NYC Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential and Hotel

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Stop Bedbugs Safely – New York City Housing Authority

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Bed bugs are small insects that feed on human blood. They are usually active at night when people are sleeping. Adult bed bugs have flat, rusty-red-colored oval bodies. About the size of an apple seed, they are big enough to be easily seen, but often hide in cracks in furniture, floors, or walls. When bed bugs feed, their bodies swell and become brighter red. They can live for several weeks or months without feeding on a host.

What does a bed bug bite feel and look like? Most bed bug bites are initially painless, but later turn into large, itchy skin welts. These welts do not have a red spot in the center as do the bites from fleas.

Are bed bugs dangerous? Although bed bugs and their bites are a nuisance, they are not known to spread disease.

How does a home become infested with bed bugs? In most cases, people carry bed bugs into their homes unknowingly, in infested luggage, furniture, bedding, or clothing. Bed bugs may also travel between apartments through small crevices and cracks in walls and floors.

How do I know if my home is infested with bed bugs? You may notice itchy skin welts. You may also see the bed bugs themselves, small bloodstains from crushed insects, or dark spots from their droppings. It is often hard to see them because they hide in or near beds, other furniture, and in cracks.

How can I keep bed bugs out of my home?

Original post:
Stop Bedbugs Safely - New York City Housing Authority

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