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Bedbugs – NYC Health – New York City

Friday, November 11th, 2022

Bedbugs are small insects that are common in New York City. Adult bedbugs have flat, brown oval bodies and are about the size of an apple seed. They are usually active at night and feed on blood in order to grow and reproduce.

Bedbugs do not cause or spread diseases, but their bites can lead to infections. Some people do not have a reaction to bites and may be unaware that bedbugs are in their home until they see them.

Bedbugs like to hide inside of mattresses, under the mattress seams, and especially in the cracks and crevices on the box springs. Other than beds, these bugs often hide in cracks in furniture, floors, walls and other areas near where people sleep or lounge.

If you spot bedbugs in a residence or public place, you can submit a bedbug complaint online or by calling 311.

Bed bug infestations can be safely controlled. You can wash clothes and, in most cases, treat furniture to get rid of bedbugs. You should only throw away furniture if there are no acceptable treatments that can rid them of bedbugs, or if advised to do so by a pest management professional.

The New York City area has more than a thousand pest control companies and thousands of licensed pest management professionals. To get rid of bedbugs, you need to be clear with companies about what you want done and monitor the service you get.

The chance of picking up bedbugs when you travel is low, but it is important to take simple precautions. Bedbugs can hitch a ride on clothing and luggage, especially in places where travelers sleep. They are rarely found in planes, trains and motor vehicles. If you have bedbugs at home and will be traveling, take precautions so you do not spread them to other places.

Bed bug data from the NYC Community Health Survey can be viewed on theEnvironmental Public Health and Sustainability Tracking Portal.

Originally posted here:
Bedbugs - NYC Health - New York City

Top 10 Worst States For Bed Bugs | Bed Bug Map Infographic [2021]

Wednesday, October 26th, 2022

If you have ever encountered bed bugs in your home or hotel room

You might be wondering how they got there.

They can quickly get into your luggage and travel back home with you, causing an infestation that can be a nightmare to deal with.

Every state has their problems, those of which can affect you as you travel from state to state.

So its natural to wonder

How do you know if the state youre in has a high rate of bed bug infestations?

How do I minimize the risk of encountering bed bugs?

What states have the lowest number of infestations?

In this article we will answer these questions and run through the list of the top bed bug infested states and cities.

On that note lets dive in.

Unfortunately, there have been reported bed bug cases in EVERY state in America.

Not a single state is immune to infestation.

For years now, the number of cases have been growing, with thousands of reported cases in 2019.

Though the problem isnt only affecting America.

In fact.

Bed bugs are not native to America, and they have spread to every continent nonetheless.

(except Antarctica)

Thats because they are avid hitchhikers.

Bed bugs tend to climb into peoples luggage or belongings, allowing them to quickly spread as people travel.

As transportation becomes more efficient, people are traveling more and more. This leads to bed bugs being spread faster than ever.

This is the reason bed bugs have made a major comeback in the 21st century.

That being said

Bed bugs dont discriminate. They dont care about state borders and cleanliness.

Theyre not attracted to dirt, so they can be anywhere Whether it be run down apartments or 5-star hotels.

These pests have been significantly multiplying over the past 3 decades.

In the early 20th century, bed bugs were a very common problem. But that was before we had all the pesticides that eradicated them

Or so we thought.

From about the 1950s all the way to the 1990s

There were very few cases of bed bugs in the US. The pesticides did the work, and we almost entirely forgot about the little critters.

But then they came back with a vengeance, utterly resistant to the chemicals that used to kill them, reproducing at a lightning-fast pace.

From about 2015 onwards, the number of bed bug cases have exploded.

The popular pest control company Orkin, has recently published reports on the worst states for bed bugs, as they do every year.

For 3 years in a row The number 1 Bed Bug State is.


Which continues to be one of the most bed bug infested states. Mostly thanks to cities like Baltimore and Washington D.C.

Indiana and Georgia originally werent in the top 10, but since 2019 infestations in these states have grown.

With Indianapolis and Atlanta holding the 9th and 10th spot, of bed bug infested cities respectively. .

Rounding out the top 5 we have Illinois and California. You can begin to see a trend here, whereas states with major cities are more infested.

(Due to population density)

To sum up here are the top 10 most bed bug infested states:

Here are the top 10 cities in the US with the most cases of bed bugs in 2020 (Source: Orkin)

To help you get a bigger picture of the spread of bed bugs across the United States

Here are some bed bug maps that are eye-opening.

Based on a bed bug infestation map published in 2016:

It shows that New York City had the most reported bed bug incidents at the time a staggering 4,490 reports.

Thats a massive difference from the figures of Chicago, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, which had 485, 446, and 403 reports, respectively.

You can see that the east coast is hit by far the hardest.

This is because the east coast is much denser than the rest of the country. There are also many popular tourist, and business travel destinations in these states.

This map also has powerful statistics about where bed bugs are found.

Here are the worst commercial areas for bed bug infestations. (2015 Survey):

For more recent insight, we also looked at a 2019 map of bed bug infestations.

Its almost as if youre looking at the same map.

And as you can see from the top 10 list above, things are not so different in 2020. The share of states being hit the hardest is consistent, the only difference is that the sheer number of cases have gone up everywhere.

You can see that some of the states have traded places, but the problem still exists everywhere.

If youre planning on moving to another city in the US or youre planning a vacation, you may not want to consider cities that have seen a jump in cases.

Here are the 10 cities with that have experienced significant growth in bed bug infestations.

For the first time, Toledo and Myrtle Beach made the top 50 list according to Orkin.

Though both Ohio and South Carolina have hard hit states for years.

As mentioned, the degree to which a state is infested has a lot to do with population density. Similar to infectious disease, bed bugs spread more when there is more person to person interaction.

Therefore, here are some of the states with the lowest numbers of bed bug infestations.

Though infestations in the above states is relatively less

Its still important to be cautious about bed bugs when traveling.

For example, If youre staying at a hotel you should properly inspect the hotel room for bed bugs before spending the night.

If you happen to encounter bed bugs anywhere across the US, be it your apartment or hotel, we can connect you with a lawyer to discuss your options.

If youve suffered bed bug bite injuries or experienced a bed bug infestation in your residence due to someone elses negligence

You may be able to file a lawsuit and potentially get financial compensation.

Keep in mind that our lawyers can only represent you on a pre-litigation basis only. That means we can only assess your situation to help you determine if you have a case.

If you do, a licensed attorney will fight for you to get compensation for your losses.

(for both your injuries and expenses)

Get in touch today for a Free Consultation. There are no fees unless you win your case.

Top 10 Worst States For Bed Bugs | Bed Bug Map Infographic [2021]

Top Ten Tips For Getting Rid of Bed Bugs Permanently

Friday, September 23rd, 2022

Dealing with a bed bug infestation is incredibly stressful and unnerving. Your home is supposed to be your sanctuary, and now its infested with uninvited visitors who bite. Although these critters are flat and tiny, they arent harmless. They will take over your home if left unaddressed and continue to feed on your blood at night. If you want to get rid of bed bugs for good, you need to be proactive about treatment and prevention. Ultimately, calling a pest control service in Barrie is the best way to eradicate an infestation. But, there are also some things you can do to effectively ban bed bugs from your home permanently.

You may not know you have bed bugs until theyve started feasting on you. Do you have bites anywhere on your body? Bed bug bites are usually raised, red bumps that follow a zigzag pattern. They can be itchy, develop blisters, or they may not feel like anything at all. Another sign of bed bugs is rust-coloured excrement spots on your bedding. This is actually from your blood after theyve bitten you and digested the blood.

In severe cases, bed bugs can give off a musky odour. If you notice a strange smell in your bedroom, or any other room, investigate for other signs of bed bugs. Many different types of pests will give off a scent, so be prepared for other infestation problems other than bed bugs.

Once youve found signs of bed bugs in your home, its time to get to work. Heat is an effective killer of bed bugs, so start washing your belongings in hot water. Bed bugs removal from clothes, bedding, towels, pet beds, and stuffed animals is crucial. Anything thats made from fabric should be put in the washing machine at high heat. Then, dry them in your dryer at the highest heat level possible.

For items you dont want to put in the washing machine, like shoes, you can still put them in the dryer for 30 minutes. Getting rid of an infestation could disrupt your daily life for a few days as you clean all your belongings.

What about the scene of the crime, your mattress? While bed bugs arent restricted to beds only, they are a common place to find them. Start by using a stiff brush to scrub at the seams of your mattress. This will make their eggs and shells come loose. Then, vacuum every side of the mattress top, bottom, and all sides.

Keep in mind, your vacuum could now be infested by the bugs and their eggs. When youre done with it, place it in a sealed plastic bag and put it outside the house. Leave it out there for a few days so that the bugs suffocate. Use a similar method on your mattress- place it in a tight bed bug-proof mattress case. Keep it sealed shut for at least one year.

Tiny cracks in the plaster of your walls are excellent hiding spots for bed bugs. They might build their nests in those cracks or in places with lifting wallpaper. Do a thorough inspection of your homes walls. Go from room to room, assessing the walls for damage and areas bed bugs could be hiding. Use wallpaper glue to seal down lifting edges or remove the paper altogether. Fill in all wall cracks, no matter how small, with plaster or caulk.

Theres a misconception that only filthy, poorly maintained homes get bed bugs. This isnt true. Even homes in affluent neighbourhoods with great housekeeping can still get infestations. Wherever clutter exists, so can bed bugs. So, do an intense decluttering of your home.

Dry, cool areas make perfect environments for bed bugs to breed. Go through the boxes under your bed and in your closet to get rid of what you dont need. Declutter books, magazines, clothes, and kitchen supplies. At the end of the process, you should know where every belonging is and when it was cleaned last.

What about the items that cant go in the washer or dryer, like tables and chairs? These items need to be sealed off in plastic cases. If bed bugs are hiding in their cracks or corners, sealing them for up to a year can kill them.

For some items, you might be better off simply getting rid of them. For example, thick lazy-boy chairs that you dont want to pay to get cleaned professionally. If you decide to put these items on the side of the road for pickup, make sure you label them as bed bugs or broken, so an unsuspecting neighbour doesnt assume theyre free pieces of furniture.

Steamers are a great tool for maintaining a bed bug-free home. The heat of the steam can kill bed bugs and their eggs. Take your steamer and slowly spray each room with it. Pay extra attention to the baseboards, closet shelves, window trim, and even the carpet. Make sure the steamer is set to at least 160 degrees Fahrenheit and use a low setting for the airflow. Too much airflow might cause the bed bugs to scatter and, thus, survive.

All these DIY bed bugs pest control treatments can work, but they arent as effective as a professional services methods. Look for pest control services in Barrie that have many years of experience as well as plenty of good reviews.

Ask for their bed bugs control price. They should be thorough in their inspection and realistic on the outcomes of their service. Often, a second treatment is needed after the first to ensure the infestation is truly eradicated. To get rid of an infestation permanently, you need to stay on top of preventative measures.

Once youve booked a bed bugs control services, prepare your house for the visit. Remember that the treatment will be at least six hours, so make plans for your family and pets to be out of the home. Launder and seal all your belongings, including furniture. Dont move large furniture away from walls. Keep your bed, dresser, and couches where they usually are in your house.

Once your homes treatment is completed, be proactive about the future. Schedule regular inspections of your home with a reputable pest control company. Keep an eye out for signs of bed bugs in your home, and let the professionals take a deeper look. If you want to get rid of bed bugs permanently, then ongoing maintenance is key.

Mr. Pest Control has been providing pest control services in Barrie for over 20 years. Our experienced and highly trained technicians effectively remove bed bug infestations from homes and commercial settings.

Send us a message or call us for a quote today: (705) 739- 7378.

Read the original:
Top Ten Tips For Getting Rid of Bed Bugs Permanently

How Bed Bugs Spread, and How to Prevent It – Healthline

Wednesday, September 14th, 2022

Bed bugs are small, wingless, oval-shaped insects. As adults, theyre only about one-eighth of an inch long.

These bugs are found across the world and can survive in places between 46 degrees and 113 degrees Fahrenheit. They usually live close to where people sleep, generally within eight feet of a bed.

Bed bugs feed on blood. They dont spread disease but are a nuisance and their bites can be itchy and irritating.

Because they dont have wings, bed bugs move around by crawling. But in many cases, people carry bed bugs from place to place, often without realizing. But there are a few steps you can take to help prevent bed bugs and stop their spread.

Female bed bugs lay five to seven eggs per week. This adds up to over 250 eggs in a lifetime, with proper feeding.

The eggs take approximately 10 days to hatch. After hatching, bed bugs go through five nymph (youth) stages before they become adults. In between each stage, they shed (or molt) their exoskeleton. Bed bugs need to feed at least once before each time they molt, but they can feed up to once a day. It takes two to four months for bed bugs to become adults.

Bed bugs dont have wings, so they have to crawl to move around on their own. This means that in some cases, infestations will spread slowly. But they can move within walls, through floor and ceiling openings, and on pipes.

But most bed bugs spread from place to place when they get onto peoples clothes, linens, or furniture and into luggage. People will then move the bed bugs from place to place much quicker than the bed bugs could infest new areas on their own.

Bed bugs, unlike lice, dont travel directly on people and spread from person to person. But they can travel on peoples clothes. In this way, people can spread bed bugs to others, without even knowing it.

The best way to stop the spread of bed bugs is to regularly inspect for signs of an infestation. That way, you can take care of any bed bugs early, before they start to spread. Other ways to help stop the spread of bed bugs include:

To see if you have bed bugs, look for:

You may also realize you have bed bugs if you start to get bites. Bed bug bites are usually small, slightly swollen, and red. They may be itchy and can appear up to 14 days after being bitten. But different people have different levels of reaction to bed bug bites. You may have a large red welt or you may have no reaction.

You should see your doctor if you have:

Bed bug infestations can be very annoying. Although they dont spread disease, you can end up covered in itchy red bites. But you can take steps to prevent the spread of bed bugs, including inspecting your room regularly for signs of bed bugs, checking your luggage and clothing when you travel, and keeping your room free of piles of clothes in which they can hide.

How Bed Bugs Spread, and How to Prevent It - Healthline

How to Use Diatomaceous Earth to Kill Bed Bugs – MMPC

Sunday, August 21st, 2022

If youve ever tried researching DIY solutions for bed bugs, youve probably come across mentions of diatomaceous earth. Its often touted as an effective and chemical-free way to quickly kill any bed bugs infesting your home.

But is it really effective as they say?

In this article, well talk about how effective diatomaceous earth is against bed bugs, when its appropriate to use, and how to use it properly.

Diatomaceous earth (DE) is an off-white, powdery substance made from the ground-up fossilized remains of single-celled marine algae called diatoms.

These particles are extremely small, giving DE the appearance of a very fine powder similar to that of corn flour.

Under a microscope, however, DE is really composed of tiny, hollow cylinders with jagged, sharp edges in the places where theyre broken apart.This gives DE an abrasive and rough texture.

These sharp, microscopic edges make diatomaceous earth highly abrasive when it comes into contact with bed bugs and other insects, scraping and chafing away the waxy outer coating of their shells.

Diatomaceous earth kills bed bugs by acting as a desiccant.

The waxy coating that it abrades normally helps bed bugs keep moisture and nutrients inside their bodies. When the coating is perforated or damaged by DE powder, moisture escapes and causes the bed bugs to eventually dehydrate and die.

Diatomaceous earth should be handled with great caution due to its ability to cause skin irritation and respiratory issues if inhaled.

Before you try to use DE against your bed bug invaders, one extremely important thing to understand is the different types, or grades, of diatomaceous earth out there.

You should only ever use Food Grade diatomaceous earth for bed bug and other insect control. Never use Pool Grade or Garden Grade DE products in your home.

Diatomaceous earth is far from being a silver bullet when it comes to solving your bed bug troubles. But when used properly alongside other bed bug treatments, it can serve as an effective supplement for comprehensive bed bug control.

In a field study from the University of Kentucky, diatomaceous earth was tested as a standalone treatment in 6 real-world apartments infested by bed bugs. The DE was applied by professionals, albeit without the other usual bed bug control conventions (such as spraying, installing mattress encasements, laundering bedding, or disposing of infested furnishings).

The researchers found that only one apartment had a satisfactory outcome due to the DE treatment the other 5 apartments saw little to no change in the number of bed bugs and eventually had to be treated using conventional bed bug extermination methods.

This doesnt mean that DE isnt effective at killing bed bugs, though it just means that you shouldnt rely on DE as a standalone solution. It should be used in conjunction with other methods of bed bug control to help increase your chances of getting rid of these pests.

The main drawback of diatomaceous earth is that it requires bed bugs to come into direct contact with it. And not just for a moment prolonged contact is required in order for DE to be lethal.

When DE isnt applied in the right places, or in the right way, bed bugs simply walk right out of it.

Step 0 (Preparation): Wash your sheets and bedding in hot water and place any clothing and bedding you are not using in sealed plastic bags. Move all furniture away from the walls and make sure no part of your bed or bedsheets is touching the wall or floor. If youre using any liquid bed bug sprays, wait until all liquids have completely dried before applying diatomaceous earth.

Step 1: Identify areas where bed bugs are hiding, as well as any paths they can take to reach your bed. These are all potential areas where you may want to apply diatomaceous earth:

Step 2: While wearing gloves and a face mask, sprinkle Food Grade diatomaceous earth powder across your box spring, on the legs of your bed, and around nearby furniture. Use enough to cover the entire surface with a thin layer.

Step 3: Gently use a brush or duster to spread the diatomaceous earth out evenly across each surface. Avoid puffing it through squeeze-type bottle dispensers except when applying the powder into cracks and crevices that you cant brush.

Step 4: Repeat the steps above for spaces between the walls and baseboards, along window sills, and around the perimeter of each room where bed bugs are suspected.

Step 5: Pile up some diatomaceous earth to form a thick ring around your bed so that any bed bugs harboring outside must climb through it when they try to feed.

Step 6: Any diatomaceous earth applied to flooring should be cleaned up with a vacuum every seven days and then reapplied. It may take a total of four weeks or more to get rid of the majority of bed bugs.

Diatomaceous earth is a passive way to kill bed bugs. It often requires some time for results to show usually between 2 to 4 weeks, and sometimes longer.

Thats because bed bugs must come into direct contact with the powder for it to work. Individual bed bugs only need to go out and feed every 5 to 10 days, so youll have to wait for them to come out of hiding first.

Even then, they dont always die right away.

Depending on how long theyre in contact with the DE and how much of their waxy coating is perforated, the desiccation process can take a few days or more. In that time, bed bug nymphs can molt and form a brand new water-resistant outer layer to protect against the water loss.

Furthermore, any bed bug eggs in your home wont be affected by the application of DE until theyve hatched and are starting to feed a process that usually takes around 6 to 10 days.

Because of how long it takes to work, using diatomaceous earth yourself to kill bed bugs isnt an ideal solution. If youre looking for a faster and more reliable way to get rid of bed bugs in your home, using professional bed bug extermination services is your best option.

MMPC is an eco-friendly pest control company, named one of The Best Exterminators in New York by New York Magazine. We have over 25 years of professional pest control experience, specializing in canine bed bug inspections and eco-friendly bed bug treatment.

View original post here:
How to Use Diatomaceous Earth to Kill Bed Bugs - MMPC

How you get bed bugs? How they infest your home and what you can do. – USA TODAY

Saturday, August 13th, 2022

A common phrase is, Sleep tight. Dont let the bed bugs bite! But what are bed bugs and how do you get them? Bed bugs are oval-shaped insects that are about 5 millimeters long as adults. They come out at night and cant fly, though they can crawl very quickly.

Bed bugs feed on human blood which causes itchy bites. Outside of bites, signs you have bed bugs are live bugs themselves, shell casings, fecal spots, eggs, bloodstains on sheets and an unusual, musty odor, according to M&M Pest Control in Long Island City, New York.

Bed bugs can travel quickly and have an ability to latch onto furniture and other items. They can be brought into the home from places where people are dormant for periods of time, like bus seats, airplanesor theater cushions, etc. They can sneak into your home through purses and luggage as well.Once they are in the home, they can hide in bedroom furniture such as a mattress, box spring and bed frame.

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Here is how to get rid of bed bugs at home, according to WebMD.

Though these tips can stave off bed bugs, it is best to use chemicals to exterminate bed bugs. For the best results, WebMD suggests hiringan exterminator with experience dealing with the pests.

The Environmental Protection Agency has a detailed version of home remedies to get rid of bed bugs.

Although they can be annoying, bed bugs bites are not something to fret over. Theyre not contagious and dont carry diseases.

The Cleveland Clinic recommends treating them by washing gently with soap and water, then applying an anti-itch product to the bites (like hydrocortisone 1%). But, you shouldnt use it on your face.

If the bites itch, apply the product one to two times daily. If the itching is more persistent,your doctor might be able to prescribe you a stronger cream or advise you to take a different medication.

While scratching is tempting, the Cleveland Clinic also advises to not scratch your bites because it can cause skin tears or infections.

How to clean your pillows: Because they're full of dead bugs

Bed bugs cannot live in your hair.

According to ABC Home & Commercial Services, located in Central Florida, Texas and Oklahoma, bed bugs are attracted to bare skin and aremorelikely to bite you on your face or neck.

Originally posted here:
How you get bed bugs? How they infest your home and what you can do. - USA TODAY

Bedbugs: Information for Tenants and Building Owners

Friday, July 8th, 2022

The resources on this page can help you prevent bedbug infestations and safely control them when they occur.

Bedbugs can enter homes by latching on to used furniture, luggage, clothing and by traveling along connecting pipes and wiring.

Ask your landlord or building manager to seal any cracks and crevices to prevent bedbugs and other pests from entering the home. Never take in furniture found on the street. If you think you have been around bedbugs, immediately wash and dry your clothing for at least 30 minutes on high heat, or store them in a sealed plastic bag until you can wash them

Provide tenants with information on how to identify and prevent bedbugs. Help tenants if they cannot move furniture themselves or need help getting rid of clutter.

Encourage tenants to report bedbugs as soon as they think they have a problem. If an apartment is found to have bedbugs, notify and inspect all units that are across, above and below the infested one.

Hire a pest management professional to treat for bedbugs. Give advance notice to tenants of the planned use of pesticides. Be wary of companies that make unrealistic claims about controlling infestations with just one visit. Seek a company that provides a warranty as well as a follow up visit.

Inspect your units after vacancy. Make sure vacant units are thoroughly cleaned and free of pests before a new tenant moves in.

Tenants in New York City have the right to a bedbug-free environment. Bedbugs are specifically named in the list of insects that building owners are legally required to eradicate.

New York City lists bedbugs as a Class B violation. This means they are considered hazardous. The landlord has 30 days to correct this problem. The landlord must get rid of the infestation and keep the affected units from getting infested again.

Property owners must provide tenants with a written bedbug history notice (PDF). This should disclose any bedbug infestations that have occurred in their building in the past year.

You can file a bedbug complaint online or by calling 311.

Read the original:
Bedbugs: Information for Tenants and Building Owners

Worst cities for bed bugs: Heres where New York City ranks –

Thursday, January 27th, 2022

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. As more Americans begin to travel during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, bed bugs are also hitching rides across the country and some cities are seeing a surge in bed bugs more than others.

Orkin, a company that provides essential pest control services, ranked the cities where bed bugs have been most reported. Its list is based on treatment data from the metro areas where Orkin performed the most bed bug treatments from Dec. 1, 2020, through Nov. 30, 2021. The ranking includes both residential and commercial treatments.

So where does New York City rank on Orkins 2022 Top 50 Bed Bug Cities List?

New York ranks third, according to the list up nine spots from 2021s list.

Chicago and Philadelphia took the number one and two spots, respectively.

As consumers plan to travel this year, Orkin reminds Americans that bed bugs are still very much a threat. And taking into consideration the staffing shortages in the hospitality industry, its possible that bed bugs are not being monitored as often as desired, which is why diligent examination is key, Orkin says.

Bed bugs are typically 3/16 inch long, red to dark brown in color and are mostly nocturnal insects that come out of hiding to take blood meals from sleeping humans, according to Orkin. They are hematophagous, which means blood is their only food source. They can travel from place to place with ease, clinging to items such as luggage, purses and other personal belongings.

Bed bugs are a concern for everyone because they are master hitchhikers, traveling home with people when they likely dont realize it, said Ben Hottel, an Orkin entomologist. Their nature of hiding in difficult-to-find cracks and crevices can make them hard to control, which is why involving a trained professional at the sight of an introduction is recommended.

The pests are known for rapid population growth as females can deposit one to five eggs a day and may lay 200 to 500 eggs in their lifetime. They can survive for several months while waiting for their next blood meal, so theyre likely to emerge when a food source, like humans, become available.

Here are the top 10 bed bug cities, according to Orkin. The numbers in parentheses indicate if a city has ranked higher or lower than last years list.

Orkin also provided some tips for homeowners and travels to prevent bed bugs.

Inspect your home for signs of bed bugs regularly. Check the places during the day, including mattress tags and seams, and behind baseboards, headboards, electrical outlets and picture frames. Inspect when you move in, after a trip, when a service worker visits or after guests stay overnight, Orkin says.

You should also decrease clutter around your home to make it easier to spot bed bugs on your own or during professional inspections. And examine all secondhand furniture before bringing it inside your home.

During travel, Orkin says to remember the acronym S.L.E.E.P. to inspect for bed bugs.


Read the original post:
Worst cities for bed bugs: Heres where New York City ranks -

Chicago Takes Another Top Spot for Pests, This Time Ranking #1 on Orkin’s Bed Bug Cities List – KPVI News 6

Thursday, January 13th, 2022

ATLANTA, Jan. 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Chicago settled in for the second year in a row as the #1 city on Orkin's 2022 Top 50 Bed Bug Cities List, with Philadelphia and New York moving into the second and third place spots, respectively. These two Northeast cities saw the largest jumps with Philadelphia moving up 12 spots and New York moving up nine spots. As for newcomers to the list, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, landed at #42 and Lincoln, Nebraska, barely snuck in at #50.

Over the last year, as travel began to resurge in the U.S., restless Americans and bed bugs were hitching rides across the country for a getaway. As consumers plan for travel in 2022 amid the evolving pandemic, it's easy to forget that bed bugs are still very much a threat. Taking into consideration the staffing shortages associated with the hospitality industry, it might be the case that bed bug introductions are not being monitored as often as desired, which is why diligent examination is key.

The list is based on treatment data from the metro areas where Orkin performed the most bed bug treatmentsfrom December 1, 2020 November 30, 2021. The ranking includes both residential and commercial treatments.

Typically, bed bugs are 3/16 inch long, red to dark brown in color and are mostly nocturnal insects that come out of hiding to take blood meals from sleeping humans. These pests are hematophagous, which means blood is their only food source. They can travel from place to place with ease, clinging to items such as luggage, purses and other personal belongings.

"Bed bugs are a concern for everyone because they are master hitchhikers, traveling home with people when they likely don't realize it," said Ben Hottel, an Orkin entomologist. "Their nature of hiding in difficult-to-find cracks and crevices can make them hard to control, which is why involving a trained professional at the sight of an introduction is recommended."

Bed bugs are known for rapid population growth. Females can deposit one to five eggs a day and may lay 200 to 500 eggs in their lifetime. They can survive for several months while waiting for their next blood meal, so they're likely to emerge when a food source, e.g., humans, become available.

"Unfortunately, many hospitality businesses are facing staffing shortages, and while the industry remains committed to cleanliness, now more than ever, travelers should be mindful of bed bug sightings and proactive in inspection efforts." said Hottel.

Here are proactive tips Orkin recommends for homeowners and travelers to prevent bed bugs:

At Home:

During travel, remember the acronym S.L.E.E.P. to inspect for bed bugs:

With well over a century of knowledge and experience with bed bugs and state-of-the-art tools and products, Orkin is well-equipped to assess your bed bug problem, offer trainings for short-staffed hospitality teams and mount a strategic response to rid your home of the pest and provide maximum protection.

For more information about bed bug prevention and bed bug control, visit You can also find additional detection tips in Orkin's video on "How to Check for Bed Bugs in Hotel Rooms."

About Orkin, LLC

Founded in 1901, Atlanta-based Orkin is an industry leader in essential pest control services and protection against termite damage, rodents and insects. The company is committed to excellent service and operates more than 400 locations with more than 8,000 employees. Through Orkin's Points of Service process Investigate, Protect, Fortify, Keep Watch, Report and Follow Up Orkin provides customized services to approximately 1.7 million homeowners and businesses in the United States and has nearly 100 international locations in more than 65 countries. Orkin is committed to studying pest biology and applying scientifically proven methods. The company collaborates with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and eight major universities to conduct research and help educate consumers and businesses on pest-related health threats. Learn more about Orkin Orkin is a wholly-owned subsidiary ofRollins Inc.(NYSE: ROL). Follow us onFacebook,LinkedIn, YouTubeand Instagram.

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How Fast Do Bed Bugs Spread | Terminix

Wednesday, December 29th, 2021

Contrary to what you may think, bed bugs dont have a preference between a spotless space or a filthy environment. As long as they have access to a food source, they can live anywhere, so claims that bed bugs are attracted to dirt and debris are simply unfounded. That being said, clutter does make it easier for these insects to hide, which may fuel the misconceptions. Their ideal environment is warm and provides access to a blood meal. Given those conditions, you may be wondering how fast bed bugs spread? Lets look at some of their travel habits and what you need to know about how quickly they can make themselves at home.THINK YOU HAVE BED BUGS?Use BugID to find out

There's no escaping them. Bed bugs can be found in all 50 states, warns Oregon State University. And the news gets worse: Not only are bed bugs present everywhere, but the university's researchers warn that these pests "are on the rise...and not just in unsanitary locations."

Contrary to what you may think, bed bugs don't have a preference between a spotless space or a filthy environment. As long as they have access to a food source, they can live anywhere! Claims that bed bugs are attracted to dirt and debris are simply unfounded and misleading. That being said, clutter does make it easier for these insects to hide, which may fuel such misconceptions. Their ideal environment is warm and provides them with access to a human blood meal.

Given those conditions, you may be wondering how fast bed bugs spread? Let's look at some of their travel habits and what you need to know about how quickly they can make themselves at home.

Bed bugs spread so easily and so quickly, that the University of Kentucky's entomology department notes that "it often seems that bed bugs arise from nowhere."

Bed bugs don't have wings, but they spread quickly by hitchhiking and are agile and fast-moving once they're in your home. Typically, you pick up one or more of these unwanted hitchhikers when you visit a home or hotel that already has a bed bug infestation. The bed bugs hide themselves in your clothing, luggage, furniture and other items, and you inadvertently introduce them to your own house when you return home.

"Once bed bugs are introduced, they can crawl from room to room, or floor to floor via cracks and openings in walls, floors and ceilings," warns researchers at the University of Kentucky.

Bedare typically only found within about 8 feet of a person's resting space. However, what's more concerning is the distance that bed bugs spread from one infestation site to another. This distance is almost limitless due to the ability of bed bugs to survive without food for extended periods of time.

Research shows that adult bed bugs can survive for over a year without food. This means that the pests can hide on furniture, used items, clothing, footwear, luggage and other materials you've brought. They can then wait until they've traveled great distances, only to be unpacked and brought into a new home with a fresh supply of food (i.e., you and your family).

Ultimately, it can take mere minutes to travel from room-to-room, with infestations growing in a matter of weeks or months. Every day, bed bugs can lay between one and 12 eggs, and anywhere from 200 to 500 eggs in a lifetime. Those numbers should speak for themselves if you're wondering how long it takes to get an infestation of bed bugs and how quickly those bed bugs can spread. It doesn't take long for a problem to grow out of control, so the sooner you contact a pest control professional for inspection and treatment, the better off you'll be.

Bed bugs need to take blood meals from warm-blooded hosts preferably humans to survive, and they'll hide near their sources until ready to feed. How fast bed bugs spread from room to room depends partly on how long it takes to move an infested piece of furniture, clothing, luggage and/or another household item from one room to another. They can also move throughout the house in search of other hosts. If the conditions are favorable, they'll continue breeding wherever the item (or items) is moved.

The rate of how quickly bed bugs spread from house-to-house increases the more time you spend traveling or inviting people over to your home. Bed bugs are great hitchhikers, and hotels, hostels, airplanes, cruise ships and public transportation are ideal places to pick up these uninvited guests.

Bed bugs need blood meals to survive as well as to breed, but they don't physically live on human hosts. In fact, how bed bugs spread from person-to-person really doesn't have anything to do with people themselves but rather, the movement of infested items. For example, house guests could unknowingly bring them into your home from their travels and kids could bring them back on their backpacks after attending school.

Bed bugs are opportunistic, hiding and waiting until it's convenient to feed. And if their areas are disturbed, they'll find a way to move to a neighboring location, which can make the situation much more difficult to inspect and treat. Contact a Terminix bed bug control professional to get professional help in stopping the spread of bed bugs in your home.

Stopping the spread of bed bugs is all about slowing and preventing the transmission of these pests as they migrate from location to location.

First, always inspect anything that you're bringing into your home, especially if it's items from another household (e.g., used books, used clothing, used furniture, used children's toys, etc.) or if it's your own items that you used and stored in a hotel room, airplane, train, cruise ship, etc. Signs of bed bugs you should look for include:

If you notice any signs of bed bugs on your possessions, isolate the items and treat them for bed bugs before you bring them into your house.

If you're trying to stop the spread of bed bugs in the midst of an ongoing, current bed bug infestation, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says the following strategies are the most effective for keeping an infestation from spreading:

A bed bug infestation needs immediate professional treatment and control to keep these resilient pests from spreading throughout your entire home. Even one single missed bed bug can lead to a re-infestation if you are not careful.

At Terminix, we can help provide on-site inspections and put together a bed bug treatment plan tailored to the severity of your problem, the layout of your home and your personal lifestyle needs and preferences. Contact Terminix's bed bug professionals today!

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How Fast Do Bed Bugs Spread | Terminix

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