167 Briarwood Dr 9f, Hinds, Jackson, Mississippi, 39206 Bed Bug Registry Map
  Monday 17th of March 2025 23:55 PM

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Address : 167 Briarwood Dr 9F, Hinds, Jackson, Mississippi, United States, 39206

Details: Sherwood Forest Apartments have extreme bed bug infestation! The landlord is charging $150 for treatment of a problem they already knew about!

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10 Bugs that Look Like Bed Bugs and How to Tell the Difference

Red welts cover your skin, and youve seen little red-brown bugs crawling on the mattress, but are you sure its bed bugs? Bed bugs can be mistaken for many other insects.

You need to know what pest youre dealing with to develop your action plan. The last thing you want to do is pay for an expensive treatment that doesnt target the nuisance pest.

First, lets review what bed bugs look like:

Bed bug nymphs are smaller than adults and are whitish-yellow. When full of blood, they look bright or dark red. Without any blood, their bodies are translucent and almost invisible.

Bed bugs are the size of a poppy seed when they hatch from eggs. Bed bug eggs are about the size of a pinhead and are pearl-white.

Now lets take a closer look at 9 common insects that are often mistaken for bed bugs:

Baby cockroaches (cockroach nymphs) are often confused with bed bugs because of their similar coloring.

These young varieties of the most common cockroaches include German cockroaches, American cockroaches, brown-banded cockroaches, and Oriental cockroaches. Cockroaches have a flattened, oval appearance, long antenna, and long bristly legs.

Depending on the species, color ranges from reddish-brown to dark brown and from tan to black. Because theyre nymphs, they havent grown their cockroach wings, which also leads people to confuse them with bed bugs.

Where cockroach nymphs hide: Cockroaches thrive in moist areas where food is prepared or stored. Prime breeding grounds include restaurants, grocery stores, commercial kitchens, sewers, and steam tunnels. You may even see cockroaches hiding in your crawl space, bathroom, or basement.

Cockroach nymphs in your home may be a sign of an infestation.

Health risk: Because bacteria sticks to a cockroachs body, cockroaches may spread illnesses to people, such as salmonella and gastroenteritis. People allergic to cockroaches may experience asthma attacks, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America.

Booklice, which range in color from translucent white to gray or brown, are easily mistaken for adult bed bugs and baby bed bugs.

Where booklice hide: Booklice enjoy a moldy meal from the paste of old book bindings and wallpaper. If booklice are in your stored pantry items, this may be a sign mold is growing on your food.

Health risk: These bugs are a nuisance, but pose no threat. Their damage is typically minor.

Fun fact about booklice: Booklice, also called psocids, are not actual lice. Although they resemble lice in appearance, these little bugs feed on mold and fungi rather than blood.

Adult carpet beetle varieties vary in length, are oval-shaped, and can appear to be bed bug look-alikes. There are many species of carpet beetles, including the black, common, furniture, and varied carpet beetle.

These small pests feast on your animal origin materials, including furs, wools, feathers, or leather. Despite their name, theyre not fans of eating the synthetic materials of todays carpet. Theyll make an exception, though, if your carpet has a blend of synthetic materials, animal fabrics, food, sweat, and oils.

Where carpet beetles hide: Youll usually find carpet beetles around the edges of rugs and carpets, underneath upholstered furniture, or underneath baseboards.

Health risk: Carpet beetle larvae dont pose much danger to you, but they can cause significant damage to your carpet or your favorite wool sweater. The damage usually appears in one ruined patch, rather than many scattered holes. Carpet beetles also leave behind molted shells.

Spider beetles may resemble a bed bug that has just feasted on blood.

What is a spider beetle? These bugs look like small spiders due to their long legs and large, rounded abdomens. The American spider beetle has a reddish-brown to black, shiny, globe-shaped abdomen and pale yellow legs, head, thorax, and antennae.

Where spider beetles hide: Spiders beetles may forage in grain mills, pantries, warehouses, and attics that contain bird, rodent, or bat droppings.

Health risk:These pests can bite, and they may infest your foods.

Like bed bugs, bat bugs have an oval body and a short, broad head attached to the prothorax. The main difference between these two look-alikes is that bat bugs have longer (and more) hairs on their thorax.

Where bat bugs hide: Bat bugs develop in colonies of roosting bats, most often occurring in attics, behind walls, or in chimneys. When bats leave or are removed from the home, the remaining bat bugs may move into your living space and hide in dark crevices and fabric folds, including your mattress.

Health risk: Bat bugs primarily suck the blood of bats and will only bite humans if their bat host is unavailable. Although bat bugs are not known to transmit any diseases to people, their presence can cause anxiety and insomnia in some people.

Ticks are blood-sucking parasites, like bed bugs, and they can resemble each other until you look closely. The key difference? The number of their legs. Bed bugs, which are insects, have six legs; and ticks, which are arachnids, have eight.

Ticks attach to humans, pets, livestock, and wild animals. There are many types of ticks, each with different physical traits. Most ticks are small, dark in color, and flat when unfed.

Where ticks hide: Ticks are most commonly found attached to their host or outdoors in moist, shady areas with tall grass or overgrown vegetation. Occasionally a tick may be found indoors after being brought inside. Tick infestations indoors are rare, but they can occur if a female tick lays her eggs in your home.

Health risk: Ticks can pass many pathogens, like Lyme disease, to people, pets, and other animals. If these diseases are left untreated, many can become life-threatening. Its essential to know how to identify a tick dentify and how to remove a tick.

Fleas can be another bed bug impostor. Fleas can move quickly through fur, woven fabrics, and hair due to their narrow bodies, spiny legs, and backward-pointing bristles. Their hind legs make them excellent jumpers. These blood-suckers feed on cats, dogs, mice, birds, people, and many other warm-blooded animals.

Where fleas hide: Dogs and cats offer a feast for fleas, and pets are the chief way fleas get inside homes. Look for flea larvae in floor cracks, carpets, mattresses, or pet beds. Fleas especially like places where they can feed on food, animal waste, and adult flea feces.

Health risk: Though rare, fleas are capable of passing diseases (including typhus and plague) to people. Some people and pets may also experience severe allergic reactions to a fleas saliva. Your pet may experience anemia due to blood loss.

Is it a bed bug or lice? These two pests often are mistaken for each other.

Lice are host specific, so lice infesting dogs cant migrate to you, and you cant transmit this pest to your dog.

Head lice only affect people and are typically gray but can take on their hosts hair color. The female is about 1/16 to 1/8-inch long and flat in shape while the male is a bit smaller. Head lice cannot jump or fly.

If you have head lice and dont get treatment, the lice will continue to feed on your blood and may excrete dark red feces onto your scalp.

Where head lice hide: Head lice typically gather near the lower back of the head and behind the ears.

Health risk: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), head lice may cause severe itchiness in the scalp and lack of sleep. Excessive scratching may increase your chance of developing a secondary skin infection. Knowing safe and effective ways to remove lice can help you manage these risks.

Mites and bed bugs can look similar to some people.

There are thousands of mite species, many of which live on animals. Mites are tiny, and many can be seen with the naked eye. They measure 2 mm (or less) in length, have eight legs, and have little to no segmentation.

Where mites hide: Mites have a free-range lifestyle. Some feed on decaying organic matter, while others forage on insects and other mites. Some mite species inhabit their hosts ear canals, lungs, intestine, and bladder, particularly in domestic animals.

Health risk: According to the World Health Organization, some mites are vectors of rickettsial diseases, such as typhus fever, and several viral diseases. Certain mites cause scabies, a contagious, intensely itchy skin condition in which tiny mites burrow into the skin.

Although bed bugs have many doppelgngers, some signs may point to a bed bug infestation.

For starters, where did you find the suspected bed bug? Not all bed bug look-alikes are going to be hiding in the mattress, so where you find the bug can help you with identification.

If you found the bug in the bed, then odds are higher that you may have bed bugs. Is your head itchy? Then youre probably not dealing with bed bugs.

Keep in mind that bed bug bites are not enough to determine a bed bug infestation, as their bites look similar to flea bites and mosquito bites.

Conduct your own investigation. What pest in the bug lineup of photos above is the best match? If it looks like the cockroach nymph, you dont have a bed bug problem but may have a different pest problem to solve.

Bed bug removal is costly, so be sure you are dealing with a bed bug and not a cockroach or other pest control problem. Knowing ways to prevent bed bugs and how to check for bed bugsare essential to managing bed bugs.

When your bug investigation hits a dead end and youre stuck identifying the bug you found, call an expert.

A pest control professional near you can help identify the bug that caused your welts, draft a treatment plan and close the case of the mysterious bug you found in your home.

Main Photo Credit: Red spider mites /Aleksey Gnilenkov /CC BY 2.0

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10 Bugs that Look Like Bed Bugs and How to Tell the Difference

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Baltimore Comes In Second On Orkin’s List Of Cities With Most Bed Bugs – Yahoo News

National Review

Senator Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) on early Friday morning attempted to get Democrats to go on the record over the issue of court-packing during the Senates 15-hour budget reconciliation vote. Cottons proposal came roughly eleven hours into the Senates vote-a-rama, in which any senator had the ability to file an amendment to the budget resolution, as Democrats look to move forward with passing President Bidens $1.9 trillion COVID relief plan without Republican support. Democrats avoided a vote on Cottons amendment, citing the Byrd rule, which says anything passed during budget reconciliation must have to do with the federal budget. Come to think of it, should we be changing the Senate rules in the budget resolution? asked Senator Dick Durbin (D., Ill.), chair of the Judiciary Committee. Cotton fell short of the 60 votes needed to waive the law. If the Arkansas Republican had been successful, the Amendment could have given the GOP a foothold in the Senate rules to challenge legislation that would grow the high court beyond nine judges going forward. It would have added to the Senate rules that it was out of order to consider such legislation, making it so three-fifths of the Senate would be required to vote to overturn that rule if a senator wanted to debate such a bill. Many Democratic politicians, to include Joe Biden, to include a few senators in this chamber tonight, contorted themselves, twisting themselves into pretzels on the campaign trail to simply say we ought not pack the Supreme Court because we dont like their rulings, Cotton said in proposing the amendment. Cotton called the Democrats move to sidestep a direct vote on his amendment more contortions to avoid taking a simple stance on this issue. So I would invite my Democratic colleagues who have said they dont want to pack the court, simply waive this point of order and lets have an up-or-down vote on one of the most fundamental tenets of the rule of law, Cotton said. Court packing became a hot button topic on the campaign trail as progressives called to expand the court after Republicans moved to confirm judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court just weeks before Election Day. Barretts confirmation gave the Court a conservative majority. Barretts confirmation, which Democrats saw as hypocritical in light of Republicans refusal to allow former President Barack Obamas Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland to receive a confirmation hearing in 2016, sparked calls to pack the court. Biden and Senate Democrats have remained elusive on the issue, sidestepping questions on whether they would support expanding the court. Biden never gave a definitive answer on the issue, instead vowing to create a commission to study potential court reforms. Durbin hit back against Cottons proposal, saying: The Constitution does not stipulate the number of Supreme Court justices. Thats up to Congress. Congress has a long history of altering the makeup of the court, he added. For the record, there is exactly one living senator who has effectively changed the size of the Supreme Court: Thats Senator McConnell, who shrank the court to eight seats for nearly a year in the last year of the Obama presidency.

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Baltimore Comes In Second On Orkin's List Of Cities With Most Bed Bugs - Yahoo News

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These Are the Most Bed BugInfested Cities in the U.S. – Thrillist

New York City isn't even in the top 10.

Bed bugs are every city-dweller's biggest fear, and new data suggests that the issue isn't confined to just NYC and LA. Pest control company Orkin compiled a list of the 50 most bed buginfested cities in the US right now, revealing that some metropolitan areas aren't as immune as you'd expect.

Orkin based its latest findings on which cities required the most bed bug treatments between December 2019 and November 2020. The ranking took both residential and commercial treatments into consideration.

MORE:The Quickest Ways to Tell Whether Your Hotel Room Has Bed Bugs

Last year, Washington, DC held the title of most bed buginfested city. This year, a new metropolis takes its place as the country's biggest hotbed for infestation: Chicago.

Despite its bad reputation, NYC didn't even make the top 10 list. The densely populated area landed in 12th place this year, down from sixth place in 2020. LA also improved, moving from the fourth worst city in the nation to the ninth worst. It's a minor improvement, but improvement nonetheless.

Toledo, Ohiowhich barely broke into the top 50 last yearis on the worst trajectory, jumping from 50th place to 27th place after only 12 months. Below is the full list, which also shows in parentheses how each city's rank changed from last year's report.

The moral of the story here is that you can never be too safe. As Ben Hottel, an Orkin entomologist, put it in a statement, "Bed bugs are a concern for everyone because they are master hitchhikers, traveling home with people when they likely dont realize it."

Whether you're in Chicago, Minneapolis, or really any other city, you should alwayskeep an eye out for bed bugs so that if they find their way in your home, you can treat them fast. A little fear can be healthy, as long as you don't let it control you.

MORE:How to Kill Bed Bugs, the Enemy You Sleep With

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These Are the Most Bed BugInfested Cities in the U.S. - Thrillist

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Toronto leads Canada in bed bugs, but COVID crawls back …

Toronto was listed as the top bed bug city in 2020 among 25 Canadian cities, according to Orkin Canadas annual bed bug report. Photo by ORKIN CANADA /ORKIN CANADA

However, Orkin Canada said its expected that once the economy reopens, bed bugs cases will rise again.

Due to their ability to double in population about every 16 days, it should not be difficult for bed bugs to regain their grip on the Canadian market, the company said.

Behind Toronto in the top 10, in order, are Sudbury, Oshawa, Vancouver, Winnipeg, St. Johns, Scarborough, Whitby, Edmonton and Ottawa.

Compared to the previous year, Toronto and Vancouver kept their No. 1 and 4 spots respectively, while Ottawa fell from 5 to 10 and Whitby rose from 20 to 8.

The survey results are based on the number of commercial and residential bed bug treatments carried out by the company from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2020.

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Toronto Public Health didnt provide a comment about the survey, but directed media to the city website that provides instructions for preparing an insect sample for bed bug identification. It said the three steps are prevention, identification and treating the problem.

It is possible for anyone to have an infestation of bed bugs, regardless of income or housing. Bed bugs and bed bug infestations are not considered a health hazard, the department says on the website. However, secondary health concerns include skin infections and allergic reactions from insect bites, as well as the stress and anxiety of dealing with extreme infestations.

People can use proactive prevention tips such as careful examination of bags and clothing, drying potentially infested bed linens or clothing on the highest heat setting, and inspecting all second-hand or returning office furniture, said Orkin Canada.


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Toronto leads Canada in bed bugs, but COVID crawls back ...

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Orkin Canada: Saskatchewan bed bug numbers down in 2020 …

Bed bug numbers have dropped in Saskatchewan and across Canada according to a 2020 study done by pest control company, Orkin Canada.

The annual study saw a 20-per cent decrease in bud bug reports, the largest dip theyve seen in its five-year history.

A local spokesperson believes that those numbers have been directly impacted due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

(The bed bugs) typically will hitchhike and move with their hosts, which unfortunately we are, Orkin Saskatchewan branch manager Justin Browne said.

With that reduction (of moving location to location), and people being quarantined theres been less ability for bed bugs to move around.

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Like the rest of the country Saskatchewan has seen a drop in reported bed bug cases, but this year also marked the first time that the province had two cities make the list, with Saskatoon coming in at 23, and Regina 24.

When you get into some of the more denser populations, where people are more in condos, theres more opportunity to spread because they are home more, Browne said.

2020 marks the third year that the Bridge City appeared on the list, landing at 22 in both 2017, and 2019.

While this marks just the second appearance for the Queen City, Regina also came in at 22 back in 2018.

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