1161 Meadowlands Drive East, Ottawa, Ontario, K2e6j5 Bed Bug Registry Map
  Sunday 27th of October 2024 20:29 PM

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Address : 1161 Meadowlands Drive East, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K2E6J5

Details: My neighbour's have given us bed bugs 3 times in 9 months. Hope you don't move in near unit 1

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Chigger Bites Vs. Bed Bug Bites: Telling Them Apart – Healthline

You may notice groups of small raised bumps on your skin and suspect that youve been bitten by a bug. Two culprits may be bed bugs and chiggers. These two bugs are parasites, living off the blood of people or animals.

Their bites may look similar, but bed bugs and chiggers live in much different environments. Generally, bed bug and chigger bites are irritating and uncomfortable but not a risk to your overall health.

Bed bugs live near sleeping quarters. You may find evidence of bed bugs if you notice brown or red spots on your sheets. You may also smell something sweet and musty if bed bugs are nearby.

Chiggers group in clusters. When they attach to your body, they may feed off of it for several hours or days if you do not wash yourself or scratch them off. You may feel them on your skin and never see them because of their microscopic size.

Physical symptoms of bed bug bites:

You may also find that bed bug bites cause:

Not everyone will have the same symptoms from bed bug bites. Some people are more sensitive to bed bug bites and their symptoms may be worse.

Physical symptoms of chigger bites:

You may notice chigger bites change while healing. The center of the bite may appear to have a cap that oozes if scratched.

Some people bitten by chiggers may react more strongly to the bites.

You may not know that youve been bitten by bed bugs unless you actually see evidence of them where youve slept. You likely will not feel a bite from bed bugs because they release a substance that numbs your skin and keeps any blood from running out of the bite area.

Chigger bites can last for a range of time, depending on your exposure and how long they stay on you. If you have chiggers on you for a short amount of time, the symptoms may be mild and last only a few days. However, chiggers that stay on you for a longer length of time, such as while you sleep, may cause more severe symptoms for a few weeks.

Both bed bug and chigger bites appear as raised, red, inflamed spots on your skin.

Bed bug bites appear most frequently near areas of exposed skin and may appear in lines or in random clusters.

Chigger bites are grouped together in locations near tight-fitting clothing.

Both bed bug and chigger bites will go away with time. Treatments focus on calming symptoms so you can be more comfortable.

The first line of treatment for both bed bug and chigger bites is to avoid scratching them and leaving them alone as much as possible.

Make sure to wash the affected area with warm, soapy water if you suspect chigger bites. This will make sure no chiggers remain on your skin.

You can apply cool compresses to the bites, such as a cool washcloth or towel.

There are many over-the-counter medication options to reduce bed bug and chigger bite symptoms.

Try pain-relieving medications like acetaminophen or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to calm discomfort associated with the bites. NSAIDs also relieve inflammation.

Topical creams, ointments, and lotions may soothe the itch caused by bed bugs and chiggers. These include those containing steroids, like hydrocortisone.

An oral antihistamine may help control itching or swelling.

If the bite area becomes worse over time, it may be infected. Treating an infection may require antibiotics.

Call a doctor if you:

Extreme allergic reactions may cause anaphylactic shock. Call 911 and go to the nearest emergency room.

Severe infections from a bite can also be serious so if you develop a high fever and other symptoms that make you concerned, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

The best way to manage bed bugs and chiggers is to avoid bites in the first place.

Bed bug removal requires fumigation. If you have bed bugs in your home, call a professional to kill the bugs, because they can live for several months between feedings.

Keep spaces where bed bugs may live clean. Cleaning regularly will help you spot signs of bed bugs.

If you are traveling and worried about bed bugs, consider sleeping in clothing that covers most of your skin. You can also use an insect repellant.

Limit your exposure to chiggers by avoiding contact with grasses and weeds. Do not sit directly on lawns, and make sure to keep your landscaping maintained. Overgrown yards can contribute to more chiggers.

Wear bug spray and dress in clothing that covers most of your body when youre outside. This may include tucking your pants into your socks or wearing gloves tucked into long-sleeved shirts.

Both bed bugs and chiggers are tiny parasites that can cause uncomfortable pimple-like bumps on your skin. These bites may cause a few days of irritation, but they are generally not harmful in the long term. Try to avoid scratching the bites to reduce chances of infection, and use home remedies and over-the-counter medications to soothe symptoms.

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Chigger Bites Vs. Bed Bug Bites: Telling Them Apart - Healthline

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Bed Bug Bites: 8 Symptoms, Signs and Treatments for Bed … – Stoppestinfo

Bed bug bites are a year-round nightmare. Youll find out how to tell apart the bed bugs bites from mosquitoes and fleas bites and why you wont feel anything while you are bitten. Well also give an answer to a popular question: Is it true that even two people sleeping in the same bed can react to these bites differently?. We will also explain how to get rid of itching after youve been bitten and how to prevent new bites. Those who are forewarned, are forearmed, so lets get started!

First, we need to talk about signs of bed bug bites which you may identify after the night sleep. According to the information about these pest insects from entomologists from the Entomology Department at Purdue University, the bites themselves are not painful and typically are not felt. You dont feel any pain when bitten because the bed bugs inject a special temporary analgesic which will relieve you from the pain.

A complete meal lasts 3-10 minutes. It all starts with the appearance of middle or large raised or flat spots on any part of human body (but the most common parts are face, neck, arms, and hands). Itching and redness most often accompany these bites.

Bed bug bites signs can differ greatly from one person to another. Even a couple sleeping in the same bed and thus bitten at the same time can react completely differently to the bites! UK College of Agriculture Entomology at the University of Kentucky has University of Kentucky has proven that almost every third person (30%) bitten doesnt feel any uncomfortable sensations even when theyve been bitten repeatedly over time. Such low bite sensitivity is typical of seniors. As the bed bug bites symptoms may be implicit and manifest in different ways, they are therefore often confused with other insects bites.. If you are not sure, whether you or your child were bitten by a bed bug, a mosquito or flea, look at our comparative table below which helps you to identify the pest bothering you.

Unlike mosquito bites, these ones always trail of 2-3 (up to 5) bites in a row, because a bed bug doesnt suck all of the blood at once, it feeds on it gradually and bites several times. The distance between the bites can be up to several inches. Sometimes this eating pattern is called breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Since the bites are painless you wont be able to interrupt the bed bugs feast which can last, as weve mentioned, up to 10 minutes!

Also, mind that it is a single bed bug that can bite you twice or thrice per night! How many bugs are there in your bed? According to scientific estimations, a bed can be inhabited by up to several thousands of bed bugs. This is not a limit, though, as there has been a case of 150 thousand bed bugs infesting a single room! Most of them inhabited particularly the bed. That is why even if a tenth of this army of thousands of pests is hungry, you risk having multiple itchy red bites all over your body the following morning.

In spite of the fact that the bed bugs only leave their nests at night for meal (as a rule, they appear between 3 and 8 am), they exceptionally appear during the day. This can happen if the bed bugs are too hungry (you can imagine the length of being too hungry taking into consideration the fact that the bed bugs can survive for UP TO A YEAR without food!). What is a contingency for the bed bugs? It is the absence of peacefully sleeping people nearby at night. Laundries, public transit, airports, offices and other non-residential buildings are at risk.

Therefore, the bed bugs arent afraid of bright daylight or artificial light if they want to get their blood portion (which they will!).

Unlike other biting insects which have certain activity peaks, bed bugs will inhabit your bed in any season until you get rid of them.

They do. Sometime dogs suffer most from bed bug bites as while living inside; the bugs can feed on their blood for a very long time before tasting yours. Why is it so? The matter is straight forward: just like cats, dogs sleep for most of the day (they sleep for 18 hours!). This allows the bed bugs to have enough blood at night or during the day.

It is quite possible. The bed bugs pierce the skin and suck your blood with the help of a special proboscis, which is not adapted for piercing tissue, plastic or paper. If you sleep wearing PJs, you may be in luck for a short period of time as the bed bugs are quick and will reach uncovered parts of your body soon enough,

As you have probably figured, these pests are a serious issue and you have to analyze a whole range of different factors to identify them. We have compiled a useful chart which will help you figure whether is the bed bugs which bite you or something else.

This very question most of all bothers those who have been bitten by the bed bugs. According to the Purdue University entomologists, at least 27 agents of human disease have been found in bed bugs, including viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and parasitic worms. None of these agents reproduce or multiply within bed bugs, and very few survive for any length of time inside a bed bug. There is no evidence that bed bugs are involved in the transmission (via bite or infected feces) of any disease agent, including hepatitis B virus and HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

This, unlike your CNS reaction to the bed bug bites, is quite rejoicing. The scientists claim that frequent bites can cause sleep disorders, including insomnia, stress and irritation. Its believed that the newborns attract the bed bugs most as their blood tastes better to them. Its unknown whether the newborns are really bitten more often, but the bed bugs bites can be the actual cause of their constant crying because their skin is really sensitive. Moreover, in most severe cases of significant blood loss, the newborns can develop anemia. Also, anyone with particularly sensitive skin can develop an allergy.

FYI: Although the bed bugs are nocturnal insects, they fear light less than starvation. They will come and find you even if you light the room with powerful spotlights.

Bed bugs need fresh blood every 3-4 days, but if they have already spread everywhere, the bites wont heal soon enough as new ones will appear all the time. Since the bites may not be immediately felt, you will hardly be able to name the exact day you were bitten.Bites may not become immediately visible, and can take up to 3-4 days to appear. The experts add that a delayed reaction up to 14 days is possible.

Redness, itching, swelling of the skin are usually gone in a few days. In more severe cases, such as being bitten by hundreds of bed bugs, healing takes longer: up to 3 weeks. If the bites do not heal and you have noticed growing health deterioration, seek medical attention immediately as an allergic reaction to the bites may be to blame, which should be treated under a specialists supervision, if possible.

Since the bed bugs do not transmit any diseases, their bites dont have to be treated (provided you have neither an allergy nor you itch). Still, if minor itching bothers you, use such home treatment as ice packs to reduce swelling or a mixture of water and soda to reduce itching. If itching is awful, use such products as StingEze Dauber for a Check current price. This low-cost remedy is recommended by scientists because it helps to eliminate pain and itching. Alternatively, you may apply Benadryl Itch Relief Spray for a Check current price: its a multipurpose remedy with a 4.5 stars rating.

Take antihistamine drugs if you know that you have an allergy reaction. These pills help to fight allergic reactions and are an excellent bed bug bites remedy. Take these drugs (after consulting a doctor) before the bites swell too much. This will help control the itching and swelling at early stages.

There are lots of online myths regarding the treatment which allegedly is effective against the bed bugs. Here are two most spread myths.

This is not true. Repellents may be helpful against mosquito bites, some other insects bites, but the bed bugs dont care about what you spray on yourself.

This is not true. Unfortunately, they are also useless as the insecticide fog cannot reach the secluded spots inhabited by the bed bugs. Moreover, once the bed bugs feel such synthetic chemical attack, they will hide deeper into the cracks and it will become even more difficult to get rid of them.

To protect yourself from their bites, you need to use only the tested and approved by the scientists bed bug control products. Also, mind that it is necessary to get rid of not only adults, but also of the larvae and even of the eggs which could eventually grow into adult biting insects.

However, things are not very simple. You cant merely get rid of the bed bugs by using single type of treatment. Along with thorough cleaning it is essential to systematically apply other methods.

Here are the 3 main steps:

Remember! Up to 150 thousand bed bugs can inhabit your bed, so dont put off getting rid of them and take action right now!

We have collected for you all proven scientific information regarding getting rid of bed bugs in our guide. In fact, to get rid of them youll have to be smarter and more persistent than these bloodsuckers! Arm yourself against them right now and read The Complete Guide to How to Kill Bed Bugs

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Bed Bug Bites: 8 Symptoms, Signs and Treatments for Bed ... - Stoppestinfo

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Welcome to Bed Bug Registry Database

Bed Bugs Facts and Information

The bed bug database is an international bed bug registry database with maps to provide people with a search and submit tool on every page of the site to see and report up to date bed bug infestations. The site will also provide excellent information on how to inspect, prepare, and eradicate bed bugs for the long term.

Bed bugs travel by hitch hiking on luggage, people and furniture - even worse, bedbugs can walk from apt. to apt and house to house, neither residential or commercial space is safe from these blood sucking parasites. Hotels are the ones being hit the hardest these days as you can imagine because of the high turnover of people staying at these places.

Cleanliness has nothing to do with bed bugs spreading or infesting places, because they absolutely do not discriminate and treating bed bugs is very difficult because they have evolved to become highly resistant to many pesticides and are practically immune to over the counter products. Never try to solve or treat your bed bug problem without professional help. Contact us and we would be happy to provide you with free bed bug information from one of our bed bug specialists, we can direct you to bed bug experts in your local area who can help you solve this menace.

Bedbug Store

Different Types Of Bed Bugs

The common bedbug (Cimex lectularius) is the species best adapted to human environments. It is found in temperate climates throughout the world. Other species include Cimex hemipterus, found in tropical regions, which also infests poultry and bats, and Leptocimex boueti, found in the tropics of West Africa and South America, which infests bats and humans. Cimex pilosellus and Cimex pipistrella primarily infest bats, while Haematosiphon inodora, a species of North America, primarily infests poultry.

Bedbugs can survive a wide range of temperatures and atmospheric compositions. Below 16.1 °C (61 °F), adults enter semi-hibernation and can survive longer. Bedbugs can survive for at least five days at 'ˆ’10 °C (14 °F) but will die after 15 minutes of exposure to 'ˆ’32 °C ('ˆ’25.6 °F). They show strong resistance to dessication, surviving low humidity and a 35'“40°C range even with loss of one-third of body weight; earlier life stages are more susceptible to drying out than later ones. The thermal death point for C. lectularius is high: 45 °C (113 °F), and all stages of life are killed by 7 minutes of exposure to 46 °C (115 °F). Bedbugs apparently cannot survive high concentrations of carbon dioxide for very long; exposure to nearly-pure nitrogen atmospheres, however, appears to have relatively little effect even after 72 hours.


There are 6 recognized subfamilies of Cimicidae and up to 23 genera, while the number of species has been given as anywhere from 75 to 108.

Adult bedbugs are reddish-brown, flattened, oval, and wingless. Bedbugs have microscopic hairs that give them a banded appearance. Adults grow to 4'“5 mm in length and 1.5'“3 mm wide. Newly hatched nymphs are translucent, lighter in color and become browner as they moult and reach maturity.

Bedbugs use pheromones and kairomones to communicate regarding nesting locations, attacks, and reproduction. The life span of bedbugs varies by species and is also dependent on feeding.

Feeding habits

Bedbugs are obligatory hematophagous (bloodsucking) insects. Most species only feed on humans when other prey are unavailable. They are normally out at night just before dawn, with a peak feeding period of about an hour before sunrise, but have been observed feeding during the day. Bedbugs are attracted to their hosts primarily by carbon dioxide, secondarily by warmth, and also by certain chemicals. They reach a detected host by crawling, or sometimes dropping from a height.

Bed Bug DatabaseA bedbug pierces the skin of its host with two hollow feeding tubes. With one tube it injects its saliva, which contains anticoagulants and anesthetics, while with the other it withdraws the blood of its host. After feeding for about five minutes, the bug returns to its hiding place.

Although bedbugs can live for a year without feeding, they normally try to feed every five to ten days. When it's cold, bedbugs can live for about a year; at temperatures more conducive to activity and feeding, about 5 months.

At the 57th Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America in 2009, it was reported that newer generations of pesticide-resistant bedbugs in Virginia could survive only two months without feeding.


Natural enemies of bedbugs include the masked hunter (AKA "masked bedbug hunter"), cockroaches, ants, spiders, mites, and centipedes. The Pharaoh ant's (Monomorium pharaonis) venom is lethal to bedbugs. Rodents eat bedbugs, but bats do not, due to their distaste for the bedbug alarm pheromone, which is released when they are attacked. Biological control is not very practical for eliminating bedbugs from human dwellings.


All bedbugs mate via traumatic insemination.[1][20] Instead of inserting their genitalia into the female's reproductive tract as is typical in copulation, males instead pierce females with hypodermic genitalia and ejaculate into the body cavity.

The "bedbug alarm pheromone" consists of (E)-2-octenal and (E)-2-hexenal. It is released when a bedbug is disturbed, for example, during an attack by a predator. A 2009 study demonstrated that the alarm pheromone is also released by male bedbugs to repel other males who attempt to mate with them.

C. lectularius and C. hemipterus will mate with each other given the opportunity, but the eggs then produced are usually sterile. In a 1988 study, 1 egg out of 479 was fertile and resulted in a hybrid, C. hemipterus x lectularius.

Global resurgence

Bedbug cases have been on the rise across the world since the mid-1990s. Figures from one London borough show reported bedbug infestations doubling each year from 1995 to 2001. There is also evidence of a previous cycle of bedbug infestations in the U.K. in the mid-1980s. The U.S. National Pest Management Association reported a 71% increase in bedbug calls between 2000 and 2005. The Steritech Group, a pest-management company based in Charlotte, North Carolina, claimed that 25% of the 700 hotels they surveyed between 2002 and 2006 needed bedbug treatment. The resurgence led the United States Environmental Protection Agency to hold a National Bed Bug Summit in 2009.

The rise in infestations has been hard to track because bedbugs are not an easily identifiable problem. Most of the reports are collected from pest-control companies, local authorities, and hotel chains. Therefore, the problem may be more severe than is currently believed.

The cause of this resurgence is still uncertain, but it is thought to be related to increased international travel, the use of new pest-control methods that do not affect bedbugs, and increasing pesticide resistance.

One recent theory about bedbug reappearance involves potential geographic epicentres. Investigators have found three apparent United States epicentres at poultry facilities in Arkansas, Texas, and Delaware. It was determined that workers in these facilities were the main spreaders of these bedbugs, unknowingly carrying them to their places of residence and elsewhere after leaving work.

Bed Bug DatabaseBedbug pesticide-resistance appears to be increasing dramatically. Bedbug populations sampled across the U.S. showed several thousands of times greater resistant to pyrethroids than laboratory bedbugs. New York City bed bugs have been found to be 264 times more resistant to deltamethrin than Florida bedbugs due to nerve cell mutations. Another problem with current insecticide use is that the broad-spectrum insecticide sprays for cockroaches and ants that are no longer used had a collateral impact on bedbug infestations. Recently, a switch has been made to bait insecticides that have proven effective against cockroaches but have allowed bedbugs to escape the indirect treatment.

In 2003, Burl and Desiree Mathias, a brother and sister staying at a Motel 6 in Chicago were awarded $372,000 in punitive damages and $10,000 in actual damages after being bitten by bedbugs during their stay. These are only a few of the reported cases since the turn of the 21st century.

Once thought of as mainly afflicting the poor[citation needed], bedbug infestations have also affected the rich. Many of Manhattan's Upper East Side home owners have been afflicted, but they tend to be silent publicly in order not to ruin their property values and be seen as suffering a blight typically associated with the lower classes.

Life stages

Bedbugs will shed their skins through a molting process (ecdysis) throughout multiple stages of their lives. The discarded outer-shells look as clear, empty exoskeletons of the bugs themselves. Bedbugs must molt six times before becoming fertile adults.

Pesticide resistance

With the widespread use of DDT in the 1940s and '50s, bedbugs mostly disappeared from the developed world in the mid-twentieth century, though infestations remained common in many other parts of the world. Rebounding populations present a challenge because of developed resistance to various pesticides including DDT, and organophosphates. DDT was seen to make bedbugs more active in studies done in Africa.

Because some bed bug populations have developed a resistance to pyrethroid insecticides, there is growing interest in both synthetic pyrethroid and pyrrole insecticide chlorfenapyr; insect growth regulators such as hydroprene (Gentrol) are sometimes used.


Bed Bug BitesCimicosis is a skin condition caused by bedbug bites. Depending on individual sensitivity, bites can cause a raised red bump or flat welt, sometimes accompanied by very intense itching caused by an allergic reaction to the anesthetic in the bedbug's saliva. Reactions to bedbug bites may look like mosquito bites, though they tend to last longer. Bites may not be visible and can take up to nine days to appear.

Individual responses vary greatly. In about 50% of cases, there is no visible sign of bites, greatly increasing the difficulty of identifying and eradicating infestations. This means that itchy welts cannot be used as the only indicator, and that initial infestation can be asymptomatic and go undetected.

Serious bed bug infestations and chronic attacks can cause anxiety, stress, and insomnia. Development of refractory delusional parasitosis is possible, as victims develop an overwhelming obsession with bedbugs.

Patients given systemic corticosteroids and antihistamines for the itching associated with bites will still have visible signs of bites. Topical corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone, can reduce lesions and decrease itching.

The application of hot water may relieve symptoms. The water temperature should be about 50 °C (120 °F), or this procedure may aggravate the symptoms. Disagreement exists as to why heat causes symptoms to abate. Heat might overwhelms the nerve endings that signal itch; it might neutralize the chemical causing inflammation, or it might trigger a large release of histamine, causing a temporary histamine deficit in the area. Another theory is that the heat denatures the proteins in the bedbug saliva, changing their composition enough so that they no longer trigger the body's defensive mechanisms.

Disease transmission

Bed Bug DatabaseBed bugs would seem to have all the prerequisites for passing diseases from one host to another, and at least twenty-seven known pathogens (some estimates are as high as forty-one) are capable of living inside a bed bug or on its mouthparts, yet there are no known cases of such transmission. Extensive laboratory testing indicates that bed bugs are unlikely to pass disease from one person to another.

Other effects on health

The salivary fluid injected by bed bugs can cause skin to become irritated and inflamed, although individuals can differ in their sensitivity. A few cases of bullous eruptions have been reported Anaphylactoid reactions from the injection of serum and other nonspecific proteins are observed and the saliva of the bedbugs may cause anaphylactic shock, though rarely. In rare cases of intense and neglected infestation, sustained feeding by bedbugs may lead to anemia. Secondary bacterial infection (i.e., infections from scratching itchy skin too much) are possible. Systemic poisoning may occur if the bites are numerous.


Bedbugs were mentioned in ancient Greece as early as 400 BCE (later mentioned by Aristotle). Pliny's Natural History, first published c. 77 CE in Rome, claimed that bedbugs had medicinal value in treating ailments such as snake bites and ear infections. (Belief in the medicinal use of bedbugs persisted until at least the 18th century, when Guettard recommended their use in the treatment of hysteria.) Bedbugs were first mentioned in Germany in the 11th century, in France in the 13th century, and in England in 1583, though they remained rare in England until 1670. It was believed by some in the 18th century that bedbugs had been brought to London with supplies of wood to rebuild the city after the Great Fire of London (1666). Scopoli noted their presence in Carniola (present day Slovenia and Italy) in the 18th century.

Bed Bug Database

Bedbugs were known at least as early as 1726 in Jamaica.

Eighteenth and 19th century Europeans believed bedbugs to feed on the sap of certain trees (especially fir), paste (which may have included tree sap), other insects, and Acari.

Prior to the mid-twentieth century, bedbugs were very common. According to a report by the UK Ministry of Health, in 1933 there were many areas where all the houses had some degree of bedbug infestation

Traditional control methods

Plants traditionally used as bedbug repellents include black cohosh (Actaea racemosa), Pseudarthna hookeri, and Laggera alata (Chinese yángmáo cÇŽo | 羊毛è‰), though information about their effectiveness is lacking. Eucalyptus saligna oil was reported by some Zairean researchers to kill bedbugs, among other insects.

In the 18th century, turpentine was used in combination with henna (Lawsonia inermis, aka camphire) flowers and alcohol, as an insecticide that also reputedly killed bedbug eggs.

Bed Bug DatabaseOther items that were believed to kill bedbugs in the early 19th century include "infused oil of Melolontha vulgaris" (presumably a kind of cockchafer), fly agaric (Amanita muscaria), Actaea spp. (e.g. black cohosh), tobacco, "heated oil of Terebinthina" (i.e. turpentine), wild mint (Mentha arvensis), narrow-leaved pepperwort (Lepidium ruderale), Myrica spp. (e.g. bayberry), Robert Geranium (Geranium robertianum), bugbane (Cimicifuga spp.), "herb and seeds of Cannabis", "Opulus" berries (possibly a kind of maple, or European cranberrybush), masked hunter bugs (Reduvius personatus), "and many others." In the mid-19th century, smoke from peat fires was recommended.

The use of black pepper is attested in George Orwell's 1933 non-fiction book Down and Out in Paris and London.

Dusts have been used to ward off insects from grain storage for centuries, including "plant ash, lime, dolomite, certain types of soil, and diatomaceous earth (DE) or Kieselguhr"[52] Of these, Diatomaceous earth in particular has seen a revival as a non-toxic residual pesticide for bedbug abatement. When it attaches to a bedbug, it abrades the waxy cuticle that covers its exosekeleton, causing it to die of dehydration[citation needed]. Insects exposed to diatomaceous earth may, however, take several days to die.

Basket-work panels were put around beds and shaken out in the morning, in the UK and in France in the 19th century. Scattering leaves of plants with microscopic hooked hairs around a bed at night, then sweeping them up in the morning and burning them, was a technique reportedly used in Southern Rhodesia and in the Balkans.

Infestation Vectors

Bed Bug DatabaseAmong the way in which dwellings can become infested with bedbugs:

  • from bugs and eggs that "hitchhiked in", on clothing and luggage;
  • from infested items (e.g., furniture, clothes) brought in;
  • from a nearby dwelling or infested item, if there are easy routes
  • via wild animals (e.g. bats, birds) and pets can bring them in

Bedbugs can infest nursing homes, furniture rental stores, hospitals, jails, homeless shelters, movie theaters, cruise ships, public housing, moving vehicles, and public transportation.

Nesting locations

Bedbugs can be found on their own but often congregate once established. They usually remain close to hosts, commonly in or near beds or couches. Nesting locations can vary greatly, however, including luggage, vehicles, and bedside clutter. Bedbugs may also nest near animals that have nested within a dwelling, such as bats, rodents, or birds.


Bedbugs are elusive and usually nocturnal, which can make individual bugs difficult to detect. Bedbugs often lodge unnoticed in dark crevices, and eggs can be nestled in fabric seams.

Signs of bedbugs often appear before bugs are seen. These include fecal spots, crushed bedbugs and/or blood smears on sheets, moults, itchy welts from their bites (in those that react), etc.

Canine detection teams can pinpoint infestations. Bed bug detection dogs are trained to find the bed bugs through smell, often in a matter of minutes, where a (human) pest control practitioner might take an hour, and with an accuracy rate of 90%. In the United States, about 100 dogs are used to find bed bugs as of mid-2009.

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Get an Amazon Package From Texas? Better Check for Bed Bugs

Ever considered just how many Amazon packages have been delivered to your house over the past year?

If your place is anything like mine, the number of those deliveries is probably staggering. And when you find that delivery on your porch, you, unassumingly, haul it inside and immediately rip it open to admire its contents, never once considering that opening that package could actually be detrimental to your household.

Well, I'm sorry to be the one to rob you of your naivety, but those days have abruptly ended.

KSLAhas reported that Amazon has had to close their facility in Amarillo, Texas due to an infestation of bed bugs.

It's a temporary closure, though unknown for how long, and the closure effective immediately.

Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images

According to Amazon spokesperson Sam Stephenson, Weve temporarily closed our site in Amarillo after identifying the presence of bed bugs in the building. Stephenson continued,All employees are being paid while the site is closed. Other sites in the area are handling customer orders.

Amazon explained that products from this particular installation will not be sent out to customers during the closure, and that the facility's current inventory will be recycled or returned to suppliers after undergoing an inspection.

However, the thought has occurred to me, "What about the products that were shipped prior to the discovery of the bed bugs in the facility?" They had to have come from somewhere, and in all likelihood it was in the product they received from one of their suppliers. So, how many packages shipped out that could possibly be contaminated?

Might be worth your while to intensely examine those packages outside, before bringing them indoors. Better to be safe than sorry.

However, this could all be God's sense of humor for porch pirates, and if so, well played God, well played.

In this list of 10 things you didn't know about Blake Shelton, you'll learn what the singer thought of his '90s mullet, what his pet peeves are, what songs he sang when he entered pageants as a kid (yes, really!) and more.

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Get an Amazon Package From Texas? Better Check for Bed Bugs

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Amazon warehouse in Amarillo closes temporarily due to bed bugs

Bed bugs crawl around in a container in this February 2, 2011 photo.

An Amazon warehouse in Amarillo that was launched earlier this year is temporarily closed after bed bugs were found inside the facility.

An Amazon spokesman confirmed that the 1 million-square-foot center opened earlier this year has closed because of an infestation. The warehouse handles returns of bulky or larger items such as furniture, outdoor equipment and rugs and does not send products to customers.

Weve temporarily closed our site in Amarillo, TX after identifying the presence of bed bugs in the building. All employees are being paid while the site is closed and customer orders are being handled by other sites in the area, Amazon spokesperson Sam Stephenson said in an email.

When the center was announced, Amazon said it would create more than 500 new jobs in the area. Amazon has multiple fulfillment center warehouses in North Texas, including in Grapevine and Forney.

The Panhandle facility handles returns, which are sent to the vendor, recycled or donated. The center will not handle customer orders at this time, and inventory will be recycled or returned to suppliers after inspection.

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Amazon warehouse in Amarillo closes temporarily due to bed bugs

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