1161 Meadowlands Drive East, Ottawa, Ontario, K2e6j5 Bed Bug Registry Map
  Monday 28th of October 2024 16:23 PM

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Address : 1161 Meadowlands Drive East, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K2E6J5

Details: My neighbour's have given us bed bugs 3 times in 9 months. Hope you don't move in near unit 1

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

Incident Radius: 50 Miles

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Bed Bugs: Invading a Home Near You | | tylerpaper.com

Theyre baaaaaaaack!

Good night, sleep tight, dont let the bed bugs bite! was a popular twilight wish from parents to their kids, and for decades it meant almost nothing. Much like some of the old nursery rhymes, the true origins of the bed bugs biting admonition were lost to time.

Until the late-1990s. Thats when people in California, Australia, and Canada started complaining of finding bite marks on their skin, tiny brown bugs, and those bugs fecal stains on the edges of their sheets. Bed bugs, all but eradicated in the 1950s had returned.

The ancient Romans dealt with bed bugs, and they spread, along the Roman road, throughout Asia and Europe. Sometime around the 1500s, bed bugs started becoming a problem in the UK. Bed bugs later made their way to the U.S., burrowed down in soil that was carried onto and off of the colonization ships.

Prior to World War II, bed bugs were a huge problem across the United States. Advancements in personal hygiene and extensive use of DDT led to Cimex lectularius the Latin name for bed bugs being isolated solely to remote areas of Africa and Asia.

No one knows why bed bugs suddenly reemerged, although scientists speculate that they might have built up a resistance to the pesticides once used to treat them. Another contributing factor may have been a shift from treating baseboards for roaches and ants to using baited traps.

What is clear now, is that theyre not going away. Bed bugs have popped up in increasingly larger numbers since 2015.

Unwelcome House Guests

Bed bugs dont fly and you could be excused for thinking theyre mostly lazy except when theyre biting you. Bed bugs are hitchhikers they worm their way into your luggage, dirty laundry, and old furniture. Once they find a nice, comfortable place, they bed down and take a nap for a few days, or anywhere from two to six months.

They can even hop from suitcase to suitcase when stored in a planes overhead compartment.

And checking your luggage doesnt help either. When the temperature drops below 55 degrees, bed bugs can huddle up and hibernate for a few years. Which might be why bed bugs are having an even larger resurgence this year.

In addition to the usual suspect places, bed bugs have also been known to creep into purses, stuffed animals, school buses, and even, believe it or not, fluorescent light bulbs!

And unlike popular belief, the number one place youll find bed bugs is not hotels and motels. The highest percentage of bedbug infestations are located in single-family homes and apartment complexes.

In 2011, it was noted that one out of five Americans has had a bed bug infestation in their home or knows someone who has encountered bed bugs at home or in a hotel.

Chowing Down

Bed bugs suck your blood out for 2-5 minutes. That may seem like a lot of time, but remember, youre fast asleep. Theyre also hearty eaters for their size. Bed bugs can gulp down seven times their own weight in blood. Thats the same amount of liquid youd drink if you gulped down an entire kiddie pool.

A lot of people dont even realize theyve been bitten by a bed bug. Even the worst allergic reaction to a bedbug bite is similar to hives and is treated as such. The best sign to look for is brown streaks on the corners and edges of your bedclothes.

While every state even Alaska has bed bugs, they do tend to congregate in larger cities and communities. As of 2021, Orkin reports that the most infested cities include Chicago, Baltimore, DC, Detroit, and Columbus, OH.

Evicting Bed Bugs

Bed bug infestations are not difficult to treat. Its just a matter of patience and time.

The first step is to limit the contamination. Youll want to clear away clutter, and thoroughly wash sheets, stuffed animals, and any potentially infested clothing in the highest possible temperature water.

While the laundry is going, vacuum thoroughly. Then pull out, empty and seal the bag, and discard it into a trash receptacle outside your home. Preferably far outside. And dont bother with those cans of spray or bug bombs they dont really affect bed bugs.

If you have a really big bug problem especially in a condo or apartment complex you will probably need to call a professional.

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Originally posted here:
Bed Bugs: Invading a Home Near You | | tylerpaper.com

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Simple Ways to Be Healthier Every Day


Image via Pexels

A healthy lifestyle is one of the best defenses against illness, but there is so much information available on this topic that it's easy to become overwhelmed. It can also be hard to tell which healthy lifestyle habits are worth remembering. Courtesy of Pest Control Exterminator in Long Island, these are the health and wellness tips that will have you reaping the health benefits for years to come.

Drink More Water

Water is essential to health as up to 60% of our bodies and 90% of our blood consists of water. All cellular functions in our bodies are also linked to our fluid levels as the cells in our bodies absorb nutrients from the water that surrounds them. Water should be drunk throughout the day to properly hydrate our bodies, provide the correct energy levels and lose weight.

Keep to a Healthy Weight

Regular and sustained exercise increases life expectancy by 25%, as it's beneficial to the heart, lowers blood pressure, and encourages the release of endorphins that are responsible for improved mood, which can help cut down on stress. Those who exercise regularly also recover faster from illnesses when they follow an exercise plan that includes cardio, strength training, and flexibility. It isn't necessary to take out a membership at the gym to receive these benefits. Climbing stairs, walking a distance between your car and workplace, and even going hiking in the Rocky Mountains are all great substitutes.

Focus on Nutrients, Not Calories

Your body will only function optimally if it receives the right ingredients. It does very well on diets such as the Mediterranean diet, which consists of unsaturated fats, vegetables, fruit, fish, white meat, and whole grains. To have a diet that will keep you slim and healthy you need to fill your grocery cupboard with nutrient-rich, high-fiber foods, vegetables, and lean meat.

Get a Good Night's Sleep

Getting enough quality sleep is essential to health and well-being as our bodies repair and regenerate themselves while we sleep. Although a healthy amount of sleep differs from person to person, most adults should be getting between seven and nine hours of sleep every night. Having lower than adequate amounts of sleep on a regular basis can make you age faster and put on weight easier. Well-rested people are also better equipped to deal with stress and have lowered appetite levels. If you’re having trouble sleeping, try optimizing your home for wellness by eating right and staying positive, which will also reduce your stress and make it easier to relax.

Limit Stress

Many people find themselves in careers that increase their stress levels. If the type of work you do is not conducive to a low-stress existence it might be time to consider changing careers. If your current job is also tedious and no longer challenging it can cause a strain on your mental well-being. There are numerous online degree programs you can enroll in while you're still working in your current career. These online courses can see you embarking on a whole new career path and saying goodbye to stress.

Healthy Choices

A healthy lifestyle is yours for the taking if you take charge of your health and make small changes that will lead to improved well-being further down the line. To get your health into the best shape that it has ever been in, get started on a few healthy behaviors that are sure to greatly improve your quality of life.

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What to Do If You Find Bed Bugs In Your Hotel Room – Lifehacker

Photo: Akos Nagy (Shutterstock)

Nobody wants bed bugs. You do not want bed bugs. The hotel youre staying in does not want bed bugs, but its entirely possible that it has them. We have tips on how to check your hotel room for bed bugs, but what do you do if you actually find some? You do not want to risk bringing these guys home.

When you first enter your hotel room, do not flop your suitcase or yourself down on the bed. The same goes for the couch, or anything else upholstered. Roll your suitcase into the bathroom, and leave it there for now. You can set your purse down on the countertop or even a table, but to be totally honest, the safest place for all your stuff right now is the bathtub.

Bed bugs could be in any type of hotel, so dont assume that the hotel youre in is so nice or so clean that you dont need to check. The details on where to look, and what to look for, are here. In brief: pull up the bedsheets and mattress covers at the corners, and inspect for stains or gritty black or brown stuff.

Bed bugs live in dark crevices, out of sight, but they come out each night for blood meals (aka, you). They can hide in and around beds, so that includes headboards and picture frames; check around the edges of those, too. And despite the name, they can also live in non-bed furnishings, like couches. So check those places.

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If you find bed bug evidence on the mattress or elsewhere, take a minute to verify your suspicions. There are plenty of websites that will show you all the gory details of what a bed bug infestation looks like, so Ill spare you the visuals here. This FAQ from Reddits bedbug forum provides a good rundown of what youre looking for, and it also includes information on several lookalike species that are not bed bugs.

Because, honestly: a lot of people dont know what bed bugs look like. If you see a bug in your hotel room, its fair to suspect bed bugs, but make sure to verify your observation in case youve just happened upon an ant, a carpet beetle, or a roach. These guys may not be the best roommates, but they are nothing compared to the horror of possibly bringing home a bed bug infestation.

Now, just because you found ants or roaches, that does not mean that youre in the clear. You could have roaches and bedbugs. Just saying.

Alright, so youve found what youre pretty sure is bed bug evidence. The first thing I would do, after (or in the process of) identifying what Ive found, is to take clear photos, just in case these come in handy when making your complaint or asking corporate headquarters for a refund.

Next, your luggage! Is it in the bathtub? If so, its safe for now. If not, put it in the bathtub. Its possible for bed bugs to crawl into your bags and thereby hitch a ride home. If theres any chance that they snuck in while you werent looking (for example, if you dont find the bugs until after youve spent a few nights in the room), treat your suitcase as potentially contaminated until you can thoroughly clean it and everything in it. But thats for later.

Now, you have to figure out where youre spending the night, because ideally it will not be this bed bug-infested hotel room. Contact the front desk and explain the issue. Some states have laws requiring that any room with bed bugs have them exterminated before anybody can use the room again. You can reasonably expect the hotel to try to move you to a different room, or to let you cancel the reservation and go elsewhere.

If they do want to move you to a different room, ask for it to be as far away from the infested room as possible. A room right next door, or directly above or below, may be infested as well. Insist on inspecting the new room before you agree to stay there.

One more thing to do while youve got a hotel employee apologizing at you: Ask for garbage bags. If you did get some bed bugs in your suitcase, you dont want to bring them to your next accommodations. And if you didnt, you might be, understandably, extra paranoid about the possibility. Wrap your bags in plastic for the rest of your trip.

What if you have no other option, or you discovered the bugs after already spending a night in the cursed room? How bad is it to wake up with bed bug bites?

The good news is that bed bugs dont transmit diseases with their bites. They may be able to transmit Chagas disease through their feces, although the normal vector for that disease is bed bugs relative the kissing bug. What that means, for you: Dont scratch your bed bug bites until after youve washed the skin around them.

Okay, now time for the bad news. Bed bug bites are no fun. Most commonly, there will be several bites in clusters or in a row. They look a bit like mosquito bites, and they itch. You wont notice anything while youre being bitten, but you may find yourself itching the next day, or even a few days later.

If youve been bitten by a lot of bed bugs, you may be desensitized to them. Or maybe youre just luckypeoples reactions vary, and some people do not react at all.

If you need to stay in a place that may have bed bugs, get some plastic sheeting and place it on top of the bed, and dont allow it to touch the floor or any surroundings (pull the bed away from the headboard). You can put clean sheets on top of the plastic, but make sure your bedding doesnt touch the floor. Its relatively safe to sleep on a plastic-encased bed like this.

Alright, lets talk about that suitcase. Bed bugs may climb in it because theyre looking for a hiding place, but they may also be following the scent of your dirty laundry. If you cant manage to wrap your whole suitcase in plastic, at the very least bag up your laundry.

While youre still in the infested area, sort your laundry. Anything labeled dry clean only should skip the washer but is usually safe to go in the dryer. Sort the rest of your laundry the usual way, and plan to wash it using the hottest and harshest settings that wont destroy your clothes. If something can be washed in hot water, by golly, you will wash it in hot water. Seal up the laundry before you take it home or to the laundromat; if there are bugs in the bags, you dont want them crawling out.

At home, or at the next place you get the opportunity, empty everything out of your suitcase and vacuum the entire suitcase, inside and out, including all the pockets and nooks and crannies. Do this outdoors if you can, and seal up the debris when you take it out of the vacuum.

The University of Minnesota has a guide to laundering clothes to kill bed bugs. Pro tip: 30 minutes in the dryer, on high heat, will kill the bugs. You can use this treatment on clothes that dont need to be washed or that shouldnt get wet (like the dry-clean-only stuff).

Be careful about those bags, by the way. The guide has instructions on sealing up the empty, used bag so that any bugs inside wont be able to escape from the trash. And youll want to put your clothes immediately into clean bags (dont trust the folding table at the laundromat) and keep them sealed up until youre in a place that you know is bed bug-free.

Heres another small piece of good news: While it may be hard to find bed bugs, its pretty easy to kill them. They dont do well with extremes of temperature, so one way to kill them is to leave your belongings in a hot car or a garbage bag for a few days and let the summer sun bake them to death. (The University of Minnesota says the heat isnt reliable enough; the Texas A&M extension endorses the technique as long as you can get the contents of the bag up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit for an hour. I suspect this approach works better in Texas than in Minnesota.)

Freezing is also an option. To kill bed bugs, they must be below freezing temperatures for four days; consider using a thermometer to monitor the process, especially for large items where the surface might be cold but the inside may not be. The University of Minnesota warns that outdoor temperatures arent usually consistent enough to be able to freeze things just by leaving them outside in the winter; an actual freezer will do the job better.

Objects with hard surfaces, like wooden or plastic toys, can be wiped clean. Watch out for cracks and crevices, though; the little buggers like to hide. Its possible to fumigate small objects with kits you can buy, if you cant find another way to kill the bugs.

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What to Do If You Find Bed Bugs In Your Hotel Room - Lifehacker

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How Do Bed Bugs Reproduce? | Terminix

Stopping the spread of bed bugs can be a difficult task, although new studies on bed bug reproduction are exploring how to reduce the frequency of mating. To understand how bed bugs spread, it is helpful to understand their mating habits.HOW DO BED BUGS REPRODUCE?On average, female bed bugs lay about one to seven eggs per day after a blood feeding has taken place. However, the mating process can sometimes be difficult for the female bed bug. Frequent mating can cause injury. As a result, female bed bugs do not necessarily produce more eggs with increased mating sessions. Instead, a female bed bug is more likely to travel away from her original location to an area where she can guarantee a food source and a lack of mates. With lack of disruption and access to food, a female bed bug can lay many eggs.HOW MANY EGGS CAN A FEMALE BED BUG LAY?On average, a female bed bug with access to regular meals will lay anywhere from 200 to 250 eggs during her lifetime. Because mating causes scarring, a female that has mated multiple times during a short period will lay fewer eggs than a female who has had time to recover from the reproduction process. The need for females to protect themselves from future mating sessions has helped to increase the spread of bed bugs.

Pregnant female bed bugs are more likely to travel in an attempt to avoid being mated with again. A single pregnant female can cause an infestation of more than 5,000 bed bugs within a six-month period.THE BED BUG REPRODUCTION CYCLEBed bug eggs take approximately six to 17 days to hatch. Hatched eggs are called nymphs. A nymph is not able to reproduce until it has fully matured. The length of time it takes for a nymph to mature depends on temperature. Eggs can hatch and become mature bed begs in as little as 21 days in warmer temperatures. It can take more than four months for the same process to occur in cooler temperatures. Nymphs can begin blood feeding as soon as they hatch. A single female bed bug can mate with any of her offspring after a nymph has fully matured.REDUCING THE BED BUG REPRODUCTION CYCLEA 2010 study conducted by Vincent Harraca from Lund University in Sweden revealed an alarm pheromone released by nymphs, and male bed bugs when approached, to prevent prowling males from attempting to mate. Mature males will attempt to mate with any bed bug that has recently fed. The fact that male mating is non-productive in propagating the bed bug population has inspired scientific research, which resulted in the discovery that immature nymphs and male bed bugs release a fear pheromone to prevent a mating attack. In the future, scientists hope to use this pheromone to reduce mating overall and lessen infestations.

Research by Warren Booth, a biologist at the University of Tulsa and a co-author of a 2015 study published in Molecular Ecology on bed bugs, has led scientists to suspect that a new species of bed bugs is beginning to emerge. According to the BBC, archaeologists have discovered fossil evidence of what appears to be bed bugs, indicating that they are as old as 3,500 years. Scientists believe bed bugs originated in bat caves and began feeding on humans as humans moved into caves. However, when humans switched to other dwellings, bed bugs followed.

Since that time bed bugs have evolved. In the 1950s, bed bugs all but disappeared. The reason for that, according to one theory, was the heavy use of a common household pesticide, DDT. Due to health and environmental impact, that pesticide was banned in the United States in the 1970s, but by that time bed bugs had built up a resistance to the chemical and it was no longer effective. Bed bugs have since made a massive comeback, causing a growing concern for households and businesses alike.

The bed bug reproduction cycle is effective due to the large number of eggs a female can lay. A pest management professional can help to determine the source of bed bugs in your home or business and provide the proper treatment to ensure that bed bugs get out and stay out.

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How Do Bed Bugs Reproduce? | Terminix

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How Long Do Bed Bugs Live? | Bed Bug Life Cycle | Terminix

If youve had to deal with bed bugs hitching a ride home on your pet or your luggage, youve probably asked yourself, "how long do bed bugs live?"

As far as insect life spans go, bed bugs crawl the earth for longer than most tapping out around the 10-month marker, according to bedbugs.org. And while that 10-month window is true for most, some are thought to live up to a year.

A bed bug life cycle includes multiple stages. A female bed bug lays eggs in groups of one to 50 and they take anywhere from six to 17 days to hatch, according to bedbugs.org. By the time she dies, a female will have laid hundreds of eggs.

The eggs are small, about 1 millimeter in size, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. One millimeter is around the size of a mustard seed.

With the right conditions and temperatures, a bed bug can go from an egg to its adult stage in approximately 37 days. Warmer climates promote faster bed bug reproduction and development.

Baby bed bugs are called nymphs. A nymph will go through five phases of growth before it becomes an adult, shedding its skin each time, according to the EPA. They start life at 1.5 millimeters (the thickness of a U.S. penny) and grow to about 4.5 millimeters (the size of a medium-to-large pearl).

Even in their nymph stages, bed bugs are ready to eat. They primarily feed off of people, but will also bite animals including dogs, cats, rodents and chickens. A bed bug can last up to a year or longer without feeding if the temperatures are ideal.

Still, the average bed bug life cycle isnt very long, but they do lead active lives, which includes aggressively mating. If you think you may have signs of bed bugs, contact a pest management professional immediately.

Read the rest here:
How Long Do Bed Bugs Live? | Bed Bug Life Cycle | Terminix

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