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  Massey St., Nixa, Missouri, United States Bed Bug Registry Maps & Database
  Monday 3rd of March 2025 14:40 PM

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Address : Massey St., Nixa, Missouri, United States

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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The 10 Worst US Cities For Bed Bugs –

March 7th, 2018 by admin

When you think about the city of Baltimore, what comes to mind? Crab cakes? The Wire? The harbor and history? Theres certainly a lot this Maryland city is known for, but recent numbers from pest control company Orkin may make people think of something else when they hear Charm City.

Orkin released their annual list of the Top 50 Bed Bug Cities,and for the second year in a row, Baltimore is on top. Washington, D.C. was right behind them, with Chicago in the three spot, Los Angeles at number 4, and Columbus, Ohio rounding out the top 5.

This list is based on the number of bed bug treatments the company performed in 2017, counting both commercial and residential buildings. Looking at the data, we can learn a few things. The little critters seem to prefer the East Coast/Midwest, and dont have a problem living in especially cold or warm climates.

As far as the top 50 overall goes, there were two newcomers: New Orleans and Flint, Michigan. Orlando fell off the list totally.

Heres a look at the top 10 cities for bed bugs in 2017

10: Dallas-Fort Worth9. San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose8. New York7. Detroit6. Cincinnati5. Columbus, Ohio4. LA3. Chicago2. Washington, D.C.1. Baltimore

While the cities on your list may have your skin tingling if you have a trip planned, dont let it stop you from going. There are a few tips you can try to help drastically reduce the chances of your luggage or clothing being infested. For starters, put your bags in the bathtub. Silly, I know, but the bugs cant climb the tubs slippery surface. Check the area around your bed and floor for tell-tale signs of bedbugs (tiny, ink-colored stains) and dont leave dirty laundry lying around on the floor, as thats a great way to transfer bed bugs back to your home.

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The 10 Worst US Cities For Bed Bugs -

Eliminate Bed Bugs | Work, Play & Rest BedBug Free! | Bed …

February 11th, 2018 by admin

Our independent business has one primary goal: verify the presence or absence of bed bugs at our clients' properties. And our certified, fully insured, scent detection teams rely on our database tools to evaluate trends for those properties. Quality and accuracy are central to our detection and monitoring programs.

Our trained canines detect even one live bug. Even one viable egg. They detect the unique bug scent. With 97% accuracy.

Our advisors are certified canine handlers and bed bug experts. They save our clients hundreds, often thousands, of dollars, spare them hours of disruption, and ensure exposure is limited to the best pest treatments.

Our clients consistently stay in front of these unwelcome hitchhikers with peace of mind.

There is a major bed bug resurgence. We protect the people most important to you as well as your property with solutions tailored to your lifestyle.

Contact us for detection and a monitoring program. Live the life you love at at work, at play, & at rest - bed bug free!

See original here:
Eliminate Bed Bugs | Work, Play & Rest BedBug Free! | Bed ...

Get rid of bed bugs and avoid bites with these simple …

February 7th, 2018 by admin

Bed bugs are usually found in the crevices and joints of your mattress and feed on human blood.

While they are not dangerous and do not spread diseases they can be stressful to live with some people can experience reactions to their bites.

They can cause itchy red bumps on the skin and in more severe cases may cause a rash or fluid-filled blisters.

But how can you identify an infestation and what do they look like?

Adult bed bugs have small, flat, oval-shaped bodies and are wingless.

Their colour can vary between dark yellow, red or brown and are up to 5mm long.

To spot the bugs or their tiny white eggs, it is best to use a bright torch to check your mattress.

Bites on your skin, tiny black spots on your mattress and blood spots on your sheets from accidentally squashing them can be indications of an infestation.

So how do you get rid of bedbugs and how can you prevent an infestation?

The NHS suggests contacting your local council or a pest control firm thats a member of the British Pest Control Association or National Pest Technicians Association.

It writes on its website: A technician will carry out an inspection to confirm an infestation. They can then use special treatments such as insecticide, a steamer or rapid freeze system to get rid of the bugs.

It also suggests a number of steps you may be asked to carry out to help the problem.

The first, is to wash infested clothes or bed linen at 60C or put them in a dryer on a hot setting for 30 minutes.

Next, use a vacuum cleaner with a hose to suck up any bugs you can see. Proceed to dispose of the contents of the vacuum cleaner in a sealed bag.

Consider throwing away any mattress or furniture thats heavily infested.

Use plastic mattress covers that encase the entire mattress - this will stop any bed bugs getting in or out.

If youre looking to prevent bed bug infestations, make sure to inspect your mattress and bed regularly for signs of an infestation and get professional advice if you think you have bed bugs.

Avoid buying second-hand mattresses and carefully inspect second-hand furniture before bringing it in your home.

Finally, keep your bedroom tidy and remove clutter.

Do you have a bees nest in your home? This is how to get rid of one.

Go here to see the original:
Get rid of bed bugs and avoid bites with these simple ...

Need to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Staten Island? – BedBug …

February 4th, 2018 by admin

Plain and Simple:

We are the industry leaders because the killing of bed bugs has been our single focus since the day we opened our doors. Simply put: WeGet Rid of Bed Bugs Staten Island!

Unlike typical pest control professionals who rely on traditional marketing methods and word-of-mouth advertising,BedBug Chasers marketing model allows us to placeyour privacy first. When our team arrives they are in unmarked vehicles, with our equipment and uniforms display no logoswe dont even carry business cards! We are experts in discretionyour neighbors will never know why were there unless you want them too.

Dont be fooled by imitators that are trying to cash in on the bed bug epidemic or those using inferior and sometimes dangerous equipment.BedBug Chasersis a global manufacturer of ISO 9001 certifiedheat remediation equipment. OurBedBug Chaserheating units produce an astounding 68,288 BTUs each and with airflow at 3000 CFM, they turn an infested area into a supercharged convection oven, killing all bed bugs instantly.

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Need to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Staten Island? - BedBug ...

#1 Staten Island Bed Bug Dog Inspection Egbertville NY …

February 2nd, 2018 by admin

Youve all heard of how a Highly Trained Bed Bug Dog can sniff out bed bugs, right? Its 100% true bed bug dogs are the front line weapon in the war against bed bugs Egbertville NY and with our many Locations in the Tri-State Metro NYC area we are able to perform most bed bug dog inspection Egbertville NY 10306 the same day! Bedbugs are very small and like to hide in tight, dark places. Unlike humans that must rely upon visible inspections, Egbertville Staten Island bed bug dogs use their nose which means they can identify all stages of bed bugs (adults, nymphs and eggs) whether they are hiding in a mattress, behind a wall or under a carpet. All places you would not be able to see them with the human eye!

Although BedBug Chasers may not have that famous TV bed bug dog we do have other equally, if not more qualified, dogs for Bed Bug Dog Inspection Egbertville NY. We use highly trained bedbug dogs so you can be sure that each dog and handler team has achieved the highest standard for scent detection. NESDCA (National Entomology Scent Detection Canine Association) was formed by Pest Control Professionals to ensure the highest standards for Entomology Scent Detection Canines are upheld.

BedBug Chasers of Staten Island uses Dry Heat to Kill Bed Bugs Egbertville NY Heat is the oldest, cleanest and most efficient way to kill bed bugs, kill bed bug nymphs, & bed bug eggs in JUST ONE TREATMENT and in JUST ONE DAY!!!

A Bed Bug Heat Treatment is the most effective Egbertville NY bed bug treatment to kill bed bugs in apartments, homes, condos, movie theaters or anywhere else is by heating them quickly, this method is called Heat Shock. Since the early 1900s, bed bugs have been controlled by heating infested rooms or whole buildings to temperatures of at least 113 deg. Fahrenheit. Today, we now know the critical temperature to kill bed bugs of all stages is 122 deg. Fahrenheit.

Even though a Egbertville Staten Island Bed Bug Heat Treatment is the most efficient, cleanest and quickest way of How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs in Egbertville NY but other less effective bed bug treatments remain in the industry. Lets compare a popular bed bug treatment method and you will see why a BedBug Chasers of Staten Island treatment is the best to solve your Egbertville Staten Island 10306 bed bug control problems today!

After reading through this list, you must wonder why so many ineffective and hazardous bed bug treatment options still exist.

At BedBug Chasers of Staten Island we are your most TRUSTED BRAND because we Care about you, your Business and your Home, thats why were the BIG DOGS of bed bug extermination Egbertville NY. At BedBug Chasers we INVENTED our BED BUG HEATERS and we INVENTED our BED BUG HEAT TREATMENT process. So when you call BedBug Chasers of Staten Island Toll Free 855-241-6435 youre calling the company that perfected the ONE DAY BED BUG TREATMENT Egbertville, NY, the most convenient and effective way to kill bed bugs Egbertville, NY with a 100% Guarantee!

Dont be fooled by imitators when you hire The Original BedBug Chasers of Staten Island to perform a Bed Bug Dog Inspection Egbertville NY or perform bed bug control in Egbertville, NY we perfected discreet and confidential service. All of our vehicles are unmarked, which means no one needs to know about your bedbug concerns.

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#1 Staten Island Bed Bug Dog Inspection Egbertville NY ...

Bed Bugs – The Economic Collapse

December 13th, 2017 by admin

The United States is currently experiencing a nightmarish epidemic of disgusting blood sucking parasites, and no, I am not talking about our politicians. There is a full blown bed bug epidemic happening all across America and it just seems to get worse with each passing year. For cities such as New York and Philadelphia which are at the epicenter of the outbreak, bed bugs have become an important political issue. Once bed bugs become entrenched in an area, virtually everyone is thinking about them. Bed bugs will not kill you, but they can drive you insane. Anyone that has ever had big, red welts all over their bodies from bed bug bites knows how terribly frustrating bed bugs can be. They can be incredibly difficult to get rid of. So why am I talking about bed bugs when there are hundreds of other important economic issues to talk about right now? Well, this is just another example of how our country seems to be cursed. Even the simplest things seem to become major problems for us these days. The reality is that there were almost no bed bugs inside the U.S. between the end of World War II and the 1990s. But today the number of bed bugs is absolutely exploding. I remember when I was young my mother would tell me to sleep tight and dont let the bed bugs bite, but I didnt even know what bed bugs were because I had never seen any. But today, CBS News says that more than 250 million dollars a year (and rising) is spent fighting bed bugs.

Things have gotten so bad that a National Bed Bug Summit was held earlier this year in Washington D.C.

Will we soon have a war on bed bugs?

I can just see it now: You are either with us or you are with the bed bugs.

So exactly what are bed bugs?

Well, basically bed bugs are small, brown, flat insects that love to suck the blood of animals and humans. They are commonly found in hospitals, businesses, homes, sofas, mattresses, buses, subways, trains, airplanes, classrooms, retail stores, movie theaters and especially in hotels.

As mentioned above, you will not die from bed bug bites. But many people have been driven absolutely crazy from constant bed bug bites for weeks or months on end.

One of the worst things about a bed bug infestation is all of the itching that bed bug bites cause. It can get to a point where it can be absolutely debilitating.

Some people become so traumatized by the fear of having bed bugs crawl all over them and bite them all night that they actually become afraid to go to sleep. A really bad bed bug infestation can cause panic attacks and even depression.

Right now there are large numbers of New Yorkers that are absolutely obsessed with bed bugs. The bed bug infestation in the city just seems to get worse and worse. The following is a quote from a local NBC news station in New York.

New statistics from the citys Department of Housing, Preservation and Development reveal an epidemic: Manhattanites have been complaining about bed bugs at six times the rate they did in 2005. On Staten Island, the number of complaints has soared 32 times higher than it was five years ago.

Just because you have bed bugs does not mean that you are dirty or unsanitary. The truth is that some of the finest hotels in the country have bed bugs.

According to The New York Post, bed bugs have even infested the Metropolitan Opera House, the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, the Empire State Building and the United Nations.

I once experienced a problem with bed bugs myself. Back when I was much younger and barely scraping by financially, I figured I would save a few bucks by buying a used mattress.

That was a huge mistake.

For weeks I would wake up with huge red bites all over my legs.

Never, ever again will I buy a used mattress.

Once bed bugs arrive in your home, they can be almost impossible to get rid of without professional help.

Throwing out one piece of furniture or covering your mattress in plastic might help a little bit but it will not solve the problem.

Some adult bed bugs can live for up to 12 months without feeding at all.

Just when you think they are gone they can come out and start feasting again.

Also, bed bugs are great at multiplying. Female bed bugs can lay up to 5 eggs in a single day and can lay up to 500 eggs during a lifetime.

Perhaps your area of the country does not have a problem with bed bugs yet, but this epidemic is spreading. Just check out the CBS News video report posted below.

Perhaps you saw in the news recently that some scientists have found that bed bugs are now carrying a superbug known as MRSA.

Scientists in Vancouver, Canada say that for the first time ever they have found bed bugs that have methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. The following is a quote from a recent CTV article about this discovery.

Researchers discovered that a sample of the blood-sucking insects taken from three patients who live in Vancouvers gritty Downtown Eastside were carrying two types of drug-resistant bacteria.

Co-investigator Dr. Marc Romney, a medical microbiologist at nearby St. Pauls Hospital, said five bedbugs plucked from the patients or their belongings were carrying MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) or VRE (vancomycin-resistant enterococci). Dubbed superbugs, the bacteria are resistant to many standard antibiotics.

The good news is that these scientists do not have any evidence that bed bugs are spreading MRSA to humans.

Bed bugs are able to be infected by at least 28 different human pathogens, but at least to this point they are not very effective at spreading them.

Let us hope that does not change.

It turns out that MRSA has also been found in our supermarket meat.

For the first time in the United States, scientists have found antibiotic-resistant MRSA in supermarket meat.

According to Business Insider, scientists at Wayne State University tested 289 raw meat samples from 30 Detroit grocery stores. Six of the samples were infected with the potentially deadly bacteria, including three chicken, two beef and one turkey.


MRSA is not something you want to mess around with.

This is yet another example of how unsafe our food is becoming.

We like to think of ourselves as so advanced, but we cant even protect ourselves from annoying little bed bugs and we cant even keep very serious pathogens out of our food supply.

If you stop and think about all of the gross things in our society it can really stress you out. For example, the next time you use a soda fountain at a fast food restaurant there is a good chance that you may encounter fecal contamination. Just check out the following quote from Organic Health.

According to a study published in the January issue of the International Journal of Food Microbiology, nearly half of the 90 beverages from soda fountain machines in one area in Virginia tested positive for coliform bacteria which could indicate possible fecal contamination.

But getting back to bed bugs, for those dealing with an infestation the number one thing they want to know is what to do about it.

Well, there was one very effective chemical known as Propoxur, but it has been banned by the EPA. It turns out that Propoxur is a known human carcinogen and is very dangerous to children.

Some are urging the EPA to reconsider this ban, but so far the EPA has been standing firm.

Meanwhile, the bed bugs continue to multiply and terrorize more Americans.

On one bed bug forum, one woman identified as avenae shared a particularly brutal bed bug horror story.

It all started in April, woke up one morning with a red welt on my leg. Never really thought much of it. Then it kept happening, so I thought I had fleas, treated my animals, checked the house for them. Never saw a single flea. Also no one else in my home was being affected. Then I thought maybe I was having an allergic reaction to a new soap I had bought so I stopped using that and nothing changed. Kept realizing I was waking up in the middle of the night scratching my body parts almost raw. The itch was so intense it felt like a million fire ants biting me all over. So I start researching, read up on bed bugs and searched my entire home.nothing. But I seem to be having a sever reaction to the bites.

Mind you I hadnt traveled, had any visitors, nothing that would have brought these nasty little creatures into my home.

Ever night I wake up, every morning new red welts all over me. One night I thought Id wear long pants and sock and a long sleeve shirt, only to wake up with bites all over my neck and face! STILL could not find a single bug. It got to the point were I was crying myself to sleep at night and taking sleeping pills just to be able to sleep. Didnt want to start sleeping on the couch out of fear of them following me out.

Do you have a similar bed bug horror story?

If so, we would love to hear about it. Please feel free to share your thoughts about bed bugs below.


A reader named Emily left the following comment that I think we all should consider the next time we travel.

I use to work as a Hotel Manager. Trust me when I say, all hotels are infested with bed bugs. It was terrible fighting with the corp. owners of the property; they only weighed your safety against profits and profits always won! We did try to kill the bugs, but nothing really is effective so we rented out infective rooms and if guest complained, we would offer them a discount on the room. It finally got to the point I could not look people in the face so I left. It goes with out saying; I would never stay in a hotel room, period! What can you do if you must travel, I dont know! It is a fact of life that we must expose our selves to many nasty parasites in the environment and most of the time we survive, but nature is coming up with much more deadly threats all the time and it is no longer an option to be exposed. We need to wake up to these threats.


View original post here:
Bed Bugs - The Economic Collapse

Residential Bed Bug Control | Toropest

December 13th, 2017 by admin

Miami-Dade County: Aventura, Bal Harbour Village, Bay Harbor Islands, Biscayne Park , Coral Gables, Cutler Bay, Doral, El Portal, Florida City, Golden Beach, Hialeah, Hialeah Gardens, Homestead, Indian Creek Village, Islandia, Key Biscayne Village, Medley, Miami City, Miami Beach, Miami Gardens, Miami Shores Village, Miami Springs, North Bay Village, North Miami, North Miami Beach, Opa-Locka, Palmetto Bay Village, Pinecrest , South Miami, Sunny Isles Beach, Surfside, Sweetwater, Virginia Gardens and West Miami.

Broward County: Coconut Creek, Cooper City, Coral Springs, Dania Beach, Davie, Deerfield Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Hallandale Beach, Hillsboro Beach, Hollywood Florida, Lauderhill, Lauderdale Lakes, Lauderdale by the Sea, Lazy Lake, Lighthouse Point, Margate, Miramar, North Lauderdale, Oakland Park, Parkland, Pembroke Pines, Plantation, Pompano Beach, Sea Ranch Lakes, Southwest Ranches, Sunrise, Tamarac, West Park, Weston and Wilton Manors .

Palm Beach County: West Palm Beach , Boca Raton , Boynton Beach , Delray Beach , Greenacres , Jupiter , Lake Worth , Palm Beach Gardens , Royal Palm Beach and Wellington .

Monroe County: Key Largo , Islamorada , Marathon and Key West.

Ants: Acrobat Ant, Allegheny Mound Ant, Argentine Ant, Big-headed Ant, Carpenter Ant, Citronella Ant, Crazy Ant, Field Ant, Fire Ant, Ghost Ant, Harvester Ant, Little Black Ant, Moisture Ant, Odorous House Ant, Pavement Ant, Pharaoh Ant, Texas Leaf Cutter Ant, Thief Ant, Velvety Tree Ant and White-footed Ant.

Bitings Insects: Bed Bugs, Bird Lice, Cat Flea, House Mosquito, Human Head Lice, Kissing Bug, Pubic Lice and Thrips

Mosquitoes: Asian Tiger Mosquito, Aedes-Aegypti Mosquito and Culex Mosquito.

Cockroaches: American Cockroach, Asian Cockroach, Australian Cockroach, Brown Banded Cockroach, Cuban Cockroach, Florida Woods Cockroach, German Cockroach, Oriental Cockroach, Smoky Brown Cockroach, Surinam Cockroach and Woods Cockroach.

Flies: Blow Fly and Bottle Fly, Cluster Fly, Crane Fly, Face Fly, Flesh Fly, Fruit Fly, Fungus Gnat, House Fly, Drain Fly and Phorid Fly.

Rodents: Deer Mouse, House Mouse, Norway Rat, Pack Rat, Roof Rat, Vole and White-footed Mouse.

Spiders: Black Widow Spider , Brown Recluse Spider, Cellar Spider, Crab Spider, Domestic House Spider, Funnelweb Spider, Garden Spider, Ground Spider, Hobo Spider, House Spider, Jumping Spider, Spiny-backed Orb Weaver Spider, Tarantula, Wolf Spider and Yellow Sac Spider.

Stinging Pests: Africanized Honeybee, American Dog Tick, Bald-faced Hornet, Bed Bugs, Bird Lice, Bird Mite, Deer Tick, Brown Dog Tick, Bumblebee, Carpenter Bee, Cat Flea, European Hornet, Fire Ant, Honeybee, Human Head Lice, Kissing Bug, Lone Star Tick, Paper Wasp, Scorpion, Soft Tick, Thrips and Yellow Jacket.

Termites: Dampwood Termite, Drywood Termite, Formosan Subterranean Termite and Subterranean Termite.

Ticks and Mites: American Dog Tick, Bird Mite, Black-legged Tick, Brown Dog Tick, Clover Mite, Lone Star Tick and Soft Tick.

Other Pests: American Spider Beetle, Bean Weevil, Cigarette Beetle, Cowpea Weevil, Dried Fruit Beetle, Drugstore Beetle, Foreign Grain Beetles, Indian Meal Moth, Larder Beetle, Mediterranean Flour Moth, Red or Confused Flour Beetle, Rice & Granary Weevils, Sawtoothed & Merchant, Grain Beetles, Shiny Spider Beetle, Cabinet Beetles, Centipedes & Millipedes, Chinch Bugs and Earwigs.

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Residential Bed Bug Control | Toropest

Bed Bug Laws New York | NY Bed Bug Laws | Beyond Pest …

December 9th, 2017 by admin

Renee Coreas interesting article, New York vs. Bedbugs, reveals relevant references which are very tough to come across regarding the infestation of bedbugs within New York and the laws that surround them. This article is mainly directed to rental residential properties, co-op homes and steps that the renters themselves may take regarding an infestation. It also mentions laws concerning the landlords and their responsibilities when dealing with bed bugs as well as their responsibilities in general under the New York State Multiple Dwelling Law, the New York City Housing Maintenance Code, New York Real Property Law and the New York City Health Code.

The landlords are the ones who are pretty much responsible for the removal of bed bugs, am I wrong? This article also states all the possible remedies for when a landlord refuses to pay for the eradication of bedbug infestation. It reflects back to one major, agonizing time from which is almost impossible to figure out where exactly this bedbug source came from. It also mentions how it is absolutely impossible to ensure that the bed bugs will never return into your homes again. It discusses co-ops and condo rules and regulations and responsibilities of both tenants and landlords. The warranty of habitability is also listed for reference which is very informative for tenants. You can find the warranty of habitability under the Real Property Law.

Remedial steps to take under the warranty includes a precedent case for reference. It also talks about the New York State Multiple Dwelling Law, which includes tenant rights to repairs and up-keep of a clean premise. That will in part talk about vermin present in your home and how to handle the situation at hand. It mentions the New York City Housing Maintenance Code which deals with all types of residences. It also mentions the sections and codes that specifically discuss the extermination of pests and insects as well as rodents. It mentions the New York City Health Code that discusses preventative measure to take when dealing with bed bugs. It also includes a question and answer section where questions are answered by none other than Renee Corea.

If you are in need of a public advocate in the city of New York, you should contact Bill De Blasio. He has been a public advocate for the last eight years. He was the manager for Hilary Clintons successful campaign for U.S. Senate. The role of a public advocate is to watch, help, regulate and ensure residents of New York receive the services they should from their City. They deal with issues between tenants and landlords and ensure that they both act lawfully in every situation, including the extermination and prevention of all pests, such as bed bugs, cockroaches, insects and rodents.

We came across yet another interesting article regarding Bedbugs. Must be our lucky day! Richard Siegler and Eva Talels, Dealing With Bedbugs discuss the impact that bed bugs have had on New York residents and how they deal with the massive infestation weve been hit by. They educate Condominium owners what steps to take when dealing with infestations in the unit. They set the limitations for the owner and for the occupant alike. They also discuss the precautions we need to take to prevent a bed bug infestation from occurring. However even the most cautious are still at high risk of getting a bed bug as their roommate. This article also discusses steps to take regarding damage to your furniture due to an infestation of bed bugs, rodents, cockroaches, and/or insects.

This article is extremely informative in regards to bed bugs, what they are, what they look like, and what the bites they leave behind look and feel like. It describes step by step how Hotels can now prevent the spread of bed bugs. It states that bed bugs are not causing any spread of diseases, at least theres one up-side to this whole craze. They show images of bed bugs in its actual size and an enlarged view of the bed bug. It is also informative for the frequent traveler that stays at hotels a lot. The measures the traveler needs to take to prevent them from entering your luggage which then in turn will infest your homes.

The law that surrounds bed bugs is almost three years old according to Michael Wolfe. This article he wrote states how just how new this bed bug craze is. Now it is known that the landlords of the property are primarily responsible for the exterminating as they are supposed to keep the premise habitable. This article discusses the difference in laws in New Jersey and New York. It states who can sue for any damages caused by the bed bugs and the exterminating itself. It states that if the landlord denies or omits that fact that there are bed bugs in the unit he may be charged with fraud.

There is a bed bug registry where you can check out any hotel or motel where you are planning to stay. The Bed Bug Registry is a no fee, public database of user-submitted bed bug reports from across the United States and Canada. Founded in 2006, the site has collected about 20,000 reports covering 12,000 locations. While you wont find any legal info on this site you can see if your building has been added to this growing database of apartments and buildings in NYC that have bedbug infections.

The NYC Rent Guidelines Board (RGB) is mandated to establish rent adjustments for the approximately one million dwelling units subject to the Rent Stabilization Law in New York City. The Board holds an annual series of public meetings and hearings to consider research from staff, and testimony from owners, tenants, advocacy groups and industry experts.

The RGB staff is responsible for providing administrative support to the Board and prepares research regarding the economic condition of the stabilized residential real estate industry including operating and maintenance costs, the cost of financing, housing supply and cost of living indices. The RGB staff engages in year-round research efforts, publishes its reports for use by the public, other governmental agencies and private organizations, and provides information to the public on housing questions.

If you need legal help this is a great place to start. LawHelp/NY is an on-line tool for helping low-income New Yorkers solve their legal problems. The LawHelp/NY mission is as follows:

LawHelp/NY provides, and promotes access to, high-quality online information about free legal services throughout New York, about legal rights in a broad range of substantive areas, about the court system, and about related advocacy, government and social service organizations. We are committed to providing information that is user-friendly, in English, Spanish, and other languages, in order to help low-income and other vulnerable New Yorkers achieve equal access to justice.

The Legal Aid Society is a private, not-for-profit legal services organization, the oldest and largest in the nation, dedicated since 1876 to providing quality legal representation to low-income New Yorkers. It is dedicated to one simple but powerful belief: that no New Yorker should be denied access to justice because of poverty.

The Society handles 300,000 individual cases and matters annually and provides a comprehensive range of legal services in three areas: the Civil, Criminal and Juvenile Rights Practices. Unlike the Societys Criminal and Juvenile Rights Practices, which are constitutionally mandated and supported by government, the Civil Practice relies heavily on private contributions.

An Article written by Melanie West for the Wall Street Journal states that there is a new bed bug disclosure policy in play now for new leases on apartments. It says that when a lease is prepared, both landlord and tenant must sign a state form listing any bedbug infestations in the past year. Would-be renters then have a chance to back out of the lease agreement. Gov. David Patterson signed the policy in to law last month. According to this great article it says that 49% of people surveyed said they had or have a bed bug problem. According to this article bed bug infestation are everywhere these days. Many ways to prevent these little buggers from become a part of your life. Seal the holes in your homes as much as possible, pay close attention to any form of bites you may get thru ought the night, check your bed sheets for tiny little blood stains, and prayer always helps.

Jessica Presslerarticle is quite interesting and pretty much states that the bed bug disputes are filling up the docket in the New York City courts because of a decision made by a tenant refusing to pay rent because of a bed bug infestation in the unit. Also yet another similar article that goes on about the same issues. This article written by E.B. Solomont a staff reporter of The Sun says that a back in 2008 the Brooklyn court located had spotted some bed bugs. It sent the court room into a frenzy. Even though a spokeswoman says that the courts were bug free.

In 2008 there were almost ten thousand bed bug complaints, Im sure that number are probably quadrupled by now. It also goes to say what is pretty well known to us by now, that it is the responsibility of the landlord to cover all costs for the extermination of the buildings and units. It also talks about different cases that dealt with bed bugs and the results of the judgments in each instance. These cases set precedents to the judgments we deal with now in our courts. According to E.B. Solomon the reason there are all of these bed bug disputes is because its difficult to prove where the bed bugs came from.

Another interesting little article that we found written by Nobugsonme. This one says that there is a legislation being proposed to the insurance companies making them give back the money to renters and owners that were forced to throw out their furniture and/or clothes because of their bed bug infestation. Some bed bug infestations could end up to be very pricey, it could burn big holes in the individual wallet.

Bed bug insurance legislation proposed in New York State

We found this very informative site It is very detailed describing bed bugs, what they are, where they live, and what they feed on, you. It states how bed bugs come out at night and invade your furniture such as your bed frame, couches and mattresses to name a few. The article also reminisces how bed bugs were almost extinct after DDT. However due to health and environmental concerns DDT was banned. Now we are dealing with a bed bug crises yet again. The question we all have now is how does one get them? and how does one get rid of bed bugs? also how does one prevent them from appearing and affecting our lives? All very important questions and answers seem scarce.

This article is pretty thorough and answers all of the above questions as much as possible, as well as other legal questions regarding bed bugs that need some answers. As for how they became famous again here in the U.S. it says that we should be extra careful when we travel, as bed bugs attach themselves on to your clothing and things you may have in your luggage. They may come in with visitors we have in our homes or places of work. Also we should be very careful when we travel as hotels and other accommodations may have a bed bug infestation. This article also describes how bed bugs may travel into our homes.

It says bed bugs can travel thru duct-works and cracks in between units, also when tenants are moving in and out of the building may cause for transfer of bed bugs. This article goes on to describe what bed bugs look like, how they live. It also recommends ways in which to keep your home clean and free of clutter. Regardless of how clean and tidy you are you may still get them. This article also has a section on important bed bug laws between landlords and tenants. It states that in New York State landlords are liable for the cost of treating a bed bug problem. This is good news for the tenants.

Another great article written by Douglas Stern Landlords vs. Tenants: Who pays when bed bugs invade?. This article is full of great information. It says that in New Jersey a legislation was introduced stating that landlords are to cover all cost for the extermination of bed bugs, annual inspections and distributing educational material created by the state. The article says that landlords are to immediately treat reported infestations and to maintain a bed bug free environment in the entire complex. It also states that all landlords that do not comply will be fined $300 for each infested apartment and $1000 for each infested common area. Its a pretty penny for landlords.

They can also do regular maintenance of the common elements to help alleviate one of the reasons that vermin might infest a property. But unfortunately no matter how clean the property may be it still may get a bed bug infestation. This is because bed bugs are a creature of convenience, similar to louse. Bed bugs go from one affected person to another. They set up tent in bedrooms and couches. During the day they hide in the cracks and crevices in your home and they come out and feed at night. This article says that bed bugs resemble small little apple seeds. But as small as they are they multiply quickly and could turn into a difficult problem.

The article goes into detail of how bed bugs are brought in to an apartment and what attracts them to these apartments. This interesting read also states how they travel from unit to unit and room to room. It says how bed bug bites are often mistaken for mosquito bites, due to the fact that they itch and turn into little red bumps. This great little article also shows that there was a 500 percent increase of reported bed bug infestations. Its such a nuisance to have but for the landlord its a nuisance to pay for something you did not do and something you cannot control. There is never any guarantee that once youve exterminated bed bugs that they will never come back.

According to this article written by Grace West, two bills that are under consideration will provide renters with protection and compensation regarding the bed bug craze we are now facing. It says that one State Assembly member Linda B. Rosenthal from the Upper West Side and parts of Hells Kitchen is pushing a legislation that would require landlords to divulge any history of bed bug infestation. It states that the first bill would require disclosure of any instance of bed bug infestation dating back five years. The second bill provides a tax credit of up to $750 to help with the cost of replacing property lost due to a bed bug infestation.

It also goes into more detail as to what furniture and clothing can be included in the price. I know $750 seems miniscule compared to the real amount of what may have been spent on the items, but it is a start. Rosenthal also states if the state were in better economic condition perhaps the tax credit could be higher. The article also states that its not sure of when the two bills will be voted on.

This article is full of useful information as it focuses on the legal end of the issues surrounding bed bugs. It says that New York city is vulnerable to bed bug infestations due to the fact that there is such a concentration of people living in such close quarters which makes it easy for them to migrate from one place to another. The article goes through series of questions and answers. From who is responsible for the cost of the extermination of bed bugs, to actions renters need to take when dealing with landlords whether legal or on your own. If legal action needs to be taken it describes the type of court you have access to in regards to bed bug and landlord issues. You can use a lawyer if you choose or you may represent yourself. It is important to know your laws, this article is very informative.

Found a great article dating back to 2009. This article written by Lindsey Christ for NY 1 is quite an interesting read when compared to the rise in bed bugs now in 2010. We thought bed bug infestations were bad then, now theyve almost quadrupled. The Department of Education describes how bed bugs are brought into our schools and into our lives. They are brought on student or teachers clothing, book bags and lunch bags.

The Department of Education refused to send exterminators into the schools affected until the specimens of what was found were sent to a lab. This just gave these bed bugs more time to populate those schools and create a major infestation. I guess they werent thinking ahead. It also states how the Museum of Natural History was affected by bed bugs. It says that the children in these affected schools should be given large sealed bags and they are to put their clothing and their book bags in them.

So if students have bed bugs the parents are told and asked to take action. Students and teachers were asked to do this, this way they can avoid a major infestation. It also states that the Department of Education could not completely control the bed bug problem, which is true. But they can however take preventative measures to keep the bed bug issue under control.

An article written by Natalie Gee for the Epoch Times, recites all of the legal measures our government has taken and will take in regards to bed bugs. Bed bugs have become such a big part of our lives that we have created laws specifically for them. They haunt us and it needs to be at least toned down if they refuse to go into extinction. Several laws have been brought to the attention of government. Most are still in question and some have passed as laws.

A bed bug infestation can and possibly will create a substantial hole in our wallets, and depending on the infestation of these critters mental issues have also surfaced. This article goes into detail of certain laws that are yet to be passed, and one that did not pass. The one that did not pass was a tax credit law that would reimburse the person affect by a bed bug infestation for up to $750. This helps out with the cost for some of the furniture, clothes and other items that needed to be replaced due to bed bugs. But unfortunately it did not pass. It also discusses one that did pass.

This bill that passed grants prospective tenants and homeowners the right to a record of any bed bug infestation on the property. This gives the renters or buyers a more in depth look on the history of bed bug infestation, if any. It allows you to make an informed decision when renting a new place. It has been an emerging issue due to the fact that renters were being bitten almost immediately as they moved into their new place. Now stuck in a predicament with bed bugs and a lease they cant get out of, only because they werent properly informed.

If you ever have any bug related issues in New York City, feel free to call us either at Beyond Pest Control. Once again, and I cant stress this enough we are on call twenty-four hours a day seven days a week to kill those bugs, we arent kidding whether you call us at 9 am or midnight we will be available to take your call and either get rid of the bug infestation, or answer any questions you may have concerning the bug issue. I can honestly guarantee that there will be someone to answer that call. We make it our business to make you bug free!

For more information, check out the rest of our site and You can also from time to time find helpful hints on our blog.

Our pest control specialists service all NYC boroughs, including Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, Long Island (both Nassau & Suffolk counties), Staten Island and even both Westchester & Rockland counties.

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Bed Bug Laws New York | NY Bed Bug Laws | Beyond Pest ...

New York City Bed Bug Registry Maps & Database NYC Bed …

November 20th, 2017 by admin

The New York City of the Marvel universe is teeming with heroes, being home to everyone from Steve Rogers to Peter Parker. With four of those famous New Yorkers teaming up on the small screen in The Defenders, we decided to rank the finest inhabitants of the comic book Big Apple.

Image: Marvel Comics/TSR. Marvel Superheroes RPG: New York, New York supplement cover.

Given the vast number of heroes that operate on Earth-616s NYC and we mean vast, were talking hundreds, if not thousands we decided to lay some ground rules before forming our final list. First, these heroes have to spend the majority of their superhero careers actively in New York City. It isnt just that they live there, or have their headquarters there, but they actively fight bad guys there, instead of flinging their way around the world like the Avengers do. Second, they operate within the five boroughs of the city: Queens, Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn and Staten Island, which rules out Kamala Khan in New Jersey (lets be honest, shed probably be pissed a being called a New Yorker), and the X-Men, whose mansion up until recently was based in Westchester, outside of the city.

So, without further ado, a comprehensive ranking on the best heroes swinging around in Marvels NYC, based on the very scientific notion of New-Yorkiness.

There is literally nothing more New York than a clan of misfits with strange abilities who find their chosen family after being rejected by the dominant culture and build their own society in the dark, dark tunnels of the MTA subway system. There are people who ride the subway because they have to, and then there are the Morlocks who are the the subway not in form, but rather concept. Theyre scrappy and downtrodden and broken, but also powerful and a reflection of both the good and the evil of the harsh world that lives above them.

The New Warriors most infamous moment might have occured outside of the five boroughs that time their reality TV show lead to hundreds of lives being lost and the start of the superhero Civil War in Stamford, Conneticut but for much of its time actively crimefighting, the team called Brooklyn and Manhattan their home, supporting the myriad other heroes who called the city home. Being known for blowing up part of another town dings your New York cred a bit though.

In-between bouts of being dead or being insane, Marc Spector has spent most of his second career in crimefighting on the streets of New York as Moon Knight (with some stints in LA for the West Coast Avengers) since settling down after a career as a mercenary. In fact, Spector built multiple personas, from a high-rising Manhattanite financier to a lowly cab driver, to help him fight crime on the streets of the city. So you might argue that hes almost three times the New Yorker than everyone else! But thats not how it works.

For the vast majority of their careers as heroes, the Fantastic Four lived in the Baxter Building, a gargantuan sky scraper ever-so-conveniently located on the corner of 42nd Street and Madison Avenue. The Foursome are New Yorkers in a sense that they own(ed) a ridiculously expensive piece of real estate that was more a statement about who they were as opposed to what they could do for the city. Add that to the fact that they spend almost as much time in outer space messing around with Galactus as they do actually enjoying all that NYC has to offer, theyre sort of low on the list. To their credit, though, they are responsible for having saved the world (and city by extension) more than a few times. Then again, who hasnt?

Clint Bartons early life might have been spent in a travelling circus, but once he quit that, joined the costumed villain game, quit that, and then joined the costumed heroes game (its a long story), Clints made a home for himself in and around NYC while working alongside Earths Mightiest Heroes. Hell, in the excellent Matt Fraction/David Aja Hawkeye comic series, he even bought out his own apartment building to maintain rent levels for all the residents, so hes technically a New York landlord who just also happens to be very good with a bow.

Silk is relatively new on the hero scene, having been introduced in the pages of Spider-Verse a few years ago as the alias of Cindy Moon, the other person bitten by Peter Parkers radioactive spider. But shes a life-long New Yorker. Outside of some parallel world Spider-adventures, Cindy hasnt really left the city although part of that is because she spent 13 years of her young life locked up in a bunker in Times Square, being protected from a race of interdimensional, Spider-Person-eating vampire monsters. In fact, its kind of impressive she managed to stay in the city and come to terms with her trauma over being trapped there after being freed.

There is no character in Marvels comics who better embodies the complicated, dark, and at-times terrifying id of New York City than Frank Castle. To flat out call the Punisher a hero, villain or anti-hero is to misunderstand just what it is to be a person devastated by a loss so profound that their world falls apart on a fundamental level. Franks approach to justice is a dangerous and threatening one (even with his code), but at the same time, his feelings are understandable in undeniable ways. Frank is, quite literally, the product of what one very, very bad day in NYC can do to a person, which makes him both a tragic figure and a proof that even at a persons lowest lows, theres always a way to hang on.

Danny Rands spent a lot of time outside of NY thanks to years of training to become the Immortal Iron Fist in the magical city of Kun Lun. But when he isnt in the mystical world of living weapons and ancient dragons, hes best known as one of Marvels premiere street-level heroes, both in the Defenders and as a Hero for Hire alongside his best friend, Luke Cage, keeping the streets of New York safe with his magical martial arts. Also, he runs a dojo.

At this point a lot of Spider-People call New York home, but Jessica Drew has lived in the city as both a costumed superhero and a private investigator, after the early days of her career saw her globe-trot across Europe and eventually move to San Francisco. Since then, though, Manhattan has been Jess home through thick and thin, from crime-fighting base to the hectic city where shes currently raising her newborn son.

As Miles Morales has adjusted to his new life in Marvels primary comic book universe where Peter Parker is still alive, hes proven that in many ways, he is the modern personification of all the things that Spider-Man once represented in his younger years. As Peter Parkers grown up, gotten married, and had a kid (in certain continuities), Spider-Mans trials and tribulations have gradually become textured by his adulthood and rightfully so. What Miles brings to the table, though, is a fresh take on the youthful wonder and heroism that Spider-Man always stood for, now updated to speak to a broader, more diverse audience like the melting pot that is the city he lives in.

It isnt just that Miles is Afro-Puerto Rican himself, its that the world he lives in his friends, family and surroundings is objectively more expansive and inclusive than Peters was when he was Miles age, and theres an importance to that that cant be understated. Also, Miles powers and costumes are cooler.

Patsy Walker may be responsible for having brought literal demons from Hell to New York on more than one occasion, but honestly, the demons are the only people she should be apologising to. Patsys spent her fair share of time living in a couple of the citys boroughs, but in her most recent series, she really made a point of living like a real New Yorker (albeit in Brooklyn). The things that made Hellcat! AKA Patsy Walker such a fun series to read werent just Patsys kooky, kick-arse shenanigans, but the way that she lived her civilian life searching for a roommate, hanging out with friends, flirting with guys all while taking full advantage of the city. Also, youve got to hand it to her for having a villain whose primary power was to summon bed bugs as part of her odd rogues gallery.

Misty Knight is the kind of NYPD officer that you want to show up when you need help. Not just because she has a badarse vibranium arm, but because her sense of justice has been forged and tempered by her experience as a full-on superhero. Most city cops that you meet have a deep and abiding love for their cities and Misty does as well, but her perspective and understanding is immeasurably more expansive because of the life shes led away from the force.

Although the movies have recast Steve as a Brooklyn boy, in the comics, he grew up in Manhattan and although technically a good chuck of his life after becoming Captain America during the war saw him living outside the city (as a block of ice in the North Atlantic), when he returned to help found the Avengers, Steve found himself back in his beloved city soon enough, helping establish the teams first headquarters right on Fifth Avenue. His time as an Avenger has seen Steve travel the world, but as the superpowered face of American liberty, his heart will always been in New York.

Shame about the fascism, though. Points off for that.

Janet van Dyne doesnt get enough credit for the role that she played in helping the original Avengers become the team that they are today. Sure, Janets the one who came up with their name, but more importantly, she was the moral centre of the team who helped it weather all manner of challenges that plagued them, be an attack from Ultron or a family dispute from within the team. Even as her fellow Avengers dart all over the world, Janet still remains rooted in the city where it all began, starting her own business and now looking after the next generation of the Wasp in the form of budding young scientist Nadia Pym.

Cloak and Daggers destinies were forged in New York, when the two runaways found each other and went through hell being forcefully put through a dangerous drug program that turned them into dark-and-light-powered superheroes. Since then, they have fought back against citys illegal drug industry that gave them their powers, and otherwise teamed up with countless other heroes and teams in New York. This includes during Manhattans recent entrapment in the Darkforce Dimension in Secret Empire, throughout which Dagger painfully provided light to the city at the cost of nearly killing herself.

Sam Wilson grew up in Harlem, and a tragic upbringing in the borough that saw him lose both of his parents as a young man set him on a path that would ultimately see him collide with Steve Rogers and become his erstwhile companion, the Falcon. Years by Steves side ultimately lead Sam to take on the Captain America mantle himself granted by an ailing, super-serum-drained Steve after Sam nearly sacrificed himself saving New York from being destroyed by a bomb. Sam decided to differentiate himself from Steves career as Cap by being a more socially-minded hero, starting in his home city.

Jessica Jones always knew that being superhero was for the birds and, like her partner Luke Cage, understood the importance of being able to capitalise on her god-given skills in order to pay her bills. As a private detective, Jessicas used her powers to help the people of New York in immediate, appreciable ways that other heroes seldom do, and thats a very big deal.

Sure, the folks up in Avengers Tower have saved the world countless times, but there comes a point at which the adventures of heroes kind of lose their meaning for regular people on the ground. If you asked a random person on the subway in Marvels 616 universe who Ultron was, theres a chance they might be aware of that robot the Avengers are always scrapping with. But if you were to check out Alias Investigations Yelp page, youd probably see countless posts from people who were once in desperate need of help that neither the authorities or most well-known capes bothered to take seriously. Thats what makes Jessica a hero in the truest sense of the word.

Lets say one day you suddenly developed superpowers after a freak chemical spill and decided to become a superhero. Lets say that rather than spending time learning how to control your newfound ability to lift incredible amounts of weight with your breath, you threw yourself into the fray, stopped a bunch of criminals, and accidentally caused millions of dollars in property damage that the city council decides to sue you for. You know whod have your back in court and probably be able to convince a jury to let you off with a warning and some community service? She-Hulk, thats who. For all of the good that Jennifer Walters has done as hero fighting alongside the Avengers, its her work as an NYC lawyer that really makes her stand out as one of Marvels most versatile and giving heroes.

Howard the Duck is every single oddball youve ever bumped into in New York, made eye contact with, and had an immediate and tacit understanding that youre both going through some shit. As a character, Howards whole schtick has always been about pulling back from the present events of ones life and taking the time to appreciate how incredibly weird life can be. Its an outlook on life that we could all stand to have more often than not and it makes him one of NYCs better, uh, duck people things.

Hells Kitchens perennial defender, Matt Murdock and his home neighbourhood are deeply intertwined in a way so few other heroes can claim. They can say they protect a city, but Hells Kitchen is Daredevils turf, and the Marvelverse knows it. Sure, hes taken extended periods of time away from the city, most notably to live in San Francisco a few times, but eventually, Matt Murdock always returns to Hells Kitchen, whether its as a lawyer or as the man without fear.

Up until very recently, the entirety of New York City was trapped in the Darkforce dimension thanks to Hydras evil plan to divide and conquer the worlds heroes. Though there were many sacrifices made in an attempt to break through the Darkforce bubble and save millions of innocent people, none was quite as great as Dr Stephen Strange offering to trade his New York brownstone to a demon in exchange for a powerful spell that almost managed to break through the barrier. Ultimately, it didnt work out and Strange kept his home, but his willingness to part with it in the first place is telling. Like many of Marvels other heavy hitters, Strange spends a sizeable amount of time away from NYC as his duties require him to, but Stranges appreciation for the city, its people and its real estate is admirable.

Remember when we said few heroes were so closely rooted to their home area like Daredevil is? Luke Cage is one of the few heroes who not only matches Matt, but trumps him. Lukes connection to Harlem and its people, starting from his life as an ex-con trying to blend in to its protector as the Power Man, is a bond thats even stronger than his friendship with his fellow hero for hire, Danny Rand. In the Marvel universe, Luke is a symbol of Harlems spirit, a man whos willing to do anything to help its people, a community he has always been fiercely protective of.

Its hard to think of a more quintessentially New York hero than Peter Parker. From his early days in Forest Hills to today, where he runs his global megacorp from the Baxter Building itself, Peter Parker is rooted in the beating heart of New York City in a way almost no one else in Marvels vast pantheon of heroes ever has been, or really, ever will be someone who knows it in and out like the back of his spandex-covered hand. In his entire superhero career hes barely ever lived outside of the city, and his goal as a hero has always been to protect the civilians that call it home. Spider-Man is far more comfortable on the streets of New York than he is in any other environment, even if hes mostly swinging above them but he will always be New Yorks finest champion.

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An update today from BioWare confirmed that Mass Effect. Andromeda will indeed not be getting any new content. Kotaku reported as much back in late June, when sources familiar with BioWares plans said that Andromeda would receive no single-player DLC, a huge departure from every previous game in the series.

Update #1. That was quick. According to Microsoft Australias online store, the Xbox One X Project Scorpio is already out of stock.

See the article here:Marvel Superheroes Who Basically Only Protect New York City, Ranked Kotaku Australia

soldier beetle – Exterminator NYC-Bed Bug Treatment-Pest …

November 20th, 2017 by admin

Soldier Beetle, is commonly found on yellow flowers in late summer or fall. The beetle uses the flowers as a source of food (pollen), but the flowers also serve as a social focus for interactions between individual beetles. Goldenrod (Solidago) is a favored food plant for adults, as are other late-summer flowering plants.

Soldier Beetle

Soldier beetles are a common outdoor insect that can be abundant accidental invaders as either larvae or adults. Soldier beetles are nicknamed leatherwings because of their soft, clothlike wing covers, which when brightly colored are reminiscent of uniforms. The beetles are elongate, soft-bodied and about 1/2-inch long. Colors vary from yellow to red with brown or black wings or trim. Soldier beetles resemble lightning bugs but do not have light-producing organs.

Adults are found on flowers and foliage where they eat pollen, nectar, and soft-bodied insects, such as aphids. The predatory larvae are found on damp ground or beneath bark or other objects. They eat soft-bodied insects, such as maggots, small caterpillars, and grasshopper eggs.

Soldier beetle larvae are long, slender and worm-like. The sides of the body appear rippled or scalloped because of indentations within each body segment. The body is covered with tiny dense bristles and appears velvety. Color is dark brown to gray. The larvae usually spend the winter in damp soil and debris or under loose bark. They are particularly abundant as accidental invaders inside the house in the fall when they are searching for protected locations in which to spend the winter.

Soldier Beetles

Soldier Beetle Life Cycle : Like all beetles, soldier beetles have complete metamorphosis with egg, larval, pupal, and adult stages. Female soldier beetles place eggs in moist soil or in leaf litter in lawns, meadows, and forests. Upon hatching in the summer, larvae live and feed at the soil level. Most species pupate in the fall in small chambers in the soil and adults emerge in late spring, then mate and deposit eggs during the summer.

The larvae of many soldier beetle species are predators that feed on small insects, worms, slugs, and snails. They hunt in leaf litter and in other locations that are damp and close to the soil. A few species hunt under loose bark. The larvae of other soldier beetles are herbivores that feed on potato, celery, and other garden plants.

As adults, some soldier beetle species feed on nectar and pollen, while others are predators that hunt for aphids and other soft-bodied insects. Soldier beetles and their larvae are a food source for other animals. Birds, bats, and spiders feed on the adults. Spiders, ground beetles, and other soil-dwelling predators feed on the larvae.

Soldier Beetle larvae

Both adult and larvae soldier beetles are predators, feeding on other insects such as caterpillars, eggs, aphids, and other soft-bodied insects, Bailey said. They will alternatively eat nectar and pollen if no insects are around. They do not damage plant foliage. Adults are often found on flowers such as goldenrod, where they lie in wait for prey, feed on pollen and mate.

Since soldier beetles are beneficial, it is inadvisable to kill them. They may be a nuisance in the fall, if large numbers of larvae enter a house in search of a place to overwinter. Weather-stripping and caulking will help pest-proof a home. A vacuum cleaner will safely remove soldier beetles that are found inside.

The adults are most active during the morning and late afternoon, seeking shelter from the sun at mid-day. In particularly hot, arid climates they remain inactive during the day, confining activity to the evening hours. They are easily disturbed, dropping readily from the plant and hiding or scurrying away if disturbed. The preovipositional interval of striped blister beetle is about 20 days, with a 10 day interval between production of egg masses.

Damage : But danger is also a part of their short, sweet life. While soldier beetles have developed body toxins that make them unpalatable to birds and small mammals, they often fall victim to crab spiders that lie in wait on the flowers they visit. The lifeless shells of soldier beetles, their life fluids sucked dry by spiders, cling to many a prairie wildflower, bearing witness to this peril.

Soldier Beetle with Fungus

If you ever have any bug related questions feel free to call us either at Beyond Pest Control. Once again, and I cant stress this enough we are on call twenty four hours a day seven days a week to kill those bugs, we arent kidding whether you call us at 9 am or midnight we will be available to take your call and either get rid of the bug infestation, or answer any questions you may have concerning the bug issue. I can honestly guarantee that there will be someone to answer that call. We make it our business to make you bug free!

If you have any questions about soldier beetle pest control check out the rest of our website or go to our blog at

Our pest control specialists service all NYC boroughs, including Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, Long Island (both Nassau & Suffolk counties), Staten Island and even both Westchester & Rockland counties.

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soldier beetle - Exterminator NYC-Bed Bug Treatment-Pest ...

Bronx Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Brooklyn Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Manhattan Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Nyc Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Queens Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Staten Island Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel

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