167 Briarwood Dr 9f, Hinds, Jackson, Mississippi, 39206 Bed Bug Registry Map
  Tuesday 11th of March 2025 19:34 PM

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Address : 167 Briarwood Dr 9F, Hinds, Jackson, Mississippi, United States, 39206

Details: Sherwood Forest Apartments have extreme bed bug infestation! The landlord is charging $150 for treatment of a problem they already knew about!

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Bed Bugs vs Scabies: The Difference Between Them | Terminix

Bed bugs and scabies can both spell trouble for you and your family. While bed bugs bite and can produce an uncomfortable rash, scabies is a skin condition caused by small mites that burrow under the skin. Both bed bug bites and scabies cause itching and discomfort that, while not life-threatening, can be unpleasant.

If you suspect you've either been bitten by a bed bug or may have scabies as a result of mites, it's important that you quickly figure out which has invaded your home so the issue can be resolved by a professional pest control specialist. The type of treatment a specialist recommends will depend on which bug has infested your home. (It's also important to visit a medical professional to receive a proper diagnosis and treatment for any symptoms as a result of a bite.)

Here's what you should know to help you identify the difference between bed bug and scabies.

Bed bugs are small insects that feed on mammal blood. That means they can bite dogs, cats, humans and any other mammals living in your home. They typically enter your house by piggybacking on your luggage or traveling in used furniture, clothing and various soft items.

Although they can nest anywhere in your house, bed bugs typically take up residence along the seams of mattresses, inside walls and in furniture. As long as the space is dry and dark, they're happy to build a home there.

These bugs are small about the size of an apple seed and range in color from light brown to reddish-brown.

Bed bugs are insects, but scabies are actually arachnids. And while they feed on human blood, they don't do it by crawling around and biting the surface of your skin. Instead, they burrow into the outer layer of skin where they then lay and hatch their eggs.

Unlike bed bugs, scabies mites are invisible to the naked eye. They're microscopic parasites that you won't see even if they're crawling around on the surface of your skin. And since they're not insects in the traditional sense, you're going to need more than just pest control specialists to help treat them. Rather, you'll need to consult with your doctor or dermatologist to find the right treatment method.

Since scabies and bed bugs are different pests entirely, it makes sense that infestations of each are triggered by different factors. By understanding the difference between scabies and bed bug infestations, you'll be better prepared to handle or prevent infestations.

Contrary to what many believe, bed bug infestations aren't caused by a lack of hygiene or a lack of cleanliness around the home. Bed bugs are actually opportunistic and nomadic insects. They hitch rides on luggage when you stay in hotel rooms, come in on used furniture that you buy from local shops, online swap shops and classified ads, or travel in from close contact with infested areas in common areas like those found in dorms, buses, taxis and even cruise ships.

Anywhere that bed bugs are currently nesting is a place where you could pick them up, regardless of how clean you may keep your home.

Scabies infestations are a bit harder to predict and prevent than bed bug infestations. Scabies are most commonly spread by skin-to-skin contact with an infected person who has been bitten by a burrowing mite. But sometimes, scabies can be contracted by sharing clothing or bedding with an infected person. That's why it most commonly happens among people spending time in the same household, childcare or school groups.

While scabies are typically only spread via prolonged skin-to-skin contact, a more severe form called crusted scabies or Norwegian scabies is highly contagious.

Both bed bugs and scabies feed on your blood, but they do it in different ways. One feeds from the outside of your body and the other feeds from inside your body. Bed bugs use their specially developed mouth to suck your blood and then scurry off to their hiding spots, making them hard to detect unless you know what to look for. Scabies, on the other hand, burrow underneath your skin to feed and lay eggs.

Although their bites are both itchy, these pests have some additional, fairly notable differences you may need to watch out for.

Bed bugs are fairly easy to spot and identify if you know what they look like and what to expect from their bites. The most noticeable differences come from the types of bites and marks they leave behind.

These are a few of the common characteristics to watch for:

If you notice any of these signs, you may have a bed bug infestation in your home. Keep in mind that the infestation may be consolidated to a single room. Only a pest control specialist will be able to determine how severe the infestation is and identify the proper treatment protocol to address the infestation.

Because scabies are microscopic mites, spotting them with your naked eye isn't something you'll be able to do. Instead, you'll need to look for the common signs of a scabies infection on your skin. These include:

If you notice any of these symptoms, it's best to contact your doctor or dermatologist as soon as you can. The sooner you do, the sooner they can start treating the infection and relieve your symptoms.

At first glance, bed bug bites and scabies bite rashes can appear similar. But they're incredibly different when you start looking at the bites more closely. While the following images and information are designed to help you more easily identify a bed bug bite or a scabies bite, it's important to visit a medical professional to more accurately diagnose and treat a bite or rash in case it may be something more severe.

Bed bug bites are raised, flat red welts, sometimes appearing three in a row. For some people, the bites can resemble mosquito bites, but others who are more sensitive to the bites may experience swelling at the site as well.

Without bed bug treatment, new bites will continue to appear (but generally not worsen in appearance unless infection is present) as the infestation in your home grows. Bed bugs bite skin that is exposed during sleep, especially where the sheet or mattress meets the body. Bites typically occur around the shoulders, arms, legs, back and face.

Scabies don't bite you to eat you. Instead, they do it to burrow into your skin to lay eggs. These burrows appear as raised lines, either grey-ish white or skin colored. They eventually turn into red, inflamed bumps called papules and can fester if left untreated.

Scabies prefer to dig into warm, moist folds of skin and typically burrow between the fingers and toes, in armpits, under nail beds and around the waist and other sensitive areas. First-time scabies victims develop a rash and itching two to six weeks after exposure. If you've had scabies before, it typically only takes between one and four days for these same symptoms to occur.

Scabies typically cause a more intense itching, especially at night. This often leads to open sores and infections, though this can happen with bites from either bed bugs or scabies.

While scabies don't bite, but rather burrow, both bed bug bites and scabies cause the skin to become incredibly itchy. However, their symptoms are less similar than you might think.

Bed bug bites tend to occur in clusters, particularly around the knees, elbows and neck. But bed bugs can and will bite you anywhere if they get the opportunity.

You won't actually feel the bite itself. Instead, you'll feel discomfort after the bugs have already fed. For most people, this results in feelings of intense itchiness, similar to bad mosquito bites. In others, it can result in a slight burning sensation. If the bites become infected, often due to intense and repeated scratching, the site can become swollen, sore or bloody.

As noted before, scabies don't bite to eat our blood. Instead, scabies burrow into the skin to lay eggs. However, what you may assume to be scabies bites" tend to appear more rash-like and can happen anywhere on your body. Most people initially notice small, raised bumps, but as the infection progresses, the rash can develop a scaly, red, and swollen appearance.

The infection site is often very itchy, with symptoms becoming more severe at night.

If you suspect either bed bugs or scabies, it's normal to feel overwhelmed and concerned about the safety of your home and your family's well-being. And the more you research both bed bugs and scabies, the more questions you'll likely have.

Here are the answers to a few of the most common questions people ask so you can better prepare and educate yourself before seeking help for your infestation.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, scabies infestations are passed through direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected individual or through prolonged exposure to clothing or bedding an infected person has used. So, while scabies mites could, in theory, live in a mattress, it's highly unlikely that you'd develop an infection just from the mattress alone. Instead, scabies mites prefer to live on skin where they have access to the nutrients they need to survive and can burrow into your skin to lay their eggs. These mites will not survive more than two or three days away from human skin.

If you're worried about catching scabies in bed, the best thing you can do is thoroughly wash and dry your bed linens. This should kill the mites.

Thankfully, bed bugs are not able to burrow under human skin to lay their eggs. Instead, they lay eggs in dark, dry areas like the seams along your mattress and inside pieces of furniture. Remember, bed bugs bite you on your skin. They don't burrow into it like scabies mites do.

Unfortunately, it is possible to have both bed bugs and scabies at the same time. As previously discussed, both insects feed on your blood, but they do so in different ways. Bed bugs bite you on the outside of your body and scabies burrow beneath your skin to feed. This means they're not in direct competition with each other and can (unfortunately) thrive at the same time.

Bed bugs do not cause scabies. In fact, bed bugs are not known to be vectors of disease pathogens or encourage other infestations in your home.

While bed bugs are not contagious, these pests can easily migrate from person to person, and from place to place. Bed bugs can hitch rides on clothing, luggage, and furniture and then infest your home and move from one home or room to another. Scabies, on the other hand, require prolonged skin-to-skin contact with an infected person in order to be contagious. However, as mentioned previously, crusted or Norwegian scabies are highly contagious.

Bed bug infestations can last for years if left untreated since they breed and grow rapidly. However, adult bed bugs can live on their own for about 10 months. During that time, they can breed and the infestation can spread throughout your house.

Scabies mites can live for as long as two months on a human. And while it's possible for an infection to last longer than that, most people find the symptoms too uncomfortable to tolerate for more than a few weeks without seeking medical help.

Both bed bug infestations and scabies infections require professional help. But the treatment methods differ.

To get rid of a bed bug infestation, you'll need to consult with an experienced pest control specialist. Remember, bed bugs are true insects and, since they infest your house rather than your body, only an experienced pest control professional can help you eliminate them.

The type of treatment they'll use largely depends on the extent of the infestation and your home's unique needs. If you suspect a bed bug infestation, contact your pest control professional as soon as possible to schedule a consultation. They'll be able to check your home for bed bugs and develop a treatment plan so you and your family can get back to enjoying your home.

Although some people may think scabies mites are insects, they are not and not a creature that a pest control specialist can treat. You'll need to schedule an appointment with your doctor or dermatologist to treat the bites and the pest quickly. Depending on the severity of your infection, you may need prescription medications and antibiotics to help you get rid of the mites once and for all.

Once you do, it's a good idea to thoroughly clean any potentially infected items:

Although Terminix can't help you get rid of scabies (you'll need a doctor for that), our experienced pest control specialists can help you deal with a bed bug infestation in your home. Contact us as soon as you discover the first warning signs of a bed bug problem on your property and schedule a consultation. Our team will inspect your home, identify the bed bug hotspots and create a plan to help deal with the infestation.

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Bed Bugs vs Scabies: The Difference Between Them | Terminix

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Bed bugs in Vancouver: Here’s where the city ranks | CTV News

Two cities in B.C.'s Lower Mainland rank among the top in Canada when it comes to bed bugs, according to a pest control company.

Vancouver came in third in the 2021 list, which ranks major cities based on the number of related calls made to Orkin Canada.

Nearby Burnaby claimed the 25th spot.

Orkin said the worst spot in the country for the bugs the company calls "extremely effective hitchhikers" because of their tendency to travel across rooms and along with luggage.

Toronto took the top spot, followed by Sudbury, Ont.

Also in the top 10 were: St. John's; the Ontario cities of Oshawa and Scarborough; the New Brunswick cities of Moncton and Saint John; Winnipeg; and Edmonton.

The calls made in those cities were for both residential and commercial bed bug treatments.

Orkin offered its advice to reduce the spread of bed bugs, which often enter residential spaces through travel.

"Bed bugs thrive in dark, cool places with long-term access to humans," the company wrote in a news release. "They can also be found on airplane and train seats, in buses or in rental cars."

Orkin said it's rare to pick them up in those locations, but it is possible.

Where people are more likely to encounter the bugs is in hotels and motels. For those types of locations, Orkin suggested ensuring clothing and luggage are never put directly on the bed.

The company said travellers should use metal luggage racks, as the bugs can't easily climb up metal surfaces the way they can on walls and wooden furniture.

Orkin also recommends packing clothes, shoes and other items into plastic bags, which can keep bed bugs that have crawled into a suitcase from getting into the house on clothing.

Anyone checking for bed bugs should also look at books, cloth toiletry kits and other personal items where they may be hiding.

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Bed bugs in Vancouver: Here's where the city ranks | CTV News

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Blind woman thankful for the help after bed bugs invade home

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (WATE) A blind woman is grateful to the Federation of the Blind for helping her after she was threatened with eviction.

Last month when bed bugs had infested Monica Joness apartment. The management at her government-subsidized apartment sprayed, but it did little good. She was then told, to either get rid of the bugs and furniture or she could lose her apartment. Thats when an advocacy group for the blind stepped in.

The problem was bed bugs. Weve had this issue before. Theyve come in here, boomed and sprayed, but theyve never threatened me like that before. This is not something that I brought here. Its something thats been here, said Jones.

When I first heard about this my first thought went to Under normal circumstances, eviction is a horrible thing. But when you are dealing with blind people and finding temporary shelter, its more difficult, said Yvonne Neubert, the president of Tennessees senior division of the National Federation of the Blind.

Neubert says she reached out to the blind community and others to assist Jones, it paid off.

Fortunately, I have a great network of friends and associates and I put a post on Facebook. And people began donating to help with this situation, said Neubert.

Last week, the company Junk Galaxy came in and removed Monicas bug-infested furniture and the threat of eviction was called off.

Im going to give a plug to Junk Galaxy. When they heard about this situation, they gave a friends discount,' said Neubert.

Well, Id like to have another chair to go in the corner, Id like to have a couch. And, Id like to have a bed, said Jones.

Everybody has a community, the blind people, we have our own community. But we are also an active engaging part of the community as a whole. I would like that message to really be heard, said Neubert.

Jones is grateful to those who have assisted her. It touched my heart. I wasnt expecting all of that when this first started.

As Jones is grateful, Neubert says she is thankful to the Golden Age Retirement Village for working with her, as they try to assist Jones.

If you would like to assist Jones, visit tn-acb.org.

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Blind woman thankful for the help after bed bugs invade home

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The Best Bed Bug Spray Options of 2022 – Top Picks by Bob Vila – Bob Vila

Bed bugs (cimex lectularius) are tiny insects that feed on human blood, hiding in blankets, sheets, mattresses, and more. Bed bugs can also migrate to infest all areas of the house where you and your family hang out, leaving itchy, swollen bumps at the site of a bite.

The best bed bug spray typically uses active ingredients ranging from powerful insecticides like pyrethrin, pyrethroid, imidacloprid, and acetamiprid to pet- and child-friendly geranium oil and clove oil. If you want to rid your home of bed bugs of all life stages, read on for shopping tips and the most effective bed bug sprays available in their respective categories.

Bed bug spray can control and even eradicate infestations, but they can come with harmful levels of toxicitynot to mention strong chemical odorsthat require vacating the area until the spray clears.

Sprays are generally water- or oil-based formulas, the former of which could possibly damage electronics, documents, and wooden surfaces if used in excess. Oil-based sprays can stain whatever theyre applied to, and often leave a sticky residue, though thats typically removable with soap and water.

To avoid these issues with sprays, some folks plagued by bed bugs try alternative measures. These include steam cleaning and washing items in hot water, as exposure to temperatures of 185 degrees Fahrenheit kills bed bugs.

Diatomaceous eartha silica-rich powder made from the sediment of fossilized algaecan be employed to banish bed bugs by destroying their exoskeleton. There are also traps designed to lure and eliminate bed bugs. You may wish to consider the preventive measures and treatments below before reaching for a bed bug spray.

If the DIY treatments and the sprays described here fail to kill the bed bugs, then you may need to hire a professional exterminator to deal with the infestation.

Dont just grab the best-looking bed bug spray available. A flashy logo on packaging might draw attention, but the ingredients inside, application method, and longevity matter most when choosing a bed bug spray. You should also consider whether the bed bug sprays work on contact to immediately kill bed bugs or if its a residual treatment that kills slowly to increase poison transmission to other adult bed bugs and bed bug eggs.

Bed bug sprays are generally split into two types: Contact bed bug spray and residual bed bug spray.

Its necessary to determine the ingredients of a bed bug spray so that you know what the potential dangers are to you and your family, as well as the effects of the spray on the bed bugs. Common bed bug spray ingredients include pyrethrins and pyrethroids, desiccants, cold pressed neem oil, chlorfenapyr, neonicotinoids, and insect growth regulators.

Typically, bed bug spray is relatively easy to use. The most important step is to carefully read the instructions from the manufacturer before you start spraying to ensure it is safe to use on bedding, as well as any other precautions and recommendations.

Typically, you simply spray the product in common locations where the bed bugs travel, like cracks and crevices, then leave it for a few hours to several weeks, depending on the longevity of the spray. If you have a mild bed bug treatment that is safe for use on pillows, bed sheets, and mattresses, then apply the spray to the bed, allowing several hours for the bed bug spray to work.

Keep in mind that bed bugs can also hide in cracks and crevices in the headboard, footboard, rails, support slats, box spring, and any drawers that your bed may have. Additionally, bed bugs are likely to flee a toxic environment, so make sure you have enough spray to treat the entire room. If you are concerned about bed bugs in the walls, floor, or ceiling, consider using a bed bug fogger to ensure the chemical treatment seeps into all the narrow gaps, nooks, and crannies in the room.

After application, the bed bug spray will begin to work. When a bed bug comes in contact with the spray it is either immediately affected by contact killers or it may spread the treatment to other bed bugs if it was a residual killer. The longevity of a bed bug spray is not an indication of how long it will take to kill, but how long it remains active after application.

On average, a bed bug spray will remain effective for about 2 weeks after application, as long as it is not washed, rinsed, or otherwise disturbed. Some bed bug sprays can even last for up to 16 weeks, ensuring that the treated areas continue to control the bed bug population for up to 4 months. Always check the longevity of a product before investing in an easy bed bug spray.

We selected some of the best bed bug sprays in their respective categories based on high customer approval, overall efficacy, availability, and popularity.

Photo: amazon.com

The HARRIS bed bug spray is a powerful spray designed to be used on cracks, crevices, furniture, closets, wall moldings, mattress seams, bed frames, and almost anywhere else a bed bug could hide, without leaving behind stains and odors or damaging fabrics.

The chemical spray kills bed bugs on contact with imidacloprid, n-Octyl bicycloheptene dicarboximide, and phenothrin. It continues to treat the infestation for up to 16 weeks, even eliminating bugs and eggs that are resistant to traditional pyrethroid insecticides. While this product is EPA approved for use in your home and around pets, it should not be used on your clothing, pillows, or bedding. Always follow label directions to ensure safe use.

Product Specs



Get the HARRIS bed bug spray at Amazon, Walmart, and The Home Depot.

Photo: amazon.com

While other sprays can damage a mattress bedding and other fabrics, Bedlam Plus Bed Bug Aerosol Spray, with its water-based formula, can be used on all fabrics, wood furniture, and carpets to kill bed bugs and their eggs. This dual-action chemical treatment that includes imidacloprid can kill pyrethroid-resistant infestations, destroying bugs on initial contact and remaining active for up to 2 weeks.

Its safe to spray on every part of the bed, behind wall fixtures and on the carpet or hardwood floor without concern. The spray is non-irritating to humans and common pets, but should never be used in a food preparation area or around consumable food and beverages, as its unsafe to ingest the spray.

Product Specs



Get the Bedlam Plus bed bug spray on Amazon and at Walmart.

Photo: amazon.com

Hot Shot Bed Bug Killer is an affordable bed bug spray that treats infestations in every part of the bed, upholstered furniture, luggage, baseboards, and carpets. The water-based imiprothrin and lambda-cyhalothrin formula kills bed bugs, bed bug eggs, and fleas on contact, but needs to be reapplied every 2 weeks if infestations persist in problem areas.

The spray leaves no oily residue or stains behind and theres no noxious chemical odor. However, because the spray also kills fleas, the manufacturer specifically states that the spray must not be used on pets due to its harmful toxins. If the dog or cat comes down with fleas, see the veterinarian for an approved product to treat them.

Product Specs



Get the Hot Shot bed bug spray on Amazon and at Walmart.

Photo: amazon.com

MDXconcepts Natural Organic Bed Bug Killer is safe for the environment and all members of your household. The bed bug spray uses a natural, 100 percent plant-derived formula to instantly kill bed bugs on contact. The active ingredients, peppermint oil and spearmint oil, effectively treat bed bug infestations, imparting a fresh, pleasant scent.

This bed bug spray can be used on all moisture-safe surfaces and items, including mattresses, baseboards, and carpets, without staining or leaving an oily residue. Repeat treatment per the manufacturers directions until the infestation is eliminated.

Product Specs



Get the MDXconcepts bed bug spray at Walmart.

Photo: amazon.com

If more than one insect species has invaded a space, JT Eaton Oil-Based Bed Bug Spray is a broad-spectrum solution that targets multiple pests, including bed bugs and their eggs, fleas, brown dog ticks, silverfish, spiders, carpet beetles, and some roaches.

It relies on a pyrethrin and piperonyl butoxide formula and can be sprayed on all bed parts, baseboards, and flooring to kill on contact. It may leave an oily residue if too much is used, and its harmful to both humans and pets, so be sure to follow manufacturer directions exactly to ensure your safety.

Product Specs



Get the JT Eaton bed bug spray on Amazon and at Walmart.

Photo: amazon.com

This efficient bed bug spray uses three different active ingredientsdinotefuran, pyriproxyfen, and pralethrinto quickly and effectively treat all stages of bed bug infestations and can be effective on pyrethroid-resistant bed bugs. Despite its impressive results, PT Alpine Flea and Bed Bug Killer is rated for use on all areas of your bed, including your mattress, pillows, and other bed coverings.

Its specially formulated to avoid drenching fabrics and it dries quickly so that you wont need to air out the house for too longbut it does have a chemical smell characteristic of powerful insecticides. Use a respirator mask during application and follow manufacturer recommendations for reentry.

Product Specs



Get the PT Alpine bed bug spray on Amazon and at Walmart.

Photo: amazon.com

Bed bugs in upholstery can be tricky to treat because they hide in the folds and stitches of furniture. Fortunately, Ortho Home Defense Max Bed Bug Killer outsmarts the insects with a unique battery-powered application wand. It delivers multiple spray patterns for precise application and a finger trigger for continuous spraying.

This odorless bed bug spray, which relies on bifenthrin, imidacloprid, and piperonyl butoxide, can be used once every 2 weeks on bed frames, couches, chairs, and baseboards to kill pyrethroid-resistant bed bugs, bed bug eggs, fleas, and ticks. It should not be used on mattress bedding, clothing, or pillows, however, and the manufacturers treatment instructions must be followed for best results and to ensure safety.

Product Specs



Get the Ortho bed bug spray at Amazon, Walmart, and The Home Depot.

Photo: amazon.com

HARRIS 5-Minute Bed Bug Foaming Spray is best for use in baseboards, cracks, crevices, bed frames, box springs, and wall moldings thanks to a unique formula that expands into these areas, eliminating hidden nests within 5 minutes of contact. The spray continues working for a month before needing to be reapplied if bed bugs persist.

This spray relies on metofluthrin, clothianidin, and piperonyl butoxide to kill pyrethroid-resistant bed bugs in all stages of life. The foaming spray is non-staining and odorless, allowing it to be used all over the home without concern for residual stains, and it turns clear when it dries. While the EPA has approved the product for use on the entire mattress, the manufacturer recommends bed linens not be treated with this product.

Product Specs



Get the HARRIS bed bug foaming spray on Amazon and at Walmart.

For long-lasting bed bug control, HARRIS bed bug spray reliably treats bed bug populations for up to 16 weeks. However, if you are concerned about the treatment irritating or affecting you, your family, and any pets, then its better to opt for the more mild treatment of MGK Bedlam Plus bed bug spray.

One problem currently affecting the bed bug extermination industry is that many populations of bed bugs have become resistant to pyrethrins and pyrethroids. So, during the selection of products, it was necessary to keep this in mind and look for top-quality options that could deal with pyrethroid-resistant infestations.

Extensive research into the ingredients, longevity, application, and effect of each bed bug spray was necessary in order to determine the top options for this list. The best bed bug sprays treat infestations while causing minimal disruption to the daily life of users and their family. Additionally, both natural and chemical bed bug sprays were selected to provide a range of treatment options.

Take a look at the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about bed bugs, bed bug treatments, and how to deal with bed bug infestations.

There are many reasons bed bugs might find their way into your home, but the most common cause of bed bugs is travel. The insects get into your luggage and clothing from hotel or motel beds, allowing them to infest your home if they are not killed immediately, which is why its a good idea to spray your luggage outdoors as soon as you get home, and then wash all contents of the bag.

Yes, you can sleep on a bed that is infested with bed bugs, but expect to wake up to itchy, red bite marks. You wont even feel the bed bug bite or them feeding for up to 10 minutes due to a numbing agent in the bite of the insect, but the evidence will be there in the morning.

Professional exterminators can use a range of options to kill bed bugs, like heat treatment, foggers, powders, and sprays. Common professional bed bug sprays will contain pyrethroids, pyrethrins, imidacloprid, piperonyl butoxide, bifenthrin, or lambda-cyhalothrin.

If you suspect that bed bugs may be hiding, then you can use a hair dryer to increase the heat over the suspected area to force the bed bugs to come out of hiding. Hold the dryer about 3 to 4 inches away and move it back and forth across the area for about 30 seconds to a minute.

The best way to permanently get rid of bed bugs is thorough repetition and diligence. Wash and dry clothes, bedding, and other linens at temperatures of at least 120 degrees Fahrenheit to kill bed bugs in the laundry. Vacuum regularly to suck up bed bugs from the carpet and make sure to immediately seal and throw out the vacuum bag.

If you have items that cannot be heated up enough to kill the bed bugs, consider freezing these items for at least 4 days straight to ensure they are bed bug-free. You will also need to regularly inspect the home and treat with a bed bug spray as necessary.

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The Best Bed Bug Spray Options of 2022 - Top Picks by Bob Vila - Bob Vila

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Orkin Releases Top 50 Bed Bug Cities List

ATLANTA (January 8, 2019) For the second year in a row, Baltimore tops Orkins Top 50 Bed Bug Cities list, released today. New York fell four spots, while Dallas-Fort Worth joined the top 10. San Diego and Albany rejoin the list, after falling out of the top 50 in 2017, and New Orleans and Flint, Mich. join the list for the first time ever. Orlando has fallen off the list despite public lawsuits from hotel guests.

The list is based on treatment data from the metro areas where Orkin performed the most bed bug treatments from December 1, 2016 November 30, 2017. The ranking includes both residential and commercial treatments.


Washington, D.C.


Los Angeles (+2)

Columbus, Ohio

Cincinnati (+2)


New York (-4)

San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose

Dallas-Fort Worth (+5)



Atlanta (+3)

Cleveland-Akron-Canton, Ohio (-1)

Raleigh-Durham, N.C. (-3)

Richmond-Petersburg, Va. (-5)


Norfolk-Portsmouth-Newport News, Va. (+2)

Charlotte, N.C. (-3)

Buffalo, N.Y. (-2)

Knoxville, Tenn.

Nashville, Tenn. (+1)

Grand Rapids-Kalamazoo-Battle Creek, Mich. (+4)


Greenville-Spartanburg, S.C.-Asheville, N.C.

Champaign-Springfield-Decatur, Ill. (+4)

Phoenix (-1)

Denver (-6)


Hartford-New Haven, Conn. (+1)

Charleston-Huntington, W.Va. (+5)

Boston (-4)

Syracuse, N.Y. (+7)

Dayton, Ohio (-2)

St. Louis (+2)

Seattle (-2)

Miami-Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. (+9)

Flint-Saginaw-Bay City, M.I. (new to list)

Omaha, N.E. (-6)

Cedar Rapids-Waterloo-Dubuque, Iowa (-2)

San Diego (new to list)

Lexington, Ky. (+1)

Honolulu, Hawaii (+5)

Louisville, Ky. (-3)

Las Vegas (+4)

Greensboro-High Point-Winston Salem, N.C. (-4)

New Orleans (new to list)

Myrtle Beach-Florence, S.C. (-9)

Tampa-St. Petersburg, Fla. (-14)

Albany-Schenectady-Troy, N.Y. (new to list)

The number of bed bug infestations in the United States is still rising, says Dr. Tim Husen, an Orkin entomologist. They continue to invade our homes and businesses on a regular basis because they are not seasonal pests, and only need blood to survive, he says.

Bed bugs are always in motion. They travel from place to place with ease, including luggage, clothing and other belongings. In addition to single family homes, bed bugs can be found in apartments, hotels, hospitals and public places like daycare centers, public transit, schools and offices.

According to a 2015 Bugs without Borders Survey by the National Pest Management Association, the top three places where pest professionals report finding bed bugs are apartments/condominiums (95 percent), single-family homes (93 percent) and hotels/motels (75 percent).

Any type of home is prone to bud begs. It has nothing to do with sanitation. We have treated for bed bugs everywhere, from newly built upscale homes to public housing, Husen says.

Bed bugs are capable of rapid population growth with an adult female laying two to five eggs per day (up to 500 in her lifetime), often making treatment challenging. Adult bed bugs are about the size of an apple seed and are typically reddish brown. Their small size and ability to hide make them difficult to see during the day, so its important to look for the black, ink-like stains they can leave behind.

Bed bugs cannot be completely prevented so early detection is critical. To help detect bed bugs, Orkin recommends homeowners and travelers do the following:

At Home:

Inspect your home for signs of bed bugs regularly. Check the places where bed bugs hide during the day, including mattress tags and seams, and behind baseboards, headboards, electrical outlets and picture frames.

Decrease clutter around your home to make it easier to spot bed bugs on your own or during professional inspections.

Inspect all secondhand furniture before bringing it inside your home. This is a common way for bed bugs to be introduced into homes.

Dry potentially infested bed linens, curtains and stuffed animals on the hottest temperature allowed for the fabric.

During travel, remember the acronym S.L.E.E.P to inspect for bed bugs:

Survey the hotel room for signs of an infestation. Be on the lookout for tiny, ink-colored stains on mattress seams, in soft furniture and behind headboards.

Lift and look in bed bug hiding spots: the mattress, box spring, and other furniture, as well as behind baseboards, pictures and even torn wallpaper.

Elevate luggage away from the bed and wall. The safest places are in the bathroom or on counters.

Examine your luggage carefully while repacking and once you return home from a trip. Always store luggage away from the bed.

Place all dryer-safe clothing from your luggage in the dryer for at least 15 minutes at the highest setting after you return home.

Bed bugs are an elusive threat to your household and beyond, as they can reproduce quickly and travel on your belongings, so its critical to detect and treat for them as early as possible. Anyone who suspects a bed bug infestation should contact a pest management professional immediately.

For more information about bed bug detection and prevention, visit Orkin.com. You can also find 100 facts about bed bugs in Orkins bed bug e-book: 100 Reasons Why Bed Bugs Are Freaky and Fascinating.

Founded in 1901, Atlanta-based Orkin is an industry leader in essential pest control services and protection against termite damage, rodents and insects. The company operates more than 400 locations with almost 8,000 employees. Using a proprietary, three-step approach, Orkin provides customized services to approximately 1.7 million homeowners and businesses in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe, South America, Central America, the Middle East, the Caribbean, Asia, the Mediterranean and Africa. Orkin is committed to studying pest biology and applying scientifically proven methods. The company collaborates with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and eight major universities to conduct research and help educate consumers and businesses on pest-related health threats. Since 2014, Orkins Start with Science initiative has donated $670,000 to fund science and math projects in public schools across the nation. Learn more about Orkin at Orkin.com. Orkin is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Rollins Inc. (NYSE: ROL). Follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn.

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Orkin Releases Top 50 Bed Bug Cities List

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