167 Briarwood Dr 9f, Hinds, Jackson, Mississippi, 39206 Bed Bug Registry Map
  Friday 14th of March 2025 15:30 PM

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Address : 167 Briarwood Dr 9F, Hinds, Jackson, Mississippi, United States, 39206

Details: Sherwood Forest Apartments have extreme bed bug infestation! The landlord is charging $150 for treatment of a problem they already knew about!

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Landlord Responsibility for Bed Bugs | Nolo

What tenants should know about landlords' responsibility for bed bugs in rental properties.

Bed bug problem? It happens to even the best of apartments. Bed bugs can catch a ride in your suitcase or used furniture (beware of second hand mattresses!) or on your clothing. The critters can even travel from another apartment in your building. Positively identifying bed bugs is best left to a professional, but if you want to learn more, there are many resources about bed bugs available (the Environmental Protection Agency has a particularly good bed bug website).

Here's how tenants should deal with a bed bug infestation in their rental. (Hint: A can of Raid is not going to do the job.)

If you suspect a bed bug infestation in your unit or building, contact your landlord or manager right away. Your landlord should hire a qualified exterminator to inspect for and measure the concentration of bed bugs in your rental (and also adjoining units). Before any exterminator enters your unit, your landlord should give you proper notice of entry for the exterminator's inspection, or work with you to come up with a plan for accessing your unit that works for both of you.

Some states have specific laws on the books about landlords'and tenants'duties regarding bed bug infestations. For example, state laws might require tenants to take steps such as:

Ask your landlord what to expect from the bed bug inspection. Typically, a pest management professional will examine the main bed bug site (such as your mattress and bedding), as well as other common bed bug hiding places, such as drawers, closets, and shelves. A professional will also attempt to determine where the bed bugs came from, and learn whether and how the problem has spread. Mapping the infestation might also help determine when a particular rental unit became infested, which the landlord may use to apportion financial responsibility for the exterminationsome states allow landlords to charge the cost of extermination to tenants who willfully or recklessly cause an infestation, or who fail to timely report an infestation.

Exterminators usually recommend that tenants in bed bug-infested units take the following steps:

Keep in mind that if you don't follow the exterminator's advice, and the bed bugs reappear, you'll have to start the whole process all over again. Also, in some states, you could face fines if you don't follow or cooperate with your landlord's bed bug control measures.

As long as the tenant didn't introduce the bed bugs, the landlord is usually responsible for extermination.

Most states require landlords to provide habitable housing, and most courts don't consider bed bug infested units to be habitable. So, as long as the tenant didn't introduce the bed bugs, the landlord is usually responsible for extermination. However, determining who introduced the bed bugs (and who must foot the bill) is often very difficult in multi-unit buildings: Many tenants may be moving in and out, some might have recently traveled abroad and brought home bed bugs, and others might have brought home furniture that contained bed bugs. As a result, landlords (or their insurers) often end up footing the extermination bill and (possibly) tenant relocation costs in properties with several rental units.

If you live in a single-family homeespecially if you've lived there a long timeit's more likely that the landlord will hold you responsible for the infestation and its extermination costs, simply because there's no other tenants to blame.

Note that renters' insurance typically will not pay for eradication of bed bugs or bed bug-related damage. If a qualified partysuch as a professional exterminatordetermines that you caused the infestation, it's likely that you will be paying the costs of extermination out of your own pocket.

Depending on your state's law, if your landlord fails to take care of a major bed bug problem, you might have options such as:

Before you take any of these steps to deal with an unresponsive landlord, though, you should consider consulting with an attorney or local housing resource to see what options local law allows. Some states don't allow tenants to withhold rent or move out without penalty, and others might even put the responsibility on the tenant to exterminate bed bugs. Tenants who improperly take one of these steps to solve their bed bug problem might face serious consequences, such as owing rent on a unit they've moved out of or having their tenancy terminated for wrongfully withholding rent.

Many tenants don't want to live in a property with a history of bed bugseven if the landlord has taken proper extermination measures. Some states require landlords to disclose past or present bed bug infestations, and even more states require landlords to disclose general issues with the property. Tenants who are concerned about a property's bed bug-related past should ask the landlord outright about any prior infestations. Even if the law doesn't require disclosure, landlords should answer such questions truthfully. When a landlord misrepresents the property's history, the tenant might have grounds for a lawsuit or other remediessuch as breaking the lease without penaltylater on if the tenant suffers harm from a bed bug infestation.

Landlord Responsibility for Bed Bugs | Nolo

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Horry COVID Update + MB Bed Bug Law + Get In On The MLK Parade – Patch.com

Hey, Myrtle Beach! Here's everything you need to know to get the New Year's holiday started off right. Today is Friday, December 31, 2021 the last day of the year! Keep your safety and health in the forefront of your mind if you are venturing out and about. The Grand Strand is crowded with visitors and locals going out to NYE events. Happy New Year!

Here's a peek at your New Year's weekend weather:

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Medicare enrollment may be over for the season, but if you're under 65 or want a private health plan, you can still enroll. Lapiere and Josie Senior Insurance Consultants, trusted local agents in Myrtle Beach, are here to help. Three out of five people who get a plan through them end up with a zero-cost premium. Visit lapiereandjosie.com to learn more.

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Here are the top four stories today in Myrtle Beach:

Today's Myrtle Beach Daily is brought to you in part by our friends at Verizon. They're building the fastest 5G network in the country. To learn how 5G is going to change life for you and your community and to get access to this amazing technology click here. And thank you Verizon for sponsoring this community resource in Myrtle Beach!

NYE and New Year's Day in Myrtle Beach:

Friday, December 31

More New Year's Weekend live music on the Grand Strand (MyrtleLive.com)

Saturday, January 1, 2022

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Before I sign off for the last day of 2021, I want to say thank you to all my readers and followers! Your personal notes and feedback are so encouraging! I started curating the Myrtle Beach Daily back in May of this year, and I'm having so much fun bringing you the news every day. I am truly grateful for all of you! I wish everyone a very safe and happy Grand Strand New Year! I'll see you in 2022!

Kathy Mandell

About me: The best decision I ever made was relocating to the Myrtle Beach area from New England a few years ago, with my three dogs and three cats. I enjoy dogs, cats, road trips, photography, writing, vegetarian food, live music, bicycling and above all my daily walks on the beaches in and around the Grand Strand.

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Horry COVID Update + MB Bed Bug Law + Get In On The MLK Parade - Patch.com

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Hi-Tech Pest Control Offers Over 3 Decades of Experience in Bed Bug Extermination and Pest Control – Digital Journal

When a person notices that their home may have bed bugs, the first action they should consider is contacting the services of a professional that has quite a bit of experience in this field. This is because, in most cases, it can be difficult to resolve the problem without the aid of the right tools and products. A professional team brings both the knowledge and the expertise needed to ideally remove all kinds of bed bugs and pests from ones home. Michigan-based Hi-Tech Pest Control is one such bed bug and pest control extermination service that has retained their spot as the top option for the people of the area since 1986.

The company has managed to cement their position among the community through their strong focus on quality and consistency. They offer all customers a 6-month long warranty, showcasing the sheer belief they have in their work. In addition to their high quality, Hi-Tech Pest Control believes in offering a cost-effective solution. The pest control company provides some of the markets most affordable offers while also being one of the fastest and most responsive names in Michigan.

As the leading bed bug exterminator in the area, Hi-Tech Pest Control has largely streamlined their methodology and follow a tried and tested process to uncover all affected areas. They begin by carefully inspecting any areas of the house or facility that they think may be infected with bed bugs. After this, the treatment process begins which leads to the eradication of eggs and hidden bugs. Finally, with the use of modern technology, they can cleanse the entire premises.

The companys worthwhile services have become a consistent option for people of Southeastern Michigan. As someone that has spent over 3 decades in the area, they have succeeded in cementing their position as the top name amongst the community.

About Hi-Tech Pest Control

Hi-Tech Pest Control is an experienced Bed Bug and Pest Control Exterminator Serving Southeastern Michigan and surrounding areas. They have Pest Control and IPM programs available. Hi-Tech Pest Control has been Southeastern Michigans leading residential and commercial bed bug removal since 1986, successfully eradicating pests in tens of thousands of homes using a combination of experience, knowledge, and the latest and greatest in bed bug extermination technology and approaches.

Media ContactCompany Name: Hi-Tech Pest ControlContact Person: Media RelationsEmail: Send EmailCity: TroyState: MichiganCountry: United StatesWebsite: https://hi-techpestcontrol.com

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Hi-Tech Pest Control Offers Over 3 Decades of Experience in Bed Bug Extermination and Pest Control - Digital Journal

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Toronto Officially Has The Worst Bed Bug Problem In All Of Canada – Narcity

Toronto is known for being at the top of many national rankings, but this one is nothing to brag about. Toronto was just named the city with the worst bed bug problem in all of Canada and honestly, who's surprised? Canadian pest removal and exterminator company Orkin recently released the list of cities with the worst bed bug infestations in Canada and the results are pretty gross.

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The rankings were based on the number of bed bug treatments Orkin performed from January 1st, 2018 to December 31st, 2018. Toronto, unfortunately, came out on the very top of the list with the most bed bug infestations. It looks like Ontario is also the province with the most bed bug problems because six cities in the top 10 list were located in Ontario.

READ ALSO:These Ontario Cities Have The Highest Number Of Reported Rat Infestations In The Entire Province

Ottawa was the city with the second-most bed bug infestations in Ontario, coming in sixth on the list. Hamilton came in seventh, Sudbury ranked eighth, Windsor took ninth place. Scarborough finished off the top 10 rankings at 10th place.

Via Orkin Canada

Now that it's a new year, Orkin is reminding Canadians to take careful precautions to prevent taking home bed bugs. "Bed bugs are extremely efficient hitch hikers," reads the report from Orkin. "They can move easily across a room and climb onto luggage or anything left on a bed in just one night".

You do not want these creepy critters settling into your home, especially because they tend to bite humans and leaving itchy marks. However, before you freak out, not all hope is lost - there are ways to help prevent a bed bug infestation in your home.

The pest removal and exterminator company shared some useful tips to help avoid creepy bed bugs from getting into your home. Orkin Canada recommends doing the following to lower your risk of a bed bug problem:

The other cities that made the list for the worst bed bug problems in Canada were Winnipeg, Johns, Vancouver and Halifax.

For more information on the list and how to prevent bed bug infestations in Toronto, you can visit Orkin Canada's website.

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Toronto Officially Has The Worst Bed Bug Problem In All Of Canada - Narcity

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Bed Bugs all Gone Expands Its Bed Bug Inspections …

Bed Bugs all Gone specializes in bed bug inspections & bed bug remediation since 2014. As the only such specialist in Northern CA, they are expanding their service area.

Bed Bugs all Gone is a rare company doing nothing but bed bug inspections and bed bug remediation since 2014. As the only such specialist in Northern California, they are now reacting to strong demand by expanding their service area to San Joaquin and Stanislaus counties in addition to the seven counties surrounding San Francisco Bay, their original service area. You can reach them at (844) 416-4999 or through their website:www.bedbugsallgone.com.

Convenient, Fast and Lasting Results to Get Rid of Bed BugsThey have pioneered a uniquely comprehensive, single-service method that does not use toxic chemicals, requires virtually no preparation, allows the occupant to stay home during service, and stops bites from the day of service.

It comes with an unprecedented 15-month warranty which is important since bed bugs can live over a year between meals while they hide in tight, dark, undisturbed places close to the victim.

Bed Bugs all Gone uses a control material that remains bio-available for many years. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques are also employed along with other products that last indefinitely. In fact, in calling past clients from over four years ago, none had had a re-occurrence. In summary, the service outlasts the bugs, so they all die!

Education Is the KeyThe entire staff is trained to teach clients how to avoid getting bed bugs in their current and future residences. This includes how to avoid bringing bed bugs into your home after a trip. Founder, Steve Coy, points out that the staff is a group of born teachers who enjoy helping the client succeed.

We arent looking for repeat business from our clients, just repeat referrals! If you know what to do, you are unlikely to have this problem again.

About Steve Coy at Bed Bugs all GoneBorn in Palo Alto, CA and raised in Los Altos, his entrepreneurial career began at the age of 14, painting houses. With this endeavor, he put himself through Stanford University studying economics with a graduate MBA degree in finance.

Having practiced pest control for over 25 years, Steve learned about this new, never-before-heard-of product. He tried it out on the worst bed bug infestations he could find and it worked beyond his wildest dreams. He imagined starting a movement to rid the world of bed bugs.

Steve immediately sold his pest control operations in San Diego and moved back to the San Francisco Bay Area. It took over a year of preparation and planning, but once he started, he never looked back while continually perfecting his system of bed bug extermination.

People who know him say hes not bashful about his knowledge of bed bug control; he plays to win every single time he does a service. Steve published his entire protocol on the Bed Bugs all Gone website, hoping that others will follow his lead and adopt the program he has created. He invites you to contact him.

Media ContactCompany Name: Bed Bugs All GoneContact Person: Barbara HartleyEmail: Send EmailPhone: (650) 863-9128Country: United StatesWebsite: https://www.bedbugsallgone.com/

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Bed Bugs all Gone Expands Its Bed Bug Inspections ...

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