11 Oak Ave, Lawrence, Louisa, Kentucky, 41230 Bed Bug Registry Map
  Friday 7th of March 2025 03:29 AM

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Address : 11 oak ave, Lawrence, Louisa, Kentucky, United States, 41230

Details: I have been living with bedbugs for 3 years now and have tried everything to get rid of them, nothing seems to be working, my landlord has only helped once and when I would tell her I seen them again in the 90 day extermination plan she always told me she

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Rentals, HUD, and Laws About Bed Bug Treatment – Yes Pest …

As bed bug infestations become more common in Columbus and Bloomington, Indiana, landlords should pay special attention to their properties. According to the 2015 Bugs without Borders survey, rental units and condominiums remain the most common places for bed bugs to take up residence. And Indiana state law requires landlords to deliver their premises to tenants in habitable condition. Federal law also requires agents and owners of HUD housing maintain their premises in a decent, safe, sanitary condition. This means if bed bugs, rodents, or other pests invade your property, the propertys owner needs to address it.

Indiana state code IC 32-31-8-5 states A landlord shall do the following: (1) Deliver the rental premises to a tenant in compliance with the rental agreement, and in a safe, clean, and habitable condition. Notice the word deliver. In Indiana, state law does not require landlords to keep their tenants properties in habitable condition; it only requires that landlords deliver their premises in such condition. If a bed bug or other infestation occurs, the landlord is therefore not responsible for eradicating the pests if its stated in the rental agreement that the tenant is responsible for maintaining the property. If, for some reason, the landlord introduced the pests, the responsibility for killing the pests would, of course, fall on the landlord.

For single-tenant rentals, distinguishing who introduced the bed bugs is fairly easy. If there were no bed bugs before a tenant arrived and a year or more later bed bugs infested the premises, its logical to conclude the tenant introduced the pest. However, for multiple-unit rentals, figuring out who introduced a pest becomes problematic.

In multi-unit rentals, tenants are continually coming and going. It can be difficult to pin down who introduced a pest and when. If the landlord cannot prove that an individual tenant introduced bed bugs, it might very well fall on the landlord to hire a professional to kill the pests.

Killing bed bugs in a multi-unit facility without bickering over who introduced them is a good practice, anyway. As a landlord, you do not want a bed bug infestation spreading. An infestation will drive tenants out, and rumor might keep new tenants from moving in, even if the bed bugs are treated.

Landlords will also likely be responsible for paying to destroy bed bugs if there has been a history of bed bugs in a given unit, even if it is a single-tenant dwelling. Bed bugs are notoriously difficult to kill, and they have been growing resistant to insecticides. Sometimes it takes multiple treatments to eradicate a bed bug population.

For these reasons, its important to contact a pest control expert if you suspect an infestation. Professionals know how to identify bed bugs, and they can identify which treatment option will best kill pests in your property.

Federal regulations require more of owners and agents of HUD housing than does the Indiana State Code of landlords. In a 2012 notice, the Acting Assistant Secretary for Housing Carol J. Galante informed HUD owners and agents of their responsibility to treat bed bug infestations.

Notice H 2012-5 states:

Pursuant to 24 CFR Part 5, Subpart G, HUD housing must be decent, safe, sanitary and in good repair. Owners of HUD-insured or assisted housing must maintain such housing in a manner that meets physical condition standards. In accordance with project Regulatory Agreements and Section 8 HAP Contracts, the housing must have no evidence of infestation.

HUD owners are therefore required to take care of bed bug or other pest infestations. This, however, does not necessarily mean that the owner-agent must always foot the bill for extermination. The requirements simply put urgency on addressing the infestation. Who pays for the pest control service is determined by who introduced the pest. As mentioned, it can be difficult to determine who introduced bed bugs in multifamily units.

Because bed bugs are spreading, the notice suggests that HUD owners and agents create an integrated pest management (IPM) plan to prevent infestations before they begin. An IPM plan includes steps to educate tenants, stop infestations before they occur, respond to possible infestations, and following up on treatments.

Many pest control companies also offer pest protection plans, which HUD owners might want to consider. These plans involve regularly scheduled inspections and service, which can prevent infestations before they arise.

Photo courtesy of John Benson, Moving Out.

Addressing bed bug infestations is important because ramifications for ignoring an issue can be severe. For example, tenants might withhold or reduce their rent payment if a landlord does not respond in adequate time. They may also go ahead and hire outside company to conduct service and then deduct the cost from their rent.

Worse, the tenant might contact local authorities if you do not respond in a timely manner. If inspectors then come and find an infestation, they can issue an order for you to fix the problem and penalize your company. Worse, if the problem is pervasive and disturbs tenants ability to live in the building, the tenant can legally move out without notice. At that point, they might file a lawsuit.

When your tenant says, bed bugs, its important to respond without delay. Figure out later who will pay the bill. Protect your property and keep your tenants happy by killing bed bugs before they spread.

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10 essential oils for bed bugs | Bedbug Detected

When you have bed bugs at home, you have two options: To hire a professional or to try some homemade remedies for bed bugs. Essential oils for bed bugs may help you on getting rid of bed bugs. So, how and which essential oils will help you on this?

Natural way for fighting bed bugs has two advantages. First, they are cheaper than any other professional help and second, they are natural.

We already published an article about natural remedies for bed bugs and you can check it before starting this post:

Essential oils are a part of those natural remedies and they can help you on your war against bed bugs.

Not every kind of essential oils will repel bed bugs. Here are some experienced essential oils for bed bugs:

Lets look deeper at those essential oils.

Tea tree oil is produced by a plant called Indian daphne. This flat-leaf plant which is naturally found in Australia is famous with its essential oil.

Tea tree oil is an effective remedy for bed bugs and it will kill them when it contacts bed bugs. Any bed bugs contacted with tea tree oil will have no chances.

But the problem with tea tree oil against bed bugs is that you need to sprinkle it directly on bed bugs. It wont help on killing bed bugs after you spray it around and just wait for bed bugs.

Also, some people may be allergic to tea tree oil and you must be careful when using it.

Rosemary is a common plant for Mediterranean lands at its used in a lot of industries. Its good for headache, skin and hair.

How rosemary oil helps you about bed bugs is its smell. Bed bugs will hate rosemary oil smell and they will try to keep away from it.

So, you can spray rosemary oil into your house, at the bottom of the walls, around your bed or inside the cracks and holes and, this will prevent bed bugs to reach you.

Thyme is a great plant with its taste and smell. Its used in industry for making some medicines or pother products and its a beautiful part of our kitchens.

Thyme oil can kill bed bugs too, when its directly contacted to bed bugs. But it also has some risks for children and pregnant women.

When you spray it around, its smell will help you on keeping bed bugs away from you.

Lavender blooms in summer and oil is made from its flowers. Lavender oil will kill bed bugs when you spray it directly on them

Good smell of lavender oil is not bed bugs favorite and when you spray it around your home, it will keep bed bugs in their hosts where they hide.

Clove is indispensable for our kitchens. It mostly grows in Asian lands and its collected while its still a bud before it blooms. Those buds are dried under sun and oil is made by those buds.

Clove oil is lethal for bed bugs and harms them when directly used on bed bugs. Bed bugs also dont like its smell, and this will help you too.

Lemongrass is also known as Melissa and its a main plant for industries like cosmetic, medicine and food.

What lemongrass does is the same as other essential oils and it has a lethal impact on bed bugs when directly used on them. It also keeps them away by its smell.

You can also use peppermint oil to kill bed bugs and take advantage of its smell to keep them away. You must try to use it directly on bed bugs and spray it on possible hosts for those bugs.

Eucalyptus oil may be an option too by the same ways in other essential oil. Just take care of using it directly on bed bugs to kill them.

Frankincense oil is made from the rosin of Boswellia sacra tree. It will be effective on killing bed bugs and keeping them away from you.

Chamomile oil will help you against bed bugs and its an effective option for getting rid of bed bugs.

I know what I told you about those essential oils were like each other. What I say is always to use them directly on bed bugs and their smell will help you to keep away bed bugs from you.

But, thats it! There is nothing more to say about essential oils for bed bugs. The question here is, whether if they will help you to get rid of bed bugs or not.

I must say that essential oils will be a temporary solution like other natural remedies for bed bugs. Because you need to find every single bed bug at your home to succeed with essential oils and this is not always possible.

I researched in forums and social media for you and see that essential oils are not recommended by to use against bed bugs.

Some people try to make a combination of several essential oils and spray them around. However, this may be a better way, its still not a permanent solution.

I believe that essential oils should be used as supportive to other professional ways. You can use essential oil around your bed or furniture to keep bed bugs away from you, instead of killing them.

Here are some ways of killing bed bugs, but professional support is still the best option when you have bed bugs at home:




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10 essential oils for bed bugs | Bedbug Detected

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The Best Bed Bug Spray for DIY Pest Control – Bob Vila

Photo: amazon.com

Bed bugs (cimex lectularius) are tiny insects, about the same size and shape of apple seeds, that feed on human blood, preferring it to the blood of other animals. These parasites take their common name from a tendency to hide in blankets, sheets, and mattresses, but they can breed and nest in many other areas throughout the home, such as baseboards and furniture. Bed bugs can also migrate to infest all areas of the house where their favorite mealyou and your familyhang out, leaving itchy, swollen bumps at the site of a bite.

Though bed bugs can be effectively treated with a targeted insecticide, just like fleas and lice can be, bed bugs must be eradicated at all stages of life. Bed bug sprays use a variety of active ingredients ranging from powerful insecticides like pyrethrin, pyrethroid, imidacloprid, and acetamiprid to pet- and child-friendly options like geranium oil and clove oil (though these non-toxic alternatives are not as effective). If you aim to rid your home of these irritating pests, consider the products reviewed here, representing some of the best bed bug sprays available in their respective categories.

Photo: amazon.com

Bed bug spray can control and even eradicate infestations, but they can come with harmful levels of toxicitynot to mention strong chemical odorsthat require vacating the area until the spray clears. Sprays are generally water- or oil-based, with water-based sprays possibly damaging electronics, documents, and wooden surfaces if used in excess. Oil-based sprays can stain whatever theyre applied to, and often leave a sticky residue, though thats typically removable with soap and water.

To avoid these issues with sprays, some folks plagued by bed bugs try alternative measures. These include steam cleaning and washing items in hot water, as exposure to temperatures of 185 degrees Fahrenheit kills bed bugs. Diatomaceous eartha silica-rich powder made from the sediment of fossilized algaecan be employed to banish bed bugs by destroying their exoskeleton. There are also traps designed to lure and eliminate bed bugs. You may wish to consider the preventative measures and treatments below before reaching for a bed bug spray.

If DIY treatments and the sprays described here fail, the infestation may require an exterminator.

We selected some of the best bed bug sprays in their respective categories based on high customer approval, overall efficacy, availability, and popularity.

Photo: amazon.com

Harris Odorless and Non-Staining Bed Bug Killer is a powerful spray designed to be used on cracks, crevices, furniture, closets, wall moldings, mattress seams, bed frames, and almost anywhere else a bed bug could hide, without leaving behind stains and odors, or damaging fabrics.

The chemical spray kills bed bugs on contact with imidacloprid, n-Octyl bicycloheptene dicarboximide, and phenothrin. It continues to treat the infestation for up to 16 weeks, even eliminating bugs and eggs that are resistant to traditional pyrethroid insecticides. While this product is EPA approved for use in your home and around pets, it should not be used on your clothing, pillows, or bedding. Always follow label directions to ensure safe use.

Photo: amazon.com

While other sprays can damage a mattress bedding and other fabrics, Bedlam Plus Bed Bug Aerosol Spray, with its water-based formula, can be used on all fabrics, wood furniture, and carpets to kill bed bugs and their eggs. This dual-action chemical treatment that includes imidacloprid, can kill pyrethroid-resistant infestations, destroying bugs on initial contact and remaining active for up to two weeks.

Its safe to spray on every part of the bed, behind wall fixtures, and on your carpet or hardwood floor without concern. The spray is non-irritating to humans and common pets, but should never be used in a food preparation area or around consumable food and beverages, as its unsafe to ingest the spray.

Photo: amazon.com

Hot Shot Bed Bug Killer is an affordable bed bug spray that treats infestations in every part of the bed, upholstered furniture, luggage, baseboards, and carpets. The water-based imiprothrin and lambda-cyhalothrin formula kills bed bugs, bed bug eggs, and fleas on contact, but needs to be reapplied every two weeks if infestations persist in problem areas.

The spray leaves no oily residue or stains behind and theres no noxious chemical odor. However, because the spray also kills fleas, the manufacturer specifically states that the spray must not be used on pets, due to its harmful toxins. If your dog or cat comes down with fleas, see your veterinarian for an approved product to treat them.

Photo: amazon.com

mdxconcepts Natural Organic Bed Bug Killer is safe for the environment and all members of your household. The bed bug spray uses a natural, 100 percent plant-derived formula to instantly kill bed bugs on contact. The active ingredients, peppermint oil, and spearmint oil, effectively treat bed bug infestations imparting a fresh, pleasant scent. This bed bug spray can be used on all moisture-safe surfaces and items, including mattresses, baseboards, and carpets, without staining or leaving an oily residue. Repeat treatment per the manufacturers directions until the infestation is eliminated.

Photo: amazon.com

If more than one insect species has invaded your space, JT Eaton Oil-Based Bed Bug Spray is a broad-spectrum solution that targets multiple pests, including bed bugs and their eggs, fleas, brown dog ticks, silverfish, spiders, carpet beetles, and some roaches. It relies on a pyrethrin and piperonyl butoxide formula and can be sprayed on all bed parts, baseboards, and flooring to kill on contact. It may leave an oily residue if too much is used, and its harmful to both humans and pets, so be sure to follow manufacturer directions exactly to ensure your safety.

Photo: amazon.com

This efficient bed bug spray uses three different active ingredientsdinotefuran, pyriproxyfen, and pralethrinto quickly and effectively treat all stages of bed bug infestations and can be effective on pyrethroid-resistant bed bugs. Despite its impressive results, PT Alpine Flea and Bed Bug Killer is rated for use on all areas of your bed, including your mattress, pillows, and other bed coverings. Its specially formulated to avoid drenching fabrics and it dries quickly so that you wont need to air out the house for too longbut it does have a chemical smell that powerful insecticides are known for. Use a ventilator during application and follow manufacturer recommendations for re-entry.

Photo: amazon.com

Bed bugs in upholstery can be tricky to treat because they hide in the folds and stitches of furniture. Fortunately, Ortho Home Defense Max Bed Bug Killer outsmarts the insects with a unique battery-powered application wand. It delivers multiple spray patterns for precise application and a finger trigger for continuous spraying.

This odorless bed bug spray, which relies on bifenthrin, imidacloprid, and piperonyl butoxide, can be used once every two weeks on bed frames, couches, chairs, and baseboards to kill pyrethroid-resistant bed bugs, bed bug eggs, fleas, and ticks. It should not be used on mattress bedding, clothing, or pillows, however, and the manufacturers treatment instructions must be followed for best results and to ensure safety.

Photo: amazon.com

Harris 5-Minute Bed Bug Foaming Spray is best for use in baseboards, cracks, crevices, bed frames, box springs, and wall moldings thanks to a unique formula that expands into these areas, eliminating hidden nests within five minutes of contact. The spray continues working for a month before needing to be reapplied if bed bugs persist.

This spray relies on metofluthrin, clothianidin, and piperonyl butoxide to kill pyrethroid-resistant bed bugs in all stages of life. The foaming spray is non-staining and odorless, allowing it to be used all over the home without concern for residual stains, and it turns clear when it dries. While the EPA has approved the product for use on the entire mattress, the manufacturer recommends bed linens not be treated with this product.

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The Best Bed Bug Spray for DIY Pest Control - Bob Vila

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5 Essential Oils that Kill or Repel Bed Bugs

Many essential oils repel or kill bed bugs. We will be looking at five of them in this article.

For many generations, oils from different repellent plants have been used in deterring bugs.

For this post, we will focus mainly on bed bugs and the various kinds of oils that deter and eliminate them.

As effective as chemicalsare in bed bug control, oils are not safe for use around the house. They do come with a lot of risks. By constantly using them, you may be exposing your kids and pets to lots of health risks. It is often better to go with natural methods such as the use of odors to control bugs.

Of all bed bug control methods, the use of oils has overtime proven to be very effective, no matter how you consider it.

Essential oils are natural insecticides in the form of oils, gotten from different kinds of plants. In their production, flowers, bark, stem, leaves, and roots from specific plants are used. They are passed through different processes to produce what we know as essential oils.

Though natural, these oils can be very concentrated such that they might end up hurting your skin if used without caution. Yes, they are that potent.

When it comes to killing bed bugs, many people have found essential oils to be very effective. While some oils directly kill bed bugs, others repel and help halt their activities.

Essential oils work, according to many people who have applied them. They help you sleep through the night without having to worry about a single bug bite.

However, like several other natural pest control methods out there, they have their limitations.

You cannot rely on them during heavy infestations to wipe out every bed bug there is in your house. Since they take much time to work compared to bombs and heat, it takes some time before you start noticing their effects in your house.

It is also important to bear in mind that the quality of oils differs from manufacturer to manufacturer. That is the main reason you find some working far more than others.

Below are some powerful essential oils that you can use to eliminate bed bugs from your house.

Lets discuss some of the most effective essential oils to repel and kill bed bugs:

If sprayed directly on bed bugs, lavender oil can go as far as killing the critters. The scent from this oil is also so powerful that it repels bugs.

Apart from repelling and killing bed bugs, lavender oil also helps you relax and sleep calmly. The smell of this oil is pleasant when applied in the bedroom, living room and several other places at home.

Lavender oil is very strong. You would have to dilute it if you intend applying it on your mattress and sofas, so you dont end up hurting your skin if you have contact with it.

Tea tree oil is a very effective natural insecticide like lavender oil. When applied directly on bed bugs, it kills them. The scent from the oil is also known to scare bugs.

Apply the oil anywhere you have seen bed bugs around the house; the bedroom, the living room, etc. Places like under the sofa and bed are also among the best places to apply the oil.

Since bed bugs are nocturnal, it would be best to apply this perhaps in the night or toward the evening to kill many of them. The ones that escape being killed will have no other option than to leave your house in peace.

Tea tree oil has a pleasant scent, so you dont have to worry about the odor being offensive when applied in the house.

Apart from just repelling and killing bed bugs, the oil has been known to help in treating and healing their bites. When applied on the skin, it can go a long way to help you deal with bites faster.

However, some level of caution is required when using tea tree oil. That is because, in the undiluted form, the oil can be harmful if ingested or applied directly on the skin to ward off bed bugs.

You should also ensure your appliances are well covered before applying them to the room.

Does lemongrass oil kill bed bugs? Lets find out.

The smell of lemongrass may be pleasant to humans but it is very offensive to bed bugs. Thats why applying the oil on your body or anywhere around the house is a sure way to drive them away.

If applied directly on critters, lemongrass oil will kill them almost immediately. The oil is also known to act as a natural birth control method for bed bugs since it prevents their eggs from hatching. Without the eggs hatching, it is often easier to get rid of the pests from the house.

Apart from repelling bed bugs, lemongrass smell is also known to repel other insects like mosquitoes, ants, lice, and fleas. So you stand to gain more using the oil as a bed bug repellent at home.

The only challenge with lemongrass oil is that it is not advisable to use it around cats. This is because it causes liver damage. So if you must apply it where you have your cats, you must ensure you remove them from the house first.

Since lemongrass is known to have some health benefits for humans, you may be getting more than just a repellent when you buy the oil for home use.

Bed bugs are very smart creatures, so its not a surprise seeing them master how to withstand tough odors from natural insecticides. However, one sure oil that always works against them is the peppermint oil.

Peppermint oil is derived from the peppermint plant, a very effective natural insecticide that is known to repel quite a lot of insects. When used against bed bugs, the odors from the oil can send bugs away from your home.

Unlike other essential oils that repel or kill bed bugs that have been mentioned here, many people cannot stand the smell of this oil.

Peppermint oil is as offensive to humans as it is to bed bugs.

When sprayed directly on bed bugs, peppermint oil eliminates them. Anyone that escapes that elimination will run as far away from your home as possible.

Peppermint oil also comes with some added benefits. When mixed with body lotions, it offers some relief from the bed bug bites. Applying it on your body before going to bed at night is a sure way to sleep calmly, without getting a single bite from bed bugs throughout the night.

So if you are searching for essential oils to use against bed bugs, consider adding peppermint oil to your list. It not only wards off bed bugs, but it also kills them completely.

Thyme essential oil is another natural insecticide that can be used in the house to kill and repel bed bugs. The oil is very effective if used properly.

It is often best to apply it in areas around the room where bed bugs are known to live or come to feed. For instance on the bed, sofa, box spring, etc. You can also apply it to your body to prevent bed bugs from biting you while you sleep.

Thyme oil is also known to kill bacteria, increase circulation and relieve anxiety, so you will be getting other health benefits using the oil. It is also known to ward off other insect pests as well.

For heavy infestations, you may have to spray it in all the rooms in your home, to kill or repel bed bugs hiding in those places.

The challenge with using this oil though is that it is not a hundred percent safe for pregnant women, especially the undiluted form. You will have to apply a lot of caution when using this essential oil.

If you are pregnant or have pregnant women living with you, we strongly recommend that you consider other alternatives or inquire from your doctor before using this essential oil.

Essential oils have a lot of benefits when used against bugs. They kill or repel the bed bugs effectively. However, if you do not do it right, you may not achieve anything worthwhile with them.

Apart from not achieving any tangible results, you may even end up harming yourself.

For instance, in the undiluted form, lemongrass oil and others listed here can hurt your skin bad. Undiluted lemongrass oil, in particular, is known to burn the skin. So to use it, you will have to dilute it first.

You can do that by mixing it with water or any mild body lotion. That way it will not burn or hurt your skin.

While these essential oils are known to be very effective against bed bugs, it should be duly noted that none of them on its own can effectively handle heavy infestations. You will have to combine them with other bed bug elimination methods to truly obtain significant results.

Essential oils are slow-acting compared to other bed bug management methods, so do not expect them to just wipe out all the bed bugs living in your house in one day. Also, a single application of the oils will achieve little results. It is best to apply it repeatedly for some days or weeks.

While applying it, special attention must be paid to places like the bedroom, the living room, cracks and crevices in your home, etc.

After it has been well diluted, you can also use some of the oils to bring relief to sites of bed bug bites.

In Summary

Are you searching for natural ways to deal with bed bugs in your home? Do you want to learn of very effective bug control methods that wont expose you and your family to the danger of using one chemical or the other?

This article features the best essential oils to kill and repel bed bugs. You can use any of them to eradicate the pests from your house.

I hope you find this information useful.

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5 Essential Oils that Kill or Repel Bed Bugs

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Bed Bugs Signs and Symptoms – New Mexico Pest Control

Serving Santa Fe | Taos | Albuquerque | Las Cruces

Bed bug infestations are more and more common for property owners. Over the past few decades, the number of bed bug problems has risen in due part to the rise in travel. No one wants to deal with an infestation in their home or business, which is why its so important to know how to recognize the early signs of bed bugs.Not only are these pesky bugs a nuisance, they also bite and can spread quickly. Getting rid of them always requires the assistance of a professional exterminator. By knowing how to check for bed bugs signs and symptoms both in your property and while youre traveling, you can possibly protect yourself from a full-blown infestation.

The team at New Mexico Pest Control is here to share our expert tips for checking for signs of bed bugs and bed bug symptoms in your property.

Before you go hunting through your entire home for bed bugs, its important to know where to find the signs of bed bugs. One of the top spots is, of course, the bed: try looking in the piping, seams, and tags of a mattress. The box spring of a mattress is a favorite of bed bugs, as well as any cracks on the bed-frame or headboard. They also can hide inside power outlets! Remember, bed bugs are generally nocturnal, so it can be difficult to find evidence during the day. One of the biggest signs of bed bugs is noticing bed bug symptoms from their bites: this can include red marks, itching, swelling, and more. Bites are typically arranged in lines or a zigzag fashion on your skin. Any of these bed bugs signs or symptoms warrants a call to our bed bug exterminators.

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To the untrained eye, bed bugs can look like other tiny pests. It is their behavior and the evidence they leave behind that make them stand out! By knowing bed bug behavior, you may be able to spot some of the following early signs of bed bugs:

Bed bugs are difficult to get rid of on your own. As soon as you notice the signs of bed bugs in your property here in Santa Fe, its time to call our bed bug removal experts. Our team has the training and experience needed to locate all bed bugs in your property and implement the best treatment to get rid of them. Contact us today to learn more!

Home Bed Bug Exterminators Control Removal Bed Bugs Signs and Symptoms

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