Ruth Designs, 303-3081 Rue College, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Quebec, J1m2e5 Bed Bug Registry Map
  Monday 3rd of March 2025 10:54 AM

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Address : 303-3081 Rue College, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Quebec, Canada, j1m2e5

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Bed Bug Reports – Check Hotels and Apartments Before You Stay

1Bed Bug Background

Bed bugs are wingless creatures that measure about 3/8 - 1/4 inches long. That is very small. The most distinguishing parts I have found about them is their red brown color and they are very flat. Pictures do not do them justice. Most pictures show them from the top and they look round, like a tick full of blood. Just like ticks, they do eat blood. After they eat blood they are bright red.

During the day bed bugs hide. They are nocturnal. If you get bit, you will most likely be bit on the upper body. The shoulders, neck or arms. A truly disturbing fact is that bed bugs can live up to one year without feeding. So left on their own through abandoned hotel suites, or summer homes, they will still be alive and well and ready to feed when they find an animal or human.

Bed bugs normally start infestations by someone bringing them home. A visitor who has luggage from a hotel are often culprits. They could have hidden in that luggage for a year and when Uncle Billy visits, you could have an infestation in your house almost immediately.

2Bed Bug Infestations.How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs

The first step to take after finding even 1 lowly bedbug is to immediately launder all bedding. Studies have shown that most bedbugs are found within fifteen feet of your bedding. These studies report that this is only 85-90% of the time. This is not good enough for you to only clean the bed area. Make sure you dry the the bedding with VERY high heat. It is the heat that will kill the bed bugs. Make sure you wash your clothes in this same manner.

I recommend getting rid of the mattress and box spring. I don't care how much it costs. This will be well worth it. Most people are in need of new bedding anyway. Have you ever seen dust mites? They can also be infested in your bedding. Give your vaccum a thorough cleaning, before and after. I oftentimes clean mine with disinfectant wipes. For your new mattress, I recommend getting a mattress case. In case of future infestations, you can throw that out.

NOTE: You do not need to get rid of mattress or box springs if you hire a professional who knows what they are doing. Professionals can also save your furniture. This may be worth the money hiring a professional. Do research before hiring a professional make sure they use the latest and greatest when servicing. Also getting an inspection from a certified Bedbug dog does help a lot.

3How to Check Your Hotel Rooms For BedBugs

Bedbugs (or bed bugs) are becoming an epidemic in hotel rooms throughout the United States. Larger cities, especially New York City are literally infested with them. Before staying in a hotel room for the night these days, it is best to spend five minutes and check the room for bedbugs. Some of the pictures of victims are downright gruesome. The bugs come in the night and bite along the thickest veins in your legs in the middle of the night where your slumber is at it's deepest level. Bedbugs are small black creatures, but you should be able to pick them out by following a few simple procedures. Here are some tips to and information on how to check for bed bugs around the hotel room.

Very strong alcohol like steri fab may aid you in their death but once again being that alcohol is also a disinfectant it does not leave a residual and must be applied directly to the bug.

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We Live Among Bedbugs and Cockroaches’: Family Denounces Condition of SF Apartment – NBC Bay Area

A family in San Francisco said they live among an infestation of cockroaches, bed bugs and the presence of mold in their apartment and have yet to received any help from the building manager.

"In more than 15 years they have not given us maintenance, every year as they should, they always say that they have no money and that they can't," said the tenant, through tears.

NBC Bay Area's sister station, Telemundo 48, tried to contact the building administration. However, so far they have not received a response.

The presence of mold is increasingly visible in the bathroom but the situation has reportedly worsened in the last month due to cockroaches and bed bugs.

"In my apartment we see like seven cockroaches, but if you go to the garage or the hallway, you can see like 10 to 15 large cockroaches," said the tenant, who did not want to be identified.

And although they have used poison and traps to fight this infestation of insects it has not been enough. So much so that one of the people who lives in the house had to go to sleep in the living room because his room is infested with bed bugs.

"All around the bed and you can say the whole room, we have killed approximately 50 bed bugs," said the tenant.

Those affected said that they have contacted the administration of the building, however, they have not received a response.

"They have come to evaluate us twice and they have not given us a solution, it's been a week," said the tenant.

The family indicated that the situation has caused them despair and depression. "We cannot sleep in peace because we know if something is going to bite us or come out," they explained.

California law requires apartment or rental homeowners to adhere to health and maintenance protocols, but these standards are sometimes difficult to meet in low-income or Section Eight housing.

Sometimes landlords don't have the money to invest in cleaning or maintenance, since the rent is below market and they have to prioritize that money over other things. Still, it's not right for them to ignore those complaints," said Gregory Brod, an attorney.

In the Bay Area, different organizations are in charge of helping and guiding tenants.

Here are several that you can contact:

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We Live Among Bedbugs and Cockroaches': Family Denounces Condition of SF Apartment - NBC Bay Area

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5 Things Hospitality Industry Needs to Know About the Bed Bug Threat

With the relaxation of covid-19 limitations, the holiday season has arrived here, and with it comes one of the busiest travel periods of the year after being in town for so long. When it comes to serving their guests, hospitality companies have a lot on their plates; and with the regular turnover of beds and new passengers, unpleasant bugs can sneak by unnoticed.

Bed bugs may be found almost anywhere and are one of the most difficult pests to eradicate. Because there are so many potential hiding spaces and areas like under mattress toppers, mattresses, under the bed, hotels comfy all seasons duvet, sometimes pillows for bed bugs to grow, hotel pest control presents its own set of issues. These pests are not only dangerous to your guests' and employees' health, but they may also affect your hotel's reputation. They can, however, be removed with early discovery and a deliberate strategy.

Here are some helpful hints for dealing with pests:

1.      Educate Your Employees

Your strongest line of defense against bed bugs on your property is your employees. The first and most important step is to educate your staff on how to spot bed bugs and the best measures to follow in order to keep these persistent pests out of your hotel. The crew must remain alert at all times and watch for the following warning signs:

On mattresses or bed linens, there are reddish or rust-colored stains that resemble dried blood. These happen when bed bugs are crushed while feeding or have just finished feasting.

Skins shed by the nymphs as they grow, as well as small eggshells or eggs in the bedding.

The eggs are about 1 millimeter in diameter, and the nymphs' skins are typically tan or pale yellow in hue.

When you wipe a moist rag over a group of tiny black spots, they smear. It's bed bug faces, which is usually dark brown or black in appearance.

Bed bugs are wingless, flat, oval-shaped animals with no wings. They are normally brown in color, but if they have recently fed, they may seem reddish. The nymphs are darker and smaller, with adults about 4 to 5 millimeters in length.

2.      Documentation should be done properly.

The value of proper recordkeeping cannot be overstated. Customer complaints, inspections, and treatment reports assist the responsible department in effectively combating a bed bug infestation. Just as early detection is critical, so is proper documentation. You may keep track of previous infestations, as well as the frequency with which they occur and the locations that are commonly contaminated. This will assist you in developing a clear bed bug elimination strategy.

3.      Take the necessary precautions.

Planned prevention is the next stage.Because of their ability to hide in hard-to-reach spots and how fast they breed and spread, ignoring a bed bug infestation for a long time makes it more difficult to eradicate these pests. It is critical to seal places that are prone to infestation. Use sealed mattress and pillow casements, for example. If your hotel is susceptible to bed insect infestations, professional bed bug exterminators should be considered.

4.      Use Effective Elimination Techniques

Vacuuming, freezing, and steam heat are some of the most efficient treatments for bed bug removal. Vacuum all of the headboards, seams, and other locations where dust could hide. Bed bugs prefer to hide in dark places.

After that, check all of the vacuum brushes to make sure no pests are caught in the roller, then dispose of the vacuum bag in a tightly sealed container. These pests can be eliminated by freezing the linen, pillow, and bed coverings in extreme cold for 48 to 72 hours. To kill bed bugs and their eggs, professional bed bug exterminators utilize carbon dioxide under pressure. Another successful option is steam heating.

Remove all affected bedding and covers and put them through a steam cleaning. This not only helps you get rid of bed bugs, but it also kills their larvae, pupa, and other little bugs.

5.      How Can You Reduce Your Risk?

Many business owners are unaware of the difficulty of containing and controlling a bed bug infestation after it has occurred. When it comes to these pests, the key to minimizing your risk is to act quickly and aggressively. Failure to act quickly exposes your company to a higher risk of property damage and lawsuits.

If the infection spreads, you'll need to get rid of everything. If the afflicted area is not successfully contained, these expenses can soon mount.

When it comes to reducing your risks and expenditures, education and prevention techniques are your best friends.

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It was hell: Tales of living at Northeast Properties in Worcester include mushrooms, bed bugs and birds amo –

As Marie Ramos carried boxes up to apartment 4L on the fourth floor, her new neighbors periodically stopped her.

Are you moving in? Ramos remembered them asking.

After she told them she was, they all responded the same way: Find a new place.

Ramos didnt immediately believe the warnings given to her about 87 Pleasant St., managed by Northeast Properties in Worcester. She heard the stories as she unloaded her belongings. They focused on infestation including roaches, bed bugs and mice.

Her concern, however, focused on a leak. Northeast notified her about it which delayed her move-in date to the beginning of May 2019. But they assured her, they would address the problem.

The promise of a fix offered a false sense of security that would soon evaporate.

Shortly after Ramos carried the final box up four flights of stairs, she realized her neighbors experiences were now also hers.

The first night Ramos said her cat chased two mice across the kitchen. The leak that Northeast assured her had been fixed was now replaced by four mushrooms sprouting out of the wall.

The living conditions at 87 Pleasant St. in Worcester included mushrooms growing out of the wall and damage walls.

The next morning when she called Northeast and noticed more mouse droppings.

The following day she woke up with bed bug bites on her arms, legs and near her left eye. Even at work, she couldnt escape the apartment from hell.

Her retail employer sent her home to prevent possible spread.

Ramos eventually lost her job due to the infestation. Northeast blamed her family for bringing the bed bugs with them.

Her mother, who lived with her, was hospitalized with an allergic reaction to one of the bites. To seek shelter from the bugs, her mother stayed with friends or slept in her car.

It was hell, to be completely honest, Ramos said.

Ramos apartment represents just a fraction of the residential properties owned by Felicio Lana, president of Northeast Properties, across Worcester, Uxbridge, Leominster and Garder. Lana declined to provide an exact number of properties and units he owns across Central Massachusetts.

While Lana didnt offer an exact number to MassLive, in an interview with the Worcester Telegram and Gazette in 2020, he said he more than 1,000.

He also owns prominent commercial properties in downtown Worcester such as the Midtown Mall.

We can tell you we remain committed to providing quality living spaces to all our tenants. Our goal is 100% tenant satisfaction, Lana said in a statement through his attorney. In reaching for this goal, we understand that it is important to continually seek to correct and improve our performance.

In the statement, Northeast Properties didnt reference any of the questions regarding rodent and bug infestation, electrical issues, heating problems or severe leaks.

Instead, the statement focused on the difficulties the COVID-19 pandemic presented for the company.

Ramoss experience represents a common theme repeated by a half dozen tenants who spoke with MassLive about their experiences with Lanas Northeast Properties. And the issues far predate the pandemic. Many of the grievances are backed up through more than 100 complaints filed against Lana in Worcesters housing court over the last decade, well before the pandemic.

Many other complaints never reached court such as the situation experienced by Ramos. It wasnt until she and her mother threatened a lawsuit that Lana finally began to help her.

Thats when Felicio sat down with us and said well give you a better apartment, just ease out of the court issue, Ramos said. We agreed to it because at that point I didnt have the money to just up and move out.

Beyond moving, Ramos also went on to work for Northeast Properties in August 2020 before quitting on Christmas of that year. Ramos wasnt able to discuss her time as an employee due to signing a non-disclosure agreement.

I was hesitant [to work for him] because of our past with each other, Ramos said.

After the problems she experienced on Pleasant Street and to avoid court hearings, Lana provided Ramos with a new apartment, at 82 Elm St. for a lower cost of rent beginning in July of 2019, which made her feel better about the job opportunity.

For the most part, the apartment hasnt had many issues, but Ramos said recently mice have started to appear.

The property appears in a pair of suits brought by the city against Lana for issues ranging from cross metering (where a tenants electric account includes lines from other tenants apartments) to rodent infestation. Both suits were voluntarily dismissed by the city.

The city dismisses enforcement cases when the work is done and all fines and costs have been paid, the city of Worcester said regarding the complaint, but didnt elaborate on the habitual nature of the issues from one of its most well known property owners.

Infestation is only one of the problems at Lana-owned properties that surpass the annoyance of a run-of-the-mill absentee landlord and enter more serious issues.

David and Maggie Grenier moved to Worcester from California at the end of October 2020.

David grew up in Massachusetts and returned home to be closer to his family with Maggie, who never lived in the Bay State before.

She was moving back to my home, Grenier said. This was nothing like what I was hoping for. Not even a dull situation. It was the exact opposite situation for what I wanted for my wife.

The Greniers became neighbors with Ramos on Oct. 30, 2020.

We immediately had problems, Maggie said.

Coming from California, the couple only viewed the apartment online until they arrived. They conducted a walk-through before moving in. They said everything was working great.

In the first chapter of their new life in Massachusetts, Maggie picked up dinner and the two sat on the floor to eat in their new apartment. After a few bites, the lights went out.

It sparked a two-month-long nightmare that ended with the city of Worcester forcing them to evacuate the apartment at 82 Elm St. at the end of December of 2020 due to safety issues tied to the electrical wiring in the home.

[The city inspector] told us we essentially had to grab our essentials and be out within 30 minutes because it was so dangerous, Maggie said.

The Greniers shared about 80 videos with MassLive that revealed paper-thin walls, water leaks from the ceiling but most of all comical, but dangerous, electrical issues that involved situations like kitchen light controlling the power to the oven and the refrigerator door turning off lights in other rooms.

Lights flickered or lost power when they tried to use electricity in other rooms. The apartment contained mostly outdated two-pronged outlets that dont include a grounding wire. They provided little power or at best inconsistent surges, the couple said.

Weeks after the couple moved in, Northeast installed new electrical outlets in the kitchen, David Greiner said. It forced the couple to run extension cords throughout the apartment back to the outlet in the kitchen for lamps, laptops or any other electronics.

All the while, the refrigerator and oven still affected the lights in the ceiling.

There were two times we tried to connect to the two-pronged outlets, Maggie said. One time my computer almost blew up in my face and another time a fan almost blew up in his face. It was so unsafe. We were terrified to plug in anywhere except the outlets in the kitchen.

David described the fan suddenly becoming super-charged in one of the two-pronged outlets, rotating faster and faster until he unplugged it.

While the fan became a dangerous propeller, the refrigerator didnt work consistently due to the uneven power sequences. The Greniers told MassLive Northeasts quick-fix solution was to plug the appliance into the outlet in the hallway through the front door.

He literally ripped out the ground prong of the refrigerator so it could fit into a two-prong outlet, Maggie said. We were there for that.

David continued, I saw him do it with the pliers. He ripped it out and I was like, Well thats not right.

The electrical concerns crossed over with the water leaks in the bathroom as videos show drops falling above the kitchen sink and near the only workable outlets in the home.

The never-ending issues caused literal sleepless nights for Maggie, who lived in constant fear of a fire erupting within the home.

With having all of those electrical issues and those exposed wires, I was constantly terrified of a fire. I got to a point where I wasnt sleeping, Maggie said. I developed insomnia and basically got terrified to eat because I was afraid to cook.

For the two months they lived at 82 Elm St. in Worcester, the couple ordered takeout nearly every day because of the electrical issues and the problems with the oven and refrigerator.

Amid a pandemic, David struggled to work from home as extension cords slithered across the hardwood floors of the apartment acting as his own hub for electricity.

Lana offered to charge them half the cost of rent for November and December, but never actually came through on the offer.

He would say, Oh thats in the finance department, Maggie said.

On the morning the inspector arrived at the Greniers apartment and told them they had 30 minutes to leave, Northeast Properties had been in the unit earlier.

Maggie said several men, who she identified as Lanas workers, pounded on the back door of the apartment. They told her they needed to grab some things from the laundry room on the enclosed porch.

Maggie returned inside the apartment to socially distance herself from the men, but she said she heard a commotion back in the kitchen.

Theyre in my kitchen and theyre ripping out all of the new wiring from the new outlets and the extension cords, Maggie said. Theyre ripping it all out, our only form of electricity. They never asked me if they could enter my home and they never told me they were going to do any of that stuff and none of them are electricians.

Northeast Properties owns 16 Windsor St. which tenants said is plagued with leaks, rodents, dilapidated exterior and problems with heat and hot water.

Liz Whynot lives at 16 Windsor St., a large Victorian beauty thats showing its early 1900s age. Plywood covers space above the windows. Holes pepper the exterior allowing rodents like mice or as large as birds to enter the residence.

Like the Greniers, Whynot experienced Northeast Properties empty promises firsthand.

Whynot reached out to Northeast on July 8, 2019 about the unit, and was approved to move into the apartment on Aug. 1. Part of the agreement between the two parties was the bathroom would be complete, Whynot said.

On Aug. 1, she moved into an apartment that didnt include working facilities. Whynot said the bathroom work didnt begin until Aug. 6 and wasnt completed until more than a month later on Sept. 10.

The bathroom when Liz Whynot moved into her apartment. Northeast Properties said it would be done when she moved in. It wasn't.

Without a bathroom, Whynot worked all day only to arrive to a bathroomless apartment at night. While she waited for the work to be completed, she showered at her friends house and stayed the night before returning to her apartment in the morning to feed and check on her cat.

It was ridiculous, Whynot said.

Northeast Properties owns 16 Windsor St. which tenants said is plagued with leaks, rodents, dilapidated exterior and problems with heat and hot water.

Bianca Rantala lives in the same building as Whynot. She has two dogs, which led her to move into a Lana-owned property last year even after having a bad living experience in the past and having worked for Northeast Properties.

I had a deadline and I moved into one of his apartments in Gardner, Rantala said. Long story short, because of the dogs. I had to pick and choose my battles. Im not giving up my dogs. I didnt want him as my landlord but my hands were completely tied. There was nothing out there.

Rantala worked for Northeast Properties for four months during the pandemic. She, like Ramos, signed a non-disclosure agreement regarding her employment.

In January of 2021, she left the apartment in Gardner where streams of water poured out of the ceiling for apartment 1R at 16 Windsor St. She left one leaky ceiling for another, but Lana, she said, promised her the leaking ceiling in Worcester would be repaired.

He said there was a ceiling leak and it has to be renovated, Rantala said. But he said Im not going to move you in until everything is all set.

At the end of December, Rantala walked through the apartment, which appeared to have a brand new dropped ceiling. She moved in on Jan. 1, 2021, the leak started the next day.

He changed the ceiling tile and got rid of the evidence of a ceiling tile, Rentala said. That was not fixed.

Northeast Properties owns 16 Windsor St. which tenants said is plagued with leaks, rodents, dilapidated exterior and problems with heat and hot water.

More than seven months later, the leak remains in the spare bedroom. The only solution Northeast provided her for the leak was removing the ceiling tile, which now exposes a large hole in the room, and a large blue bucket for the water to drip into.

Their solution was to give me a bucket for it, Rantala said. They werent answering my calls. I was calling from January to May. May was when I finally called the city.

The city, Rantala said, is in the process of bringing a suit against Lana related to the leaks.

Like others, shes also dealt with rodents. In the apartments above Rantala, the holes are so large that a bird once flew into Whynots apartments.

I woke up to a bird flying around my kitchen, Whynot said.

Whynot said its not a rarity. For the last six months, small critters have crawled into her top-floor apartment.

Whynot shared more than 70 text messages with MassLive that she sent to Northeast Properties. The texts addressed issues from the heat not working to rodents living in her apartment, including a possum stuck in her ceiling. Text messages show days passed before a response.

Texts from Whynot show she reported the issues on May 7 that a possum was stuck in her bathroom ceiling again. A month later, the texts continued with the animal problems persisting.

Northeast Properties often didnt respond to the message. When they did respond, no one came to help.

I have been sending them pictures of the ceiling tiles moving. I sent them pictures of the bird coming in and they did nothing, Whynot said.


Texts show Northeast Properties ignored tenants

In February of 2021, Whynots renovated bathroom didnt have hot water. Lana responded and pointed the blame at her, she said. Lana told her to use the hot water, she had to also turn on the cold water.

The Greniers experienced a similar issue. At 82 Elm St., both the hot and cold water had to be turned on to receive warm water for a shower.

Inexplicably, the cold water would cease to work on random occasions.

The water would become scalding, Maggie said. It happened multiple times and there was one time in particular where it completely burned Daves back.

Plumbing problems extend beyond the anecdotal evidence provided by the tenants that spoke to MassLive. According to court records, since 2017, at least three properties have been cited for improper plumbing without permits by the city of Worcester.

On Oct. 3, 2017, the city responded to a complaint at 60 Chatham St. in Worcester, according to court records. The city said multiple water heaters were installed without permits. The inspector described the installation as unworkmanlike and leading to unsafe conditions.

Lana was given until Oct. 10 to fix the issues, but when the city returned on Oct. 11, nothing was done. The city eventually, dismissed its complaint after the problems were fixed and fines were paid.

But even when problems are fixed, others appear.

Headaches reemerged in Whynots bathroom last month. For the last week or so shes been without hot water and heat as she battles a cold.

Northeast Properties replaced the hot water heater last week, she said, but never activated it.

So for now, she has hot water, but shes hesitant to say for how long.

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It was hell: Tales of living at Northeast Properties in Worcester include mushrooms, bed bugs and birds amo -

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Step-by-step guide on how to get rid of bed bugs – NewsBytes

Last updated on Jul 30, 2021, 04:59 pm

Bed bugs are tiny creatures that are quite stubborn to get rid of. The presence of these insects has nothing to do with how clean your house is and they can practically come up from nowhere. However, if your home has clutter, you will require a lot of patience to rid them away. Here's a step-by-step guide on the best approach you can practice.

So you have itchy rashes after a night's sleep but aren't sure of where they came from? If the rashes are accompanied by curved-shaped bite marks, chances are that you have been bitten by a bed bug. The bites may also swell up to blisters. However, if you aren't sure whether a bite is from a bed bug, consult your doctor at the earliest.

Identifying the areas infected by bugs is important to prevent them from reproducing. Using a torchlight, check for dark spots or reddish stains on your mattress. While it may be hard to spot the bugs due to their tiny bodies, the seams of the couch, furniture joints, and curtain folds are few of the places that you must carefully check.

Once you identify the spots, it is important to contain them to avoid further spread of the bugs. A quick way to do this is by running your vacuum cleaner over any possible hiding places. After thoroughly vacuuming all the identified spots, seal the vacuumed contents in a plastic bag and clean it. Wash the linens and dry them in the hot sun.

Even if you've wiped out all the bed bugs in vicinity, check the infested areas once a week for signs of activity. You should also place bed bug interceptors that can trap these red insects before they climb onto any furniture. Bed bugs are hardy creatures to get rid of, and if they don't go away, you'll have to call in a professional exterminator.

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Step-by-step guide on how to get rid of bed bugs - NewsBytes

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