New Cambridge Lofts, 10024 Jasper Ave Nw, Edmonton, Alberta, T5j 1r9 Bed Bug Registry Map
  Sunday 6th of October 2024 18:31 PM

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Address : 10024 Jasper Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5J 1R9

Details: Severe all-building infestation - unresopnsive property management

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

Incident Radius: 50 Miles

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Parisian bed bugs might choose your mattress as a permanent BnB … – Oxford Eagle

Published 10:53 am Friday, October 13, 2023

Pest expert warns a very real risk Paris bed bugs will spread fast across Mississippi

A growing bed bug crisis in Paris made international headlines recently, leading to worries about these pests infesting cities around the world. And that concern is validated by licensed pest control professional Zachary Smith of The Pest Dude warns that its highly likely that bed bugs could spread fast across the state.

He notes that bed bugs in Mississippi are nothing new. They are already found in every state, but Smith worries that they can spread rapidly across each continental state.

These tiny, flat parasites feed on human blood during nighttime slumbers. While they dont transmit diseases, bed bugs can lead to itchy bites, disrupted sleep, and considerable discomfort.

Bed bugs typically inhabit areas where people sleep, including apartments, hotels, shelters and dormitories. They often conceal themselves in mattress seams, box springs, behind bed structures, and within furniture gaps.

However, bed bugs can be anywhere their host lives, including the cars and planes people travel in.

Smith emphasizes their remarkable resilience, noting that bed bugs can endure extended periods between feedings, ranging from several weeks to months.

Smith advises to check for bed bugs in the following areas:

To manage an active bed bug infestation and prevent its spread, Smith provides the following tips:

And finally, to kill the bed bugs, below are some options according to The Pest Dude.

Non-Chemical Bed Bug Treatments:

Chemical Methods:

In this rapidly evolving situation, awareness and timely action are our best defenses, states said Smith. While bedbugs have always been a concern, their resilience and adaptability make it crucial for everyone to be informed and proactive.

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Parisian bed bugs might choose your mattress as a permanent BnB ... - Oxford Eagle

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Discover 4 Smells That Bed Bugs Absolutely Hate and Keep Them … – AZ Animals

Just when you think your bed is a sanctuary of relaxation and rejuvenation, you may want to reconsider You might be sharing your mattress with a blood-sucking parasite called the bed bug. This creepy crawly can cause a significant amount of discomfort and interrupted sleep. Especially when attaching itself to your skin and feeding off your blood. In addition to having a reputation for biting your skin and leaving you with ghastly, itchy red blisters. These pests are nocturnal, giving them the upper hand to crawl out of dark crevices and attack at night, preventing them from getting caught.

So, have you ever wondered why your mattress attracts bed bugs? Well, for the most part, humans provide an abundant food source of blood for bed bugs. Therefore, making your bed an ideal habitat for them to feed, breed, and infest. Not only is our blood essential to them, but body heat and the scent of sweat secretions keep them coming back for more.

If you have ever come across an infestation of bed bugs, this blog post will reveal smells that bed bugs cannot handle and routines on how to keep these critters away from invading your personal space.

Craig Spurrier, CC BY 2.5 License

A popular home remedy for killing bed bugs and repelling them from infested areas is rubbing alcohol. When bed bugs come into contact with this solution, their bodies will dry out. That causes their outer protective layer to become damaged, making it difficult for them to survive. Furthermore, the pungent odor of rubbing alcohol repels these insects. Resulting in bed bugs to avoid areas where the substance has been applied. Just keep in mind that rubbing alcohol is flammable. Therefore, using this liquid in a well-ventilated location and away from open flames or heat sources is crucial.

Tangopaso, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons License

Due to its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal properties, tea tree oil has become a well-known natural home remedy for warding off bed pests. The ingredient called terpinen-4-ol found in tea tree oil can eliminate these bugs. In fact, it harms their nervous and respiratory systems when they are subjected to the oil. Bed bugs may also avoid regions that have been treated with the substance due to the oils strong scent, which can be repulsive to them.

Although tea tree oil can be useful in warding off bed bugs, you should only apply it sparingly. Undiluted tea tree oil may irritate some peoples skin and trigger allergic reactions in others. Before using the oil on your skin or in your house, dilute it with a carrier oil, such as almond or coconut oil.

Madeleine Steinbach/

Another effective natural repellent for these insects is peppermint oil. The fragrance of the essential oil contains menthol. Researchers have discovered menthol is especially effective at killing bed bugs and their eggs.

Cinnamon is a spice with a warm, sweet aroma that has been frequently used as a natural bed bug repellent. Bed bugs dislike the smell of cinnamon because it includes a number of compounds that are extremely toxic to these insects, including cinnamaldehyde and cinnamic acid.

Cinnamon can, however, be messy and can leave stains on materials or other surfaces. Simply sprinkle cinnamon around the edge of your bed or infested area if you dont want to place it on your mattress. Use this spice sparingly, as its particles can irritate the respiratory system causing unwanted health issues.


If youre concerned about bed bugs infesting your mattress, you can take several steps to prevent them from settling in your bed. The first step is to inspect your sheets or mattress for any tiny, rust-colored stains that might be caused by bed bugs that have been feeding on you. Additionally, if you discover the shedding of insect skins or the appearance of tiny, light-colored eggs, both are signs of an epidemic.

Next, clean your bedding and mattress on a frequent basis. Washing your linens and blankets in hot water can aid in the elimination of any bed bugs or eggs that may be present. Finally, another alternative is to use mattress and pillow protective covers. These covers are impenetrable to bed bugs and can aid in the prevention of infestations in your mattress and pillows.

While natural remedies and spring cleaning can help in some instances, more severe infestations might require the assistance of a professional who deals with pest control. Regarding pests, its critical to be proactive and vigilant. They can rapidly become a significant problem if left unchecked. Keeping your house pest-free will result in a safe and healthy living environment for you and your family.


Identifying bed bugs is not always easy. They are small, nocturnal pests that feed on the blood of humans and animals while they sleep. Not only can they be hard to spot because of their size, but they also hide in cracks and crevices during the day making detection even more difficult.

To identify an infestation, look for these signs:

Small brown spots or stains on mattresses, sheets, and other surfaces where bed bugs have been feeding.

Shed exoskeletons and dark spots of bug excrement on bedding, furniture, or carpets.

Live bugs, eggs, or nymphs in the creases and folds of mattresses and bedding.

Tiny white eggs which may be stuck to fabric fibers.

If you suspect an infestation and are unable to control it yourself, a professional can help you. Pest control companies use pesticides that contain pyrethrins or pyrethroids to control bed bugs.

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Discover 4 Smells That Bed Bugs Absolutely Hate and Keep Them ... - AZ Animals

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How to prevent bed bugs getting into your mattress 3 actions to … – Tom’s Guide

Bed bugs are prolific. Once inside your home theyll spread like wildfire, quickly infesting your furniture, mattress, bedding and curtains. Getting rid of bed bugs is very hard without the help of pest control, and when these critters bite your skin, those bites can feel itchy and sore for a while.

The telltale signs of bed bugs in your bedroom include a musty odor, blood stains on your mattress and bedding, eggs that measure around 1mm in size, shed skin, feces, and not to mention actual bedbugs crawling around at night. In the day they like to hide in mattress tufts and folds.

Even the best mattresses with fully hypoallergenic designs arent immune, so being prepared is your best defence. With that in mind, here are three things you can do right now to prevent bed bugs from infiltrating your mattress

A basic mattress protector wont save you from bed bugs. Instead youll need a zippered mattress encasement. This piece of fabric slips over your entire mattress, covering the top, bottom and all four sides. You then zip it shut.

If you dont have bed bugs, a mattress encasement will keep the critters out. If you do have bedbugs, the mattress encasement keeps the bugs sealed inside until they die and you can dispose of the mattress safely.

You dont get bed bugs just because your home is dirty. However, regular cleaning of your mattress helps you stay on top of any potential critters, bacteria, mold and allergens.

Can bed bugs fly or jump?

According to the New York State Department of Health, bed bugs do not fly or jump. However they crawl quickly and are active at night, choosing to hide in the day.

Now is the time to learn how to clean a mattress properly. We recommend stripping all bedding and putting it on a hot wash: that includes your duvet and pillows too, but check the instructions if you have down bedding.

Vacuum the top, bottom and sides of your mattress, then steam clean every inch of it. Leaving it in direct sunlight to dry helps kill dust mites, mold and bacteria. Finish by vacuuming your bed frame, checking for any signs of bedbugs there too.

Mattresses arent the only places bed bugs love to live, so check the rest of your furniture, curtains and throws. Unfortunately there are many ways bed bugs can invade your home, including from a neighboring property that already has an infestation.

Places to check include your couch, chairs, clothes, and box spring or divan bed base. Remember, the signs of bed bugs include a musty odor, blood stains, eggs or shed skin, and tiny dark specks of feces.

Youll need one that covers the top, bottom and all four sides of your mattress. Make sure it's designed especially to ward off bed bugs or to keep them trapped inside if you already have an infestation on your hands.

A good bed bug mattress cover should be machine washable and able to withstand a very hot wash. Ensure it comes in the right size for your mattress too. Here are our top three bed bug mattress cover picks:

Bed bug sprays are loaded with chemicals, which are needed to kill these pesky critters. But they can also lead to discoloration of your mattress or even change the feel of the fabric on the top layer.

Bed bug droppings 101

Bed bug feces are made up of digested blood, so their droppings will be a dark rust or black color. They are tiny and hard to miss.

Our best tip is to check the care instructions for your mattress beforehand and to read the full instructions for the bed bug spray you want to buy. Some, such as the Hot Shot Bed Bug Killer, can be used on most mattresses as long as you dont saturate the mattress:

Bed bug spray can be used on bed frames too, as well as in furniture such as bedside cabinets and drawers. Always read the instruction label on the spray to find out what materials it should not be used with.

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How to prevent bed bugs getting into your mattress 3 actions to ... - Tom's Guide

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Two KY Cities Pop Up on a National ‘Most Bed Bugs’ ListGood … – WBKR

If I get through this story without scratching, it will be a miracle. I can merely THINK of certain insects, and I'll start itching. The mind is a fascinating thing.

And BED BUGS top the list. I have never seen one in person, and I thank my lucky stars for that. In fact, I almost didn't write that sentence for fear it might JINX me. Certainly, that isn't the kind of jinx I need in my life. In case you were wondering, here's what an infestation can look like. Brace yourself:

To be perfectly honest, I know that bed bugs are bad news, but I had no idea it could get THAT bad. That's horror-movie level, if you ask me. And right now, Paris FR is dealing with a city-wide infestation. Talk about horrors.

Hopefully, the two Kentucky cities that find themselves on Orkin's list of the 50 cities with the biggest bed bug problems don't have situations like this to report, but Lexington and Louisville ARE on it.

So, how did Orkin come up with this list? Data, my friends. Treatment data gathered from metro areas where the most work was done to eradicate these vile little pests. Chicago has the dubious distinction of claiming a THREE-PEAT. Yes, the Windy City is number one for the third year in a row. And while you might think it's all really large metropolitan areas, cities like Champaign IL, Charleston WV, and Harrisburg PA also made the cut. Their populations are a fraction of the populations of New York City, Philadelphia, the aforementioned Chicago, and other huge metros on the Orkin list.

The way Orkin describes how these things operate sounds like, yes, a HORROR MOVIE:

So that's not very comforting, is it? And listen, I don't want you to think my tone indicates I don't take this seriously. I absolutely do. Bed bugs are a nightmare; I have a good friend who was once in the exterminating business, and we've had bed bug discussions. They're chilling.

HERE'S an exterminator showing us how to deal with a bed bug issue should one arise, heaven forbid:

As far as Lexington and Louisville are concerned, they ARE pretty low on the list--No. 46 and No. 49 respectively--and the 'Ville looks like it's making its way OFF the list.

Hopefully, you won't be encountering any bed bug problems anywhere, but Orkin--which also provides tips on how to protect yourself while traveling--is a pretty reliable resource. So is ANY exterminator, for that matter. In the new world of social media networking, I'm certain you're no more than three degrees of separation away from one.

Gallery Credit: Andrea Vale

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Two KY Cities Pop Up on a National 'Most Bed Bugs' ListGood ... - WBKR

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Don’t let the bed bugs bite –

Bed Bug Heat Treatment Specialists Were #1 in Northern Ontario The fastest and most effective form of bed bug treatment is treating with heat. This method is a safe one-time event over a 24/hour period which kills all life stages of bed bugs, whereas pesticides only affect the adult stages. The use of pesticides is limited, bed bugs need to encounter the chemical for it to harm them and are evolving an increasing resistance to pesticides. Due to their small size, bed bugs and their eggs can hide in the smallest cracks and crevices, making them difficult to find and treat which require multiple pesticide treatments over a period of time. They can be found in furniture, under baseboards, floorboards, carpets, wall hangings and even wallpaper. Bed bugs have a million places to hide where vacuums and sprays cant reach. Treating with heat allows us to get rid of the problem fast and avoid bringing toxic pesticides into your home. Our equipment is designed for a better, safer way to exterminate bed bugs. Dont let the bed bugs bite Call to speak with one of our specialists

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