167 Briarwood Dr 9f, Hinds, Jackson, Mississippi, 39206 Bed Bug Registry Map
  Tuesday 18th of March 2025 04:05 AM

Hotel   Residence   Location   

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Address : 167 Briarwood Dr 9F, Hinds, Jackson, Mississippi, United States, 39206

Details: Sherwood Forest Apartments have extreme bed bug infestation! The landlord is charging $150 for treatment of a problem they already knew about!

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

Incident Radius: 50 Miles

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Video shows ‘disgusting’ bed bug infestation at New York …

Video has emerged showing hundreds of bed bugs crawling on the underside of a mattress at the Astor Hotel in New York City.

The footage was captured by a disappointed couple who had already moved rooms twice due to other faults.

Elgin Ozlen described his experience while recording the footage.

Today is my birthday and this is what my experience has been. This heater does not work so the hotel brought us this heater here but there is only one power outlet so we cant charge our phones.

I notice today my girlfriends arms, side and stomach with a full rash from what I assume came from outside. But really, it came from this bed.

Video has emerged showing hundreds of bed bugs crawling on the underside of a mattress in the Astor Hotel in New York City.

Mr Ozlen did not expect anything like this from the Manhattan hotel.

This is no joke. Were not staying in the Bronx, were not staying in Brooklyn, were not staying in Queens were staying in Manhattan.

This place is going to have a health inspection; fire department coming for the heater problems; and I hope no one ever stays here again.

He also filmed his girlfriends rash caused by the infestation.

Video has emerged showing hundreds of bed bugs crawling on the underside of a mattress in the Astor Hotel in New York City.

They're all over her body from staying at the Astor on the Park.

I hope this video makes it to court and this place gets what it deserves.

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Video shows 'disgusting' bed bug infestation at New York ...

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Pest Control for Bed Bugs in New York | Pestech Pest Solutions

Bed bugs can enter your home or hospitality business many different ways. These pests travel via luggage, clothing, pets, used furniture and more. Discovering bed bugs can take time as these insects do not create nests. Instead, they tend to cluster together in mattresses, box springs, bed frames and along headboards.

Bed bugs are active at night when you are asleep, so you may feel them on you or start to notice itchy bites or welts that were not present the night before.

Other signs of a bed bug infestation include:

Remove all bedding, and check for traces of bed bug excrement. You want to peel back all layers of your mattress and inspect the seams. Look through closets and other belongings that sit around your bed.

If you still struggle to locate the infestation, our professional bed bug exterminators are happy to assist.

If you suspect that you have a bed bug infestation, the best action to take besides contacting a New York bed bug specialist like Pestech for an inspection.

The rest is here:
Pest Control for Bed Bugs in New York | Pestech Pest Solutions

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Bed Bug Exterminator in Phoenix, AZ: Call Us and They’re Gone!

Do you currently find yourself dealing with attempting to get rid of bed bugs? Are you finding it difficult to get rid of them completely? If so, then you need to find a way to pay for bed bug extermination in Phoenix AZ.

Doing so will help ensure that the bed bugs are completely eradicated from your property. You wont have to worry about bed bug extermination, bed bug eggs, or bed bug hiding places ever again.

See below for an in-depth guide to help you understand how to identify bed bugs, the process for eliminating them, and how to find the right service to hire.

Perhaps youre unsure that you have bed bugs. You might be concerned that you have them, but ultimately, youre not 100-percent confident that they are.

If thats the case, then be sure to read up on the signs that youre dealing with bed bugs so that you have more information for the trusted bed bug exterminator that you call.

If you ever suspect that youre dealing with bed bugs at home, there is one full-proof way to check. Go to the corners and the outside edges of your bed and lift the mattress cover.

Bed bugs will always leave behind little dots of blood around those areas, which resemble tiny rust spots to the human eye. If you were to find this in your bed, be sure to reach out to an exterminator right away.

Another sign is that youre finding bed bug shells around your bed. As they grow, bed bugs shed their exoskeletons and leave them behind.

To be fair, if this is the most prominent symptom youve seen, there are other reasons you could be dealing with red and itchy skin. Be sure to check on those as well.

However, if the itchy area looks like youre scratching at tiny little bites, then it could be a prominent sign of bed bugs. As soon as you notice them on you and your family members, youll want to reach out to an exterminator right away.

As far as your health is concerned, you have nothing to worry about. While theyre annoyingly itchy, they dont carry diseases. Whenever the bug bites seem itchy or are flaring up, try placing some triple antibiotic ointment on the area.

Even though their name indicates the primary place that they like to set up shop in your home, bed bugs will happily settle upon any upholstered object in your house.

That includes furniture, teddy bears, carpet, shirts, towels, chairs, and anything else they can get their little legs on. Check those other areas in your house for little blood spots to gauge how far theyve spread.

Bed bugs can spread quickly, so you need to act fast to have an exterminator come in and end the problem.

Perhaps youre new to the Phoenix area and dont have an extensive network just yet. Maybe youve not had to call an exterminator in a few years. If so, then its time to find the right person for the job.

See below for several things to look for in the bed bug extermination in Phoenix AZ that you hire for your home.

While it might be bed bugs today, you could be dealing with a cockroach infestation, scorpion problem, or rodent issue at any time. Thats why its important to hire a company that can take care of your bed bug issues, as well as so many others.

Ideally, youll start to build a business relationship with the exterminator, knowing exactly who to call whenever you have a pest-related issue.

Think about other things such as bees, birds, spiders, crickets, black widows, ants, and termites, all of which are legitimate threats in the valley of the sun.

Whenever youre dealing with a pest issue, it can start to feel as if your entire home is exposed. As if youre susceptible to an attack from any angle.

That feeling comes from the uncertainty you have, which is caused by a lack of knowledge for bed bugs, as well as how to eradicate them.

Be sure to hire a knowledgeable exterminator service to get your confidence back. Theyll offer you an in-depth description of their treatments, as well as what you can be doing to keep bed bugs away in the future.

Unfortunately, there are some Phoenix bug extermination services that are only in it for the money. The big chains make their way into town, looking to maximize their wallets.

You need to find a local bug extermination service that has a client-first mindset. Someone that is legitimately passionate about helping you with your bed bug issues and can offer a lending hand on how to fix it.

Use online reviews to locate the services that youre considering. Are their previous clients happy with their level of service? Do they recommend them to others? Are they currently using them?

Now that you have seen several amazing aspects of bed bug extermination in Phoenix AZ and how to find the best one for your needs, be sure to use it to your advantage.

Be sure to read this page to learn more about termite extermination and what you should expect if youre dealing with them in your house.

For more inquiries, please be sure to reach out via our contact us page and we will be happy to assist you further.

Follow this link:
Bed Bug Exterminator in Phoenix, AZ: Call Us and They're Gone!

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Bedbugs and Drug Abuse: Living in Hell at Toronto’s Lido Motel – Toronto Storeys

Torontos Shelter, Support and Housing Administration (SSHA) administers homeless shelters and social housing providers. The agency also rents rooms in motels across the GTA for homeless families and to accommodate the overflow from the shelter system. The Lido Motel, at 4674 Kingston Rd in Scarborough, is one of those motels.

But if you think that the Lidos homeless guests are living in the lap of luxury, think again. Even basic sanitation levels are hard to come by.

READ: Rebranding Torontos Homeless Shelters Masks Real Problem

I was recently contacted via Facebook Messenger by Tara (whose name has been changed to protect her privacy). She is an autistic single mother on ODSP, approximately 45 years old and has been staying at the Lido Motel for eighteen months.

The living conditions she described were so appalling that I asked her to provide photographic evidence. Tara has a 22-year-old son who is also autistic living in the room with her. He is the one who took the photos, some of which I have included below.

Warning: Some readers may find the images disturbing.

Tara reports that there are often soiled diapers left in the hallways that the Lidos cleaning staff neglect to dispose of. When she first entered her room, she discovered faecal matter and urine stains on the mattress. Management has yet to replace the mattress even though they promised to do so a year ago. She also reports that the bed and mattress were infested with bed bugs and that she had to clean [it] down with a powerful cleaner [and that over the course of] one night, she steamed four bedbug nests just on the metal bed frame [and] about [another] twenty nests on the mattress.

She also reports that the rooms flood with dirty water periodically and that her own room has had five partial floods. The kitchen caught fire last winter; and the residual odour lingered for weeks. She still occasionally catches the scent of burning plastic, which could very well be coming from the electrical outlets such as the one in the photo below.

As well as a fairly serious bed bug infestation, there are also cockroaches and spiders present in the Lido. There is a problem with black mold, potentially putting guests at risk of Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, the symptoms of which include cognitive decline, fatigue, joint and muscle pain, headaches, sinusitis, cough, shortness of breath, abdominal pain and blurred vision. Tara claims she is now exhibiting some of the symptoms. She also alleges that the Lidos response to the mold was to give her and her son a bottle to clean the mold. She is allergic to the mold and couldnt even attempt to wipe it clean. The Lido staff expected us to clean it, she said.

Tara reported the infestations and black mold to Toronto Public Health (TPH) and the electrical problems to Toronto Fire Services (TFS). TPH has yet to respond. TFS sent an inspector, however, Tara alleges that he only tested the smoke detectors and did not inspect the electrical outlets. She also filed a complaint with the SSHA to no avail.

According to Tara, the Lido is rife with alcohol and illicit drug abuse and young children are often left unattended in the hallways late at night.

Tara says that other homeless families have raised similar concerns about the conditions at the Lido, but that they are reluctant to come forward publicly because they are worried about how the Lidos staff and management will react.

According to Tara, there is a hole in the bathroom ceiling of the room shes staying in that came about from simply a light push. The bathroom ceiling is that soft. Its like that powdery foam in consistency. A dead cockroach fell out of that [hole].

Tara says some people staying at the Lido have had to put some of their own money into the rooms just to make them habitable.

Online reviews of the Lido corroborate much of Taras testimonial:

Definitely not a place I would take my children to for a nights stay.

I left [because] I felt very degraded, the rooms are depressing with spiders and bed bugs.

The rooms dont seem all that clean and police are always in the area and I didnt feel that safe with people shouting at night definitely not a place I would take my children to for a nights stay.

While there are a few positive reviews, it appears that at least some of those have been written by Lido staff members:

Sadly, unlike paying guests (a room at the Lido costs $70 per night), Tara does not have the option of leaving. Like many ODSP recipients, her income falls far short of Torontos market rent rates, even for a single room. Homeless shelters can be as bad or worse than the Lido and, with Torontos social housing waitlist having grown more than 50% in the past decade, she virtually has nowhere else to go but the streets.

READ: Toronto is the worst city in all of Canada for bed bugs

Taras testimonial speaks to the plight of many low income Torontonians negatively affected by the affordable housing crisis. Whether stuck in a seedy subsidized motel, overcrowded homeless shelters, or on prohibitively long waiting lists, as Tara says, the system keeps you trapped.

A 2017 study published originally by the Canadian Medical Association Journal and reposted by the Homeless Hub cites the average annual cost per homeless person in Canada as $53,144 and $59,144 in Toronto. According to the SSHA, up to 60 City-subsidized rooms were being used at the Lido in 2019. Since January of this year, that number has been reduced to 50 with the SSHA noting thatthe bulk of them [are] located in the newer section of the building. The operating agreement between the City and the Lido Motel (New Lido Inc.) also stipulates that it is the motels responsibility to maintain the property in a good state of repair. It is unclear how much money the Lido receives from the City for the use of its rooms.

Tara says that she and her son sent pictures of the motel to city council and that they are well aware of this buildings conditions.

When Toronto Storeys alerted the Mayors office to the allegations being made against the Lido Motel, Mayor Torys office issued the following statement:

The Mayor and City Council understand the importance of residents having access to safe and clean shelter spaces in the city.

We understand City staff are working to address issues at this property right now and that starting on Monday, Shelter, Support and Housing staff will have regularly scheduled office hours on site to speak directly with residents and provide any supports needed.

City Councillor Jennifer McKelvie of Ward 25 Scarborough-Rouge Park, the ward in which the Lido is located, also commented on the motels ongoing issues:

I have personally visited the Lido Motel and agree that the site has some serious issues and a reputation for poor cleanliness. Since assuming office on December 1, 2018, I have shared resident concerns to City Staff, and as a result of subsequent inspections, two rooms were taken offline. The issues at the Lido Hotel underscore the need for additional investment in shelters in the City. City Staff have continually expressed the reality that it is extremely difficult to find suitable locations for shelter spaces. This is an ongoing struggle.

When contacted about this story, the SSHA division provided the following statement to Toronto Storeys:

The Citys Shelter, Support and Housing Administration has a contract with New Lido Inc,. located at 4674 Kingston Road to allow for use of motel rooms, otherwise available to the public, as emergency shelter spaces. The operating agreement with New Lido Inc. makes the provider responsible for maintaining the motel property in a good state of repair.

The RFP process for motel/hotel services outlines service level expectations. These expectations are also in the legal contract signed once the contract is awarded. Any contracted motels must abide by all legalisation that pertains to motel operations in Ontario such as the Innkeepers Act, Ontario Fire Code and the Building Code Act and Ontario Health & Safety Act.

The City regularly conducts site visits to connect with shelter residents to review their housing case plans and conducts periodic inspections to ensure that the motel property is in a state of good repair. If maintenance issues are brought to the Citys attention, they are addressed as quickly as possible, in collaboration with the motel operator. Motel operators are responsible for addressing the concerns at their own expense within a reasonable time period immediately if there is a health and safety risk.

On November 26, 2019, SSHA staff inspected all rooms at the Lido Motel reviewing the facility and the approximately 60 rooms occupied by City clients. Based on those findings, two rooms were immediately taken offline due to poor conditions. A detailed list of property maintenance deficiencies was provided to motel staff. The safety issues that were identified were addressed immediately and worn or broken fixtures and furnishings were replaced. Once rooms are vacated, the needs that were identified as cosmetic painting or flooring will be addressed.

Beginning January 20, SSHA staff will have regularly scheduled office hours on site at the Lido to strengthen client case management services and supports and enhance communications with all stakeholders.

The total of number of rooms in use was reduced to approximately 50 at the beginning of January, with the bulk of them located in the newer section of the building.

Currently, staff inspect recently vacated rooms before a family is referred to ensure the room condition is in good condition. Moving forward, they will be conducted on a quarterly basis.

In December 2019, SSHA staff completed a review of the two other contracted motels in use on Kingston Road to verify their state of good repair in accordance with the terms of the contract agreement in place. Minor property maintenance issues were found; all were addressed immediately. The next inspections are scheduled for January 28 and 29 at all three sites.

According to the Toronto Shelter Standards, Audits and reviews focus on shelter providers services, bed management practices, budget and related submissions, financial controls, capital assets and organizational/ administrative functions. They are conducted at regular intervals and as needed.

Perhaps, more importantly, that same document also states for all to read that Housing is a basic human need. All persons deserve safe, secure, affordable and well-maintained housing.

Taras story begs the question, is the City more interested in words than it is in actions.

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Bedbugs and Drug Abuse: Living in Hell at Toronto's Lido Motel - Toronto Storeys

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Bed Bugs Lawsuit – Can I sue a hotel or landlord?

Updated November 15, 2020

California law allowspeople to file a premises liability lawsuit if they are bitten by bedbugs while renting property or staying in a hotel. Damages renters and hotel guests can sue for include:

To recover damages for bedbug bites, a renter or hotel guest will usually need to prove that:

A renter may also be able to get a court to award an injunction forcing a landlord to exterminate bedbugs.1

To help you better understand claims against landlords and hotel owners for bedbug injuries, our California personal injury lawyersdiscuss the following, below:

In California, landlords and hotels are generally liable for bedbug injuries or infestations when:

Claims against landlords and hotel owner/operators are most often based on one or more of the following theories:

Lets take a closer look at each of these legal bases for bedbug liability in California.

A landlord or hotels negligence for bedbug injuries occurs when:

The duty of care owed by landlords

Landlords must use reasonable care to protect people who come onto their property.

Reasonable care includes:

Therefore, under California law, a landlord may be found negligent for:

Example:In 2017, a Los Angeles jury awarded $3.5 million to 16 current and former tenants of the Park La Brea apartment complex. The jury found that the landlord knew the building was infested with bedbugs but failed to warn new tenants.

The plaintiffs were awarded between $44,000 and $580,000 each for damages such as sleeplessness, anxiety and humiliation at work.4

Property owners in California have a general obligation to maintain their properties in a habitable condition.5

Habitable means suitable and fit for a person to live in. A habitable property is free of defects that endanger the health and safety of occupants.6

The California Civil Code also imposes certain specific obligations on landlords. These include keeping areas under the landlords control clean, sanitary, and free from accumulations of:

Elements of a claim for breach of warranty of habitability

To recover damages for breach of the warranty of habitability, a tenant must show that:

Example:In 2017, a tenant in the Pacoima neighborhood of Los Angeles won a $465,600 jury verdict against his landlord. The jury found that the landlord had ignored the tenants complaints, even after a Los Angeles County Department of Environmental Health inspector cited the building for a bedbug infestation.9

Breach of contract is often used by commercial tenants in bedbug cases in California.

This is because damages for breach of contract can sometimes include consequential damages, such as lost business revenue.10

Residential tenants may also claim breach of a lease contract to claim damages caused by bedbugs.

But it is usually not necessary since the California Civil Code imposes a duty on landlords to make premises habitable.

The elements of a breach of contract claim

To establish a breach of contract claim in California against a landlord, a plaintiff must show:

Does the contract have to be in writing?

A lease agreement does not need to be in writing in order for a tenant to sue for breach.

But the tenant must be able to prove that there was a term in the contract that was breached. This is far easier to do with a written contract.

Other ways of proving a contract include the testimony of the tenant and other witnesses, if any.

To establish a private nuisance claim against a landlord in California, a tenant must show that:

Example: In 2015, Extended Stay America agreed to pay $8,500 to a woman and her daughter. The plaintiffs claimed that during a nine-day stay at the companys hotel in Ontario, California they were repeatedly bitten by bedbugs and head lice and got welts. Private nuisance was just one of the theories the plaintiffs raised to support their claim for damages.13

In rare cases, a bedbug infestation may allow a tenant to sue for intentional infliction of emotional distress in California.

The main advantage of suing on this basis is to recover punitive damages. In California, punitive damages can normally not be recovered for ordinary negligence.14

The elements of an emotional distress claim

To recover for intentional infliction of emotional distress, the plaintiff must show that:

Proving recklessness may be difficult to do in an infestation case, but it is not impossible.

Example:In 2017, a jury awarded $546,500 to a family bitten by bedbugs during their stay at a hotel in Rancho Cucamonga.16The suit claimed that the hotel had a history of bedbug problems but failed to take adequate steps to remedy them. The verdict included a $50,000 punitive damages award for intentional infliction of emotional distress.

Bedbugs also known as Cimex hemipterus like to hide in soft materials such as fabric and cardboard.

Damages for hotel bed bug bite injuries in California can include:

In appropriate bed bug claims, a tenant may also be entitled to an award of punitive damages. Punitive damages exist to punish especially blameworthy defendants and serve as a negative example to others.17

In bedbug cases, punitive or exemplary damages are typically awarded only when:

Some landlords include a bedbug waiver in their lease agreements. This is a clause saying that:

But under California law, a tenant cannot be required to waive the landlords duty of habitability. So any purported bedbug waiver in a lease or rental agreement is void and cannot be enforced. The tenant could still get a bed bug settlement.19

People who stay in short-term rental properties (such as through Airbnb) can sue the homeowner for bedbug bites. But they will have a hard time recovering damages from the rental website.

Standard language in the contracts between short-term rental companies and property owners often excludes damages for bedbugs.

Although some rental sites including Airbnb offer protection policies to hosts, these policies do not cover damages from insects.20Nor does Airbnb have a policy requiring a host to refund money in this situation.21

Doesnt the hosts homeowners insurance cover bedbug damages?

Generally not. Most homeowners insurance policies do not cover business activities operated out of a home.

So while people who book a property through Airbnb can sue the homeowner directly, it will usually not be backed up by an insurer. This can make it difficult to recover damages, especially for someone from out of state.

Property owners in California may be able to sue if a renter is responsible for a bedbug infestation. But because bedbug infestations often go undetected, proving that a tenant was responsible can be very challenging.22

Remember proving negligence involves showing four things:

A tenants duty of care to a landlord

Tenants in California have a legal duty to keep premises they rent clean and sanitary.24A breach of this duty is considered negligence under Californias negligence per se law.

But even if the tenant breaches this duty, it does not prove that the tenant was responsible for the bedbugs.

As discussed above, bedbug infestations can easily go undetected. And the plaintiff bears the burden of establishing causation by a preponderance of the evidence.

Preponderance of the evidence means it is more likely than not that the defendant was responsible for the damage. If the jury cannot decide, it must find in favor of the defendant.25

Bedbugs are parasitic insects that feed on the blood of humans. Fortunately, they are not known to transmit diseases.26

Adult bedbugs are brown, flat, oval-shaped and the size of an apple seed. After feeding on blood, bedbugs swell and turn reddish in color. Bedbugs hide when they are not feeding.

Some humans show no reaction to being bitten by bedbugs other than two small dots where the bedbugs have punctured their skin. Those who are more sensitive may develop reddish bumps or lesions on their skin within 12 hours of being bitten.27

The bumps/lesions tend to swell and become itchy within 24 to 48 hours. If scratched, they can become infected. In rare instances, people have experienced systemic allergic reactions to bedbug bites. Allergic reactions can include asthma, generalized hives, and anaphylactic shock.28

A study conducted by scientists in Montreal also found a link between bed bug infestation and symptoms of sleep disturbances and anxiety.29

Bedbugs often hide behind headboards and in the seams of mattresses and box springs.

It is unlikely that someone will catch a bedbug in the act of biting, and not just because they normally attack while people are sleeping. When they bite, bedbugs inject a substance that prevents people from feeling the bite.30

Someone who suspects that bedbugs may be present should look for the following signs:

Experts recommend removing all bedding and the dust cover on the bottom of the box spring to check for bedbugs and signs of their excrement. They also advise checking the area around the bed, including books and electrical outlets.

Renters and hotel guests who have been bitten by bedbugs should take the following steps in order to preserve their right to make a claim:

Are you the victim of bedbugs in your hotel room or apartment building, we invite you to contact our law firm for a free consultation and legal advice.

Our bed bug lawyers create attorney-client relationships throughout the state in California. Complete the form on this page to discuss your case with an experienced California personal injury lawyer.

Disclaimer: Past results do not guarantee future results.

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Bed Bugs Lawsuit - Can I sue a hotel or landlord?

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