Bed Bugs Toronto – Welcome to Toronto Bed Bugs

Bedbugs are a pest for any home owner. They usually hide in the seams of the mattresses and come out at night. They situate themselves around the headboard and bed area. They pose a danger to home owners because they bite and spread very easily, making it possible for them to live in more than one bedroom.

With our services we can help you get rid of this nightmare and get a good nights sleep. A technician will come to your home and used methods approved by the Ministry of Environment.


The steam treatment is used mainly for the mattress, while the others are applied to the bedroom(s) and surrounding areas. The bedroom will be treated with the spray chemicals. They are mostly situated for the baseboards, crack, and crevices etc. This process is very thorough and forces the bugs to come out of their hiding spots and come in contact with the chemicals. Home owners will be asked to vacate their homes for a period of time after the treat for bed bugs. This procedure is very efficient in exterminating the bugs.

Because the process is so thorough and we want to ensure that the bedbugs are gone there is a preparation process that has to be followed. You can find this on our website under the bed bug prep. We look forward in helping you get rid of this nightmare.

Bed bugs are often found in high traffic areas including hotels and hospitals. People often bring bed bugs with them from another area that is already infested. If left untreated, bed bugs can cause tons of problems. In a lifetime, they can lay hundreds of eggs.

We are licensed professionals that deal with bed bugs every single day. We are here to serve you. We have been fighting bed bugs for years.

Call Now 416-628-4803

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Bed Bugs Toronto - Welcome to Toronto Bed Bugs

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