Ruth Designs, 303-3081 Rue College, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Quebec, J1m2e5 Bed Bug Registry Map
  Tuesday 4th of March 2025 11:18 AM

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Address : 303-3081 Rue College, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Quebec, Canada, j1m2e5

Details: Not Specified

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

Incident Radius: 50 Miles

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TTC Responds To Bed Bug Sighting On The Subway In Toronto (PHOTO) – Narcity

Torontonians are absolutely disgusted by a new photo of a bed bugon the TTC, which surfaced recently online. People have not been holding back about it on social media and it's safe to say many do not want to sit on the subway seats anymore. In response to the backlash, the TTC has now commented to the bed bug sighting in Toronto.

READ ALSO:Huge Group Of Toronto Teens Commit Mass TTC Fare Evasion And Get Away With It (VIDEO)

It all started when a photo of an actual bed bug on the chair of a TTC subway emerged onto Twitter. The photo was uploaded this morning and is starting to gain traction and cause widespread concern.

READ ALSO:Aftermath Of Yesterday's Storm Makes For A Nightmare Morning Commute On The TTC (PHOTOS)

The sighting led one Twitter user to call out the TTC and ask what they had to say about it. User @UrbanXposurescommented on the tweet an hour ago and wrote, "@TTChelps any response to this?!?". The TTC Customer Service responded promptly in approximately 20 minutes with their explanation as to how a bed bug could have gotten onto the subway seat.

Check out what the TTC had to say in response belowon Twitter.

Our vehicles are cleaned daily, unfortunately bedbugs can be found anywhere as they travel with passengers but subways are an inhospitable environment for them , however once we receive a complaint that particular vehicle will receive a deep clean ^TH

March 1, 2019

In other words, bed bugs could be seen on the subway at any given time, based on what the TTC Customer Service said. Yeah, we're getting goosebumps just thinking about it.

On the bright side, the TTC does state that subways are typically an unwelcoming place for bed bugs, so they might not be seen there super often or at least we hope.

Many Torontonians are unsurprisingly pretty grossed out by the bed bug sighting. The incident has even traumatized some people, who now swear off sitting on the train's seats.

Never sitting down again: confirmed

March 1, 2019

Guess its time to burn the subway

March 1, 2019

Literally something I have worried about my entire life. So happy I walk to work. Bedbugs are my greatest fear

March 1, 2019

looks like i'm standing forever now

March 1, 2019

March 1, 2019

To make things even worse, Toronto has also been named the bed bug capital of Canada. The city has the worst bed bug problem in all of Canada. One Twitter user even used this opportunity to call out city officials for failing to competently deal with the bed bug problem in Toronto.

Not at all surprising. This city needs to take bed bugs seriously. I bet if they had them in City Hall there would be more action. @cityoftoronto

March 1, 2019

If there's one thing you can learn from this, it's to watch where you sit or put your hands while you're riding the TTC subway. Or honestly, maybe just stand altogether. Those seats can be pretty gross regardless. Here's hoping no bed bugs come your way while you're commuting.

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TTC Responds To Bed Bug Sighting On The Subway In Toronto (PHOTO) - Narcity

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Discovery of bed bugs prompts staff relocations at LCCC – Yahoo News

Apr. 14NANTICOKE The discovery of bedbugs in several areas prompted Luzerne County Community College to temporarily relocate some staff this week.

According to a statement from the college, the Physical Plant Department was notified April 7 that bedbugs were found in the counseling office of the Campus Center building. Bed bugs were also identified in the lobby of Building 1 that same day.

The college's contracted exterminator was on site within two hours to treat the affected areas, but more bugs were found later.

"On Monday, April 12, an additional bedbug was discovered in the Student Success Center," according to the release. "As an additional measure, the College made arrangements to treat the entire first floor of the Campus Center on Tuesday, April 13." The exterminator recommended the areas that were treated remain vacant for four hours.

"As a precaution, all staff and services from the first floor of the Campus Center will be temporarily relocated to other buildings on Tuesday, April 13 and Wednesday, April 14," the release said. "This will allow the exterminator to have ample access to inspect and treat the entire area. The lobby of Building 1 also will be inspected and treated again if necessary."

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Discovery of bed bugs prompts staff relocations at LCCC - Yahoo News

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Bed Bugs Info Bed Bugs Info

Bed bugs come in different varieties but are basically parasitic insects that are active at night time. Spread by crawling, they live in linen, clothing, and cracks in furniture.

What Are Bed Bugs

Part of the cimicid family, bed bugs are tiny bugs that feed on bats and other animals and human blood. There are different types and species, including barn swallow, Mexican chicken, and tropical bugs. The Mexican chicken bug, for example, feeds on fowl and birds and is usually found on farms. The tropical variety feeds on human blood and bats and is found in regions with temperate as well as tropical climate. A total of 92 different species have been identified.

Where Can Be Found

They can be found in sofas and other upholstered furniture, textiles, beds and bed frames, box springs, mattress covers, mattresses, etc. Other areas that can be infested include wallpaper cracks, dressers, carpet edges, and curtains. Buildings that are at risk of infestation include buses, trains, and other transportation vehicles, shelters, laundries, office buildings, theaters, and other high-traffic areas. About 2/3 of bed bugs, however, are concentrated in the bed area.

Bites and Signs

Common signs of bug bites include itching, swelling, and redness. They can be mistaken for skin problems, rash, and mosquito and flea bites. Treatment is usually not required. Some patients develop bacterial infections and are prescribed antibiotics. If allergic reaction occurs, doctors usually prescribe antihistamines or topical steroids. Some people use natural and home remedies such as water and soda paste, oatmeal baths, tea tree essential oil, patchouli oil, and cold compresses.

How to Eliminate Them

There are different ways and products to kill insects, including diatomaceous earth, neem oil, and thyme oil. Diatomaceous earth, for example, contains fossils of diatoms, which are miniature aquatic species. There are numerous applications in farming, skin care, food manufacturing, water filtering, etc. Diatomaceous earth is also used to kill parasites, insects, and viruses and to reduce the harmful effect of free radicals. Neem oil is also used to get rid of bed bugs in commercial settings and homes. Azadirachtin, the main ingredient of neem oil, repels more than 200 insect species and is low in toxicity. Washing, fabrics, upholstery, and other surfaces also help eliminate bed bugs. You may add essential oils for better results. Lemon oil, for example, is known to repel insects, including bed bugs. It is best to contact a professional service company, however. They have experience in treating infested areas and use professional products and solutions. Some companies use professional insecticides while others use natural or organic products. Professional insecticides are more effective in treating infested areas. If you choose this option, ask whether the products they use are safe to apply on upholstery, fabrics, and mattresses, especially if you have small children, pets, or known allergies.

It is a good idea to inspect framed pictures, bed frames, fabrics, and soft furnishings on a regular basis. Check for eggs, dead bedbugs, blood stains, and insects to avoid infestation. If you are a frequent traveler, you may want to keep your suitcases away from furniture and your bed area. Put your clothes in the drier for 20 30 minutes when returning from a trip or holiday.

Bed Bugs in Canada, Cases and Infested Areas

The most heavily infested areas in Canada include Ottawa, Vancouver, Winnipeg, and Toronto. Other cities that have bed bug problems include Calgary, Scarborough, Sudbury, Halifax, Edmonton, and St. Johns. The majority of cities with bug problems are located in Ontario (14 in total).

In fact, there is a bed bug registry that allows users to browse for sites with reported cases. Sites include both residential homes and commercial properties. Renters and travelers are welcome to report areas with cases and bug infestations, including libraries, movie theatres, hospitals, dormitories, hotels, apartments, and houses. Users, on the other hand, are free to browse by city and state, street address, and hotel name. Information is available for different cities in Canada, including Toronto, Vancouver, Saskatoon, Regina, and others. The registry also features resources, city maps, alerts, and other useful information.

Continued here:
Bed Bugs Info Bed Bugs Info

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Oregon Health Authority : About Bed Bugs : Pesticide …

Public Health Significance History

Bed bugs have been following humans around since cave dwelling days. Since the 1940s (when bed bug populations dropped to very low numbers) they have developed resistance to many of the pesticides that were once used to control them. People travel more often and to farther destinations now compared to 50 years ago. Bed bugs travel with us by hitchhiking on our luggage, clothing and other belongings. For the last several decades scientists and pest control professionals haven't had to deal with them.

Although bed bugs feed on the blood of humans, they are not known to spread disease. Bed bugs impact several dimensions of our health, including physical, mental, social and economic. The physical effects from bed bug bites range from no mark to an itchy, red, slightly swollen bite mark. Bed bugs and their bites can lead to emotional stress, anxiety and insomnia. Misunderstandings about how someone gets bed bugs might make people feel ashamed, as if somehow their social status is to blame. This is not true, anyone can get bed bugs. Bed bugs do not discriminate, they have been found in luxury hotels, hospitals, houses, apartments and shelters.

Vacuum and clean regularly with soap and water. Eliminate clutter. While cleaning look for bed bugs, their eggs or their empty skeletons that they leave behind after molting.

Avoid setting your luggage on or near the bed. The bathtub and the hallway right as you walk into your room are considered to be the least likely places for bed bugs to hide. Ask lodging staff about their bed bug history, prevention and control policies. If you think you were in an area with bed bugs wash and dry your clothes on the hottest setting as soon as you get home. High heat for at least 20 minutes should kill adults and eggs. If you can't launder clothes right when you get home, store them in a sealed plastic bag until you can.

Don't panic. Bed bugs are difficult to get rid of but not impossible. Anyone can get bed bugs. If you find them be sure to let people who visit or live in your home know so that they can be on the lookout. Follow the prevention tips listed above. There are many online resources that can help you. Depending on the extent of the infestation you might do best by contacting a pest control professional who has experience with Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and bed bugs.

It is not safe to spray your body with insect repellents (like DEET) before you go to sleep. Insect repellents are not meant to be trapped on your skin for long periods of time. Call the Oregon Poison Center at 1-800-222-1222 if you think you are experiencing health effects from doing this. Use products labeled for indoor use. Using pesticides that are for outdoor use puts people and pets in your home at risk for health problems. Avoid using products that do not list bed bugs as a pest on the product's label. Doing so could make them harder to control by forcing them to hide in even harder to reach places. Avoid bug bombs and foggers; they are not effective at reaching the cracks, crevices and hidden spaces where bed bugs hide.

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Oregon Health Authority : About Bed Bugs : Pesticide ...

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Toronto ranks as the worst city in Canada for bed bugs in 2020

For the third year in a row, despite a 20 per cent reduction in sightings since 2019 and lockdown orders put in place to keep people at home, Toronto has once again ranked as the worst city for bed bugs in the entire country.

According to a report from Orkin Canada,the nations'largest pest control company, Toronto took the top spot on the list, while other Ontario jurisdictions includingSudbury, Oshawa, Scarborough, Whitby, and Ottawa also made the top 10.

The ranking was compiled based onthe number of bed bug treatments the company performed from Jan.1, 2020 through Dec.31, 2020, including both residential and commercial treatments.

Fortunately, despite Toronto taking the top spot once again, Orkin said in a news release that overall sightings are down across the country year-over-year thanks to pandemic-related restrictions.

"Travel bans, stay-at-home orders, and a general shift to working remotely have resulted in less opportunities for these hitchhikers to move around, for the first time since Orkin Canada released its annual survey five years ago," reads thenews release.

But the company doesn't expect this trend to continue once orders are lifted.

"Due to their ability to double in population about every 16 days," said Orkin, "it should not be difficult for bed bugs to regain their grip on the Canadian market."

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Toronto ranks as the worst city in Canada for bed bugs in 2020

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