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Facts About Bedbugs How to Find Bedbugs –

Sometimes, that old rhyme, "Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite" is just a little too on-the-nose. After all, bedbugs aren't just an alliterative rhyme from a children's saying: they're real pests that can be scary to encounter and hard to get rid of! Given that bedbug outbreaks are so common, there's ample opportunity for a slew of rumors, myths, and flat-out fallacies about the troublesome households pests that can make it difficult for anyone to know exactly how to find them and, more importantly, how to get rid of them.

Woman's Day asks experts to differentiate fact from fiction, and found out everything you never knew about bedbugs including how to find bedbugs, when bedbugs are most active, and what to do if you realize you' have an infestation of bedbugs in your home.

If you think you're facing a bedbug problem, step one is simple: Do not panic. It's important to call a specialist exterminator right away, especially since bedbugs can lay a lot of eggs very quickly, which will only make exacerbate the problem.

The following facts about bedbugs will, hopefully, help you feel better prepared in case you ever encounter the pests. It really is impossible to sleep tight if the bedbugs are biting, so if you want to be ready for what's an inevitability in many major cities, read on to learn everything you need to know about bedbugs.

The Latin name for bedbugs is Cimex lectularius, which means "bug of the bed." But don't let that fool you the pesky creatures can be found anywhere. "Bedbugs want to feed on you at night while you're still, so they're commonly found in your bed," John Furman, president of New York Citybased pest management company Boot-A-Pest, tells Woman's Day. "But I always say the bed is 70 percent of the infestation and the rest of the room is the other 30 percent. They can be all over your apartmentin the sofa, behind picture frames or in the crevices of baseboards."

"There's an unnecessary stigma associated with bedbugs," Susan Jones, PhD, associate professor of entomology at Ohio State University, tells Woman's Day. "Anyone can get them. They're not associated with poor housekeeping or a certain poverty level or anything like that."

So if you have themor know someone who does remember that it has nothing to do with personal hygiene habits. "Every woman whose home I treat tells me how often they shower, how clean they are, that they get manicures none of that matters," Jeff Eisenberg, founder of Pest Away Exterminating, tells Woman's Day.

Unlike with many other pests and insects, research has not yet proven that bedbugs do anything more harmful than give you the heebie-jeebies. But that doesn't mean people should brush them off as no big deal. And Jones believes the research is "incomplete and inconclusive." And Eisenberg insists they are a mental health risk. "People can become so obsessed with bedbugs they don't sleep for weeks," Jones explains. "They miss work, they spend hours Googling the topic. I call it bedbug paranoia."

Bedbugs have also been shown to aggravate allergy and asthma symptoms in people who already suffer from them.

It's difficult to notice a suspicious bite and not immediately consult Dr. Google for an immediate diagnoses. But just because a website tells you bedbug bites look a certain way doesn't mean your bites will follow that pattern. According to Jones, bites often appear in a grouping of three or a "1-2-3 breakfast, lunch, dinner" pattern, but many people around 30 percent, according to Furman don't react to bites at all. And others may have singular scattered bites.

Though these pests like to come out before dawn, don't think you can wait up all night to outsmart them. "A bedbug is an opportunist, and while their peak feeding time is between 2 a.m. and 5 a.m., if you work nights they will come out and feed on you during the day," Furman says. And Jones explains that they're attracted to a human's body temperature and, even more so, the carbon dioxide we exhale.

20 Easy Ways to Organize Your Bedroom

While itchy bites may indicate you have a bedbug problem, a thorough inspection is necessary to prove it.

"If you have a low-level infestation, most people will miss the signs. You really need to call a professional who will spend the time to find the evidence," Furman says, who takes at least an hour inspecting rooms for signs of bedbugs. Things you should look for include "peppering," which are black fecal spots that are usually imbedded in the mattress seams or on the box spring, as well as insect skins (immature bedbugs shed their skin five times before becoming an adult). You may also see actual bedbugs, which, depending on their age, will be clear or rust-colored. You can never be too careful, but don't panic.

"I've had people email me photographs of Hostess cupcake crumbs, lint, fingernails, you name it," Furman explains.

Well-trained and properly handled canines can track down bedbugs because, like bomb-sniffing and drug-sniffing dogs, they are taught to home in on the scent. But according to Furman, "a dog is a tool to bring a handler to a defined search area. You've still got to find the bugs in the area they alerted you to."

A common misconception about bedbugs is that if you have them, you have to trash your mattress and send all your clothing to the dry cleaner's. Not true! According to Furman, heat is the number-one killer of bedbugs. Exterminators treat rooms and furniture with a combination of dry steam cleaning, deep heat and chemical treatments.

If your clothes have been in an infested room, throw them in a hot dryer (at least 120 degrees) for 30 minutes to kill any bugs.

Whatever you do, don't attempt to fumigate your house for bedbugs yourself. "Don't use a bug bomb or fogger, even if it claims it's meant for bedbugs," Jones warnes. "All it will do is scatter them throughout your home, and if you have an apartment, it will give them to your neighbors."

Jones says that boric acid and other grocery store sprays won't work, either. Calling a professional is essential and it's best to call one early. "You have to deal with this right away," Jones explains. "One single female bedbug can lay 500 eggs in her lifetime, so it can get out of control quickly."

According to Jones, bedbugs started making a comeback in the late 1990s for a variety of reasons. A spike in international travel combined with a change in the pesticides and insecticides we use as well as lifestyle changes all played a role in their resurgence. "Bedbugs reproduce very quickly and live for a long time, so it was just a matter of time until their populations exploded," she says. So what now? Though the situation is manageable, "there's absolutely no end in sight. This is a pest we'll likely be living with for the rest of our lives."

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Facts About Bedbugs How to Find Bedbugs -

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What Attracts Bed Bugs & things they Hate /Dislike Most …

There are a number of things that attract bed bugs. At the same time, there are other things these little creatures hate to death. These are attractants and repellants respectively. Detection of bed bugs heavily relies on the attractants, while prevention and control are based on those that they dislike. Read on to find out more

It is always thought that bed bugs are attracted to dirty and unhygienic homes. What then explains an infestation of bed bus in clean homes? There are more reasons that explain the existence of bed bugs at homes among other areas.

A number of researchers have found that carbon dioxide is one of the most effective attractant to bed bugs, as noted by Philip Koehler, an entomologist at the University of Florida-Gainesville, while addressing 2018 annual Entomological Society of America meeting.

According to Koehler, human beings are said release about 700 mg of carbon dioxide every minute which is an amount enough to lure quite a good number of these bugs.

Being attracted to carbon dioxide is what makes them able to also feed on other organisms besides human beings.

Bed bugs rely on food as a source of their livelihood. Failure to get enough blood means that they will not reproduce and therefore die off. That is blood free of alcohol. A few traces of alcohol is thought to drive them away.

There are some claims that point out that bed bugs are more attracted to blood type O more than any other blood type.

Histamine is a chemical that is produced by human white blood cells. This is usually a part of the immune response and it acts as an attractant to the bed bugs.

This has formed the basis upon which scientists synthesize compounds to put bed bugs under control. Bed bugs are strongly pulled to these compounds perhaps because of their smell.

When you are asleep, your body produces some heat as a way of regulating the temperature below the sheets.

This makes it very conducive for the bed bugs. When you share a bed sheet with another person you create a better deal because more heat is generated.

It has been established that bed bugs are attracted to bed sheets that are black in color compared to other colors. The reason for this is because the black color mimics the darkness which the bed bugs are used to.

Bed bugs also like the red color not because they look like blood but because the red color is similar in to an adult bed bug after it has taken a blood meal.

The good smelling compounds that attract bed bugs include pheromones that bed bugs use to get into a particular area. There are other chemicals that are sweet smelling that could act as attractants. The most effective ones are known as aldehydes. They have sweet odor and they are able to travel in the air from one point to another.

Bed bugs normally pick up the scent from one point and then tend to move towards the more concentrated areas. It has also been established that female bed bugs produce the scent so as to attract the male counterparts for reproduction.[1]

The information to support this is scanty but some people allude that sperms are a good source of proteins and therefore it is not surprising for bed bugs to gather around them. Other reviews point out that bed bugs feed on liquid smelly materials.[2]

This is absolutely not true because bed bugs are majorly attracted to carbon dioxide and heat. The nature of their mouth parts are meant to pierce into the skin.

They are therefore not attracted to the blood that is not under the skin. This is to mean that the blood outside the body in this case period blood would not entice them.

Bed bugs are nocturnal animals and are therefore very sensitive to any light. If you subject your mattresses to a lot of bright light, you will disturb their survival to a great extent. They are rarely active when there is a lot of light.

This is reason enough to explain why the bed bugs come out to feed at night. This does not eliminate the possibility of feeding during the day. They also could come out and feed at day time.

Despite the existence of many things that attract bed bugs, there are other things that push the bed bugs away. This is because they are indeed hated or some of their ingredients are hated by the bed bugs. Here are some of them:

Whenever temperatures fall below a certain point, bed bugs can become inactive. Despite so, this is not an effective method to eradicate bed bugs. Bed bugs only become inactive during these periods and then become active once the periods end. They hate this time because they cannot get out to get blood meals.

A simple and old-fashioned soap together with moisture is good enough to repel and kill bed bugs. Therefore, when these components come into use, the bed bugs run away as they scamper for safety.

There are so many users who have used the jelly and reported that the bed bugs run away in their presence. The particular jelly that is used is Vaseline. There is no supportive evidence that is based on science which validates the use of the jelly to scare bed bugs.

This is an insect repellant that is obtained from the Neem tree, either the leaves or the seeds. This is a remedy that has a wide use in India and bed bugs have been found to hate its smell as it is known to be very insecticidal.

This oil has also demonstrated valuable use over a wide range in various areas to treat various injuries and diseases.

This is a powder that is mined and obtained from the diatomite. It is pesticidal and bed bugs would run away when the powder is in sight.

The powder is nontoxic to human beings but very harmful to the bed bugs. The bed bugs will run away from the powder because the silica that is present has sharp edges that could cut into the exoskeleton of the bug.

The use of pesticides and insecticides is one of the commonest bed bug procedures for a long period of time. These pesticides are used with a number of pest control exterminators.

How effective the exterminators vary from one company to another. Because the pesticides threaten the existence of bed bugs, they abhor them immensely

Bed bugs will always try to move away from your bed if you sprayed it with this powder. Many products in the market are designed to have the powder. Simply apply the powder directly on the legs of your bed or even the frames.

This is the smell that bed bugs hate the most. Out of the many sprays that contain lavender, you could settle on one of them that is the purest.

Spraying the oil around your bed or even applying some skin products that contain lavender before you go to bed chases the bed bugs away. By so doing, you are able to keep bed bugs away from your skin and bedding.

Dryer sheets contain a fragrance. They make the room smell better and as a consequence, they may mask the smell of carbon dioxide that you release while asleep. This therefore mean that the bed bugs would not be able to trace you by virtue of the CO2 that you produce when sleeping.

This method is however not a completely effective method to handle bed bugs but it is worth trying. As you use it, also have other methods to eradicate bed bugs.

Bed bugs hate tea tree oil. However, the oil can irritate your skin and therefore you should always dilute it before using. Despite this being the case, diluted oil is not so effective in repelling bed bugs.

There is no scientific proof to show how effective the oil is. In addition, it does not have residual and long lasting effects when applied.

Some expert information points out that bed bugs hate alcohol. In fact, alcohol is one the known substances used to get rid or kill of these bugs.

The alcohol irritates the body of bed bugs and therefore spraying the infested areas with alcohol could keep them at bay.

Many bed bug control products have been manufactured to incorporate alcohol as one of their ingredients.

You should cover your skin with products that contain alcohol before you go to sleep.

Always talk to a dermatologist so as to obtain the best product in this case.

Ensure that the alcohol product you use does not irritate your skin. Further, if you are allergic to a certain product, you can choose an alternative one.

Further Reading




What Attracts Bed Bugs & things they Hate /Dislike Most ...

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New Year, New Top City on Orkin’s 2021 Bed Bug Cities List: Chicago – PRNewswire

After joining the list last year, Toledo saw the biggest jump moving up 23 spots to number 27. Denver and Charleston both broke into the top 20, and six new cities joined the top 50 list for the first time this year.

The list is based on treatment data from the metro areas where Orkin performed the most bed bug treatmentsfrom December 1, 2019 November 30, 2020. The ranking includes both residential and commercial treatments.

Typically, bed bugs are 3/16 inch long and are mostly nocturnal insects that come out of hiding to take blood meals from sleeping humans and are red to dark brown in color. Bed bugs are hematophagous, which means blood is their only food source. They can travel from place to place with ease, including items such as luggage, purses and other personal belongings.

"Bed bugs are a concern for everyone because they are master hitchhikers, traveling home with people when they likely don't realize it," said Ben Hottel, an Orkin entomologist. "Their nature of hiding in difficult-to-find cracks and crevices once introduced into a room can make them hard to control, which is why involving a trained professional at the sight of an introduction is recommended."

With the anticipation and excitement around 2021 travel, it's easy to forget that bed bugs are still very much a threat and should be top of mind for anyone who is itching to take a trip. Bed bugs can survive for several months while waiting for their next blood meal, so they're likely to emerge when a food source, humans, become available.

Whether you decide to travel or want to be proactive at your home, remember the acronym S.L.E.E.P. to inspect for bed bugs:

Celebrating a milestone anniversary this year, Orkin is proud to have achieved 120 years of business, an accomplishment that can be attributed to the company's ongoing commitment to excellent service. With well over a century of knowledge and experience with bed bugs and state-of-the-art tools and products, Orkin is well-equipped to assess your bed bug problem and mount a strategic response to rid your home of the pest and provide maximum protection.

For more information about bed bug prevention, visit You can also find additional detection tips in Orkin's video on "How to Check for Bed Bugs in Hotel Rooms."

About Orkin, LLCFounded in 1901, Atlanta-based Orkin is an industry leader in essential pest control services and protection against termite damage, rodents and insects. Proudly celebrating 120years of business this year, the company is committed to excellent service and operates more than 400 locations with more than 8,000 employees. Through Orkin's Points of Service process Investigate, Protect, Fortify, Keep Watch, Report and Follow Up Orkin provides customized services to approximately 1.7 million homeowners and businesses in the United States and has nearly 100 international locations in more than 65 countries. Orkin is committed to studying pest biology and applying scientifically proven methods. The company collaborates with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and eight major universities to conduct research and help educate consumers and businesses on pest-related health threats. Learn more about Orkin Orkin is a wholly-owned subsidiary ofRollins Inc.(NYSE: ROL). Follow us onFacebook,LinkedIn, YouTubeand Instagram.


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New Year, New Top City on Orkin's 2021 Bed Bug Cities List: Chicago - PRNewswire

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Congrats, Cincinnati! We’re Among Orkin’s Top Bed Bug Cities – Cincinnati CityBeat

The pest-control company features a whopping six Ohio cities on its 2021 list of 50 metros that bed bugs love.

Bed bug nymphPhoto: Public Domain You can feel your skin crawling after reading that headline, cant you?

There may be a reason for that. Orkin, the national pest-control company, says that Cincinnati is among the top cities for bed bugs.

Cincinnati comes in at No. 8 on Orkins list of 50 bug-friendly cities for 2020, released on Feb. 1. The company based its list on data for metro areas with the most bed-bug treatments Dec. 1, 2019-Nov. 30, 2020. Orkin says the data includes both residential and commercial treatments.

But Cincinnati isnt the only Ohio location drawing warnings from Orkin. The Buckeye State has a whopping six cities that are bed-bug havens. Columbus is at No. 5, followed by Cleveland at No. 6., Toledo at No. 27, and Dayton at No. 28. Youngstown enters the list for the first time at No. 40.

Chicago tops Orkins list this year, followed by Baltimore and Washington, D.C.

Bed bugs are about 3/16 long and often move from location to location via purses and luggage.

Orkin says that bed bugs are a big issue, despite travel being limited in 2020 due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. And with vaccines now being distributed and people beginning to plan the years activities, things still could be itchy for 2021.

With the anticipation and excitement around 2021 travel, its easy to forget that bed bugs are still very much a threat and should be top of mind for anyone who is itching to take a trip, Orkin says in a release on its website. Bed bugs can survive for several months while waiting for their next blood meal, so theyre likely to emerge when a food source, humans, become available.

Hamilton County Public Health features a guide to bed bugs on its website, including how to prevent the insects from becoming a problem in the first place.

Indirect measures can go a long way in controlling bed bugs: monitoring for signs of bedbugs in your home, vacuuming regularly, and checking your belongings. Prevent bed bugs from getting into homes by checking clothing, used furniture and belongings before entering the home and monitor where you have visited. Continue to reduce clutter and unwanted items in your home and hire a professional exterminator to inspect your home if you suspect there are bedbugs, the website says..

In 2020, Orkin ranked the Queen City as No. 8.

Read the full list of cities that bed bugs apparently love on Orkins website.

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Congrats, Cincinnati! We're Among Orkin's Top Bed Bug Cities - Cincinnati CityBeat

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5 Best Bed Bug Sprays in 2020 | Exterminator Review

Theres no doubt about it, discovering bed bugs in your home is horrifying. When you see tell-tale signs of bed bugs, you need to take action right away because they multiply quickly and can spread to every corner of your home To get rid of bed bugs in your home, youll need a multi-faceted approach.

Unfortunately, theres no single product or method thats completely effective. People that tell you otherwise are just trying to get you to buy their product. Bed bug sprays can be part of your plan to kill bed bugs, but only a couple of products actually work. In this guide, Ill share with you the two best bed bug sprays, which ones to avoid (most), and the steps you need to take to banish bed bugs from your home.

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Bed Bug Patrol is an eco-friendly and all-natural solution to a bed bug problem. Its made from different plant extracts, however, with active ingredients that include peppermint oil (1%), clove oil (0.003%), and sodium lauryl sulfate (1.3%).

Bed Bug Patrol isnt quite as effective as EcoRaider, especially when it comes to killing bed bug eggs. There are some areas in which Bed Bug Patrol shines. It wont leave visible residue or stains. You may also find the aroma more pleasant. It also comes in a variety of sizes including 1 gallon and a 3-ounce TSA-approved travel size.

Key Features include Scientifically proven ingredients, leaves no residue or stains, and has a pleasant smell.

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Eco-Defence Bed bug spray spay is a treatment to use in infested areas. This spray is organic and has non-toxic ingredients. It can be applied to sheet and bedding and kills bugs on contact. The spray kills bed bugs in all stages including eggs, nymphs, and full grown bed bugs. This is a popular treatemtn to use against bed bugs.

Eco Defence does not use pesticides or poisonous ingredients which makes it safe to use around pets and kids. The active ingredients are sodium lauryl sulfate and germanium oil.

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EcoRaider is a low-cost, non-toxic, and eco-friendly bed bug spray thats made from botanical, natural ingredients. The active ingredients include cedar extract (1%), geraniol (1%), and sodium lauryl sulfate (2%). When you spray it, youll notice the eucalyptus and cedar odor which is a nice bonus compared to most pesticide products.

Bed bugs have proven theyre great at adapting and evolving resistance to traditional pesticides but EcoRaider is still quite effective, killing all bed bugs on impact within 10 days. Its a good choice to help treat materials that cant be run through your dryer like seams and nooks in furniture, area rugs, and luggage.

Its available as a small bottle that can help you treat luggage on the go or smaller areas. For treating your home, go with the large 32-ounce EcoRaider Bed Bug Killer linked above. Studies using this spray have shown 100% bed bug mortality. There are multiple sizes available.

How effective is EcoRaider?

In the Rutgers University study, EcoRaider caused 100% mortality in bed bugs after 10 days in two separate trials. When sprayed on bed bug eggs, the hardest life stage to kill, EcoRaider still caused high mortality of 86%.

EcoRaider was by far the most effective solution tested against bed bug eggs. Its also comparable to professional pesticide results.

It didnt cause mortality over 75% at three days, however; it takes a while for EcoRaider to take effect. This is one area where Temprid SC, a professional-grade pesticide, comes out ahead.

Most bed bug sprays on the market use plant oils or detergent-based insecticides. The truth is the vast majority of these products arent good for anything aside from making your house smell fresher.

According to a major study from Rutgers University, there are two low toxicity bed bug sprays that do work against bed bugs, nymphs, and sprays: EcoRaider and Bed Bug Patrol.

Both use plant oils to kill bed bugs.

This is surprising because most essential oils are useless against bed bugs despite being touted as an all natural bed bug repellents and bed bug killers. You may see lavender oil and tea tree oil marketed for deterring bed bugs but the bugs dont really mind them.

The only essential oil that alone has shown any promise against bed bugs is blood orange oil which can be combined with silicone and paraffin oils to suffocate the bugs. Well get to that later.

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Ortho Home Defense Max is a bed bud spray that kills bed bugs on contact. As a general rule, most products you can buy on a shelf to treat bed bugs arent very effective. Thats because most contain pyrethrins, a botanical insecticide, or pyrethroids, which are a synthetic chemical insecticide that works in much the same way.

Bed bugs rapidly evolve resistance to chemicals. Across the world, bed bug populations are showing varying resistance to pyrethroids and pyrethrins.

With that said, a pyrethroid-based treatment can still be effective to some degree as long as it isnt used alone and you dont expect it to fix the problem.

You have no way of knowing how resistant the bed bugs in your home are to pyrethroids. in Cincinnati and New York, two cities hit hard by bed bug epidemics, bed bugs have shown moderate to significant resistance. Even in these regions, some bed bug populations have reduced resistance and may be more vulnerable to chemicals.

The bottom line is bed bugs arent universally resistant to pyrethroids. Thats where Ortho Home Defense Max may help.

Unlike many bed bug sprays out there, it doesnt rely on pyrethroids alone. Active ingredients in Orthos bed bug spray include:

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Harris is a strong bed bug spray that can be used against pyrethroid-resistant bed bugs. The spray is EPA registered for use in homes. It is an odorless non-staining spray that kills bugs for up to 16 weeks after applying the product. This spray can not be used on mattresses, pillows, bedding, or clothing. It is intended to be used on box springs, furniture, closets, carpet, and crevices around the house.

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Bed bug traps are a great way to confirm bed bugs are in the area. Before deploying spray and powders make sure that there actually are bed bugs. This trap has a clear top so it can be checked daily to see if there are bed bugs around. Once bed bugs are found then a room treatment or cleaning process can be implemented.

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Bed bugs can be hard to find just by looking around as they hide in small crevices. A black-light can be useful to find bed bugs and other stains in bedding, carpet, and luggage. This light comes with batteries and UV sunglasses. The light does not kill the bed bugs and is only used to locate them. If bed bugs are found the area should be cleaned and traps, sprays, or powders should be used to get rid of them.

Related Article: 8 Best Bed Bug Killers

Bed bugs have also developed resistance to neonicotinoids, according to a new study, but, as with pyrethroids, this isnt universal. The study found that imidacloprid and other neonicotinoids killed bed bugs very quickly if they had no resistance. A pyrethroid-resistant population of bed bugs did not show any resistance to imidacloprid. The bed bugs from Cincinnati and Michigan, which were collected after widespread use of both neonicotinoids and pyrethroids, showed the highest level of resistance to neonicotinoids.

By combining both a pyrethroid and a neonicotinoid with a synergist, the Ortho Home Defense Max may just have success at killing bed bugs in your home even if they have some resistance to one or both chemicals.

The definitive Rutgers study compared biopesticides, synthetic insecticides, and detergents including Bed Bug Patrol, EcoRaider, Essentria, Green Rest Easy, Eradicator, Bed Bug 911, Bed Bug Bully, Rest Assured, Bed Bug Fix, Stop Bugging Me, EcoEXEMPT IC2, Demand CS, and Temprid SC. The last two are synthetic insecticides typically used in professional bed bug treatment.

The study involved two experiments. In the first, detergents and biopesticides were tested. Bed bug nymphs were placed on filter paper and treated directly with a pesticide spray then transferred to a clean plastic petri dish. Mortality was recorded at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 days after exposure.

The most effective biopesticides from this test were included with additional biopesticides and the two synthetic insecticides in a second experiment involving the same procedure.

The study clearly showed that EcoRaider and Bed Bug Patrol were the best natural pesticides producing high mortality rates after 10 days in both experiments. The other biopesticides caused 60% mortality or less after 10 days. Some even had no effect when directly applied to bed bugs.

Among the synthetic pesticides used in professional bed bug treatment, Temprid SC was found to be much more effective than Demand CS. Bed bugs have developed moderate tolerance to Demand CS.

While these results are very promising, its important to remember one thing:

These experiments involved applying the bed bug sprays directly to the bed bugs body. Thats hardly representative of real-world conditions.

Lets go into more detail about how Bed Bug Patrol and EcoRaider work where other sprays fail and why you shouldnt rely on sprays alone to get rid of bed bugs in your house

EcoRaider and Bed Bug Patrol both deliver great results in a lab setting. They can both be great at controlling and reducing a bed bug population in your home but alone, they wont be enough.

Thats because bed bugs in your house hide in crevices, creases, and tiny cracks. The effectiveness of these products will certainly be much lower when the bugs arent exposed directly to the product. When dry on a surface, they have a reduced effect.

When bed bugs were exposed to the day-old residue of Bed Bug Patrol and EcoRaider, 93% were dead after 10 days. This is encouraging but the residue was only 24 hours old. Because plant oils are volatile, they will probably break down within a matter of days or up to two weeks.

In a real-world environment, theres no guarantee the bed bugs would even be exposed to the residue. It seems bed bugs will avoid surfaces treated with biopesticides but not necessarily surfaces with the residue of synthetic pesticides.

Ideally, you want products that:

To reach this goal, you should combine the best bed bug spray like EcoRaider with other proven solutions for conquering bed bugs.

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To get the best effect with any bed bug killer, you need to use it correctly. With bed bug sprays, your goal should be spraying where you will likely make direct contact with bed bug nymphs and eggs that arent easily seen with the naked eye. You will also want to spray cracks, crevices, and tiny hiding areas. You may not hit the bugs directly but you will leavearesidue that they will need to crawl through when theyre ready to feed.

Start by spraying hard-to-reach areas and crevices like under and around baseboards and trim, inside drawers, and around lightswitch covers. Move on to spraying around your headboard, the feet of your bed, and the seams of your mattress and box spring. You should also treat your luggage with the spray.

Make sure you pay the most attention to the area around your bed. In most bed bug infestations, around 70% of the bugs are on the mattress, bed frame, and box spring.

The mattress and box spring you can treat with box spring and mattress encasements and the bedding can be washed. That leaves the bed frame and headboard which should be treated liberally with a EcoRaider or Bed Bug Patrol.

Even the best bed bug spray isnt enough to kill all of the bed bugs. Follow up using a bed bug spray with this effective treatment plan to finally banish bed bugs from your house.

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A mattress encasement works by sealing bed bugs that are already in your mattress to keep them from escaping, reproducing, or biting. Eggs, nymphs, and bed bugs in your mattress will be trapped and eventually die as long as you use the right product.

The SafeRest bed bug mattress encasement is a good example of what you should be using. Its zipper has very fine teeth and theres a flap at the ends of the zipper. Bed bugs are small and flat enough to crawl through regular zippers with no trouble!

After installing your new mattress encasement, leave it on for at least 12 months. You may be surprised to learn adult bed bugs can live a year or even longer in ideal conditions without food. Bed bugs survive best without food in chilly conditions. The warmer the temperature, the faster they will die. With a constant temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit, adult bed bugs will be dead within 40-90 days. By leaving the mattress encasement on for a year, you can be sure theyre all dead when you do take it off.

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Forget diatomaceous earth (DE), the supposed ideal bed bug powder. While it does kill bed bugs, it isnt very effective because bed bugs are very resistant to desiccation or dehydration.

Silica gel is made from sand and works like diatomaceous earth but with greater speed and efficacy. Silica gel first causes tiny cuts in the cuticle or exoskeleton of the bed bug. It then literally pulls moisture out of the insects body. Thats why you find silica gel packets in electronics and clothes: its a powerful drying agent that works much better against bed bugs than diatomaceous earth. Its also non-toxic and safe to use around your bed and clothing although you want to be careful that you dont inhale the dust.

When using silica gel, make sure you choose a product with 100% amorphous silica gel like CimeXa insecticide dust or Harris Bed Bug Killer Silica Powder.

According to trials conducted at the University of Kentucky, silica gel kills all bed bugs within 24-48 hours of direct exposure to a barely visible amount. That makes silica gel faster-acting and more effective than even EcoRaider. It even performs very well in real-world settings, killing 98.1% of bed bugs in infested apartments when used alone.

To use silica gel, apply it dry as a powder with a combination of powder dusters (included with the product) and brushes like old cosmetic brushes and paintbrushes. Apply the powder to cracks, voids, and hard-to-reach areas including around baseboards, light switch covers, and the headboard. Use the silica gel to create a barrier across flooring transitions, doorways leading to your bedroom, and across the doorway of your closet.

Related Article: Does Diatomaceous Earth Kill Bed Bugs

Heres some bad news. Bed bugs, eggs, and nymphs arent just hiding in and around your bed; theyre probably hanging out in your clothes and other linens, too. Bed bugs probably think your closet and dresser are great places to hide and reproduce but the good news is its very easy to kill bed bugs on clothes and bedding.

A quick run through the washer and dryer on the hottest possible heat settings will be enough to kill adult bed bugs, nymphs, and heat-resistant eggs.

Carefully remove everything from your bedroom that you can wash and dry including bedding, spare blankets, clothing, and curtains. To avoid spreading the problem to other areas of your home, seal these items in disposable trash bags to transport to the laundry room. Once there, unseal the items one bag at a time and dump directly into the full washing machine. Dont forget to throw away the now contaminated bags.

Once your belongings are dry, place them in new plastic trash bags and seal them up. Keep all items sealed until the bedroom is fully treated.

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Interceptors are an affordable way to check for the presence of bed bugs in your bed and help catch them as they try to get in bed with you. Interceptors are placed under the legs of your bed frame. When bed bugs try to crawl in the bed, they have to crawl over the interceptors. The design traps them with high, slippery walls and a moat.

ClimbUp interceptors definitely cant stop bed bug infestation but they create yet another defense to keep the bed bugs at bay. Unlike other brands, they have a two-wall system so you can see if the trapped bed bugs were crawling into your bed or out of it.

Dont overlook the importance of simple vacuuming, especially if you have carpet. Imagine all of the hidden bugs, immature nymphs, and eggs that can be lurking in your comfy bedroom carpeting. A vacuum definitely wont suck up all of the bugs hidden in your carpet but it can get a good amount to reduce the size of the infestation.

Go over your mattress carefully with a vacuum attachment, paying attention to the seams, stitching, and tag area. A stiff brush is helpful for loosening any eggs or nymphs on the surface. Go over your headboard and box springs, too, then cover the floor around and under the bed, the baseboards, the nightstand, and other nooks and crannies in the room.

Be sure to seal and throw away the vacuum bag as soon as youre done!

Yes, a bed bugs greatest weakness is heat. You cant just crank up your thermostat, though: it takes a consistent temperature of 125 degrees F for a minimum of 20 minutes to kill adults, nymphs, and eggs.

Applying heat treatments to kill bed bugs can be harder than it sounds. Even if the air temperature is high enough, it may not get hot enough inside a mattress or other hiding place. Still, heat can effectively drive bed bugs out of their hiding spots.

Heat is becoming the preferred method of professionally treating bed bugs thanks to their growing resistance to pesticides. You can skip the expensive heat chambers, though. You can use heat to kill bed bugs with your clothes dryer, a steam cleaner, and even black plastic bags and a hot, sunny day.

Running items through the dryer for 30 minutes on the highest setting will even kill heat-resistant eggs.

You can also use a steam cleaner to apply sufficient heat directly to items like your mattress, baseboards, and furniture. Make sure your steamer gets hot enough and apply the heat very steadily. As long as you go slowly, you can even see adult bed bugs crawl out of hiding.

For items that dont fit in the dryer, seal them in a black, plastic garbage bag and leave in direct sunlight on a hot day. The contents of the bag can reach 40 to 70 degrees above the outdoor air temperature after several hours. To be effective, it needs to be at least 80 to 90 degrees outside. To play it safe, leave the items in the sun for the entire day.

On the subject of bed bug sprays that really work, lets spend a moment discussing essential oils. Essential oils are frequently on lists of DIY bed bug treatments but most are useless at doing anything more than making your home smell good. Tea tree oil, for example, is often touted as a bed bug killer but it only has limited results and only with direct contact. Most essential oils offer the same results or worse doing nothing to bed bugs on contact except giving them an expensive perfume.

A study published in the Journal of Economic Entomology compared the results of 18 essential oils, three silicone oils, and paraffin oil against bed bugs. The most effective essential oil was blood orange oil but it still wasnt as effective as the paraffin oil and silicone oils. One silicone oil in particular which mixes well with water killed 92% of bed bugs after one day after direct exposure.

There are definitely more effective products you can buy at a low cost, including EcoRaider and Bed Bug Patrol. Still, you could potentially use the results of this study to create your own DIY bed bug spray.

Originally posted here:
5 Best Bed Bug Sprays in 2020 | Exterminator Review

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