167 Briarwood Dr 9f, Hinds, Jackson, Mississippi, 39206 Bed Bug Registry Map
  Saturday 15th of March 2025 12:48 PM

Hotel   Residence   Location   

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Address : 167 Briarwood Dr 9F, Hinds, Jackson, Mississippi, United States, 39206

Details: Sherwood Forest Apartments have extreme bed bug infestation! The landlord is charging $150 for treatment of a problem they already knew about!

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

Incident Radius: 50 Miles

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Can Bed Bugs Live In Wood Furniture & How to Remove Them

Bed bugs are synonymous with mattresses as they can live between the seams of it and even inside of it. but they will infest any furniture that is close to the hosts bed. This includes wooden furniture and even metal pieces. As long as there are cracks where they can hide, and these are in plenty on any type of furniture, bed bugs can live there and you need to consider bed bug exterminator services.

The answer to the question whether bed bugs can live in wood depends on what it means exactly to live in wood. You may be pleased to know that bed bugs dont burrow into wooden materials the same way termites or carpenter ants do. In fact, bed bugs will prefer not to infest a flat wood surface.

Since bed bugs like to stay out of sight, the will hide in existing cracks and gaps on wooden furniture or structures. This means that any wooden surface with cracks, grooves or another kind of space is a potential hiding place for bed bugs.

There is also a myth that bed bugslike to infest wood. Research indicates that these critters dont care for one surface or another as long as there is a tight, preferably dark place available to hide. Such a surface may be metal, plastic or any other habitable material for that matter.

In summary, it makes no difference what kind of surfaces you have. The only requirement that bed bugs need to infest it is a safe place to tuck away and close to the human hosts. Surfaces close to where you spend most of your time such as the bed and couch are most likely to be infested.

Unfortunately, any pest control technician will tell you that a wooden floor, particularly hardwood floors is possibly the worst choice of flooring for a bed bug prone home or location. It is not so much the wood itself that is attracting the critters but the bountiful hiding places that it offers.

Wooden floors generally have numerous joints, cracks, unfinished wood, knot holes and imperfections which make great hiding places for bed bugs. Changing flooring is an extreme measure that is rarely recommended although a wood floor will definitely give the pest control technician a real challenge.

Some DIY enthusiasts recommend vacuuming or steaming the floors. These are both logical solutions that may work in other situations except some of the cracks may be too deep. The temperature needed to kill bed bugs (at least 122 degrees Fahrenheit) couldnt possibly reach most of these bugs as they tend to tuck away as far as possible.

A better solution might be to fill larger cracks with clear silicone caulk and smaller ones with food grade diatomaceous earth. The former essentially seals the bugs in while the latter kills them. This is, of course, a long-shot since the cracks are too numerous for you to seal and treat each one successfully. You may have no choice but to call in apest control technician.

Bed bugs can live in wood furniture just as in any other furniture that has potential hiding spaces. Some people suggest that switching wooden furniture for metal helps to get rid of bed bugs. Apart from the expense of buying new furniture, there is simply no evidence to give credence to this claim. There is no reason to believe bed bugs like wooden furniture for any other reason except that this type of furniture naturally tends to have more gaps, cracks, cracks and other potential hiding places.

Another common myth is that a new coat of varnish on your wooden furniture will kill the pests. There is also no evidence to suggest that this is true. Finally, proponents of metal furniture as an alternative to wooden argue that the smooth metal surface makes it hard for the bed bugs to climb the furniture. Although the metal does appear smooth, there are tiny grooves sufficient to allow bed bugs and insects of all kinds free reign on the furniture.

Heat treatment such as steaming the furniture may not work if the bed bugs are ingrained deep in the furniture. You will definitely have to take apart at least some of your furniture to treat it whether that is with chemicals or steam. Again, this is a job best left to a pest control technician.

Aside from caulking grooves, gaps and cracks, there doesnt seem to be much that you can do to prevent bed bugs on your wooden furniture. Avoid introducing second-hand furniture of any kind into your home unless you are 100% sure that it is not infested. It is best to avoid used furniture altogether if you can help it.

The best way to prevent bed bugs at all is to avoid picking up used furniture. In most cases used furniture is there for a reason, if not being damaged or not needed anymore. Bed bugs will hide in any dark and dark spot that will give itself room to stay hidden from people. Below you will find signs of bed presence in wooden furniture.

Bed bugs do not have a preference for wood per se, but rather have a preference for seams, crevices, cracks, and voids which all give the bed bug the perfect opportunity to stay hidden away from human detection. Bed bugs rather have a preference for their host. It is for this very reason that you can find these critters hidden in between the seams of your mattress. The reason why they choose the mattress is that it gives them easy access to nourishment which is human blood for their blood meal. Apart from that, they can also be found on any piece of furniture where the host likes to rest, sleep, and relax. Wooden furniture also gives bed bugs a great opportunity to infest a home since they are not adept at travelling long distances themselves. People who are wanting to pick up second-hand furniture should be wary of the fact that there is a high chance of bed bug presence in the furniture present.

Bed Begs do not eat wood, despite being able to stay hidden there for a long time. Bed bugs sustain themselves through blood meals and are dependant on their hosts. This means that bed bugs go to humans for nourishment and are dependant on them. Bed bugs prefer to stay close to them as much as possible and that is why they stay between the seams of mattresses for easier access. They usually do this at night. Bed bugs do not eat wood, but rather make use of it by staying hidden in crevices, holes, voids, cracks, and anything that will shield them from exterior forces. They have the ability to stay in the most extreme conditions possible and that is why it takes a huge effort to get rid of them. If you suspect bed bugs in wood, it is better to contact professional pest control technicians.

It is no accident that bed bugs, which are aptly named, primarily infest beds. This is because they like to stay as close as possible to the human host. The second most commonly infested piece of furniture is a favourite couch or chair. Since you spend a lot of time on the couch, sometimes even napping there, you might expect bed bugs to conveniently take up residence.

Upholstered couches are far more likely to get infested. Signs that you might have bed bugs in your couch include thin black streaks or spots, dried blood stains, moulted skins, bed bug eggs and actual bed bugs.

To remove bed bugs from your couch, start by stripping all the upholstery, covers or any fabric that comes off. Wash in the washing machine with at least 122 degrees Fahrenheit for at least 30 minutes and throw in the dryer at similar temperature and duration. Put anything that you cant launder immediately in a plastic bag and seal tightly.

Your cushions and pillows may be too large or bulky to put in washer or dryer. Place them in a bed bug -proof bag or sealed plastic bag and take to your local dry cleaners. Be sure to let the cleaners know that the cushions may have bed bugs.

Next, vacuum the couch thoroughly to pick up eggs and live bed bugs as well as the undesirable remnants including feces and bed bug skin. Pay special attention to the cracks, edges, corners and seams. Place the used vacuum bag in a plastic bag and dispose of safely.

Use your steam cleaner to thoroughly seam the couch. Pay close attention to cracks and seams. Finally, use the chemical spray if you think its necessary or if you suspect there are bed bugs left in the couch.

Note that this process only gets rid of the bed bugs in your couch. There is no telling if your wallpaper, appliances or other obscure locations are infested. The best guarantee that you are rid of your bed bug problem for good is to hire a pest control technician

Bed bugs also infest carpets. They prefer carpets near the host such as around your bed or favourite couch or chair. Theyll lay eggs in the carpet and since the eggs are about the size of a sesame seed and translucent, it is highly unlikely you will notice their presence.

Although bed bugs cant fly or jump, they will crawl their way painstakingly through the even thick carpet to get to the host. Keep in mind that bed bugs arent the only pests to infest carpets. A carpet beetle is another common culprit and looks much like a bed bug to the untrained eye. A sure way to tell them apart is carpet beetles tend to have patterns such as stripes or spots on their backs while bed bugs have a consistent colour. Carpet beetles dont feed on blood although they can bite humans.

The best way to get rid of bed bugs in your carpet is a combination of vacuuming and steaming. Vacuum thoroughly and be careful when disposing of the used vacuum bag and the steam thoroughly. A carpet shampooer is not a good alternative for a steam cleaner since the former doesnt get hot enough to kill the bugs. Vacuum and stream the carpet regularly for at least a few months.

Once more, getting rid of the bed bugs in your carpet doesnt mean that your problems are over. The parasites might as well be infesting other fabrics in the vicinity including stuffed animals, blankets and upholstery. Hire a pest control technicianto remove bed bugs permanently and ask for a warranty for the service.

Note that bed bugs are not just restricted to the bedroom. Again, these pests want to be close to the host so furniture within a few feet of the couch is also ripe for infestation. Bed bugs dont have a preference for any type of furniture as long as there is somewhere to hide and is in close proximity to food (read human blood).

Pest control techniciansin Canada report that most of their calls come from desperate homeowners who have tried everything to get rid of bed bugs. This is hardly a surprise since bed bugs are among the most stubborn pests to treat even for professionals. Most infestations require multiple visits and lengthy and complicated treatments to eradicate completely.

Home remedies such as cayenne pepper, baking soda, ginger and so on are nothing short of old wives tales. If these homemade remedies were effective, pest control technicianswouldnt have to spend money on expensive chemicals and pesticides and would gladly go the all-natural way.

Over-the-counter insecticides are hardly any better than home remedies. The stringent pesticides regulations in Canada means that products with potent active ingredients are only available to licensed pest control technicians. What is available over the counter is simply a much milder version of what professionals use.

A professional pest control technician will first inspect the entire house to find all the bed bug hiding places. These pests love gaps, cervices and cracks so this inspection needs to be lengthy and thorough. Only then can the pest control technician decide which control method to use and which insecticides are most appropriate for the type of infestation. He also has the equipment to reach gaps and holes that would be impossible to treat otherwise.

Finally, the professional can advise on what you can do moving forward to prevent the infestation from recurring. Make sure you get a warranty for at least six months from The Exterminators. A warranty ensures that you dont have to go out of pocket on the rare occasion that the treatment is not successful.

Contact The Exterminators: 647-496-2211 to deal with bed bugs now. If you are interested in DIY methods please check our store forbed bugcontrol products.

Article Updated: October 16, 2020

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Can Bed Bugs Live In Wood Furniture & How to Remove Them

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These are the NYC hotels with the worst bed bug complaints – New York Post

This news really bites for out-of-towners dreaming of a New York City visit.

Some 188 local hotels, including 108 located within a one-mile radius of Times Square, have allegedly hosted some very unwanted guests in recent years: bed bugs.

Thats according to a skin-crawling new study from Pest Strategies, an online resource for pest removal tips and services.

To bring to light a report that really highlights hotels as the main transmission vector is important, said 30-year-old Shane Dutka, an operations manager at the Raleigh, NC-based portal, who helped compile the report. I think this is totally underreported. I think there are many, many bed bug cases that never reach [the news].

The studys biggest offender is the Queens County Inn and Suites in Long Island City, which has had 36-bed bug complaints since 2010 seven of them between January 2018 and February 2020.

The hotel, which didnt return a message seeking comment, received its most recent infestation complaint in January.

[Both our] beds were infested with bed bugs, claims an anonymous comment posted on The Bedbug Registry, a public database that tracks sightings of the creepy crawlers across the US and Canada. [My friend] was itching after breakfast and saw them crawling on the sheet when I turned over my cover they were so many as I turned over the cover they were everywhere on the walls ceiling etc and we were bitten all over.

Pest Strategies compiled bed bug reviews for 758 city properties from The Bedbug Registry, Bed Bug Reports and Tripadvisor. To determine the 10 most infested, the group compared each hotels all-time bed-bug complaint count against the number of bug-related reviews received between 2019 and 2021. Complaints including libel or inaccurate descriptions with no photo evidence didnt make the cut.

We do review these reviews and we make sure that we use our best judgment, Dutka. We tried our best to keep things as true and narrow as possible.

Midtowns Wellington Hotel, now closed until January 2022 due to a flood-related elevator replacement, ranked No. 2. It has 20 all-time bed bug complaints, the most recent of which came via Tripadvisor in November 2020, one month before the hotel temporarily shut.

The staff didnt want to come in and check when I called them in to show the bedbug, wrote the commenter. The manager wanted me to be out so she can send inspection. She claimed they couldnt find any but it was [a] total coverup.

Henry Demera, 46, the Wellingtons security director his department first responds to bed bug complaints to gather information told The Post the hotel gets daily extermination treatments.

In the rare instance that it is positive, we fumigate the room, he said. We have gone as far as to basically demo a room the hotel takes it very seriously.

No. 3 is The Bowery House in Nolita, which has had eight complaints since 2018 and didnt return messages seeking comment. Nor did the art deco Hotel Edison, which is steps from Times Square and came in at No. 5. Its most recent complaint came in December 2019, when a visitor from the United Kingdom alleged you could see the blood where they had bitten on the sheets.

They had mattress covers on [the beds], said 44-year-old Edison guest Donna Larrick. Visiting from Milwaukee, Wis., she was one of dozens of guests entering and leaving the busy hotel on a recent Wednesday. I always check.

Hotel visitors tend to bring in the critters on luggage or clothing and, as more people visit the Big Apple this year, complaints could worsen.

New York, because of a dense population and the amount of travel, its just so common to see [bed bugs]. Im sure itll only continue as we get out of COVID, said Dutka.

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These are the NYC hotels with the worst bed bug complaints - New York Post

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‘Canada’s Top Bed Bug Cities’ Have Been Revealed & Montreal Isn’t Even Top 10 – mtlblog.com

Orkin has released its list of 'Canada's Top Bed Bug Cities' and maybe surprisingly Montreal didn't even crack the top 10.

The Quebec metropolis lands at number 19 in the list, which ranks cities "by the number of bed bug treatments the company performed" in 2020.

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Toronto #1 Bed Bug City In Canada

So Montreal's low ranking could be explained by a less frequent use of Orkin compared to other pest control services in the city, but there's no way to know.

The number one spot of course went to Toronto.

It's followed in the ranking by Sudbury, Oshawa, Vancouver, Winnipeg, St. John's, Scarborough, Whitby, Edmonton and Ottawa.

"Bed bugs are extremely efficient hitch hikers," Orkin warns.

"They can move easily across a room and climb onto luggage or anything left on a bed in just one night."

The company's advice for keeping the critters out of your home include not putting luggage on beds when travelling, using metal luggage racks and packing clothes in plastic bags.

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'Canada's Top Bed Bug Cities' Have Been Revealed & Montreal Isn't Even Top 10 - mtlblog.com

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This Map Shows You The Exact Location Of All Of The Bed Bug Infestations In Montreal – MTL Blog

Anyone who's ever had bed bugs know that the tiny creatures can cause a massive headache. Bed bugs bite you in your sleep like tiny little parasites, and the mere thought of that can lead to quite a few sleepless nights if you're dealing with an infestation.

It's therefore reasonable that people want to know where bedbugs are found in the city, especially when they're thinking about moving to a new building. According to Sant Montreal, "between 2010 and 2014, about 3% (22,000) of households a year had bed bugs."

Luckily, Open Data 101 Montreal has put together an easy-to-use, interactive map that gives you an idea of the location of bed bug infestations throughout the city.

The map was put together using open data from the city of Montreal. The data shows where exterminators declared that they had done extermination work for bedbugs.

It, therefore, may not be a totally accurate representation of where bedbugs are in the city right now, but it gives you a pretty solid estimate.


The map reveals some interesting findings.

For example, it gives us an idea of which neighbourhoods are the most affected by bed bug infestations.

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According to the data, Rosemont-La-Petite-Patrie has the most declared exterminations, with a total of 4,509 over the last 18 years.

This is followed by VilleraySaint-MichelParc-Extension, with 4 495 exterminations, Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, with 4453 exterminations, and the Plateau, with 3 928 exterminations.

Sant Montral urges people with bed bug infestations to "act quickly to prevent bed bugs from spreading. Dont treat your home yourself: call a professional. If youre a tenant, the owner is responsible for taking care of the problem."

You can find out more about bed bug infestations on Sant Montral's website.

You can also explore the bed bug map here.

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This Map Shows You The Exact Location Of All Of The Bed Bug Infestations In Montreal - MTL Blog

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Montreal Issues Warning For Bed Bug Infestation – MTL Blog

It's currently moving season, and with moving comes a lot of issues, unfortunately, one of those being bed bugs.

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During busy moving time the City Of Montreal frequently releases public announcements about how to prevent the spread of bed bugs in the city. As you know, bed bugs are a major concern and issue for any densely populated urban area.

As you can see, the Ville De Montreal Twitter page released this tweet reminding citizens of " adoptgood habits" when moving to be conscientious and prevent bed bug spread.

Le 1er juillet, a dmnage Montral! Adoptez les bons comportements. https://t.co/K3lKl9WP9u pic.twitter.com/xz6yj17unu

July 1, 2018

You might be cringing in disgust at the moment, but know that it's a fact that bed bugs do not discriminate. Rich, poor, dirty, or clean, bed bugs feast off human blood and any home, regardless of how often the floor is swept, is the perfect breeding ground for these stubborn little critters.

Bites are usually the first sign of an infestation, and they will pop up quickly in multiples and appear similar to a mosquito bite. They are red, swollen, but they are much itchierthan a typical bug bite.

Obviously, an infestation can be 100% confirmed if you actually find some of these buggers in your bed or home. Thankfully, they are easy to spot becausethey are quite large and brown; about the size and shape of a lentil or apple seed.

If you spot a bed bug and you live in a building, it is your responsibility to contact your landlord right away. They will take the necessarynext steps to reach out to a professional to have the bug eradicatedwith no cost to the tenant.

Don't be ashamed or embarrassedto reach out to your landlord. It's their responsibilityto contact exterminators and get the issue dealt with ASAP. Preventing bed bugs from spreading takes a collective effort.

That said, when moving and picking up old furniture and clothes, it's important to take necessary steps and precautions to avoid spreading the bugs or eggs.

Read up HERE to find FAQs about bed bugs and what you can do to help prevent the spread.

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Montreal Issues Warning For Bed Bug Infestation - MTL Blog

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