1161 Meadowlands Drive East, Ottawa, Ontario, K2e6j5 Bed Bug Registry Map
  Monday 28th of October 2024 12:17 PM

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Address : 1161 Meadowlands Drive East, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K2E6J5

Details: My neighbour's have given us bed bugs 3 times in 9 months. Hope you don't move in near unit 1

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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How you get bed bugs? How they infest your home and what you can do. – USA TODAY

A common phrase is, Sleep tight. Dont let the bed bugs bite! But what are bed bugs and how do you get them? Bed bugs are oval-shaped insects that are about 5 millimeters long as adults. They come out at night and cant fly, though they can crawl very quickly.

Bed bugs feed on human blood which causes itchy bites. Outside of bites, signs you have bed bugs are live bugs themselves, shell casings, fecal spots, eggs, bloodstains on sheets and an unusual, musty odor, according to M&M Pest Control in Long Island City, New York.

Bed bugs can travel quickly and have an ability to latch onto furniture and other items. They can be brought into the home from places where people are dormant for periods of time, like bus seats, airplanesor theater cushions, etc. They can sneak into your home through purses and luggage as well.Once they are in the home, they can hide in bedroom furniture such as a mattress, box spring and bed frame.

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Here is how to get rid of bed bugs at home, according to WebMD.

Though these tips can stave off bed bugs, it is best to use chemicals to exterminate bed bugs. For the best results, WebMD suggests hiringan exterminator with experience dealing with the pests.

The Environmental Protection Agency has a detailed version of home remedies to get rid of bed bugs.

Although they can be annoying, bed bugs bites are not something to fret over. Theyre not contagious and dont carry diseases.

The Cleveland Clinic recommends treating them by washing gently with soap and water, then applying an anti-itch product to the bites (like hydrocortisone 1%). But, you shouldnt use it on your face.

If the bites itch, apply the product one to two times daily. If the itching is more persistent,your doctor might be able to prescribe you a stronger cream or advise you to take a different medication.

While scratching is tempting, the Cleveland Clinic also advises to not scratch your bites because it can cause skin tears or infections.

How to clean your pillows: Because they're full of dead bugs

Bed bugs cannot live in your hair.

According to ABC Home & Commercial Services, located in Central Florida, Texas and Oklahoma, bed bugs are attracted to bare skin and aremorelikely to bite you on your face or neck.

Read the rest here:
How you get bed bugs? How they infest your home and what you can do. - USA TODAY

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Your Best Source for Bedbug Info and Extermination Services

A bedbugs feeds on human hosts when they sleep.http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11916682/ns/dateline_nbc-dont_let_the_bed_bugs_bite/

MSNBC Reports Rise in Bedbug Infestations

Bed bugs had been shown the “no vacancy” sign in the U.S. for nearly 50 years— they've been virtually eradicated. But now that’s all changed. They’re back. And they’re in expensive hotels and biting the best of people. It’s a national problem, agrees entomologist Dini Miller, Ph.D. The Orkin Pest Control company says that after 50 years more or less without them, it’s now treated bed bugs in all but three states.  And according to the National Pest Management Association, bed bug complaints have increased 50-fold over the last five years.  They’ve popped up in apartments, mansions or dormitories in nearly every corner of the country. Just a few weeks ago, bed bugs nibbled on the traveling cast of a Broadway musical at a Ramada Plaza in San Francisco.  Last summer, a young family vacationing at a five-star Westin resort in Hollywood, Florida had the same complaint.

BBC News on Bedbug Problem

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-11165108 bed bugs wait until night and suck on blood

Vampire fiction may be all the rage. But the true bloodsuckers after twilight are not charismatic updates of Dracula but tiny insects living in our mattresses, headboards and pillows. Yes, bedbugs are back and pest controllers are warning of a global pandemic. A recent survey of a thousand pest control firms around the world by the University of Kentucky and the United States' National Pest Management Association, appears to show that the bedbug problem is increasing everywhere. "The results of the global study suggest that we are on the threshold of a bedbug pandemic, not just in the United States, but around the world," said Missy Henriksen, vice president of public affairs for NPMA.


Not a sanitation problem

While travelers may be horrified to find bedbugs in a hotel room, cleanliness isn't a factor in the pests' arrival.

"It's not a hygiene issue, and that's a very important thing for all consumers to understand," Henriksen said. The American Hotel and Lodging Association echoes that message.

"Bedbugs are brought into hotels by guests; it is not a hotel sanitation issue," the association said in a statement. The increase in bedbugs has had little impact on the majority of hotels, the association said.

bed bugs live in your bed and home


ST. PETERSBURG, FL--(Marketwire - 01/19/11) - Bed bugs were once a common problem all over the world, but due to strong toxic chemicals (that proved harmful to the public health) the incidents declined around the middle of the twentieth century. During the 1970's when environmental standards increased dramatically, the use of DDT was banned as a pesticide and bed bugs gained a foothold once again. Now there is resurgence, a mass revival of parasitic vermin.

Bed bugs invade a home


As CBS News reported last month, bed bugs seem to have it in for New Yorkers this year. Office buildings - including the Time Warner Center - have been invaded, and retail stores such as Abercrombie & Fitch, Victoria's Secret and Hollister have all been treated after bedbugs were discovered.

It's difficult to say how many apartment buildings have been attacked, but many residents know one sign of an infected apartment: furniture and clothes that appear to be in perfectly good condition piled on the curb like garbage. When bedbugs attack, sometimes it's cheaper and more effective to throw everything out than to get multiple exterminations.


Robin Boyd has scars all over her body -- evidence, she says, that was being bitten for nearly a year by bedbugs..

"They’re in your boots, they’re in your shoes, they’re in your underwear. They’re everywhere," the woman said.

Boyd claims the tiny bloodsuckers came with the second-hand bedroom set she bought from Aaron’s -- a rent-to-own store in Norristown, Pa.

"Got into bed, 4 o’clock in the morning they woke me up. I was bitten everywhere," Boyd said as she recalled the first attack. "My arms, my face, my back, my breasts, my buttocks, my legs."

Robin says her bedbug ordeal caused her lose her hair, lose her job and incur countless medical expenses.

The bedbug invasion is hitting cities throughout the country.

Just this month, officials shut down an AMC movie theater in New York’s Times Square after a moviegoer was bitten in her seat.

In Connecticut, bedbugs climbed the pole inside a firehouse and back in Manhattan outbreaks happened at a Victoria’s Secret and Abercrombie and Fitch.

bed bugs hiding in bedvery bad bumps from bed bug bitesexterminate baby bed bugs

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LSNJLAW – Bed Bugs: Your Rights as a Tenant

Return of the Bed Bugs: Know Your Rights as a Tenant

Bed bug problems were common in America before World War II. Because of widespread use of the pesticide DDT, they became less of a problem during the 1950s and 1960s. By 1970, bed bugs had been almost wiped out in this country. They could be found in Africa, Asia, and parts of Eastern Europe, but they were rarely ever seen here.

That is not true anymore. As most tenants already know, bed bugs are back. Scientists discovered that DDT was extremely dangerous for people and animals. DDT was banned, and it has finally been almost eliminated from the environment. That is good for peoplebut it is also good for bed bugs. Because other pesticides do not do a good job of killing them, bed bugs have not only returned, they are also spreading very rapidly. More and more, bed bugs are turning up in apartment buildings and homes, motels and hotels, health care facilities and dormitories, and every other place where people live.

Learning about bed bugs

Bed bugs are small, brown, flat insects. They feed only on the blood of people and animals. Bed bugs are active mainly at night. During the day, they prefer to hide close to where people sleep. Bed bugs can easily hide in tiny cracks and crevices, such as those found in mattresses, box springs, other pieces of furniture, walls, floors, ceilings, suitcasesyou name it, bed bugs can probably hide in it.

If an apartment has bed bugs, you can usually see them if you look in the right places, such as between a mattress and a box spring. Sometimes you can tell bed bugs are around because you see dark spots or stains on sheets and blankets. Sometimes you even see blood stains in a bed caused by the crushing of bed bugs. One good thing is that, so far, bed bugs have not been shown to transmit diseases to people. But that does not mean much to adults and children who are covered with bed bug bites. Bed bugs make people feel bad physically, emotionally, and mentally. An apartment filled with bed bugs is not fit to live in.

There are some other important things to know about bed bugs. One is that being a good housekeeper does not guarantee that you wont have bed bug problems. Bed bugs are hitchhikers. They usually get into a home or apartment by hiding in luggage, clothing, furniture, or other things. Beg bugs can also get in by hiding in the clothing of tenants, landlords, superintendents, tradesmen, home health aides, people delivering meals, the mailmaneven exterminators.

Because bed bugs feed only on the blood of people and animals, once they get into an apartment, cleaning alone will not get rid of them. (Even if the people leave, that does not mean that the bed bugs will die. Bed bugs can live for a year or more without food.)

Pesticides alone do not work

Another thing to know about bed bugs is that trying to get rid of them by using pesticides alone does not work. The poisons that do kill them must be sprayed right on them. Once the pesticides have dried, they dont work on the bed bugs.

Another problem is that bed bugs often live in used furnishingsespecially beds and couches and other used items. One of the best ways to avoid them is to avoid buying or using second-hand things. But lower-income people often cannot afford new furniture. Landlords may try to blame the tenants if there are bed bugs in an apartment, saying that they should not have bought used furniture. This is unfair. There is almost no way a landlord can prove for sure how bed bugs got into an apartment because there are so many ways that hitchhiking bed bugs can get in.

Ways to get rid of bed bugs

The best way to get rid of bed bugs involves using more than one treatment. Good exterminators will spray pesticides on bed bugs they can see. They will also spray them into cracks in furniture and walls where bed bugs are probably hiding. Good exterminators will put things like furniture and appliances into bags and then pump in high heat or cold, which is a good way to kill bed bugs. Putting clothes, shoes, toys, and other items in a clothes dryer at medium to high heat for up to 20 minutes will also kill them. And sometimes there is no choice but to throw infested things away. But even doing all of these things does not guarantee that the bed bugs will be gone right away. It often takes many tries before they are finally eliminated.

Getting rid of bed bugs is hard. Doing all the things needed to eliminate them can be really hard on older tenants, tenants with disabilities, and families with young children. This is especially true if the tenants have to get rid of things, such as cribs or beds or mattresses, that they cant afford to replace.

Knowing your rights is important

If you are a tenant with a bed bug problem, it is important for you to know your legal rights. It is also important for you to do the things you need to do to protect yourself from being blamed for a problem that you didnt cause. What your rights are, and what you need to do, depend on the kind of building you live in.

If you live in a building with more than one apartment, you should notify the landlord in writing as soon as you see bed bugs in your home. (Send the notice certified mail, return receipt requested, and keep a copy for yourself.) Since anyoneincluding the landlords workerscould have brought the bed bugs in, it will be very hard for the landlord to prove that any one tenant is the cause of the problem. That is why it is important for tenants to keep their apartments clean. An apartment that is not clean will not cause a bed bug problem. But you can be sure that the landlord will try to blame the tenant if the apartment is not clean. This could cause a problem for the tenant if the case goes to court. On the other hand, keeping a clean apartment will make it very hard for the landlord to try to blame a tenant for bed bugs.

If you live in subsidized housing, including public housing, the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has given special written instructions to local housing authorities and landlords about how to deal with bed bug problems. It is still very important for you to give written notice about a bed bug problem as soon as possible to the Housing Authority (if you live in public housing) or your landlord (if you live in a privately-owned subsidized apartment). If the Housing Authority or landlord does not come out and begin to work on the problem right away, or if they try to blame you, you should contact your local Legal Services program for help.

The courts in New Jersey have said that it is a landlords duty to provide his or her tenants with a safe, livable apartment, one that is not infested with bugs or other things. This is called the warranty of habitability. Unless the landlord can prove that the tenant caused a problem, it is the landlords duty to fix it. This is true in the case of bed bugs as well. Since a landlord cant really prove who caused a bed bug problem, the landlord must hire good exterminators to get rid of them.

If you live in a building containing three or more apartments, state regulations known as the Hotel and Multiple Dwelling Health and Safety Code also say that it is the landlords duty to get rid of bed bugs if they are in more than one apartment. The Code also makes it the landlords job to take good care of the building in order to prevent infestation problems. (The number given by the state to the Code is N.J.A.C. 5:10-10.2.)

If you rent a single-family house, or rent one apartment in a house with only two apartments, the laws are a little different. Local housing codes make it your responsibility to exterminate bed bugs or other pests, unless you can show that the problem was caused by the landlord not taking good care of the building. However, if the bed bugs are there when you move in, or there are bed bugs in both apartments in a two-family house, then it is the landlords duty to get rid of them. Just like tenants in larger buildings, you should notify the landlord in writing as soon as you see bed bugs in your home.

Getting legal advice and help is important

Where bed bugs are concerned, you should get legal advice and assistance if:

You live in a building with two or more apartments and your landlord tries to make it part of your lease that you will be responsible for getting rid of bed bugs.

Your landlord wants you to pay to get rid of bed bugs in your apartment. Even if you live in a single family house, you should get legal advice before you pay for extermination services.

Your landlord refuses to do anything to get rid of bed bugs in your apartment.

The exterminator that comes to get rid of bed bugs wants you to do things that will be very hard on you and your family, such as throw away furniture that you cant replace. These may be the right things to do, but you should get advice to make sure that the exterminator knows what he or she is doing.

You have to throw infested things away. If you do, you should get legal advice to find out if an agency or community organization must or can help you replace them.

Your landlord says that he or she is going to evict you or sue you because of the bed bugs. If this happens, you should get legal help immediately.

Your regional Legal Services office will be able to help you if you qualify based on your income.

If you find bed bugs in your home, the important thing is not to wait to do something. The best way to deal with bed bug problems is to get help as soon as possible.

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LSNJLAW - Bed Bugs: Your Rights as a Tenant

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How Can I Permanently Get Rid of Bed Bugs at Home?

What are bed bugs?

Bed bugs are insects that feed on the blood of people and animals. Bed bugs do not cause any diseases, but are a nuisance and can be uncomfortable. Bed bugs are also highly contagious.

The scientific name for bed bugs is Cimex lectularius. They are small, brownish red, flat bugs. They can live for months without feeding.

The physical symptoms of bed bugs are the presence of bug bites. However, some people do not react to the bug bites and may not notice them. Others may have a stronger allergic reaction to them that may require medical attention. Most people do not notice the bug bites until a few days after they occur because the insects inject an anesthetic, a substance that induces insensitivity to pain, before biting.

Bed bugs spread by traveling on items from infested areas. They often travel in clothing or suitcases, but can also travel on furniture, boxes, or linens.

There are many ways you can lower the risk of getting bed bugs:

Anyone can get bed bugs. Getting bed bugs is not related to the cleanliness of your environment. They have been found in luxurious hotels, at movie theaters, and on airplanes, all of which are cleaned regularly. They gather where people sleep, hiding during the day, and coming out at night to feed.

Diagnosis for bed bugs

There are a few different way you may notice the presence of bed bugs:

If you think you have bed bugs make sure to check in the places bed bugs like to hide, such as:

Treatments for bed bugs

The best way to get rid of bed bugs permanently is to work with a pest control professional to come up with a plan that combines home remedies and professional pesticide solutions.

Here are things you can do at home to help bed bugs stay away:

Heat is one of the best ways to kill bed bugs. Pest experts use professional heating elements to kill bedbugs. You can also use a steam cleaner with a diffuser to kill bed bugs hiding in fabrics and baseboards.

Vacuuming can suck up bed bugs but it doesn't kill them. Make sure to seal the vacuum bag or trash bag with tape and immediately throw out in the garbage outside of your house.

Heat kills bed bugs and so does prolonged exposure to cold temperatures of zero degrees Fahrenheit. You can freeze items like electronics that do not have LCD screens, pictures, books, shoes, and toys. Place the items in a sealed plastic bag prior to freezing and make sure to freeze items for at least four days straight.

In order to keep bed bugs at bay, you need to be vigilant. Keep checking to see if your efforts have worked. If any bed bug eggs are present after treatment, they can come back, so vigilance is key. Experts recommend checking at least once a week for a while after the primary infestation is gone.

Possible complications

Bed bugs are a nuisance for most people. However, some people who have allergic reactions to bed bug bites may need medical treatment for the bites. Getting bed bugs doesn't mean you or your home are dirty. You can get rid of bed bugs with the help of a professional using pesticides, and at-home treatment with vigilance.

What causes bed bugs?

Bed bugsare blood-sucking insects. They usually survive on the blood of other creatures.Bed bugslive usually in the cracks and crevices of beds. When they sense that a person is asleep, they move towards them and feed on their blood.Bed bugscan also be found in sofas, mattresses, chairs, sheets, blankets, suitcases, cardboard boxes, cluttered areas, and other similar furniture items.

The most common causes ofbed bugsare described below:

What does a bed bug bite look like?

The bite of abed buglooks like a cluster of red spots. They are painless at the start but later may become reddish welts.

Below are a few common symptoms that distinguish bedbug bitefrom otherinsect bites:

Bed bugs feed on humans and other warm-blooded hosts to survive and reproduce. They find a host by detecting carbon dioxide emitted from warm-blooded people or animals. They respond to warmth/moisture. To feed, they penetrate the skin of the host and inject a salivary fluid that contains a blood thinner to help them obtain blood.

How does a bed bug bite affect an individuals health?

Below are common health issues an individual may develop due to bed bugs.

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How Can I Permanently Get Rid of Bed Bugs at Home?

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Sample Bed Bug Notification Letter For Tenants

In collaboration with community partners, LCBH staff attorneys have prepared a sample bed bug infestation notice and instructions for use. Please read and understand the instructions prior to using this sample letter.

Under the Chicago Bed Bug Ordinance, a tenant who sees or suspects bed bugs in their unit must notify the landlord in writing, within 5 days.

The bed bug ordinance applies to all rental units.

You should copy/paste or re-type the letter and include the date, your name, the landlords name, etc. where indicated.

You should use the rent deduction section of this letter only if you live in a unit that is NOT excluded from the Chicago Residential Landlord and Tenant Ordinance (RLTO). Exclusions include:

If your unit is excluded from the RLTO, you cannot use the rent reduction section of the letter and may only use the bed bug portion of the letter. If you live in a unit that is funded by a subsidy you should consult with the subsidy provider before including the rent reduction portion of the letter.

If you are not sure whether you can reduce your rent contact an attorney at the Lawyers Committee for Better Housing, other legal aid agency, or the Metropolitan Tenants Organization.

You should consult with an attorney or an expert on rent reductions before deciding what amount to deduct. It is important to be conservative when deducting money from your rent because you may have to justify this amount before a judge in an eviction court case, and the outcome in any case is uncertain.

Additionally, it is a good idea that if you choose to deduct that you keep the money in an escrow account in the event that a judge orders you to pay the amount because you have deducted too much or cannot justify deduction.

The Bed Bug Ordinance also provides that tenants have an obligation to cooperate with the landlord to eradicate the bed bugs. This means you cannot interfere with any inspections. You must grant access, make necessary preparations, and dispose of any personal property that is untreatable (unless you live in an assisted living or shared housing establishment).

Once the letter is complete, deliver it to your landlord in person or mail it to the proper address.

Keep a dated copy of the letter for your records.

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Sample Bed Bug Notification Letter For Tenants

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