come up to the infested room. Lets hope they are thorough in their extermination of these little blood suckers!

Update:Hotel management called the next morning. They apologized for my experience and they were very sympathetic with what I must have gone through trying to sleep that night.

The hotel ended up waving my room and internet fee for my stay. The gave me a voucher for free breakfast. And, they gave me a gift certificate good for one nights stay and breakfast.

Given the situation, I feel better about how they handled me as a customer, but the experience still creeps me out. They assured me that they cleared the room (mattress) and all and that they would fully exterminate the room.

This is how a hotel should respond to a complaint about bed bugs.

Original post:
Hotel Bedbugs: Check Registry of Hotels for Bed Bugs

HPD Bed Bugs New York City NYC Bed Bug Registry …

February 18th, 2019 by admin

Click Free Pest Control Quoteto fill in a form to obtain a free pest control quote today.

On November 16, 2011, HPD along with Council Speaker Quinn and Council Member Brewer announced the acquisition of two male bed bug sniffing dogs in an effort to combat bed bug infestations in residential properties. The beagles, Mickey and Nemo, are available to assist a team of four Code Enforcement Inspectors who have been trained to work with the dogs. The dogs will respond to bed bug complaints where the 311 operator has confirmed that the tenant would like to have the inspection performed by a dog; not every complaint where someone indicates that they are available for a dog will get such an inspection. The dogs were trained at an accredited facility to alert by sitting when they detect live bed bugs or viable eggs. The dogs findings will be confirmed by visual inspection before a violation is issued. Although the dogs cannot respond to all bed bug complaints in residential properties, they will serve as a valuable resource in detecting bed bugs in places that are difficult for people to detect, and in cases where there are a small amount of bed bugs or the bed bugs have not yet matured. For more information on the Bed Bug Canine inspections, click here.

The Department of Health and Mental Hygienes (DOHMH) Bed Bug Website at provides detailed information for tenants, property owners/agents and homeowners on how bed bugs thrive, how to recognize and inspect for their presence, steps to take to prevent them from infesting a home, how to safely rid an area of bed bugs if they do occur, and how to select and work with a pest management professional. You can also go to the Department of Housing Preservation and Developments (HPD) e-learning on bedbugs, which provides information on the above topics through an interactive format,using anaudio/ visual format.

Left untreated, bed bugs can spread quickly in multi-dwelling housing. Both the housing and health codes require that property owners address infestations promptly. The surest strategies to keep bed bugs from spreading are prevention, early detection and rapid treatment. As a tenant, the first action you should take if you believe that you have bed bugs is to notify your landlord. As a landlord, the first action you should take is to conduct an inspection of the reported condition. Knowing what to look for is key!

Bed Bug Complaints: Enforcement ProtocolHere is how the Citys enforcement protocols work:

ComplaintsYou can file a complaint about bed bugs by calling 311 or using 311ONLINE. When a complaint is made to 311 about bed bugs in a residential building, HPD attempts to notify a property owner/representative at the registered phone number about the complaint (For more information on registration,click here.) A housing inspector from HPD may conduct an inspection. The inspector examines places where bed bugs are commonly found, such as on and around mattresses, beds and head boards, as well as other potentially infested areas as directed by the tenant.

ViolationsIf the HPD inspector finds bed bugs, the property owner is issued an HPD Notice of Violation (NOV)(see Sample A)ordering that the condition be addressed.

When a NOV is issued by HPD, the property owner also receives a DOHMH Order of the Commissioner(see Sample B).The Commissioners order tells property owners in more detail what the requirements for addressing the bed bug problem are, including:

Inspect the apartment(s) cited for bed bugs.

If you find a bed bug infestation in the apartment(s), inspect all units adjacent to, above and below the infested units, as well as all common areas; and retain the services of a pest management professional certified and registered by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to take all measures necessary to remove bed bug infestationwhere found.

See the rest here:HPD Bed Bugs New York City

Click Free Exterminator Quoteto fill in a form to obtain a free exterminator quote today.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, May 7th, 2014 at 7:54 am and is filed under NYC Bed Bugs.You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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HPD Bed Bugs New York City NYC Bed Bug Registry ...

Bronx Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Brooklyn Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Manhattan Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Nyc Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Queens Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Staten Island Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel

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