Branson Surrey Inn, 450 Highway 165 South, Taney, Branson, Missouri, 65616 Bed Bug Registry Map
  Thursday 20th of March 2025 11:59 AM

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Address : 450 Highway 165 South, Taney, Branson, Missouri, United States, 65616

Details: My father and I stayed in room 310. First, the ac did not work. The staff was asked to look at the ac unit at around 11 am. A man came by when reminded around 10 pm. They did offer to change our room around 11 pm. For some reason, we said no that it wasn

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Sudbury Housing tenant says shes living with bed bugs …

Sudbury -

Mellissa Bergeron first moved into her unit on Bruce Avenue in Sudbury a year ago, but it wasnt until a fire next door about six months ago that she said bed bugs and cockroaches infiltrated her unit.

Bergeron said her son is covered in bites, and she worries for her young daughter. She said because of all of the things wrong with her unit, she's refusing to pay rent to Sudbury Housing.

Housing wont fix it -- they say it's my fault, that Im a dirty woman," she said. "Theres been no help. Ive pleaded and begged. Theyve taken me to court for withholding my rent (but) they wont see it on my side."

She said there's a host of other problems connected with her apartment that badly need to be addressed.

My basement wall is molding and falling apart -- you can pull the whole plywood off of the wall and it would crumble everywhere," said Bergeron.

"Theres walls bubbling, finishing nails that are popping out because of the water damage from them putting the fire out. Theres a dead raccoon living in the ceiling above my bed. My attic roof fell on my head and gave me a concussion.

While shes concerned about her home, it's the health of her nine-year-old son and 14-month-old daughter shes most concerned about.

My son is so covered in bites that he is so itchy, hes ripping them wide open and he looks battered and bruised from it," she said.

"My 14-month-old daughter has them all over her legs, all over her body. (She) has something called cockroach fever and is getting very violently ill.

In order to fix the infestation, Bergeron said Sudbury Housing told her she would have to pay the rent she owes and get rid of everything she owns.

They havent done anything," she said. "I have to throw out everything I own, my children own. I dont get to keep anything because of this. Then they will come and clean out my home for me to be comfortable in it.

When CTV reached out to the city for comment, we received the following statement:

We have an extensive pest management program that provides support to our residents during a pest infestation. We have been working closely with our pest contractor to resolve pest issues, and we stepped up our program in September to provide greater assistance to our residents.

"As with any pest management process, cooperation from residents is required in order to assist with treatment. During the COVID-19 pandemic, some residents have not reported their infestations to the maintenance department or been willing to permit staff and pest contractors to have access to their units to complete necessary treatments.

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Sudbury Housing tenant says shes living with bed bugs ...

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2021 Top 50 Bed Bug Cities in U.S. | Terminix

As students arrive on college campuses nationwide this fall, Terminix announced its 2021 ranking of the top 50 most bed bug-infested cities in the country.

As students and parents have arrived on college campuses nationwide this fall, some additional annoying and uninvited roommates may also be taking up residence in dormitories. Bed bugs spread easily by hitching rides on luggage, backpacks and clothing, and can crawl through cracks in the walls, making common spaces of dorm living extremely vulnerable to infestations.

The top five cities on this years most infested list include Los Angeles claiming the top spot, followed by Cleveland, Philadelphia, Detroit and New York City. Thirteen states had more than one city on the list, including Alabama, Arkansas, California, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Texas.

Terminix based its rankings on the number of requests received from each city in 2021*. The top 50 cities for bed bug infestations in the United States are:

A few ways to identify the presence of bed bugs include small blood smears on your sheets, a musty odor, reddish-brown blood spots on your mattress, and bed bugs themselves. In dorm rooms, they tend to live in dressers, clothes, floorboards, couches and mattresses. When fully grown, bed bugs resemble the size, shape and color of an apple seed; however, students should also be on the lookout for recently hatched, cream-colored bed bugs (nymphs) hiding in their fitted sheets.

How to Protect Against Bed Bugs on Campus

Here are a few simple protective measures to help prevent the spread of bed bugs when moving onto campuses:

If you suspect a bed bug infestation in your dorm room, ask your university to contact a professional bed bug exterminator immediately. Bed bugs are notoriously difficult to eliminate, and college RAs are rarely equipped to handle infestations. Without the help of a professional, bed bugs can hide and survive in a home, apartment or dorm room for months.

*This ranking was created by compiling bed bug-specific data of customer interest from Terminix branches across the country. The rankings represent Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) with the most leads received between January 1, 2021 and August 20, 2021.

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2021 Top 50 Bed Bug Cities in U.S. | Terminix

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How to Make a Homemade Bed Bug Killer Spray With Vinegar

Melody is a volunteer for the Center for Disease and Control Prevention. She enjoys sharing her personal experience with others.

Vinegar kills bed bugs but does not kill eggs. It also needs to be reapplied, as it simply kills on contact and does not linger.

Yes, spraying vinegar directly on bed bugs can kill them because vinegar is a strong acetic acid that can disrupt an insect's nervous system. While this home remedy is safe and effective, it is not a standalone treatment, meaning you won't be able to eradicate a bed bug infestation with vinegar alone. Use vinegar as a natural ingredient to get rid of and even ward against bed bugs until you can come up with a long-lasting solution.

Homemade vinegar remedies for bed bugs are not pesticides, but they are much safer and will work during an early infestation. Here's how to make a vinegar bed bug spray:


NEVER mix vinegar with bleach. This will cause toxic chlorine gas that can harm your health.

Use an empty spray bottle to make homemade bed bug vinegar spray.

Can be used for short-term relief. The acidic content of vinegar is strong enough to disrupt their nervous systems.

The smell is terrible and long-lasting.

It is cheap and available almost everywhere.

You might not kill bed bugs completely but only push them into hiding.

This method is very safe. You can spray as much as you need and no one will get harmed like they would with toxic chemical sprays.

Some furniture could be damaged due to the low pH of vinegar.

It is safe to use in homes with children, dogs, and cats.

It will have little effect when there is a major infestation.

May have a toxic effect on some reptilian pets.

Read the comments section below to see results other readers have seen. The majority of readers agree that vinegar isn't as powerful as Hot Shot (which I've reviewed), Bed Bug Bully, or JT Eaton, but it's an effective, albeit slow way, of killing bed bugs over time. If you are waiting for a pest control professional to come treat your home or for bug spray to arrive in the mail, vinegar will buy you some time.

I obtained a couch from someone with a bed bug problem, and a man with a barn was kind enough to let me do my vinegar experiment there. Here is what I did, and these are the results of that experiment:

Conclusion: Using vinegar is not a good long-term solution for bed bugs. I understand that some people have no other choice but to use this method, but I recommend you do whatever it takes to come up with the funds for professional help. Remember, you are not alone. Do not be ashamed and try to hide an infestation. Face it, and do whatever it takes to eliminate the bed bugs.

Spray the areas where bed bugs will scatter to when you spray them directly with vinegar. This way, they'll run into more vinegar.

There are several other natural DIY ways to get rid of bed bugs without an exterminator, and below are just some of the methods that have worked for other people.

White vinegar works better as a homemade bed bug spray, but apple cider vinegar is better to treat bites.

While white vinegar works better as a bed bug repellant, apple cider vinegar is what you should use to treat the bites. Most people report intense itching after being bitten, but the low pH in white vinegar is too abrasive to treat the itching. ACV is milder and has antiseptic, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial properties.

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Apple cider vinegar is all-natural and healthy. An apple a day will keep the doctor away, and applying this type of vinegar will keep the itching away. The best way to use this anti-itching treatment is to apply the ACV to a cotton ball and apply it directly to the bite.

Give vinegar a try, but just remember that heavy infestations will need a professional. This solution works best for infestations that are caught early. If you have a severe infestation this is likely not the solution for you. With the aftermath of self-isolation, bed bugs may be quicker to become a problem. Don't be afraid to call your local exterminator right away.

This article is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.

Question: Will Witch hazel help repel bed bugs?

Answer: Yes, Witch Hazel would have a repellent effect on bed bugs. The one issue with using it is that most of the witch hazel sold in drug stores is diluted and contains far less of its active ingredients. If you want to use it for bed bugs, you would have to find a more concentrated version than most stores sell.

Question: Where does the adult bed bug hide?

Answer: Adult bed bugs can hide anywhere. The most common place to find them is around the head of your bed, under the mattress and in the frame. Even though adult bed bugs are larger than nymphs, they have the ability to become quite flat and squeeze into the smallest of places.

Question: Do bed bugs just sit on your bed in the daylight and not move?

Answer: Yes. Bed bugs can sit on your bed in the day-light and sit perfectly still. Bed bugs are nocturnal by nature, but they are not limited to staying in the dark. They may be very much like vampires, but direct sunlight does not harm them.

There might be a reason the bugs are coming out in the day. Sometimes it is because of your sleeping habit. Bed bugs are attracted to the carbon dioxide we breath out. If you spend a lot of daylight hours in bed, it could influence the bed bugs feeding hours.

Question: When it comes to bed bugs, is it worse to sleep in a warm room?

Answer: Theoretically, yes it is worse to sleep in a warm room with regards to bed bugs. However, the nominal temperature degrees would make it impractical to sleep in a room cold enough to slow bed bug reproduction 3 nil. You would see very little difference and your bed bug symptoms by trying to control it through monitoring your bedrooms temperature.

Instead of focusing on the temperature of your room, try to think and terms of complete bed bug eradication. Just know that you need to beat the Heat if you want to prevent bed bugs from being in a temperature which speeds bed bug reproduction.

Question: Does heat get rid of bed bugs?

Answer: Heat needs to be 118 F for 20 min to kill bed bugs. While home heating might not make them dry up or run, the hotter the home, the slower they will breed. Home heat is not a solution for bed bugs. Some companies specialize in heat treatments for bed bugs. Drying items on high heat in a dryer on its highest heat for an hour is usually sufficient to kill bed bugs.

Question: Do you leave your central air unit on when using a bed bug fogger?

Answer: In my opinion, I would turn off your central air unit while using the fogger. You don't want to risk spreading the chemical to other areas of the house that may not need it. It isn't as common for bed bugs or fleas to inhabit these systems, but if your infestation is that deep then forgo the fogger and get a professional pest control company. If your just asking for safety issues, then go ahead and turn it off.

Question: You mentioned alcohol to get rid of bed bugs. Are you speaking of white rubbing alcohol? I was told bed bugs hate the green, but it makes them run and doesn't kill them.

Answer: Yes. I recommend using the strongest clear rubbing alcohol. While some people report success with the 70% variety, I think the best results come when using the 90% + type.

The green rubbing alcohol has menthol or wintergreen additives. This might make them run but usually indicates less alcohol. This makes it less effective than the clear.

Question: I noticed you mentioned Hot Shot to get rid of bed bugs. I tried spraying everything then setting off three bombs then spraying again. In my opinion, it does not work. Did it work for you or does it not do as advertised?

Answer: It does work for many people. However, if the main ingredient in Hot Shot has been used a lot where you live, it is likely that the bed bugs have grown immune to it. Hot Shot would need to change their formula or offer other bed bug products with other active ingredients to solve this problem. If Hot Shot doesn't work for you then you need a pesticide that uses a different active ingredient to kill your bed bugs. Bed bugs can grow immunities to pesticides quickly, this causes a lot of problems for consumers. It isn't easy knowing what pesticides your bed bugs might be immune to.

2014 Melody Collins

Bolaji on August 26, 2020:

Pls what can I use to kill bed bug and I had that baking and kerosene kill it pls tell me how to mix it and the ingredients for it

erika loberatein on August 15, 2020:

It's WAR! do all the above the alcohol as well citric acid disolved in water to create a spray seems to help on furniture and carpet keep vacumimg and try a really hot steam cleaner on furniture too. bed bug spray for beds and matress covers or alike after spraying them down. Say Bye Bugs is said to really work natural and online. Cedar and Lavender 100 percent oils mixed with water helps

Ed on May 19, 2020:

Do you get scared of them?

Mo on May 11, 2020:

I have bed bugs on my couch beds and bedding i started using tea tree oil mixed with lavender essence oil and sta soft lavender and little dettol Liquid mixed with water.i put it in a spray bottle applied it on all the places but as for the beddings the are still the i washes them so many times its still in the blankets in the other places its made a very big difference as from what it was to what it is. So im gona take the beddings to the laundry maybe that should be a better option

Elijah on March 19, 2020:

I just tested out if vinegar kills them and it doesnt it slowed them down and like it said in the article it disables them for a bit but the get right back up

tim bolton on January 13, 2020:

i spray alot for bed bugs using vinegar.i do not have an infestation at home,but alot of people come to my work looking for b.b stuff and after they leave and i get home i spray all my clothes that i wore,i spray inside my house everywhere this might make me paranoid.but i sleep at night. p,s,i even spray my whole body too before showering the little buggers hate the stuff i use 4 monks vinegar

Cheryl on September 03, 2019:

I was wondering if you mix alcohol and vinegar together, it should work right? I mean the smell is not that toxic and the alcohol kills the bugs on contact as does the vinegar but the alcohol kills the eggs and the larvae so wouldnt that be a win win situation?

tony faro on August 23, 2019:

I've read that boric acid kills bed bugs and that baking soda also kills them. does anyone have any experiece using either?

K Bergin on August 10, 2019:

Another remedy for bedbugs. I live in a 50 unit apt building so far I've been one of the fortunate ones who have not gotten the creepy little bugs. I use industrial strength Clorox with peroxide. I works on house and garden infestations by killing the eggs and larvae. I thought maybe it would burn the feet of the adult bugs. I spray it around my doorway and coat the threshold as well. Both of my neighbors were infected but so far so good.

Gary from New York City on July 28, 2019:

I'm going to prepare for a professional exterminator, meanwhile I've got everything to keep them at Bay and I found a good with natural ingredients

Louise lannear on April 14, 2019:

We have had bed bugs for a bite and have tried everything and cant get rid of them we never had them before. Can someone help us? Does anyone know a pestticide control thats not expensive to come spray i need the help now before it gets out of control

cathy on April 10, 2019:

we 've had bed bugs for a while an tried different things like floor cleaner mixed a little water, sea salt under the cushions an around the edges of it, bleach with a little water in it, an vinegar with a little water in it, so hopefully one of the things on this site will work an we can get ride of the rest of the buggers

LaceyKole on March 11, 2019:

Great article, very informative! I itould also like to thank you for actually testing the vinegar out and posting results. I never want to chance whether or not whatever I am using works or not. With these kind of bugs I would hate to be wrong during an attempt to eradicate.

Now, for my main reason in leaving a comment. I just wanted to throw some cautionary stuff on the table real quick. With the rubbing alcohol I would like to remind everyone that the VAPERS are highly FLAMMABLE. I use alcohol with my infestation too, works very well AND is cheap enough. However, I am selective about where and how much to use in order to prevent fires from happening. I also ventilate the rooms and I wear a TB (N95) mask to help lessen any inhalation.

My second safety point is similar. On the DE, use this sparingly, it does not take a real large amount. In fact, these smarty pant bed bugs will go AROUND the amount piled on. I have also employed this tactic to rid my room of them. It works very well and lasts for many years if undisturbed. I placed it around the perimeter of my bedroom and it didnt take but 2-3 days before I noticed bugs that appeared near death. Then i simply snatched them up using duct tape (Ive had them get off clear tape but not duct tape) because even their movements were slowed down. You will absolutely want a TB mask (NOT a dust mask) on during this powder application, though nontoxic, you still do not want to breathe a lot of this in, if any at all. This stuff is so fine that it lingers in the air for quite some time. For this reason, I would NOT recommend treating your mattress or any soft furniture with it. Every time you move the slightest bit....the powder will be airborne again.Just not worth a trip to an ER. Cover as much skin as possible because this stuff is EXTREMLY drying to our skin and eyes. I can not emphasize this enough.

My best of wishes to all!

Liz on January 29, 2019:

I put one in a sealed container and it lived for 2 1/2 weeks

Richard Johnson on January 24, 2019:

Wash clothes with 20 Mule Team Borax

Becka on December 05, 2018:

Hey i have bed bugs and i cant use the bug spray as i have a 3 week old nephew and im just wondering if theres any other good methods i can use to get rido rid of them for good please thanks.

Sandra C on November 02, 2018:

My sibling and cousin has bed bugs. We have started seeing them at my moms. They love AB+ blood but I use just straight rubbing alcohol to spray everything and they have dropped tremendously. Went from several a night to a couple if any.

Tina cramer on October 31, 2018:

Does vinegar water kill bed bug an flee

RussellFry on October 13, 2018:

Thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge on how to kill stuff while not killing mother earth...

Brad on October 11, 2018:

Well I put 10 bed bugs in an empty water bottle over night, they we all dead in less then 12 hours.

Jack on August 12, 2018:

We were using essential oils mixed with cheap carrier oils but it got too expensive, i.e. lavender or lemon grass oil mixed with olive or coconut oil. It was working. However we have found a much cheaper (although not as nice smelling) option. Mix white vinegar with the carrier oil. This way it stays on task for at least a week. We're working our way through a very infested old 5 bedroom home.

HelperMan on January 13, 2018:

Katie, that's because they are small and require very little air, they will die eventually but that's because of the lack of blood and not air. If it was, say a rat, then it would die in almost a day as it uses up way more air than the bedbugs.

katie on December 24, 2017:

I caught some bedbugs put them in a sealed

jar they have been there 6 days with no air and they are not

dead yet.

NoraHudson on December 09, 2017:

Read the original:
How to Make a Homemade Bed Bug Killer Spray With Vinegar

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5 Ways to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Fast | Bed Bugs in Mattress …

As is the case with most insects, people want to know how to get rid of bed bugs fast. Whether youve seen one in your home, on your luggage or hiding in personal belongings, your first reaction is likely to try figuring out what kills bed bugs fast. The good news is theres lots of information including products and tips for elimination. The bad news is that anything other than professional pest control is likely to be ineffective.

Bed bugs are small, flat insects with an oval shape and brownish color that feed on the blood of humans and warm-blooded animals. Their flat bodies allow them to fit into tiny spaces about the width of a credit card, and they hide in cracks and crevices located close to your resting areas such as mattresses, box springs, bedside tables, bedding, bed frames and headboards. This gives them easy access to sleeping humans, thus the name "bed bugs."

Bed bugs aren't an insect you can live with. Their bites don't carry pathogens that may cause disease, but they can cause a lot of itching and discomfort. On top of the bites, bed bugs populations can develop quickly unless they the population is removed and eliminated.

Consider getting rid of anything unneeded such as old magazines and newspapers. Its difficult to inspect a cluttered home, and the more items you can eliminate, the less places bed bugs can hide. If youre wondering what bed bugs are attracted to, other than warmth, blood and carbon dioxide, dark crevices also get their attention.

Bed bugs can hide in cardboard, so if you need the storage, plastic bins are less likely to foster infestations.

Pick clothing and accessories off the floor. If possible, throw away or donate items you no longer need, taking care to ensure its all free of bed bugs.

How to get rid of bed bugs fast starts with how thoroughly pest control professionals can inspect your space. Clean furniture, baseboards, behind outlets, switch covers and other items to give them a head start.

Wash and dry clothing and bedding at the highest heat as allowed by the manufacturer. Place items in sealed plastic bags for transport between rooms, and then seal clean items again in new plastic bags.

If possible, remove and clean fabric window coverings and hardware. Placed in sealed plastic bags.

Wash and vacuum floors thoroughly. When finished, double-bag the vacuum bag in a trash bag and place in outdoor bin.

Check baseboards for any cracks or crevices and caulk as needed.

Ensure wallpaper is not loose and repair any wall damage.

Check outlets and wall switches for bed bug evidence.

Make your bed an island to help get rid of bed bugs fast by moving it at least six inches away from the wall.

Wash and dry all bed linens including pillow cases, sheets, comforters and mattress pads at the highest settings allowed by the manufacturer. Seal in plastic bags once clean.

Post-treatment, use encasements (bed-bug-proof covers) to cover your mattress and box spring. Ensure they have zippers and are high quality to cut down on tearing.

Check under your bed and discard anything unneeded. Items you want to keep should be stored in the same room to prevent the infestation from spreading.

What kills bed bugs fast? Pest control professionals. Give them your full cooperation and make sure they have access to closets, walls and areas around furniture.

Dont wait for the problem to get out of hand. To get rid of bed bugs fast, you need a trained professional to identify the pests and find signs of infestation quickly. Contact Terminix for powerful, customized treatments that can help eliminate bed bugs where they live and breed.

If bed bugs have infested your mattress, you need to take action immediately. But don't panic. Bed bugs are treatable, as long as you use the proper methods.

It's important to first reduce the ability for bed bugs to travel around your home, as bed bugs are constantly looking for ways to travel and spread.

Bed bugs can be removed from your furniture, so it's not necessary to throw it out. However, if you're absolutely sure that you don't want your infested furniture anymore, do not sell it or donate it unless it's been inspected for bed bugs. This will likely only spread bed bugs to another home.

As for your mattress, this depends on the severity of the bed bug damage. It's important to note that simply throwing away your mattress doesn't immediately get rid of your bed bug problem. You'll still need a professional to inspect your home and make sure bed bugs aren't living in another area of your home. Even though they're called bed bugs, they can live in dressers, nightstands and even floors among other places. And moving an infested piece of furniture around the home can move bed bugs into other areas.

Related: Where Do Bed Bugs Live?

If your mattress isn't seriously damaged, it can be salvaged if you go through the above steps and schedule a professional treatment. There may be no need to throw away anything as long as you properly address the issue.

You may be squeamish about using your bedding after an infestation (which is totally understandable), but a few hot cycles in the washing machine followed by a high heat dryer cycle and some time spent sequestered in a plastic bag should kill all bed bugs in your sheets, blankets and pillowcases. Just be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions when washing and drying your bedding.

Having bed bugs in your home doesn't mean that you're messy or lax on housekeeping. Bed bugs are adept travelers, and they're constantly looking for ways to 'hitch a ride' and gain ground. For example, they could be present in a hotel room, crawl or climb onto your suitcase and stay on the bag until you return home.

If you do have a bed bug infestation, it's important that you contact a bed bug control professional to treat and get rid of the problem. Bed bugs are notoriously difficult to control, and a professional is best equipped to spot the signs, find the visible and hidden bed bugs, and provide the right service to address bed bugs.

Prevention is important as well. Here are some things you can do to help prevent these intruders:

Taming bed bugs isn't something you have to tackle alone. Our trained Terminix professionals are always here to help you protect your home. Contact Terminix for powerful, customized treatments that can help eliminate bed bugs where they live and breed.

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5 Ways to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Fast | Bed Bugs in Mattress ...

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9 Natural Bed Bug Repellent Remedies | Terminix

After WWII, bed bugs seemed to all but disappear in the United States thanks to the introduction of modern insecticides. Theyve made a resurgence, though, coming back in force with infestations now found across the United States. Reasons for the rapid spread are still unclear, but increased travel is one solution that has been explored by experts. With such risk on the rise, its natural to search for an effective bed bug repellent just as you would to combat other pests such as mosquitoes, ants and roaches. But bed bugs arent your average bug. Their need to feed and breed is fierce, and their close contact within your home can be alarming.

We already know inspection and early identification are key for putting a stop to these pesky parasites; now lets talk about prevention using some popular bed bug repellents. Whether youre interested in natural bed bug repellent, store-bought products or a bed bug repellent thats homemade, its important to understand what works and what doesnt and risks involved with each method.

Most skin-applied pest repellents must be registered by the EPA before they can be marketed, but that hasnt stopped people from concocting their own remedies. Essential oils have gotten a lot of press for pest prevention in the last few years and have been especially touted as effective treatment around pets and kids. Even though consumers may deem essential oils safer to use as a pest repellent for skin than other options, it doesnt make it true, and it certainly doesnt mean theyre more efficient.

In terms of the most widely talked about bed bug repellents, homemade options often include diatomaceous earth. Because of its abrasive properties, it works by absorbing water-protecting fats and oils from the outer layer of a bed bugs exoskeleton. The hope is that once sprinkled on a mattress or applied to cracks and crevices, bed bugs will come in contact with the powder and ultimately dry out and die from dehydration. It can be easily evaded, though, and bed bugs are notorious for spotting and avoiding such traps.

When people search for information about how to get rid of bed bugs naturally, peppermint likely comes up as one of the options. Supposedly, its scent keeps bed bugs away, and people are thus encouraged to utilize it throughout their homes. One specific method indicates that the leaves should be crushed and spread throughout infested areas to distribute the oil, and the process should be repeated until all signs of bed begs are eliminated. Not only does it seem to be a time-consuming process but also a messy one likely to yield minimal results.

It is said that black walnut tea offers bed bug repellent properties. Consumers are told that placing used tea bags throughout their homes and attempting to cover bedding and any open cracks can help eliminate both bed bug eggs and adults. However, there is no data to support this claim and youre more likely to waste time than get rid of parasites.

There are purportedly many ways to use petroleum jelly as a bed bug repellent. A popular method is to smear it across a bed frame and headboard and down the bed legs. The thought is that pests will get stuck when crawling up the bed in search of a host, but what if bed bugs are already hiding in the mattress? Not many things will stand between beg bugs and a blood meal, and petroleum jelly isnt one of them.

Theres little evidence that rubbing alcohol is an effective bed bug repellent, but there is plenty of proof that its flammable. When misused independently or mixed with other ingredients to increase efficacy, it can quickly become a fire hazard and put your home and family in danger.

Unlike diatomaceous earth, baby powder has minimal impact on bed bugs. Its properties are simply not strong enough to pierce the outer layer of these pests, and its subsequently unlikely to have the same dehydrating results. While it might do a great job masking their musty scent, baby powder is not an effective homemade bed bug repellent.

Some consumers rub furniture down with dryer sheets or place them around their home in hopes they act as a bed bug repellent. Unfortunately, theres simply no evidence to indicate that these products aid in prevention or deterrence.

Laundering linens in the hottest water as instructed by the manufacturer to maintain good hygiene is a harmless step one can take toward reducing current infestation. Good, old-fashioned soap on skin or around your home doesnt go a long way in repelling bed bugs.

Its never recommended to use homemade bed bug repellents when trying to control a pest issue in your home. Though some options may help reduce the spread of parasites, the most effective long-term bed bug treatment is professional pest control. Contact Terminix today for a FREE inspection.

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