167 Briarwood Dr 9f, Hinds, Jackson, Mississippi, 39206 Bed Bug Registry Map
  Wednesday 19th of March 2025 01:28 AM

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Address : 167 Briarwood Dr 9F, Hinds, Jackson, Mississippi, United States, 39206

Details: Sherwood Forest Apartments have extreme bed bug infestation! The landlord is charging $150 for treatment of a problem they already knew about!

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TOP-5 Best Bed Bug Traps [UPDATED 2020] Buyer’s Guide …

Bed bugs have become the USAs national catastrophe. This is quite an unpleasant phenomenon although it seems untypical of developed countries, and has affected hundreds of thousands of American citizens. The scientists keep on experimenting and inventing new ways of trapping these bloodsuckers. Today, well describe all the known bed bug traps. How effective are homemade methods? Is an interceptor or a sticky trap better? Does life imprisonment for the bed bugs that have already infested your bed exist?

Professional bed bug traps, or monitors, as they are often called in a scientific setting, are relatively new inventions, and are recommended as the first line of defense in bed bug management and prevention.

As of now, there are three types of bed bug traps available on the market and its important to discern the difference between them. Here, well talk about passive and active traps, and well cover the basic differences between those two traps and interceptors.

An active trap uses a certain chemical lure, whether its the heat, carbon dioxide, or a feromone, to attract bed bugs to the trap. These need to be used continuously for several days to detect the size of the infestation and take other necessary steps to control the bed bug population. Also, many active traps would require the use of electricity, which can become a limiting factor and is certainly a disadvantage. Another detracting aspect is the sometimes exorbitant prices of these, which can go way up to 600 dollars.

A passive one, on the contrary, does not use any type of bait, or lure, to bring bed bugs towards it. They usually come with a glue or pitfall design. The passive traps certainly are much better than visual inspections, which can be pretty inefficient; require less skill and money to purchase and use them; reduces the amount of immediate bed bug bites that would have happened if not for the trap. However, they are quite inefficient if you have a large bug infestation.

Basically, interceptors are two cups, one inside the other, that can be easily placed underneath a bedpost. They will not work by themselves but require the presence of the human body on top of the bed that would work as an attractant to bed bugs (giving off the necessary body heat, feromones, and carbon dioxide, in short, everything the bed bugs love). And since bed bugs are pretty bad at climbing slippery surfaces, they would not tackle this climbing quest and would get trapped inside the interceptor. Interceptors are also considered passive traps because they do not contain any chemicals, look like pitfalls, and can be used as a part of DIY bed bag management.

Several types are available today: sticky, interceptors attached under bed legs and electronic ones which attract their victims with the heat of a lamp.

This is a simple and cheap glue trap. A pack contains four sticky cardboards to be placed under furniture, bed and anywhere else. Leave them under your beds legs so that the bed bugs stick to it if they approach your bed. The products rating is not very high. Many customers have given negative feedback. Dont expect Harris to deal with your issue on its own as it should be used for monitoring purposes only. The trap is accessible and safe, so why not give it a chance?

Last update on 2020-10-29 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Glue trap: Check the current price

Aspectek has improved a regular sticky trap and added a heat-exuding lamp to it. This increases the attraction rate of bed bugs, fleas and other blood-suckers. They are trapped in a sticky snare once they crawl or fly under the lamp.

The product is rated highly. The trap is used not only against bed bugs, but also flies, mosquitoes and any other insects which prefer heat or light. The device is safe, but any cat owners must bear in mind the fact that their pets might take a fancy to this heated toy and warm up near it. Read over 1200 customer reviews to learn more about Aspectek use.

Last update on 2020-10-29 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Sticky + light trap: Check the current price

Here is the most popular and best-selling bed bug trap. At the moment, it is not only a hit but a method to trap blood suckers that has been approved by the majority of entomologists. Almost all of them recommend using these traps. The University of California specialists, for instance, confirm the effectiveness of these devices: Interceptor monitors are a hybrid between active and passive (pitfall) monitors in that they rely on the presence of a host (a sleeping human) to attract hungry bugs and then trap the parasites on route to their meal. These small double-cupped monitors are easily installed under the legs of beds and other furniture items. Research has demonstrated that such interceptors trapped six times more bed bugs than were found from human visual searches alone.

Let us add that putting in some talc will complicate the insects attempts to escape. Use ClimbUp until all your domestic parasites have been completely eradicated. If they have managed to breed in multiple rooms, opt for a 12-pack set.

Last update on 2020-10-29 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Interceptor: Check the current price

This is a classic active bed bug trap that uses feromones and glue to attract and trap bed bugs. Its lightweight and easy to carry around, in case you want to take it with you while you travel. To start using the trap, youll need to remove the paper from a glue card, attach it to the bottom of the trap, click on a button to activate a feromone, and place it near the bed. Its pretty cheap, but youll need a lot of these since everytime the thing catches the bugs, youll need to throw it in a trash, as they are not reusable. Unfortunately, the customers response was somewhat discouraging, with many saying that it didnt catch bed bugs but rather mosquitos and other little insects.

Last update on 2020-10-29 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Ortho bed bug trap: Check the current price

The Raid trap falls into the same price range but for the price, youre actually getting 4 of them, which is a pretty good deal. To start using them, break the traps apart, so you end up with separate small traps, place them under the bed spots of your bed and near the top of the mattress between the head of the mattress and the wall (as recommended by the manufacturer). The customers had more success with these detectors than with the previously described Ortho, but many testers still complained that it was hard to see the trapped bed bugs through dark trap exterior, even with a flashlight.

Last update on 2020-10-29 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Raid Bed Bug Detector & Trap: Check the current price

The main drawback of all these traps is that they provide monitoring only. When using them, make sure there are no bugs in your bed. If they have already infested your sleeping area, it is pointless for them to get off the bed. So, what should you do if it is already infected?

There is a product that can be unequivocally called bed bugs life imprisonment. There is no escape from it and no blood-sucker will be ever set free from there. We are talking about a special mattress cover.

According to the entomologists, 70% of the bed bugs in the house settle in the mattress,box spring and bed frame during a typical infestation. That is one of the priority tasks is to treat the infected bed and mattress and to protect the new one by using protective encasements

It is basically the bigger version of a trap. All parasites living in your mattress will be forever trapped and will starve to death given that youve bought a decent mattress made of dense fabric with a proper zipper that wont ever let any parasite out. Another condition is that you shouldnt remove the cover for 12 months as this is the time it takes these tenacious creatures to die of depletion

There are many mattress cover manufacturers, the most popular brands are SafeRest, LinenSpa, and Utopia Bedding. Their ratings are more or less the same, and the covers themselves practically do not differ from each other. The main requirement concerning this product is a Bed Bug Proof label. Most of them are waterproof and will protect you from dust mites.

You can also move to the living room and sleep on the sofa hoping that the starving blood-suckers will be forced to finally crawl down the bed legs in search of food But we believe buying a mattress cover and having a sound sleep in your own comfy bed is simpler and faster.

Last update on 2020-10-29 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Unfortunately, they wont. The only 100% effective control product is a mattress cover which will only rid you of the parasites that have settled inside it. You will have to deal with other insects hiding in the wall cracks, behind the skirting boards and wallpapers and even on the ceiling for a long period of time. Refer to our guide How to get rid of bed bugs to learn about all the methods, mistakes and proper treatment.

If youve chosen to use interceptors, then place them under the bedposts. Its important to move your bed away from the wall, so the bed bugs would be left with no choice but climb into an interceptor.

Remember that if youre not currently sleeping on the bed, then interceptors wouldnt work, because they require the presence of a sleeping human body. Also, youd need as many interceptors as possible to successfully detect and trap the active portion of the bed bug population. Researchers from Texas A&M AgriLife Extension advise using at least 12 interceptors per each bedroom that you believe is infested.

Any other passive trap should be just as well placed under the bed, or any other furniture that serves as a living habitat for bed bugs.

Active traps, again, should be placed anywhere near the infested furniture. If an active trap of your choice uses carbon dioxide as an active attractant, then you should be aware that each CO2 cylinder would operate for about 10 hours and youll need a new cylinder for each night of operation. More sophisticated options would include a larger receptacle for CO2 that would last up to five nights.

One of the main concerns when using bed bug traps is what to do when the bugs have been trapped or collected. One of the popular methods is exposing the bugs to a very cold temperature, but it might just as well prove inefficient. Scientists from the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension recommend to dump the caught bugs into a plastic tub with vertical sides, fill it with soapy water, place the content of the closed tub into a plastic bag and throw it in a trash outside your house. Another method (which is obviously preferable) is to spray the bugs with a contact spray so they would die immediately. And only then trash them outside.

Another precaution is not to use bed bug traps alone. They might be okay to detect early or small infestations but wont work for larger populations. Also, the bugs cannot necessarily travel to the host but can reside as close to the body as possible, in the nooks of the bed frame or mattress, rendering your traps useless.

According to Dr. Wang, an Extension Specialist in Urban Entomology, using active traps proved to be at least as effective as a thorough visual inspection, but not as effective as a seven-day deployment of insect interceptors. Also, the results of his research indicated that the homemade dry ice trap was the most effective monitor both in apartments with heavy and light bed bug infestations. Its important to note here that we are talking about detection and initial steps in the management of bed bug population. The interceptors or active traps alone wont eliminate the bed bugs but would serve as a great starting point in bed bug control.

A few years ago, a National Geographic article devoted to a sugar, water, and yeast-based $1 trap invented in the Rutgers University, New Jersey was discussed actively on the internet. This yeast homemade bed bug trap recipe was contentedly promoted by bloggers.

The scientists suggest that you pour ten tablespoons of sugar, two tablespoons of yeast and one and a half liters of room temperature water in a cup, then place said cup on top of a flipped over dog bowl and leave for the night.

The idea is that it is carbon dioxide exuded by humans which is the main focus of all blood-suckers. All mosquito carbon dioxide traps act in this way. However, we have not encountered any commercially successful bed bug traps like this yet. Lets figure if they are indeed free, convenient and effective?

As the University of Rutgers, New Jersey expert Narinderpal Singh states, the yeast ferments the sugar to release carbon dioxidethe gas that bedbugs use to track down sleeping human hosts. This irresistible vapor lures insects toward the trap from long distances, and in experiments, more than doubled the number that were captured.

The blood-sucking insects focus on the secreted carbon dioxide. As the scientists plan, any bed bugs in the house are supposed to gather near the sources of carbon dioxide fermented by yeast. The result will let you decide whether domestic pest control is a necessity or an expensive luxury.

The magazine article claims that this handmade trap attracts three times as many bed bugs as others and is therefore more effective than the Climbup insect interceptor available in stores.

A cup full of yeast, on the other hand, doesnt guarantee that it will attract bed bugs better than a human sleeping in the same room, as humans also exude both heat and carbon dioxide. In addition, when half asleep, you can forget about the slurry trap left in the darkness and step straight into it. Its action also lasts for only eight hours, so you will have to refill the yeast mixture daily.

The second homemade recipe has been invented in Rutgers University as well. This time, dry ice will serve as a source of carbon dioxide. The experimenters suggest placing the ice in an open 1/3 of a gallon (1.5 liters) thermos on top of a flipped over cat bowl. The outer walls of the bowl should be taped and covered in a thin layer of talc. Once trapped, the bed bugs wont be able to detach from this talc and the dry ice will continue releasing gas for up to twelve hours.

A pound of dry ice is not sold without restrictions. You will have to place an order with special suppliers. Remember that dry ice will also slowly turn into gas even when kept in a freezer. Dont store it in the freezer for over four days. Dry ice being a free trap is a contingent term as the transactional costs will involve you having to spend much time ordering ice whenever necessary.

Such measures are for preventive purposes only. They protect your bed from bed bugs crawling up from the floor. Carbon dioxide secreted by various objects wont make them leave your warm beds. But are commercial devices better than homemade ones?

The development of carbon dioxide-based methods of bed bug treatment is explained by the fact that they consume blood only. A new type of trap using the insects own odor is now being tested.

A team of Canadian scientists has radically decided to identify the substance that is responsible for grouping the bed bugs together. Back in the 1970s, the scientists learned that feces and chitinous covers left behind serve as attracting markers for these insects, as Wired cites Gerhard Gries and other researchers from the Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada.

Wired also specifies that the last component is sensed by bed bugs only upon contact. Histamine, the same chemical produced by our white blood cells as part of the human immune response, acts as an arrestant in combination with the other chemical blend. It makes the bed bugs stop walking and nestle in.

The scientists have demonstrated great courage by letting the insects feed on their blood. However, the bitten researchers have given the world hope for creating a new bed bug attractant that is more effective than any source of carbon dioxide. The future will show whether this ambition will be realized.

Continued here:
TOP-5 Best Bed Bug Traps [UPDATED 2020] Buyer's Guide ...

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Be aware of bed bugs as you travel – Norfolk Daily News

NORFOLK - As we get closer to the holidays, more and more people travel resulting in the possibility of picking up bed bugs.

University of Nebraska Extension Educator for Madison, Pierce, and Antelope Counties Wayne Ohnesorg says bed bugs have become a main concern across the country in the past decade.

Ohnesorg says he hears a lot of instances of travelers coming upon bed bugs in hotels.

He says you should always check the mattress right away.

Ohnesorg says look for reddish stains on bed sheets caused by bed bugs being crushed, and the fecal matter of the bug, which is a dark spot about the size of a pinhead.

He says also never unpack your luggage into the drawers in the room.

For more information go to Extension.Unl.Edu.

Originally posted here:
Be aware of bed bugs as you travel - Norfolk Daily News

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Lincoln Manor property manager responds to bed bug issue WBKB 11 – WBKB-TV

LINCOLN, Mich. You may recall our story from last week where residents at Lincoln Manor were voicing concerns about a bed bug issue. Their management office has reached out to us to provide an update on this matter.

The issue of bed bugs at Lincoln manor dates back to approximately 2018.

According to Lincoln Manor, Property Manager, Melvin Ward, they are doing all they can to get the problem under control.

One 92yearold resident, whose apartment was infested with bed bugs, received a notice that her lease will not be renewed. Ward denies that the renewal has to do with her infestation but rather with her ability to maintain her apartment.

Ward says they have been unable to get rid of the bed bugs in this tenants apartment.

He said they are not an assisted living facility but an apartment complex and they do inspections on the apartments as well as welfare checks on the tenants.

We asked where the tenant will go and Ward said its up to her family to help find her a place.

Ward claims both Alpena and Michigan as a whole is facing a huge bed bug problem.

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Lincoln Manor property manager responds to bed bug issue WBKB 11 - WBKB-TV

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‘It’s an ongoing battle in here’: COVID-19 has halted building-wide spraying for bedbugs in Toronto’s community housing. Tenants feel helpless -…

In a seniors housing building in east-end Toronto, 69-year-old Maureen Clohessy has taped over her power outlets, hoping to keep bedbugs out of the bachelor unit shes called home for three years.

Each day, she watches for the scuttling critters, her eyes scanning from her plugs to her ceiling in an apartment on the seventh floor. The building at 828 Kingston Road is known as Glen Stewart Acres, and its one of several senior-specific buildings operated by the Toronto Community Housing Corporation.

Like other community housing buildings in Toronto, Glen Stewart Acres has battled pests from bedbugs to rodents and cockroaches. The housing operator saw a leap of 17.4 per cent in demands for pest treatments across all their buildings last year. Clohessys building was supposed to be treated top-to-bottom this spring. But then the pandemic hit and the process was put indefinitely on hold.

Currently, I have no nests, Clohessy said, with some relief. But she described a neighbour down the hall walking around with bedbugs clinging to their clothes. Knowing the pests had reached a level where a full building treatment was warranted, but didnt happen, has left tenants feeling helpless, she said.

Its nerve wracking, she added. Youre looking every day. Its like youre on a mission.

Community housing said it has received fewer requests for pest control this year than last, which spokesperson Bruce Malloch said is believed to be connected to tenants fearing potential exposure to COVID-19 though he also reported an uptick in requests after the province moved into Stage 3.

Some tenants who previously made requests to deal with pests had asked for treatment to be moved to another date for safety reasons, Malloch added.

A report submitted for a July meeting of TCHCs board showed demand for 2,199 pest treatments in April of this year, at the start of the pandemic, versus the 5,141 requests in April last year.

Clohessy acknowledged that during COVID-19 there were residents who were reluctant to ask for someone to come into their units. But she believes that only allows the bedbug problem to get worse, and that its a reason to enforce a whole-building pest treatment.

That way, everyone gets it done whether you like it or not, she said.

TCHC said it has still provided treatments upon request for specific units during the pandemic, and that there were 261 work orders for pest management across Glen Stewart Acres 147 units from February to mid-October with those work orders including a range of unit visits from inspections to the actual treatment application sessions.

No tenant who requested pest control for their apartment was refused treatment, Malloch said.

But he pointed to public health concerns, and the risks to seniors especially if they caught COVID-19, as reasons for pausing all full building treatments when the pandemic struck including the one planned at Kingston Road. Responding to pest issues at the unit level, TCHC believes, avoids having mass movement among staff, pest management vendors and tenants who would need to vacant their units for several hours at a time.

Clohessy rejects the housing providers logic. We all know that safety precautions need to be taken. As seniors, were more aware of that than anyone. Were the ones at the highest risk, she said.

She questioned why it would be less safe for contractors to treat the entire building than individual units, if those contractors were masked and took proper precautions.

In a one-bedroom unit on the second floor of Glen Stewart Acres, 68-year-old Steven Briggs has taken matters into his own hands, buying a steam machine and scattering a powder he found at Home Depot advertised as a killer for bedbugs and crawling insects. Thats the stuff that works the best, he said.

Since he moved into the building roughly eight years ago, he said the bugs have been a nightmare. Sometimes it gets a little better, he noted, but then the scales will tip back the other way. He said hed grown up in a Regent Park social housing complex, but cant remember ever seeing bedbugs there.

Cockroaches once in a while, but we took care of them or they brought guys and they got rid of them.

He believes treating units one by one is ineffective, and allows the pests to simply move to another unit. They just might as well burn the money that theyre spending on it, he said.

June Nagle, a resident in her 80s living on the buildings fourth floor, agreed with Malloch that distancing might be tricky with a full-building treatment, though she suggested that they could make use of a rec room to spread residents out.

But shes skeptical that even a full-building treatment can rid Glen Stewart Acres of bedbugs entirely. Her unit was sprayed repeatedly last year, she said, and she eventually had to throw out a couch and a carpet that were riddled with them.


About a week ago, she said three bedbugs reappeared in her unit one in her bed and two in her bathtub. Nagle stresses about potential infestations, checking her bed each night and waking at any tickle in her legs.

You dont sleep properly. You dont sleep at all, she said.

Its an ongoing battle in here.

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'It's an ongoing battle in here': COVID-19 has halted building-wide spraying for bedbugs in Toronto's community housing. Tenants feel helpless -...

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Bed bugs: A home remedy could deter the creepy crawlies from infesting your home – Express

Leaving itchy bite marks on your skin, the thought of these bugs feeding on your flesh at night can creep anybody out. One plant-based essential oil could ward them off.

Known as Cimex Lectularius, according to Pest Smart Control, bed bugs can range from 1mm to 7mm in size.

Notoriously difficult to see, they can hide in the nooks and crannies of a mattress.

One of the best essential oils to deter bed bugs from settling in your bedroom is lemongrass.

Belonging to a small evergreen tree found in Southeast Asia, lemongrass has a citrusy aroma bed bugs can't stand.

Take advantage of lemongrass essential oil by adding a few drops into your washing detergent.

This will help to clear any infestation from your bedding, although there's another technique to get rid of them from your mattress.

Using lemongrass essential oil, mix a few drops with 30ml of water and use this to spray your bedding and mattress.

READ MORE:Bedbugs warning: Possible sounds and smells warning you may be at risk of an infestation

Make sure not to use lemongrass essential oil directly onto your skin, as its high acidity levels will lead to irritation.

Whenever using essential oils, it's best practice to dilute them - not only will they freshen up your home, they will help keep bed bugs at bay.

Other essential oils that can be useful in deterring bed bugs include tea tree, lavender and lemon.

This way, you can choose the fragrance most appealing to you when clearing your home of bed bugs.


The experts at Pest Smart Control added: "They may not rid the bed bugs instantly, but it is often effective after a couple of tries.

"Not to mention you can bring the beautiful smells of nature into your home at the same time without toxic chemicals."

Entomologist Ameya Gondhalekar from Purdue University, Indiana, USA, identified lemongrass as one of the most effective essential oils for bed bug control.

Published in the journal Scientific Reports, Gondhalekar commented on his findings: "Since bed bugs are found on beds and sofas, people want chemicals that are safe for humans.

"With [lemongrass] essential oils, its compounds are considered to be a low-risk option for bed bug control."

Lemongrass was proven effective to kill bed bugs upon application, but a multidisciplinary approach to eliminate the pests is encouraged.

WebMD suggests using a stiff brush to scrub the mattress seams, and then vacuum the mattress and surrounding areas.

Make sure to place the contents of the vacuum in a bin bag, and to remove the bin bag from the house immediately.

Bed bugs can survive for up to a year without feeding, so it may take a while to discover you have an infestation.

Signs include bed bug faecal material, eggs shells or shed skins where bed bugs hide.

If the infestation is particularly large in numbers, a musty odour will be apparent.

This scent is from the bugs' scent glands, with large numbers needed in order to detect the smell.

See original here:
Bed bugs: A home remedy could deter the creepy crawlies from infesting your home - Express

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