New Yorks Fifth Avenue Store has bed bugs –

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According to Gothamist, the Apple Store on Fifth Avenue in New York City has bed bugs and has had them for over a month. (Gothamists story is worth viewing if only for the revival of their intergalactic bed bug warfare imagery which we cant reproduce here.)

The New York Posts source suggests the bed bugs were spotted in employee-only areas like a managers office, but also in a public area, in a roped off table:

One worker said the issue has been going on for nearly a month and Friday was the first day they acknowledged they found something.

The employee said the issue started about three to four weeks ago during the overnight hours at the 24-hour store, which frequently has homeless visitors, when a table on the second floor was cordoned off because a bed bug was found, believed to have come from one of the homeless visitors.

Everyone is quick to blame the easy target. I cant believe that after so many years, this is still the level of discourse around bed bugs and who to blame for their appearance.

Sure, bed bugs can be a particularly persistent problem for some homeless folks, who - once having made contact with bed bugs - may have more trouble getting rid of them, depending on access to showers, laundry facilities, and other factors.

However, anyone could have brought bed bugs into the store - employees, managers, tourists, people who live nearby in fancy buildings, hipsters, and so on. Bed bugs dont target people of lower social standing. They are just easier to deal with when you have more money.

Which does raise questions about why the Apple Store - run by a big multinational corporation - would wait a month to address such an issue?

Glad to hear the problem is being addressed. If you had any doubts whether spring has sprung, the appearance of bed bugs in public places is a good sign the warm weather is once again hastening their spread.

Read the rest here:
New Yorks Fifth Avenue Store has bed bugs -

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