Ruth Designs, 303-3081 Rue College, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Quebec, J1m2e5 Bed Bug Registry Map
  Sunday 2nd of March 2025 21:59 PM

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Address : 303-3081 Rue College, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Quebec, Canada, j1m2e5

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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How to bed bug proof your luggage at a hotel …

Being on vacation and probably spending quality time with family and friends is always a beautiful experience. Unfortunately, sometimes you may get back home with an additional company. Yes, bed bugs can find their way into your luggage while at the hotel. These pests can be killjoys, especially when they live long enough to lay eggs and develop into an infestation.

You can avoid being troubled by bed bugs when you find a way to block them from gaining entry into your suitcases. Hotels usually are hotspots for these pests due to the high traffic of people from everywhere. Despite the facilities observing high cleanliness levels, there are still possibilities of new infestations as people keep coming more. Which are some of the reliable ways to secure the luggage from these pests?

Buy luggage coversThese days, some covers are meant explicitly for suitcases and, most importantly, for keeping bed bugs at bay. What you need is to always make the bags, and other luggage is on the cover throughout. Being reluctant to do this even for a minute could pave the way for the pests. The majority of the bed bug protectors go inside the bags.

They, unfortunately, dont do comprehensive coverage of the luggage. This is why the external bags are the best. They seal even the handles and zip areas which give room for bed bugs. A typical plastic bag can do the job perfectly well. Being transparent, you will have the ability to have a clear view of things. Bed bugs can hardly burrow through these bags; hence you can be sure of a total block. However, be much focused on the wrinkles on the bag surface, some could hide there.

Use spray repellantIt is natural for bed bugs to avoid substances that they find toxic to them. With their sense of smell, they can tell where to go and where not to. This is why using repellants is a brilliant idea if you want these insects not to be part of your luggage. In a domestic setting, these bed bug repellants may not be a great idea as they usually may make them stay at specific points and start to multiply.

However, when traveling, you need to consider the repellants as they protect your luggage accordingly. It is a beautiful idea to refrain from DIY sprays such as peppermint as they kill on contact. This means they cannot help in keeping off the insects afterward. The synthetic sprays in the market are the best since they have active components which can surface for days or weeks. It means that they will repel any potential invaders at the hotel.

Find knowledge onlineThese days, some websites are resourceful when it comes to information. Some of these belong to experts or people with passion in specific fields. Therefore, there are worthy sites that you can surf through and get relevant content concerning bed bugs. This means that such websites make you know how to safeguard your luggage from the bed bugs in your room at a hotel. The focus on the different routes the pests use makes you understand how better to lay protective measures.

You may end up learning more about the behavior of the bed bugs. For instance, you know about the characteristics of male and female bugs and how they tend to spread. Such knowledge acts as an eye-opener of how significant it is to prevent them from entering your home through the luggage.

Do some inspection when you reach homeIt is likely to be exhausted after a vacation somewhere. The recreational activities and long journey could make you only wish for a hot coffee, shower, then sleep. However, this may not be an excellent idea for anyone wishing to curb the spread of bedbugs from the hotel. Its a pretty good thing to keep your luggage at a specific point, such as the balcony, and scrutinize each item.

You could do this with someone extra as more eyes are better at ensuring everything is alright. To be on the safer side, consider putting all the clothing into the washing machine, and this includes both the clean and untidy ones. Through this, both the eggs and the bed bugs themselves will be exterminated.

Check your hotel room wellYou could be mind-blown by the aesthetic structures and sleek environment whenever you arrive at your accommodation unit. The truth is, this is not an indicator that you are safe. It is always good to do some inspection at the potential areas where the bed bugs hide. This could be along the inner edges of the bed. Focus also on the cracks in the furniture in the room. These checks are the last thing you want on a vacation as you only want to spend quality time. They are worth doing since you can be sure of not having sleepless nights when the pests start attacking. If you notice anything unusual, you can always ask the management to find you another room. Restaurants also can allow refunds meaning you can quickly shift to a different hotel if the place no longer pleases you.

Separate used clothes

Photo by David Lezcano on Unsplash

There is a high chance of catching bed bugs from the outdoor spaces while at a hotel. This could be at the seminar rooms, dining areas, rooftops, and the like. Thus, whenever you wear some clothes, be more well-organized and keep them in a separate place.

With this, you lower the probability of mixing the used and the clean clothes, which may increase the chances of spreading the pests if any is present. If possible, have some cover bags for such items. Additionally, keep your room organized. For instance, avoid leaving clothes on the floor, which puts you at a higher risk of bed bugs.

While spending a night or some in a hotel, there is a need to be extra cautious not to pick some bed bugs. Your luggage, therefore, needs proper shielding, such as by having covers for the suitcases. Another option is using bed bug repellant sprays. Most importantly, gather information online on everything to do with bed bugs as it makes you more informed hence vigilant.

Main photo by Brevit on Unsplash

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Top 10 Worst States For Bed Bugs | Bed Bug Map Infographic …

If you have ever encountered bed bugs in your home or hotel room

You might be wondering how they got there.

They can quickly get into your luggage and travel back home with you, causing an infestation that can be a nightmare to deal with.

Every state has their problems, those of which can affect you as you travel from state to state.

So its natural to wonder

How do you know if the state youre in has a high rate of bed bug infestations?

How do I minimize the risk of encountering bed bugs?

What states have the lowest number of infestations?

In this article we will answer these questions and run through the list of the top bed bug infested states and cities.

On that note lets dive in.

Unfortunately, there have been reported bed bug cases in EVERY state in America.

Not a single state is immune to infestation.

For years now, the number of cases have been growing, with thousands of reported cases in 2019.

Though the problem isnt only affecting America.

In fact.

Bed bugs are not native to America, and they have spread to every continent nonetheless.

(except Antarctica)

Thats because they are avid hitchhikers.

Bed bugs tend to climb into peoples luggage or belongings, allowing them to quickly spread as people travel.

As transportation becomes more efficient, people are traveling more and more. This leads to bed bugs being spread faster than ever.

This is the reason bed bugs have made a major comeback in the 21st century.

That being said

Bed bugs dont discriminate. They dont care about state borders and cleanliness.

Theyre not attracted to dirt, so they can be anywhere Whether it be run down apartments or 5-star hotels.

These pests have been significantly multiplying over the past 3 decades.

In the early 20th century, bed bugs were a very common problem. But that was before we had all the pesticides that eradicated them

Or so we thought.

From about the 1950s all the way to the 1990s

There were very few cases of bed bugs in the US. The pesticides did the work, and we almost entirely forgot about the little critters.

But then they came back with a vengeance, utterly resistant to the chemicals that used to kill them, reproducing at a lightning-fast pace.

From about 2015 onwards, the number of bed bug cases have exploded.

The popular pest control company Orkin, has recently published reports on the worst states for bed bugs, as they do every year.

For 3 years in a row The number 1 Bed Bug State is.


Which continues to be one of the most bed bug infested states. Mostly thanks to cities like Baltimore and Washington D.C.

Indiana and Georgia originally werent in the top 10, but since 2019 infestations in these states have grown.

With Indianapolis and Atlanta holding the 9th and 10th spot, of bed bug infested cities respectively. .

Rounding out the top 5 we have Illinois and California. You can begin to see a trend here, whereas states with major cities are more infested.

(Due to population density)

To sum up here are the top 10 most bed bug infested states:

Here are the top 10 cities in the US with the most cases of bed bugs in 2020 (Source: Orkin)

To help you get a bigger picture of the spread of bed bugs across the United States

Here are some bed bug maps that are eye-opening.

Based on a bed bug infestation map published in 2016:

It shows that New York City had the most reported bed bug incidents at the time a staggering 4,490 reports.

Thats a massive difference from the figures of Chicago, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, which had 485, 446, and 403 reports, respectively.

You can see that the east coast is hit by far the hardest.

This is because the east coast is much denser than the rest of the country. There are also many popular tourist, and business travel destinations in these states.

This map also has powerful statistics about where bed bugs are found.

Here are the worst commercial areas for bed bug infestations. (2015 Survey):

For more recent insight, we also looked at a 2019 map of bed bug infestations.

Its almost as if youre looking at the same map.

And as you can see from the top 10 list above, things are not so different in 2020. The share of states being hit the hardest is consistent, the only difference is that the sheer number of cases have gone up everywhere.

You can see that some of the states have traded places, but the problem still exists everywhere.

If youre planning on moving to another city in the US or youre planning a vacation, you may not want to consider cities that have seen a jump in cases.

Here are the 10 cities with that have experienced significant growth in bed bug infestations.

For the first time, Toledo and Myrtle Beach made the top 50 list according to Orkin.

Though both Ohio and South Carolina have hard hit states for years.

As mentioned, the degree to which a state is infested has a lot to do with population density. Similar to infectious disease, bed bugs spread more when there is more person to person interaction.

Therefore, here are some of the states with the lowest numbers of bed bug infestations.

Though infestations in the above states is relatively less

Its still important to be cautious about bed bugs when traveling.

For example, If youre staying at a hotel you should properly inspect the hotel room for bed bugs before spending the night.

If you happen to encounter bed bugs anywhere across the US, be it your apartment or hotel, we can connect you with a lawyer to discuss your options.

If youve suffered bed bug bite injuries or experienced a bed bug infestation in your residence due to someone elses negligence

You may be able to file a lawsuit and potentially get financial compensation.

Keep in mind that our lawyers can only represent you on a pre-litigation basis only. That means we can only assess your situation to help you determine if you have a case.

If you do, a licensed attorney will fight for you to get compensation for your losses.

(for both your injuries and expenses)

Get in touch today for a Free Consultation. There are no fees unless you win your case.

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Bed Bugs in Hair Symptoms, Pictures & Get rid | Pestbugs

Having bed bugs in your hair can be a such worrying experience. Find out if these little creatures can hide in your mane, how they get in your hair, symptoms and ways to treat and get rid of them. Also, discover if they can bite your scalp and lead to hair loss.

Yes, can hide in your but they most likely wont stay or live there for a long duration of time.

This comes about when the bed bugs travel from any area of your bed especially the corners or the mattresses on which you sleep. This especially if you have them in your house or youve gone to an infested house. They are small but larger than lice meaning that you can detect them in your scalp and hair.

Bed bugs can get into your hair when you are sleeping probably from the infested bedding or your pillow. Once in your hair, they will suck blood but will not be able to live for long because the environment does not favor them. They in most cases prefer a warm environment.

Bed bugs do not enjoy being in your hair. Compared to fleas and lice and which have claws designed to make them live in the hair, the common bed bug lacks this modification and adaptation.

This therefore means it is hard for them to move from one point to another in your hair.

Attached are some pictures that show the presence of bed bugs in your hair. However, coming across pictures of the bed bug eggs in your hair is quite difficult.

Bed bugs will come out of their hiding places at night and then crawl into your hair. They will spend time in the hair where they can bite and suck blood. The bites from the bugs are never a problem but the nuisance and irritation they cause is the bother.

The signs and symptoms from bed bug bites are quite different from any other bite from an insect. Usually, their bites appear in straight rows as compared to bites from other insects that are found on the scalp.

To know that your hair is also infested, you may find some stains of blood on your pillows. Your scalp becomes raw and sore in the meantime.

Further, you may feel something crawling in your hair. You may end up having some anxiety of being bitten again, the moment you know that the bite was from a bed bug. It may lead to sleeplessness as well.

An offensive odor on your hair may also be a sign of the infestation of bed bugs in your scalp. This is accompanied with an increment of dark spots in your bed sheets and pillow cases.

You will have an extremely itchy scalp and as an addition, you will have red swellings on your neck, the cheeks and the forehead. You will also see the swellings on your hairline.

The presence of eggs in your scalp could also be an indication that the pests are present in your hair. The eggs are hard to detect and remove because they are very small and could stick to the roots of your hair.

When you detect bed bugs in your hair, it is prudent that you do everything possible to get rid of them. This is because they can irritate your scalp as they feed on your blood. They can further move to other warm areas of your body. There are a number of ways which you can employ to get rid of them.

Baking Soda

It is a very important remedy and it works by absorbing moisture from the bed bugs body. This thus dries the bed bug which eventually dies.

Cayenne Pepper

It is essential because of its antimicrobial properties. These are the key properties that make it able to kill the bugs. Use the stepwise approach below:

Sweet Flag

It is known to have anti-microbial properties and thus called calamus. The aromatic properties in the herb are the ones that repel the bugs away from your skin. You can get the flag from the shop and make a solution based on the instructions attached to the packet. Apply the solution to your hair and this will eliminate the bugs within a short time.

Bean Leaves

This herb is known to be a traditional Balkan method that can be used to trap bugs. What you have to do is to:

According to the research from the University of California Irvine and the University of Kentucky, researchers found out that the leaves are able to completely kill the bed bugs.

Can hair dryer kill bed bugs?

Hair dryers are able to kill bed bugs within a period of 30 seconds of continuous contact. What you have to do is to catch the bed bugs and then crush them in a paper of towel then blow dry them. Besides, blow drying your hair is good enough to rid your hair of the bugs.[1]

According to Carol Shipley of Shipleys Pest Control, the use of hair dryer is the best and probably the easiest way to get rid of bed bugs from your hair and even the furniture in your home.

Bed bugs in your hair is a source of real trouble. It will force you constantly and frequently to comb your hair as you undertake a normal washing of your hair. Treatment should always be the last resort when everything else fails to work.

There are various options that you can undertake to prevent the infestation or the colonization of your hair by the bed bugs.

The identification and detection of bed bugs in your hair can be done if you use the right tools and method. The bed bugs are small as well as their eggs but they appear white and the size of a pin 1/32 of an inch.

You can see them some other times using the eye but it is at other occasions hard to identify and therefore you would need a magnifying lens.

You cannot pick the bed bugs eggs with a vacuum because when they are laid, they have a film which makes them to stick. If you fail to kill the bed bugs eggs, you will end up having a re-infestation before the entire population is dealt with.

There are various treatment methods that you can employ to kill bed bugs and their eggs. The treatments range from chemicals to simple remedies.

Yes. In fact, they only bite the areas of your scalp that lacks hair or has little hair. They can live and colonize anywhere provided there is blood. In that regard, they can attach on your scalp and thus you will feel the bite as they suck the blood.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, you can treat the bites from the bed bugs if they dont show any serious reactions.

Wash the area with a lot of water and soap. This will prevent an infection of the skin and reduce any itchiness.

Apply some corticosteroid cream if the bites are itchy. Get a weaker corticosteroid which does not need a prescription from a local drug store.[2]

How are bed bugs linked to hair loss? The falling off of hair from your scalp is a secondary effect to the bed bug infestation. The primary one is the itching. During the infestation, you are likely to suffer Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and even anxiety.

In this case, your health will deteriorate and your hair will lack the basic nutrients. This therefore does not assure consistent growth and strength. With time, the hair will begin falling off. The bed bugs also feed on the blood that is supposed to circulate and nourish your scalp.

Further Reading




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What Do Bed Bugs Eat? | Terminix

While bed bugs like human blood, they have been known to feed on animals like bats too. Discover more about bed bugs and their different types.

Bed bugs. You want them gone. They want to take over your home and your bed. They do that well, staying hidden by day and preying on you at night while you are defenseless. This works for them and keeps them out of trouble with their human blood donors. But what do bed bugs eat besides blood?

There are many species of bed bugs, and they all feed on blood. Most species prefer one mammal over another. For some, the blood of specific mammals is required for them to lay viable eggs and survive. Most bed bugs, however, will feed on any blood available to sustain themselves, if their preferred warm blood is not available.

The most common species of bed bug associated with people is formally named Cimex lectularius. Human blood is their primary energy source. We house them, feed their young and provide them with the nutritional elements they must have to breed and produce viable eggs.

Should bed bugs be found in your house, they will most likely be C. lectularius, but it is important to remember that there is a possibility of other species invading, such as bat bugs. Bat bugs are in the same family as bed bugs and formally named Cimex adjunctus. As their name indicates, bat bugs live with and feed mostly on bats. Like C. lectularius, they will feed and survive on the blood of other mammals, including humans, but they must have bat blood to reproduce.

It is very important to identify which Cimex species you have, because their habits and habitats are quite different. In a typical bed bug infestation, close to 70 percent of the bed bugs will be either on or very close to the bed area.

You may not realize you have a bat infestation until bat bugs are identified in your home. Bat bug infestations will usually be in the attic or wall voids where bats have been nesting. These hiding spots are in completely different locations than that of bed bugs. Control must include removal of the bats and the bat bugs.

What do bed bugs eat? They might snack on animals. They might have bat-tasting relatives. But in the end, the bed bugs favorite thing to eat is your blood. It will probably take a professional pest management specialist to identify whether you are dealing with human bloodsuckers or their bat brethren. The primary identifier is the relationship between the length of the hairs on the pronotum and the size of the eyes. Dont know what a pronotum is? Then save your time, and your blood call a professional.

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Signs of Bed Bugs | Terminix

If there are bed bugs in your room, you might be wondering how to treat bed bug bites and eliminate the pest. And if you're nervous about the possibility of bed bugs in your room, checking for bed bugs is easy, if you know how. Learn how to perform a DIY check today.

Unfortunately, bed bugs can behard to find. And despite the ongoing bed bug epidemic, many people still don't know what a bed bug even looks like. This University of Minnesota extension page does a good job explaining the complexities of finding live bed bugs considering their changing stages of life, saying:

"...eggs hatch in about six to 10 days and the newly emerged bed bug nymphs seek a blood meal. Immature nymphs molt five times (i.e., they shed their outer exoskeletons in order to grow) before reaching adulthood. They need to feed at least once before each molt, although they could feed as often as once a day. There may be three or more generations per year."

You can see pictures of bed bugs in their various stages over at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website, but keep in mind that bed bugs are nocturnal. Identifying bed bugs during the day requires a bit of good or bad luck (depending on your view) and some persistence.

Bed bug bites are often mistaken for mosquito bites or bites from other insects, and some people show no reaction at all to bed bug bites. So its no wonder they go undetected for long periods.

However, if you know the right place to look, you may be able to spot bed bugs. Adult bed bugs can be seen with the naked eyeno equipment is required. Check:

Mature bed bugs are about the size of an apple seed (approximately five millimeters). They are reddish-brown, wingless and flat, although they swell up like a torpedo after a blood feeding. When that happens, they change to bright red in color, taking days to return to reddish-brown.

Immature bed bugs are categorized by one of the five immature stages as they approach adulthood. They can also be seen by the naked eye, though the bed bugs in the youngest stage are very difficult to spot. Eggs are even smaller and much harder to see but can provide another sign of bed bug presence. Eggs are pearly white, found in clusters and are about one millimeter long.

Bed bugs congregate near where their host (human) sleeps, creating aggregations. Bed bugs from all five stages of development group together, which means they may vary in shapes and sizes. Among these groups, remains of exoskeletons (bed bug shells), feces and egg castings accumulate. A variety of conditions may cause aggregation, including specific smells, chemical stimuli, stimulation of antennae and microclimate factors such as temperature, humidity and light. Aggregations can be found around wood framing like that around a closet door, inside chipped paint indentions, around baseboards, curtain rods, air conditioners and personal belongings.

Bed bugs are smart enough to hide but not smart enoughto clean up the evidence of their bloodthirsty crimes. These careless clues are the best indicator your room is overrun with bed bugs since secondary signs of bed bug infestation are visible both night and day:

Do you suspect bed bugs in your room? Take the sheets off your bed and look at the edges, crevices and piping of your mattress. Bed bugs are flat, almond-shaped, reddish-brown and very tiny. Look in the box spring and check for various sizes and stages, from bed bug eggs to adults. Varying size also applies to secondary signs of infestation (i.e., cast/shed skins).

Here's a little more detail about some common signs of bed bugs:

Look out for empty shells that may exist where bed bugs aggregate and feed. Bed bugs grow with each blood meal on the way to maturity. In doing so, they shed their exoskeletons or shells in order to grow larger. This process is called molting. Each bed bug will molt five times as they progress through each of the five immature stages. Where infestations grow large, there will be hundreds if not thousands of molted skins left behind, regardless of the duration of the infestation. The shells look like the bed bug itself but are translucent. They are different sizes due to the different life stages.

Signs of bed bugs include liquid waste, which is found wherever they go. Bed bug fecal spotsdiffer from blood stains. As points out:

"Because bed bugs generally feast on the blood of their hosts, creeping out of hiding places at night to latch on, some people think that fecal stains from the insects should at least be tinged with the color of blood. This is not, in fact, the case. Fecal spotting tends to resemble smears or stains, which are dark brown or even black. This is because the blood has been digested and excreted."

Bed bugs are ectoparasites, meaning theylive on the outside of their host and feed on its blood. They feed between five to seven days whenever a host is present.

Here's how to perform a DIY bed bug check. You will quickly learn how to tell if your home has been invaded and how to treat bed bug bites if you have them. Once you confirm the infestation has begun, remember that the main goal is to end it even quicker.

The most telltale sign of a bed bug problem isn't the bed bug's bite. As the United States Environmental Protection Agency points out:

"Bites on the skin are a poor indicator of a bed bug infestation. Bed bug bites can look like bites from other insects (such as mosquitoes or chiggers), rashes (such as eczema or fungal infections) or even hives. Some people do not react to bed bug bites at all."

Look for these signs of symptoms of a bed bug bite:

Check out these pictures of bed bug bites from American Family Physician, showing the characteristic wheals (temporary raised, red, itchy welts) and clusters associated with the aftermath of a feeding.

Now that you know the signs of a bed bug infestation, here's how to get rid of bed bug bites. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends you see a dermatologist if you have multiple bites, blisters, oozing, pus or any other signs of a severe allergic reaction or infection. Otherwise, their recommended bed bug bite treatment is:

"Wash the bites with soap and water. This will help prevent a skin infection and help reduce itchiness. If the bites itch, apply a corticosteroid cream to the bites. You can get a weak form of this medicine without a prescription at your local drugstore. Stronger corticosteroids require a prescription."

Bed bugs are very difficult to get rid of. They typically require a strategic approach to using multiple methods to fully remove them from your home once they have established an infestation. That's why it's important to contact a professional who's knowledgeable and trained in bed bug control to inspect your home and determine the best treatment methods.

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