167 Briarwood Dr 9f, Hinds, Jackson, Mississippi, 39206 Bed Bug Registry Map
  Friday 14th of March 2025 05:46 AM

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Address : 167 Briarwood Dr 9F, Hinds, Jackson, Mississippi, United States, 39206

Details: Sherwood Forest Apartments have extreme bed bug infestation! The landlord is charging $150 for treatment of a problem they already knew about!

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

Incident Radius: 50 Miles

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One Georgia City Makes List Of Top U.S. Cities For Bed Bugs – iHeartRadio

As travel has begun to surge again, bed bugs have also popped up more frequently in various cities across the United States.

Bed bugs are known for rapidly populating. "Bed bugs are a concern for everyone because they are master hitchhikers, traveling home with people when they likely don't realize it," said Ben Hottel, an Orkin entomologist. "Their nature of hiding in difficult-to-find cracks and crevices can make them hard to control, which is why involving a trained professional at the sight of an introduction is recommended."

To keep people aware of bed bugs and which cities are more likely to have them, Orkin released a list of the top U.S. cities for bed bugs. They conducted their study "based on treatment data from the metro areas where Orkin performed the most bed bug treatments from December 1, 2020 November 30, 2021.

So, which Georgia city made the list of the top U.S. cities for bed bugs?

According to the report, here are the top 50 cities for bed bugs in America:

Click here to see the full report.

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One Georgia City Makes List Of Top U.S. Cities For Bed Bugs - iHeartRadio

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PEST PROBLEMS: Canadians despise bed bugs, rats most …

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Bed bugs and rats, oh my.

These are the top pest problems searched online by Toronto residents.

In Canada, in the past 12 months, online searches for pest control were up 200%, according to a Confused.com report.

Torontonians struggle with bed bugs the most and they created 1,300 searches for how to get rid of bed bugs, according to the report

Of all the pest problems analyzed in the country, these bed bugs had 8,100 monthly searches for how to get rid of bed bugs on average.

This is a 49% increase in the last year.

Getting rid of rats is the second leading pest problem invading Canadian homes with 8,100 monthly searches for art traps.

But the search for rat traps only increased by 23% in the last year.

In Toronto, there was an average of 880 online searches per month for rat traps.

People in Toronto have searched for ways to get rid of these pests 720 times a month on average.

Experts say eliminating these pests needs to be done as quickly as possible as an infestation can reduce the value of the home by up to 20%

If an infestation is allowed to grow the home could be worth up to $33,000 less because of pest damage.

Insurance companies dont always cover the cost of all pest removal, or repair any damage.

Homeowners and renters should read the fine print of your policy details as some providers have different definitions as to what a pest is. For example, the removal of a beehive might not be covered whereas a mouse infestation could be more likely to be covered, said Jessica Willock, a home insurance expert at Confused.com.

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Howard Bright, president and founder of Anti-Pesto Bug Killers, said to keep the pests away it is important to keep a clean home as pests are attracted to sources of food like dirty dishes, leftover food, and unsealed containers.

If you dont plan on hiring a professional, experts suggest baits and traps are a good DIY option to get rid of pests.

Liquid concentrates can get rid of pests overnight.

Once diluted in water, liquid concentrates can be sprayed in the cracks and crevices of your home where pests are most to be.

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Are These Bed Bugs or Fleas? | Terminix

While bed bug and flea bites may look similar, there are ways to tell them apart. Discover how to spot the difference and tell if its a bed bug or fleasTHINK YOU HAVE BED BUGS?Use BugID to find out

Regardless of whether you're dealing with bed bugs or fleas, you want them gone from your home. Now. But before you drive yourself crazy scratching, it's important to know which of the two nearly invisible arthropods you're dealing with. Treatments are necessary in both cases. However, depending on whether you have bed bugs or fleas, the most effective treatment will differ.

While both require a warm-blooded host to provide blood meals, fleas tend to prefer feeding on hairy or furry animals such as cats and dogs. Bed bugs prefer feeding on your family.

To this end, cats, dogs and other animals (including outdoor wildlife) are generally associated with bringing fleas into the home, as opposed to bed bugs, which are generally brought in by people.

While fleas can live several months without a host in the pupa stage, adult fleas can only live about two weeks. Adult bed bugs can survive up to a year between feedings.

One flea can lay between 150 and 300 eggs every week. One bed bug can lay 200 in a lifetime (approximately 10 months to one year).

Bed bugs do not fly or jump. They have to crawl across your bed to feed. Fleas can jump almost 200 times their body length: 13 inches. This helps them transfer between hosts and "hitch rides" to travel to new sources of food (i.e., you and your family).

While bed bugs have not been discovered to pass on human pathogens, fleas have the ability to spread diseases such as typhus, plague and cat-scratch fever.

If you've captured one of these little assailants, immobilize the pest with a piece of clear tape. This will ensure it doesn't escape to bite again while also allowing you to examine the bug before showing it to your professional pest control experts. Here's how to tell if you've caught bed bugs or fleas:

If you're scratching at red marks on your body, you likely already have an infestation. If you have children and pets, check for signs of bites on them as well. Here are a few things that will help you figure out whether you have fleas or bed bugs, although it is important to remember that bite marks depend on the person and can be very situational:

Whether you have bed bugs or fleas, there's only one true solution:kill them now. Call Terminix at the first sign of intrusion; even one bloodthirsty biter can take over your family's home.

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Are These Bed Bugs or Fleas? | Terminix

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What Real Estate Agents Should Know About Bedbugs – Inman

Bedbugs have been around for a long time and will continue to be a menace to homeowners. A well-informed agent can address the pros and cons of different remediation techniques to help assure buyers and sellers that they can sleep soundly again at night.

It may seem hard to believe that an insect the size of an apple seed can be so prolific and cause so many problems, but bedbugs are a menace thats both expensive and time-consuming to cure.

These bugs thrive on blood and, with their needle-sized beak, bore into a hosts skin for sustenance. Bedbugs do not fly but crawl from location to location.

Bedbugs have existed for more than 3,500 years, according to fossil finds by scientists, and it is believed that they first parasitized bats and then moved onto humans. A history of bedbugs reveals that they were first found in caves where civilization began, as early as 100 A.D.

In 600 A.D, bedbugs were found in China, in 1200 A.D. in Germany, and evidence of bedbugs has been found in France in 1400 A.D. Englands first infestations were around 1583, and soon after, they traveled to the New World, hitching a ride on ships with travelers coming to what would soon be America.

Bedbugs are hardy creatures who can survive without food for a year. They are small, oval, wingless creatures that must crawl to spread. As the bugs are often concealed in clothing or furniture, they may move more rapidly by relying on humans to transport them.

Bedbugs are also prolific, as females reproduce five to seven eggs per week, for a total of 250 eggs in a lifetime. It takes between two and eleven months for the bugs to reach maturity. Bedbugs thrive in temperatures between 46 and 113 degrees Fahrenheit and typically live within eight feet of where their human hosts sleep.

Due to the small size of the fully formed bedbug, between five and seven millimeters, they are hard to see. Bedbug droppings, the size of a poppy seed, are evidence of their presence, and they emit a musty smell.

Bedbugs are not easy to see, as they are translucent unless they have recently eaten, and then appear reddish-brown. Remember, a bedbugs diet is human blood, hence their brownish color.

Bedbugs can travel, although slowly, through cracks in walls and ceilings, on pipes and through spaces between floorboards.

Extremes of temperature, both cold and hot, can kill bedbugs, once an infestation has been established. Temperatures below zero degrees will kill bedbugs, as well as temperatures above 120 degrees. The standard cure for bedbugs is to launder all fabrics in very hot water and dry them in commercial dryers at high temperatures.

On the other end of the temperature scale, one effective approach is Cryonite freezing treatment, a completely green process that uses carbon dioxide to freeze, and this terminates the bugs. Of course, the other solution is to discard furniture, bedding and clothing to ensure that the bugs are out of your home.

It is always wise to be extra careful when shopping in thrift stores or used furniture stores to be sure that there is no evidence of bedbugs. Woe to the unsuspecting individual who brings home an upholstered chair or sofa cushion that they find on the curb on trash day!

To prevent bedbugs, keeping bedrooms clutter-free and clean, including frequent vacuuming, is advised. When traveling, avoid putting suitcases on beds or the floor, instead use a luggage rack. Doing laundry often is also the key to preventing bedbugs and their spread.

Evidence of bedbugs can take the form of bites on the sleepers body, although the bites may take up to two weeks to appear. Dark spots of dried blood on sheets and mattresses are also evidence of an infestation.

If an apartment building or multifamily dwelling has had an infestation of bedbugs, notice must be given once removal and remediation have occurred. Highly trained and sensitive dogs are currently used to determine bedbug infestations. These dogs qualify for their task by eight hundred hours of training and have a 96-98 percent effectiveness in detecting bugs within a three-foot radius.

Bedbugs have been around for a long time and will continue to be a menace to homeowners. A well-informed agent can address the pros and cons of different remediation techniques to help assure buyers and sellers that they can sleep soundly again at night.

GerardSplendoreis a licensed associate real estate broker withWarburg Realtyin New York. Connect with him onLinkedIn.

See the article here:
What Real Estate Agents Should Know About Bedbugs - Inman

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Bed bugs in your hotel… what to do after? – Insects in …

(Last Updated On: April 12, 2011)

Bed bug, Cimex lectularis

Imagine that youre traveling and staying in a nice hotel. The next morning you discover bites and confirm that your room has bed bugs. What do you do? This is an increasingly common problem for travelers, as well as a nightmare for the hotel industry.

Recently a question came into our office from a person with just this experience. She had stayed in a hotel with bed bugs. Immediately after returning home she called her local health department and was advised to discard all her personal belonging if she didnt want to bring the bed bugs home. She did this, and is now fighting with hotel management for reimbursement of the cost of her lost personal items.

While you should be legitimately concerned about bringing bed bugs home from a stay in an infested hotel, there are easier, less drastic solutions. After reporting the infestation to the hotel, there are several things you can do to protect yourself if you suspect youve stayed in a bed bug infested room:

Bed bug infestations can be reported online via one of multiple consumer hotel registries. Two sites include http://www.bedbugreports.com/ and http://bedbugregistry.com/

Bed bugs in your hotel... what to do after? - Insects in ...

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