167 Briarwood Dr 9f, Hinds, Jackson, Mississippi, 39206 Bed Bug Registry Map
  Sunday 16th of March 2025 23:46 PM

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Address : 167 Briarwood Dr 9F, Hinds, Jackson, Mississippi, United States, 39206

Details: Sherwood Forest Apartments have extreme bed bug infestation! The landlord is charging $150 for treatment of a problem they already knew about!

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Two Pa. cities in top 20 of Orkins bed bug infestation list – pennlive.com

Even though fewer people traveled in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic, bed bugs did not get the memo to stay home.

Chicago topped Orkins Top 50 Bed Bug Cities List for last year with Baltimore and Washington, D.C., coming in second and third.

Orkin said it bases it list on treatment data from the metro areas where Orkin performed the mostbed bug treatmentsfromDecember 1, 2019November 30, 2020. The ranking includes both residential and commercial treatments.

Unfortunately, Pennsylvania has two cities in the top 20 - Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. Philadelphia dropped two places from last year, so that is good news.

Here are the rankings after Chicago, Baltimore and Washington, D.C.:

4. Detroit

5. Columbus, Ohio

6. Cleveland, Ohio

7. Indianapolis

8. Cincinnati

9. Los Angeles

10. Grand Rapids, Mich.

11. Charlotte, N.C.

12. New York City

13. Atlanta

14. Philadelphia

15. Champaign, Ill.

16. Dallas

17. Raleigh, N.C.

18. Charleston, W.Va.

19. Pittsburgh

20. Denver

According to Orkin the bed bugs can still be lurking waiting for people to resume travel.

Its easy to forget that bed bugs are still very much a threat and should be top of mind for anyone who is itching to take a trip. Bed bugs can survive for several months while waiting for their next blood meal, so theyre likely to emerge when a food source, humans, become available, Orkin said.

Typically, bed bugs are 3/16 inch long and are mostly nocturnal insects that come out of hiding to take blood meals from sleeping humans and are red to dark brown in color. Bed bugs are hematophagous, which means blood is their only food source. They can travel from place to place with ease, including items such as luggage, purses and other personal belongings.

Orkin recommends these steps to inspect for bed bugs using the acronym - S.L.E.E.P.

Here is the rest of the list:

21. Flint, Mich.

22. San Francisco

23. Greenville, S.C.

24. Norfolk

25. St. Louis

26. Richmond, Va.

27. Toledo, Ohio

28. Dayton, Ohio

29. Buffalo, N.Y.

30. Omaha, Neb.

31. Nashville

32. Milwaukee

33. Fort Wayne, Ind.

34. Greensboro, N.C.

35. Cedar Rapids, Iowa

36. Knoxville, Tenn.

37. Houston

38. Davenport, Iowa

39. Tampa

40. Youngstown, Ohio

41. South Bend, Ind.

42. Phoenix

43. Lexington, Ky.

44. Seattle

45. Orlando

46. Louisville

47. Miami

48. Lansing

49. Peoria-Bloomington

50. Minneapolis-St. Paul


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Two Pa. cities in top 20 of Orkins bed bug infestation list - pennlive.com

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This northern Ontario city is one of Canada’s top 10 for bed bugs – CTV Toronto

SUDBURY -- A city in northern Ontario has topped a list that no one wants to be on, Orkin Canada's top 10 bed bug cities.

Sudbury has taken the No. 2 spot behind Toronto for the most commercial and residential bed bug treatments carried out by a Canadian pest control company in 2020.

However, there is a bright spot, as the company said in a news release that bed bug sightings are down close to 20 per cent nationally when compared to the previous year.

"Travel bans, stay-at-home orders, and a general shift to working remotely have resulted in less opportunities for these hitchhikers to move around, for the first time since Orkin Canada released its annual survey five years ago," the pest control company said.

However, there is a risk for bed bugs spreading as the economy opens back up again.

"Beware of the return of borrowed office chairs," Orkin said. "Due to their ability to double in population about every 16 days, it should not be difficult for bed bugs to regain their grip on the Canadian market."

There are some tips to prevent bed bugs:

The top 10 Canadian cities with the most bed bug calls are:

Some of the changes from the previous year include, Toronto and Vancouver staying in the same spots, Ottawa fell from No. 5 to No. 10, and Whitby rose from No. 20 to No.8.

Find the full list of Canada's Top 25 Bed Bug Cities here.

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This northern Ontario city is one of Canada's top 10 for bed bugs - CTV Toronto

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Bed bug sightings plummet in Canada as COVID-19 makes it harder for them to spread – ABC17News.com

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OTTAWA, Ontario (CTV News) Of the very few good things to come out of the COVID-19 pandemic, bed bug sightings plummeted in 2020.

In a report released on Tuesday from Orkin Canada, bed bug sightings dropped by 20 per cent in 2020, marking the first decline in the five-year history of the report.

Bernie Grafe, Orkin Canadas branch manager for the Greater Toronto Area residential division, said the pandemic is the primary factor behind the decline.

Bed bugs are hitchhikers, he said in a phone interview with CTVNews.ca. As people move around and visit, travel, go to work, go to public places, hotels, long-term rentals, you name it, they are essentially transporting the bed bugs around.

Youre not seeing a lot of people congregating in higher percentages and areas, so therefore the bed bugs are just not spreading.

Grafe said this is a trend Orkin Canada is seeing nationwide, but warned that this decline may go away when the pandemic ends.

Once the lockdown is released and one day there is a sense of normalcy, we will again see that spike go up just from that natural social behaviour, he said.

Bed bugscan lie dormant for several months at a time, meaning bugs in an office may still be alive when office work resumes.

People going back to work who havent been in to these environments for the last eight, nine, 10 months, those bed bugs are going to be hungry, he said.

Grafe said there arent any chemical treatments available that can prevent bed bugs from entering the home, meaning vigilance is the best method to keep them from spreading.

The biggest form of prevention is awareness, and that is through inspections and visually inspecting the environment that youre in, especially with hotels and long-term rentals, he said.

Grafe said its key to inspect the bed, behind picture frames and curtains for any bugs or fecal matter that the bugs may have left behind. He also recommends a thorough inspection of your office setting.

The report also included the Top 25 cities for bed bugs in Canada, with Toronto topping the list, followed by Sudbury, Oshawa, Vancouver and Winnipeg.

Please note: This content carries a strict local market embargo. If you share the same market as the contributor of this article, you may not use it on any platform.


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Bed bug sightings plummet in Canada as COVID-19 makes it harder for them to spread - ABC17News.com

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7 Facts About Tenting a House for Bed Bugs & More

While tent fumigation, or "tenting," is usually a last resort for pest infestations, it is also something that sometimes cannot be avoided. If your pest control expert has told you that tenting is in your future, here are some things that you need to know about how fumigation works.

Whether you are tenting a house for bed bugs, cockroaches or termites, the work that goes into preparing your house to be fumigated is extensive. There is more to it than simply getting you and your kids and pets out of the house. House plants need to be moved out temporarily. You'll need to make sure that the doors in your house, big and small, are open. Take all of your bed linens out of the house. You also need to get all of your food and food prep items out of the house as well. You'll need to make sure that all of your appliances are off and that any gas flames and pilot lights are out. You can find a good list of each detail you need to take care of over at About.Com.

While the fumigation gasses are going to be centered inside of your home, some are going to leech out via gaps in the tenting or around the bottom seals. This means that you're going to need to make sure that you prepare the landscaping that sits close to your home. You'll need to trim things back so that they are at least a foot away from the structure of your home. This helps keep them protected and keeps unruly shrubs or trees from preventing the tent from fully covering your home.

Tenting does not get rid of all termites or wood beetles. There are subterranean termites too and those pests will need their own treatment. This extra treatment helps set up a barrier that keeps them from getting from their nest and back into your home.

Some homes only need to be tented for a few hours to solve an infestation problem. Other homes need to be tented for as long as a week. How long your home needs to be tented is going to depend upon the size of your home and the extensiveness of the infestation.

A lot of people will try to do their own "DIY fumigations" by trying things like setting off a bunch of room-specific bug bombs. This can be helpful if your home has been infested by pests such as fleas, which can be conquered on a personal level. The DIY fumigation cans are not nearly as lethal or dangerous as tenting (though they aren't exactly super safe either). Tenting a house for bed bugs, cockroaches or termites is something that can only be done by a professional. In some states, a fumigator needs specific licensing and certifications before they can do any fumigating. If the pest problem has infested the structure of your home as well as its surface, always go the professional route!

It can be tempting to rush back into a fumigated home as soon as your pest control expert posts the notice that re-entry is okay. It is important though that you not rush things. Go in yourself firstgive the house at least an extra day to settle before you bring in kids and pets.

Hulett Environmental Services, family owned and operated for 3 generations, is the leading pest control company in South Florida for over 45 years. You can trust Hulett to take care of your home as if it were our own. Our technicians are educated and trained on an ongoing basis to make sure they are ready to provide you with premium service. Our top priority is making sure you are fully satisfied. Hulett only uses the highest quality products and will treat your home in an environmentally responsible fashion. Our Healthy Home Guarantee ensures that if you are dissatisfied with our service for any reason, we will return to make it right or we will refund your last service payment.

Find out how much it will be to tent your house when you schedule a FREE inspection by Hulett Environmental Services.

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7 Facts About Tenting a House for Bed Bugs & More

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Toronto tops list of worst cities for bed bugs in 2020 – CTV Toronto

TORONTO -- Even with sightings down 20 per cent over last year, Canadas largest pest control company says that Toronto has topped the list of top bed bug cities in the country two years running.

In a news release, Orkin Canada says that while Toronto holds the top spot, five other areas in Ontario also made the top 10.

Sudbury ranked second, Oshawa third, Scarborough seventh, Whitby placed eighth and Ottawa came in 10th.

Vancouver, Winnipeg, St. Johns and Edmonton also made the list.

The findings are based on the number of commercial and residential bed bug treatments carried out by Orkin from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2020.

(Source:Orkin LLC)

And while it may be unsettling to see your citys name on the list, the company says that bed bug sightings are actually down year over year, which they credit to the public health measures in place to fight COVID-19.

Travel bans, stay-at-home orders, and a general shift to working remotely have resulted in less opportunities for these hitchhikers to move around, for the first time since Orkin Canada released its annual survey five years ago, the news release reads.

However, the company says that when the economy reopens, bed bugs will also be back in business.

Due to their ability to double in population about every 16 days, it should not be difficult for bed bugs to regain their grip on the Canadian market.

In the meantime, Canadians concerned about a possible infection are encouraged to carefully examine bags and clothing, inspect all second-hand or returning office furniture, and dry potentially infested bed linens or clothing on the highest heat setting.

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Toronto tops list of worst cities for bed bugs in 2020 - CTV Toronto

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