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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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NYC Bed Bugs: New York Hotels With Reported Bed Bug …

February 18th, 2017 by Presto

Before a person can prevent an infestation, it is important to know what they are, how they live and what they look like. Once you know what they look like, hopefully, before you bring them home, you can avoid staying in hotels that have them.

Simply, they are small parasites that live in mattresses and other types of soft furniture. They are nocturnal and are hard to spot during the day. They are oval-shaped, and once they have fed on blood are reddish brown in color. If you ever see an insect in your home or hotel room that is flattish, oval-shaped and reddish brown, you should catch it and try to identify it.

These parasites feed on blood, primarily human blood. This is a major creep factor is associated with them beyond simply having a home pest. They come out at night, crawl on your sleeping body and make a meal of you. Some people may find the vampire myth sexy but nobody, except maybe an entomologist, can say the same about these insects.

For most people the idea of having them is completely repulsive. They are sneaky, gross and hated around the world. They attack people when they are at their most vulnerable and leave few signs behind.

New York City is #1 in many things, but it was not prepared to become the American city with the heaviest infestation. There is a simple reason for this resurgence. International travel gives these bugs new homes quickly. New York City is certainly a major travel hub. Vacationers head to NYC but the main culprit of the outbreak is people who travel for business.

Vacationers simply go from their home to a hotel and back. They are much less likely to drop these parasites in enough hotels to cause a major problem; although vacationers are often a victim, and bring them home unknowingly. People in business spend weeks or months hotel hopping. As our society has become global these bugs have staged a comeback.

The U.S. almost got rid of them early in the last century. Then international travel became more common and people were staying in hotels in countries that were still dealing with them. People would go to different countries and bring home a little something extra in their luggage and clothing. The U.S. now has a new booming industry eradication of these pests.

New York City may have them but how does one avoid staying in a hotel that has an active infestation. The insidious thing about these pests is that they do not always live in the flea-bag motels. It would be easy to stay in a slightly more expensive hotel but that is no guarantee of an infestation-free accommodation. Actually, the more expensive hotels are just as likely to have infestations.

With the Internet age in full force there is a website that is devoted to the places with reported infestations. The Bed Bug Registry is a website where people can report their sightings and experiences. People can use this free resource to avoid bringing home an unwanted souvenir.

These insects are sneaky little devils. They only come out in the dark unless the infestation is extreme. When you turn on the lights of your hotel room, they will quickly scurry away. Although it is hard to spot them, they do leave visible signs behind.

The most prevalent signs are blood smears on the sheets and waste along the bedrails. They hide behind the headboard, along the railings of the bed and between the mattress and bedsprings. If you cannot spot the little beasties, you should become accustomed to the other signs. These pests shed skin and leave fecal matter behind. This looks like a pile of pepper or coarse ash in areas where they nest.

People may not want to spend their evenings hunting for these bugs but that is better than bringing them home. Just strip the bed, check under the box springs and glance behind the headboard. If you see any signs, ask for a new room or find a new hotel.

Normally the vehicles that you ride in are not a problem when it comes to these insects. Places where people sleep or gather cause problems. There are things that you can do to keep the bugs from coming home with you. The use of a hard suitcase is one of the best things that one can do to keep them from hitching a ride home with you. Putting your clothing into a re-sealable plastic bag before putting them into the suitcase keeps them out of your clothing.

Remember that the hotels are there to serve you. You can ask them about their policy. How often do they inspect? Do they have an exterminator come in on a regular basis? Is the housekeeping staff knowledgeable? Asking these questions will not offend the staff at a quality hotel.

Once you are in the room, you want to keep your suitcase on top of a table or dresser. You should keep your clothes packed for a brief stay. You do not have to put your clothes in the bureau or closet.

When you come home unpack in a room that plenty of hard light-colored surfaces. Shake out and wash your clothing before putting them away. Inspect your luggage. Pay close attention to the handle and wheel area of the suitcase.

Even if you accidentally stay overnight in a hotel that has an active infestation there are ways to prevent bringing them home. Wash everything that is washable prior to re-entering your home. This includes clothing, linens and bags that contain clothes. If you cannot wash it, wipe it down. If you cannot wipe it down, put it in a bag for a year. That may sound extreme but these insects can survive for an entire year without feeding again.

Hotels are not the only place that one can pick up these bugs. Guests to your home can bring them in; children can get them at sleepovers or at camp and you can even get them by picking up a castoff piece of furniture that someone left at the side of the street. The owner of that free couch or mattress may have thrown it away because of bugs. Clean every previously owned item that comes into your home.

Even the most cautious people may still end up with a hitchhiker in their suitcase. Anyone can get them but you need to get rid of them as quickly as possible. The easiest way to rid your home of these pests is to contact a pest control company and let them deal with it. You can try DIY extermination but they are very hard to kill. Only a few chemicals will work on them. If you use the right pest killer but miss a few bugs, you will be right back where you started.

Talk to your neighbors. One of the best ways to find the best service is to find out whom your neighbor uses. Sure, it may be a little embarrassing but you do not have to be too specific about why you need a pest company.

Check the ads of the company. If they do not specifically mention these bugs, they may not be experienced their eradication. Ask questions of your pest control company. Make full use of your free consultation and inspection prior to making a decision. Do not listen to grandiose claims. It is difficult to get rid of these bugs. A reputable company will not claim that they can get rid of your problem with one visit.

When the pest company comes to treat your home, they will give you some homework. All homeowners need to do their part by following the instructions that the pest control company suggests. Remember, they are the professionals and you are paying for that knowledge. Follow their advice.

Although they bite, they do not transmit any diseases. However, some people are allergic to the bites. This can cause red and itchy circles to appear on the body. A little cortisone cream will control the itching but the only way to avoid bites is to rid your home of the infestation. Severe scratching of the bites may potentially lead to an infection but this is unrelated to the bugs themselves. If you itch until you break the skin, wash the sore area with soap and water to avoid infection.

The bites normally occur in clusters. There will be a line or collection of little circles on a part of the body. If you notice an unexplainable rash on your body that presents itself as itchy circles, check for an infestation. The inner arms, face and neck are prime feeding spots. These areas are often left uncovered during sleep and are easy places for the bugs to feed.

With the high number of infestations occurring in New York City the city has had to put a few recommendations into place to help combat the problem. Disposing of infected material is a major problem. When people put household items at the curb for the New York City sanitation department to pick up, people who may need the items salvage them for their own use. This spreads the infestation from home to home.

When disposing of a household item that has an active bug population New York City recommends the owner put a sign on the item that announces that it contains bed bugs. This gives the potential new owner a heads up as to what they may be bringing home with their new treasure. If the person disposing of the item can place it into a trash bag, they should do so. This keeps the bugs from leaving and keeps people from knowing what you are throwing away.

People should cut or damage larger items prior to placing them at the curb. A large slice in a mattress, box springs or couch will make it less attractive to scavengers. Do not bring new items into the home until the infestation has been eradicated. Failure to do so just gives them new places to hide and breed. An infested item is not something that one should donate. Giving to charity is great but giving something that will simply cause additional problems to the person you are trying to help is not very nice.

Apartment owners in New York City have the additional problem of keeping them from moving from apartment to apartment. Ask all tenants to report an infestation to the building management immediately. The owner or manager of the building will then be able to call an exterminator in to handle the problem. One should inspect all vacant apartments prior to finding a new tenant. It is easier to treat an empty apartment instead of one that is occupied.

Places where people come to stay for short durations are typically hit hard. The homeless, elderly and medically vulnerable do not need the additional stress of suddenly discovering that their sanctuary is also a haven for these parasites. This is a sensitive issue but one that does need to be addressed.

It is much easier to prevent an infestation than it is to treat one. All staff in any group living situation should be trained to interview new guests. The home should develop a regular set of questions that pinpoint possible carriers while allowing the person answering the questions to maintain their dignity and self-respect. Staff should ask the questions in a respectful and compassionate manner. When one feels as though someone is interrogating them, they may not give truthful answers.

Keeping bugs out can mean getting rid of plush and upholstered furniture. Bed frames should be metal, plastic and metal furnishing and no headboards are the best defense against them finding a hiding place. Linens and anything made of wood should be white. It is easier to spot them on a light colored surface. Box springs should be in a plastic sleeve. Do not use anything made of wicker. The open weave of wicker gives them too many places to hide.

Make eradication part of the culture of the home. Talk openly about them and encourage all residents to report any that they see. Getting rid of the taboo and shame associated will go far toward an open discourse within the home.

Have an exterminator on contract. If you have, or have had a problem, keep your exterminators coming by. They can check for pests and correct any problems early.

Reports of bugs being spotted in New York City public schools have parents concerned. The schools are required by law to report any instances. The infestations are not severe but do show just how prevalent they are. The schools claim that there are just a few bugs here and there but people should still be on the lookout.

Nobody expects to get these bugs from their movers. The surprising fact that movers are spreading them shocks people moving to a new home. The bugs hitch a ride in the moving truck and just wait for a comfy sofa to come in. This is the type of housewarming gift nobody wants or needs. It is important to ensure that you use a quality moving company. Many small unreliable companies out there are more than willing to take your money without offering a great service. Check the references of any moving company that you may be thinking of hiring.

According to ABC News, tourism is being adversely affected by these bugs. The Empire State Building and Bloomingdales, both top tourist attractions, have had recorded these bugs being spotted. When people read about this, they sometimes choose to take their vacation dollars elsewhere. People simply do not want to vacation is an area that has such creepy crawlies creeping around. A city that gets a reputation for being unclean or buggy quickly drops on the list of potential places to visit.

They do not bite if the lights are on. This is a myth. While they are most active at night, they will bite if the lights are on and there is a tasty body part handy.

Using pesticides will eradicate an infestation. This is a myth. The chemicals will not get into all the areas where they reside. You need to do a careful visual inspection and properly clean all infested rooms and items.

If an item is infested, the only option is to throw it away. This is a myth. If you can clean it, you can get rid of the bugs. If you cannot clean it, bag and store it for one year to control a new outbreak.

They are not known to spread disease. This is a fact. This was previously mentioned as a fact but bears repeating. While they are annoying and gross most experts believe that they do not carry illness.

Their bites give you itchy welts. This is both true and a myth. People that are allergic to bug bites will have a strong reaction, while those that are not allergic often times will have no reaction to the bite.

You cannot see one. This is a myth. This bug is small but is not microscopic. They are difficult to see only because of their color and that they are nocturnal creatures.

One visit from an exterminator is all you need for eradication of an infestation. This is a myth. Eradication and control requires a minimum of two visits. The exterminator should return to ensure that all bugs and their eggs are dead.

You can get a quote from a qualified exterminator over the phone. This is a myth. The price of a visit will be determined by the extent of the infestation and the size of your property. A good pest control company should offer a free consultation and then give a price estimate.

Only dirty people get them. This is a myth. Anyone can get them. The test of the sanitation of a home is how long they remain.

If you find them in your home, you are in good company. When you discover them and the owner of the property does nothing about it, call the NYC 311 line and report them. Everyone needs to do as much as they can to help combat the epidemic in New York City. It is everyones responsibility to help. Remember to be on the lookout for these pests, check your home and always use common sense in your travels.

The rest is here:
NYC Bed Bugs: New York Hotels With Reported Bed Bug ...

Bedbug Registry: Recent Bed Bug Reports for New York City

February 12th, 2017 by Presto

Recent Bed Bug Reports for New York City

February 01

150 Corbin Pl This building is infested with bed bugs i was bitten all

January 29

Avenue Plaza LLC Room 206 had bedbugs on January 28th, 2016. I and my w

January 28

263 Eastern Pky Bedbugs have been spotted crawling on kitchen walls, ha

January 27

167 E 102nd St There has been a bed bug infestation going on for over a

January 26

261 Seaman Ave UPDATE to my original post on 12/02/15 - exactly NOTHING

Eurostars Wall Street Having seen the report now for bed bugs, I wish I

January 25

Sofitel New York I used to stay at this hotel frequently and was always

January 24

506 W 172nd St 1 bedbug found in Apartment 2A. Please beware! They may

January 22

312 W 34th St, New York Was bitten all over my neck at this theater. D

January 21

325 W 45th St My neighbor has bed bugs. Its simply disguising. This p

1331 Pacific St Apartment 6- unfed bedbug crawling up wall in one of th

January 19

Ace Hotel New York Oct 23rd 2015. Stayed at the ace in a room in the ba

January 18

153 Avenue B 2013 - All floors infested. Owners wanted to sell and want

January 16

Roosevelt Hotel Of New York City Stayed in room 1250 on Jan 13, 2016. L

Courtyard By Marriott New York Manhattan / Central Park I stood at this

January 14

8000 4th Ave Wide infestation in the building. It's horrible

3079 33rd St Bedbugs found & being treated for on 3rd floor of this 4-f

Holiday Inn Express Madison Square Garden Stayed there January 10th, 20

January 13

735 Rogers Ave As of June 2015 this whole building has been vacated, re

January 09

Astor On The Park Saw a video on Youtube about a horrible infestation a

January 08

1213 Avenue Z There are bedbugs in many apartments. The bugs are trav

961 Washington Ave Doing an Airbnb my husband got bit but I didn't we f

Comfort Inn Times Square West Stayed 1/03/16-1/04/16. I'm full of bite

January 07

Hampton Inn Manhattan Times Square North Hotel My husband and I stayed

January 06

754 Washington Ave My wife, myself and a new born baby was living in 3L

January 04

345 W 86th St Building has building wide infestation of bedbugs. 6th,8

Doubletree Guest Suites Can't remember which room I stayed in, but it w

January 03

67 93rd St Located 2 separate bedbugs in 2 different rooms of apartment

Intercontinental New York Times Square Hotel Lovely hotel No incidents

465 Central Park W http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/bedbugs-bite-wom

1886 Broadway On December 27, 2015, I attended a showing at Lincoln Pla

1035 Washington Ave Is 1035 Washington Ave still having problems with b

January 02

510 Amsterdam Ave Between November 2012 and April 2013, there was an in

784 Saint Johns Pl My bed got infested with bed bugs last week. The man

Astor On The Park Hotel See this video https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/

535 W 49th St Had bed bugs three times in 4rw 2012 and 2013. Landlord

111 Macdougal St Moved into a 3rd floor apartment in May 2014. Immediat

December 31

Affinia Shelburne I have stayed at the Affinia twice now. Once for 4 mo

December 30

Doral Court Hotel This property now goes by the following name: THE

The Court - A St Giles Premier Hotel December 30, 2015 Early morning

December 28

Country Inn & Suites By Carlson, New York City In Queens, NY We boo

Read the original:
Bedbug Registry: Recent Bed Bug Reports for New York City

Bedbugs – City of New York

January 21st, 2017 by Presto

Information for New York City Residents

Bed bug infestations are increasingly common, but there are steps that can be taken to prevent bed bugs from infesting your home. When bed bugs are present, they can be safely controlled. This web site will help you learn more about how they thrive, how to recognize and inspect for their presence, steps to take to prevent them from infesting your home, how to safely rid your home of bed bugs if they do occur, and also how to select and work with a pest management professional.

Read the guide, Preventing and Getting Rid of Bed Bugs Safely (PDF)

Bed bugs are small insects that are usually active at night when people are sleeping. Adult bed bugs have flat, brown oval bodies and are about the size of an apple seed.

The New York City area has more than 1,000 pest control companies and thousands of licensed pest management professionals. To get rid of bed bugs, you need to choose the right company, be clear about what you want done, and monitor the service you get.

See original here:
Bedbugs - City of New York

Check your Hotel Apartment for complaints of Bed Bugs pg3

January 13th, 2017 by Presto

Discussion Navigation: Hotel Bed Bugs (pg 1) Hotel Bed Bugs (pg 2) Hotel Bed Bugs (pg 3) Hotel Bed Bugs (pg 4)

Rob Hernandez:

Can you assist with a check of this well known chain thx. Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Keystone, SD 321 Swanzey Street Keystone, SD 57751


I am planning a trip to Las Vegas in October. We will be staying at Ceasars Palace and would like to know if there have been any reports about the hotel having begbugs. Thanks


Please check on the Super 8 Motel in Danridge Tennessee for bed bugs! I will sleep much better if I know.


Hi, Any reports of bed bugs at the Marriott Wardman Park in Washington DC. Im staying there while interviewing for medical school on October 26-27, 2010. Thanks, Amber

Bed Bug Girl:

Dear JE MA,

Good News! I searched various online databases for reports of bed bugs and found none for the following:

Sleep Inn (NH010) 72 Perkins Rd., Londonderry, NH, US, 03053

Best Western Executive Court Inn & Conference Center 13500 South Willow Street | Manchester, New Hampshire 03103

Holiday Inn Express 1298 South Porter St, Manchester NH

Thanks, Bed Bug Girl

Bed Bug Girl:

Dear Joy,

I searched a number of online databases and found no reports of bed bugs at the Courtyard Fort Myers Cape Coral, 4455 Metro Parkway, Fort Myers, FL 33916. You may want to take a look at our bedbug checklist page.

Thanks, Bed Bug Girl

Bed Bug Girl:

Dear Rob Hernandez,

I was unable to find any reports of bed bugs at the Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Keystone, 321 Swanzey Street, Keystone, SD 57751.

Thanks, Bed Bug Girl

Bed Bug Girl:

Dear Mike Abeltins,

I researched back to 1-1-10 and over 150 various comments on several online databases. I found multiple reports of bed bugs at the Planet Hollywood Hotel & Casino, 3667 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas, NV 89109. For example Bianca reported on 6-10-10, I stayed here back in April, on our last day we found over a dozen bed bugs in one of the beds, they were coming from the headboard. We (myself and the other people in my trip) are just hearing (3 months later) back from PH reps , they informed us that there is nothing they can do about it and they have not even said sorry. DO NOT STAY HERE; Travel_Truth123, 8-8-10, and did I mention the bed bugs! Would never stay here again.; stevbur, on 5-15-10, I got bed bugs here in late April 2010 and the hotel staff did not respond well.

Thanks, Bed Bug Girl


My husband, and I are planning a stay in Nov. at (Caesars Cove Haven Resort) in the Pocanos Mountains in Pennsylvania. Have you any reports of bed bugs there.


Thanks for the information regarding the Hilton San Diego. Have you heard about bedbugs at the Paradise Point Resort at 1404 Vacation Road, San Diego, CA 92109 or the Hyatt Regency Mission Bay at 1441 Quivira Road, San Diego, CA 92109? I really appreicate the information as my husband and I are planning a short weekend together and would prefer it to be bedbug free. Thanks again.


I stayed at the Russel Hotel 4 * in London, but didnt look very clean. Although I didnt get any bites, thank God, I saw 2 suspicious looking bugs. One was crawing on the desk and another one was crawling near the ceiling and then disapperared in a crack. They looked brownish and about halve an inch long. Im back home and uttely discusted, I can wash my cothes but not my coat, hat, jacket I left the luggage downstairs and will shake it and check for bugs. Could those have been bed even though my husbnd and I were not bitten? N.B. The windows were open and there was no screen. Thank you very much,


Have there been any reports of bedbugs at the Sheraton Atlantic City Convention Hotel? Thank you!!!

Xavier Jenkins:

While at this hotel this past weekend, I overheard the housekeeper manager talking about bed bugs with her staff. We were on the third floorneedless to say I got out of there as soon as I could shake my clothes out and pack my bags. I KNOW FOR A FACT THIS HOTEL HAS THEM AND MANAGEMENT DOES NOT CARE Ramada Inn 7253 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 (410) 712-4300


Any reports on the Hilton at 1335 Avenue of the Americas in NYC? Thanks!


Can you check the following two hotels for me? Courtyard New York Manhattan/Midtown East 866 Third Avenue New York, New York 10022 USA Phone: 1-212-644-1300 and Sheraton Denver Colorado Downtown Hotel 1550 Court Place Denver, CO 80202 Ph: (303) 893-3333 or (800) 325-3535 Thanks! Tracy


Has there been bedbugs in 1625 S Ocean Blvd, North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582-3995? We are going there over Thanksgiving with my elderly father and 2 young children. The name of the hotel in Myrtle Beach is Crescent Shores in North Myrtle Beach. Thanks!!!! Lauren


I recently found what look like bites on both of my upper thighs. The bites on one leg form a big circle, and a triangle on the other leg. They definitely look like bed bug bites Ive seen on this site. But Im baffled because my legs were covered, and areas that were exposed, like my arms, ankles and neck, are bite-free. Ive searched my mattress, box spring, bed frame and pillows and havent found any sign of bed bugs. And every morning when I get up, I flip back my sheets to look for bugs and havent found anything. If I have bed bugs, I just want to get rid of them, but I dont feel good about hiring an exterminator if Im not even sure I have them. Is there anything I can do to find out for sure that I have them? I have a theory that my legs might have gotten bit while I was at the movies. They showed up the morning after I was at a theater. Is that possible? Help me! I cant stop doing bed bug research and its driving me crazy!


Can you tell me if the bed bug situation has been rectified at Great Wolf Lodge, PA


We recently stayed at the Intercontinental San Juan, Puerto Rico and we saw a bedbug crawling on the headboard. We got a new room and dont have any bites but we caught it and put in in a glass. They said they dont have a problem there but I had the proof in my hand. So I would look elsewhere. Good Luck ! Thank You ,Selena

Sally Ahnger:

Id like to know if there have been any bed bug complaints for the Seaport Hotel, at 1 Seaport Lane in Boston, MA. Thanks, Sally

Ivette Plaza:

I have hotel reservations at the Double Tree Metropolitan Hotel in 569 Lexington, Ave., NYC for November 2010. I read in the newspaper that there is an infestation of bedbugs all around NYC. Can you find out if there are any complaints against this Hotel? Thank you! Ivette

stephanie fowley:

HI i have booked a stay in the Marriot Marquis times square this December and i would like to know if you have had any complaints about the marriot marquis in NY times square. also any other info you have on the hotel would be great. Thanks


We are also spending 1 night in Atlantic City. Has there been any incidents at Comfort Inn Absecon/Atlantic City, 202 East White Horse Pike, Galloway, NJ 08205 Thanks!!! Lauren

Sharon Miller:

My family will be staying at the Doubletree in Times Square, NYC two different times this month once over Halloween. Have there been any reports of bedbugs in this hotel recently? Id happily apply a tip to your tip jar if I could get some information on this. Thanks! Sharon


Any reports of bed bugs at the Super 8 located at 4694 Indian Head Hwy Indian Head, MD 20640?

Bed Bug Girl:

Dear Jaime,

I searched a number of online databases and found no reports of bed bugs at the Affinia Chicago, A Cityscape Hotel, 166 East Superior Street, Chicago, IL 60611.

Thanks, Bed Bug Girl

Bed Bug Girl:

Dear Kathy,

I searched a number of online databases for reports of bed bugs at Caesars Palace Las Vegas Hotel & Casino, 3570 Las Vegas Blvd South, Las Vegas, NV 89109, and found several. For example: Stepsi, on 9-13-10. First night there woke up scratching my body to find myself full of little bumps all over, rash like and when we complained they did NOTHING!!!; and lilacsanddoves, on 8-3-10 Spent a week in a classic room and did not see any bugs, but since our return home, we have found bugs in our suitcase and in the area we unpacked. I did find others.

Thanks, Bed Bug Girl

joe straton:

Thanks in advance. Any reports on the Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E Second St. Reno NV? joe


Can you check the W Hotel Times Square.

paula d:

staying at the marriot boston quincy 1000 marriot drive quincy ma. Have there been any reports of bedbugs? last week i stayed at the marriot albany and after a thorough inspection of the room it appeared absent of any bugs.


Are there any reports of Bedbugs at the Cherry Valley Lodge in Newark, OH?

Bed Bug Girl:

Dear Kris,

I completed my search of various online databases for bed bugs at the Suites of 800 Locust, 800 Locust St, Des Moines, IA 50309-3622, and I found none.

Thanks, Bed Bug Girl

Bed Bug Girl:

Dear Ross Amico,

I found no reports of bed bugs at the Grand Hotel Toronto, 225 Jarvis St, Toronto, Ontario M5B 2C1, Canada.

Thanks, Bed Bug Girl

Bed Bug Girl:

Dear Mary Roberts,

I checked several online databases and found no reports of bed bugs at the Country Inn & Suites Cincinnati/Airport, 759 Petersburg Rd., Hebron, KY 41048 (859) 689-0700.

Thanks, Bed Bug Girl

Bed Bug Girl:

Dear Monique,

It is hard to say for sure what they were. I would take proper precautions and thoroughly clean everything and sanitize your luggage. Please see our bedbug checklist page on this site.

Thanks, Bed Bug Girl

Bed Bug Girl:

Dear Sharon Miller,

I have searched a number of online databases and found no reports of bedbugs at the Doubletree Guest Suites Times Square, 1568 Broadway, 47th Street, New York City, NY 10036, and found none.

Thanks, Bed Bug Girl

Bed Bug Girl:

Dear Brandon,

Continued here:
Check your Hotel Apartment for complaints of Bed Bugs pg3

Think you have bed bugs ? Some dos and donts

December 19th, 2016 by Presto

If you think you may have bed bugs, these are the essential dos and donts. Make sure you also look at the photos of bed bugs (and signs of bed bugs) and photos of bed bug bites, and the FAQ on detecting whether your problem is bed bugs, or something else. If you suspect there are bed bugs where you sleep, dont begin sleeping in another bed, on the sofa. Do not go to stay with someone else. The bugs may follow you to your guest room or sofa, and then it will be much harder to get rid of them. They may hitch a ride to your relatives home, and you can cause them to become infested. (All of these situations have happened to Bedbuggers we know.) Also, staying outside of your home means the bugs may become dormant. Were told they may live without feeding for up to 18 months. When you come back, they can begin biting you again. So staying in your home during treatment, and sleeping in your usual bed, is the way to kill bed bugs. Read our FAQs and sleep there while youre getting a Pest Control Operator (PCO) to treat your home. Once you are being treated, you must remain in the bedyou are the bait, attracting bugs to the poison and their deaths. If you isolate the bed, they need not bite you. (The FAQ on isolating the bed talks about the pros and cons of doing that).

Do save any bed bugs you find. Do not part with these you may need to show them to landlords, pest control professionals, and so on. Entomologists at colleges or science museums in your town may identify these, and a pest control company can too. Pick it up with clear packing tape, and tape it to an index card. Or put it in a clear sealed ziplock or jar in the freezer. Dont assume youll see lots of them, some people dont.

Do rule out other possible conditions, like folliculitis, scabies, and bites from other insects. Suspected bed bug bites sometimes turn out to be one of these other conditions. Doctors cannot diagnose bed bug bites with any certainty. The FAQs may help. Be warned, though, that many of us are told by doctors that we do or do not have bed bugs, and later find they are wrong.

Dont assume you are the only one being bitten. Remember that some people do not react to bed bug bites at all. Bed bug bites are an allergic reaction, and reactions vary from nothing to serious allergic reactions. Research released in 2010 by Dr. Michael Potter suggests 70% of people do react, and 30% of people do not react to bed bug bites.

Dont start throwing your bed and other furniture out. As per the FAQs, you can cover and isolate the bed. (You may wish to wait until a PCO has started treating before covering the mattress in an encasement.) Most furniture, including mattresses and sofas, can be treated by a PCO, and you can ask the PCO if throwing them out is necessary. It usually isnt necessary or recommended because tossing furniture and other items out can just lead to spreading bed bugs as well as emptying your home of furnishings. If there is a good reason to get rid of something, your pest management professional can help you do it safely, so as not to spread the bugs around your home or building, and so that others do not pick up infested items.

Dont start buying a load of chemicals and treating yourself. We have FAQs about choosing a good pest control firm and about why doing your own pest control in lieu of a PCO is not a good idea. Yes, sometimes supplementing a PCOs work makes sense, but only if they are fully on board with what youre doing. Remember, pesticides have different qualities (repellents, contact killers, residual killers, growth regulators, etc.) Bed bugs are probably the most complicated pests youve ever encountered at home. If you start spraying pesticides, you may disperse the bugs, and the professionals may have trouble treating them. You may spread them around your home. Get good professional help and follow instructions. Some pros wont treat a home if you have already done so.

Do not, absolutely do not release a fogger or bug bomb. Do not allow your landlord to do so. Do not allow a so-called exterminator to do so. Bug bombs / foggers do not work for bed bugs, and in fact, will spread them. Your problem will be magnified. Trust me!

Dont start bagging everything you own. With the exception of washed and dried clothing (according to specific instructions your PCO gives you), do not seal up everything you own in bags. Some PCOs will want you to inspect, vacuum, and seal all your possessions in bags. Most wont. Following their advice is crucial, since they know what theyre using on your problem. If you decide to bag things, you may be sealing away bed bugs and this is only a way of dealing with the problem if you put these items in storage for 18 months, unopened. Instead, most PCOs will vigorously fight your problem, and bed bugs will be attracted out of your possessions and towards poisons which will kill them. We have a FAQ on this also: How do I prepare for pest control treatment? Should I put everything in bags?

Do start dealing with your clothing and linens if the PCO requires this. Though you should not simply seal your possessions in bags (as above), it is probably a good idea to start working on clothing and bedding, if the PCO instructs you to do this. Note that some reputable pest control operators do not require most clients to treat all their clothing and linens. If your PCO does not require it, then I would skip it. You should take clothing and other items, wash on hot and and dry them on hot. Remember, driers vary as to their strength and how long they take with what size of load. Dont stuff the machines. My personal method is that items should at least be dried on hot for 20 minutes after they appear to be fully dry and very hot. Note that if you start with clean items, you only need to dry them on hot: this is a huge savings to time and energy. Starting with clean, dry items, running the hot dryer for 20 minutes should suffice. (You PCO may not be aware of research proving that a hot dryer alone is enough.) Keep in mind that pillows, comforters, down coats, and other thick items may take longer to dry. Heres the key: after washing and drying, bag items in sealed, airtight bags, and do not remove them until use. Our FAQs give more explicit suggestions. Dry cleaning is theoretically a bed bug killer, but impractical since most dry cleaners may not be equipped to deal with bed bugs, and you have to disclose that the items have been exposed to bed bugs.

Dont assume bed bugs are only in your bed. While bed frames and mattresses and headboards are the most likely location for bed bugs, they can and do often hide out in sofas and other soft furniture, electrical sockets (behind plates), light fixtures, baseboards, floor crevices, and other crevices in the bedroom and living room. Bed bugs are occasionally found in kitchens and bathrooms. This should not make you panic: most cases, especially smaller ones, are quite concentrated, usually 10-20 feet from where people sleep (or where they sit for extended periods). However, if a PCO tells you bed bugs are not found in living rooms, realize that many Bedbuggers have infested sofas, computer chairs, and so on. Dont believe that bed bugs only bite at night. They prefer a sleeping, stationary host who is fast asleep. But if theyre hungry, theyll take what they can get. You can be bitten while in a chair, awake.

Once you get a PCO treating your place, dont assume this will be solved overnight. If your PCO treats and you are still being bitten, this is normal. The bites should decrease and eventually disappear. If you see bed bugs or are bitten, do have another treatment about two weeks after the first. Do insist the PCO repeat treatment every two weeks until you see no new signs of bed bugs (like bed bug feces stains in the bed). Do not assume youve got a bad PCO because it takes three treatments to solve your problem. This, unfortunately, is common, even if you follow all the advice. However, do ask questions, from the first treatment on, and take notes: what is the PCO using? What does each substance do? Make a note of where each substance is applied, and how long the process takes. If a few treatments go by and you are suspicious, post a question in our forums with these details experienced Bedbuggers and reputable PCOs read this site and may be able to offer advice as to whether youre getting good service or not. Stay on top of whats happening, but be honest with the PCO about what youre doing, and ask what you can do to support treatment. If they are good, they will welcome your involvement. Vacuuming every day in some cases is a good idea, in others, it may sabotage the work of certain substances left down to kill bed bugs. The same is true of bagging everything you own, as above. Never assume that you should do what someone online is doing, since they may be working with a different pest control protocol.

Do use bed bug monitors to try and determine if bed bugs are present initially and after treatment. We have a FAQ on bed bug monitors. The beenfit to monitors is that youre more likely to catch a sample or see signs if you are using monitors.

Last updated 3/16/2015.

Comments for this page are now closed. Please post a message on our Bedbugger Forums if you have questions or need support. If you have suggestions for improving this FAQ, or other comments, please contact me.

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Think you have bed bugs ? Some dos and donts

Bed Bug Exterminator Services in Staten Island, NY, NYC

September 7th, 2016 by Presto

We provide pest control and extermination services for Staten Island, NY.

Bed Bugs in Staten Island is a fully licensed and insuredbed bug exterminator and full service pest control company., Bed Bugs in Staten Island has become a leader in bed bug control, prevention, and bed bug control services. we understand the nuisance, anxiety, and hassle bed bugs bring to your establishment and home. We understand how their presence can adversely impact your business or totally disrupt your peace of mind. With our professional team of experienced bed bug extermination technicians and the latest bed bug control technology available, we solve your bed bug problem fast!

The Control of Bed Bug Exterminator provides many different types of services for clients like NYC commercial exterminator services and NYC residential pest control services in all five boroughs of Staten Island, NY (Including Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx and Staten Island).We are ready to serve you. Call us today for a free quote!!!.

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Bed Bug Exterminator Services in Staten Island, NY, NYC

Queens Bed Bug Map – Bed Bugs Exterminator Brooklyn NYC …

May 26th, 2016 by Presto

Queens is located to the east of Brooklyn and Manhattan and to the south of the Bronx. Queens stretches from north to south across the width of Long Island, and also includes a number of islands directly south of its main landmass. The borough is the most ethnically diverse area of New York City, and perhaps even the entire globe. Queens completely encapsulates the concept of the United States as the land of opportunity, and almost half of its population are first-generation immigrants to the United States.

Queens is also home two of three major NYC Airports, and both airports which actually reside within the boundaries of New York City. LaGuardia and JFK International are both located in Queens, whereas Newark International is located in New Jersey.

One thing that you will notice when you come to Queens is that it really provides an experience unique from the other Boroughs of New York, especially Manhattan. The diversity provided by the burgeoning ethnic populations has an undeniable influence on the affect of the entire borough. Many people think of New York City as a cold and aloof metropolis, but Queens offers a level of excitement and inclusiveness that is harder to find in other areas of the city.

For the most part, the different ethnic communities of Queens form closely-knit enclaves. For example, Jackson heights features a relatively small area which includes three distinct populations. The largest of these is probably its Indian enclave, but immediately bordering it is a neighborhood which is almost exclusively Colombian. Beyond that is a third area which is primarily composed of Mexicans.

For those that love to experience and learn about new cultures, or those that want to explore their own cultural heritage, Queens is the number one place to visit in New York City. The various cultures represented in Queens often host large festivals in which they invite all who wish to participate. Although the enclaves remain united by heritage and community, the demographics of the region as a whole still encourage inclusiveness.Nearly every one of these enclaves has its own economic ecosystem.

They all have their own stores and shops which offer goods unique to their culture. Queens is also known for having one of the most amazing food cultures in the world. If you are a fan of ethnic food, as well as ethnic fusion, nothing beats a trip to Queens.

Although most people think of Manhattan as the center of New York City, the geographical balance of NYC is actually located in Queens. Another interesting piece of trivia is that Queens was home to the Worlds Fairs of both 1939 and 1964. Although the fairs were long ago, Flushing Meadows-Corona Park and the surrounding area is still one of the greatest tourist attractions of the city.

If you are a fan of sports, Citi Field lies just north of the fairground, and is home to the Mets. Although the Yankees get all the acclaim, the Mets are the hometown team of millions in the state of New York, especially in Queens. Nearby is the the Billie Jean King National Tennis Center, which is home to the U.S. Open, one of the four tennis tournaments which make up the prestigious Grand Slam. Just a short walk north is the Queens marina of Long Island Sound. Other amenities around the park are pedal-boats, a zoo, and a science museum.

Long Island City Although this district has a primarily industrial history, in recent years is has been experiencing a significant level of repatriation, especially among those that participate in the arts. For people looking for an area whose residents are on the cutting edge of culture, this is a good area to visit.

Astoria Astoria is known for its various cultural influences, although the area is has a very large population of Greek immigrants. Astoria is a very trendy area of Queens, known for its shops and restaurants.

Jackson Heights This district has a significant number of immigrants from various nations of Central and South Asia. There is a bustling Indian neighborhood which is loaded with Indian shops, restaurants, and even a theater which exclusively plays Bollywood films! There are also Latinos from all over Central and South America that call Jackson Heights home.

Woodside and Elmhurst These districts boast large populations of various Southeast Asian cultures, including Koreans, Chinese, Thai, and Filipino. Woodside has amazing Filipino shops and Thai restaurants.

Flushing Flushing is known for having one of the largest Chinese enclaves in the entire United States. Flushing is known for its fantastic restaurants and stores, and is very popular with tourists and sports fans because of its proximity to Flushing Meadows-Corona Park.

Forest Park Forest Park is a very large and beautiful park which is frequented by tourists and locals alike. The park is more than 500 acres and offers various amenities. Forest park is great for various athletic and nature activities, including hiking, biking, running, horseback riding, and skating.

Jamaica This area primarily consists of black immigrants from the Caribbean and Africa, and features a number of museums and music venues which feature African American culture and art.

The Rockaways This district has a history as a resort town in the 19th century, but as more people moved into the Borough it developed into a more suburban community. The Rockaways are very economically diverse, and people of all classes live in the neighborhoods of the area.

See the original post:
Queens Bed Bug Map - Bed Bugs Exterminator Brooklyn NYC ...

Bedbugs – Welcome to NYC.gov | City of New York

May 17th, 2016 by Presto

Information for New York City Residents

Bed bug infestations are increasingly common, but there are steps that can be taken to prevent bed bugs from infesting your home. When bed bugs are present, they can be safely controlled. This web site will help you learn more about how they thrive, how to recognize and inspect for their presence, steps to take to prevent them from infesting your home, how to safely rid your home of bed bugs if they do occur, and also how to select and work with a pest management professional.

Read the guide, Preventing and Getting Rid of Bed Bugs Safely (PDF)

Bed bugs are small insects that are usually active at night when people are sleeping. Adult bed bugs have flat, brown oval bodies and are about the size of an apple seed.

The New York City area has more than 1,000 pest control companies and thousands of licensed pest management professionals. To get rid of bed bugs, you need to choose the right company, be clear about what you want done, and monitor the service you get.

Continue reading here:
Bedbugs - Welcome to NYC.gov | City of New York

Bedbugs at Wikipedia Pest Control in Queens, NY

April 17th, 2016 by Presto

There are several means by which dwellings can become infested with bedbugs. People can often acquire bedbugs at hotels, motels, and bed-and-breakfasts, as a result of increased domestic and international tourism, and bring them back to their homes in their luggage. They also can pick them up by inadvertently bringing infested furniture or used clothing to their household. If someone is in a place that is severely infested, bedbugs may actually crawl onto and be carried by people's clothing, although this is atypical behavior except in the case of severe infestations, bedbugs are not usually carried from place to place by people on clothing they are currently wearing. Finally, bedbugs may travel between units in multi-unit dwellings (such as condominiums and apartment buildings), after being originally brought into the building by one of the above routes. This spread between units is dependent in part on the degree of infestation, on the material used to partition units (concrete is a more effective barrier to the spread of the infestation), and whether infested items are dragged through common areas while being disposed of, resulting in the shedding of bedbugs and bedbug eggs while being dragged. In some exceptional cases, the detection of bedbug hiding places can be aided by the use of dogs that have been trained to signal finding the insects by their scent much as dogs are trained to find drugs or explosives. A trained team (dog and handler) can detect and pin point a bedbug infestation within minutes. This is a fairly costly service that is not used in the majority of cases, but can be very useful in difficult cases.

Bedbugs are very flat, which allows them to hide in tiny crevices. A crack wide enough to fit the edge of a credit card can harbor bedbugs (even in the ceiling). In the daytime, they tend to stay out of the light, preferring to remain hidden in such places as mattress seams, mattress interiors, bed frames, nearby furniture, carpeting, baseboards, inner walls, tiny wood holes, or bedroom clutter. Bedbugs can settle in the open weave of linen; this will often appear as a gray spindle a centimeter long and a thread wide, with a dark speck in the middle. Bedbugs can be found on their own, but more often congregate in groups. They are not social insects, however, and do not build or stay in nests. These groups of bedbugs are very often found in beds, usually either in the seams of a mattress (usually the seams closest to the sleeper such as those on the edging of a mattress or box spring), in the boxspring, or within the structure of the bed itself. They can also be found in a wide variety of locations in a home, such as behind baseboards, behind a picture frame, within books (near the bed), in telephones, or radios near the bed, and within the folds of curtains. When not feeding, bedbugs are likely to be found hiding in shaded areas such as the seam along which the floor and wall meet, or under the edge of the carpet. One may find a group of bugs in the seams, usually surrounded by black fecal matter and sometimes a reddish brown stain.

Bedbugs are capable of travelling as far as 100 feet to feed, but usually remain close to the host in bedrooms or on sofas where people may sleep. They feed every five to 10 days. The manner in which infestations spread throughout a home or within an apartment building is not entirely understood and differs from case to case.

It is important to inspect all adjacent rooms for infestation, as bedbugs travel easily and quickly along pipes and boards. In treatment, it is important to consider the insides of walls as potential places for bedbug infestation.

The numerical size of a bedbug infestation is to some degree variable, as it is a function of the elapsed time from the initial infestation. With regards to the elapsed time from the initial infestation, even a single female bedbug brought into a home has a potential for reproduction, with its resulting offspring then breeding, resulting in a geometric progression of population expansion if control is not undertaken. Sometimes people are not aware of the insects, and do not notice the bites. The visible bedbug infestation does not represent the infestation as a whole, as there may be infestations elsewhere in a home, however, the insects do have a tendency to stay close to their hosts (hence the name "bed" bugs).

Confirmation of the presence of bedbugs may be through identification of the insects collected. Some individuals use the internet for insect identification, or they may take the sample to a university extension laboratory, or to a professional pest control firm. The insects may be difficult to find, but infestations are typically concentrated on or about bedding or upholstered furniture, and clusters of the insects, their eggs, and immature stages may be found on seams of mattresses, box springs and in folds of upholstered furniture.

The pattern of bites as noted earlier is another means of confirming that the infestation is indeed that of bedbugs. Though bedbug bites can occur singly, they often follow a distinctive pattern of a linear group of three bites, sometimes macabrely referred to as "breakfast, lunch, and dinner". These patterns of bites are caused when a bedbug is disturbed in feeding by a person moving, and then the bedbug resumes feeding. Bedbug bites also often occur in lines marking the paths of blood vessels running close to the surface of the skin. The effect of these bites on humans varies from person to person, but often cause welts and swelling that are more itchy and longer-lasting than mosquito bites. Some people, however, have little or no reaction to bedbug bites. Those whose bodies do not initially react may subsequently develop symptoms, however, due to an allergic reaction caused by the development of antibodies. Bedbugs never crawl under one's skin and markings implying this may be signs of other skin infections or a severe allergic reaction to bedbug bites.

A technique for "catching" (detecting) bedbugs is to have a light source accessible from bed and to turn it on at about an hour before dawn, which is usually the time when bedbugs are most active. A flashlight is recommended instead of room lights, as the act of getting out of bed will cause any bedbugs present to scatter. Bedbugs can also sometimes be viewed during the day. The flashlight method is best; if you awaken during the night, leave your lights off but use your flashlight to inspect your mattress. Bedbugs are fairly fast in their movements, however, this can vary depending on how recently they have consumed a blood meal, and if treatment has been performed. Some have described their speed of travel as being about that of ants. Immature stages are quite small. A few seconds staring at a patterned sheet may be needed to notice them.

Some individuals have used glue traps placed in strategic areas around their home (sometimes used in conjunction with heating pads, or balloons filled with exhaled breath, thus offering the carbon dioxide that bedbugs look for) in order to attract and thus detect bedbug infestations. This method has varied reports of success. It likely depends on extent of infestation, and given the choice of a heating pad and low carbon dioxide, it is not unreasonable to presume that the bedbugs will go for a person preferentially -- they have had a long time to evolve in their abilities to find hosts. There are also commercial traps like "flea" traps whose effectiveness is questionable except perhaps as a means of detection, but traps will certainly not work to control an infestation.

Perhaps the easiest method for detection is to place double-sided carpet tape in long strips near or around the bed and check the strips after a day or more. This is also useful in detecting insect presence in general.

Veterinarians may mistake bedbugs' leavings on a pet's fur as "flea dirt".

Bedbugs are known for being elusive, transient, and nocturnal. For many, the only way to detect and identify with certainty an infestation is to contact a pest control professional, however, this pest was largely absent as a significant part of pest control services for decades, so the pest control industry is in process of ensuring staff are well-trained.

With the widespread use of DDT in the 1940s and '50s, bedbugs all but disappeared from North America in the mid-twentieth century.[2] Infestations remained common in many other parts of the world, however, and in recent years have begun to rebound in North America. Reappearance of bedbugs in North America has presented new challenges for pest control and, without DDT and similarly banned agents, no fully effective treatment is now in use.[citation needed] The industry is only beginning to develop procedures and techniques.

Another reason for their increase is that pest control services more often nowadays use low toxicity gel-based pesticides for control of cockroaches, the most common pest in structures, instead of residual sprays. When residual sprays meant to kill other insects were commonly being used, they resulted in a collateral insecticidal effect on potential bedbug infestations; the gel-based insecticides primarily used nowadays do not have any effect on bedbugs, as they are incapable of feeding on these baits.

The National Pest Management Association, a US advocacy group for pest management professionals(PMPs) conducted a "proactive bed bug public relations campaign" in 2005 and 2006, resulting in increased media coverage of bedbug stories and an increase in business for PCOs, possibly distorting the scale of the increase in bedbug infestations.

If it is necessary to live with bedbugs in the short term, it is possible to create makeshift temporary barriers around a bed. Although bedbugs cannot fly or jump, they have been observed climbing a higher surface in order to then fall to a lower one, such as climbing a wall in order to fall onto a bed. That having been said, barrier strategies nevertheless often have beneficial effects: an elevated bed, for example, can be protected by applying double-sided sticky tape (carpet tape) around each leg, or by keeping each leg on a plastic furniture block in a tray of water. Bed frames can be effectively rid of adult bedbugs and eggs by use of steam or, used with caution, by spraying rubbing alcohol on any visible bugs (although this is not a permanent treatment). Small steam cleaners are available and are very effective for this local treatment. A suspect mattress can be protected by wrapping it in a painter's disposable plastic drop cloth, neatly sealing shut all the seams with packing tape, and putting it on a protected bed after a final visual inspection. Bedding can be sanitized by a 120 F (49 C) laundry dryer. Once sanitized, bedding should not be allowed to drape to the floor. An effective way to quarantine a protected bed is to store sanitized sleeping clothes in the bed during the day, and bathing before entering the bed.

Alternative treatments that may actually work better and be more comfortable than wrapping bedding in plastic that would cause sweating would be to encase your mattress and box springs in impermeable bed bug bite proof encasements after a treatment for an infestation. There are many products on the market but only some products have been laboratory tested to be bed bug bite proof. Make sure to check to see that the product you are considering is more than an allergy encasement, but is bed bug bite proof.

Vermin and pets may complicate a barrier strategy. Bedbugs prefer human hosts, but will resort to other warm-blooded hosts if humans are not available, and some species can live up to eighteen months without feeding at all. A co-infestation of mice can provide an auxiliary food source to keep bedbugs established for longer. Likewise, a house cat or human guest might easily defeat a barrier by sitting on a protected bed. Such considerations should be part of any barrier strategy.

Continue reading here:
Bedbugs at Wikipedia Pest Control in Queens, NY

Las Vegas NV Bed bug Hotel and Apartment Reports

April 4th, 2016 by Presto

Bed Bug Hotel and Apartment Reports. We have listed all of the bed bug reports and hotels we have found in Las Vegas, Nevada below.

I was sleeping around 10pm and woke up midnight so itchy that I need to scratch it so bad I tried to sleep again and woke up again after maybe another half an hour itchy all over my back my arms elbow...

We stayed there for 2 nights. I have bites all over the body!!! I'm really disappointed. I will call the management tomorrow to let them know. Now I try to make sure I'm not getting them into my ...

Found bed bugs in bed and in drawers. Both my friend and I were bit.there was blood in our sheets. And my friend had a severe allergic reaction and had to leave early from our trip....

08/01/2014 Stayed in Room 4236 and saw bed bug crawling on top of bed at 1:31 am. Called front desk and they just moved us to another room on the 19th floor. I left the specimen on a napkin, clearl...

Definitely got bit 5 times in the first night by something not a misqeto...

I visiting family from california. I noticed alot of bites around my ankle annd back of my shoulders. My family had to pay for alot of bug sprays and for termenator because we have infant children liv...

I reported to "Risk Management" that I had awoken with a bug bite on my arm. This was during the night of February 19th/20th 2014. I know it happened sometime during the night because I did not have ...

We stayed for 3 nights in this hotel. We came home a few days ago and both my husband and I have bed bug bites all over our backs. Not happy!...

I am very mad 3 of us have hives bites all over we stayed 2 nights and now 4 days later we are itching like crazy. ...

Went in mid August, stayed one night. Came home and week later bites everywhere. Finally had to call pest control . Cost me 1000 dollars to clear them out of my home ...

Woke up with multiple bed bugs bite marks all over my body. The management was not helpful trying to accommodate us. Never again!...

Stayed April 11 - 13 2014. Both my friend and I are covered in bites. Assume bedbugs. Have called the hotel but need to speak to someone in risk mgt. so noone till Monday. In the meantime we are fre...

Spent one week from fathers day to the following weekend. Had bites and brought them home. It's been heck since we brought them home and didn't realize. Never again! ...

I stayed here for 4 nights from 19-23 June, 2014. I had a couple of bites the first two nights but thought they were mosquitos as have never had bed bugs before. By Monday when I left I had more. W...

(I have a copy of the report ) I was laying in bed around 10:40pm on 12/30/15 when I felt a burning sensation on my right hand, I got up and when to he restroom to look at my right hand and I was a re...

Nasty my family of 4 children and 2 adults received numerous bites on our bodies!!!! We are taking action!!!!! ...

stayed auguast 10 11 12 bed bugs in both rooms checked out...

Stayed for a work meeting and woke up in the middle of the night itching like crazy. The next morning I woke up with a bad looking rash. Had my neighbor, who is a dr. Look at the rash when I returned ...

I stayed at Palace Station in April 2015 and brought back bedbugs in my suitcase. It was a nightmare going through the extermination process. Thankfully, I caught it relatively early and we only had ...

We stayed at this hotel on a summer vacation and first time in Vegas. First impression of the hotel room was wonderful, big and clean looked like a luxury room. Tucked myself into be and within 30 min...

Found bugs run across top of bed 2 different nights. After first siting showing housekeeping squished bug and asked for all sheets to be changed. After 2nd siting took photo of bug before squishing it...

Bed bugs. Room 2053. Management unresponsive to claims. Beware!!...

My daughter woke my wife up about 545 in the morning because something was crawling on her. She turned on the light and it was a bedbug, a pretty good size. There was also another one in the bed. W...

Awoke with bug bites on arms. Management moved me to another room, but I had to wash everything that I had in the room to prevent spreading the infestation....

During bedroom mattress check, there was a bedbug alive lying on top of the sheet in front of the headboard. We did not stay...

My head has been infested for over 3 weeks. My head has been itching every since we left there. We stayed for 10 days and then I started noticing it...

Stayed there 10/10/14-10/12/14 when we came home we all 4 noticed bites all over us!...

Stayed in room one night, both daughter and I had bites on neck. Found living bug in laundry once I got home. ...

Moved into Unit 2117 and 2 weeks later had bites all down my body. Hired Terminix to come look into this problem. They informed me that there bed bugs in the master bedroom; behind the walls and under...

When I moved in Siegel Suites a year ago was my first experience with bed bugs. After 4 bombings they were gone and I didn't have any problems until a couple of weeks ago I woke up at 3:30 in the morn...

Before checking in, my boyfriend and I asked to see the room that we would be staying in. It wasnt beautiful but at least we saw no signs of bugs. We checked in and went to bring our things into the r...

told the office about the bites the girl in the room directly below us has been bitten also. she said maintenance came and sprayed and she was bitten again. ...

Stayed there Jan 1st through the 4th. Found bed bugs in my room after they moved me to a second room, I also found bed bugs in that bed as well. I will never stay here again it's infested with them....

Stayed at Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino November 11-16. 2 nights on 21st floor and moved to Room 2427 after the tub faucet in our 21st floor room fell off. Once we returned to Canada I noticed ...

There for a marathon race, we had to be moved because the shower broke. The second night we stayed in our new room I had some marks on my body. Ran the race that day, the next day (day of departure) m...

11/28/2015, I spent one night at this hotel and felt ankle was bitten by bugs during the night. Then there were lot of red dots around my ankles. ...

I always check for bed bugs. I have dealt with them before successfully. They are nearly impossible to get rid of.. anyways, I checked before I even set my bags down and didn't see any stains or eggs...

Read the original post:
Las Vegas NV Bed bug Hotel and Apartment Reports

Bronx Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Brooklyn Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Manhattan Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Nyc Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Queens Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Staten Island Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel

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