167 Briarwood Dr 9f, Hinds, Jackson, Mississippi, 39206 Bed Bug Registry Map
  Wednesday 19th of March 2025 09:59 AM

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Address : 167 Briarwood Dr 9F, Hinds, Jackson, Mississippi, United States, 39206

Details: Sherwood Forest Apartments have extreme bed bug infestation! The landlord is charging $150 for treatment of a problem they already knew about!

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Bed bugs are a problem in these Florida cities – News …

Zach Dennis Wednesday Jan13,2016at12:01AM Aug29,2016at2:35AM

Looking to avoid bed bugs? It may be best to stay clear of certain Florida cities.

Orkin released a ranking of the top 50 cities with the biggest bed bug problems, and Tampa (31), Orlando/Daytona Beach/Melbourne (38), and Miami/Fort Lauderdale (43) made the list. This was Orlandos first time back on the list since 2011.

The top five worst offenders were Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., New York City and Columbus, Ohio.

According to the news release, Orkin compiled the list by ranking the cities by the number of bed bug treatments that the company has serviced throughout 2015, both residential and commercial.

"Bed bugs are the great hitchhiker of the bug world, and they are very difficult to control without professional help," Orkin Entomologist and Technical Services DirectorRon Harrison, Ph.D., said in a release. "Bed bugs can travel in luggage and other personal belongings to enter your home. They don't just hide in beds they can be found in furniture, bed posts, rugs and even electrical outlets."

Orkin advises you to survey your hotel room for signs of infestation, lift and look in hiding spots for bed bugs, elevate luggage on a rack, examine luggage before or after a trip, and place all dryer-safe clothing in a dryer at the hottest temperature advised following a trip to avoid bed bugs.

Read more at Orkin.

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What’s the point in buying furniture? Queenston Road senior tormented by bedbugs – TheSpec.com

Eloise Keene, a senior who lives alone, has been sleeping in a chair in her apartment in Hamiltons east end for two weeks.

The 75-year-old woman, who resides in a social housing building at 555 Queenston Rd., which is dedicated to seniors, said she threw out her furniture for the fifth time after a resurgence of bedbugs.

She said pest control has been treating her apartment every month since spring, and the bedbugs still werent going away.

One guy came in ... walked in right to my chair, (and) said Wonder if you still have bedbugs oh yeah, theres one ... on my chair, she said. I said to myself, I want to get rid of them and I knew the only way to get rid of them was to throw the furniture out; they taught me that.

She said she previously bought a leather couch and chair because she was told bedbugs dont like the material. Before she had her most recent inspection at the end of August, she threw those out, too.

Every time CityHousing Hamilton told me the bugs were gone, Id buy new furniture, said Keene, who is on a fixed income.

The city says theyve been doing better with bedbugs this year.

This years been relatively good in terms of complaints coming through, for both public and private buildings, said Coun. Chad Collins, who is also president of the CityHousing board of directors.

Bedbugs have plagued the city for years at a cost in the millions.

In 2009, the CityHousing Hamilton budget for pest control was $300,000. In 2017, that number was $1.3 million.

So far this year, CityHousing has spent more than $655,000 on pest control, according to numbers provided by city spokesperson Antonella Giancarlo on behalf of CityHousing Hamilton CEO Tom Hunter.

Giancarlo said in an email that 555 Queenston Rd. has had eight bedbug treatments so far this year, plus 46 cockroach treatments. In all the CityHousing buildings, there have been 664 bedbug treatments and 851 cockroach treatments this year.

Laverne Dow, another tenant in the building, said she believes there are more than three units at 555 Queenston Rd. with bedbugs, but acknowledged theres a stigma that prevents some tenants from calling for help.

In 2016, the city implemented a three-year bedbug strategy to help reduce the prevalence of the pests.

A summary of the community engagement report mentions some of the barriers to addressing the problem. Among them are a fear that reporting bedbugs might lead to blame on the tenant or possible eviction. Another is stigma that bedbugs are connected to poverty or unclean conditions.

Bedbugs can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time, the report notes.

When you dont call because you might be embarrassed, theres the opportunity then for the bugs to spread to other areas, said Collins. The longer something goes unchecked, the more that they have the opportunity to get into other places and impact other people.

Dow said shes concerned pest control is only treating the affected units and not the ones surrounding them, as she believes this allows the problem to persist.

Were not randomly going through to other units and just treating them without knowing whether pests are prevalent in the unit, said Collins, noting that staff tries to be proactive. He said one of the units at 555 Queenston had its pests discovered when a resident came into the building office and staff noticed a bedbug on her.

Dow and Keene both said theyve sought assistance from CityHousing to replace their baseboards and caulking to help seal their apartments to prevent the bugs from coming in, but theyve had no luck.


In an email, Giancarlo said CityHousing may provide help with baseboards and caulking depending on how much work is involved, noting that residents can request basic caulking work. But a property managers approval is needed for bigger projects such as replacing baseboards.

In the majority of cases, baseboard replacements and caulking are not necessary for the control of pests, she wrote.

Its actually disappointing that someone whos not just a senior but who lives in CityHousing is being forced to live with no furniture, said Dayna Sparkes, a member of ACORN Canadas Hamilton East chapter.

ACORN has been organizing for better protections for renters in Hamilton, including a licensing process for landlords and proactive enforcement of municipal property standards, including proper pest management, Sparkes noted.

I dont think people realize how extensive and thorough you have to be when youre getting treatment, she said. Its not an easy process.

Sparkes added that its challenging for seniors to remove furniture from their apartments and costly to laundry everything.

She believes CityHousing and other landlords have the responsibility to help their tenants get their furniture replaced.

Its the same thing as with having the pests themselves its not (the tenants) fault, she said.

Giancarlo said money is available to ODSP and Ontario Works recipients to offset the costs of mattresses, as well as preparation and prevention for bedbugs.

Keene said she hasnt yet received the results from the inspection, but after she threw out her furniture, she hasnt been bitten once.

Even if she could afford new furniture again, Keene said she doesnt see the point in replacing it.

Why buy it again if (the bugs are) going to come back? she said.

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Everything You Need to Know to Get Rid of Bed Bugs – Yahoo India News

From Good Housekeeping

The resurgence of bed bugs in American homes has caused many a sleepless night but not everything you hear is true. Before you start pointing fingers at the reasons your home is infested or why you do or don't have a bed bugs problem, know this: Entomologist Richard Pollack, Ph.D., has found fewer than 10% of the critters people identify as bed bugs actually are bed bugs. That's also why he doesn't trust websites that list reports of bed bugs at hotels.

If you suspect you've got some unwelcome visitors at your house, here is everything you need to know about these nasty insects first:

Bed bugs most notoriously hitch rides on luggage, but traveling isn't the only way to pick them up: They can easily be carried into the house on secondhand furniture, clothing, boxes, and pillows, so inspect such items very carefully. Encasement products like Good Housekeeping Seal holder AllerEase mattress protector can also prevent bugs that do make it inside from hunkering down in crevices.

But while reports of bed bugs at movie theaters and in retail stores have made headlines, it's rare that someone actually brings them home, says Jody Gangloff-Kaufmann, an urban entomologist at Cornell University.

Whether you have a messy home or a neat home, bed bugs only care that their food source, a.k.a. people, are nearby. Luckily, there's no evidence they transmit diseases as they feed. The real threat: Itchy, red bites, which are the first sign of an infestation.

Unfortunately, long-sleeved pajamas won't shield you from bed bug bites. In fact, that's one of the tell-tale signs of an infestation. "If you wake up with numerous bites, especially under your clothes, it could be bed bugs," says David Dunham of Go Green Bedbug Dogs.

Not everyone experiences the same skin reaction though. "It's common for one person to become the host or the person getting all the bites, while their spouse or partner will get no bites at all," he adds. "Usually the person not getting bites will discredit their partner's concerns.

Photo credit: Getty Images

"You should ask lots of questions to the companies you interview, because a good company will answer them and will never pressure you to make an appointment," says Dunham. Asking the company about their success rate and if their treatment comes with a guarantee, should their efforts not be successful, is a must.

While some bugs will die in the washing machine, it's the heat of the dryer that will kill more of them. At least 60 minutes on a high-heat setting should do the trick, according to New York State Integrated Pest Management. Immediately dispose of the used plastic bags and put clean clothes in new ones. Don't take the items out of the bag until the infestation is successfully controlled.

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Report says Bed Bug infestations are on the rise in NJ – New Jersey 101.5 FM Radio

It doesnt seem particularly scientific, but television station CBS 2 New York says that bed bugs are spreading in New Jersey at least, in part, because of the coronavirus pandemic. According to the station there has been an alarming rise in bed bug cases due in part to people not wanting to let exterminators in their homes. Channel 2 says:

"Favio Ulloa, the owner of Prestige Pest Services.says that his bed bug business is up. Probably 50% more from last year, Ulloa said. Ulloa said he has as many a seven bed bug jobs a day now, compared to no more than three a day at this time last year. He said fear during the pandemic has kept exterminators out of homes, allowing bed bugs more time to multiply and spread."

According to WebMD, bed bugs are small, oval, brownish insects that live on the blood of animals or humans. Adult bed bugs have flat bodies about the size of an apple seed. After feeding, however, their bodies swell and are a reddish color. Bed bugs typically gain access to your home via luggage, clothing, and used furniture like beds or couches. Channel 2 quotes Rutgers student Kate Moro, who had an infestation, as saying: That I know that theyre crawling on my skin in my sleep I cant. Its just too much. Bed bugs do typically feed at night; they feed by piercing the skin and withdrawing blood through an elongated beak.

However, the New York Times says that even though 1 in 5 Americans has either dealt with bed bugs or know someone who has, it is expected that the number of bug bed infestations would drop due to the pandemic as people travel less, and stay in hotels less.

The bugs feed from three to 10 minutes to become engorged and then crawl away unnoticed. While you can try to get rid of bed bugs by yourself, WebMD recommends that you hire a professional.

The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Doyle. Any opinions expressed are Bill Doyle's own.

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Report says Bed Bug infestations are on the rise in NJ - New Jersey 101.5 FM Radio

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Bed Bugs – New York Post

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